JJ IWIWKI) MAfh TKllUTNfl, MPlDKOIil), OUKflOX. HATtTKDAY. V)ilUhlY 7, V.)ht pjxotc Tim row . --.., I ..- .. . . -. ... iUMSv W.JIdLiJI IT Y yp : f. jV.ViV i Tho largest oudlumo vet nttomlnd tho (lipnlvr MimUiiii) iluli musical Mlilliluy uftollli'ou it llln I'nuo tlio.i. (r t" listen to hii oacoodlu&iy well aolortod pingl'mo t tf .Noros.lau tti'i ale. Mih. (fcrlmon .Imiis, who la one or our oxrnlloiit local musicians, was lit chamo of tint trurnin. Thn numbers woro purely elmiuitorlstlc of Norway with l( melancholy cords mill Hit lumlnoiia mints. First on (In program was u 1 r I u f tnlk on Norway ami Norwegian mimic Ity I'rof Tnlllamllor, who In Inrgalv Informed iiml who Iinh made leetur 1 II M oili) of IiIh upeclnltltis Mm, IM Andrews' tlircn (Irlutf snug wore greatly kiiJo)imI iiml (hoy wiiti' rendered with loir iiNiinl terhnl iii I (thill mill nrtlKtlc finish. ICspcclat ly beautiful was Mi. Ainlrttv n" liwt number, tlin Hnlvojg song wlilrli a illilliirtly Norwegian. Mia Andrew mi beautifully nrrnmpnHlad on tho liliinu hy Mra (lonrgo Andrew. MIm Vonlln IImihIIIoii. it uuMg mil talented musician itxIlMhlHr her hear i'"i t "li two liimullfitl (iris numbois. Thn llnlhorg aulto la odd of Dm l it on I reprcaciilatlvo nimpoalllona of (Irlo iiiul .MIm llnmlllnn rendered thla with Hud musical liutliirt mill u lirll- lllllll lllxplliy Of tbcllllllJHO. Mr. W. fiirlotnu Janes gave n vio lin number, it dnmnuca by Hvondaan with tli l)l noil flnlah which th iouioltlniia of till roiisorvntlvo mill i'IiimIp wilier of Norwegian music iiwiutro. 'I'lin work of Hvoudson nro characterised also by groat ro fltieiiteut which Mr. Jnnmt illil nut Inll to linpp'Ktmli! hl ilntuK with. Tli ImkI ntiniloir on tho romin n thn (IiIhm moiihIii. TIiIm oimt l IioIiIh U (Hxltliilt hiiiohk tin ',nv Hrnitt ronntm unit Mr. ami Mr. Jmia riH ilcre.t thlt Noliinttlit cottiuiltiiii with rnri' tminlrnl iMtolltgniti'o ThiMH MuiilrHl nitlinp onr n month rIvii Itjr tho ilttptirtniMMt of iiiudIi- or tlin (!rmr MiHlfonl ulHb nro niircly mul tnilllr khiwImk lu lioimlarlty hi tht lncrtHi in imtron tiKu how TIih hlRh irhiMil tinlHiiU nro muiiHR llio iinmt niitliualmitle ih trona. Motolny iitlwriHMin I'jT lu ili'iita llrktita were turool In mmiI ' tirnl (mitt who illil uot Imro tlekwta. Tim next irornui will ctiiuttt of lliiuanrlnii inimlr nml tliH nimi ol Mitilfonl arc oMiioHnllr Invlli'it, Mr. Hurt Harmon HHtartalntNl In forinully l'ril Mllamnon at llotvl Mcilforil with two tiihltM of mirtlon lirlitKo for Mra. Alfjri'romlut of Kun eiin City mnl Mra. Itoyatouu of Him ton. Tho RiioHta iinwnnt worn Mim iliiiniM C. II. Ilrowu, I In for, Ktotioa, Iliinl(ii, Miiiiii, Aliurrroinlio. Hoy mono mnl Siiinniir. Mra. AUurnromlio ri'iwlvml the ihUh for hlali acoro mnl Mra. HtokiMi tho aoconil irUo. The now armory at AhIiIriuI waa fornmlly opi'iiml Moiulay uftornooii by CoMTiiur Vi'l. All thn nroinl unit Hlato offlrlala of tho Natlonnl (IniirilH worn irikciit, ulao tho inllllln from Moitfonl. In tho oMinlnif a Kraml lml I wna lit'lil. (lovornor anil Mra. Woat loml lilK llm Kraiiil inari'h. Quito a nillil