PAG 13 TWO MICDirOKM) MAIL TKIHUNK. MIODKOUD, ORKflON". VRIDAY, KKlUtrAKV (. Wl IOC A I. AND L PERSONAL Mr. nml Mr. U 0 11111 of Cottage drove, Ore , wore registered nt the MciHonl Thursday Mr nnd Mm. 11. D. Sweet nnd Mr. nml Mm. U. S. Sweet, of SiirliiRttnlo. Wntdi , wore In Medford Friday, on ronto to Kliunnth Falls. At His tmlfty, O. A. C. football pictures. The Medford IiIrIi school nnd the Models will moot tonight In n nnie of imsltetlmll which gives promise or beliiR n very spirited came aa thev nro to play for the championship of tho city. This will bo tho second Rnnio between theso local teams and both aro reported to havo an even chance rcRardless of the fact that the high school succcodid In defeating tho Models In the first contost. For choice meats, country sausage, hedge cheese go to booth No. 12 at public market. Orth KUnehammc.-, proprietor. 273 l'rof. 11. Isaacs, Instructor In music In the local schools has successfully passed tho teachers stato cxamlm tlon In music nnd Is awarded with life certificate which entitles him to teach this nrt In any educational In stitution In this state, l'rof. Isaacs has accomplished a great deal In the Instruction of music In tho Medford schools nnd Is greatly pleased with the rcsiiltn he has accomplished is shown by the grades niado In tho r; ccnt examinations in tho schools. M Purdln, lawyor. rooms 4 and 5 Itlnlto building, opposite First Na tional Hank. Tho regular monthly meeting of the Washington school l'aront-Teach-cr' circle will bo hold In tho school building Friday, Feb. 13. 2:80 p. m. Tho subject for the nttornoon is "How to Draw the Child Closer to tho Home." The fathers meeting. which was to be held on tho above dato has been postponed until some time In March. At Islu today, O. A. C. football pictures. T. W. Dally of Trail was In Med ford today on business. Your Insurance is right it Holmes writes It, let him write It right, right nway. S. S. Dullls returned Wednesday from n several wceks'g business trip In tho cast. Mr. Bullls and his sons of this city, left Thursday morning for tho Applegate country-where they have extensive mining Interests. Itubuer boots all sizes, whllo they last, $2.50. Will II. Wilson. 272 A. M. lienver, of tho firm of Beaver & Yockey. of Ashland, was In Med ford Friday on business before U. S. Commissioner Canon. Mr. Beaver, while hero located several parties on government land nnd also sold some deeded tracts. Ten day's sewing for J5.00. Ke In ter's Ladles' Tailoring College, rooms C-7, St. Mark's block, corner Main and Holly. 277 S. I. Wilson, a Talent orchardist, was in Medford Friday, Rubber boots all sizes, while thoy last, 12.30. Will H. Wilson. 272 Mr. nud Mrs, Alh Trowbridge and son, Karl, of Ilandcock, Mich., who havo been spending the winter in Medford are so delighted with South ern Oregon cllmato and tho general business outlook hero that, Instead of visiting relatives hero for a few months thoy have decided to make Medford their futuro home. At Isis today, O. A. C. football pictures. It. It. Mintcr of Kagle Point was ii Medford Thursday on business. ltubbor boots all slzos, whllo they last, J2.G0. Will H. Wilson. 