Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, February 03, 1914, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    i r
puhmhmuu i:vnnr aftbhnoon
Tho Democratic. Times, ths Jteaford
Moll, Tho Mtilford Tribune, The Fouth
em Orogonlnn, Tho Ashland Tribune,
Offlcfc Mall Tribune Uullainir, :&::
Nortli Kir street) tclcpliono .
PAtitr of Ilia, City of Medford.
l'apor or, Jackson county.
ttntrrcsl m second-class matter nt
Medfont. Ores-on. under the net of
March t, 1ST?.
BtiMBaRrrTicm hates
One yesr, by mnll . IS.00
On month, by mnll .. 0
Por tnonlli. iteUvcrml by carrier In
Mnlford. JnckionMllo nntt Cen
tral Point..- .f0
Polunlny only, by nall, per ywr S00
VHly. per year . 1 It
Dully nVernRo for rx months ending
UcNtnlior Si, U's I'-"11
With ,Medfonl Stop-Over
Griffin creek quarry rock Is of
very high grade for road building, ac
cording to analysis niado by tho
government labratory at Washing'
ton of samples sent by Highway Kngl
nccr W. A. Crowlands, In charge of
postal road work In Jackson county
Tho report reads: "This Is a
hard, tcigh rock, showing high resist
anco to wear and good cementing
value. Should make a very good road
material." Tho annbsls follews:
Specific gravity 2.30.
Weight per cubic foot 1S1 pounds.
Water absorbed per foot 0.3S lbs.
Per cent of wear l.S.
French cocf per cent of wear 22.7.
Hardness 1S.S.
Toughness 24.
Cementing value good.
Spring is here. The "Ifcv." Husli
rod Smith; colored, nee 07, came to
town Inst night, and this morning
called iiMin Chief of Police llittxot!.
About this time very year Hush rod
shows up, ns nu advance agent of the
robin and the fiivt dai.y. The po
lice use him nt, the indicator of the
coming of the srenllu season. lAt
yenr he wn ordered out of town af
ter a night in the city jail for robsl
l'otis conduct, enufccd by looking on
the wine vvhou it was red. lie oj
nted cons:derble of n disturbance.
This morning he wa back in old
haunts. Hmdirod is n negro Baptist
miniMer of the type portrayed in
miiihtrel frhowH.
Jlaru, leader of ttio local Jnpan
Che colony uud steward of the Uni
versity club, reports that his coun
trymen have mure housecleniiing n
Mgument8 tlinu they can attend to,
and that a window-washing finny
has btrui'k th resu'dnMce district.
'J"'.' rnt-tut-tt of the broom-handle
against carpet will boon he heard
in bank yards.
Several loads of fertilizer for
hpring 'iirdenH Mted up Main
Htreet, uud one driver warned he
vould bo arreted under the eitv or
diiuiuee if nnv more of it dropped
nu the paveuieut.
EIUK, I'as., Feb 3 Oeorgo Liv
ingston, better known aa ' A. No. 1,
tho king of tramps," and Miss Mary
Trohoskl, who wero to liavo boon
married hero today, nstoiilshtd their
friends when tho hour for the core
mouy arrived by announcing that
they wero wedded a week ago "t
avoid a fuss."
"A-No. 1," has beat tho railroads
mid steamship compaules out ot
thousands" of dollars In furcs. H?
claims ho hns traveled Jiioro exten
sively than uny other two people, in
tho world, and shows credentials In
the form of autographs and letteiu
which ho suya ho has personally so
curoil, that could liavo boon secured
only by travel of hundreds of thous
ands of miles. Livingston says his
trips lmvo covered "a million miles.'
He has boon located in Krlo for tho
past four months.
"A-No. J" today refused to say
whether ho has clvcit up his life of
trayol for all tliuo. ,
THE preservation of the homo town and tho homo mer
chant is bocomins an important ono. It is closely
alliod with tho bnek-lo-the-farm movomont. To city is
ovortlono. Tho tendenov to
ons tho wolfaro of tho nation. .
Tho growth of tho mail-order business has boon at the
expense of the small-town merchant, and it has boon so
ranid that the continued prosperity, in many cases exist
ence of the small town, is threatened. A majority of the
small tow
)wns in tho oast, avo beginning to go hack on ao
f it. As a result, the country tributary is also
count of
iroimj backwards.