linr of .Mt'ilfonl iuoin atlumli'il, AiiiiiiiinrtiiiiiiiiU huo Inion tocohoil of tho iiiiirrlngn at liliilm I'hIIn. .Ian. HI. of MImh lliuol MrooliH Tlco ami Mr. John C. Itolilnnon Tho hrlilo la woll known In .Mmlfonl, having Hiont all hor llfo lii'in ami tho Kroiim la n iroMinroiiK farmur or lilaho Talla. at wlildh iilai'o tho yoiini; (toiiiilo will live. Mth. Ii, n. .Ioiiom rolurnnil Thiirs lny from n hIx wook'a vlnlt to Imr iluiiKlitor. Mra. X. I). AcMoy. In Til lamook, OniKon. For Ihrno wooko that part or tho xtnto wna without train mirvlco, oxlrnnio IiIhIi wator havliiK uiinlioii out tho rallroail trauk. Mr. anil Mm. Marry Tnttlo lonvo Koou for Xorth Dakota wlioro Mr. Tiilllo will loauino IiIh fonmir work Iho V. M. U. A. Thu Tnttloa havo Hpnnl Movoral yoara In Mcilfonl anil will ho itroatly mlHauil. Mr. ami Mih. J. I). Blnnott loft t IiIh wimk for a trip lliropKli Call-fin-nla ami whllo In Urn AiikoIoh (hoy wll ho tho Kttaata of Mih. AiiiiIo Kololhiir anil tho Mlaaa Kiillohor. MrH. .1. TlhhotM who haa liaon llio mikwI of hor iIiiukIiIki'. Mri. (looi'tto ANhcraft Inn niliinioil lo lior Iioiiio In KanaaH Clly. Mo Mr C v Cm Hon hna iiinrnoi from Now York Cllv whoio n Iiiih pom Iho ulnlrr Tin- Ml. ii !fm i. m or tho Catholic (iiimii i nil i lulu il !- Ik III fully Krl- i km'IiIiik al iho pariah hoioic. HrlilKo waa playoil, aflor which ro rroahniPMtH wr mi oil followwl hy ilaiiiliiK, Thn followlHK Mcro proiutiti Mr. ami Mra. Ouy Connor. Mr. ami Mra. V. II. Canlon. Mr. mnl Mih. Crank (lurrcit. Mr ami Mm. . Huff, Mr. au Mra. Chiia. Dolwln, Mr ami Mra. J. HlHwarl, Mr. ami Mra. O. .1. I'nl tnn. Mr ami Mra. KciUliwull. Mr. ami Mra lloron, Mr. ami Mra. .IiicoIinoii, Mr. nml Mia. I.atlirop, Mr. ami Mra. .1 .1. MrCllah, Mr. nml Mra (looriM C'oriim. Mr. nml Mra. I I). I'lntt. Mr ami Mra. (Iwiran Tramin, Mr. an I Mra. K MiKh... MImi-a Hmllo Wlilt man. Mnrlnu llunlliy. (ilinlya I'orlicK, Ura llrlor. Clara llrhir. Vh1h ()vr ton. Ilolun Dahl ami Anna, (Icrtlo mnl UirnliiH IHrlrh: Moaara. Ilniija 1 it 1 11 Korhoa, Viator llimulloii, Jaimu Whit. Iliniry llaawoll ami lli-iijainn I'lntt. Mra. 1 1 u Kit Ulllult wna hoatoait to a iIomii of her frlamla Thuriolny nf turnoon at hor coay IhuiknIow iomo on Xorth Klvnralilo nvctimj. Tho af ter noon una oim of rare aiinahvon nml liottoty nml tho r.niiita ton roomtxt ti ho fllli'tl with tho aplrlt of chmr anil nnprHrlntloii of tho orrnalou. llynrlntha, fcrna nml lolota wor tho itoforatluna nml tho miMta plleil thiilr namltna oh fumy work whllo "iianRcd in lively conxorantlim. Mont ilollrloiia rofroahimiiita ron alatliiR of a tmliul coiirao followml by enko anil coffco wnro aorviHl hy Mr, lilllott. naalateil hy Mra. Conklln ami Mra Montoff. after which tho Riioata rclmiaiuly took Iwivo of thalr uhnrm Iiir luwlca onch on hoarlitR In mem tiry of a niimt iltillRhtful aflornoou. The Ruoata worn. ,M(iiIhiiiii K. t). IJIilrtilRH, Moriloff. Jaiikon, (inltlln, CniilHll, Corey. Wlrka. Miwly, I'm. Miliimn, U'ltoy, (lore, Sltun. Tim laillwa of the Allnr aorlnty gnvo a prelt) Valentino (tarty at tho Par lab hall Im( omjiiIiik. Ovor T8 