PATTE TTTRETC N ot.dford matt; TRTBTOrE. medfort), oKKfioy. fkttuy, February g, im. X k I 1 ' il )1 ' EN AVERAGE FOR USER APPLES 10 GROWERS $1.19 DECLARATION WICIHKH. Iitnlio. I-Vli H Tim mi tlr lionnl of illrntom of tlm V'lmr Hlvnr I'rillt ihmm'1iI luti, WoUnr, lilulio, nmt tiiilii)' mill volt oil initliiiit lunllo npiirovnt of tint unrvlro of tlm NiprllnMwIorii I'rillt Kxt'lmiiK". mill witcil iiniiiiliiioiinly lo ii'imw thnlr roMlntcl. Tln rlintiKu Ihih iimr Id'titil tlntlr fruit for the punt tliroi M'ltMI)IIH. HhkIiihIiI II, 1'iirniiiin, innhlMit, mid W. P. Haiti, ci'imral iiihiiiik'T of llin oxrhmiKtt, wnrn iromit. Polio w. Iiik am tlm illrnclorH of llm Wnlwir iH(iclii(lciii: II, l) Cnlilii, iirmlilnnt: T. A. l-oMiinmi, vlic-i'ii'Hlili'iit; lo inmi II, Miller, imrrtitiiry; H. II. Mil itlintl mill Win. (llffnU. I'oIIomIiik mo Hut iomiiIU olilnlimil li)' tlm icliiiiii;i for tin' to'itmni of It'lM-ll. Miottliiit net f. o. li. ri'turiM to tlm Wi'luitr Ithxr I'rtilt naaoclti llon, nil clmrKi' of miiry iintum hav ing Ill-mi iIimIik It'll, liirlmtliiK tho t( I'liiuiK"' hi'lllun tout of ten rout ji'r tiex: nril Vnrlnly II Au Arli. Illurk 3U I '.! Ilmi )uU 1 1 Oil ,U7 iiik. linn (liiiin mnl Arlnto lllk, .m. 7i'il 1.1U lllimk Twlc .... 184a i.a Jonnthiui ,713 1.22 Itotiio Duality 3M l.U rltnyiiiaii "7 l.X'i Vliiiiiii l'i 1 XII Mlxml COJll 1.10 Total 21,1:1 l.m JOE SMITH EILES FIRST NAVAL EIGHT OF MEXICAN WAR RE-NOMINATION; NOW IN PROSPECT ('omitt ioli((H (oiitliiiu- to xlm nirr Jo.ii N rtinllh of Kwilm ctwk him riled liU ilci liinUlon for ri'iiiiiuliiiitloti ii h county rioiiiiilxuloiirr to hltlU'lltl lllllldl'lf. ,lnrolM, rimlilnr of tlm I'limn-m mul KrnllKiowiirM I Inn It. will In all probability bo tlm ttmiiocmtlc noinl iiin for cnniity rurorilnr, an liN frimiiln nro IiihIMIiik thnl lio nialto ft lit rncii. Mr. Jnrolnt iiinloulitiHtly roiilit Imvii liU uliolco of offlti'H l. MARY SCOTT HARTJE WEDS SON'S CHUM I'AHADKNA, Put . Toll Mary Hrott llnrtjo whom mtimatloiml ill Mirro In 1'ltUliurp hiik tho aubjoct or Koli four nnrii ano, linn lit'n .St nn Icy llouanl, mul IUIiik In Oil city. ki'npliiK tin! fact a iirnt until toilny. Tlm ninrrlauo llomino n ! mii'il In tho iianm of Mary Scott. Mm. Ilarlja roci'M'il half a million ilolhir In alimony from Imr forinor luiNtiaiiil, a I'lltibiirK mlllloiinlro. Tlm tirliln U about 10 yonm of hk ami Dm Krnoin 32. Toilny tlmy an nounciwl that tlmy tiail no liitontlon of tiiiryltiK tlmmiuUiMi tint iroono to Ko Into mrlnty no tlioy nro too yinn.rf to fornKO tlm Jo)m of tlm munri net lo which tlmy nro rllKlblo. Tlm to rhllilron of Mr. Kcott-llnrtjo-llou-aril, Mnry I.oiiIko, IG.'ntnl John Srott, IK, nro IIvIiik with tho cotiplo ami they mpi'it to tuako their lionm Imro Nl;V Oltl.CWrl, L. , IM 0 That Mi'xlian ft'ili-mlx ami rt-'ftn will noon IniVf ilnlr rirwt nmnl Imtlli- off tlm llioilth of tin. MIhnInhIpiiI river wiih priMlliti'il lien; toilny. Tin. ii'lii'ln Imvn ni'iirlv clmmil m iiiiiKinniinlH for lliv pnri'hnKo of i mua'l htiianior. four tlirtm-poiinilnrx, mivnral inartilim ciiiih mul a iiumitlt of illlim mul aiiiintinllloii. Loadlm, Uikhii onto tlm liont, tlm plan In to run oiUhIiIi' tho tliri'K mile limit. AMERICAN ARM Y .tm ALONG BORDER T FINEFIGHTINGTRIM