aCEDFORD MATT; TRIBUNE, arEDFORD. OREGON, THTRSTMY, .WHWAftY fi. 10M. PXGE FOUR MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE an iNni:ii:NKNT niswbpaprii rUIIMKIIKt) KVKIIV AFTKHNOON KXCinT Ht'NOAY 11Y TIIJ3 Tlio 1)emocrtlo Times, The Mull. The Motlford Trlbunf. Tho South ern OrcRontnn, Tho Ashlaml Tribune, Orflcs Mull Trlbuno nnlldln. S5-3T-IP North rir street! tclcphano "&. Offlclnl Pnper of tho City of Mcdford. Official Paper of Jackson Countr. Kntcred im Kccond'Ctnia matter at Medford, Oregon, under the act of March :, 1STD. SUnnCRITTIOH RATES Or.e j'ear. by mall ..JS.OO One month, by mall .... . ..... .so Per month. delivered, by carrier In Hertford, Jacksonville and Cn tral Point ." Batunlay only, by mall, per year S 00 Weekly, nor year .. J BWORN CIRCUI.ATXOW. Dally nveroRo for iix muntha cndlnc December 31, l'J. savu. Willi Mwlfonl Stoj-0cr II WASHINGTON', Feb. o. General Throiloro toilnv proclaimed lihiwrif pre.-idVnt of Huili nml choo a cab inet, nccunluic to n virules mc-nsc fmm Cnptam Hostwick oC the cruiser Nashville, nt Cnpp llaiticn. Reported by JacVson County Ab trart Co., Sixth and Fir Sta. COURTHOUSENEWS Now Cases Laura Marliall vs. Arthur Mar shall, divorce. Probate In the matter of the estate of L. 1 HInck, deceased, petition anil or der to convey real property describ ed as west half of lot 10, Crestbrook, Ore. In the mntter of the estate of Jo seph Welch, incompetent; nnntinl ac count of Isabella Itnmard Tiled. Mai-rlngc I.lcrnses. John WiUon and rnrcin L Mooney. Ileal IMato Transfer. J. 0. Goble, et ux to Clarence K. lnrkhamv deed lots 2.1 and 24. block 2, Herryvulo nddition to Medford 10 J. K. Hrown, ct nl to llutto l-'.ills & EaKi! Point Tele phone Co., deed lot 27, block !, Central addition to Eaplo Point 10 J. A. Hothwell, ct ux to Vir ginia Keup Clark, iteed half of east half of west half of south lmlf of south east (iiiurlor seution 32-3G-1 M'i'st, 10 noros : 10 C. G. Hif-li .t ux to Mabel Lara Hush, dued lot GOxOO feet in Ashland 10 K. I). Stephenson, et ux to Da vid Doni, deed nil that part of south half of southwest fjunrtvr swtion 8-10-II west, southeast of Applosnte river, 05 aeros . . -100 II. II. Stephenson, et ux to K. P. SU'nliL'iiNin, tt ux, deed (same) , ,,,., ... 10 II. H. Stepliensou, et nx to K. 1). StuplieiiKou, t ux, agree ment vrutor riht for nbovo property. Norton 0. Dyrland, et ux to Clara K. Doyle, deed north east of northwest and woct half of nortlnvost of north east section 27-35-2 west - 10 William Ulrich, ct ux to W. A. Smith and J 'cm I Nichols, deed lot 15, Ulrich addition to Enjilo Point . 150 Alphouso Hicitveniie, ct ux to Isabella Howjcy, deed iiurth vi'ht of northeast section 17-37-2 west TWa Pines Lumber Co. to II. Nullum, deed all block -12, Medford . . . 1 Talent Lumber Co. lo 11. Nu llum, deed tract in taction 10-38-1 west - .1 O. & C. It. It. Co. to Hoiiuo Hiv n Valley Emit & Produce Association, quit claim deed street west of block 1, Cen tral Subdivihiou to Medford 1 Grace T. Kent application to purchase of tho Orciron & California railway east lmlf of northwest quarter section 21, northwest tiattcr of the northwest nuaiter section 20 ami noi'thwest of iiortheust section 33-38-1 west. II. V, Kent npplieiition to pur chase of tho Oregon & Cal fornia railway company west half of northwtist minrtcr auction fi and vest half of northeast quarter section 7- , yy-i west. , TEXAS' SPOTLESS TOWN THE stale of Tops two meningitis which eost The enidemie was largely due nmnicinal filth, and in the clean-ui) campaigns swept The clean-up movement was stimulated when it began to lag after danger was over, by the offer of a $1000 