Ruoata woro iiroaont. Tho omiiIui; wan aiwnt Ih play Iiir )iroRroal4 wblat, Mr. .lacoltaon wIiihIrr thtt Rontltjman'a prlaw. Mlaa Allrn Curium tho IadlV tirlao. A dainty lunch waa awrml at 10 o'clock lifter which th young itoopio partook In "luitloulttii" iIhiicIiir. I'lnno inualc wm ftirnUhml hy Mr, (loy Connor. Mm. Mchmtilt. Mlaa Whitman ami Mra. lMntt. CriHtlt ami thanka for ilollKhlfil pvhiiImr urn ilua to (ho IriIImi in charRt. Mrs. Cm man, Mra. Connor. Mra. Duff anil Mra. (lorrllt. Th laillea of Ml. Mark 'a (lulld will ""n one of tholr kihhI ahroto Tut ilny hroakfaata on tho nioriiloR of l'ohrnar Zlth from 0 to U o'clock. Thn iHriim will conalat of uakoit at ploa, lioiiinmailo HiikHR0, uHticakaa, wnfrioa nml iitaplo ayrup, outlmrn onriihreail, iloiiKhmita anil roffoe, okkh to order. lnllo a hroakfaat imiiy for Shrovo Tuoaday at St. Mark'a hall. Mr. nml Mra. J. A. V. Aadruwa u turlnliKHl at illiinttr Tliurailay ovoic Iiik. Tholr KitiMta wont Mr. anil Mra. Ward Jnckanii of Coolnml( Ohio, Mr. ami Mra. I.lndany of Co.i tral I'olnt, MIm Manio Truoblooil and Mr. T. H. Wliltinuro. MIm I'lora Hniy who Ittlt a ahort I Inii) ami for Xow York, liaa boRim hor miinlcnl Htmllim tlmro umlor I'rof, Klratunlor. MUh (liay haa huon (lu Kduat of Mica Clarence (llahio foniinrly of Moil ford blnro hor nrrlvnl In Xow York. Tho .Social Cpllft I. ail Ion' club of the Catholic church apcut a plmiaaut aftornoon at tho I'arUli hall Woduoa day aftoriinou. Tho cnmmlttco In charmi coiiHUIod of MomlnmcH Hliao dro, WllllaniH ami Cnllajiluui. Tho lilhta' Aid of tho 1'roahytor Ian church will meet next Tuesday at : :.'!() u'nlock In thn chapol, Work Iiuh lino 1 1 iii'opaiuil and plana ato iiimlo for mi Hauler aalo of aproiiH, riigH and liunui cooklm;. Tho jouiik Imlloa' lllhlo claaH of tho llaptlat church apcut a ploasiint bo tlnl ovonliiK nt tho hmuo of Mltia liunui HohurlH Wodiiomlay uvcului;, M.r. ami Mrtj. Ward .lackaon of Clyviiliuul. Ulilo, who have buon tho IUioaIh uf Mr. and Mr. .1. A. I'. Au di u,VH U)fl 1'ililay for California. .Mr. Htowarl 1'Atturaun and Mr. Curlilii IMgoll hnvo I'uturnoil ri-oni tho 0. A. C at CorvalllH wharo llwy tonic ti abort turili miirao. Mri Ida l'liiilln. who liaa ho:i makliiK an oxluinlod vUll lu the al tox. Iiiih rein mod to heV Iioiiio In i:i wood linli npi Kliliiik u(i W II. M. WodiiOK - MrH. (leiiriidi hualcait to tho c day afternoon, ami Mra. c. It. Iloyil wwa In charRo or the meet I or. After a aciiptutal rfHilliiR and prayer the rirat nuiubor on tho program waa a paper by Mra. Handy, In which aha Havo tho da lea of oatabllahmont of all mlaalouary atatloti In both for eign nml honitt lamia. Mra. A. W. Walker nave a roadliiK whlcli wna iik atiproirlHto to tha (Hcaalon. Mra. Kid inn ii road a iwpor on th tiimilhly blblo atmly. Thla lrei. yrt lntoratliiK atmly. wm well handled by lir. Mi-a. .1. II. llellliiRnr Rmvo a vocal aolo which wm wall enjoyed by all prcatjnt. Itoll call folowad. flr which tho mooting waa turHod ovwr to tho primldoiit. Mia. Quigloy. for builmiaa aoaalou, nftor which dainty lefriialiini.iiU were aervot) by tha