Mrcmronn mail 'I'iiimunh, mkdtoud, oihiov. monmhv, kkiiiii-aiiv . inn. PAGTC jiwrc 7TTZT. wmlf Jeff Had Only Treated Mutt With Silent Contempt By "Bud" Fisher Vou M.P, rvr9Pn.j rfv( a, Tft . I rkat$ voO fop. a r(fcA''"f and You M0 " r if.Y &yr ottt '' N lloiMirlml by Jiickwou f'otiiity Ah (mil ('(, llxtli it ti it Fir HIh, You simp. I took vou our M(cou& L TMytC VOJ Co AftMII UMN& oOIAIL r.i.iln , n...,. ...... .. rwoMcuTwes Toc.eTG M( t .HufJLL IMPKttSiloN, YOU OW-AW ) - wwk... ruui'LIf IN) .IJ'.l rt'.TIA A vn't mo", you avtu tkos( wop.cyirocrrMnp, TtUi lOU! Df4'r ro KMOO TMxr YOO Now I'mri lliui'y V. Iliiii.iilni' n. (lio. ('. hIimiii i' nl fit (M'ltioo niiiilKiigi; V. Mlltm, nt let -! . " lY l.MKG li(V CflAfAfAAP.. rV' vO -v. Tru ttMCUMI ; r T.NON lc0tTM4n.?J y is gur r xkj't ttt)OC(Ot( t'ltilmtti ll-liiln of I'iihiiIk ,M, ',, I, .I.tcI. 'l Oiilur iiiii)inlliiK !(' ' Porl, Illlllllllifllllllll', I'MiiIii of .Miuy A. Young, iliTt'iiK t'tl l''iitnl it'iuil I'llitl Mini onlor set ling tiny for Hunt lic'iirlii(f, III llll' lllllllcr til' Nlllll'V I'lt'lll- "'i'ii Oitlur iTiHMiiiilinv hiiihmIiiou. COURTHOUSENEWS y . ' j , ? tp' r ) Ytfffo, OH, t SGG i 'j UHAT VOU ( 3 WKr'T) " 7 ' " 1 I I m;' aj r rhsZ' ., Mnrtlngn I. It envi I'. W. Dm ii nml lli'imii' I). P. It. .IIIIIIH'IhIii'HiI iiiuI iiuiiiuimiili. 1,1'hIn. Ilt'lltlll Circuit Cinirl MiiiyHU'l Kti'il h. . o. ,,l.. Hllllll I' Hi., lll'llllllll'l il. I. K. It. Owlnimi v. Prnnol A. slirnilMiiiiK, ilnuuirer filfil. I'lt'ilt'ilrk St'lini'liler v. I). S. WimmI ft itl., imlt'i of iliil'uiilt nml tlcCltM', I'n-I NhII'mihI Hunk . I'nif Timlin- Cii., tinltir jirHiilliif iliinuiror. P. L Toil Velio V. .Itilejilillie .Smiv-Siiiitli, onlor )nuitiii ill'- MlllltlT. J. .1. WitlUr vs. P. I). Wnll, tin iii'iitt'i'. ('. II. Smith . .In. Million, Jr.. I run- l'M ! (Inlil Hill justice t'lltirl. Ilt'ill INlllli, Tlnlltfrr (let,. It, J hi vi ct u to I'. P. t'miwny. mtt Mook .'II, ')iitllilp iHililitltm tn Anli Inml i HI tlel (1, IhHitli tt Utxi, I . ,1dm I, itrt lilot'k ;tl, "ih. iiltff HtltlilltMi tti A?hlnnt , U W. T. (Irttt'iwi ( m In S. 1 1. Kiefry, wrt nf blwik II, U'ihmIuII.' .11) II. 1 1. Itni4tv ft ui In Unit p, SIhIihs lot I ami .V. W, if N. W. iHlimi 31, town- -hip .IS, IW. , . . I IIiiIIm It. WilliMma it rv In Trunk i. 1'racinr, 10 Meitw in D. L ('. Nti. CI, Ion if hip 37, IW. . . 10 Nullum llnir i( vlr In Will linn Milne tt nl. nml n -mii'-il u l. T. KiiwWiiit HlMeemeiil, vn Imlf nf S. ..v. W, ..ulili .'I.S, JW. II 10 (' W lltfolrulfctt 't al. lu JiKit Pratwr. .TO nii Til I). I C. No. 07, t.iwulii. US, tW 10 - I MARKET REPORT I'rln'i I KIIIK ; itrrrmt I'nltl liy lU'ixli'M Cn'Hinrry, .l.'i'j iluiry, an,. I'OTATOKS r: AI'TI.KS-lUti. ivr t (10 Hi. ONION'S '.'