Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, February 03, 1914, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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Nov. W. V Shields, pastor of tho
Prosbj-terlnn church leaves this oven
tug for Portland to nttond n niectliit?
Of the cxecullM" committee of the
nyuoil of Oregon, and nlso to attend a
conference of tho boards of Home
Missions, nml Mission Workers 01
the ntnte of Oregon.
Nov, George 1). llyors, n missionary
from the Inland of list wall, who was
visiting Iter. Weston V. Shlotda of tho
Presbyterian ohuroh loft this morn
ing for San Francisco. Cat. Mr.
lljern apoko Sunday evening on his
work in Hawaii.
Thrco ' thousand smudgo pot,
slightly ueod, at tic each, phono
7G2-J, 271
J. W. Mitchell returned from n
business trip to Portland.
Tho schools of tho city nro making
preparations for the holding of Lin
coln day programs Kcb. 12. The pro
hibitionists of the county will hold a
mass meeting In the Page Theater -.-
that date.
M. Purdln, lawyer, rooms 4 and 5
Itlnlto building, opposite First Na
tional Hank.
Everett LaMnr loft this morning
for Oakland,. Cal.
W. 11. ltrnndon has been called
north owing to tho illness of hi
If it Is Insurnnco ot any descrip
tion wo wrlto It, Why not havo tho
best. Holmes, Tho Insuranco Man.
Ten day's sowtng for JS.uO. Kcls
ter'a Ladles Tailoring College, rooms
fi-7, St. Mark's block, corner Main
and Holly. 2"'
Col. It. C. Washburn aud Joo
llnnna of tho Table Hock district
sjHjnt Monday In Medford on business.
Sec Tumy for fire Insurance.
Fred Surran of tho Steamboat dis
trict Is attending to business mat
ters In Medford this week.
J. O. Gerklng. tho best all around
photographer in southern Oregon
Mays reliable Negatives made any
where timo or place Studio 228
Main St. Phono 320-J.
W. A. Proctor of Uorln. Oregon,
is transacting business in the city to
day. For rent. Fine offico rooms from
$0.00 to $1S.00. W. T. York, -113
M. K. & H. IUdg. '
Prof. P. J. O'Gara visited with
friends lu Grants Pass Sunday, and
looked over fruit conditions lu that
Kodak finishing, glossy or dull fin
ish at J. O. Gcrkins's studio. 228 E.
Main SL Phono 320-.
Mrs. nob Dow visited with friends
and relatives In Jacksonville Mondav.
Tho Model and High School bas
ketball teams will play at tho Nat
next Friday evening to decldo the
city championship lu this lino ot
Tumy writes better fire insurance.
Fred Decrs of Boring, Ore, is in
the city for n fow days on business.
As soon as Fred Itoper of Grants
Pass returns from a business trip tc
Southern California steps will no
taken by locat baseball enthusiasts
to organlrc a Hoguo river valley
league, with four or six towns thero
in. Try our flour, Johnson's Bet.
ti.15: Iiluo Stem. 31.35: None Bet
ter. L. U. Brown, Huss Mill, Flour
and Feed.
A. I.. Taylor of Altarado, Alberta,
Canada, Is visiting for a fow day
with bis brother, Justlco of the Peace.
Glenn O. Talor. who returnod Mon
day from a month's visit with rela
tives nnd friends In California.
Itemomber Tumy writes fire insur
ance. O. P. Coehovv. G. M. Brown and B.
1.. Ueddy of HosoburK are u the
city for a few days attending to bufcl
ness Interests and lggal matters nt
There will bo a nelshborhood club
meeting this aftornoou on Dakota
avenue ut tho homo of Mrs. Hoy 11.
Peebles. Iloee planting, tree plant
ing and fly swatting are to be the
topics dUcuSbt'il.
Frank Olvvell, brother of John D ,
arrived In Medford after an nbeeuco
of ton cnrs.
Hand colored valentine greetlntu
for sale at tho Handicraft Shop.
John Kvnus who llxoa ut tho head
of Kvanb cicek U in tho elty for u
fow day attending to business mat
ters. For sale. Five room house on
paved street, paving partly paid.