fllftlltlt tllit L'llliu rilnl fit-itr.tit lt hIi.II far na tlm .Imiiocrnllc nomination U , () f((,r(( r( (f ,,,, ronrnrimil, for llmru I no itiorn popu- lar or ffflcli'iit man In tlm party, Tlm ramllilaiy of Ownny I'attoM for Mhorlff U iihu'IIiik ullh mnili favor on all kIiIih. Mr I'atton siih I'hlof ilnputy Hlmrlff nt Spokmm for )mir ami Ih wi'll iiuallflml for tlm poHltlon. Another iimno iimntloimil : iin a poioillili cauillilatii In Chief if, I'ollio IllUmm Htlll miothrr Ik Hiiiii Kamlr of Kokmo Itlvcr lilef ill-put flah mnl i:aum wunli n ' Tho fnileriil Koverntni'iit know of iIiIn plan, It wax iimlrrvtooit, ami inihniti"(H fro til Virn Cm nlil llm I KimlMtnt '.arnicaui ha.l jimt loft llior-! '"IH l,r"vc'1 ' '''""I'1'''" l"''11'"'" to Hid idIh'I war rraft, U, l,SO, Tx., Iil, fi. 'II. t a Mi'xiian Norlliwi'loni piikhphkit (rani fiom Jnnrox luul run into (In clll('Ani), !'. (i. Tin- I iiilid tuiiiK of tin Cumliro tiiiini'l, ilcmnliHli SIhIoh 1'iiril 1'in ii.nri, ,iil nt prof- ill ,v .Miiximo Cnlill' l)nnili, uuil lifeti wn-rkftl, w rojmrtcd Iirre to lay. It wiik mii'iI the liauiliU look i'fii Ami-rionii rmlronil men jininii am, hut tin1 fati' of I In jiHHM'nxprn wan unknown. cut on tlio Mixii.ii li.'!ir, in in fun IikIiIhi liim i" '"' Mar liouli lin-iik out, .Mnjor Oiimnil Willmiii ("niter Miitl lii'ic toilny, "Tlicro in no comimriNon Ijctuccn the iliIiiiuV crricmiicy now ami n year iirh," In' aililcil. "The i'.)eri ciu'c Ihoy haVc itii in cil by tlio pant year' triiiiiitic m tin llclil uiow uu'iitH Iiiim been inialiiablo to tin1 trooi, "The i'iiiiiji at 'IYxn f'ity naw the firxt atleinpt exer uuule nt ninltilir.ii imn i m ilixifimi m iiri'iuiriitiou for pii-sililc trouble, mnl the cH-rimeiit 6 BUD ANDERSON OFF TO FIGHT RED WATSON I'OHTLAXI), Or., Feb. 0. -VoKli-in,' 1 15 jioiiikIh ami looking fit, Jlinl AmlcrHott left for California InHt ni'lit lo prepare for lim bout with "Weil" Wnl"!!!! in Han Frmieineo, on Fcbrnarv 'JO. TEAL VOICES OREGON'S PROTEST TO PRESIDENT NAI.I'.M, Or., Feb. (J. The npp.-i t ton of the .tulc riiilroml I'niumU'inii to the piiiiocil ,1m it of the Kocru llieilt to force n keHirutlnll of the Southern I'niilie ami Central I'neifie 1'HilnuiiU will be iueeil to 1'rciilent WiImoii by Attoniey .lnepli N. Teal of I'ortlMml. Teal, who in en route tu Wiioliini; Ion tiiilay, wiik nskeil to urxe tin I YIELDS TO HYOME j lie uIm- In time am) ime llyomel at the flrHt K)iuptoui of catarrh, rucIi iu I frr'iuiiit henil roliU, rotutmit niilf ' fltiiK. rnUliiK of uiiiciiH, or dropping in the thront lo not let tlm illimniio hecoine ileep-Hcntoil and ou are In laager of a eorloiiH If not fatal all lumit Therw Ih no other treatment for catarrh, IiimiI robin, etc., like tlm Ily omol mothoil noim Just nn Reed, ao omy mnl p'euiMint to like, or that kIvim micli ijiilck, Btire, ami InstliiK ro. Ilef. You lirentho It -no utoinnch iIuhIiik. Chan. Strain; will refund your money If you are not benefited. Try ll)omi)l at ouro and boo how quickly It clear tho head, Mops tho RiilffllnK, and IimiiImIick ratnrrh. Hyo pronlent to ili'lay the propoeil pro cceilmif until the probable rcult ol I mel helpn you to enjoy good henltti. the cmralmn couhl he iiictiuatcil. A'l driiKKlnln sell It AhK for tho - 'complete outfit 1 00. DKINK HOT TEA FOR A BAD COLD ! ! SALTS IS FINE FOR KIDNEYS, QUIT MEAT ---------- - , - Crt a iimll pml.aK of llAiiilmrj.