' t n ,) tl SECOND EDITION WEATHER I'ii I r (onlutit, rnlu Tuesday Max. .12 j Mln. 2. MEDP0RD Mail Tribune ll A Kortjr-thlrit rir Dully- Kluhtli Yr BRITISH MINISTER SECRET PARTNER LORD C01RAY United Stales Embassy Asserts That Sir Lionel Cnntcn, Interested With Syndicate In Exploitation ol Lauds Enterprise Drpcndcnt on Htierla. British Millionaires Orjjnulzctl Com pnny Six Years Ajo and Diplomat Is Now Closest Advisor. Ml IN ICO CITY, IVIi. o- That Sir l.iomd Cuidcu, 1 1 ritt h)i minlMcr here, i iuirili'il wi h Lord Cowdrny, head of (lit millionaire Pearson k ii dienlo, in nn I'lili'ipiixn largely !' pendent iif Pienident Ihii'rlii'H fiin tiinmtlon in office to exploit Mexican IniuU, wit mIhIi'iI lit tin limed Stnttig i'iiitiHv lin Indity. Thiwgli linl Cowdrny Iiiim pro fred nlhiwio, ho IttiH been gin i rally ihhiiIiiih1 one of llticrtit' Ktrongiwi aiipmitcr. 'I'll i' lVaron vHiUrntt) lm xnt Moxietiu iiili-rrxtx, chhfly in oil land, nml it wit wide- ly btlivsd Hint lm counted on net. ting furtlmr eotti'MMlon fioui the prmidput-ilictntor. , lliii'tiu I'nrtUnn Cnrdtw ln Ihtii httot avowedly n IliimrU imiIimiiii. Ho liinl lint re cently Mrrivisl m Mexico City when President Wilxou iff imcil to rcfojr ! lilt Mexican eXtri'lllUil Mini kl'l. ihI I lint iMrtli'iilnr imyehologieul mo infill to riMMHiiU' hint mi HiiitliiiulV I h 1 1 h I f liv pri'm'iiliiiK bin on ii I'lnli'ii link. l.wlor hi huh iiiotti iin saying Hint l'ri'niilwit WiUon iliil not under ulitnil the Mexican situnlioii, niiil al- tllMI(ll llC llrllil'll lllln tntelllftlt, ntMuy I'oiiliiuii'il lo hollcxo ln made it. Ily thin limn Iiin attitude begun to lio io itoiHinenlril umiii I tut t l'ri'inir Aqnilh attention wits called to llllll Mllll III Hindi II HplMU'll xiitunlly irpuUliiig Sir Kdwunl (liity'M pol icy, hm carried out by ('union. Thw not only put tln cxliimuisher on Car ili'ii, Imt on Oroy, who wu thought ll.V HIMHV LtlglilllllCl to III' too on- ceptihlo lo tlin influence of Mich iiu'ii h l.onl Cowdrny, ami l'or a linn' Imt tit tin uhh luwiiil from Sir Lionel. .iltlor to lliii'rlii Wlnii I'ri'iiilout WiNoii ismicd lunt week hiit older lifting tin embargo on shipment of munitions from I In 1'iiitril Stall's across llm hinder to tin1 Mexican libels, however, Ciitilcn wiin iiiiiini ihu I imt to ho culled into conference hy the dictator, mid he Ims been conspicuous among hm nil xtwor over miuii'. Tim alleged liil'ormntion concern ing III" hind enlernrim xiih Niiiil to lut it heen ohttiiili'il In-ill llm tiitti: ler of t'oloiiir.iition nnd iinluhtri'V hum reconU. They were copied, it uiih iindiirnlnod, hy I.011U Dunlin, tin1 1'niled SIiiIim iiiiIiiinuv'h IckmI nd ixor, mill it wiim expected the copy would lm hunt to Wiishinloii. Thoy hhowiMl, iii'i'ordiiiK to tho tin IniNay uoiioiinl, thill I'nideii, Cowilruy nnd n numhor of inillioiiniics oikiiii icd llit) compnny hj ,ciiik iio when (' i den wiim llrilirh coiihiiI ncnenil in .Mexico t'ily. Iji mid Cuuilriiy won1 I. noun lo ho I'liMo I'rieiidH at Ihc time of Ihc iippoinlmciit lo llm pot of ininihtcr (o Mu.xico. Sir Lionel rc fithcd (o ivo out miy interviinv when iihlt'i'il ciinccniliiK' Dm ninllcr. Tim Hiilish rcpiehcjilnllve in under onleiH to pny nnolher iit lo l.oii ihut hhorlly for u confcrcnco with tho foiciL'ti olfici', mid it wiirt liu limed hero Ihu WiiKhiiiKtou inhninin trillion would prolcrtt uK"inhl Inn 10 linn to Mexico Ciy. NKW YOIIK, Koh. 0. Duo, It wob HidiiKht, to tho Hiunlluiiuu of tho Standard