City water, fCQO.OO. Bettor than
paying rent. W. T. York, 419 M. F.
&. If. Bldg.
T. K. Bronbon of Portage, Wis., Is
vlMtlng for u few das In tho vat
ley, For rent, Furnished houso, close
in. Inqulro of W. T. York.
, ,' (t"("'")"i"i i 7f -Tr t" --:-t---- $
m m
I WeeKs & McGowan Co.
Lady Assistant
Day riioHO li27
P. W. Weeks JH3-J1!
A. K. Orr 978-M
II. J. Taylor of Pendleton, who linn
been in tho city for n week on fra
ternal business returned Monday
from a trip to Kajrlo Point nnd initio
Lawyer, Carkln and Taylor havo
moved from Central nvenuo Into
thrco larger front offices on Main
street over Hnsklns and Hoyden's
H Van Hoevenburg ot Sams Val
ley attended to business matters in
Medford tho first of tho wook.
Mako Tumy wrlto jour flro Insur
ance, tf
F. M. Ulnlr of Central Point was
a bnslncfs visitor In the city tor a
few hours Monday.
Fresh lime. Medford Lbr. Co.
The regular meeting of tho city
council will be held tonight, the mat
ter of consolidation of tho water de
partment nnd plumbing Inspector and
street commissioner and city engtneor
being the chief business. It Is the
second meeting ot tho present coun
cil. K. D. Weston, commercial photog
rapher, negatives mado any time or
placo by appointment. Phono M
Jasper Ferguson ot Montague,
Cat., is In the city for a few days at
tending to business matters.
Try our flour, Johnson's Best,
$1.15; Blue Stem, $1.35; Nono Bet
ter. L. B. Brown, Ituss Mill, Flour
and Feed.
A number of clothcsllucs on the
cast sldo were raided last night by
unknown parties. About every
washday losses aio reported. Tho
Inching is laid to tramps.
Sugar Pine shakes. Medford Lbr.
A continuation ot the present suu
shlne for any length ot time would
melt tho snow in the mountains fast,
the cold nights blocking any danger
from floods in the streams. A
heavy frost fell Monday night, and
exposed Western Union clocks were
stopped by the cold.
Milk and cream at DoVoo's.
G. F, Illcc of Glcndale spent Mon
day In MeUford and Jacksonville on
C. A. Do Voc. Medford agent for
tho Portland Oregonlan. 4 IS W.
Main. Phono 122-B.
W. W. Harmon, chief engineer of
Grants Pass-Crescent City railroad
has returned to Grants Pass after
spending a few days in this city vis
iting. Your money's worth at the it Thea
ter tonight and tomorrow night. Try
It! Thrco features and two come
dies, "Uncle Tom' Cabin" In a two
reel Kalem. Tho last of "Who Will
Mary Marry," and first night of the
Randolph Amusement company In
"Coon Creek Courtship.' Many
laughs, many thrills. A 30c show
for 10c. Come early and enjoy it.
Several cases ot the measles and
the mumps are reported from the
country districts, nono serious.
Governor and Mrs. West pSaMed
through Medford Tuesday morning on
their return from the armory dedica
tion at Ashland Monday. They will
visit an aunt of tho governor's a
Glcndale beforo going on to Salem.
At a meeting ot the directors ot tho
Commercial club held Monday minor
matters were discussed. Col. W. It.
Kohr. of Mexico, Mo., wrote regard
ing establishing a military academy
here. A canvass of tho city Jo ascer
tain the previous residences of chl
zens was authorized. The dearth of
Medford news in the Oregonlan
brought out resolutions of prptest.
(Continued from pao 1.)
tpiotion. Secretary of State Ilryan
tinil Seoretnrv ut Wnr (Jarri-on
would v notliiujf. but nppurenth
were aware that some new move n
about to bo made in the .Mo.vicnn sit
uation. Atlvjoos to ilryan indicated that
I'rexJdfeMt Iluurlu vu Jiueoiiiin;: de
purate ami tlu i-lato department wu
innitieiitHiilv oxpeetinir new-, of Tor
reou'i. dipt it re by Hie rebel-.
