St "to"' m. 207 .kuiiu oircci h Medford Mail Tribune SECOND EDITION WEATHER Fair tonight mill Sunday .Mnx. R7J Mln. 27. Forlyllilnl rr. linllr Kiiihtli vr MBDFOUD. OKISOOX, KATl'ltDAY, J'MSHIU'AitY 1 J, 10M. NO. 279 ffsisi SAVAGE ATTACK ON LAND BOARD MAD BY WEST Governor Criticizes Dilatory Tactics of Desert Board anil Comments on Unfitness of Members anil Qulb blcs Resorted to to Delay Relief. I'OHTI.ANI), Ore , IVI. 1 L Cniiv tl attack by tlorernor West on tho dentin Imiil lionnl and pnrtlculaity three tnembern of It Statu Kngliioor John II. Lewis. Attorney .(Jciiril Crawford and Htnlo Treasurer Kny rented n notiNntlon nt today's session u( thu Oregon Irrigation CoiiKrem Hero nru nomo of thn UiIiiks ho snld. 'If thero Is' anything thn all-wise Creator should tako himself to ac- rou tit for It In tin desnrt I nml lionrl. A tli-rt ha n rcrtalu valuo becnuso It nerve to keep some dogs amused nml busy, hut I can't sen nuy such value In tlm desert land honril. I.I'M I IiOiik mi ltrMir)p "Ktntn Kudtieer I.owIm run innko inoro report than nuy olio on earth. Hupnrls are oil" of thu causes for Iho Koiriiiiiint'ii larking nctlon. When mi) urn. has a proposal for notion thu statu engineer I nlwn there vk it tt some ian to defor nctlon. "Tom Kny la statu treasurer nnd r u tm a woolen mill what doc lio know ahoni reclamation? "Attorney General Crawford Go J bl' him! Ho ran got on inoro sldua of tlm im inn question at thn sutno llmo than any onit I over saw ' Thn governor Han proposing help for tlm settler of the Central Oregon IrrlKntlon project ami ho declared thn desert land board's melhoda of hnmllliiK thn situation was to ilnUy ami ilofeat Iho hopfa of actual siit Hem while thu board quibbled, (loiernor'i. l'niMN Went protwscd thai mortgage,! KiM'ii by settlers on Hut Tumalo pro ject mono) having been advanced to thnm on mortgage IhroiiKh nn np proprlatlon o( thn taut legislature bo discounted and thu proceed mod In (lunnrlng, nay, thn taking mnr thu north unit of thu Central Oregon project. Ho nlto ndvnrntud tlio lonulng of money from thu school fund It nmounta to nbout IG.OOO 000 dcclnrlng that lands susceptible of redii nint Ion by IrrlKntlon should eonslltulo thu hunt kind of necurlty "I Intend to uio nil my tlmn from now until thu firm of thu ear tirln i? Iiik about an arrangement t tint will put water on thu arid laud and mako produrtlvo Held of barren stretches, until thn governor, CHOICE ALFALFA LAND NEAR TOLO BRINGS j.i. $200 CASH PER ACRE f Tlio Pago-Drcssler com- puny thin week nolo" for tlm iiccount of Iho DaiilMiii I-. Into to George N. Davis of Willows, Cnl.f twcnly-sl noros best Rear crook liottiwu nlfnlfii. TIiIh is loonloil on tlio Pa- olflo highway, about tlirco iiiiR'H liolow Cuiitral Point. Mr. iJnVirf phhl if'JOO cash per aero aml'liliH Hvciiroil onu of (lio olioloo jilcct'ri of laiul in tlio viilloy. lio intouilrt lo " linild anil innko IiIh homo liOto. Many futuilioH from tlio Hiiiuo lodality' oxpoot to lo- 'oiito in tlio lo(!tio Hivor vaN '" Toy. f NEW HAVEN DEALS WAKIIINOTON, Fob. M. Thu In loiHtutu coinmori'O oommiHuion today onlincil Iho Now Ymk, Nuw Haven & Hartford Unili'otiil oonipniiyV fhuiii oiul IhiiiHilctioiiH with otluu' railronilt invwne(l. Tlm ilillnwlnif. 