prize by Frank 1. Holland, editor of .Holland's magazine, for the cleanest city in Texas. All over the state cities joined in the contest, over ninetv the final winner, entered. Entries in the small cities were divuletl into throe classes- towns of from 5000 to 112,500 population in class A. towns of from 12500 to 5000 in class J and towns of from 1250 to 12500 in class O. one in the earlv spring, one Towns were inspected by the streets, parks and alleys, water supply and drainage, collection and disposal of garbage, condition of vacant lots, appearance of homes, ventilation and care of public conveniences, especially schools, presence of flies and mos quitoes, handling and exposure of all kinds of meats and ! 1 llt 1 i ! I A I 1 A 1 lood products ana outer communis aneeuug neaiui. Bonham is a city of about 8000 or 9000 population, half of winch has been secured in the past live years. It is well improved and in many respects resembles Medford. The story of the clean-up is interesting, inasmuch as a similar campaign is planned for Medford this spring. As soon as Eonham entered the race the board of trade took the active leadership in the matter. The board brought to its assistance the Boy Scouts, the women's elubs representatives from the negro settlements and the city council. The town was divided into sections with a prominent man in charge of about four blocks, blanks were prepared upon which every residence was scored. .If the weeds in the back yard were not cut. that fact was recorded; if filth and trash had been allowed to collect; if fences were down or needed repairing; if drainage was poor, or anything was noticed that could be improved, they were suggested on these cards. The most interesting part of the entire clean-up cam paign camo when a committee of about fourteen women began the inspection of the business places in the town, without warning or notice of any kind. The women vis ited ice cream stands, bakeries, groceries, meat markets with score cards in tJieir hands. Texas was much benefited by these clean-up cam paigns. Oregon will be similarly benefited. Let us not wait until an epidemic forces action, but begin at once. Linking the Ends The Longitudinal Hallway of Cili is at Init an accomplished fact. The last rail needed to complete it wns spiked down on November 23, 1013, and to show the exuberance of thoirl feelings in the matter the officials used a solid silver spike as the last one, and helf a general jollification. This scheme of having Puerto Montt, tho "way down south" port of the country connected by rail with Iquique, m in the northern end, has, according to the account just pub lished in the bulletin of the Pan Amer ican Union, been the dream and hope of all good Chileans since President nalmaueda first started tho project in 1801. They thought that one end of the country ought to bo connected uith the other by n rapid transit 1y tem, first, because in between these cuds lie many fertdo valleys between mountain systems which contain min eral wealth "rich beyond the dreams of avarice," and for exploitation of The normal school uaznnaign v.ill hold a mass meeting in Ashland Monday, February 23. Committees have been apHiinttd to carry out tho details. Prof. Vining's Hoys' Vocational Club. Huriiside Post und the Sons of Veterans will celebrate Lincoln', bitthdny on Thursday, Feb. 12th. W. E. Gibson of Oaklnifd. Califor nia, was hero this week in the inter ost of tho local polytechnic sshool of which he is tho owner. Gov. WVwt nddrosscd the Talent public schools Tuesday morning. Th passenger train carrying him and .Mrs. Wot northward had to remain at Talent until u