The iiroeiilcrit wu understood I
nltiii a cheek on shipment- vi unn
into Mo.ieo no (hut thev will not lull
ioq tlit IinU of irrop'inil'le, un
rjifiiuri lunula. DutuilK of thi
.vtum of supervision liml not buuu
l'ull. worked oul, but the wiji wu
lo keep utriot control over -hUh r.uii
.Mirny of (lie fugitivuB weie cm
nelleil lo niuki lutnvy hiuuifieer in
lua.x-inp nbmuUiuiut; fin" iiroperiion
whicli, lu the exmit of i.n iiprieinfc-,
thoy noiilil hiud.v hope eer to nee
That n bill rly au'.i-forein uwl
enpeeiiilly n i iiiiti-Ar.iericiin iceliu
would lie ciuali'il wir the general
npiniou, however, nml w ideijcead
alar mireviiili'i.
Nor did it hcem wife lo wiin'u
mtii-li liuif. Tin only ua out of tliu
capital i- ia Vein Cruz, and Ihe
idieln liuve been iiioiiiieiu;: the rail
load I'liiinectiiiir the two eitiet, lor
heM'nil weokx. A nuiiiber of trniut
liuve iten nttnckeil tt ml it wan b'
lleveil hero that the couHtiliitiuiuliMn
eould cut the line nnd iwilule Mev
ico 1'ity if lliev iriid.
WASHINGTON. K.b. t. Plaet-ig
patmi-'in alioxo paui-anshii, the
hou-e of representatneo, h rt on
of 203 to .l, roftKriT thu. afternoon
to muke nnv deelnrutiou ou nu Am
ntieeNoliiMon poliey aimed pritun
pally nt .liipun.
ThU stand wa taken on the
ltn.o nmendment to the Himieti
Dilliughitm imuUenttiou bill and it
went down to ovurwhelmitii; defent,
ile-Ute the fnet tluvt ihom of !
teeth iiad been drawn in a UHHlitu'ii
tion intmilnreil 'bv lepri-witatie
l.enrool mid Hdopled by the lie
late voterdav. All jwrty lim. wei
elimiuateil in the ulo on the llae
ApKil to PatrtotlMii
lloth doinoenitie nwl reiwWioan
leader-, ineliuhiitt Kepn-oiiintne
Jfmui. lender of the houe minority.
participated in the debute. Kno'
plendid Meniiint eiubrrMiie I'rei-
dent Wilou and Senrelarv of State
ilryan in their nejjotfntioiw with .In-
Mann npKaK'il lo the patriottMii
of the eoncro-s-men, roeurdle-- l
party, to defeat the amendment.
Mtyim: thev would inject further dif
ficulties m "the already delicate
Japanese .situation.'
Although aimed direetlv ut Japan,
the Hayes amendment hImi pronled
for the ovehisioH of t'liinese. Hindi.,
and African luborer. its tinit
removcM, however, late yeslerdux
Hut tlio house decidwl today nt tti
embarriies the tins(tiit with nu
imti-Jii)anee ainendments at Up
time, no matter how liarmi.- tlie..
might npKar.
linker Amendment Loses
True to his promise, Representa
tive linker introduced his anti-Jap-
naive amendment a a -uli-titate for
the Have- nineniluient. It s -wow
ed under liv a vote of lS'J to 0.
House lenders now believe that the
Hurnett bill will be rushed throraeh
to nu early vote. A ote on the lit -entry
test proviion wu exported,
tlii- nfteniooii.
The Haker Mib-titute for the
Have- amendment pnnidetl for he
exelu-ion of "all Asiatic laborer-,
except those who come from a dis
trict cast of a line bounded by the
lied. ,' Jtenitcrnliieaii , and Ubiijii
cn-t, the Ciiucasiaii uioaiitauA, the
Caspian nn and the I'ral iiioiiutains,
except Asiatic Turkey.