. pr 100 Hi.. IIONi:V-l'JitMi iMiiiiitl. ciomt a.'n'. PORK- lOo to ll'Ao. iii:i-:i- p.'o to Mu. LAIN)-lli. MACON lfi.i to 'Jlk SIIOtU.DKItS-llo. IIAMS-liOo. IIITTCU PAT -II'.V. l,lr'lork IIOIIS 1)1 c...'il, liio; nliw., lilt,!'. SIII-.I-P-.V. STKKRS A1io, (lV47c COWS-Alif, II.'. VPAI. HlfMHtlll. l1 POU.TIIY Mivnl t'hii'lii'iiN, llf. "1'i'iiiKf, I 'Jo to lie; tlrotht'il, llln to 13c liny nml fiiiiln (HiiyillK Piii'Q.) . WIIKAT 00,. Im.hfl. OATS LI,. IiiinIiiiI. IIAV--WU'li, .fll Ion; ymin, I2 lo 4-11. IIAHI,i:V WIiiiIk, .f'.'.-i ton. CORN $18 ton, IM'IH.IC sai.i: notici:. On Wiiilni'Hiluy, Apill lMh, 111 11, lit olio o'ilorl( p. in. at (ho iiiihI iloor of (ho ('ultimo iKHhliinrn ttrii(cil on (ho coriu'i- of Wt'Nt luth nml KIiik Htii'iilH I will of for (it piihllr hiiIo for ciihIi, nil tho fiirnlRliliiKt' of thin flits ruHiiiimco, iiIho nil tlm inilntliiKit nml too iimiiy iirtlcU's to incnthin; nUo it hit or IooIk unit ImpliiinontH. After Iho fiirnluhliiKH nro mihl I will offur for hiiIo to tho hlKhi'Ht hhhlur tho Cot tiiKo rt'Hliloni'i, limn niul Kroiimlri. roiiNlHtliiK of 1KI IM0 ffot front on Wont Kith Htrt'ot, n imvtxt Htiout unit IS I fcot Ioiik on KIiik Htront. Thoro Ih mi iilinnilnnro ot rrnlt, flowurn nml liiu ii 'IVrniH or milo, oiiti-thlnl cimli, Imlmu-o In yearly, or thruo ami rivo nr iiiiyiiutntH, inlmi'Ht at (1 por cunt, pii)iihhi Htiinl-miminlly. Spticlnl no'. Icti, I wilt noil tiny or nil of tho nboo propoNy itl prlvnto mtlo or will o chmiKo for connlry piopurty hoio, no it li or iioiitli. 1 iiIho Iiiivo liver 700 iicich or Knoil , lllllil for rnihi, t-loHo to HhliiiK point, to ncioH i-nn ho IrilKiMoil now, II 10 urii'H him plonty of Hiili-lnlmillon Ml nil himihoiih of Iho .tiiir nml Ih flno nl fnlfn or f i'ii It In it tl . nlmi .'inn nri-tii or kooiI urn I n or clown- luml with plenty of wntnr for piiinplni;, k'I noil nml well hicnlcil I'or (ho noM no iin.t i win Hell rm- ? do cuhIi mu tT tho IkihI iriicunr html In Jiicl: Mill round, ImnliiK muni. Wo nt'Otl nioiiuy mul jiuiat iiuw t, Uvu't mUs Mniu iir ajow ktn 'V!rF9 YOU THINK YOW i ra rrjTim(i ..- . v-.,WVJ,v v.ohv.yj,v r fT7 I fcScT IIiIn uip(iruiiiliy for r,u ilnn only, lit KlunliiK UVilniiiitiiy, I'i'U. 4th, l'.M(. nml ttiln olfur clne Hnlunlny, April (III, li'll. I wilt nlKo Btll mnnU Irnrln of Inii'l mi iKirly imyuiutiu nnUiirliiR In fhi or itiu wir m null iurchniir. For furtlior imrllciilnrH cull nil nut at 001 Wtwt 1 01 It trt-ot, or wrllu mu, tlw ov ur, II M COSS. .Miilfnrit. Ore. mitici: oi" I'txAi, iii:.i:in(I. In tint iKMinty totiit In mill ofr tht county or Jnrkmin. ulnto of OroHon. In thi' innticr or tho oklnlo or John i 1). McArtllo, lU'ct'imml. Not