272 A. Coleman, who has been engaged in putting In the machinery and hollers for tho Ilex Spray company at I'hocnlx, has completed his work and has returned to Medford. The plait epectB to bo equipped for operating within a very short time. Seo Tumy for fire insurance. " Mr, aud Mrs. II. H. Mollis of Ash Jnnd wqro In Medford Friday, guonis of Mr mid Mrs. W. L. Hnlloy. Modol Bakery goods at Do Voes. Col Washburn, the Table Hock or chardist, was In the city Thursday or. busliiebs. Booth 12, public market, hag nice voul for Suturda.y Kllnohamnier, tho farmer, 272 Ooo. lams, proprietor of a grocery nud confectionery store on North Front street, has leased tho Diamond rooming houso, corner North Central uvonuo aud Sixth street, and Is hav ing tho rooms renovated and refur nished. Ho Is nlso having a store front put In on tho Sixth street side. For ront. Flno offlco rooms from IC.0O to $18.00. W. T. York, 410 M. F. & II. Bids. Weeks & McGowan Co. UNDERTAKERS Laily AkslHtant Day Phono 227 lNljtht V, IV, Week 103-Ji! VJiotiea A K. Orr 078-M Olivia Ireland and ti. 8. Sawyer, tango dancers, arrived Friday to teach Medford society how to iImkc tho tango. A largo number havo signet up at ?2.6l) per half hour les nous. ' The ladles of the Altar society will give a Valentine card party this evening at tho Parish hall. Progres sive whist will be played. Cards will begin promptly nt S o'clock. S. A. Carlton of Ashland, formerly one of the prosperous ranchers In tho Wellen country, was In Medford Fri day visiting friends. Free public Instruction In Tango, llosltntlon Waltz and .Spanish Waltz at Natntorlatn Saturday night, 9 p. m. Fight piece orchestra and free to everyone. Tho. Hlley of Dry creek, was In Medford Friday on business. J. O. Gcrklng, tho best all around photographer in southern Oregon.. Mays reliable. Negatives made any where, time or place Studio 22S Main St. Phono 320-J. Miss Viola Pholster, n teacher 1 1 the Washington school and a daugh ter of Mrs. it. A. Phelstor. of 903 West Hlovcuth street, was operated upon at the Sacred Heart hospital Thursday for appendicitis, by Dr. Thayer. For a few more days one-half price on Indies' tailored suits, ladles' coats, children's coats, wool dres?s and evening drosses. Ahrons. 272- W. T. York has taken office rooms In the Medford Furniture & Hard ware company's building, where be will do a real estate, insurance nnl rental business. He also has charge of office rentals In tho M. F &. II building. Kodak finishing, glossy or dull fin ish at J. O. Gerking's studio, 22S E. Main St. Phono 320-. Chlof of Police Hlttsou caused the arrest of eight Medford boys Thttr- dnytitght for a violation of tho cur few ordinance. They wore all per tnltted to go their homos upon their giving their word to report to Mayor Purdln Friday morning for sentoncc, or reprimand. Tumy writes better flro Insurance. Try our flour, Johnson's Be. $1.15; Bluo Stem, $1.35; None Bet ter. Lr. B. Brown, Buss Mill, Flour and Feed. Motorcycle riders who have be come careless as to fast riding on the streets may expect to bo rounded up one of these days by Chief of Po lice lltttson. Ho has Instructed ail policemen to arrest all motorcycle speeders and It Is expected there will bo several of them run In. Thero nrc also-a-conslderable'number of auto drivers who are running their cars In tho city limits without muffler.!, These, also are to be arrested an V brought before Mayor Purdln for vio lation of a city ordinance prohibit ing the runlng of automobiles; with out mufflers. See the new Kabo corset model. Ahrcns. 