Itepresuntative I lardy of Texa
a-sertcil thi- jiIhii would exclud
only Asiatic laborers, admittiiiB Ma
lays and African.
"Seeretan- of State llryaw b
lieve- all the-e inatten will be net
tied bv treaty noeoiiatiorW wiid
Iteprc-iitatie Hurnett. "If not, my
committee will ri'imrt out a hill
which will meet them proiierly. I (aye
i- tryiiiB to make cheap .capital
aBiiiust linker ami the ileinocrati
Kmlmrrax Wilson
Hayes denied thi-. I'opreont i
tie fiariliier, repiibliuan, of .Ma-sn-
cliin-ettb wild the liiiijfiiiise already in
to nntiinilizution, n.i oppo-ud by
the state department mid oratBii
countries to which it had been Mill-
milted. Haves declared Unit every
one ilesirml the exclusion of Asiatics,
Itcnrosciitaliwt Hum-on ot .Mi i--
-iiini feiin-d the aineiidmeiils would
create di trow and nii'.'er a friendly
"A Jupaiie War," unid liepresen
tativo .Moore of I'enii-ylvaniii, "h
Iiciiib principally louuht now in the
headlines of California uewspaper
ltryaii i oppoiei to the linker hill
lie Hmn not want to declare war
with Japan nt the liutaueu of Cali
fornia iiuwM'tapet. The miiciul
inciits would oiiiliarias WlUonV nil
iniiiistnitiou ami it i certain they
wouhl be icst'iilcil Itv Jiipeu."
Ituprcfiitnlie .Mann denied that
the republicans were playiiiB politic-.
"V would iejcel the niuenil
iiienli,," lie wiid. "The IIiiiib of deal
iuB with a foiui'.'ii nation is a deli
cate task. If Ihe slate department
itminot enulieatc dltfieiihic bv "ne
yotintioiifc, then it will l.e time fur
I'oUBrosh to net.
"I am not prepared to invite war
with Japan or any other eountry.
Now is the lime to keep cool,"
.Maun piaiwd Have, adiliuB'
"Hayes ought to protect Califor
nia cveir nu'iiiiist hi'.self.''
Tho llaglcy Caunlug company
want to contiact for 30 acres of to
matoes thin tomlng season. Growers
who contemplate planting for tli'J
cannery should communlcato with
us at one. (Hot-beds for growing
tomato plants ahould bo started UiU
xotiei: i. o. o. v.
All encampment members nro
urged to be prekent WednoBilay even
ing, Feb. 4. Patrlarcblal degree.
My order of C. P. 270
I Colonel Carl Y. Tennwuld, "uu
j flocked" forflennt of llio fovunth,
I who was to tin ranks bo-
I eiutso of "uutullltar) conduct" ro
ulstlug ot scmiiug n eur' urowth out
of a uumber of men with storlen -if
being enllod to the Mexican border
for actual service, wan given n henr
lag Wednesday morning at tho Med
ford Hotel, beforo Adjutant General
Klnicr and Colonel 11 K Law sou of
tho state mllltla. - The aluu chilled
the conversational riuultlc nt Col.
Tengttald, for after the eoufereitce ni
eerleiice4l a sudden avurslou to
The revolution" In the loaal ranks
was gone oxer thoroughly, nml both
sides of tho case probed The object
of the lslt of the two blithest offi
cer In the stnto inlUtm Is to roslnra
harmony, without ktirriug up the agl
tatlon. Thin afternoon thtvy will
hear Capt. Ueone'a sldt of tho dlftt
culty and other offlrers and u
treated to un nuto ride around the
tillo- Both Captain Beano and
Colonel Tengwabl have written let
ters on the subject, and every news
paper clipping regarding tho affair
sent to headquarter
The decision. If a in the ease o.
Colonel Teugwnld will not bo glvoit
for some time.
Win 11 .McCorniu u of the lllock
Fruit compnuy of Santa Clara. Cal .
with G. K. Hamilton, havo boii mils- js.o.