let U liurohy kUvii I lint upon tho order nml concltlnrnllon or Oih court tl ii ly nml roKtilnrly in Rile anl imiktimI on tho nth iln of Jnnuiir), l!MI. .Moiulny tho I'.uh tiny or I "oh. rnur). I'.HI at the hour ot ton n'clork In tho forenoon of unlil tiny, n( tho rourt Iiouro In .InoKmiinllle, Oregon, linn ht'cn appolnttul an tho tiny ami ilute for the (lunl henrlllK of tho final report lu Hie inntler of the nlioin entltleil eHtute, ami all ponton hmliiK or rlnlinltiK any lulertt lu milil t'lttttto art) liereh notlfleil to nppenr ami file their ohjertloim ho fore h.tlil county court on or prior to tho time of hhIiI rinul hnurliiK. Diitetl a( .Mtiilfoitl. OruKou, tliU Dth ttity or January. IHH. WILLIAM I'LltlCII. AtliiilulNlrnlor or tho nutate or John I). McArtllo, ilecennoil 1011 ItC.Vr MINCICLLANKOUS I'OU UKNT Oil SALi:- (Inrtlcu nml fruit tract. M. A. Under, CO N. Oranito St. I'OU UF.NT IHU'.SNKIIKl'INn IIOO.MS roTT iu:nt PirriiiHiioii iiouBtiire'crN Iiik rootim, IIkIiIk, ki; ultni hall lied room, wood lu-ntora. 231 i: Ninth St. 271 I'OU HUNT LlKlit housekeoplUR and tiaiiHlKut rooms, nlroly fur nUlied. cheap. Tho Oxford, 22 :i W Main SI, 27S I'OU HUNT PPKMNIII.'D ItOOMH FOU UI:NT LnrKn slocpltiB rooms, ami modern housekeeping apart mt'iits, prices very reasonable. Phono 217-L. 222 South Holly streut. FOU UKNT -Nowly (urnUlifi! rooinsT each room ttullhblo for ono or two Koiitloinoii. I'houo nml hath, Iteut $10.00 pur month. 1121 Fast Main 27S WANTED Somo good country property to ox chnugo for it hotiso nml two lots sit iinlod On a paved Htroet, houso flvo looms moilorn. Will give u good bar gain for tho right Mud of country property. ir you hnvo a snap lu city or coun try property to sell or exchango, call 'ami give mo a listing on It ns I think that 1 can handle It for ou. U you wnut to rout an oft'lco or a resliltimo 1 can fit you out with (ho bust at ronBounhlo rates. Como up nml lull mo your trou bles, II ii III) M. V, X II, lliillillug Opposite tho Post Offlco W. T. YORK Fonunlly Senior .Member or W, T Vor( U, m. MiBHM''40k ' jamsSS& . . OH, sura:! r UNOViR-VmNO IT ctov I'ei: tttt.vr ikm'siw I'OU ItKNT Two oloKnni atrlctly tiiuilorii fho room IhuikuIows at 70 llullU. I'liuno f,31. roll UKNT Thrco Iioiiko. iliirnliluul. nth si room inoilurn Apply 722 V. 27C I'ou sai.i: i-Aitsi laxns vim "sAi.ii, ri:xciLNni! oii" lkask ICO itcreit, 110 acroi lu cultiva tion, i'.', nrrtx alfalfa, 2R acrft plowed. liullJInnH. (.'ha. (lllchrlHt. Hiiiiih Vnlloy. Ore SDii KOIt SALO-.'iCltKAdi: PORSALilTy '"or nor", Vine 3ncro lntrry nml chicken rnncll, with now iiiiwlerii bmiKalow, haru niul nihur IiiiIIiIIiik. so rotlM from city lltnltn. Aitilro hox (iCl, Mod ford. 2il POIt SALi: Two nenw of Intnl. lilac; lontu noil, HUh-lrrlKiUoil, excellent nUnlfa or pear hoII. All uml-u-I'ane fence Only one-hnlf mile from city IIiiiIim. 