Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, February 03, 1914, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    PA73E" THREE
4& 2yzL
rs7.rm. a-
xvi jMi jyjyLi " wc!Lry'?-- ?y
tw sm.y' -rrrs3yj -v mymmm
(' l Hiilum I. n iiit'inliir of th'
Hindi I ml it hi rlu I Anldi'iil CiiiiiiiiIh
"Iuii, In In .Mmlfiitil coiiiillliiK Mull'
tic nHttilliiK ImlimtrloM Unit will lie
Hlfi'ili'il hy tlm Woiliniiui'H Comiik) i
out Ion Act Wis hIiiIch Unit tin; new
luw In vitr) fnvorulil) roximlnd liy tlm
Kroiit him Jim It y of tlio omiiIiiim nf
fi'ctml unit Unit tint net pronifnHH lo
li n Knitlfylii(! mirrtttH.
DlnmnwIiiK tint law mnl It wor
lux Air. llalinii'U until:
"Tim law liKcuniti nffi'cllov liiunoil
Inlnly iiflur tin- NoMiiiilmr uliwilon in
mi fitr h ln iitHiiiiliiilliin or tlii
t'liiiinilmliMi vn rimrirind. Tint In
Tito ICIIwond, linl , Dully Uriord
of Jiuumry 12, imttnliiH tin; following
luttitr front Mih. Iilu I'linliini, who
Iiiih liumi vIkIIImk In Minlfiiril:
Mmirord, Dtititnn, lift'. 31. IMS.
I rviii'liuil (IiIh plum mi Hiiiitniiiliiir
!!', nnil tli It U I'm'. 11. mnl I mn
Mill Iwro. I Imwt tiirnly linen wnll
intlit tor romliii!. Tim IkIiU I huva
Ml.llll, till tllU'Ht (i nit I Iihvii over wit
mi nr itftm, mnl thl lnirn inuiintmn
wittur in ill Ink iiiniw otnthlnK
Tim HmNiiniimli'f rsltirw .52 Inilay.
Now .Mudfurd mnl IIiiriiii rlcr
vnllcy. Tim bimiit) mnl Krmnloiir tu.jHiiriuiti! fuiitnnm of tin. tut. howmnr
i.vroU iny in('liitloiiK An fur u I
linvn mmii It roll unfuly tut cnlliil tin)
Uurilmi nf IMmi. Inslmid uf llm miuw
mnl rnlim of tlm iuitoni mnl nilildln
wmt Mitti'M, mk nri iii)dIiik bwiiilHiil
Minnliliiit mnl floMiim, rum In full
IiIdiiiii. rnmli itniwImrrlKM rlKlit nff
tin; lm. hwililt all tin' nthiT kind
of fr tilt tlmt 5row In purfi'itloii in
(IiIh nllny. Tim tliurmoiintiiir ri'itl. Dot, fi, "6 In hi Hi tlm itliml"
That oiiiul llkn Kood ohl miinmoi
1 1 nu), Medford I In tlm
Ilium of llm nlliy. II I now m
inmM.niim mnl thrhlni: rlty of iilnmi
10.000 population. whom only n fw
)nrii a K" It nH n lltlln liamlol of n
fi.w liuuitmil piMipli). It U i'IicIihuM
h ninny now i-appml Jiiotiiititlim
Aiiiiiiik tho looKt promltii'iii of ihiM
U ohl Uoxy Ann. which itlriutly onr
look llm fit jr. Mixtion! Iiiih ro
iiiIIim nf puliiK ItiNti nn otlmr In III
atnto of Km Him, mnl mum iintonm
lilto IIihii any otlmr ill) of Um l
In tin. viot til. Tlmy am now build-
Iiik a irwlli'y llnv HKbt "r M' '""I
-w Iilcti will Uo rwidy for traffic Jan
Int. Mwlfnrd tin lvo lirnnrli rail
ny, with llm Southurn Pacific main
Dim. ThU Hokmii rhur vullny it
Niimly Imautlftil; would havu In mi.
thin to ri.nllm ll.
A party of in motoril out Init
Hiiudiiy to a imnll town cnllwl Ctmtitl
I'oliit, on tlm Houtlmrn Taclflc rall
rnnit iiillo ii tilri. cli'au llltln town.
