TODKORD MATL TRTHUNTC. MEttFOTW, OKKOON, MONDAY, VBIIRI'ARY 2, 19M. tsr. j j-mntjH' urn j . -i - : . ' .." 'i E MR. AND MRS. FlUXCrs SAVR1C OX Til KIR ARRIVAL IX AMERICA FROM EUROPE I EO BECOMES BRIDE OF rmk PAGE SIX SULPHURANDLIM mm SPRAYS DISCUSS Jsif RftftBJ AS TO EFFICIENCY IDAHO RANCHER I'rofeHHor O'flnrn hns reccivcJ the following from l'rofcssor 1 J. I'nr roll, entomologist of the Xiw Wk experiment Htntion nt Genera, N. Y.: "Professor P. J. O'Onrn, plnut pniliolofiist, Meilfonl, Or. "Doar Sir: Mv attention hns re- contly been railed to nn nrticlc lvj you Knowing tlio eomunratire cot of llie efficient sulphur in sodium-sulphur nnd lime-sulphur iipa rat ions. You doubtless know that (his past summer wc have carried on a series of cxjcrimcnts with calcium, barium, Hodium and potassium polysiitphidc?, using them on the basis of their sul phur content, namely, -14 ounces of sulphur per gallon in the dormant spray, nnd from 3-10 to 1-10 ouuco of sulphur in the summer spraying. When trees were moderately infested, these different preparations gave oiiitc similar results on the San Joe scale; but when trees were vtrv much infested tho calcium and barium preparations were somewhat more efficient. Monv of these new sul phur preparations, when used at ad vertised strengths, were not as ef licicnt ns limc-sulpuur solution as ordinarily employed, which I nttnh ii ted to the small amount of sulphur in the diluted preparations. In othe. words, tho compounders of Ihe chem ical insecticides, in order to havu their preparations compare well with lirac-sulphur with reference to cost, were advising their preparation be used nt too great dilutions. "uno noticeable result m all our experimental work was that when nr. senate of lead was used with the so dium and potassium preparations we had a great amount of foliage injury, resulting in some cases in the com plete defoliation of apples, pears nnd jH-aches, nnd occasionally with drop ping oi the iruit. I thought you would be interested in these results. "With kindest regards, I am very truly yours, "P. J. PAnnOTT. 'EEntomoIogist." jt bbs niHf. sV IrWi EwxanHZMEm mnniiiiiiiiiiiimi bv n ' inKMjiLui t i i s nam isssssssssssm i f i lsHHlS; w WtiV li 1 nHi i i1 1 ' nnHMiiM Tho photograph of Mr. and Mrs. frauds 11. S.i.vre wa taken on lumrtl (he liner Majcitlo in New York liny. The young couple huve rctunml nflet i honeymoon In Kurope. Mr. Sayre, wbo was MK JcsMe Wilson. npvantl a excellent spirits. Some twenty members of tho ever known since tho memory o'r Rogue River Valley School Master vultc men. The rainfall In Ashland club attended the meeting In Ash-, during January exceeded seven land Saturday. Aside from the pure : Inches, ROAD MONEY SPENT IN JOSEPHINE COUNTY GRANTS PASS, Feb. 2. County Clerk Coburn has just compiled fig ures embracing the nmotmts expend ed by Josephine county uyon its roads and bridges since October 1, 1002, to October 1, 1913. During that period a total of $302,358.98 was expended on roads and road building, and $70,435.91 on bridges, n grand total of $372,794.89 for the jxriod. During tho earlier vears of the period the poll tax was worked out on the roads, and tho expenditures from tho road and bridge fund were comparatively light. The year of greatest expenditure from tho funi was 1912, when tho work amounted to $119,572.90, of which $109,224.7fi was on the ronds nnd $10,348.15 on the bridges. ANOTHER NEW GROCERY STORE FOR MEDFORD Medford is to liavo another up-to-dnto grocery store with a complete new stock In tho building recently vacated by Fouta grocery, second door east of tho First National bank. It will be owned and run by II, E. Marsh and I.ouls Ucnnett and will be opened for business about Febru ary 5. II. K. Marsh has spent twenty years In tho grocery