1'rlcu HU)(. Phono 2f.-ltr,. 27.'. POIt SALK--l'lvo mill 10 ncro tracta cheap nml on cany tonus. Lo cated olio mile south of Hotel Mod ford. W. li. nvitrliurtl, 10ia Wet Ninth St , phono t!t!7-J FOU SALI. A snap. 10 or 10 acres of luml lu WllderMlle. Ore, must tell. Call or write at once. No commission, J. (.'. K. McC'auu, WIN ilervlllo. Ore. 277 POU SALIV HOPSUS I'OU SALi: Threo room cottm;o with screen porch ami tract of ground ,"0:i27 feet, finest of black lolini soil. Kvory variety or small fruit nml ntiino (roes are Iu'kIiiiiIiik lo bear l'lnco Is well Improved with Komi outbulltlliiKM. side walks, water piped full length of promises. Within 100 feet or paved street. Price leahonahle. See owner nt 10 Fast llth streot or phono 417 X. SPECIAL TODAY 70 acriH good valley laud near Central Point, for sale, $100 per acre Good tli i co room houso lor rent, $10 2 ncica uenr Phoenix to tratlo for Minirortl propert). My specialty Is looking after non resident property. E. J. STEWART Room 204 Fruitgrowers Dank Uldg. Office phono 531. lies, phona R23-J EveryOwner Of ranch property (hat haio their placo listed with us ami Is still of rot lug It for Bale, nml willing to sell nt a fair price, please call at our of fice. Wo want to verify our liMlngs bo foro muMiig out our now mailing circular. Now listings wanted nlsn, Bennett Investment Co. Triples (f nil Minis, ,-., ! 1 1 I'll SPJZri1A K i f i v;Gi.u,rHeN vu. AiK You IoBG. "excuse MG, 51 R. OOT S YOU OQtlGG MG UiYM KGt&AReTre? N- 1 f()U SAM-: MISCin.liANKOL'S I l-'Oll HAI.i; Ithodo IMaml ItoJ nniriuiiR ckk. i."" ior i . iuiii'j stock. John I'ulorion.'U. P. I). No Jt, or phone 370-W. 177 FOIl SALi: Laying hen. White l'l mouth Hoc): nml Huff Orphlnjt tons nor. South Nov. town. 277 I'OU SAL!! Fresli jonni; Jentc) cow nml calf. 80.0i) ll tnKen nl oncu. llobert Diltton. 'phono SMi-.M. I'OU SALU l'rniir"wh"ito Orpln- lonH, o.Mra line tock; nliui half tleou Huff Orpington pullnt. Dr. I NVlmtor. Twlent. It .P. D. box "3. 1 phono 3-P2. !81 FOlt SALK llvrrttles ktump puller, coin! as ne. a ' bargain. J. F. Itocho. Ashland. Ore. 27C FOlt SALIC 10 Pox hounds. 2 broad bltrhtx. A-l stuff. Chas. Gllohrlst. Sams Valley, Ore. 231 FOU SALK lleniy work team, will hell ono or both. Address A. C. Whitney, Mcdford. 11. U. No. 2. 275 FOU SALK Four horses, harness nml two wagons. 532 South Fir Ktreet. 271 FOU SALI! A flno ouiik mule. Ap ply Foothills Orchard, phono 113-J. FOU SALK I'atrltlKo Wynmlotto cockerels nml pullets. Atso okks. Harris & I'rnudnll, Englo Point, phono 5-F3. 