coiniulttoo lu chargn. A very pleaantit tlmo wna nujoyod Wcdnoadny ovoiilim whon (ho frlnnlii of Mr. and Mra. J. W. Hum aurprlKil them nl tholr liuina on Xorth Ivy at reel, Thn ovonlm; waa anont In naoisn, after which a dnllcloiia iMnchoon waa aurtotl, AmoiiK HiMo pritaent wnro Mr. and Mra. W. M. KoNNody. Mr. and Mm. T. I. KahlHr. Mr. ami Mra. Clmrlaa Hkaotora. Mr. and Mm. C. I). Wine land. Mr. and Mra. J. C. fkhnurr, Mr. and Mra. R. T. ('unlnwr, lloaamond Knndy. Kdmi Knntlall, Mlaa Allen. Margie Mkeotora, M. C. WrlRht. Clnr en re Httltor. Hoaro Doty, Cloyd ami l.)l Hard nor. V Tho frttahman clnaa of the high achool ontortninml tho other c aaaiai of tho high aclHHtl and too hIhhiuI IVIdoy oroMlng nt tho Xat. Tint K'bciol color. ril and black, woro offorttvuly uad In deconUlon. (mim nml dancing formad tbo uvbh lug'a outnruiHmeiit, tbo wualc holng f urn lata oil by niamhera of tbo claaa. Mlaa Huth Merrick, claaa advisor, bad anperrlalon of tho oiilortaliiiiMnt. The Tuesday Luncheon club wan vuierlalnoil by Mra. J. M. Iteot thla wood. Tha dub meota next weok at Mrs. 1 loo In when ta mmubora with the high sal asoro will ho ontortalHsil by thoaa having tha lowaat Konrn. Tha boataauM will bo Masdamea Ititol. HutchlaoH. Walthttra and An draw and their guosla .Meadnman KulRbl, WnkoauiH, DaalalM and lludgs. Mlaa Mood Nowlmry of Itoaa Ijiiio laft WtHlaaaday for Ifiugana w'bara aha will bscomu u atmlwt at tha I' Diversity of Orogou. Mlaa Xaw bury was grudHHtatl laat Jnno from tha aoaUeralr department ami Junior mnaln daitarlmatit a St. Mary's Acmluiii). Mra. C. I.. Itwaincs waa tho nnot of Mr. Wilbur Jonas of ltos I.uno Krlday. Mrs. Itoflintm la on routa to hor homo lu Cortland aflor a aavon weeks' tour of tha ooataru atatoa In comitauy with liar husband, V. S. Dbttrlcl Attorney Itwuuo. Tho Womun of Wooduraft will hold a box auppar Tuoaday nlKlit whon onch lady la ovpotlml to bring H bov for two. All Woodmou and tholr wlvoa aro invited ami each member U allowed to Invito two frlomU. WM OF " I AM OLTORIJ UNABLE TO START TO TEN O'CLOCK , MOTHER "Low ebbt" Mko the danger cry or "low bridge" on board n canal boat In tha rArooJd days this will now bo the nlogan of the modern small boy when ho scents troublo ahead. For him not n learned professor, Frank K tkoy, or Meaton. after n mg out of tnldiiight oil 1 1 lin studies of tbo species small boy, deduced Hie Interrstlne conclusion that a bo Is at liU best utcuUlly, physbnllj nnl tuovally at ten oVUk-1. lu t bo im.rnli.g? Ami In Hie saiuo groove of reck, lining ho also haa concluded that nrorenald small boy Is at tbo lowest ebb at four o'clock lu the ufienu.on-Just the luiur when chores on II for active attention. Hero's a pretty howdy-dot What sins can and will bo committed now lu thn name of the 'lowest ebb!' It U tho bcM nllbl for tbo small hoy ... i..... i....... ..i.,.,,i i,. .. .., iin it M.n 1..11U Hint thretiilwom and Hum tested one of "hov will lie Ikms." Can't you luuiglno the results! Little .lo'hiiuy levery bud boy or geixl boy Is' called "Little Johnny") for home reason or none tires of Ids studies, his