On our way tlm ftmt iIiIiik n mm
wan a IiIk Jirk rlht In th"
mlititlo of I hi. roail. Tlm ui'Xt IhlliK
wnH n pumpkin pntrh ami n nuiii'i
mi'lon palcli. Tlmy can crow inoro of
of lliutn lo tlm Piiuaru foot In Hun
vnlloy than I lirtvo uvitr mmiii ;rowi.
mi) Aflr that wi pamnnl
mum t.imutlful alfalfa farm. Thi
wiirn iiumly nroot. Vi wnt on and
tmxt wo nmt an nutnmolilto that cnr
rlml hoiiiii huntcrH mnl limy hail tap
lurwl llimn iti'iim. no llm pooplo f
.MiHlfnnl am imIIuk Viiulmiu Ntxt
vi. on Mt. I'll!, whcro tin'
now In) it all tlm )iir aroiiml. nm.
aunthur muuiitaln ralli'il Tallin ltork
thai wnN mimty licaullfiil to hnhol.l
Tin) orclianU mnl tlm fruit Unit itrowx
lu ihU mi Hoy i'ii u not hi) hoati'ii mo
Mlmrn on I'lirth.
Wo wiirn nut rhtliiK nKnln mnl wntit
not th of Miulfonl to what In cnlli"!
Willow crcuk orchanl. Thum wo n
hoiiiii lii'itutlful appln anil punr or
rlmrilH, thou wu wmit wrnit to what U
ralli'il Jaoknouvlllii, tlm county mimI
of JackHim county, (IoIiik ovit tho
mail lo that town wo inw niich '
Intaiitlful ilcur park with ilcora nn.l
olkH. ahoiit 'JO nf thorn, mnl llm lam 'I
tree with tholr hunullfiil rnl li
rlim hmiKltiK Hko Rrapim mnl (ln lo
llnwt (arum 1 it.r Inokoil on Tin
town of JaikNoiivlllii In ono of tho
olitoHt towiiM In Ihe ulalii. II Hon I"
tlm foot of u mouuialti mnl Ih luaui
fully Htirroiiuiloil. On mm hIiIo am
mouiilaliiH mnl on tho otlmr In'
vulli.y fiirniH, ilulry farum mnl iiillli
mnl Iiok faruiH.
Tlm puoplu mo puttliiK H'lr
attuiitlon lo stock InrKoly now, I
hoaril u ItoKUu rlvor ranehor iloclmo
tho other iilKht Umt no ono who hail
ovor llvint on tho Pacific coiihI over
llvcit miywhuro oIho If It coiilil a
hnlpi'il. Wo Imvn ono niiiu horn from
tho Htm of Ohio flint nwim HMO ncrot.
Whll Iilu orchanlH mo com Iiik ou ho
Iiiih koiiu Into Iiok ihIbIiik oxtoimlvoly
Ho linn 100 Iiokh on IiIh ranch mnl
JiihI alilppuil of n cnr load, llo Ih U.
1', DoiIko, of Akron, Ohio,
Wo took another auto rldo houIIi of
Medford to a plaro called Talent.
Thoro wo looked on hoiiio honutlful
country and iiihoiik tho real was a
ranch lieloniilut! lo two prominent
moo of Klwood, Indiana, a Mr. OhIioim
mid a .Mr. Ilowor. Thoy havo u fluo
placo, a Krimt liivoHtiuont for tholr
moiioy ami lovoly country to llvo lu
mid (ho cllmato can not ho boat any
whoro on onrtli, Tho f,rwa U mow
ItiK Ktcoii horn mid tho rones bloom
liiK In tho ynrilH, hut oh, tho mhowh
mid Htornm hotwoen horo nod Klwood.
do not Into nm opnnillvi. until Jul)
I, tl'l I.
"Tlm law provhti.H for llm crea
tion of the linlimtrliil Accident I'unil,
lo ho innilii up hy iiiiiirlliiiiloiiH from
i'iuplo)i)rn, vMirknmu and llm Mute.
"Two cltiMtm of iK'cupntloiiH am ll
fined lu tlm net mid lire iIuhIkmiiIihI
ii k r I n Hi. mi A mid II III clanii A, the
I ale of Hi)iimiit hy llm iup'o)i'r I
Hi no per nmt and Ii) tlm eiiiilo)i.i
mm half of ono per cent. In d
II, Hi.. eiiiplo)er piiyn om mid one
half per cent mid tlm oiiiplnit oii.i
f till r tli of oim per iniit. In clan A
hoth llm iiuplo)T mid workmen nro
I'lilllleil to KXi'ioptliiu when tlm In II
.liml eln.lo)er Iiiih lo IiIh criillt.
thri'H pur rent of IiIh umiiial pay roll
mid no ai'cldeulM lime ocriirred III hirt
plant, whllo utiiler C'laiw II. Hie
niNoiiul r"iilre.) to lie maliitnliiiHl
h) llm Kinployer. In the a-cldntit fund
In one ami one half of tlm pay roll.
