Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, February 11, 1914, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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Medford Mail Tribune
Ilnln tonight And TtiHrtiety
Mux. B8 Mln. II7 ITe. .07.
rorty.thlnt rtmr.
Dully IClHhlli Yir
NO. 270
'. i . . i i
Reinforced Concrete Pavement with
Granitoid Surface to Bo Lalil hy
County Under Direction of State
Hlflliway Oifllnccr.
Contracts for nock and Cement Arc
Ratified Best of Hluhways As
sured Cut Width Over Slsklyous.
Work mi paving tin Cent nil Point
Mi'ilfmil roiiil Mill begin i t lit it the
next few tliiVH uiiil lin completed
w It It in ixty tiny from limn of he
giniiiug. IIi i pnvi incut Mill ln four
Inchon if reinforced ciuierelc with
granitoid Mirfnee, chti'i'ii fi'i't in
vvidlh. Tim work will lie done
hy flit cnunly under direction
iiml unpen ilon of tin thtc IiIjiIiwh.v
engineer. Tim Iiiino nmk inn! the
Hiiinl will In' furtiiNliril hy llm Med
font Cuuerele Ciintrneliiii. company.
Tim Krmiitt for surfacing will he
Hiiiirrii'il hy I lit' county at Hold Itny,
Statu Highway Kugiiiccr II. I..
Iliiwlhy met with n I'oiinly court
WVilm-mlny anil nitifinl inuitriii'lH for
cement mid rock. Hi Mate that the
reinforcement, which prevents cxpuu.
ioti ctiicIh, will i'oni ahotit III
cents per .anl extra, anil tluit the
I'll, of llm mini will not exceed .fl
per square jaril, or ahoiit f initio per
mih, iin iiguliiwl tl.J.'i per square
yard for two-iiirh Wnrrenite.
"Tim i oiiil will In it iicrniiiiient
oiii'," hiiyt. Major llowlhy, "ninl no
where in Oregon nn climatic I'oiuh
timi morvfnxornbli for cement con
lrurlIoii. The cement highway that
we will hnlhl will In a film one, for
tlmn will he m chcnling on qiinnti
liiw. There, will In no contrnetor'M
profit. Tlu I'D"! will he limn niiitii ,
mnl ecmenl minis will I'liahh all tin
moimv to remain in .IiicKmiii county,
when llm (li'l'l Hill ri'iimiit plant n in
It. Iv. KdwiirtU of tin firm of Kil
wnnU fc l.iuell ipinl Tuemlny xlit
iug tlm (lolil Hill plmil mill tin xurt
mm look niinrrien. wlmn In tmM'i
tipoii I he materials aiiil got "ample
lor testing.
Tim county I'oiirl mnl highwny en
gineer now plan to pavi only eight
feel in will Hi over tin SiiLi,ouH, with
oiglit feet graded on i'iii'Ii mIiIi. This
will cut down tlm i'"t ami leave
money enough o complete tin grade
throuuh tin county,
I'liniitv .ItuliMi Ton Will leaves
Thursday for Chicago, where ho nicels
lin homl bu.xcrs to settle n few
points in di-pule, ami sign tin IioihIh
mnl get llu money . Hi will lm K"""
Irii days.
SALT LAKH CITY, Huh, Feb. 11.
United Stilton District Attonmy .
Hay filed milt in tlm United Stutes
district court tinlay to divorce tin
it j Kindjmrii Pacific anil Central Pucifio
Tho government IioIiIk that llm
Koiitheru Pacific's i;ou(io of llm Ceil
tral Puoifio in a cnuihlnittinu in re
Htraint of timle, It charges tliul,
Ihtiuigh leaneil ami ditcct eon I ml of
tlm Central I'aeifie, tlm Southern Pit
cil'iii in enabled to discriminate
UKiiiiixt llm Union 1'aeifio ami Cen
tral htoific, tlniH Htil'lipt,' eoiiipetition
in llm traiiheoutliiental trmiHportatlon
ami frelKht and piixtienKorH.