Ing n tour of the Itumie river valloy Sn, i.ranels to Crater Uk via
Investigating the Kr sttuntlon. Mr. cnl,,U nml rwtarn via Mdlfwl
McCormlek nnd ..Mr. Hamilton arn,., In
much loton-sted In pear growing, be
ing connected with the famous A.
lllock orchards- oflilm Santa Clara
valley, Cal. 'These orchards hare
been known for years for their Hose.
Cornice nnd Forello pears. Knowing
the poar Industry -as well as they do,
they freely admitted that tho Itogue
rlvor v alloy U without jiitlon thi
greatest poar dlstrlt thoy have ever
seen. The wtiro-pHrtloularly InjW
estetl In theflno. UJou, Hose, CoiuTcj
and Winter Nellls orchards, and sntil
that the Iloguu river valley holds tb
key to the late pear situation.
They said that iiiHtend of shlpplmt
only a few IIokc and Cornice as Cali
fornia now doe, tlie Itogue river val
ley would soon be shltlplng hundreds
of cars of the late varieties. Whi e
lu the valley they were entertnlued
by Guy Connor ot the Itogue itiver
Orchards computi)
WANTKO Practical nurse wivnta
maternity cases. Will care for
children day or night during par
ents' nbtienco. Phono 123-J or
nddross hox G. unru Mall Trlbunj
WANTKI) Good second hnud single
buggy, Mntu price- and whom It
can bo seen. Hqx 100, caru Mail
Tribune. 270
WANTKD Girl to assist In house
work. Phone Oll-ICI, or address
box 68-A. '
---- ,.-..
. ..
Ot-t a small pakage of llamlnirg Tin, i,t a the Geniinu folks
rnll it'llainbiirgpr Unlit 'J lav," at any
pliar mac-j, 'Inku a taldi-npoonful of the
tta, put a nip of Ixillltig water iiuu
it, pour through a sieve and drink a
U-iLoup full at any time during the
day or before r tiring. It U the mmt
elfuctive way to break a cold ami cure
grin, as it opoii tho pore of tlie tUiii,
ri-liL-xing congi-tiori. Also lootc-ns tho
IjuwcI, thus breaking up a cold.
Try it the next time you eulfer from
a culil or the (T J. (t U Inrxprtuivn
itinl tiitiri-ly xt-gctablc, therefore sufo
and barmkn.
Bab Soreness from joints and muscles
wita a small trial bottlo or
old St. Jacobs 011
fitop "dniliic" Illuumllim.
It's pain only) not one cono la fifty
requires Internal tri-atmi-nt. Hub sooth.
In;;, peiietratliiK "Kt. Jacobs Oil" rhjlit
on the "tunli-r snot," anil by tlio time
jou say Jack HobliiKou out coinog the
rlieumatle pain, ".St. Jacob Oil" U
a luirmktt rtieurnatlitm cure which never
dUuppobiU and ilix-tn't. burn the kri. It
Uxkisi puln, norc-iKntt ami silincf Irfml
achlnir Joints. iiiwcli-s and Uineti utotm
sciatica, lumbaijo, buckucliv, niurulfe'l-i-
Limber up I Ott tt en. cent botUn
of oM-tlme, honmt "Ht. Jacob. Oil"
from any dru store, and In a moment
you'll be free from pains, ucIk-h and
nUlfm-HH. Don't uulfc-rl Hub rliumim-
tUiu uwn).
Governor West was the ptlnelpiU
spmiker ut tho dedliatlou of I ho
Ashland armory Monday aud olxod
tlio oreudlon to uxplnln tho Coppoi'-
flold Milouii uloslnu Incident, He wa
loijudly npplaudud,
JudKe O. It. Watson presided. Ullef
talka were made b) Mnor Johititoii,
ColonOl Martin of the army and
Colonel lliunuiouil of the mllltla and
TUi. J. M, Smith waved the Uloodv
Khlrt. 1'i.elnipimit fnhloti.