'ill'P roHilrt worn naiauil iih iupouUiittni Uonton ci JlAino, Muino QVntral, runtral Now Unjtlunil & Now Yotk, Ontario & UVatorn. ELECTROCUTED N 1 IX Richard C. Curry, Formerly of Med ford, Killed While Repalrlnu Elec tric Water Heater at Ray Gold Presumed to Havo Grasped Pipe. Denth wuk dnnlt nltli triiKlc avrlft iionh to Itlchnrd C, Curry, an im plo) of thu Callforiila-OrvKon l'o ur company, thin merultii: nbout nlun o'rlock, when ho wan electrocuted In tlio bath room of hl own homo nt Kny Hold, IKfnrtH to rextmlculo thu trlckuu man failed nftur two hoiim of heroic method by Drn, Uow of Central I'otut mid I'orter of Hit city. Curry na repnlrliiK nn idctr!j water beater, rnrr lnp but n volta" of I to. No one wn with him, but thu nnpponltloti ndvnncod Hint ho Krnnd n water plpu In bin wort:, rniultiK a heavy ground circuit. Member of bin family dUcovered tho prontrnto form on tho floor, nnd tele phoned to thn r.eimral offlcen of tho power compnny In thla rlty, who rimlmd inedlcnl aid to thn acenn. The theory ndvaurcd la that a wuak heart aupurlmlticcd donth froi'i tho electricity, Curry wn of aplon did phyilcal build, nod worked an an operator at tho plant. Ho wna well known In thla city, whom he re filled until recently, lie wnn inlddlo nKcd, nnd teate a ulfn nnd ioci children, thu oldiit bultiB thirteen year old Coroner KoIIokc of Hold Hill was railed lo thu ncotie. nnd with Huperln leudutit II. C. Sloddnrd and othor power nrn uinklnR a tlmr oufth Inrentli-'ntlon of tho nrctdent. It linn not been definitely decided yet whether a coroner' liuilictt'wlll bu held or not. CLOSES QUIET DAY NKW YORK, Fib. II. -The mar ket won iiiiiimiiiIK itiiet nt I lie okii iui; today. The amount of business IraiiNiieleil wax hiiiiiII ami prioen iliI not vary more limn ', or ' i. except In thn eiihcrt of Rubber nml Pressed. Hlcel I'ar, which rose each. Now .Southern Pacific CoinoitililoH sold nt io:ivH. Later in tho day prices rose from n fraction to a point. IIoiiiIh wore catty. Thu market closed ipi'iet. HALF MILLION LOSS IN MINNEAPOLIS FIRE MINNKAPOUS, Minn., IVh. M. Thu ciitiro firo depnrlmeut was call ed at noon today to utipprcMi a fire which practically destroyed thu plant of tlio Northern Maiiufactiirine; com pany. Thu linn was estimated at .f.'illO.OOO. W. P. Howe, 72 years of ne, en tered the blazing htiildiiu; to rescue Rosa Schultx. Ho has not been seen since. Tho e,irls ehcaucd unhurt. HEAD OF SENATE FOREIGN RELATIONS COMMITTEE DEAD OE OWN HIE Hr , , 4i)ij BHUHkHHB BBBBBBBBmilBBBBBBBBBBBBM j.4Jtmrjwr' INTERESTING CEREMONIES IT THE K HUbIL' IHHIIHBHHBBBHBBllBVlKHHBBHk&ivnvc,i v --v.i SifJir . :tj'7 bBDbbIbbIsIIIIIIbIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIh EbBbKbCbbi bKBBBB vh " jl jw .TjuTTrfi7ir'6.r-l score perish i? H&I;'&Bh K HI BLIZZARD SWEPT OM JIB Fl , NEW YORK CITY IMiMH 0NMM One of Worst Storms in City's His toryMillion Dollars' Damage Is Done Traffic Completely Tied Up Trains Many Hours Late. NI'AV YORK', Feb. 11 Fully a score perished here today in one of thu worst ItliKards In New York City's exH'rience. Thu police said the number of tic- thus might prove to be considerably larger than tho one pven. Traffic and communication ucro fo com pletely tied up that it was almost impossible to got from ono end of thu eity to the other or to transmit messages, so news traxeled slowly. Soino of those who died actually froze to death, hut tlm majority suc cumbed to accidents incidental to the storm. The damage done was estimated at morn than $1,000,000. Urban traffic wns completely tied up. IIimucss in nil lines fell off hy nt least 7.ri per cent. Trains were hours Into, Many wero cancelled entirely. Automobiles