now engine was sent trom tho Ashland yards to taliu tho place of the one on tint train that 'had become disabled. Talent people aro very proud of tho lino school building and tho school und suggested that ho visit it. lie did so and made a talk to the students. In tho recent state eighth grado examinations tho Ashland schools made a fine record. Out of tho forty eight who took tho tost thero was only one failure and one condition. Tho average went into tho nineties, and was the best in tho county and one of the host in tho state. E. V. ('niter telegraphed from Portland as follows congratulating tho militia on the dedication of tho now urmery: Poitland, Ore., Feb. 1, 1014. Oregon Nntional Guard, Ashland, Oregon. Gentlemen: Tomorrow you are fo dedicate tho splendid new unaorv building provided for you through the generosity nt the state, the coun NEWS FROM ASHLAND AND VICINITY ty und the city of Abhluud. An our years ago had an epidemic of the state several hundred lives. to unsanitary eondittons and panic following a series of the cities of the state. being entered when l-ionluuu, Two inspections were made, in the fall. an expert on conditions of of Chili by Rail both agricultural and mineral re sources transportation facilities were needed; second, becnu-se of strategi cal reasons nnd for the proper de fense of the country. The Chileans, as a general thing, don't start nn thing they can't fin ish, so when thev onco started their Longitudinal railway scheme ihev contiuued to hammer away at it un til now it has become a realty. From Iquiquo to Valparaiso is about 1000 mik's, and from Valparaiso down to Puerto Montt is 807 miles, so the to tal length of tho connected roads is' 1057 miles. It was nt a little place called Yorbns Duonns, about 07 miles nut t!i of I .a Serena, that tho laying of the Inst rail took place, the min ister of justice and education and other high officials lending their presence to the important occasion, which marked another step in the rapid march of progress of the re public of Chile. in'lilia company gave excellent ser vice during the trouble with Spain a few years ago, so too, we know that wo could count on voit for a prompt resKinse and tho hiiiii' efficient serv ice should occasion arise. In tho liuht of recent events in thU stato it is eminently fitting that our governor should by his personal presence foster and encourage tho maintenance nnd permanency of tho military arm of our state government. We may not havo at all timers been in full accord with Governor West as to the meth ods employed to bring about the re forms ho advocates, but as wo anal yze his efforts without bias or parti sanship wo must credit him with tho lincoro deiro to aid and assist the oppressed and distressed ami to bring a little more sunshine und hap piness into the lives of those who for tho moment arc "down und out." Wo doff our hnts to our chief executive, u man with tho full courage of his convictions and one who has ever stood for civic righteousness nnd decent living. I regret that I cannot ho present personally to take part in your dedicatory exercises und to join with my fellow citizens in extending to Governor West and his distiug uished associates tho coin tonics of our city. 1 congratulate ou on tho efficien cy attained by your company, for soldierly discipline makes for good citizenship. Yours faithfully, E. V. CAHVEH. Ashland had a tasto of Governor West's l'rco uso of his pardoning power dining his visit to this city Monday afternoon. Twelve members Of the junior classof high school had u louring to witucoa the dedication exercises at tho nrmorv "ml had boon infill Hied that