oil couipiiuy of Now- York'a lint dividend and to the, poor Htuto iimutH IflHiied hy tho lluckoyo l'lpolluu nml Atlantic KuNiiIuk coiiuuuiIo.i, Hlaiularil Oil HtorliH hroko Hhnrply on tho iiitrh imirkot horo IIiIh afternoon whllo luokeiK fniiKht to uxecuto or iIcih. In one liiHlanro Ihhucu titnihlqil two hiimlrod polntu, It wiih tho most within ility Uroml .Strnot lum known nIiii'u tliu Yukon iluy flvu youiu ngo, CANDIDATE FOn GOVERNOR VISITING IN MEDFORD Mr. C J. Smith WEST'S RESIDUARY LEGATEE" CONSULTS d LI l)r V J Smllli. fornierb of Pen illctoii, now o)1 I'orlliuul, n)enl n fiv liourn hi Miiironl Montlny xIbUIpk frlemU nml tnlkliiK over the polltlrnl nil tint Itiii. Mo l n eamlldato for tho ileinorriitlo nomliintlon iih covernnr, niiil licrtiuno lut U nvoroil hy (lovor tinr Went, linn heen dilblied Hid "rosl tturtry lecato" hy thn I'ortlnuil Oro Konlnti. Dr. Hmltlt icrved two tcruiH In tin Kttito mtinto mi nountor from t'mntllln county nml mailu nn cnl uldo reiiitntlon. Ho wnn n ntnun.'li Hiipiorler of Hio Crntcr l.nko roml lit 1 1 nml tho Anlitniul norinnl hcIkioI. "I neck thn dcmorrntlr nomliintlon for Koxcrnnr," unlit Dr. Sinitti "upon it platform of Imv enforcement nml oftttiouiy I bellevn the luw rlioulJ lm ciifurriHl nml think (ioviriior V! linn itoiio rlKhl In onforcliiK It. 1 bo llevu tho tluio Iiuh coiuo to cnll n hnlt In IokIhUHmi oxtnivnKnnco. Tliuro nro too tunny honrdH nml com iiiIiwIoiih, too ninny offlccrn drawing unlnrlim. I ntnml ploilKml to kIvo nil jinrU of tlio ulnto n nqtinrt1 ilnl nml will rim Hint Southern Oregon Kot It nhnri' ' THIRD BIG LEAGUE Ni:Y YOUK, IMi. It I'lal iiiliiiih. nion Hint mitor Icmkuc luichull iiiiik' iiiiIch inleiuhd con-iilcnn n thud hii; leiiKue o ii iuciiiih of incctini; the l-ulcriil league wiih solecd ht'iv Ihi" itfti'inoon hy I'rinlcnt linker of the Philadelphia Xatiounl league cluli. According lo Ksii l M phiuncd for the third leuirtio to itahlili it-elf in WiiHliintdii, Hitltiiiioie, llull'alo, I'KUhuij;, Cleveland, llrooklyu, De troit nml Cincinnati, linker mlmiW teil Ihirt plan would lm iIUciiksciI nt toumrrowV joint iiiceliiij; of Nation al nml Aineiiean league dircclrs here, milling: "We lutiKt do Miiuelliiii;. The puh lie ilciimmN it. 1 am heartily in fit vor of contimiout huhehull in the hi; eition, niiil it is leiiKouiihly eeilaln lo come Hoouer or Inter, ' It wiih rcpoili'd here lute today Ihut the iniiKmiles plan for cneh nia- joi' leiiKiie lemn to Hurreiuler u cer ium uuuiher ol tueii nml launch u league wiih the hacking of organised haHchull. Sueli u Icau'UC, liusehull men here xiiiil, woiihl force tint Feil- CrillK OUt Of llllNillt'iol, I S'HW YORK, Koh. fl. Slmrp art vnnccs marked early tradliiK In Btouku today. Although tho ileal Iukh lm canto Ii'HR active iih the day pro Kt'uHued, prlcoH hold well, Tobacco Jumped :ii, Ono point advances worn m ado In Canadian l'aclflu, Union Pacific. Now York Central. ItomlliiK, Hock Inland and American Car ami Koumlary, International IInrvontur fell 1. Hock Jtdnnil eaggoil lo IiihI week's level, taking aomo otheiH with It, Uomla woro lirefulnr. DEMOCRATS PROPOSED TO FIGHT AW MBDFOrtn. DICTATORS JOB MORE DESPERATE THANEVERTDDAY Attack In Proucss on Tamplco, An other at Torrcon and a Third at Pachucha Dcscrtlnp; Federals Stormlni) Mazatlan. Hucrta Secured Million by Appeal to Wealthy Mexicans, Dcclarlnq the Rebels Socialists. MEXICO CITY, Fob. O.ITcnl- dent lluorta'H poiltlou lecmcil more deniurate today than nt uy