7aFi manT arrcnFOKD matt, trtkunk MrcnFomu-.ORKflox. Wednesday, wmmwrcY 11, mi-r. i.'jul-j 'J" ti? 'iLi. ih mi" 'S.'i uBiii'uiii1 t ji . ta a VGIRL IN ErlS-oWllVORCE SCIENCE STRICTLY "-J X J5 ! J ! t J t t t t5" ?? t 1 , SOCIALISM SEEN AS IN BY EX-PRESIDENT PHILADELPHIA, Fob. 11 Thnt ooclnllimi Is tho central political ttsuo to which tho country Is coming was tho opinion expressed by cx-Prol-dent Taft on an article on 'The futuro of tho republican party" In this week's Issue of tho Saturday Uvcn Ing I'ost, Just out. Tho ex-nresldent's view Is that his partly not only Is not ilono for, hut thnt Its greatest work Is before It, In combatting this doctrine. Ho docs, Indeed, outline for It a constructive program, mentioning many of tho things ho believes It should do when next afforded an opportunity. "Hut boforc and of higher Importance than all of these," ho says, "Is tho rescua of the country from tho serious dau gcr to which It Is exposed In this at tempted undermining of our stable civil liberty." Tho writer, In speaking of tho last national election, refrains from using tho first personal pronoun, referring to himself instead as "tho republican candidate." Ho did not, ho admits freely, prove a strong vote- getter, attributing his poor showing to tho scvoro criticism nnd attack to which he had been subjected throughout the preceding four years, to "repre sentations or misrepresentation" of his personality, motives and sympa thies and to "unfair accounts" of tho Chicago convention, widely circulated through Colonel Koosevclt's "genius in the matter of securing publicity." - i i f I L WHEN BUD MEETS WATSON MRS JOHN PULTZ , That "a little gl.i hi blue" broke up her once h.ippy home was the plaint of Mr. liiKH'cnnie .MeKcuua ruiu. daughter of Justice McKenna. if llic I ultrd State Supreme t'uiirt. wlm re ceived a decree of nlisulutc dluuve from John I.epKvt I'ultx. member nf in old New York fnmllv FEDERAL TO WEATHER POTOMAC LOST IN VAST ICE FLOW MIDDLE W T CHICAGO, Feb. 11. A sharp drop In temperature was reported today by the weather bureau for the territory lying between the Rocky Mountains and the Great Lakes. oTmporalurcs of from five to twenty-five degree below zero, tho forecaster, said, might be expected tonight. Devil's Lake, X. D., was the coldest spot In tho country today, with, 32 below. At Duluth the thermometer reglstored 2S below zero. Qthor middle-western temperatures ranged from four abovo to ten below zero. WASHINGTON, Feb. 11. The nnvy department had become ex tremely nnxitui-. today concerning in tug PotoniHc, o-t in the ice some where north of Capo Krctou after nn uiiMieoefii effort to help the Amer ican fi-diing fleet ftuck in n vast Hoe in the Bay of Islands Hundreds of wirelow culls to the tu? linve been flashed from N'orth Sydney without n repone. A good many official of the department be lieved n dny or two mo that the tug lind been smnhed by the ice cakes and gone down with ii crew of thirty-Mx men. The more hopeful inclined to think, however, thnt it was simply stuck fnt. Secretary Daniels wns consid ering the advisability of sending one of the navy's mo-t powerful vvcl to hunt for the mi-sing craft, nnd if it found it, to erah n way for it through the ice nt.d tow it to snfetv. HUERTA SAYS DIAZ HAVANA. Keb. 11. "Prcsldont Huerta will never abdicate for Mex ico's good," said Felix Ola here to day. "Ho will fight to tho last ditch in tho streets of tho capital. Ha cares nothing for women, children or foreigners. Only death will remove him. Ho has tho Indian's stub borness." Diaz approved of President Wil son's ordor lifting tho embargo on tho shipment of American arms to tho Mexican rebels. THIRTEEN TRY SUICIDE FIVE ARE SUCCESSFUL NEW ORLEANS, Ln.