This dangerous iondenoy is arousing the attention oT
the big men of the country, who are bonding their energies
to check the trend. Hero comes ono of the real town
builders, James J. Hill, with a forceful presentation of the
real gospel. In a letter addressed to Editor Alannix of the
Commercial News he says:
"The local market in every community is the key of
the situation.
"If it is well patronized, and, if in turn, its patrons can
buv and sell there advantageouslv, the arrangement is a
powerful aid to tho upbuilding of local interests and the
steadv increase of homo prosperity. The irrowimr custom
of ordering from some distant concern goods for ordinary
consumption that could be.iusr as well purchased from
the local merchants is one
disproportionate growth of
the countrv and the small
''IV, .iik,.i.i.,f l,!c ,-!! lint
4.W VVUll L illlO 1,11, UWlll Ml, I 11 o IIWHIll w-Wtv.
The local merchant should keep m touch with outside
markets and prices, so as to offer good quality and favor
able terms.
"He can do this because his lower expenses fully bal
ance the advantage which the big concern may have
through buying and selling in large quantities.
"If he does not keep an article in stock, he should be
prepared to supply it in jus short a time and at as low a
price as it cai bo obtained elsewhere, lie cannot expect
to hold his trade at the customer's expense.
"Conversely, the buyer should always remember that,
other things being equal, it is money in his pocket to buy
at home. By that ho encourages home effort, builds up
home industry, improves the home market for what he
sells, and keeps the money of the community at home.
"It makes a vast difference to people whether the
profits from its business remain for disbursement or in
vestment in the neighborhood or go to the big city. In
the long run, it determines the life or death of the country
town and the local market.
"Buying at long range creates commercially the same
conditions that are so universally felt where absentee
landlordism prevails.
"If fanners, local business men and local merchants
should unite to build up and maintain home trade it would
add wonderfully to the prosperity of them all. Such co
operation is a part of the solution of the problem of mak
ing country life more attractive and profitable."
ascertain why the Portland Oregonian always prints
Medford news under Ashland date lines, when it is sent by
their Medford correspondent from Medford.
The contract for the Pacific highway was let sit Med
ford it appeared in the Oregonian as happening at Ash
land. So does all the news concerning the county.
The test of the auto license law by Henry Hoyden, a
Medford man, appears in the Oregonian as an Ashland
news item. So dous most of the Medford news.
These are but a few of many instances that can be
cited. The Oregonian daily offers proof of its discrimin
ation against Medford. It is convicted by its own columns.
This should surprise no one. It is the Oregonian s wav
of "boosting" Medford.
"When the Oregonian doesn't like anyone it either
omits mention or deliberately distorts facts. Its unfair
ness is proverbial and it carries it to mean, little ends for
a "great" paper. Medford should be thankful that the
Oregonian's enmity is limited to omission rather than dis
tortion. The Commercial club directors are cheerful optimists
in undertaking to get a square deal for Medford from the
Oregonian. "Can tho Ethiopian change iis skin or the
leopard his spots?"
There is only one argument that can affect the Ore
gonian the argument of the pookctbook. IT results are
wanted, hit the Oregonian in the pookctbook.
"Why should anyone in Medford take a paper that boy
cotts the community I Why not boycott the Oregonian 7
First Subway in
Hitonoit Aire Iuk completed the
lut cection of ils new subway and
it wan opened to public erice I)c
cnmhftr 1, 101 Jl. That underground
transit bus become a neccwdty to
leliove the eougetioii of traffic nc
centunte the fnet Unit the Argentine
capital U the ''hnrrv-up" cily of
South America. It giowlh during
the ten-year period closing with 101'J
i.i remarkable.
In 100:i the population wuk 085,
1(81, there were -IHol carriaget, and
iui)omobilfln uud the ntieet car, or
trains, as the Knglish-Argentiues
call them, carried KJUJIOJOO fares
during the year; in 1008 tho popula
tion hud increaxed to 1,180,180, tho
carriages and automobiles to 05S0,
uud the paftseugers curried by the
trams to 'JJJ.-,07:i,HOO; by 101'J the
nopiilntion amounted to 1,-1 57,885,
tlie earriagon uud automobiles to
lU.OID, and tho trams htruggled with
i07,'Jr2,r 10 passenger.