chorus and what-not utul Tares forth to seek diversion. Diversion Is puttln.t It mildly: to mnny of us It is bueer iulclilovousnoss. For want of bomethlng better to do lie ties the tails of two cuts ...gethiM-atuniraMhecm wpi luvpnUve mA ft)tIims 1(ToJmiy., , , , , t , ippf tlmo Hint ho must come out nnd fnco ho music. Iletvioforo there was nothing for Voting America to do but keep a stltr upper lip and submit to an unpleas ant oide.il. lint Imw dUfcront nowl He tunrchca out triumphantly, like u Crusader, crying to mother or iiurws:--"Low olilil1' "Wlut lionGcniin la this?" demands the mother. "What do you mean "Mean." rettims (ho well versed youth, "that I am nt my worst Just now. I nm not nceountublo for auythlng I do. It would bit n crlmo against lure to mnhh mo fr.' any evil deed. .If I had done hW around ten o'clock In the morning that would l..n been different, l tdmuld deserve a warm lining. Surely, mother, you vwll allow s,cuce to uulde yn lu such ait Important matter" nu Innii And thoreyou tuol lu Iho mmr future moiiu Inleroat lim imialcol uVoiitH will bo jtrat:ii txl under Iho iiiibjiIcuk of tho Klrat MUlimllHf IjplDcopal tholr. On tho I'Vcnliif; of Col. 557. Mr. J'oroat Kd iiicadea, aaaltol by i iiuartottu and a render will bo heard In a noiifc oyc.o, Captive Mornorloa," by JCthnlbort Nevin. Aa tlila la ono of tho tnoit bimiillful thlniw over wrllluii by (llln 'iclebratcd coiiipoxcr, mnl tho lirnt tlimi evor hoard In Mcilforil, antldpa l tloita of n dollKhtf"! "wmiIiik aro In i atom for nil who nttrnri. Moro d flnlto aunonncatnrnt will ha mm! a next week. On tlood Krlday this choir will i;lvo HlHliitr'a "Crugl rixlon," n mualnnl errlcn that Is sivon lu many or tho largar city ehiirrhoa. That Mod ford will hava opiHirtiinlty of llatonlng to this hoau tlful xncrod work on thla ovcnalon la cauao for congratulation. Mra. Hugh Kltlott onterlnlmid a ii ii in Iter of tho Indie of tho Mathodlat Kplacopal church nt her Iioiiio on North Itlvoraldo mi Thursday after noon. Tho Invited gueala woro the picaldeiita of tho various circlets of (ho Ladloa' Aid society. Tho work of theac cltclea wna rerluwod and now work planned and nrrsnxed for tie) futuro. Dainty rcfnliuianta woro avrwd by tho hoati-sa which were greatly enjoyed by all prevent. The Woiuan'a CorclKn Missionary society of tho M. C. church of tills city had tholr monthly mcutliic at thn parsonage yoatordny. Mra. Klilrldi, wife of tho pnatnr wai hoatoaa. A Inrse gsthorluR waa present nml a thoroughly nnltnntod and dollKhtflil MH-lal nftornoou was spent. Hvery body present heartily participated la the procootllupi of tho meatlni;. At tar tho hualHoaa rcfroshinnnta wore narvail nml n KunornI gooil tlmo en joyed by all, A skntliiK club has been formod by aowe of thu much colony, tho first party botiiK hold Wodnosdajr evttnlng. The club will mml overy wook. Tbo mamhors of tho Friday Hrldga club holding tho lowest acoro ontar tallied tho club monibera and tholr husband Monday ovonlnc nt the borne of Mrs. Ilollla. Mra. W. I. Vnwtcr eiitorlnlniHl tho Thursday llrldgc club thla week. Tha club's