school would not he dismissed. Consequently they took the- law into their own hands and merely "played hookey." On thcii way down from school they visited the chief executive at Hotel Oregon and hinted their case to him. Mr. West very obligingly granted thent a full and unconditional pardon foi their infraction of the laws and tin vonng people attended the dedication with free conscience. Those who wero paidoncd by the governor wero Hill Holmes, LeKoy Ashcraft, Morris Plvmate, Fred Schuerman, Fred (lartctt, Unwind Frame, Hob Spencer, Aleue llotnnr, Mad go Walker, Nellie Hrady, Eunice (1 rubli nnd Kcal Shiuu. After the young people had taken French leave from school it was de cided to dismiss high school for tlw afternoon, and ne.t morning thev wero wondering jut how their little deal was going to alfect them it such things as participating in hn ketbull and other nfl'iiir dear to tin heart of student". Record. COl'NTV COntT IMlOCKKniNOS Tho following Is a schedule of ex- pc-iulltures of llnckfon county, to gether with tho lint of claimants and article or service for which claim Is mailo, and which wero pasocd upon at the December term of tho county court for Jackson county. Dregen: County Court ami Coiunilloitcrs Jamos. M. Croncmlller, stamp .$ -.00 Hole Tel. ,t Tol. Co.. tele phone bill ... 0.10 O. K. Harper, taking In- mutes to reform school . 97.40 K, K. Kelly, cvponsc to Sa lem anil telephone hill. . H-.Or. William l I.cjor. commis sioner compcamitlou 17.00 Medford Printing Co., printing .... I I.7R Mcilfonl Sun, printing :t.0n Cecil Potter. wltnoM . 2.20 Luke Ityan. rout of hiilUllug UD.Ou J. C. Smith. roinmtnlouor compensation . 22 00 P. L. Ton Velio. Judge sal ary 1C0.00 F. I.. Toil Voile, traveling cxpenso .. .. 20.00 Wuitorn Union Tel. Co.. tel egrams cats Total $ Circuit Court W. J. Canton, defending llurnfi In trial J II. A. Canaday, ilc:mllng Hums In trlnl V. Uoy Davla. court ren ter, salary F. Hoy Davis, court reporter salary Arthur Thompson, bailiff.... Frank Kiisuuafer, crier . . .. II. A. Cannduy. defending Hggcrs nnd Stock A. C. Alien, petit Juror M. I;. Alford. wit new Oruco Urockmnu, ltnca.... Ix)iil F. UrUono, wltncM.. Everett Da I Icy, witness .... Win. I (cards ley. wltncag Charles A Hrown, wltnens C. II. Hran, witnons Kd Hrown, witness A. S. Hoyor, wltnosn Geo. Hoo, witness Victor Htinioll, Juror Wcsloy Hlrdsoyo, Juror Fred Heneillct, Juror I. L. Hradshaw . ., S. L. Dennett. Juror Chas. Hasey. Juror- Wm. Hock, Juror Tyson lleall, Juror W. II. Canon, witness Howard Cavanaugh, wltuens II. M. Conn, talesman W. M. Campbell. Juror Sam Coffman, Juror II. B. Cottrcll. Juror B. N. Campbell, Juror. K. M. Calkins, supplies for office . City Drug Store, supplies.... Wm. Chapman, witness Winifred Caldwell, witness (. W. Crawford, witness.... Willie Carter, witness W. W. Cottrcll. witness Ceo. II. Croy, witness C. L. Curr, Juror II. II. Cartwoll, witness. . . Howard Cavanaugh. wltnens Mrs. ChaH, Cavaniiugli, wit ness Chas. CavanauKh. witness.. W. II. Canon, w linens.: Chas. Cavanaugh, witness.... David Dorn, Juror Aher B. Dennis, witness I. C. Daley, witness Oeo. W. Dunn. Juror William Denoff, Juror II. L. Do Armond, oxpenso stato vs. K patios ,... B. L. Farrn, Juror W. J. Frooninn, Juror W. M. Fredegar, Juror William Finney, talesman.. J. W. Faugerty, witness.... Fritz Fry. witness Mrs. C. D. Fall, witness... C. II. Fall, wltnoss John Fuller, witness F. B. Furry, witness T. A. I'ifor, witness Wm. II. Core, Juror J. B. (JlasH, Juror Mrs. J. S. OrlgHby, witness . Mrs. J. M. Ouchos, wltnoss J, M. Ouches, witness O. B. Graham, wltnosH........ J. 8. Orlgfsby, witness Henry L. Oregory, grand Juror Murry Goodrich, witness.... J, Ilartman, Juror Goo, Hilton, Juror John Hamrlck, Juror T. Holmroth, Juror John H. Hair, Juror Paulino llnnsloy, wltnoss .. Vesta Hoxlo. wltnoss Mrs. A. B. Honsloy, witness Ulysses Halo, witness Mrs. Harry Hodgson, wit ness .T3S.06 2C.00 2S.00 3.C0 100.00 r.7.0i) GG.00 10.00 2S.20 fi.00 G.20 43. 2 S fi.'JO 2.50 2 70 10 00 3.u0 C 80 2 00 us no 13 00 r.3 70 23.00 4S.00 in. oo 3G.S0 23.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 20.00 15.00 3.00 4S.00 02.00 .35 fi.On 3.20 4.70 5.70 7.00 1.00 2.00 1. 10 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 30.20 G.90 3.50 28.30 15.00 20.C0 48.00 32.00 IS. 00 2.00 1C.50 COO 37.10 37.10 4.20 2.50 5.00 10.20 3.00 (1.50 5.00 5,00 3.20 C.50 8.20 40.10 3.00 45,20 45.00 44,00 42,00 3.20 3,50 3,20 41.0.0 3.50 i John A. Perl UNDERTAKER Lady Assistant UH 8. HAUTLETT Phonos M. 47 anil 47-J2 Ainbulunco Scivlco Deputy Corouor J, 1 llltson, witness . . . It. A. IliiiiHcotn, wltnoss.. . Joe Hurt. wituoM William lliitchor, wltnoss .. Ilumo Tol. U Tel. Co., tele phone hilt 11. Johnson, Juror W. A. Jones, witness William Jackson, witness I. co I,, Jacobs, witness . Mark Kelts, witness Ivetno Keller, witness Charles Kltuglo, witness .. . Fred KIlMihmumcr, Juror. . T. J, Kinney, Juror I. It. Kline, grand juror.. . Chris Keogaii, grand Jut or Frod l.ouy, grand Juror Harry l.ouy. Juror Geo, LuunspiMieh, Juror. . Aug. LuwrtniU, Juror .. U P. Mego, Intoriuoter . Surah J. Myuiitt, witness. J. C Mason, witness Dan Megerly, witness Joel Milton, witness U.OO 3.50 4 70 4 70 2.511 3 00 :i no 0.20 f.iio 4.50 3 20 6.80 4 4 20 IS. 00 7.00 0.00 att.oo 30.00 42 00 0 70 15 00 37 10 1.30 li 00 1100 (Continued on Page C.) IT Theatre TONIGHT O.NI.V A Son of His Father A two llool l.ublii Western DOWN I.ONH GAP'S WAV Pntho Western mat face was mat reim'Ni: Edition Comedy "STIGMA" Friday nnd Sat in day N'lgbls Two Itccl S, & A Western .Miss Clark, Violin, MKs llotlcr, Piano ISIS THEATRE Pliotopln)s Thursday Only The Tudor Princess In two Parts, Featuring Mury Fuller A SBItVAXT OF TUB ItlCII I.ubla Drama IHI.I.'S IIOAUD IIII.L Fnrco Comedy CAMlUllDGI-SlllltB ItACB .Miurr Sports Here Tomorrow ANCIENT OltDBIt OF GtMIDFKI LOWS Two Keels FOOTHA I.I. (i.VMIM Thrco Iteols Violin and Piano .Music STAR THEATRE TODAY Amend, Frank and Shirley The One-A nncd Trio A groat vaudeville novelty act Tho Great Racing Melodrama The Kissing Cup A lavishly mounted produc, lion with a groat cast. 4 Interesting Parts 150 Thrilling Scenes A Stupendous Photoplay OTHER PHOTOPLAYS ' GOOD MUSIC C0M.1N0 TOMORROW MARY PIOKFORD IN "CAPRICE" Tho first of. tho "Famous Player" pictures, made un der tho personal direction of DANIEL FROHMAN ADMISSION 10 CENTS STAR THEATER COMING TOMORROW Daniel Frohman IM'cscnls Mrs. Fisko's Famous Success "CAPRICE" With MARY PICKFORD In the title role, ably supported by Karncst Truax and Owen Moore, This is the first ol'thc KAMOl'S PliAYKIi PUO- .DUCTIONS anil are the same as shown in Portland at the People's Theater at advanced prices. The price of admission here will be as usual, U) cents. TWO DAYS ONLY Friday and Saturday PAGE HTEATER ONE NIGHT ONLY Saturday, February 7 Special Return Kii.tgeniciit. LADY KILTIES BAND Direct from a week's engagement at the Sullivan Coiisitline theater at San Kraueisro. AN ENTIRE CHANGE OF PROGRAM Any Seat 50c, Children 25c Doors Open 7 P. M., Curtain 8 P. M. ANNOUNCEMENT SUNDAY and MONDAY FEBRUARY 8 AND 9 TWO NIGHTS The Colonial Players In a Season of JIKlII-CIiASSSTOCK Iv rtHnkdH i x -rain .MISS JAM! (1UAV SUNDA Y OPENING PLAY The Traffic Popular Prices 10,20 and 30 Cts. MONDAY The Third Degree Sj