When the wurfuco ems were no
longer able to handle the traffio sat
isfactorily -the Anylu-Argejitiuu corn-
still furthor overdo it throat
of the influences causing the
our cities at the expense of
- li li.ii'lim? i'lwii11 ni.itmii In
South America
phny, an Knglish corporation who
owned iuot of them, decided in 1010
to a "k for a franchise to install a
ill) way hjhtcmi, and it is the lirst
fecctioii of this which wus opened to
traflio recently. According to an
article in the January bulletin of the
I'uu-Americau I'uioii, this section
runs from the government building
on the I'lazo Mayo at one terminus,
underneath tlm main thoroughfare,
the splendid Avcuida da Mayo, to
uud around the foundations of Ihe
new cupitol, uud to the 1'laa Once
de Septiembre, a total distance of
about two miles. Formerly the
rhortcsl time to iiiuke the trip, ow
ing to tho congested condition of
traffic, was .'10 minutes. Jly tlie
subway it now takes less than one
third of that time, and "time is
money" in liueuos Aires, just as it is
in New York.
The subway is double-tracked and
c(uippcd with cars of the latent pat
tern and every modern convenience.
One new feature introduced is that
each btutioii lias a dibtiuet color
scheme, different front the oilier
Kor PMimpU', tin) firM station on tin1
nxi'iudn is pamled kv blue, Ihe m
ond U vellow. the third jriocn, ote.
Soon the OUtiiietlxo onltus will be
come fiunilinr to the patiou, and if
n piiNM'injer fnlN U read the large
iiH he etui xtill lell wheto he is by
the color of the ttppini: place. The
Kiiugp of the road is live feet ni
inches uud the enrx accommodate
forty pufxencer eucli. A thiid rail
vstem hiw uImi been installed, so
(hat in iMe of emeivene the com
pany can ue some of it surface
ear in the ubwny. In other word-,
the new Mibwuv is up to the minute
in every jmrtieulnr, and when the
other MT-tiun are added the Aiwm
tine capital will have nn uiuleinnmid
transit system eotinc oincthliMr
over $:UUH)0,0ll0, which, taking into
consideration the distance covered,
will be etptal to that ot any city in
the world.
lly A. C. Hewlett.
Clarence IMercv one of Medford s
real estate men was a caller Thurs
day night.
W. I. Mnpcs of NVwport. who has
been here for tho past few mouths
has returned to Newport with his
family. He hns been ruiinKcd In cut
ting and mounting the different MiuIk
of stones that are ho plentiful In tit's
lion. S. M .Nenlon of Table ltock
was here last Friday In the Interest
of the O. A. It. Cost of Central Point.
F. S. Johnson, representing th
llonn.xmnu Hardware company ot
Cortland, and Charles Williams rep
resenting Wudhaua & llerr lire., of
Cortland called on our hardware mer
chants last Friday.
l'rof. W. K. lluchannn nn our
two lad) teachers, MIm Kthel Sldlln
gor and Miss Mnblo Hoff, n dinner
Inst Thursday ovonlug at his rent
den re. Tho three teachers are work
ing together admirably and tho schoul
Is In a wry promising condition.
Drown tiros, hnve beu having the
brick replaced on their store bullilln,'
that was thrown off by the heavy
wind uSnday, the 2&th.
A. S. Hilton of the Mall Trlbuuo
force, was out In our town last wetk
soliciting Job work, making envelopes
a specialty and I understand that he
succeeded quite well. He also went
to llutte Falts the next day, Jan. 30.
II. J Taylor of Pendleton. (1. M.
ot tho I. O. O. F., was among us last
Friday and met tho I. O. O. P. and
Ilobckas lodges and ot course had to
have a big feed. Ho spoke In the
highest terms of tho Hagle Point
lodges and especially of tho younn
members, said Mint they will com
paro favorably with uny lodges 'n
tho state.
I). It. Patrick was also with us tho
same night and furnished some fine
music for the two lodgos.