could not pen etrate the snowdrifts, Horses re fused to fncu the wind. Thu streets were nearly descried.. During the worst of the gale there wero times when thu wind reached a velocity of eighty-four miles an hour. At sou the storm wns worse than on land. Off Sandy Hook lay a dozen vessels, hoiiio of them groat trans Atlantic liners, hove lo with some '1000 homeward-bound Ameri can tourists on board. Lewis Postmaster at Holland. WASIIIXUTOX, IVh. II. Irvln K. Lewis was today appointed postmns ter at Holland, Josephine county. SCHOOL CHILDREN Tho children of tho fiftli and sixth grades of tho Roosevelt school held an election on Thursday afternoon, clouting, a mayor, nix couucilmcu, a recorder and i judge. Tho mayor then appointed n firo chief, a health officer and a chief of police. Tho council and tho mayor will meet on Monday afternoons, holding session!! until 4 o'clock. At thoso meetings regular ordinances will ho road and approved. All school laws will bo passed and tho chief given authority to enforce them. Tlio prin cipal will act as sheriff and as the Hupremu court, so that. all thu laws shall ho subjected to propur super union, mid lo sou that they aro en forced. Ho will havo tho power to declare lawa null and void if contrary to school law, Tho uhlhUcn will ho tnught how to vole, to lunik bulloU, to patsa lawn, m?zMszsm&3szzmmz THE TURKISH SOVENOR- GEKi&FfcAl- . AMD THE Scenen nttendlna; the oprnlni; of tho Hilla cnnal and the dlrcrfifOn nt water throuRh Iho lllndla barrlago. which utilizes the waters cf tho, Eu phrates to Irrlgnto Arabian deserts. Arab shleks from all parts of' tho deturt wero In attendance POLICE PATROL STREETS OF T TOKIO. Feb 1 1 StronR forces of police patrolled tho streets hero with drnwu swords today. Hepoatcd it tempts were made to hold meetings which bud been called to protest ngalnst tho po eminent' big unvy program nnd the present rato of taxa tion, but tho authorities broko them up beforo any great crowds gath ered. Parliament houto and othor publl: buildings wore under heavy military guards, as wero tho offices of news papers friendly to Um government. Sovural more of thoso which bnvo taken tho contrary sldo wero sup pressed and their editors locked up. Thu elaborato precautious takon gavo color to reports that revolu tionary ceuttuient was widespread, that tho government realized It and that officialdom was prepared to go to nny extremes, In Its alarm, to prevent tho people from getting farther out of hand. Thero continued to bo rumors of serious troublo In othor cities but tho authorities succeeded In keeping tho WHDR110 !III ELECT MAYOR AND CITY OFFICERS to feel responsibility and to obey laws of their own making. To learn, concretely, what city government means, so that they will ho belter propnrod for citizenship. At slato elections, all laws pro posed will he road and discussed and sample ballots will bo scoured, so that they may loam to vote on a real ballot. Robett's, Law of Procedmc will ho used. Tho judge will havo couit sessions to try offciidois, a prosecuting at torney and defense, with a jury ot twelvo to try all cases. Tho plan will teach a know lodge of law, civil government and personal responsi bility. Tho election was spirited and fol? lowed a thrco days' campaign, For mayor Mytlo Morrunan, 20 votes; Loreuo Hauliers, 15; James Medloy, 12. lleuorder Catlo Dennett, 10 Vcr- BARRAGE IRKS KADI AVIATOR PLANS AIRSHIP ATTACK ON MEXICO CITY NKW