Hy allowing tlm Cenlral I'aeifie
eipiipment to ileteriornte, tlm kv
eriiineiit iiIIckch tlm Southern I'aeifie
in eiiuhled to foreo tlm hulk of jhe
IrmiHiioiitiiienliil tinlTie to it n own ill
rent line, the SuiiHet route. Tlm Cen
tral I'acitie, lint complain! alleeri, is
uiiiihhi to enter into tiafl'ie iikicc
imciiIh with the Union I'aeifie ami
liouiieetlii liucH, mnl it recites that
this him piaetieally cIom'iI tlm Ok-
deu Kiileway to IriinseiMitiueiilal hits
$30,000 SUIT OF
Mrs. Minnie Bend's Case for Dam From Blind Oklahoma Sena
tor Bcflim Allcucs Defamation of
Character and Attempted Assault.
Senator Asserts Case Is Blackmail
and Frame-Up to Ruin Him Polit
icallyWants Bars Down.
Tin unit of Mrs. Miuiiie Homl
against Thomn 1. (lore, Oklahoma's
hliml t'uili'il States seunlor, went to
dial 'here toilay hel'ore l)itriet
.Ititlue Clark. She asks iilll.dllll tlaiii
iiki from Senator (lore, ulh'Kint; tie
fmnatioti of character, mnl that he
allempti'il to iiKNiitilt her in Vmh
iiiK'ou in March, HU-'.
"I wmiiI to let the liars down," Mini
(lore. "1 mu rciuly. They ny they
can proM thiiiiiiKiuK tliiiiK against
my I'lmrHi'lrr, lull I will prove tin
nil is a frameiip mnl iutemleil to
ruin me politically."
Opiwiiig Klali'iiieuts neeupieil the
morning cox-inn of court.
Mrs. (lore led her huhhaiiil into the
court mum. A. C. Crime, brother of
eic(lieriior I'rucc of Oklahoma,
is actniK as Senator (lore's chief al
lot ucy,
l.'neh enircmaii was askeil his
politics mnl whether Senator (lore's
niliienl prextigc would prejudice his
conniilcrntion of the case. limine
tin c.Miniiiiatiou of the venireman,
(line leaneil forward, turning hi
hijhlleiM c,vim on tlu jurv hox.
Mr, (lorn treinieutlv eonutteil
Willi the ilrfcnse Htturiicvs, The tie
feiie whs e.xpi'cted In contend thnt
(lore im the ietim of a political plot
to prevent hu reelection.
roltTI.AND, Or., Kcli. 11.-Portland'
$.VI 1,000 municipal auditorium
will he erected on the Dnlpll Mock,
hounded hy .Icft'en-on, Cilth, Sixth
ami Columhia streets, if the leeom
meiiilatiou of a majority of the mem
hers of the pnhlm mulilnriiuu com
uiitlee, made In the city cniiimUMnii
today, is accepted, The hloek can he
purchased for $170,000.
C. A. HikcIow, n memher of llm
commit let, also city commissioner of
finance, announced he would file a
minority report, lecoiutuendiiiK the
purchase of (wo hlocks hounded hy
Hast Tenth, Eleventh, Hii'smiIo mid
Midlimmah streets, for t75,000.
The recommeiiilalions will he eon
siileretl hy tlm city cotiimisMiiu proh
ahly l'ridav niorninu'.