Jasper Hannah of Trail, also came
out nnd attended tho meeting of thj
P. M. Kershaw representing tho
Mnrblo Works of Medford, was a
guest with us Saturday.
K. O. Harding who has n homo
stead on I.lttlo Hutto creek nbovo
Lake creek was with us Saturday
Miss Stratton of Medford has bcon
out here visiting thu family of Chrln
Natwick and returned homo Monday
Mr. Adams, tho c clone nntl-salom
lecturer, that caused such n sensa
Hon In Kagle Point a short time ag
will lecture In tho Kaglo Point opera
house next Thursday evening at 7:30
F.verybody come and hear something
now on tho line of stato wide prohi
bition. I.ust Sunday, February 1, your
correspondent was called on to go
to Sams Valley to perform tho mar
riage ceremony for O. W. Treshman
and Miss Fny Do Ford. Tho mar
rlago was performed nt tho homo of
thu groom's father as Mrs. De Ford
was confined to her bod with la
Krlnno. There was nulto a numlmr
of tho neighbors nnd friends Invited
in nnd a very pleasant time was had
and as fine a dinner was served .&
any ono need to servo. For mo ta
say that wo nnd a goon time wouiu
bo about right,
Mother Stanislaus
Tells of Recovery
'ilirnnt Trouiili'i, k roiitliiiinl couul.s
siiij will, otwi ki iiuualy iifTis't lliu
lurm. If you liam nut fonml tiny liu
iiruri'iiii'iii I rum ilm Iriiitiueiit )iu jinvu
irl-l, liiMntUutti tin- nuny recirls sliuvt.
I Hit lii'iii'tlia, ami, In iiiiiiii'rinis him-,
(iiinplrlc rf-uiirim, lirouulit (i Ijou t liy Urn
u,u uf lli'kuiiin's Allirnthi'. Tills U a
iiii'illrliiu fur 'lliriiiit 11ml f.uny TrciihlcM.
favurulilr Lihiuii for moru iTian flflceii
(virn Jtcml lbl nun- -
CVjrin nt of Ht Anne, Kiirifunl. I'lu.
"ili'iiiUiiiitr In iviirunrr, K1 1 . fuur
il'ielurd I'xaiiiliu-il my lirnt nnd pre
iKiumiil ilm iiculiy uf an ni.iriillon.
llnvliitf lu-nril ul l'a-f LskMI. N V. Until.
itIkium of llie hlHlcra i.f Ht. Kninds,
wlivre I mis vMtluir, nt llckmuii's Altera
live, I ilclermliiiil a a lam remirt to try
It After lukliitf four or II vu hollies lurnit
pleren of illmuiii'il l,.uf lainu away. I
lonllnuii! Ihe Allrrsllie, to my Kraliful
ami dully tdlef In leu moutlm I was
resiortii to iierferi In 11 ) Hi. 1 tvouhl l
KMd lo wrlle or tulle o any iwrnoii uho
limy hat 11 a ilouht iilx.m II, ( would llks
ilieiii to see ami lu-ur from my own Men.
If they m ilitltu all 1 ttoulilkay of it."
(SI.'iiiiO MOTJlCK M.;h.
(Above alilirerlulril, more 011 tiiiuml.)'s Alteiatlti'lins keen proven liy
many year' tent lo l.e rnont iiUudou
for eere Throat 1.111I I, mm ,VIicIIoiim,
ri..., 1 i.lii j
Jiruiulilul AsIIiiiiii. Htiil'lioru
Orlils uini In iinliiillijliiu I lie system,
'.yiti'Mli, !ei iiiiiiiiiii n. nuiiuim or liniill
formlni; ilruif
Auk for liooLItt lelllnir
or lie merles,
ttoterles, ami ivrlt
ralory, I'lillnileliiliia,
i. 1'or sale by all III
ami write, to I Mum 11
la, rw.. lor on
U'sUhig uruifKlsts
Mr. West accompanied (hiwnior
West to Ashland and was cnteilnin
ed hv the ladies the Owe Im
provement Flub who showed her the
sights of the cily and its sunoniid
ings in nn auto tide. The wcathei
was beautiful uud gloriously sun
shiny. Governor and Mrs, West re
mained in Ashland for the evening
festivities and left Tuesday morning
for (Herniate to nu invalid unlit
of the governor.