ORLKANS, La., Feb. 14. That lie will direct an aeroplane at tack on Mexico City when Generals Carraiizn and Villa finally close in on Picsideiit Huertn's capital was announced today by (InuivUle. Pol lock, the axiator. f Pollock said he held' .Cnrranza's as an neriaV admiral. I'udcr him ho will Itavo a licet of twelve monoplanes nnd two biplnnes. Tho monoplanes, ho explained, will bo used for scouting' and to drop bombs; tho biplanes will carry n light rapid-fire gun each., ' Among tlio Mexican ndfcloff icons who iiavu bad experience as aviators and wcie expected to servo under the American admiral are Paseual Or tega, Manuel Rojas and P.milio Ojeda. It was understood that Pollock's contract with Carranza provided for a salary of .f'J.'OOO gold semi-nnnu-ally. nws bottled up, so that details or ovo.n confirmation wero unobtainable gie Meadows, 1.V, Oris Daily, 0. Judge Walter Whisoimnl, It". Firt ward (two members elected) Hruoo Putnam, 7; F.dward Kelly, f; Joephino Lindley, . Second ward Perry Gregg, 12; Teddy Leonard, IS; Rachel Robin son, S. Third ward Reatrico McDonald, 12; Will Colemau, 13; Francos Med ley, 10. Tho recall has already been invok ed against a councilman who walked across Iho lavn, breaking an ordi nance of tho school, and who defied tho chief of police when told ho was arrested, Thu children havo tho neo. cssnry names to thu petition and they declare he will ho defeated nt tho coming election. Tlio defense claims that ho has not been In office long enough to bo lccallod, hut thu prosecution says. Hint a lawbreaker forfeits the office. ON THE EUPHRATES Huerta Reported to Be Getting Ten Thousand Rifles Frcm Russian ' Government Vlflorous Defense Is Prepared for Uprising at Capital. MEXICO CITY, F?b. 14.- Rebels began n fierce attack on Mazatlau today. They were boveral thousand strong. General Felipo Angeles led them. It was reported that President Huerta was getting 10,000 rifles and 10,000,000 rounds of ammunition from Ode.-sa, the Russian govern ment helping him. The foreign defense committee here today was preparing' for n vig orous resistance iu the event of an uprising in the capital. Anns were provided, provisions laid in and all foreigners were notified just where to come at the first sign of danger. Reports that tho British cruiser Suffolk had lauded machine gtm proved true. They had arrived nml wero mounted at the entrance lo thu Kngtish embassy. AM unconfirmed rumor was cur rent that Foreign Minister Mohena was, nbout to resign to become min ister to Itelcinni nnd that Joso Or- tillo Rojas was slated to succeed him American Charge d'Affaires 0'Si:iuglinesy was much depressed by news of the critical illness of his father, Colonel James O'Shaughuessy, iu New York. h TO rOUTLAN'D. Ore, Fob. U. Tho International Monoy Machine com pany today resumed tho work of re moving to Indianapolis tbo shop fix tures, raw material, unassembled imrta ot monoy changing niachlma and othor property purchased from tho United States Cashier company, ns tho Tcsult of Judgo Qatona' dis solving an Injunction grantod a weik ngo following tho filing of a suit tor an accounting against tho United States Cashier company by J. S, Dlr- roll, a stockholder. Tho cashier com pany will bo required to execute n surety bond for S10.000 to protect Dlrrell In tho suit. Judgo patens held, howovor, that thero will bo sufficient property lott In Portland to wurrant tho contin uance of Hecolvor Hunt, who was np