-1 llrrmit Tru, or u Hie Ccrinaii full mil ll.'lUinlMirLTr Hunt 'I Ihi-," at nn) ' plinriiniy, lake n tl,li-xKinftil of tlio !.' ,'"1 .a.,ri'P.' rr.Tn'oKWyintonco when Back It. Miur t iriMinli k lcf il drink n i,,j5.. ,.. ... hurt! or Llndder bothersMeat formi uric acid. E SUSTAINED FOR SEATTLE OI.Y.MIMA, Wash, Feb. Il.-Hotil-Siil; thai tlm miIiiik inacliiue law uim not a Molatmii of (he i'outi(iitinoal irovUiou that nlim; hIioiiIiI be b ballot, tlm tuiprcum eouit toilny or llorcil Ibn inhiiuliee of n will eoui pi'llliij,' the city of Scuttle to mm iiiii cliluoa tit muiiieipal elcetiomi im pel nnnt nmt, DIED IU-:i:itS Czuklol Ileum, at tlm homo of lloury HIovoum, ouo and one half mile north of Medford, on Frl ilny, I'ohruary ll, 10H, of old uroj iiKod 8S yeuiM, 10 nioutlm and -l ilayx, mul a uatlvo of Ohio. Ducennuil cnuio to Oregon In 1S7S and until InHt Hopteiuhor whou ho caiim to Mcd ford, ho rcnldod with a hoii at Dor Iiik, Oregon. Ton chlldritu, flvo hoyH anil flvo KlrlH, mirvlvo him Tlmy aro Win. lloorM, Mm. Henry MotzKar, and Mra. I). V. MutxK"r, .l (Iriiriham, Orou.011; Alex lleorn, of Koattlo; Frank UeorH, llorliiK, Oro ; Mm. .loliu Wuntlturby, of Nowhiii'K, Oro.; Kxlkuli UeorH, or Handy, Oro j MrH, V. A. lMoetor, llorliiK, Oro.i dun, lleera, Handy Ore.; Mih, Henry I'foff, or l'ortlaud, Ore. Tho re mnliiH will ho nnnt to (Ircsliain, Ore, Friday ovuiiIiik where liiterumiit will he made. tmeup full nt Mir tlmn during tlm I ity or Ufnre ret trine. It U 0o mo.t llitlr wny tu hfcnk a coM and cur j;rlp, It iicn the Kirc of the rkin. relieving rom;itlii. Aim loovm the No nun or woman who rat mrnt rrRil lHiwrl, tluu ilrhluK n coM I rem the, lnrly run nuke a intitule hy lluililii )ptnii. tlio kldnryi occailonnlly, a) a well Trj it tlm next time jou milfrr from i known authority Meat forma urlo acid a roM nr the nrlp. It l Inexpciimo hleh clojr tho kidney ioxm to they and intlri'lv tritnhh, thrrtfoie fe ' lujj?Uhly filter or itraln only part of and hanalr. I tlm waata and poironi from tho hlood, then you cet ilek. Nearly all rhcutna. tiim, heaiUchei, Ihcr trouble, nortou net, conitlpntlon, illulnt, ileepletuneM, iiiaiiucr UKOiuer nuuo Irom iiuggUh kid lie) i. 'it.. ......., M... .. . j. .11 .i. i .i it.i.iiiitv juu nvi a iiuu acuo in mo or your bncK hurt, or II tho clouily, oircnilvc. full of edl lucnt. Irrriruhir f IviuiL'n nr nllnili-il Hub Fain nnd SUlTneu away with by a actuation of (cabling, get about four aiumll bottle of old honeit ounce of .lad Kalta from any reliable R Jnrnln Oil pharmacy and tako a tnblcanoonful in BtJ . , B" ot "r Uforo hreakfait for a When )our lnek it rc ami lmc few days nnd your kldneya will then net or liiinlmj;i, aclatua or rlnumatim Iiua flne, -riil famou salt is inado from tho neld of Krapca and lemon Juice, com bined with 1 1 Uil a nnd hi ltn ukh! for LUMBAGO RIGHT OOIiag-: you tillrml up, don't niltrr! (Jet a M wilt Imttlc of old, ImiiMt "Jit. Jacob Oil" ut any driiK tore, pom n llltlo In your hand nnd ruli it r ilit into the prtlu or ache, and by the tieiv you count fifty, the Komie" an-l lame lii'in l