"Tlm law Ih i-leclhn, hoth lu lu
application to the einplo)er and i.iu
plo)u, i.ltlier of whom may elect to
iHimo In or ntny out, hot einployur Im
any of tlm luuiinlotiH ocuupntloni.
who idoct not to Hike nih untune of
llm nut, nm ileprhe.l of tho commi,t:
Inw ilofetifoH of coutrlhutory iickII
Ki'lice, follow Hi.rvaut llnhlllty mid ntt
HUiiiptlou of rink lu any action for
tinning! hy their i.inpto)iHi. Work
men who reject tlm act loo tho koui
fltH provldml.
"Tho OroKoti Inw provide n llhornl
tH-hettuli' of compoimatlou for Injure. I
workmen ami for llm heiioflclarln
of workmen who lone tholr llton In
Indu-trlal accldeiil. Tlm act ulo
provldcii for flrwi aid to Injured work
men lu an amount not to exceed Ii.".')
In any one cano."
Any ono InlereHteil In tlm Mitijoct
cmi obtain a copy of tho law hy writ
Iiik the couiuiIhhIou at Salem.
in .nuiiiitn.ii el .1, M. 1 ilou ol Miirfli
lielil, Or., In he H'Kl-tl'ur of lite lull. I
oll'ico nt ocliiii:, Or., wiu fcnl !
the M'liati' III)- iillellioon.
Many vnnin Imm for clilKlirn, Imt Iwiun of
.xiie cunblr phyirl ilrmniirinciil ate ilrpnvtd
ol Hit utratrit o( ll hai.plnru.
The wonirn who4 ntnv follow wrre intorfd
In iK.nn.l l.ralth l.v l.yill. 1! Ilnkliain't Vncta-
ivnio ana w inrni idoui iu
Ll Con. inind,
Woathcr Forecast
Oronon Fuir (ouiKliI ! wnrmiM ciihI
portion; Wciliiosiliiy, prolmhlv 1'iiii'
went, hiiow ciihI portion; winds inoal
ly nortlioily.
"I took yoor Com
jkiuihI and havo n fine,
Btronj; liuby. " Mr.
John Mitciiixi,, Man
ecnu, N. V.
"Lydln fi. Pinkimm'a
Vi'Rotnblo ComKuud is n
wonderful mcdlcino for
expectant mother. "
Mr. A. M. MYKits, Gor
donville, Mo,
" 1 hlfilily recommend
Cont)ouml before
clilkMilrtli, it Iiiih done no
much formo."-Mw. B.
M.Domtit, It. It, 1, Con
sliohocken, Pu.
hnm'a VoRetablo Com
jtouml to build up my
nyBtem and hnvo tho
tlenreat bnby Kirl in tho
world." Mr. Moan
lil-AKKLKV, lmi)erial(Pa.
"J prnlso tho Com
pound whenever I hnvo
n chance. It did bo much
for mo before my littlo
Kir! was born." Mrs.
E. W. Sandeus, Howies
burff, W. Vu.
"I took your Com
pound before baby was
born and fool I owo my
Tim.ih, Winter Huven,
SKEj v ' JiiiiH
hlnle liiMirmnii foiiiiiiloHloncr
HOOD HIVKIt. Orn. Pel). :.- Tho
Hood ltler appln crop for tlm Hea
noii I'.iin ha heeii approxlmatoly dli
pimiHl of. Only ahout r.0,000 lioxiw
remain lu nioniKo at Hood lllver
nwnltlni utilpmntit to fill order pmt
loiiHly Iniol.i.d. Tho Apple (Irowur'
MtMH'lullon, that ha hand led Hour))
the entire oiilput of the Vtillny, will
illHlrllitito annum the mower approx
imately 1 1 00, Old) (HMi. Tho Himocln
lion tin hlppeil about IMio curlond
IIiIh reaMou, which havu heou old at
f. o. Ii. prlie.