272 Mrs. Walter Kcntner of Jackson ville, is In Medford, a guests of Mrs. J. W. Lawlor. Milk and cream at DeVoe's. Charles Nlckell, the veteran news paper publisher, passed through .Med ford Thursday evening en routo to Portland. He Is residing In Berkeley where ho recently purcr.ased a resi dence. Remember Tumy writes fire Insur ance. For sale. FJvo room houso on paved street, paving partly paid. City water, IC00.00. Better than payjng rent. W. T. York, 419 M. V. & II. Bldg. Freo public instruction In Tango, Hesitation Waltz and Spanish Waltz at Natatorium Saturday night, 9 p. in. Eight piece orchestra and free to every one, Fresh lime. Medford Lbr. Co. Lawyers Carkln end Taylor have moved from Central nvonuo Into three larger front offices on Main street over Hasklns and Boydon's stores. Hubber boots all sizes, while tl"' last, $2.50. Will H. Wilson. 272 Try our flour, Johnson's Best, $1.15; Blue Stem, $1.35; No no Bet ter. L. B. Brown, Ituss Mill, Flou. and Feed. Sugar Pine shakes. Medford Lbr. Co. E. D. Weston, commercial photog raphor, nogatlves mado any time or placo by appointment. Phono M 1471. C. A. Do Voo, Medford agent for the Portland Orogonlnn, 4 IS W. Main. Phono 122-It. IE NVENTS DEAL FIRE FIGHTING LFORFI built so that It can be taken down and made into a small compart bun dle. It ran bo changed almost In stiuitb, according to the needs of the occasion, Into a norloenblo hoe, nhovol, rako or brush hook and nt eory flro thero are times when one i finds need for end! of these tools. BLACK MAN INFERIOR TO JAPS ARGUE SENATORS YUF.K.V Cal., Fob. 6 -Hanger William (lott of the Klmunlli nation al forest has Invented the Ideal flro fighting tout for forest mngors, one that answers all the requirements. A model of his Invention was ex hibited by Forest Supervisor Rider , ,, (1. u p at the recent supervisors' mee lug In tm,r .,M, , fan i- raucisco, ami us simplicity yet evident practicability aroused en thusiasm. The district forester wan I so well pleased with the Idea that ho' WVSHINOTON. Fob. . -Senator lone' amendment to the agricultural i extension bill giving tue southern no- jero college administration of a por tion of the fund promised for tho 1 farm demonstration work led to it e senate Friday miestloit Jones de fended the amendment's principle nud this amendment was peudliu whoif the senate adjourned. Vardaman asked Jones It he would took It before the annual meeting of i o Uo m,mIu , , n W .,..,... 1. W.v. ..... .. . I f'nl,.,.. a..... - IIIU 11 VHiVltl lMl"M,1 tlllll VUIIIVM,)' , , ,.. . ,1, ...., .. 1 1 . I I ,. tl. l!tVI I'illl Ul IIIU lllllll tlllUll'U 1U IIIU tlnn association nt Vancouver. 11. C . last December 13 nnd 1C, which was attended by representatives of both the United States nud tho Canadla i services. Its practicability appealed to the people at that meeting nud since then the Canadian forest branch has asked for the privilege of manufacturing the toot for tho Ca nadian service. This probably he permitted after some minor changes, now under wa, havo been added. Tis tool when perfected, will bo roast Mate. I SWEDISH COMMISSIONER urn- n fialer l,nle if nil ol Iih iii ulution- uie iioeepU'il, With Modioli tntdn is Medford nihfl Wuwl from lite ent i t 'lie u feel tltut .lolin A. WeMiilutul If been uppoinleil lair emium-MOiier for tlit Swedish aowrntneiil mul d lime Mihtfrvi"lou' of llittt nation iliriln t tlit I'mmrnn expo-iitmi .it . , . ,! ... .1 1 ?mi rruui't'M'o. - no worn rouiHTirii