gone. Don't utay crlppbilt Tbla wHithliii;, piiutnitliiK' oil m'"U to U iimiI only mire. II Inki the ache nud pain riglit out of Miur hark and cndii the inUcry It U mnLMcnl, ct nlikolutcly Imrnili-" nud il(x-u'l burn the kkin. Nolhlui; cU tiiw liunliaKo, iwiutici ney coiuplicntioui. aim mine i.iuk miKcry hi proinpuvi generations to llmh clogged kidneya and Minuuaio (aem to aciuity, alio to nem trnlircstho ccida In urine o it no lonpcr cauiri Irritation, thu ending bladder die order. lad 8nlt a Incxpcmiro nnd can. not injure; mule a delightful clTer eccnt llthln-water drink which all reg ular meat catcra houhl take now nnd then to keen tho kidney clean nnd the blood pure, thereby avoiding seriout khb Pimples Source of Great Danger Unexpected Manner. German Coffee Cake Made Without Yeatt t Hy Mr. Janet McKcnzIo Hill. Hdltor of tho liojlon Cooklm! School Maeailm?. There Is no warm luead qulto a appro- May be Means of Absorbing mlato for bunday mornlnil breakfast as . r: r ? a .. Ociman Coffee Cake, yet It is seldom made svmease ucrms in mast oy uouscwives wnu uo not bake their own bread. If K C double raho Ikiklnt! I'ondcr Is used It will be Just as kimkI as If raised with yeast and it will have tho further ad vantage of bclnij fresh and warm. Save this redpe and try It ncott Sunday. K C German Coffee Cake TVonmf one-fourth cum tided tluur- SlcveltfatjiootyuU KC liuktnq Mm-iier; filMcoKioii ten 'J tiibi 1 cyij', milk. f level teuiiiHkmtul mil; U (i'h;kioii;(U tai'icM but ter; i' UtbletiuoriuUguoKir; TOMATO OIIOWIIIIH .vnic.NTio.v, Tlio IliiKley OaiiuliiK eompniiy want In colli met for .10 acre of to iimlou tbla coiiiIiik aeiuon. (Iniwora who coiitoinpliilo plmitliiir for Ibo caniioiy nhuuld niiiiiiiuiilcatu with ii ut nun. Ololheil for kiouIiik lomulo pliuil kliould bo uluilnd Dili inmnlli.) Oomi Womb If yiill Willil uooil Wood, el iM'lil FMiiUI.Huy, ts XM PTAyh I li 11 fc!y wt liltcult pan and spicad even. Iliuili tup In noJrrtlc ovm. ntiniy mini mritcit uuiicr. tiiink.ic tugir ind gmund rhiiuiiiou our the tup, Hike Dutib Aniilc Cake or Prune Kmhrn ran k nude with this Mine luiirr by rovrnii me in rwil il mini i he mux ki for Colli r CAr. Mn Your Illootl l'ur and liiimuua With H. 8. a. In thniiinmU of Imtnnro the moit virulent l)n n( hlood Iroiililc luivo lu'i'ii llm rrmlt of coinliii; In iieilact vv Slit ill, mm Kcrma In iiulilic dnin, nmt the au 'riiill limluiililiHiil pluiple lia Ihvii tho iimte. It iirrailt ilh natnnUlilus rapldliy, iifuii liift't tltiif tho nillri) )tem tu a tew ilujrt. It l forluunli', liowevrr, that there I a rciui'ilv to iiii iiik'kl) ami tliorouclily ulth iirli a itiinllllua, mid thank tu tlio ineriir of II niMitUiTr tin fminnit H. A. H. now in' nun nt mut uuy uruK iiur iii.ty In I lie litlllii'il uurld Till iiri'iiaiiilhm mmwU alone a a blood purliirr ft I uiiirnliRt n'toliulniiury In ll i'iiiiiiollliiu, liii-e II roiuidlln' all that w ever ilaliiiul fur iinriury, Imllili. Hikinli', mnl uiIht (l.