treats woto Meadamoa hums den. Ilollla nml Warren. . Tbo regular monthly moatliiK of tho wen's club wiltM bald Tausdny whott dluiior will be; iurted In tha chapel at 0:10 o'clock. Tha Artillery llsnd of tho O. X. O. gave a military concert Tuoaday ovon lug nt tho 'Xat." which was fol low wd by n dance Tho marriage of Mrm Mnyma Truablood lo Mr. T. K. Whltmor of Murrain, X. Y., will occur Thuraday uf next weok, I'reparotloa are buliiB Hindu for a bomiuot I'rlday next, nt tha Medford Hotel hy tho former ronldouts of Xorth Dakota. Mrs. Canon la expected to return to Medford Sunday, from California whore alio has been vUUIiir hor sons. Mm. Alloo TrowbrldKo has been made deputy grand ehtcf for the Court It district of I'.vthlan SUtors. Mra. V. O. Dolaen and Miss Miy Doliun of Snohomish, Wash., nro tho Kiiobta of Mrs. Triieblood. Mr. and Mra. Stawnrt Caltornon wilt entertain Infernally at dinner this oveiilnif. MODERN SMlll SCHOQL. . . MOTHDR. IT WILL BH OUKOnC I REACH MV A KIHGDOM FOR - - - atfa .fS "Z' Stff Whon fond ikuki U told that tho a . wW ... -i iBi-rafe.-'i1its'-. . p. now frock or tho now spring suit for foni1 I,al,n- coultl "ardly distinguish the balmy spring days I. to be mere- fro,n hl,,(,f" t',at woro woat t0 be . . more coitly than cotton. ly a tririo of a cotton affolr. he neod, . I Moreover tlicr Is another Item to not flatter himself that daughter I bo dobltctl lo thu Oxcn8o account. becomlnj; economical. She Is really 'nnd that Is yardage. Kven though quite nbroaat of tho niodo, for KKlng Cotton la coming to his own again Oils season In suitings that outdo silk and wool in effectiveness and beauty, and alas! In price. Here In tlto dellcato shade or foxglove is tho, the delicate shade of the stately fox-, glove Is a cotton coto do choval, that' Miss Issle McCully who has boon visiting In tho east for tho past two months Is oxpoeted homo this weok. Mr. II. Von dor llollen of Wei I an spout the wook In Madford the guest of hor daughter, Mrs. Kvanson. Mr. and Mrs. Kvan Heanies will return from an oxtemlod oastem trip tho first of noxt weok. Mrs. Margnrol Kvans nnd daugh ter, Miss Mablc nro spending tha week-end at I'hooulx. Messrs. Jack Morroll and Sprnguc llelgol hnvo returned from n trig through tho oabt. Tho Friday Ilrldge club met with Mrs. Vv. II. Drown this weok. Mlsm Maude Newbury loft day to enter tha O. A. C. Tuot- Mr. Malcom Itoot lias returned from n trip to Chicago. BOY III LOW EBB THIRTV MINUTEO 'SQMK ONE MORAL MIOH TIDt .1 " -M low ebb?" A COTTON FROCK - SO Vw.. AWvT -jtmg' even nn cxiwrt, to gay nothing of coats are now short and skirts aro marrow, tho broadness and to loose- ' nosa of tho formor and tho puffed tip-not and puffod-out-ness of the latter use up Just as much hlgh- priced material as did tbo precise old long coat and wide skirt. Alas, poor father! Mr. and Mrs. Whccldon Diddle have returned from a two months' visit lu Chteago. Mr. and Mrs. Phil Hamlll were hosts at nn Informal dinner Thurs day ovonlng. Mr. and Mrs. A. Conra Floro en tertained Informally at dinner Fri day evening. Mr. I'. J. Xeff has returned from a trip to Minneapolis. flood Wood. It you want good wood, get It from Frauk 11. Hay. notice! Having sold tho Iloguo Itlvr creamery business to Yv. L. Chappell, and give possession February 1, all accounts due the croamory to Feb. 1, aro duo and payable, to mo. Mr. Chappell Is an experienced croamory man and I bespeak for bint your hearty support. 