tlu'U'uilli U tletnhiiuR lilm in the i-n-t . Mr. Wesletliiiul i doiinr iind woiW for Meilfotil in the ea-t nml i routilijf eeroiie that lie can vin Hi nii wifli .liiiocr ut .Meilfotil. IK Will lme to lOlldiUt II HIUle -MV T V I f 'vr''yq Bretton mow, o t j r. uac ivur Cbi Tti Wlill NltlllMl.lTll Miil'iit'liir llll U llll II IllKt Jlnl MEDFORI) FLUFF RU(i CO li'llj,' nml ('ill'irt Clt'illlliiii; mul ciuMiiu- oil MAST MAIN NI'KKKT IMmni' .VI. J U' 10THER! IS CHILD'S STOMACH SOUR. SICK? If Tongue l l'oute or If t'u., IV erl"h, CoiiMliniteil .ie "Call- fin ula Syrup of 1'lgs" TEA 10 IJAI She made up a mixture of Sage Tct and Sulphur to bring back color, gloss, thickness. I Don't scold your fretful, peevhh child. See If tongue Is coated; tlit Is a sure sign Its little stomach, liver aud bowels are eiogiied 1th sour waste. When listless, pale, feverish, full or rold, broutli u.iii. throat sore, doesn't eat, sleep or act naturally, has stomach-ache, Indlnestlon, diarr hoea, give a teaspoonful of "Califor nia Srup of Figs," and In a few i ltnurn nil tint foul wnnln. (ho mmr i bile and fermenttne food imwiiw nut ''" . , EAST SIDE GROCERY Selling for Cash 20 His. tiraiuilntftl Suuar l)H . . SI. 00 KiislisU Walnuts tS H) liars Ijiiuiulry Strnp lific (ornl lakes, pug. . Mason tit. jar (how ('how for 120? :i pUl's. Xi-w Seeds, 1!)1 1 .. fur HW I'o lbs. Maenniiii . . 125 .'leans I'orlc and Heaus 'Z Oil S5c4 ean Pork and Deans loi- . . i;c liilihy's Catsup .. ..ISt? i) gallons laii;t ,11 fire sie Peanut Huttei' Common garden wpo brewwl into a he.wv tea with sulphur ami alcohol niMol, will turn gray, streaked nnd fnll hair uuirtllull move every it..).... ...i antillmUons will nne a revelation if ! love this hnrmloss "fruit laxative. your hair is fading, gray or dry, scrag- land inotliors can rest easy ufter gl- gly and thin. Mixing the Sage Tea ami , B t( because It newr falls to mnke , for ! en ns of Peas (Jood can Corn Pineapple for : Verv best Salmon. a, In. fully dark and luxuriant, re- of the ttowols aud )oii have a well pkjrs. .lello iXWiM' "'"'. 1ch,w?.'-l'.j Hw. Popeoi i. r i.l Ifii-rt hla hnrtiilwia 'riil nvnt t-.i ' . . ' . I'loiir, u a saeic IMION'KWiO 125c 10? 1!0 :5c 1250 S1.10 oJJars K Cm t ,HIU Vi S yVVs) Owes Her Lile lo This I.uimi Medicine 11i umiiiifix Ittii'ii f I . ViiiMt .Mlrr- tlir it mwll'l"-' f' f ni" '"l I'MMIJ ni'tltii. I.nti'l lliat nil I'lltm-M 'f tlii'.n milou liiil it luil tk' Ibn irnuMr m iiiiratimiic d-r ilninrlr vlil (III Hinll'llir but aiiillliril Uur Itilt Ihr lapt Dtlrrll )i-n III u mimtrr uf rti lli'UU HO i iff KM flp i I iioiisi s i ou sxi.i: (1 nod fci'it'i. "lltntlfhirii Hi mill uvf t'lt,, i mi AIhihI HfplrHlWr III. ll mr iiioIImt In lnvv wi tnkoH Mrk (U vini' II. ik, ( HI Mk-lmvi t H. Willi rh tletl"fl Mil lillMrihal PHruitltlHtl Inio l.ttni! rmiiltlr Im J(tmiir. II..I Win II. ,. f HI Mlrimvltl t MflirfirHhi. ml. lifiirl lt rr ilmlli, li rt-."iHinrii'lnl IImiI I ft Itrk innir AllrrMltr, ml rv If It wmtM lint (lri lit r aiii u-llrf l'lii ntlriMllmr I'ln.liWti ilnUml li tml l.utic ITmibln a n, nan lirjiiuit all niMllml M Ho I iHinipOUIrlr Imil llrv Win !! to "MkI for . Itile I'm. Ili-nllj mIIIioiii lmi fiir lif,xrfT. I liiaUlist twit atK Itj Ihr .Mlrmlhe nhl.ii tu ilhl I Km kI1 In anr Hint tn' a.H'ii ln'i(tltl In tiMimitti Ntr. hi- unrka it- linM R nr wrUln lurnir MMHla lirlrr llinli lif rtrr itlit Iwlm lir lii.iV. lok mul la hi ikI IimIIIi ' lAltliUOli JDK llttlMMI'lt iAIniii nliliri"lll Wiirf rriiil I r.kiuan a Altrrntl!' Iiaa Iktii ir,.r li Inmir ,TMta' lrl li Iw lnl rni-.