(Continued from Page I)
Airannoiuent will iiIho bo made so
that all tickets reading throusth lloe.
vllle .lunctton or DavU on the Kiiitti
of Portland and points tmyumi ou
the north, which carry neewnrv
limit and stop-over privilege, will
be honored either front Weed to
CMlmiulu and thenen north from
Medford. or lit opposite- dlrectlou.
south from Chllouuln. This will en
able holders of through tickets ot the
nlus specified to vUlt Cratet l.nko
Ntlotinl Park, taking advantage or the
auto htnge Hue operating between
Medford and Crater Lake and be
tween Chltouuln and Crater Lake
Under the above arrangements the
following rates will prevail fro n
Portland and from a Sun Francisco
and a enrrcspnutllng rate l based o''
a oho aud ouo-thlrd faro b rnlD
from all InteruiMllate point.
Kales for Itoiuul Trip
Portland to Crater like and re
turn vtn Metirnrtl. ai SO.
Portland to Crater l.ake via Med
ford aud return via Chlbmuln and
Weed. 8t.63.
j Sn. Krnnl!ti to Cniter Uke and
rBllir rm ohilunMla ami Wil.
i - -
Holder of all through tlokeU that
carry the uoeasunry limit and stop
over privilege may seenro n tea dn
Mop-ox or at Modfurd and mahn the
trip to Crater Lake and reiarn .o
Mwlford as a sldo trip at tho oxtr.
rout of Iis.oo. the round trip autj
rare from Medford to tho lakw.
Those nrraiigmnt will itrent'.y
stlmulnto travel to Crater !.ake dar
ing the coming season. Ui"t or
oxnirslon rate from northern ihiIu'
oulv were granted
Stop N t y DUchr, Cler
Stuffed lled, HU Inflmpd Air
Pattajci and You Urratbe Freely.
Try "Kly'a Cream Itnlm."
Get n small bottle anyway, Just to
try It Apply a little In the iiiwtrll
and Instantly ynur,cloi:gi-tl nufe ami
ktoppisl-up air pinotugc of the head
will eeii: you will breathe frcel .
dullness and hcudnihc illwiiixtir. Ily
mornlngS the catarrh, eolil-liibend
or catarrhal cure Hip-mi will lieguue.
Kud siuli misery now' (it-t Un
rmall bidtle f ' llv'H Cn-n-i II tlm
nt nny dnitf ' " 'I ' -" " '
fragrant Imlui dxulw ly tb'1 bin
If Our Grandmothers Had
!0n!y Known MUSTEROLE
How- llie would have wdt-iiued '
1'or the knexv the blessed relief that
tho oliirnHhloued mustnrd plOHiard
........ r..H , fi.'liurf
KUt7 IU1 IUI" ,v..-
aud puln.
Hut they hud to tale
tho blister and tho
burn with tho plaster
toil tllll K"l jllimiiu ii n
wonderful effect, with
out the plaster and
without the blister
MIHTKHOIJ-: doe It It I a (ban
white ointment, made with nil of
mustard. It I Hcfoullflcnlly prepare!,
ho that It vxorliH wonder, and ).t
iloux not blbitor tlie leudorent skill-
Don't Hpread .Ml'.STHUOI.i: on n
tloth. Don't bind It ou with a piece
of flannel
.Iiihi mitHsaKO It In xvlth the fliKtm'
tips briskly. .Sen how quickly It brings
j UPjff" JCijl
Wo sell what Is itooil, nnd wo utile you o buy our hIioch bcruiiHit
thoy are good. It Isn't price that sells our riliotts, for mIioch can to
mado to Hell at uiiy prlcu. U'h koocIiichh, morlt nud worth and value
that xell thoin,
"llaby Doll" pumpa I'.'.r.O,
"Mury .lano" ptiiupa I'-'Jfi.