When thoy capture prlsouoru In ouo
of ho no-called hattlua of tho Moxl-
unit trouhlo thoy don't parolo thorn ih
Ih doiio hy elvlllxiiil untloiiH. If thoy
did tho prUouurH would Hiioak hank
Into tho iiiilku and buglu flrhib' aeitlii,
- :'". -sr
FxIhVL. i NvTii'V4H5X7iEissssf7wHlSissssssSissssssssssssssW DB'
fisA7' m lVcJBissssVHMiisLJissssssssssssss
IissssssssS&.'VbV ffSrrlPissH9MiH"'isssssssssssssnisisssssssH
I sssssssssssVte i1m BissssssssssssssssissssssssssssssssssssssssssssssVVil 3
IissssssssVHH SB Hiv7JP LssslissssssssssssssssSlsssssslisVisssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssV ft ''
Former Priest Unfllnchlnuly Hears
Himself Condemned to Electric
Chair Shows No Emotion, But
Smiles Faintly.
Writes a Verse for Newspapers on
Immortality When Requested to
Make Statement for Publication.
NKW YORK. lVh. 11. linns
Seliuiiilt, couxicled tnunlerer of Anna
Aumuller, was sentencetl totlay to die
in the elect i it chair dnntij; the week
bcuimiit'K Mutch 'J.'l.
Sehinltlt, it fonner priesl, kllh'il
Mism Aumuller, cut up her hody and
dioppetl il, piece hy piece, into the
Sentence xvas pronounced hy Jus
tice Vernon Davis of llm criminal
hraucli of the state supreme court.
Schmidt stootl erect as a solder
throughout the ordeal. He showed
no emotion whatever, mnl paid no n'
teutloti In the sH.'ctators in the
"I have notliiiiK to say," he replied
when asked if hi wished to make a
statement. He smiled faintly, how
ever, when motions hy Attorney Me-
Miiiiiis for a retnal ami a stay of
Hcntenee were overruled.
Schmidt's improved appenranoc
since hi" lust hearini; xvas marked.
He wore a lout; fur overcoat mnl kept
his heard tucked down under its col
lar. His eye was hrislit and his color
When sentence was pronounced
Schmidt turned mnl held out his
hands while Deputy Sheriff Hoxvcra
put on the handcuffs. Hu was Inkcu
immediately to SiitK Sine; prison In
await execution.
He fore he went into court, news
paper men asked Schmidt if he wish
ed to make any statement. He sent
hack a nolo penned as follow :
"Beyond this vale of learn
There is a life ahove,
I'limeiihured hv the flight of years,
And all that life is luxe."
LOS ANOELCS, Cal., Fob. 11.
Aviator Chrlstoffcrson failed again
today In nn attempt to fly ovor the
Tejon I'nts, nccorillng to a report to
tho 1'aciric Tolophom ntul Telegraph
company from llnlloy'B ranch, near
tho north end of Tejon Canyon.
Tho aviator, tho report snld, ns
cen (led Hororal times hut xvas unablo
to make headway ngalnvt tho heavy
wind that provnltcc, nnr. shortly af
ter noon ho abandoned his efforts.
-T -l T
If thoy vvoro kept any length of tlmo
thoy would boeoino oxponslvo, for
food In ton coaly. Tho oasloa way out,
according to all Mulrnua, Is to shoot
tho prisoners In cold blond,
BJttco most o( these wnniors havo
The upper Illustration thovrs JUrry Kantner explaining his monoplane to a group of naval ottlsers. In tha
circle U ghouTi the well known aviator Lincoln Seacher and on the right Is GusUv Hamel.
Aviators express excrj coufldrnce of the proposeU "rouDil-tbe xxorld" fllsht becomlns a realization. The stu
K'nilous race jirojei t In counecUou nltb tie l'anania-I'aelflc Kzpcsltlcn in 1015 has arouseU much luterest nud com
"lent In .Vow York, mnl Incluiled In the dlseunslon Is the opinion thnt American aviators urc handicapped and that avla
tlou a i) bclctu-v ntul ntwirt needs the stlmulm of reawakened public Interest.
IlnruM Kutiler, of New town, Queens county, X. Y Is one of the aviators mentioned by Mortimer Dclauo, sec
retary of the Aero Club of America, as being likely to talo part In the flight.