business, flvo years of that tlmo in MccUord with the Allen Grocery company, and a fen weeks with tho Fouts grocery. He understands tho business thoroughly, is pleasant nnd accommodating and will succeed In tho new undertaking. Mr, llonnott was born nnd raised in this community and although the business is now to him ho Is a wide nwako young man and will soon catch on, ly professional subjects discussed the guests Including President J. W. Mc Coy of tho Commerlcal c'ub and C D. Lamkln, former director of the district were served with a luncheon prepared by tho domestic sclonce class of tho high school under tho dirctclon of their instructor, Mist Davenport. The directors of the Ashland school district wishing to keep tho high school abreast of the best methods in modern education have arranged to send the city superintendent, Prof George A. Briscoe, to visit other points in the state with a view of looking up tho efforts along thoo lines elsewhere. Prof. Ilrlscoo started north this week and will visit tho Kxtonslvo preparations aro being made to observe tho exercises over the dedication of tho new $40,000 armory for Ashland, Monday after noon and evening. Tho stores will close from COO to 4:00 and Gover nor West will deliver an address. The peoplo of Montague were dis appointed over the routing of tho California state highway by way of Yreka and leaving their town to onn side and have called n mass meeting for Thursday evening for tho purposo of remonstrating with tho stato high way commission. The route from Hornbrook to tho stato line connect ing with tho Jackson county high way is not affected in tho dispute s both surveys throuch Shrntn vnttnr schools of the state of Washington.! mccl nt non,,,,. It was reported that tho local school board had asked the advice of prominent educators as to which cit ies In Oregon could be Isltevd profit ably for the purpose of gaining now ideas and in cahc instance the board was advised to visit tho schools of Washington as the high schools of Oregon could show nothing that Ash land was not familiar with. The survey of tho school system of Port- alnd has seemingly broke tho Ice and I tho educators of Oregon no longer hcsltato to acknowledge that tho edu cational efforts In Oregon have been ! asleep and are way behind the In tho second game of basket ba I between the Corvallls and Ashland high schools teams tho local ttam re covered partially some of their lost reputation. The first half was 5 to 5 and In the finals tho local team s defeated 30 to 6. Tho Corvallls team was much heavier as uol as bet ter seasoned. I The steering committee of the Nor- j nial School Citizens club has been op- j nnlntpfl nml will rnnvntw. Mnmlnv In ' tho purposo of mapping out a policy During tho recent storms Iioar creek was reported to bo higher than ATTKNTIO.V FISH Klt.MKN! An Important meeting of Roguo Illvcr Fish Protection association and all others Interested In fishing Tues day night at 7;30, library building, 2G0 Good Trood. If you want good wood, get It from Frank H. Ray. ; mKvZZ wirviorsis !ZssssssH LTJ BssssssisssssssVjssissssssssssssssssl ?: Arrow Kotch COLLAR 2 for 23 etatt Pamhodr & Co.. !. Mlr ORCHARD JUNKET TO YAKIMA IS PLANNED Preliminary arrangements havo bcon mado for a week's excursion through tho orchard districts of the northwest by a party of Rogue River valley fruit growers. B. D. Ianloy Is originator of the Idea and at au informal meeting on Thursday tho scheme was heartily endorsed by George H. Daggett, H. 11. Tronson, L. Carpenter, E. F. Guthrio, Frank Maddon, A. S. V. Carpenter and other orchardlsU. Tho plan is to charter a special Pullman In which tho members of the party will live and Include in tho itinerary Hood River, North Yakima, Wenatchee 1 possibly the orchard district surrounding