After tho iilturnooii eerci.os Ihe
guests of the city were shown about
town uud at 3::I0 weie enteiluiiied
with a bnmpiet given by luiuidc
l'ot uud Woiunu's Itelief t'ois. The
guosN were the local company of the
coast uitillerv and the viitii- sol-
diers and (loveiuor and Mr. West
It was a pleudid nffHtr Mich us the
eoips h so able to serve.
The Soda Spriiur district sehool
has introduced mnuiml training. It
is curiicd on in the woodshed whsre
the shop has been fitted up. Princi
pal linliort IVacliv rt'iHitls that It
has grcHtlv increased the attendance
and interest in school work. It i
reported o be the filM di-tuct school
in the county to tnlioducc iniiinml
3-'-:a. l - ; - -r- scar .-a- -- -r-n r j-jun
Mrs. O. F. McClalu has been vis.
Itlug her father, James Harvey of
Myrtle Creek.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Isaacs of
Medford visited Mrs. Isaacs' mother,
Mrs. l.lsilo'Staucltff of Phoenix nt
llrowu & Ootildley of the Talent
Drug company moved Into tlm now
brick building Friday.
'I'Alciit's Commercial club has luvi
tatlous out fur a rousing social Tugs
day, February S In the evening.
Joshua Patterson of North Talent
Is loading a rnr of potatoes In Med
ford. Mr. and Mrs. t P. (load of Ash
laud were guests at C. Carey's Sun
day. Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Anderson and
wifo of North I'hoouU vislteil Mr. and
Mrs. A. S. Furry Sunday.
Miss Mary Staucllff of Phoenix and
her brothers W. S. and llerlle, wem
doing some shopping In Medford on
Talent will soon hnvo a eo-opoM
the creamery. The slock Is being
subscribed now and enough 'cows to
supply It are In tho I in media to vi
cinity. Prof. Uelmer ot tho Talent experi
ment station has returned from n
ten dnv's stay at Corvallls where lie
gave data on his work In this part of
tho state.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Under wero "in
Medford Saturday and Carl Newbury
had so far recovered from his fall as
to bo able to necompany them
Miss l.lnnlu French has been quite
sick, with tonsllltls the past few days,
but It better
C Care Is having n largo tank
house erected, and w Install nn
electric pump.
Take a ghu of Salts before breakfait
if your Back hurts or Bladder
bothers you.
Tlie American mrn nail women mint
f;uard cotutantly against Kldauy trnuhlr,
wcausq wo eat loo much ami nil our food
is rich. Our blood Is filled with urlo ,
acid which tho kidneys strlvo to filter 1
out, they weaken from overwork, become f
sluggish; tlio ellinln.itlvii tissues clog nnd
tlio result Is kidney trouble, bladdur I
weakness nnd n perioral decline in licilth. ,
When your kidneys feel liko lumps of
lead) your back hurts or tho urino !
cloudy, full of fu-dimrnt or you nro
obliged to seek relief two or thlisi time
during tlio nlghti If you sulfor with sick
headache or dijy, nervous stalls, oold
...".,. "... i' ..... .1,.. v ,
'. younavo rneuinausm warn
iimi nuiiiii;r ! ifiwi, uv iiuui uiir iniiir-
maclst nlsait four ounces of Jud Hnltsi
tako a tnldespoonful In a glass of
water lfore breakfast for a few day
and your kidneys will then net lino.
This famous salts Is mnda from tlm field
nf grapes nnd lemon Juice, combined with
liUdn, and has liecn irnod for generations
to lluah nnd stimulate clogged kidneys 1
to nciitrallro tho nclds In tho urino so it
no longer is a sourcn of Irritation, thus
ending bladder ditorders.
Jud Suits is inexpensive) cannot In
lure, inukes a deliulitful elfervmccnt
lltiila-watcr beverage, und belongs In '
every home, hrcniue nolirxly cun muku
a mistake by lavvinj; a good klilnoy Hush
Ing any time.