Uiutnve lltiniet, of HuKlaud, who flew upside down for the epccial benefit of the, King and Queen, U most
cnthuslaille. ,
"1'rovhltsl they arc able to overcome flnauclul difficulties," he said, "I am auto that many will Jump at the
chance to makefile iittrnipu"
Jtnjiuomt V. Miiiris, of Xen- Union. Conn., has nlso Blvennotlnrtliat he has begun the phins forn new machine
for trnusatlantte flight and would enter tlie coii)ctltIon. Word received In New York Ia Angeled stutrd thai
Lincoln!iry lus deeldeil to enter the nice.
lMlILADKl.l'HIA, Feb. 11. W'ago
demands of coal miners presented oy
representative of tho United Mine
workers of Atnorlcn wero rejected
horo today by tho operators of West
ern I'ennsvlvanln, Ohio, Illinois and
"The wage Incrcnso requested
would bo ruinous," tho mine, owners
said. "Wo are willing to renew tho
agreement now In effect, but that Is
tho best wo can do."
Tho miners presented their de
mands at a Joint session of represen
tatives of the operators and workers
at 1 o'clock this afternoon.
a heavy strain of Indian blood In
thorn thoy show some of tho charac
teristics of tho Iteilumu who fought
on American plaltu far ninny yoars.
Tho Indian usually scalped his priso
ners, and of courso thoy did not live
long after tho oporutlon.
MEXICO CITY. Fob. 11. Fearing
that today, as tho anniversary of tho
Into President Madero's assassination,
might bo chosen, for an uprising
against him, President Iluerta main
tained the most elaborato precautions
against an outbreak.
Ho did not trust the police but
kept military patrols on tho move
through tho streets, preventing gath
erings of citizens and watching alert
ly for any sign of disorder. Strong
bodies of soldiers were held at stra
tegic points and artillery xvas In
readiness to sweep tho thorough
fares ou short notice Around his
own residence tho oflclal headquart
ers, n small army xvas encamped.
Tho downfall xvas feared today of
the fedoral town of Texltttlan. Threo
thousand I'uobla Indians xvero be
sieging it and Us garrison of about
1000 xvas reported hard pressed.
Tho Indians aro among tho most
savago In Mexico. Thoy aro armed
with spears as xvoll as with flro-arnw,
and It was said thoy xvero making
desporato assault nftor assault on
tho town, with heavy losses. Tholr
leader xvas described as a priest,
dressed In a suit of ancient armor, a
relic of Spanish days In Mexico.
Should tho Indiana capture Tezlutlan
It xvas belloved thoy would massacro
everyone- there
Thousands of rebels xvero under
stood to bo concentrated around
Monterey and an attack thoro xvas
lookod, for hourly.
LONDON, Feh. 11. Four-day sen
tences xvero meted out toilay to soven
militant suffragettes concerned in
last night's tleuioustrutiim which mil
minuted in thu nrrefct, of u xvoinan
tho police, at first believed to he Mrs.
1'ankhurst, hut xvlm subsequently
proved only to havo been nuulo up to
look like her,
DENVER, Colo., Feb. 11. De
scribing the attempts the miners
made, before striking, to obtain a
conference with their employers, John
Lnxvson of tho United Mincvvorkers'
international board resumed his testi
mony today before the congressional
committee engaged in investigating
the labor vttr In the Colorado coal
I.axvhon ehnrged that, after the
walkout, militiamen ou duty in the
fields tfied nil the influence they
could to perxttade tho miners to turn
It xvas stated that when the inves
tigators go to Trinidad they will sift
the testimony .of ex-btatc rnctory
Inspector E. O. Corey to the effect
that the bodies of miners killed in
tho Primero mine disaster in 1010
xvero destroyed with quicklime.