290 FOU SALK While erels, bono cutter. Leghorn cock- Phono 201-JI ' $ $ S ' S S S-' To loan on Improved ranches. Interest S per cent "Insurance Thnt Insures." 11. S. STINE Iluy your Insurance e: a taxpayer NEW TODAY Pour lots lu Sim Frnm-isro, on Market stieet. good location. Those lire for exchunge at $1000 each for' a small Improved tract u.ear Mcdford. Must net quick. So many Imiiililos nro coining lu thnt 1 am revising my listings (o gt out a now mailing list, nnd would like to verify my old listings uud re ceive now ones O. D. IIOOX. WHY? I mint to iithl ou to my list of Httihfictl customers! Alfalfa, Hear creek bottom, hurry, quick,! 15 acres Hear ciook bottom lamt, ono Pacific highway, neur Tttlont, ii miles from Medford. Twenty neros nlfalfa. muiiI loam hull, flvo room houso, good haru. shade trees, spring, td cows, four holfurs, ttvo calves, one hull, 25 tons nlfalfa, farm mu ehliiory. All lor $7000. Tonus. IIAUN'ES, Wlt Notional )mU Wty. 1 VGt0mm' ' r-mr . Jt, t vmo COULD X AN'T GOT COCAS BUT UllljN t GGT, HONa I'LL GlVG VOU N POIt SALK MlhCKIit.AVKOCS POIl SALK About G000 worth or Jackson county warrants at a dis count. Reed to pay taxes with. I also buy county warrants. II. II Toft, phono 7S-II or 365-J. FOlt SALi: Lunch counter, $30 ' dally receipts. Sacrifice leaving city. $300, part cash. Daley, over! Jackson County Hank. OCA POU SALi: Now nnd second hand ktilts BOc up. shoes 25c up. coats and osts COc up. overcoats $1.00 mi. Iniiiiilrv rnllnrn. 5 fop Se. ro-l and first class guns, watches, gum boots, tents, slickers, etc.. for salo or ront. your own price. Call room 33, Jackson County Dank Uldg. 2S0 FOU SALE 50 tons oi Hrst claTs haled hay, 15 cxtrn good cows, 10 Durhams, S Jerseys, fresh and coming fresh, 3 fine horses, sprln;; wagon nnd cart. Walsh's Itnnch on Spring streot. mllo out North Uoosevolt nvouue. 270 FOU SALK Nlco dry I Cinch balm chunk and stovo wood In not less than two tier loads. Tho host wood In the market. II. F. Van Djke. phono 403-113. 274 FOU SALK McClauahaii Incubator. 1 On oKpn size, good as new, coat $17, $7. SO; McClauahan Incubator, 120 eitg slse, $0.00; new Old Trus ti. lOU egg size, $3.00: Chnttau 2 10 eg size, cost $35.00. $12.00; all splendid hatchers and us good as now- mnchlues. W. C. Hayes. Itosi, Lnno, phone 732-112. .' FOU SALE 15 oxtra good cows, 10 Iiurhnms, 5 Jerseys, fresh and coming fresh. 50 tons of first class baled hay. 3 flno horses, spring wagon nnd cart. Walsh's Ranch on Spring streot, mllo out North Roosovelt avenue. 270 FOR SALK Harrotl Rock and White Wynndollo cockerols. Selected stock, lllllnmlnlu Orchard, Cen tral Point, Orogon. 277 WANTED iSISCKDLA.Nr.OUS WANTKD First class diess making. otir business solicited. Mrs. MKile Wolfe. 