"Colonial" pmnpH il.0l.
lu patent, velvet, aatiu and null hid,
Sco ilieni In llio Wiuilou
At the nIkii of
Wo Klvo "8. & II
W II Odin and IJ. C Welch of
Knot cicek nro being tiled bufoiv
.Tttslleo or the Pmirtt tilonit Tnlor
this urtei'itooli. upon the chargo of
ftunei) lu nltomptlitK lo nemtro m
Msalou of inlnlUK ehilms beloUKlntt
to A Wluslow. Tim eouipliiliit It
sworn lo by T C. Iloey. The chtdl
ullexntlou In that the defendant re
Horteil to unfair methinU lu their min
ing deal involving the plalntltr
l'he caM will take all ilav the wit
lieges Including two women Miiuv
cottrt reeoidH will he Introdilred 'it
UKDDING. Cal . Feb H The
ShtiMta route of the .Southern Piu-Ul-r.illroatl
was blocked early totlax t r
landslide, s:, feet long and oveu
feet deep, at Smlthsou Hiding. It wiu
eptcled a track would b built
nrouud the slide- bv noon Train
were being heltl at Keuuelt oil the
south and Delia ou the north
tic Itcprcscntft I'at Mini Sago uu I it -
xlgoiatlim Hah Tonic, iulrkly
Itentovet Piiinllilff
Yom ran nothing bttnr than
ParlaUn Maie. a sold at drug count
ra ovaryhrw. to make iHh hr
lift, fluUy nnd abundant. It tup
Itettlnc bond. Invlgorata inn Ml,.
ad rmove UandrNff with onm iippll-
if tttur balr la aattlai tain, or -
karats, dall aad HfolftM, tin not da
imlrBlva It attntln. I'riHiHitNl aP-
pllratlon o( Parisian well
rabbtal nt lh ilp will do w-
Wh.ia the hair Is fallMi iiHt, splits.
or I too dr and strenky. sandy
Parisian Sage -It supplloa balr nail
scalp need, (let n &0 cent bottb
from Chns Strang at . It
talalv MaktHt your head fel flao ami
Klv, the hair that ciivtabt glo
and heau nu ilenlre
nf tbe luftrll: penetrate and heal
the litlliiiuetl, sivillu HHWnlirnne
wlik-h llm-s tbv jane. UmiI awl
throat : ctair tbe air : Mojw
iMNiy illMlmntes ami a fis-llik' of
eleOIKlllK. HMtblng relief coUHM lt
metllatttly. I.ia'i lay nwiiko to-ulubt strug
gllng for hruith. with hetnl Htuffeil;
iMMtrllK eloil. hawking ami blow lug.
C-tliirrh or a cold, with Km rmlntng
nose, foul miaou itropplng Into the
Ihrniit, mill raw dry run la dUtrc
lug leit Ir'ilv iii-e.leiii.
put .xtaie fikUb Jut dtuo-l'i
'!': h i Mini Itahu" nnd . r iibl
r i itarr't xtI'I urely tlinapiKMr.
relluf how aiMtudlly the pain dln
Mid there I llothlllK like Ml "I
Tl, 1(01,1. for Htire Tliroai. Ilnuii bills
ToiimIIiIIm (roup Stltf Nt-tk. A.tliin.i
i-iirulL-ia Hcadathe. ColtKeatloii
Pk uri
lllieuiimtini. i.umimKo.
At lie of Hack or Joint.
Snrnlns. rtore Muitrle.
llni(K t'lilllilnlim.
I'ro-teil It it. Culil of
the CiicMt (it prevoiit
PneiimoulA) t oiir
ilriiKKlst s lu '.'.'it- aii'l
Ot- jar, nud a kpoclal
liuj!i hosiltal to for
j - .,
Arrept no tuiiiMtltiito If your tlriiK
Klxt cuiiimt suiiplx vim. send Srr or
.(It to tlie Ml HTi'llOI.K t'oliipaii),
(ievcliind, Ohio and we will mall you
n Jar poHiaKo prepaid.
.1 I O Kmt.rj. M. D , Ho. Water
Imni. Me i.;i)h ' .MiiHturolo I much
heller lu every respect than tho mus
tard paste or tho uiiiMiurd planter I
ulinll now keep It on hand for ready
iiho at any timo."
" (ireoii Triuilau StampM.
.Mhk lleaduilie, Had tliealli, Sour
. Moinm h, .Mean l.lver nml llowel
.ieliiiKKed t'lieer upl
tint a IU-ront bnv.