Iteprcscntntives of tho union an
uouueed thnt their side of tho case
heforo tho committee has been pi heed
in tho hands of Edward P. Costigau,
last progressive enndidato for gov
ernor. '
1'OIiTLAND, Or., Feb. 11. The
series of melodramatic situations in
the case of the United SUites Cashier
company against which n suit has
been filed for nn ncoountinp;, reached
a climax today when Judge Qnteus
granted a petition for ft hearing for
tho purpose of determining whether
tho receivership shall ho continued.
Tho hooks of the United States
Cashier company xvero removed from
tho manufacturing plant nt Kenton, n
suburb, hist night hy lieceiver James
E. Hunt, and are now in his posses
sion pending somo action of the
coutt. According to attorneys for
tho Inteniatioual Money Machine
company, successor to I no united
States Cashier company, tho hooks
xvoto seized stealthily under cover of
Annual Meeting of Rogue River Fruit
& Produce Association Five Di
rectors Elected Storage Plant
Proves Satisfactory Venture.
Lower Prices Charged MemJrtrs far
Supplies and Handling Than In
Previous Year Peel Avera.
Tho UoRiic Itlrcr Fruit & Product
association hold Its annual meeting
Tuesday at the public library, for tho
purpose of electing fire new direc
tors, receiving tho report of the ni.v,
ancement, and discussing general top
ics of Interest and matters of policy
In tho management of ita business.
Tho meeting was exceptionally well
attended, both aa to the number of
shares represented and tho number
of Individuals actually present.
Something over 1G00 shares out ot
about 2500 wero actually present In
person or by proxy.
Tho following directors were
elected for a term of three years:
B. S. Palmer, Dcrt Anderson, F. II.
Madden, A. C. Flero and O. A. Hover.
The report of tho management was
received and formally approved. It
corercd In detail the shipment ct
fruit during the season ot 1913 anil
tho prices received for the different
varieties, grades and sizes.
Increase for Year
The averago prices were good, am)
the report showed a substantial in
crease in tonnage over the season of
1912. To bo accurate the assoclattoa
will handle this year 372 cars aa
against 311' cars lost year, an in
crease of 61 cars.
The financial statement showed a
loss on operation of tho year's busi
ness of about $000.00, which, as
was stated. Is readily explained by
the substantial decrease In the
charge made by the association to iU-
growers for handling tholr fruit. Dur
ing the year 1912 the association
charged 7c a box and during the sea
son ot 1913 the charge was only 3c
a box. Upon the total shipments of
approximately 230,000 boxes, thla
would mean a reduction in revenue,
for the association during the past
year of approximately $4500.00. In
addition to this tho supplies ot all
kinds sold by tho association during
tho past year to its growers, were re
duced in price from tho prices ot tho,
year before.
Cold Storage riant
Tho roport on tho cold atorago
plant was equally satisfactory, It ap
pearing that its operation had been,
both physically and financially suc
cessful. Charges of Cc per box upon
apples and 7c por box upon pears for
cold storage had raised a sufficient
rovenuo to pay all ot tho operating
'expenses of the plant, and all fixed
cnargos, inciuuing interest on mo
two series ot bonds. It also ap
"Voarod that the first mortgage bond
Issue ot $24,000.00 bore Interest only1
at the rate of 6 per cont, and the sec-
(Contlnued on Page 5.)
NEW OKLEAN8, La., Feb. 11.--
Tho Moxlcan fedoral gunboat Zarago
sa arrived horo today from Vera'
Cruz, firing a 21 gun salute aa It'
passod Jackson Darracka but without
'receiving any response,
According to ono version, the gu
boat's mission after visiting the city.
Was to lto outside the three !!
limit In wait for an Improvised tight-'
lng craft it was reported the rebel
planned to equip in New Orleans and'
despatch to shell federal pert.
Another account was that It caas
)o buy arms and ammunition.
Immigration CoraralMloner Re-
fern had heard It brought three 1
portant visitors a Frenchman, m
Italian and a Mexican and had a
Inspector waiting at the doelc ta (m
that the Immigration lawg were Mi'