pointed lust Saturday. PRESIDENT'S COLD BETTER, BUT HE IS KEPT INDOORS WASHINGTON, Feb, 14, J'resl- dent Wilson's cold wnn belt today, hut he was not permitted, by "Dr. Grayson to leave thu white bouse. SENATORBACON GEORGIA LEADER PASSES AWAY Chairman of Foreign Relations and Members of Other Important Sen ate Committees, Dead After Irlef Iflress Fell and Broke Ribs. WASHINGTON, Feb. 14. Senator Augusts O. Bacon nt Georgia died hero today after an Illness ot two weeks. Ho was chairman of the sen ate forulgn rotations committed snd a member ot other Important com Ittccs. Senator llacon fell a month aco and broke two of his ribs. Serious In flammation followod and later It was found that ho was suffering from kidney disease. Senate at Once Adjourn Senator Overman announced Sena tor Dacon's death on tho floor of tna senate and that body immediately adjourned. If the family Is willlae. the funeral will be hctd from the scnato chamber Tuesday. Senator Bacon was born In Bryan county, Georgia, October 20. 183?. Ho was tho son of Iter. Augustus 6. Bacon and Mary Louisa Bacon. He graduated frqm the literacy and classical departments' ottho Dnl-. verslty of Georgia In 1859 a! the law department In I860. HeWterti , tho confederate army at the 'begin ning of the civil war and serVed dur ing tlii campaigns ot 1861 and rlt62 as1 adjutant of the Ninth Georgia regi ment in tne army ot Northern Vir ginia. Later he was assigned to, sta,f duty and was commlsdtoned'captaln n tho provisional arny of tho confed erate states; Senator Four Terms , At tho close of tho war he ..? sunied the study of law and began to practice bis chosen profession at Macon, Ga., In I860. From that date until his election to the sena'to he actively continued to practice hi both tho state and fedorat courts. In 1871 Bacon was elected to the Geor gia house ot representatives, of which body he served as a member for fourteen years. Ho was elected to the United States senate In No vember, 1S34, re-elected In 1000, and again In 1907. Iu 1913 he was unanimously re-elected In a general popular stato election, being tho first senator elected to tho fedorat Benato by popular vote. His term would havo expired March 3, 1919. OF POLITICAL PLOT SAY WITNESSES OKLAHOMA CITY, Okln., Feb. 14. Testimony intended to support the contention of the defense that United States Senator Thomas P. Gore of Oklahoma, who is being sued hy Mrs. Minnie K. Pond for $.10,000 damages, is tho victim of a political conspiracy was offered when tho trial wrts re sumed today. Deputy Sheriff Ezell was recalled by tho defenso as tho day's first witness. Hu snid ho talked to Thud dens Robertson, ap important, wit ness for Mrs. Uond, just before tho suit wns filed. ''Robertson told me," quid Ezell, 'that Senutor Gore had double, crossed him, but ho said his revengo would be nwfnl sweet," llobertsou also was recalled, but denied making nuy such assertion to Kzell t'nited Stutcs Marshal J. O. Newell testified that Dr. J. II. Enrp, presi ilpnt of tho Jncksoninn club, nnd one of Mrs. Bend's witnesses, showed bun a clipping of thu Goro case last April. "That is nil n dumn lie," Newett alleged Earp told him. "1 never talk ed witli Goro about this. That hi some of Jim Jacobs' work. He eook od that case up." Dr. Earp was the next witness. Ilia t swore that on the Tlmrtnky fttr the ullvgod assault Gore told )tJ tht ,b "had loved Mrs. lUmd m, little,' b,u that she "fwmUt W"fA hyena." r VICTIM I i '