222 South Holly St. Phone 24 7-L. 270 WANTED To buy registered Poland China gilt, bred to farrow about April 1st. Also one dozen black Mlunrcn pullets or young hens. I'houo 478. 273 WANTED To hire a good team for tho summer on n small orchard, uoar Medford, with privilege of buying. Phono 7-FI. 177 WANTED Roof and stock cattle, calves, hogs, chickens, etc., phone 171 or address liuj Lnwtou, Mod. ford. 177 ..Mi-;n nouses ror ront; v.) have tenants waiting. Bennett Investment Co, WANTED Parties wanting to buy medium priced automobile to com bine and get agent's discount ad dress P. O. box 5SS Medford. wantedto ioik. couple wishes two or three room furnished npart mout. Phone 1 17-J. 270 WANTKD Clean rags at Mall Tri bune ofrico. HELP WANTED MALE V".N'riii Minors nt Bradon" nlw. Gold 1 i III. Oiogoii, for conlract w orU. Uoltl Ry Jlenlty Qq. fli 'S'NO U56? fisjfi" . IIKliP WANTKIl FKJIALK WAXTKH A woman coel: Tor few men. easy work. Write to Capital "ll" ranch. Central Point. 275 FOUXH FOPNIJ Combination card case and pocketbook. Owner call and prove property and pay for ad. SIOXEY TO 1XJ.V.1 ;;vr.,-rrrT ?rr?i r -- MO.NkA TO LOAN $1000 to loan on c,tytfor, ranch proporty. Box 73. ' c. D- No. 2, TO LOAN Wo hao $5000 to loan. Dennett Investment Company. MONEY TO LOAN On city and closo In ranch property. C. A. McArthur, room 3, V. O. block. Phone 3(58 FOU i:C-llAM(K FOU SALE OU KXCHANOE Four lots, two houses, four and fho rooms, plastered. Will exchange for Texas or Oklahoma property. Sec John T. Stimmervltlo or write owner K. llenulnghovcn, Modesto, California. 27l FOR EXCHANGE Small Imurovcil Income tract. $0200. Consider nu good property. Clark Realty Co, 200 Phlpps Illdg. 17C nUSINESS DIRECTORY Attorney PORTER J. NEFF. WM. P. MEALEY Attoruoys-at-Lnw, Rooms 8 and 9, Mcdford National Hank bldg. A. E. REAMES, LAWYER Garnott Corey bldg. W. J. CANTON Auciuoy and Coun sellor at Law, 123 East Main street. Medford. Ore. in. M. Coivig Ueorgu .i. ttouert COLV1G & RODERTS. LAWYERS Medford N'.itloiml llink Rulldlnir H. K.MLLKEY i: GEO. V. CHERRY """"? .. JucKsoa oun- ty Dank Building. NEWTON W. BORDEN Attorney at law. room 7. Sparta building, Med ford, Oregon. Auto Snppilrn, LAHER AUTO .ii -..m.mi CTimvfi nn Out ,, . , ,, , ...' k,. .....V. NW. VU. i uik aecrei in maidiig springs is tne temporlng. Wo nro operating the largest, oldest nud best equipped plant lu (ho Pacific northwest. Use our springs when others fall. Sold under guarantee. 