Spoksso, Physicians Endorse Vinol To Create Strength nml for Pulimi nury Troubles Run-down, debilitated people, thoso who need strength, or who suf fer from chronic coughs, colds or bronchitl may find help In thco letters. Dr. C. L. Drcoso .Goshen. N. V., sasy: "In cases where tho curative Influence of cod liver oil Is needed, l prescribe Vinol, which I find to bo far inoro palatable and efficacious than other cod liver preparations; U is n worthy cod liver preparation in which a physician may havo every coufldonco." Dr. h, I). nouchollo of Thomasvllle, Ga says: "I havo used Vinol In my family and In my general practlco with tho most satisfactory results. It Is exceedingly beneficial to thoso afflicted with bronchial or pulmonary troubles, and to create strength." Dr. W. N. Rand of Evans MIIIb, N. V., says: "I want to say that I have used and prescribed Vinol In my prac tice and It will do all you claim for It and more." Wo return your money If Vinol falls to help you, Med ford Phar macy, Medford, Oregon. P, S. For children's Eczema, Saxe Salvo Is gimrautvod trtil) wonderful Special to Hog Breed ers and Feeders DigesterTankage Mado by the Union Meat Co. NOW ON 8AI.K IN MEDFORD AT A SAVING IN FREIGHT Wo offer you the opportun ity of buying this famous hog food nt a saving In freight, ns we have just received a largo shipment for disposal to hog breeders and feeders In MeJ ford and'vlclnlty, DJOKSTim TANKAGE Is a concentrated animal pro tein CO per cent meal mndo from fresh wholcsomo pieces of moat. Endorsed by all leading Agricultural Experi ment stations and by tho beat breeders and feeders In ovory stato. It develops bono and muscle and makes pigs GROW. Fed wet or dry mixed with other food. Order a trial NOW. NOTICE Wo have appointed Mr. II. 3. Allen to handle tho Union Meat Company's famous "Rose lawn" brand fertilizer for us. This fertilizer is especially adapted for roses, sweet peas, lawns and all kinds of flowers. Put up In sacks or In a special air tight 10 pound pall, Itoguo 1th er Fruit & Produce Association Medford, Oregon Wedding minutine ciiicnU have been , rcvcixcd tiniiouiieing the murriugo nt Idaho Fulls .liuuinn 21, of Misk ll.i- el llrooki Tioo of Modfoid, u nil ,t.i daughter of ,laekou eouuU, popular uiuong wide cireK of ue iiiiittnttini't. mii.I Jnltti IV INiliiimmi. i l "" .,........- -, prosperous fanner of Idaho Knll. The couple will be nt home after February I nt 13S Eleventh street, Idaho Falls. The Idaho Falls paper contains tho I following account of the wedding: "John C Robinson of this eitv and Miss Htuel Brooks Tiee of Medford, i 'Or., were united in mnrringe yestei-, day afternoon nt tl o'eloek, Judg" I Crowley officiating. Tho groom had rented the Lundherg residence on F.leunth street, at which place the oereimmy was pel formed in tin presence of n few friend and rela tives, nnd it i here the young peop'e, will make their future homo for the present. ' At about i) o'eloek thirty hulled guests hud nrrived, when n sutnptu-J on wedding dinner was nerved. .Many present were received. J "A color of romance enters into! this affair. Not n great while ngo Mis Tieo came from her home in Medford to visit her triends, Mr. nnd Mrs. Alvn Kmpey, and they first met at the KmHy home, and it proved to' lie a case of love at first -lght. Mr. RtiliiiiMUi is n well-to-do fnniiT.i liHvim; n largo drv farm up on the foothills to the enst. where he raise I ' nhout 7000 bushels of grain the pnst .sew-on. The well wi-hes of mn v i friends go with "hem. SIRE OF FAMOUS HORSE OWNED BY ED HANLEY Commercial Traveler, owned by Ed , Hanlcy. Is a sire .of Iron Mask, a horso whoso changes aro good tor lowering tho world's running record for ono mile. Iron Mask has smash ed most of the records on eastern tracks, hotdo tho 