-ia fr pri Thrnal ami l.rnic AtT''-!!"'". tlrnMlilll llrr-H'tilatl Aailona HhiMxirn (Mlila anil In UlHilmlH Hip atalrm I'uMtriliu nn imriHllr. ila nr lialHi f.'tmllK ilru AA fir Nniktrt Irlllne uf tvon rr anil nrll.' I.l I'.ialuaii I'Ml.lrleMi l' fur nl ill mo. rr t4l I'! nil Imitltn; iliull One 'in of mull", n;e 7 e,Mi v " ii lit '.' 'UO One inaie Mini liorae are i and s )eiiti. wulMht -'l" One Ki""l all around homo. X oa.rn old leniu w night 3000. Onn well brokw saddlo liorttt. One mt I Inttl ttrlMnrf mare Onn kimi.I iiiurli !nm. (nil lie kkvU nt II. S. I.ltt'x At I'iiIoii Muni Sulphur recipe at home, though, Ik troublesome. An cuMer way to cct the ready-to-use tonic, coding nlout SO ecnU a large lttle at drug stores, known as "Wyeth'a Saj-e and Sulphur Hair Ittm eily." thiw avoiding a lot of muss. U'hlle wiipy, gray, faIeJ hair is not sinful, we all desire to retain our youth ful appearance and attrae'lvenejs. By ..- 1 . .. ... .. r ' darkening : jour nair wiu uymns Mgo j rectlonR for bnblos. children of kH.I Will t.Viti n aha im v 4 All IrivM lla.i if dill. UUU'IIUI, i.V" JU: UMI tl -x-viM i r a. u - M4..n. - ...iu w.i it. nKoa anil lor 4V UVV UtU !. f VJ V-aIJ wa tholr little "lusldes" clean nud sweet. Keep It hnudy, mother! A little' given today saves n slrk child tomor row, hut got the genuine. Ask your1 druggist for n 50-ccnt bottle of "Cal ifornia 8 nip of I'Igs." which has di al! ages nnd for grown-ups plainly JPNOItA"JMKy Craral H4 bout J ln) bar. damjien a sponge "or soft bruih with It printed on tho bottle, llemomber and draw this through your hair, taking i there nro counterfeits sold here, so one small strand at a Uroej by morning , atrc,v ,ook ,, Uml yori all grav hairs have dlsanpeareil, and, after another application o'r two. yor ' mmlc bv the "Califm-nta Mg Svrm hair becomes, lusiutlfully dark, glcy, ' Company " Hand back with ion soft and luxuriant. tempt nfty otliT f Ig'syrup. ARROW mCOLLAPv !Im3(hIi 0,ll. TttUJt A Pa.. If. U,,f To the Milk Consumers of Medford Why not hu our milk and rroniii from the dairy that has the MuhtMt scire of any dairy In MudfordT Wo sell milk Jttal aa rhap as tho lowest Hforod dalrlu) and Kuamitteit It to Ih pure, clean nud rich uf butter rat. Wo make a ipocinlly of milk for babies. Che us a (rial and you will Im. he our customer, We make two dulUerlea dally. MedfordDairy r .' ttiw.l -:$MJ S ay&&k. )B5-J . , a--a',W f 1915 - "'S!?;S "CLEVELAND" From San i'ranciicn. Feb. 22, 1915 Veiling fa mom tiiM-t nml cnunlfi.a ihi n iKiUlwi tliMmikip vltwli i f hulel. t'.vriy luimy khiI comlcHlut,l. 135 duyn $900 and up liwlii JhH 3t tun M.J all wimaaiy mawiH. Alx" Utk. Waal taW. Pa. Ch1, .kl M, JUaraii IrlaM. SmU A . ilaawr ,m HAMBURG-AMERICAN r00 3loaVtcHSli. I.IMli San fVanalMd Of Mf Hr .1. W. Snider I'llOIIK'JIII-.lil 2 att. t t X PIONEER EUGENE CAPITALIST PASSES AWAY, AGE SEVENTY EUQENK, O-.. rV'.. U. -1eore;o T. Hall, Sr., pii m r, c.iiulaliht nnd inurclinnt of liU city, l ed today lif ter a Ioiik illiit'es of iiiKiinie heart I rouble. He wan 70 year old. Weather Forecast Ori't'ou- Fnir nutli and eimt jior lioiih loniylit uml Kutimiuy; cloudy iioitliwesteiu portion touiglit mul Mntiinlny; juohuhly rain or mhm flurrieii; soutlu'iiHtcrly niinlx. OoimI