Medford Tailors
John A. Perl
Lady Assistant
m h. HAiiTMyrr
Phones M. 17 and 17-J a
Ainbulanco Service Deputy Coroner
.Miss Mlrtnm (Ircgg ofAslihind uud
Miss Seeley of Medl'oid IcJ'l Salur.
dav for I .os Angeles o enter ('tun
iioeh School of llxpression, M'.
Scelev accompanied Ihein,
I-'. U. t'onway lias gone to south
ern t'alil'oiuia on a bisnesi visit,
The following edneatots of Jnek
sou ciiuutv ntleiidcd the lucctin of
tlie Kogue U'lver Valley Schoolmast
ers' Club in Ahlaiid: Fred ('. Aver.
piot'CHSor of education nt the I', ol'
(.; C: (. Ilownmn, Medfoid; (I. W.
Milam, Ahlaud; l W, Tiuubull.
UiUliU I'ass; f. S. Collins, Medl'oid i
A. .1. Ilanlev, Mislloid, It. V. Dun
Imiii. Medfoid; I'ml'. Wardtip, Umuts
Pass; F. I'.. M.h.i c, Ashland; I. II.
Daily, Medfoid; II. V. Ager, Phoe
nix; W. M. Iln.'hnnnu, Lester L. Spe
said. (Irnnts Pass; . It. Peleison,
siioervliuir district No. l It. V
llnrdltiK. (lold Hill; P. I. Maun, Ash
laud; A. II. Chase, Supervisor dis
trict No. 1; II. Uaae, instructor in
music. Medford ami (lold Hill; . M
Ciessly, (I. W. Alter. Talent; I". T.
Smith, .lacksonville; .1. Pvicv Well",
count v siiperinteiident, Jacksonville;
A. I. Mickrv. (Viilrnl I'.mil; licit A.
Adams, (lold Hill.
(I. A. Kelehmau and wife of Foil
Jour, Siski.vou county, weie in Ash
laud Sntilidnv. lie is a stockholder
in one of the local banks,
The number of uuemploved led at
the I'liiiv tli stiect fire -latum diinii--the
month of Juiiin.rv was Ullti. To
Kt'ther with the Ihtl cared lor I'lui'i
Di'icudicr It to Jaiiiiaiv 1 it bun"--the
lolnl to II ID
l.llt'llstsl PIlOlOpllIVs
Tnesiliiy unit Wednesday Pr,irnin
The Wolf of the City
Sellg Spectnt Feature III two Parts
p.VTiit: vi:i:ki. .no. 71
New s
With Mnnrlro Costello. Mnr Chnrl
soii and Kate Prlie
Wlliyv" FAiilHIt (it.Vi:i A MIIIKI,
II. Ijtiui-paili llr, ' J, Homier
liami Violin
Coming 'lliursil.t) Only
Two Itcels
Coming Friday Only
o. a. tJ. i'ooTit.i.i. Pirri.'iii'S
Three Itcels
Tuesday mill Wednesday Nights
"coo.v citi:iK cot'irisiiu'"
"F.VCl.t: TOM'S CAItlV
reel Kalem speclnl.
Sixth and last
"WHO Wll.l MAItltV .MAItV"
l.Moiou cvci.i: i:i.opiii.vr'
mo, co.Mi:i)it:s
Don't miss It.
Only 10c
Tlirco pari 101 llison
TOTATI & 00.
Comedy AcrolmlH and
Woolwortli & Woolworth
iMiwie and lOITeels
An intensely interest hiff
roiii'-pirt feature produc
The fimt of the "Kanioim
Player" pieinren, under tlio
direetion of Daniel I'Vohnian
Moiwy Savotl
by Making your Cough
Syrup nt Home
1'nlie Hoi ftivvPlnnirnls,
It ltd Ml" Hunt I iiiikIi
Hi it SUM ri
.1 1. ... I.ii..... .. a .. .ill.. .. ii. tint, I n
Isrg'' iiuniititv id I'luln sviup. If .vim
lake one plat of uninillntiil silunr, mid
". pint uf wutin water nnd sllr about
li niliiutes, von Imve us good sirup as
IIIIKII III' iiril"- ' '".'.