tlnift iluco lie rulzvil control of tho Mexi can Kovcrnmeiit. An nttnek wm In progrciH on Tam plco. Torrcon hoi menaced. Vln rente KeKtinr, liisurnent, inllllonalr'. nml ex-bullflKhter, wnit reported pre paring to ntleuiit the rapturu of I'nrhuclin. (Jenernl Kellp AkouIch, a ilinertlm; federal commander, w.u until to ho nttackliiR Mnznttan. He went oxer to the rebcU Imt mod):, while iiippoKodly nldliiK In tho clty'4 ilcfenii). DKnffcctloii In City Finally, illinffectlon rontlmiod to idmnier ltinldo Mexico City, lluertn wan wntclilni: thoie ho nuRpectnil like n hawk. Thcro were too ninny to nrrcHt, IncludlnR nmoiiK others, prac tically tho entire police department. Hut for all of the dictator's vlRllanco, oxen IiIm frlcndu rcnllxed Hint nn outhrenk mlKht occur nt any moment, nml It n nn likely nn not to prove n micreiafttl one. The HuertUtu nowipapers were trylnK to mnku rnpltnl out of the Cumlire tunnel Incident, miertlntt Hint Maximo Cnnttllo, lender of tho I) nn ( rcipomlblo for tho IrnRedy, was not nn Irresponilbto hnmllt hut a couKtltutlnnnl commnnder who was tllnpiitlnK Cenernl Villa's authority with him. Frying out the I'nt It was learned today that when Villa conflncnted tho Tcrrnnxan es tates In Chlliiinhiin recently, llucrt.i rnlled (ho rich locnl Mcxlcnn'n at tention to what had been done, add In c "Thcie rebels nro soclallits. Th?y bellexn In such dUtrlbutlona of wealth If they tnko tho cnpltal they lll conflsrnto your estates and your hank holdings, too, and distri bute them nmoiiK Hiomsolx'cs. I ant tho only power between them and you, If you expect mo to savo you, you must help mo get tho money." It was understood ho secured 91, 000.000 on tho strength of thla ap peal. Helatlxcs of tho dictator have also obtained Mexico City gambling homo couccrIouh from which they liavo been netting three hundred thousand pesos monthly. DENVER EDITOR IN FIST FIGHT DKNVKII, Colo., Feb. 0. F. 0. Hoiifils, purl owner of the Denver Post, mid T. J. O'Donnell, nn tutor- ney, eugnged in a fist fight in tho. corridor of tho courthouse hero to dity. Old bitterncM between tho two men wiih inereused us u result of the present enmpnign of thu Denver Union Witter company for n hew franchise. They met in tho court house, where llonfils has a suit pond ing against tho water company. A ounrrcl followed, nnd llonfils, it is alleged, struck O'Donnell in the face, heavy seal rim badly cutting the attoruey'K fnce. ilVhtiuulei'ii usserlcd that O'Don nell drew u revolver nnd tried to fire, hut that llonfils grabbed tho weapon nnd thrust his finder under tho ham mer. O'Donnell, it U alleged, again tried to shoot, but Michael Delauey, n former chief of police, disarmed. lum. llonfils swore out n warrant for O'Dounell'fi invest, charging him with iissiuilt wiih intent to kill. W ATTORNEY OREGON", MOXDAV, FIFTY PERISH IN TUNNEL WRECK BANDIT CAUSED Of Those Aboard Mexican Passen nor Train Which Dashed Into Tun nel, Clashing With Freight, Previ ously Wrecked, None Survive. Fire Destroys All But Steel Frame work of Ccaches Occupants As phyxiated and Cremated. CUM HUB, Mcx., Feb. 0. Oxygen helmet tueii were till .searching the railroad tunnel hero today for bodies of those who perished in the wreck of the piiKMcngcr Iran: which hint week ditched into, the hi; horo nnd elnhhctl with ii freight previously puhhed intiiilc nml ttt on fire hy ban ditti under .Miixwio.Cnhtillo. Of tho estiniuted fifty-odd on hoard, they nnid it wim certain not one