Wood, If you want good wood, got It from Krnnlt II, Ha), Y V f r t One -Half Price Sale For a few more days we continue our one-half price sale on' Talldrcd Suits, Ladies' Long Coats, all Children's Coats, Wool Dresses arid Evening Dresses at exactly one-half price. f r r r T T f ? f t ? t f ? ? ? ? t t ? T y r y y r ! I I i Petticoats, values to $5, Special $1.98 Out' lot of .Sateen and Mohair Petticoats, reg ular values $2.70 to 5, clearanee .S1.9S Kover-All Aprons In a good qualitv per cale, special at. ...'....59 Armr Plate Hose Dress Skirls $1.98 About .10 of those full dress Skirts left lo choose from, materials are Altniau voile, chif fon, Panama, soleiles, etc., actual values to .$15, clearance $1.98 Outing" Flannel Gowns Made of genuine Daisy flannel, in white, special at $1.00 If you really dislike darning wear . 'Armor Plate, light, medium and heavy weight; 4also all ribbed or ribbed top. specially priced 25 Wash Dresses $1.19 One lot of about 10 do.. Wash Dresses, made up to our regular standard in light aud dark colors, values to $2, clearance price .' $1.19 New Kobo Corset Models Are here for your choos ing; also many new styles in Hrassures. Kabo Corsets, $1.25 to $5.50. La (li'cc.oue (orse $1.25 to $G.0(). a. First Showing of tho Ndw Spring Skirts. f First Showing of the New Spring Tailored Suits. First Showing of the New Early Hats. Tho Day light Store Smart Togs for Women V V- ? ? Y' V t ? ? ? y ? ? ? ? ? ? V y ? T ? ? ? ? I f t f ? ? ? ? ? V ? y f y ? ? ? Y f f ? ? Y : Orange 15c Dozen and up SPECIAL PRICE ON BOX Southeast corner Main and Kir r J J J - Jo t tJ J $ J a,a) . , , ty , tja J 4 jj. J, ta ,,. J V Special to Hog Breed ers and Feeders DigesterTankage Mndo by tlm I'iiIoii Meat Co. a NOW ON HM.K IV MKDroitD AT A HAVINO IN KUKKIUT Wo ofrer von tlm opportun ity of huMiu: UiIh fumouu Iiok fond nt it vuvIiik In froliiht. iih wo Imvo JiiHt riicidved a ItirK'J Klilnmiit for dlHpoHitt to liou lireedeiM mid feudura In .MoJ ford uml vicinity. i)ioi:sti:u TANKAOIC 1h u coucoiilrutod miliuul pro lelii CO per cent meiil mndo ft oiii froHli wlioleHomo ptecuH of incut, Kndomed liy nil leudluK AKrlciilturul Kxpurl iiiciiL HtutUuiH mul by tho tlOat lircedeiH mid foodom In overy xtnto it dovolopM Imiio mid miiHido mid mulcou plKi (IIU)W. I'ml wet or dry mixed with other fond. Order u trial NOW. NOTIC'IJ Wo liuvtt nppoliited Mr, II. 3. Allen to luuiillo tlio Union Mnut (-'oiiipuiiy'n faiiifiu. "I(d Iuvmi" lirmid foilllUor for u. Tlilii foiillUnr Im oupiiiliiily mliipli'd for iixca, awewt jiiiiih, Iiiwiih mid nil UIiuIh or fliivuii'u I'nt up In hiiiliM or i ii Hperliil nir tUlit lo pound mll. lloHiio IIIht I'nili ,K I'mhIiiio Ahhiuinlliiii Mi-'IImmI. OM'Koii ,j E.D.Weston Official Phctographor of tho Medford Commercial Club Aniftteur KiuLtliiuu Post Cnrdu .,,, pMiontniic Work Kbirib lightH Poitraita Interior and extorter viJVh Nogativus made anv tiuiu and any plnuu ly ttTipoiitt ruent. U ,M. IIAIIMON, .Mmiimu.t. 208 V.. Main Phono 1471 k-aW wmm aaiif7uaa mmm- r,.i YaijaimBSsjam 'W3i2 ,TJW" 4 vxv'iraw.a ri. .fiaTill,.'J U T.iJja,."K' "-! . tftljm , md NEW UNION iLIVERY 4f Tho new brick burn on South liivorsido in now open for hiiHinciiE I'.vcry tiling new and iii li dale. Livery and arilmV lanct' service. Will bu yliid to welcome till ftJi'nfor oiii lomei'N and many new ouch. Ray Gaunway I'lij'i a i'i -----t---t---t---t -, 41 IWilfWIMHill