Mick liiatilnelia, hllloumio, dltil
iiomi, umiml luiifue, foul timlo and
foul breath- alwa) tintw tlioui l
liirpbl liver: thilajfil, feiHientlUK
rood lu tht Uowota r aour. aasjr
Poisonous maltor cloKind lu Iho
luiestlne. Insteuil of belun eaat out
of the )HtMiu I ro-atwartiml lalo th
i.'iooil When this pahmn ruaeke
ihe tlalleate brain tluo It eaiisw
loiiKeslloii and that dull. tlirbblM.
sbkentUK llrtoilHCll.
t'asearei lininmllatoly eltmase tin
ktointvi h. rwntuva th wur. uadlHMtHd
fini and foul muo, take tha evre'V
idle from th Hvr and enrry oul all
the tiwtstlpnted waste wmtiir and pol
soiit In the bow tils
A t'as-nret toiilght will surely
trnlahtan yM out by mm aim. Thoy
work whlln you sUwt- a l-eMt twe
from your itrut menu your bnd
rlear, stoittaeh wt and your llvar
and bowels reautar for moHth.
WIkU xeii I, iv r'e k lit Me of Inn
sou M-t what xtnir e)i n-'iiilre (
proven bv a kilciitl'ir cvstnlnalleit,
aud at a prlu- rnn-utent with lh
best Hiulllx nud serxp wbether uu
pay $3 oo. '. oo, js on or more.
ISyr SIkIiI Sp,ilullt
Bull l-S. Over Ihnifl
H. & II. (InMti Trading tamp (11 von
who bskw I hair raktM aud
etwklea at bom will appre
ciate llio si curate eombluatloa
at pur lagrtxllenu which
o sure of iwd results.
Sold by (irttcora
Creiceiit Mfg Co.. Iwitthj
Grandma Ta!!
About Dabic
linn a lirce Circle of I.tilener Who
Profit by Her Wisdom and fecpcrlcnco.
e - -
In mit n v c anminix ilirr a srsnd
ma vvlici Iniiws Molln-r l'rlud. It wax
j, ft In r rwrlne and
vihL- lie iiniiirinlllii
JP!y9tffr I 'd " I- my etHaNt
& 'MZJJm ' " '"' "" n '" 'b'rir tkii
Mi!rrvilA.j '"' r( l"1 tdUic
AsBi JW' at tins faiuDiM rem
Vfei.TiV ,l l "PI'IInI etUr-
(&lS)lb trnmllv ! lln nllt
'' men, utiitancti and
lirrmls, nllnys all pslu, nv-ilU all iihiimm,
ninl pritintMf iii.l.itfuf 1 1- Prvast.
It Is ( 1 1 1 c k I v and wiiinlerfutly in-nrirnt-Ine
mi Unit tlie nmwl.s Tpaml without
ulr.llu, mid prtNire lie- vi.-im mi tlmr
niRlily Unit the crll i imi aluHMt with
out lliKnlialiltsit illnlriHwi.
No hoiirr ail lee enu IhikIvi'ii the e'iit
nnt iiiiiIIiit t tut it ta siiiKi'st tin- lute oC
Motlier'n i'rli-nil. Kim lair cetirnsi1 fnim
the start. Tho day will bu tlKwrful, lli-i
iiIkIiU ii-ntfnl,
Vim ran olitnln Mntlirr' Prlcnil of any
ilnurglHt nt 5I.IH) n hotilc. Dn ,it fnrei't
to be supplied with tltlrt ureal belli lo ninth
erlioniL Write llruilllcid Itntuhitnr Co.,
-ifL'l rjiiiini IIMi, 4tl,itt,rt It. t. II.. .Im
liutructhe book fur vxpvcluut luuthvni. .
Official Photographer of tho
Medford Commurcial Club
Amateur Jiiiisliiuj
Pont Cards
Panoramic Work
FJaoh lights
Interior and oxlcrior vicwa
Negative mado anv timo
nnd any piano I))' appoint
ment. . ;
I. M. IIAIIMON, .Manner.
208 E. Main Fnono H71
j. i