Urge iiuniititv id I'lutn sviup. If ,mi
liiinii'V mum nn,. ,
If yen will then put lilt aimers of
Plnex lllltV ct tits' wortlil In a pint
fsitlle, mid till it UP with Urn Sugar
eoiiii'i uini mi 11 in1 " ; '""
Svnip, oU will have n inili'li rougli
sviup as von ismld I'uv ready iiiinle for
i,M. Take a t'Sss'iiful tvciv one,
two or tints Imiiiis. It kis'tw pirdvllv.
Yen will llnd It one of the twt chiimIi
ryrups vim ever iim.I eifii In whooping
ceilgi. Soil eilii fisl It take ii.p
itsiisllr ciimnirrs nn iitdmarv niuuli In
Ul Imur. It Is ul Isxalive eaiiugh,
iiu a gisul tunic ilfis.1, and die tinta
iilwi.alit. ... , . , .
II Is a Splrndld IHlliilv. tixi, fur
wlicepitig tsiiigh, piuttiiiiHlle croup,
liontMHiriis and hrtimiilal iintliiini.
Pltii'X Is a imt taiilaliln isiiirrntrn.
I11I uiiiipiiinid of Nnrwitv white nine
extract, rich In ituitlnrnt and nthrr
Cinillli; oilllT ,'irnirill, .11 ihiht 'i,-('i,-
Hitlnii will work lii lli l fitiinula.
l.iiiiiii 11111 nui, 111 ,111- ,ir, IMI..I.,
'I Ills plan fur making rough rrinrilvr
with Plnex nut Sugar Hvrup U new
iiimsI In mure limue tlmn nnv etlirr
CiiukIi rclioilv. i'lir plan tin ollrli brrli
Imitated hut lirvir mrvisHifitllv,
A giuranlv of abxilnln ustUfartlen,
or niiinry preiuptly trfiuidr.1. goes with
lids pti'arnlluii. Vuur drugglt hns
Pliirt, or will iirl It lur vim. If nut,
end to 'llm Plnex Co., l't, Wnync, Itul.
Home good (otiutr) ptoperty to ex
cliiiiiKu for a hoiiMj and two lots sit
uated 011 a paved street, lioiuo flvn
nioms modem Will give n good bar
gnlu for the right kind ot country
If vou have a snnp la city ur coun
try property to soil or ev'miiKc, enll
nnd give me a listing nu It as I think
that I rati handle It for )oii.
If you wnut to rent nu office or a
residence 1 ran fit vou out with thu
best nt reasonable rules.
Count up nnd (nit me your trou
bles. Itoom III) M. F. ,V II. Hull. ling
Opposite the Post Officii
Formally Senior Member of W T
Vork &. Co
iioitsi , 1 on .si,i:
One can o' I'Mili's ngo 0 and
7 enrs welKhl -'00 One span,
marc nnd hor' hi 7 nnd K enrs,
weight iilo. One good nil nroiiud
horse. K years old. l.nrn team,
wttlght aoeu. One well broke luddlo
homo 0 gvntlo IndleM' ilrhltu
mare Oho hhhI ranch team. Can
be seuu at
O. S. l.lllV
At Ciilon llaru
Loss nf npiH'tllB Is tlio first signal
of disorder and decay. The usiinl
losn of nppelltH Is often rnusixl by
fuurtloiint dlsturbntiriw In the stom
ach. Tho slomnrh fnlls to do tho
work required, the nppetllo Is gone,
and the Imdy suffers. Hiirh n stom
aiii needs to be clenued nnd sweet
eiiod K ron mr imuiCHiMiM J
Mi M. mwsszEcxmw
11101 HtHH
Is innde especially to assist tho stom
al h o digest food, and proiuote a
health) appetite.
This remedy Is sold 011 our posi
tive gimrauteo, and wo kindly nsk
ou to glvu It a trial.
it is , (.i:mim: tonio
hakki.vs' mtt'ti sitntt:
Hviliislvo Mciitol Agency
I'h tlio now nanio for our
eonfeelionery and oigar
Hlore, eornor Main and
South Conl nil.
Several appropriate names
were siiesled, (ho ono se
lected boiiitf sent in by Mrs.
Alaudo Woods, who received
the prize of a box of candy,