( Feb. 11 Eight despondent men nnd five wo men attempted suicide here during tho past twenty-four hourH. Five were auecensful. Weather Forecast Oregon Ituin west, rain or snow cast portion tonight and Thursday; southeasterly winds. STEFANSSON SAYS KARLUK IS SAFE OTTAWA, Ont., Feb. 11. That the Canadian Arctic exploring cel Knrluk nnd it crew nre safe wns the opinion expressed by Vilhjnlmer Stefnnsson in n message received to day from him by the government nil thoritic, here. The ship, presumably caught in the ice, drifted nwny under cover of n fog while Stefnnsson, who had charge of the expedition, and three companions were on the north Alas kan eoat hunting. The (tiartet made their way to Point Harrow, and when tho latest message wns dipatched by courier to Ottawa they were camped at Collinson Point, engaged in scien tific investigations. The explorer sad lie thought the Knrluk might drift a long dUtnnec, but believed it would be heard from in the course of the summer. COXEY WOULD NOW LEAD THE STATE OF OHIO Ked Wntson will shortly get an other chance to make or break him self in the ling when ho wades into Hud Anderson of the northwest n week from next Fridav evening, Miy the San Fnuici-co fall. It's going to bo n full-Hedged, man's sizu twenty-round contest. Tho winner will hao n chance to do some fu ture good for himself, while the loser must cek refuge in the ush can of pugilism. This Wntson lad has had nil the chances in the world, but lie has been in the habit of tossing bloomer after bloomer, and setting himself in Dutch nil along the line. As Tom Corhett says, "He's ns daffy as a load, but at that he can fight, it somebody would only take n wallop at his with a dub every time he tosses a big tetuu under his belt." What we need here is some talent, not only in the heavyweight division, but in the oilier classes as well. Here is u chaiico to shoot a couple to the front. Anderson lone; has been pos ing as a lightweight, but he has just about as much chance of doing the l;i.". pound figure as Fatty Hlodcs. Now lie has finally gotten jerry to himself ami is doing welterweight stunts. lloth are strong, rugged youngsters who ought to be able to stand plenty of the old guff nnd come back for n fresh siw.i.y of it. If they winch lied closely nnd cause him to lav off all the rough stuff he should stand np nnd give Anderson many u re sounding wallop, while Anderson can be counted upon to do the same by him. Scientific methods will be ios itivcly barred. NEW MANN'S spring MANN'S GOODS ? f ? f t y ? ? r r r r r f v t ? T ? r t y t ? CENTRAL AVENUE NEAR POSTOFFIOE Everyone is raving over the beautiful Suits, Coats, Dress Goods, Silks and Wash Goods now on display It will pay you to make purchases now while stocks are complete! Some Very Stunning Coats and Suits UP-TO-THE-MINUTE IN STYLE. VERY REASONABLE IN PRICE EVERY EXPRESS BRINGS US NEW SHIPMENTS LOCAL OPERA BEST OF MASSILMOX, Ohio, Keb. 11. Announcement ot his candidacy for governor of Ohio on the socialist ticket at tho primaries next Auguut was mado hero today by "General" J. 8. Coxey, who led an army of un employed men on a march from Mas slllon to Wasblngtoon In 1894. It is ii sad commentary on the dra matic taste of .Medford when a cheap lU-'J0-30 cent production will pack the Page night after night nnd u really artistic production like thai staged lust night and tonight by lo cal artists has vacant scats. Bed ford has evidently degenerated in a theatrical wav. ', Ca-t Plrato King George Andrews. Samuel his lieutenant, Italph Uurgcss. Frederic a plrato apprcntlco, Fletcher Fish. Major General Stanley A. C. Bur gess. Sergeant of police Carl Mlddlo bcrgor. Mabel General Stanley's youngest daughter, Mrs. Nelllo Hazclrlgg. General Stanley's daughters: Kato