1CS KAW. C. Q ADDIS. IB IFfElWI CLSC plUST Prt.THE CHORCa. bWW UU . 1'ilf '. 0M1S CJLUBNOTES Tho social hyglcno department ot tho Greater Medford club will moot with Mrs Frod Cumtnlngs. 721 Ho. l'cach alraet Wednesday nfterntion at .1 p. m. This will bo n neighborhood meeting, especially for mothors and all aro Invited. A mealing wna hold Thursday nf tornoon to discus tho feasibility of organlilng n branch of the Drama ftngo of Amorlcn. Mr. Dunbar Cnr pantor proalding and Mrs. Ocorgo Daggett acting na secretary. Tho niovemont wan atnrted by tho Colony club and at the meeting alt tha club of tho city wore roprosonto'l. All endorsed tho mnttor and each club will takn up the proposition; later a general meeting will bo hold to perfect tho organization. Tho Wednesday Study club mot this wook when the manners and cus toms of China wore discussed. Mrs. Deuel was hostos nnd had for her subject the Home Lite, Mrs. I'Ickel and Mrs. English assisted nnd had as their subjects, tho "Holldavs and Festivals' and tho "Common People." Following the papers thcro was a general discussion. "CJS8CHREIS" BELIEVE Move Acldx, Cat.cs nml Cloggcd-up Wnito From Klomnrli, Llcr HomcIh Cure IndlgeMlon Cet a 10-ccnt box now. That awful sourness, belching ot aold and foul gases; that pain In tho pit of the stomach, tho heartburn, nervousness, nausea, bloating after eating, dizziness and sick headache, means a disordered stomach, which cannot bo rogulatcd until you ro movo tho cauio. It Isn't your stom ach's fault. Your stomach Ih as good aa any. Try Cascarots; thoy Immediately clcanso the stomach, remove tho sour, undigested and fermenting food and foul gases; take tho excess hllo from tho liver and carry off tho consti pated waste matter nnd poison from the bowels. Then your stomncli troublo Is ended. A Cascnrct to night wilt straighten you out by morning a 10-ccnt box from any' drug storo will keep your stomach sweet; liver and bowels regular for months. Don't forget the children their little lusldea need a good, gentle cleansing, too. MRS. H. L. LEAOH Expert Corsetiere 312G North Bnrtlett. Phone 6G3 M. It's this way About your eyes. If you need help in tho way of glasses, they will not Improve without that help. It's falso economy to keep putting It of, on ac count of prlco. It 'a fnlse pride that says you look older with them on. Do not decolvo yourself with such notions. Whon will you call for your glasses? t DR. RICKERT Kyo Sight SpeclalNt Sullo 1-2, Ovor Douel'a S. t II. Green Trading Stamps GJvan Never have you heard in any musical instrument a tone so wonderfully sweet, clear and mellow, Hearing is believing. Come In any time no obligation, PALMER PIANO PLACE Onrnett CVioy lluililiiiK 24 South Grape Street I f La! o tsSMm J