survived. Bxecpt for the corpse of Juan Fernandez, rear brnkrimin of the patoieuger train, who Hiiceeed ed in getting to within J00 feet of the tiinnel'n north entrance before he Mieeuinbcd to trnffoeation, denpito the handkerchief ho had knotted tightly ucro-m Jiis uioulh nml nos trils, it was even iloiihtcd if nny ree oguiznhle rcmninn would ho found. Only tho metal portion of the earn rumniucd, thu. woodwork linvlug been completely burned, nnd it via thought' extfcnlcly likely that thoKe on hoard were ilicinc'ralcd with tlntn. If nny bodies did remain, it wnt. Hiiid they mnM hiivd been Mived from tho flamci by the ciirth which enirn bled from the tuuncl'ri roof mid bides in largo ipiunti:ies jyind in fotne lilneoi. buried tho w;r'k- several feet deep. These enrth-fIU wen- oiitinuiiig, making tho Hcnreher' work extreme ly hiizurdous, nnd w they xrorked they wcro compelled to hhoro up the tunnel, xxhich greatly delavcd them. rhuH far the search him been con ducted front the south entrance to the tunnel. An attempt was to he made this nftemonnt however, to penetrate the north porta! beyond tho spot xtliero Fernandez,' body was found. Tho corrected lit indicated thnt, including pns6engerH nnd crew, there xvero fifteen Americans who lint their lives on the inscngcr train. Of these, eight were railroad men, whoie namcH were made public Saturday. Tho ninth man wo named Hurgess, whoso residence and occupation were unknown. The tenth xvns Mrs. I.ee Cnrntth, xvifc of an engineer nt Ma dera. Willi her were her five chil dren. RAKER TO FIGHT SUPPRESSION OF EXCLUSION BILL VxASUlNliTOX, Feb. l. "1 mn going to fight any attempt to sup press my JiipniH'so exclusion bill when it comes up before, the house immigration committee Thursday," said Representative linker of tali- tornia this afternoon. Raker's declination menus (hut lis 'inti'inlu to lock bouts with Secretary of Stitto lliyan, who is iilrcudy said to have obtained it promise trom u mttioritv of the commit Icemen to table the measure. "Asuttto onoIumou legislation is far from being a dead issue," said Raker. "In fact, it is redhot. I hopo and believe that xvo will get an exclusion hill through before this session of congress ends' TITANIC DISASTER DUE TO NEGLIGENCE LONDON, Feb. . Tho Tltnnle ills lister was caused by uogllgoneo, ac cording to a decision of tho court of appeals horo today In affirming a damago verdict obtained by relatives of four steerage victims, in a. test 'ease from a lowor court. Tito deci sion Is expected to precipitate euor moiia litigation by rolatlvea of lum I dieds of victims, IWIJIiTAKY 0, 1014. THE REAL MAN BEHIND MaA1, . o" Mr (SilimTc U rated an bclns League He d'rs not tak fir tiLJJ lonre.xrd He Idea li U j reale.it lu an- Hi . vrho do tho talking. Y FALLS TO DEATH x fjAN' IMGpt Col., IVb, !. Klmig fniin lib seat in n Vight-'frydru- plaiie, Anisy Aviator Post, the best-1 known flyer of the North Island mili tary aviation school, plunged to bis death in six feet of witor in San Diego bay nt 9:3" o'clock this morn ing, after u fall from an altitude of .100 feet. ' Lieutenant Post's skull was frac tured. Although still breathing when picked up by the first launch to nr rive on the scene of the fntnl acci dent, be died on the xvny to shore. Captain Cownn, commander of the aviation camp, xvas able to give no explanation of the accident. The aeroplane is n wreck, he said, nnd it will he almost impossible to deter mine what caused the mishap. Lieutenant Pot