20 North Fif teenth St., Portland. Ore Cltlrojirnnors DR. It. J. LOCKWOOD, Chiropractor ne,rvo specialist. Rooms 203-204 205 Qamett-Corey bldg. Vudoi llama unu kciouiiuo ranssage given, , hw...w .fa h i .vu ....vt auuutuu, shower lu connection; advice In dietetics, medical gymnastics, hydroptherapy. Lady attendant. I'houo, offlco 945, residence 571-R DR. A. R. HEDGES. Dr. Louise E Hodges Meehauo-TborupUts, Chiro practors, Spondylothprnplsts. Thest systems, Includlug dietetics, cura tive gymnastics, hydro-tberapby etc., produco results In both acute and chrotilu dlspasos. Consulta tion freo. Over Douel & Co., cor, tier Main ami Bartlett, Hours 9 a. m. to 5 p, in. Other hours by appointment. Phone 170. DR. W. M. VAN SCOYOo DR C. O. VAN SCOYOC Dontlsts Garnott -Corey bldg., sulli Uviirord, Or?. I'hWQ W, S10 y I WSWJUW. 4 :r'- ' ItUSIXKSS DHtECTOKV AucUoaeers WILLIAM ULR1CH LIcunsed Auc tioneer (or tho City of Med ford, Oregon. Terms reasonable. Resi dence phone 161-J. Office Jack son County Bank building. Notary Pnbtlc HELEN N. TOCKEV Notary pub lic. Drlng your work to me at th lcn nf th Mall Tilhitno ixsTHfcnox Mr. FUED ALTON ILMOIIT Teach cr of piano and harmony. Tho Halght Music Studio. 116 South Laurel St.. phona 17CR. UsxTMxr OARDAQB Got Tour premises cleaned up for tb winter. Call on tho city garbage wagons for good serrlce. Phone 625-L. F. T. Allen. l I'hyslclnn.1 ana Surgeoas DR. F. a. OARLOW, DR. EVA MAINS CARLO W Osteopathle physicians, 410-417 Garnett-Corey bldg., phone 1036-L. Resldonc 20 South Laurel St. OR. 8. A. LOCKWOOD Physician and surgeon. MYRTLE S. LOCKWOOD. M. D. Practice limited to diseases of women. Offices 233 E Main. Phones, residence 814-J2: office 814. DR. J. J. EMMENS Physician and surgeon. Prnctlco limited to eye, ear, nose nnd throat. Eyes scien tifically tested nnd plasfes supplied Offlco 22$ East Main St., Hours 8:30 n, in. to 8 p. m. Phone. R. n. PiniTKt. r. n nifiia iir. ! gon County Dunk bldg. Offlco Dhone -R: residence nhone 58-R. DR. MARTIN O. BARBER Physl clan and surgeon. Office Palm block, opposite Nash Hotel. Hours 10 to 12, 1 to 4. Phono 110-J. "DR. R. W. CLANCY Ph)slclan and ' surgeon, l'uoucs, ofllce 3U, real- ueuce -i-j. uttice uours iu to 13. 2 to 5. DR. W. W. HOWARD Osteopathle physician, 303 Garnott Corey building. Phone 901-M. R. J. CONROY, M. D.Physlclan and Surgeon. Ovor Hutchison & Luius den, 215 E. Main St Phone 77, DR. W. II. HICKMAN Homeopath Office Rostel building. Central Point. All telephone calls nnBivored ,,icht or dnv : : Printers nnd 1'uUItntiers MEDFORD PRINTINQ CO. baa the best equipped printing offlco In southern Orogon; book binding, looso leaf ledgors, billing systems, etc. Portland prices. 27 North Fir St. HtenogTHpiiera ELLA M. OAUNYAW Palm block. Stenographic work fine quickly and well, I,'-' . '." "VT1- -1 '" EAD8 TRANSFER & STORAGM CC Office 42 North front St. Phot 315, Prices right, Mturlin u t