6 furlong record of 1.09 3-5, and as soon as he can bo prepared will try to establish now figures for tho mile. Commercial Traveler Is a woll linnon linrin In I h Is irrtlon. liavlnc I won several match races on the local track. vm& When the World Sleeps a hundred thousand lone niuht workers, nt a thousand different tasks, lighten the lon hours andncartcn their htboro with the fragrant comfort of fresh-rolled "Bull" Durham cinrottcs. The telegraph operators in the darkened cities; the night-herders on the silent plains; the night-watch on far-sailing ships; to each and all of them comes the longing for the cheerful companionship of these fresh i haiul-mtnle cigarettes, fashioned by their own skill, to their own liking, from ripe, mellow, world-famous eenuine: Bull Durham SMOKING TOBACCO (Enough for forty hand-made cigarettes in each S-cent sack) The world-wide appeal of "Bull" Durham is without a parallel in the annals ot creature comforts. Millions of men of all nations and all classes find in "Bull" Durham hand made cigarettes lifelong enjoyment and lasting satisfaction. A,k for FREE (took of "paprt" tsithtacfiSciack r,7 IJjjUtagcoEi isssEEBsFisssssssssW ''J J WR Ml l A srssF s i Mir "j lilaiwii Get "the makings" today and "roll our own." Learn the fresh fragrance and ondcrful mellow flavor that make "Bull" urham cigarettes the most satisfying lux- in the world. Ttir. AMCKICAM TODACCO COMPANY H JmJmJsJVJJ5JJ t t ? ? ? T t ? ? t f t ? t y t ? ! It t t t t t t t t y y y V. y f t y .A. ; Clearance Sale of Good Shoes Everything Reduced from 10 to 25 Nothing Reserved DISCONTINUE) LINES KKIHTRI) KKdAUULKSS OF COST. COMK KAWLV. TIIKSK WILL UK SOLD TO THE ONES SEEINd TI1E.M FIlvST. TO (IIVE YOtT AN IDEA OF THE I'WICESTHAT WILL PREVAIL, ANI) Til KSAVINd VOLT WILL MAKE MV ATTENDING THIS SALE, WE AWE LISTJNO A FEW DEDUCTIONS ON DISCONTINCEI) LINES. Men's Hanan Shoos in imported Russia and Vik ing mi If and patent leathers, well (tf C A A worth .f8.00. Sale price n) J.UU $5.00 Howard and Foster, and Tilt Shoos in tan calf, patent and glazed kid leath- fl?T QC v!J J ...$2.05 ..$3.05 ..$2.:i5 ei-s. Sale prico $1.00 gun metal and tan calf, .sale price $.'1.00 gun metal and tan calf, .sale price . $D.OO gun metal hlueher, sale price $(j.f)0 heavy tan 10-ineh lace hoot, Hale price $5.50 $()..r)0 heavy tan 12-inch lace hoot, sale price $5.50 $7.00 heavy logging .shoe, Kale price $0.00 $1.00 heavy tan work shoe, Hale price $4.00 $:i,00 heavy tan work shoe, .sale prico $2.05 $1.10 firHt'quality ruhhers, sale )rice 90 SPECIAL REDUCTION ON CHILDREN'S SHOES Misses' Shoes, sizes 11 VI; to 2, in tan calf htilloii, patent and viei lace, salo price $2.00 Sizes 8 to 11, Hamo as above, sale prico $1.75 Sizes 5 to 8, same as above, sale price $1.50 Women's Hanan Shoos in patent, and gnu metal, button. These shoes sell up to $7.00. jr Af in the cities. Sale prico J)JTbv Special Reductions on TAN SHOES The best wearing .shoes are the natural tanned leathers. There is no dye on them to deterioralo the leather. I hit these tan shoes can be. dyed black if desired, making them the same as gun metal calf. $0.00 Ian calf button, short, vamp and broad high toes, Cuban heel, Hale prico ' Same as above in brown suede, sale price ...$3.75 $1.00 tan calf billions, short vamps, Cuban and low heels, Hale price $2.05 $lt.00 tan and gun metal but ton, sale price ...$2.15 $1.00 gun metal, 10-button, sale price $3.45 $1.00 viei button shoe, salt price $2.05 80c, .First Quality Rubbers 05e A TABLE FULL OF REMNANTS Women's and children's high and low shoes, all good styles and well made. Sale price far below cost. SALE STARTS MONDAY, FEBRUARY 2 C. M. KIDD KIDD'S FOR SHOES SHOES FOR KIDS $ ? f r r f ? ? ? ? ? t t ? ? y ? ? V ? t t ? t y t t ? ? y t r y y t y t t t y y y t 53