is survived by his widow, xvho lived with him in Coro nndo. Ho was the holder of the a nny altitude record of 1'J.MO feet. He had been in the air ono hour and two minutes at the time of his fall. Scores of men and women nlonjj the water front saw the aeroplane sud denly dip nml plunre toward the xvu- ter. Aviator Wildinnn, of the Cur- lis4 Minm. wltit wiw itin1iiiti thn Imv 1 in a flying boat, xvas the first t'o arrive on the scene. Post xvas lying in tne wnter nliout JOU jeet trom lus wrecked machine. A gasoline from the I'nitcd States uav ship Iris arrived five minutes ufter the fall. Launches mid boats were soon circling around. With members of tho Iris crew working frantically to save the life of the aviator, the launch made for North Island at lull speed. Post died within a few mo ments without ever regaining con sciousness. DIGGS HELD TO SAX FRANCISCO, Cat., Feb. !). Polieo Judge Crist today held Maury I. Diggs nnd Walter Oilligim to tho superior court for trial. They xvero charged with nn offense against Ida Pearring, said by herself and her mother to be 17 years old, and by the defense to bo 21. Their bonds remained at the prev ious figure, $10,000 each. Neither could furnish them, so they wcro re turned to the city prison. Attorney Coghliu, for tho defense, hud asked that the eases be dismissed, but was overruled. The defense put seven witnesses on tne siiiuu. in tucsc, one was .ir.i I'l'iiiTuiir k 9W fJlivV SHrT T-HlllllllllHtK TrKVA7M Ii I v. TZ3SSBBBHlwv.v 11 Va I ltBClHS' urspi 1 AVAOR AN DIEGO BAY E R COURT THE FEDERAL LEAGUE -mt. tNAg? m the IIIHI, nun bfli ml tie IVder.;' Ity very r.u h tint uoe u.4 lue name only aud thit the woiklng fun-ci SQUATTERS' RIGHTS L T PORTION!), Or., Feb. fl. "Snunt- ffers' rights' in the Oregon A Cali fornia land grant forfeiture xvere given another hard blow today when L mted States District Judge lieun ruled ngaitist B. C. McLaughlin in his suit to enjoin tho Silver Fulls Timber company from running its logging railroad over it comer of the quarter section on which he locnted in Marion county in 1U0S. McLaughlin's claim is within the limits of the Oregon & California land grant. Ho represented thnt bis belief that the railroad company held title to the land he xvns endeavoring to acquire n quarter section under the tonus of tho national grant, which provided they must be sold to actual settlers at -?2..i0 an nere. The railroad xvas constructed by tho timber company under u lease from the Southern Pacific. Judge He. in held that McLaughlin by "squatting" uequircd no title from the ntiiroad, and because the laud is not subject to the general laud laws of the I'uited States be has no claim that would entitle a court to restrain occupation of the laud hy anyone holding land under a p- l0, tM 0lvS" California l'omlm1 NULL ND V AND RAN ilflGHTlNTHSJAIL CONWAY NE MONTH FO Rl HET PORTLAND. Ore, Feb. 9 As a result of their conviction in December on tho charge of msluslng tho malls, J. T. Conwny xvns sentenced to eight months In tho county Jail and Frank lllehet xvas sentenced to ono month in jail and fined H000 by United States District Judge Dean today, Conwny xvas general manager and IUchot xvns president of the Oregon Inland Development company, tho business of whMi xvns to Bell Kastern and Central Oregon mountainous lauds and later loggod-oft lands of Union county In small acroago "or chard" tracts. Judgo Hean's summing up of the case xvas a strong robuko to the transactions of tho pair. WOOD FILES PETITION DEBTS $7432, ASSETS NOTHING PORTLAND, Or., Feb. II. J. 1. Wood, Medford realty dealer, filed a potilion in bankruptcy in the fed eral court here today. Liabilities ,u re given at ;f7-32, ussets nothing. NO. 274 LA NS OF PRESIDENT President C. Hunter Ralnc of Mer cantile National Bank of Memphis Arrested on Charrje of $788,804 Shortage, Pleads Guilty. Gambled on Cotton Market With the Bank's Funds Mather Maintains He Has Been Insane for Year. M KM I'M IS, Tonn., Fob, 9.