-at riici I v o iuIihtmI ilrinr. mid ! It I idiiiely a puirly ti'Hiildi irdil It I'oiiulii miii limn tilt lit ulilih M'in'1 Hie ii'ilm iiirMW uf llmuUllim iuiIi liny irlluUr part ut llm IImuc hi I In' luallliy ami linllt'loii n.drv lli'il f li nan wilful liulrluii'ill 'I lino am iii"r .ai l ntulr tliriiiualUiu, lit ton ollh iird and illrrd tpplri, ii lurum.Hur muil piv.l. mutliU, ami nokfil iiniiiri wllli the inn iriumrd. Lln lnillr Mhhhh rouluiii from ili ut- id U 11 llUlilf tilirritlliiy Hik i.iiiidl ty ilia (in ill. J in in "ll.f UiMik'lllook 'roalililVU uil iui i "'l"1."" ''" cr .in hhiii Fim-ini rlclh'iMII IriilKI "' AUtM't fl II Wtllril fir. ?. i ..., i . '. .1 .i I ?"'.' ri ' "Mr ailh i"',' ii'uulli. 7" a I fl'rHiuliiiflliti'j'iir'lrrilifiilui.(J af.ii ril il-.nlui il.ilr iuin.u in yf i ml miii .f It c HAiHx I'lonlrf in I " a '"I1"" f N H M iijUy hut h titt&'&'SiSEi yai ' 1 3' .K'.-.iru.i:.:rt'l:.rii) Oialmers Xbb motor cars ARE THE BEST FOE THE MONET A $1.00 SAVED In a dollar made. You ran save many a dollar on high shoes at Holding's SHOE SALE If you are not In need of high shoes wc have tbo latest In fash loiinblo low footwear arriving dally. Don't forget )ou aro always welcome whether you buy or not. BEHLING S snei: steui: OOI) FIT New Grocery EVERYTHING IN STOCK IS NEW AND UP TO DATE Specials for Saturday VEGETABLES AND FRUITS Lottui'O, Radishes, Celery, Cauliflower, Sweet Potatoes, Carrots, Parsnips, Cabbage, Onions. Oranges, Lemons, Bananas, Apples, Grape Fruit. "We pay special attention to phono orders. Marsh & Bennett Second door east First National Bank. Phone 252. k7'i JwOs. .r!BRiiSkk I vox Saturday Candy Special By Using Roxall Cold Tablet Ono full-pound box of Guth' Chocolates, rogulnr 50c value, Saturday, rt $farf Stow WKfifT HIDK PHARMACY Gold Dust does what you can't do for DUSM dishca. It digs into tho corners and jj cleanses and sterilizes. M ft OLD DUST &M $ n v cleans everything. Never bo without it. 5c and larger packages. liEEiFAIRBANKraa CHICAGO -let I ha BOLD DVST TVHMS wrk" Young Friers and Roasters At Booth 19, PUBLIC MARKET SATURDAY Also our regular assortment of Ilome Cookery. JANES BROS. Capitol Hill Perfume Atomizer FREE "We have just received a shipment of DABROOK'S EXQUISITE PERFUMES. In order to introduce these goods we are giving a PERFUME ATOM IZER with every ounce of the perfume. HASKINS for HEALTH Outside High Rent District But Inside on Low Prices Early Sunrise Potatoes, 100 lbs for. 60 Pure White Flour, per sack $1.45 Pure Cane Sugar, IS lbs. for $1.00 Dry Granulated Sugar, 20 lbs. for $1.00 A good Coffee for, per lb 25 nolly Milk, 3 cans for 25d Good Creamery Butter, 2 lbs. for G5 Fresh Ranch Eggs, 2 doz. for. 55 3 cans Preferred Stock Tablo Fruit for. 50i 8 cans Royal Club Table Fruit for 50? 3 cans Del Monto Tablo Fruit for. 50 Preferred Stock Tomatoes, 2 cans for .252 Reliance Brand Tomatoes, 2 cans for 25 Del Monto Braud Tomatoes, 2 cans for. 25ti Ashland Brand Tomatoes, 3 cans for 25 30c jars Jam and .Telly, 2 jars for. -45? G bare Pearl White Soap for J25? G bare White Flyer Soap for 25 Reliance and Libby Catsup, tho bottle 20 Evaporated Apricots, 2 lbs. for. 25i Evaporated Peaches, 3 lbs. for 25 Evaporated Apples, per lb 10) Shortening Compound, No. 5 ....65 Shortening Compound, No. 10 $1.25 Wo givo the same careful attention to phouc or ders that wo do to personal calls. WE SELL FOR LESS AND GUARANT! EVERYTHING WE SELL TO GIVE 3ATIIFA0 TION. Fouts Grocery Co. !W"I0 & (Vnlnil, Wrnm tll-tn, T- "T M