Miss Dorothy Wicks. Edith Miss Florence Hazelrlgg. Isabel Mrs. Stella Qulsonberry. Ituth A piratical mald-of-all-work, Mrs, Florence. Ualllday Halght. KtiNcmble Ladles Mrs. Uurgoss, Mrs. Coffin, Mrs. Colvlg, Misses Hazelrlgg, Coffin, noylo, Coflold, Wood, Murphy, Ja cobs, Puriicker, Ruder, Whlto. Gentlemen Messrs. Colvlg, Co run Motz, Sooy-Smlth, Reach, Lawrence, Wilson, Gregory, Chlldcrs, Whlto, Howard, Glasgow, Pururkor. t t f ? T ? ? t ? ? ? t y t r r t y i "LA VOGUE" COATS Mado of tho bost materials, ovory gnniit'iit jjiinnintot'd tt givo satisfaction, stylos and colors correct special values lit $10 $15 $20 $25. PETTICOATS Thursday wo will place on falo 100 Mossalino and Crepe Petticoats at, each , .. $1.69 "LA VOGUE" SUITS Coine in tho new Tango and Hague blue shades, cut dif ferent from other makes excellent values at $18 $22.50 $27.50. HOUSE DRESSES r00 now House Dresses, made of best percales ami irinirhauis. manv now styles to choose from rift J" at, each .. 3)1ZJ sflsPwXsft Wfff i jyi Tim Ml FREE Save your Saloslips and Got Wm. Rogers' Guaranteed Triplo-Platod Silvorwaro FREE PERCALES oOOO yards in light and dark shades, most people ask 12ic for this grade, our price, 10c GINGHAMS HOOD yards of the best wearing and washing grade made; why pay lfe J" Our price, a yard, 10c CREPES Xew Figured Crepes in beauti ful Dresden pat terns, a good 2f cloth, our price, a yarn. 20c RATINE In the new shades of tan, Hague blue and light blue vny special, yard, 25c BATISTE .'10-in. Fancy Fig ured Batiste in beautiful new pat terns, on sale Thursdav, a vard, 15c &&y&&&&&w Oreg Oil first Oregon last Oregon al) the time Giving Preference to Oregon Institutions Makes Prosperity for Oregon 111 ni JEFF TO IHE PAGE : Oregonlife Insurance Company Docs Business Exclusively in Healthful Oregon Invests All Funds in Oregon Securities Before you tlgn an application for life insurance examine out superior policy contracts and low premium rates. Best for Oregonians Home Office, Portland A. L. MILLS L. SAMUEL A- ' CORNELL. J'rwideut Geueral Manager District Maunuer After two aciihoiih of veritable triumph, Gux Hill conic hack for a third kcusoii with Iih perennial mic ceKK, "Miitt mill Jeff," in nu entirely new drehh. "In ranainu" i's tho title of tho htory that ia to form a hack- ground for Hud FiHher'n inimitahle charactcrH, which cjihily iihhiiuic the credit ot the o;rentct mid most dur able Mice-ess of tho cartoon world. Tho new production ! an innovation of playeniftHmaii'H work, embodying about till of the real meat of htand ard amusements. In tliin kciihoii'k entertainment, there isn't a tiling left hut "Mutt and Jeff," The story, mimic, lyricH, hccnory and electrical effect are ull new. Sonio Htarlling ineclianical transformations are shown with a genuine thrill. Mr. Hill linn selected u enst superior in every respect to any he has yet been able to offer. All in ull "Mutt mill Jeff" will sure Jy live up to the title of tho one great big hit of the show world, and "it will go some." It coiiu'H to the I'ugo Monday, February 10. Secure seats in advance is un old cry, but in thin cane it it very neo ef.siiry, uh "Mutt nnd Jeff" alwnya jluy lo overflowing hoimea. Y ? t t T t r r r T t ? f ? T T t t f ? V y t T f t t T I & THE OLD RELIABLE 1K -r.r. I V yp t Just Arrived a Car of OVERLANDS 35 horsepower; 114 inch wheel base; easiest riding car in the Valley; the most for the money; nothing better under $2000; roomiest car in town; electric lights and electric starter. rice Completely Equipped, f. o.b. Medford T ink ? y T t ? t t y 3MTMM01 'rVVVVVTTTTTTTTV ' I " I ' " I'l JL - .,'. ' L 11CC ipj-ov M C E. GATES Sparta Building t t t ? ? f T ? ? ? f t f ? ? ? f t T Y t Y Y X X Y X Y 6 r ? t t f ? t f t t t I