-Prcsl-dent C. Hunter Italno of tho Mercan tile National Dank hero, was arrcstod today, charged with a IT3S.S04 hor arc. Tho bank, ltn capital and surplus completely wiped out, failed to open today. The directors admitted Its Insolvency. How long they had sus pected It was not known. It was an nounced, however, following a meet ing Sunday afternoon. Turns Over I'rojicrty Halno turned over to tho bank hln entire personal estate, estimated to bo worth $400,000, but this fell far short of making up the amount nces sary to savo the bank. Tho arrest was made at his palatial Memphis residence. lie was ono of tho clty'.i most prominent men. Ills lossei wcro attributed to unsuccessful cot ton speculation. It was roportcd that Ralno specu lated with the bank's funds onco be fore, prior to his election as presi dent. Ugly rumors were current and It was roportcd that ho narrowly es caped being wiped out, then but at the last moment tho market turned and ho made about 11,000,000. It was then that ho was promoted to tba presidency? The officers who came to arrest him found him pacing his bedroom clad only in a bathrobe. His face was drawn and haggard and ho seemed on tho vergo of nervous collapse. Ills mother maintained that he had been Insane slnco his wife's sudden death a year ngo. Million ami Half Sliy Tho bank's liabilities xvero esti mated at $2.910,3I and Its assets at ll.40S.0S9. Arraigned before Judgo Palmer. Italne exclaimed: "I am guilty. I don't want ball. Send mo to prison." Tho court fixed his bonds at J 100 000, which tho prisoner refused to try to secure and xvas locked up. It xvas believed his defense would bo In sanity. FREE CANAL TOLLS WASHINGTON, Feb. 9. Tho frco canal tolls provision of thu Haiti more platform has been nullified hy International complications and as a result It Is up to tho democratic par ty to disregard Its declaration. This, at tho least, xvas tho opinion voiced today hy President Wilson. He also inado it plain that ho ex pects congress to repeal tho exemp tion section of tho tolls bill. Tho president told callers that It probably would bo unnecessary to send a spe cial messago to congress on tho sub ject. Tho president thinks tho clause might have beon nil right at the tlmo It was put in tho national platform but ho holds that tho forolgu rela tions of tho country have changed slnco thon. Uo would not explain, however, just what change had token place. Ho said Kngland was tho only country protesting against tho frco tolls clause, but that It xvas not a pressing matter, as Kngland seemsd content to await tho pleasure of tho United States. The president declined to discuss his personal xIowb on the educational test lu tliQ Huructt-Dllllngliain Immi gration bill. Ho said ho hatied to announce the completo membership of the fodoral reserve bank board not lator than March I. It wilt bo considered when Secretary of the Treasury McAdoo returns to Washington next wek. E A NK PRESIDENT A PROVISIONN LLIFIED