TJio noolnton buKiiu tho nenKon
with mfiiiltiK to uoiihIkii It apple to
lie mild lu tin. omitoni market at auc
tion mnl on a conmilloti bail, nu I
a a riwiilt tin ms'iiro more HiitlHfnc
lory price for all of tho Krndo. WU
iiior HIkk. nlo maniiKor for the n
ttoi'latlou and one of the mile uintia
Kom for the Pacific DUtrlbuton,
"When we wind up tlm sen bo n nn.l
tho report of nle nro lu tho liniul
of the crower. I think It wilt ho evi
dent that Kond prlcMi hnvo been no
cured for the Hood lllvor npple thi
yiHir. The mnller lze nnd th
cheaper Krndo hnvc brouKbl cxrop
llonnl.y kooiI prtro nlonc wlili the
bettor grade and liei. The aHvocla
Hon hn been more urcocfiil In mnr
kitlUK the cheaper (redo till jenr
and the price necured for lhcte
KruiliM Ihul hnvo humtoforo broiiKht
very low prlco will innlorinlly wlM
Ihii orchard earning of tho growci
of tlm Hood lllvor vnlloy thl enou
Many car havo boon ned from III.)
elder mill price, mid w not tlu
Krowor hnmlHotiii) profit."
t'aunitlan Inbor union nro enilcjv
nrlnK to have tho Koverlililent otnu
IUh an old iiho pension ytuiu.
I'or S.ilo
r. aero tmrt uer Moilfurd for n!o
Alt kind of help furnished on
.hort notice.
Ileal otnto botiKtit mid sold, ex
chuuito tundo, hltiiatlou Bcciircd.
tirrr.vKit i:mpi.ovm:nt iu?iii:ai'
Mrs, II) nl I'iiMit, .MaiwiKer, SucccKsor
Hotel Benson
Formerly New Oregon
TOW open under
entire new manage
klTim mcnl- t the re
CttuH fiMciucnt of ilet-il.
tttv."icnce't of euuipment
and supcrioiity of service
is absolutely unexcelled.
l-arRC, li'cht, niry samplo
rooms for commercial men.
'Every convenience. Cen
trally located. Rates very
moderate. Dininu room
service as heretofore. Auto
busses meet all trains.
Portland, Oregon
C. KlUKE DRURY, At. Mgr.
I lor sometime .in t vlit-fwit oreh-
i nl Inililer nm v le been kimmi 'it
the eiitiiiiiee of the eniiiiiiercinl club
'i Joint lniilillii).'. Nut iiiTillrnc Kiieh ii n
i r lele you limy li'' have oxnniined
it. The H(nkiiniM-liii, Ihe pond iiim
i nnl nnd trim mnilel lm been Inv
oinljlv miuiiiii'iiti'il iihiii. H Iiiih h
' llmroilKlibi'i'il" look w-lii'ii eiiiiipniwl
with oilier liiildci'o. One ilny Intelv
the ".Mitehell Lmlder Co.. .Meilloril,
OiTjtoii," wim Hlnnipeil upon it, nm)
mi interviewing .Mr. Mitchell he tell"
ti" he Iiiih jiimI tetiirned from I'or t
l.iml mnl while theie Iih Imii hIiowii
lux Iniliier to Hie Mili-hell l'win
Sinxcr Co., who wcie mi well iiu-
piexM-ii with it llmt thi'v beemnt' nt i
onee neiienil iiuoutx for ilmtrihutiou
for Oregon, WiikIiiiik'oii mnl lilaho,
( nliloriiiii territory will be ndiliil Int
er. Thi firm wn erv iloiiniii to
Inue Mr. Mitehell loeilte bin plnnt lit
I'oiilmnl mnl held out inducement--,
hut lo.vnl to tho eitv he hits lived in
for iniiiiy yenri lie ileeided lo hnve
tin m miiiiufni'iiueil in .Meilfnrd, They
ordered twelve iloen nent oh mioii m
pootiblo to lie u-d ni Hiiinpli'H anil
Mr. Mi'ehell enliie hoine to miike lad
ililK tlmt wo lllltieipate will heeol'ic
n fnviirile in (he otilniril nnd u Inre'
inmiufitetiirint' idnnl in Meilfunl. j
There um ither indtMiriex tlmt
could he started iiud operntcil here)
with rofit to the inetor mid coin-'
inunilv ut nt lurj;'. Mom fnctonet.
for MedloriS in tho i'iimpai"ii mniiped
out hv the eommereial elub for 1011-'
HwcopluK order lopplitK off ll.'.OOO u
)cnr from tho payroll mid office ex
pernio of Klamath county wan Imuc 1
Hhortly befom mldnlKbt last nlKbt by
the county court. Tho order cut cx
poii)H lu ovory county office except
Hint of Hchnol mipcrlnlcnilent. In
formation from the licit xourco I ti
tho effect that thl program of eco
nomy will be followed by tho dlsnils
Htil of all tho fltilt now peiidliiK
aKalnst the payment of county war
rant and Hint tho long war aitnln-t
tho credit of Klamath county will
noon be a (hint! of the paHt.
Tho nalary of county gealer la cut
from tr to $2." n month, the "her
Iff ilcputle reduced from three to
ono, tho deputy circuit court clcr
be reduced ITS a month, tho depu
ties of tho county clerk reduced from
four to two at 'Ju and J76 a month,
the county treasurer' deputy Is c.i'
off, n Ih the urveyor' deputy. Thi
aKeor I only allowed ono deputy.
Tho proBocntltiK attorney' militant
Ih eliminated, and all office suppll3
intiHt be ordered throiiKh the county
XJCCauau 11 ciuuna uvui iiimti juu vi
quickly mako your oilcloth or linoleum
clean and pretty with
Alwayn ready for its endless uses.
5c and larger packages.
"Lot tho COLD DUST TWMS da jretr work"
, 1
Expert Corsetiere
32G North Bnrt-tt.
Phone HG3 M.
On Farm Lands. No Delay
320 E. Main St.
I halmers
A pood new home on South Oakdale, best resi
dence hlofk in k'dt'ord, eight rooms, large sleeping
poivh, hath, basement, furnaee heated, a garage; lot
Also five acres adjoining town, sidewalk almost
to property line, fine soil for garden, fruit or alfalfa,
all plowed' ready to plant.
Also 27 1-1 acres Hear creek bottom land, no bet
tor soil for alfalfa in the valley, land all plowed in
good shape and ready to seed in the spring.
Also for salo or rent, storage building, can bo
used for paint shop, on lot 100x100 feet, close in.
Phono Gin-1. 99.") S. Oakdale.
Shasta Route Trains
rJ.,wJ,-r--iCV Y
f i- fJ-Y Z 3.f?
The Exposition Line 1915
And now is the time to see California; to live out
doors and enjoy the sunshine, flowers and summer
sports. It is a trip you cannot afford to miss.
including Shasta Limited, the train of modern serv
ice, with all-steel un-to-the-ininute enmimient.
The California and San Francisco Express Trains
with Standard, Tourist and Chair Cars and dining
service that will please.
Call on nearest S. P. Agent and let him outline a
trip, quote fares and furnish Outing literature on
California's famous resorts.
John M. Scott, General Passenger Agent,
Portland, Ore.
Home Baking Reduces
fifr3i o$x oi juivmg
THE U. S. Dept of Agriculture in Experiment Station Bulletin
No. 142 says that ten cents worth of wheat supplies almost
three times as much protein and ten times as much energy as
round steak, and with some other cuts of meat the difference is
even greater.
If then, one really desires to reduce her weekly meat and grocery
bills, sh: need only make more use of her oven.
Who ever heard man, woman or child complain that good home-made
biscuits, muffin, cake and cookies appeared on the table too often? Instead tho
tendency is "la make a meat of them" and the variety ii so great that something
you bake younclf could well be the chief feature of every meaL
Home Baking is Simplified by
the Use of K C Baking Powder
With K C, you can make things mobt and rich yet have them
light and feathery, wholesome and digestible. Biscuits may be mixed
the night before and baked fresh for breakfust. Muffins need net
be dry and heavy. You can make a cake so light that you can
hardly get it out of the pan whole, yet It will not fall,
K C Is not like the old fashioned baking powders. It Is double
acting ond continues to give crTleavnlng gas until the dough I
cooked through. K C is sold at a fair price a large can for 23
cents. This would be no object if strength and purity were iacri
ficed, but every can is fully guaranteed under State and National
Pure Food laws and to please. We lake all the chances. Your
money back if you do not get better results with K C than any
baking powder you ever used.
Include a can In your next grocery order, try some of the new
recipes that appear In this paper from time to time. Then you will
have gone far toward solving this vexing "Cost of Living problem.
Need Anything
in Silverware?
I have the largest stock of Gorham
Co. Sterling Silver, "Win. B. Dur
gan Co. Fairfax Patterns, Gorhara
Co. Plated Ware, Kced Barton
Plated Ware, 1S47 Rogers Bros.'
Plated Ware, Alven Silver Plato.
All guaranteed.
Martin J. Reddy
Near Postoffico.
It's the prineo of cars and car of
princes. Two grand dukes and nine
teen princes drivo Fords in Russia.
And the sturdy car is as popular with
both classes and masses tho world
over. Its uncqualed merits has won
it world-wide recognition.
$595 Is tho new prlco of tho Ford runabout;
tho touring car la J645; tho towncar 900--f,
o, b. Medford, completo with equipment. Qot
catalog and particulars from
Mnia:itaaMiiiiii in miii i wu i I i mil ii ami mm-fmtiwmmmummmmSt