Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, January 31, 1914, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    WW ,;JV'
I. ' i
M. F-urdln, Inwjer, rvoma 4 and 5
Klnlto building, opposite First Xcv
tlonnt Uank.
W. J. Malionoy Southern Pnclflc
depot operator at Urania Pas, for
merly of todford, Is Buffering from
an attack of blood nblsoulwr, and Is
unahlo to contlmio his duties.
If it In Insurance- or any descrlp
Hon wo Vrlto It,' Why not have tho
best. Holmes, Tbo Insuranco Man.
MIm lllgly of Medford, recently
visited -with her mother. Mm. Siiiu-
mervlllo at Kvnna creek.
Mis Hannah Winn, of "Wellon,
Ore, spont tho week at Kern Vale
Ranch, on Evans creek, tho guest of
Alice Chandler.
Ten day'a sowing for f 5.00. Hols
ter's Ladles' Tailoring College, rooms
6-7, St. Mark's block, corner Main
and Holly. 377
Mrs. Ida MnRcrlc of Evans creek
haa been enjoying the company of
her mother, Mrs. Heckathorn. of
Englo Point, for tho past three
months, and for tho past two weeks
of her stater, Mrs. Slmpklus, of Hub
bard, Ore., tho two latter went to
Eaglo Point tho latter part of tho
week. Mrs. Slmpklus Is a sister-in-law
of Mrs. Q. W. Wilcox.
'Forty acres of land within tho Sis
kiyou national forest have been rec
ommended to bo opened to entry.
Tlio area was applied for under the
forest homestead net by J. K. Sorber
of Smith Illver, Cal. It Is located on
tho WInchuck rlvr In section 5,
township 41 soiidi, rango 12 west,
Willamette Meridian, and is de
scribed as being valuablo agricul
ture land,
J. O. (Jerking, tho best all around
photographer In southern Oregon..
Alays reliable Negatives mado any
where, time or place Studio 2SS
Main St. Phono 320-J.
Mrs. M. E. Smith leaves Monday
for Southern California. Mrs. Hal-
Ho Whitman, sister of Mrs. John
Honey, will occupy her resldcnco nt
622 W. Tenth street, whllo sho is
Med ford needs a payroll, and Is
gradually getting a paryroll. A fow
years ago wo shipped in hero every
thing In the vegetable and produce
line, now we ship out, why? Because
thcro was a decided demand crcatal
for homo grown truck. Why sen-1
our money to far off cities tbrougn
Jobbers for cigars, when you can get
better mado horc? Try our 3 D. B. J.
C cent cigar, on sale in every first
class cigar caso in tho city. Grant
Coleman, mnnager. 20"
George Fox was among tho many
Central Point visitors in Mcdford
Several now bungalows are being
erected In Imperial addition In East
Mcdford at present and several more
will bo erected shortly.
At the It Theater today and tumor
row, 2:1G and 7 p. m. Edwin Wet
more, soloist. Formerly director
Oregon Agricultural College band
Demonstrator for largest band instru
ment factory. Desires tho Mcdford
musical talont present. An extra
ordinary run of photoplays.
Sam Collins of Table Rock was a
Mcdford business visitor Friday.
Lewis Bennett has romoved (o
Mcdford where ho will engage In
tho grocery business in tho near fu
turo nt Allen's old stand.
Flagg's music shop has been sola
to Palmer Piano Pisco and has
moved stock to south end Garnott
Coroy building, ground floor, facing
on Grape street, phono 709-U.
Tho Bullis Trolley company is now
erecting trolley poles on tho east sldo
of Bear creek. These poles ara
rough and unpaluted.
Miss Ruth Taylor left Thursday
for San Francisco where she will
purchnso a rollllnory stock.
Instead of sending your orders for
sheet music away from Mcdford tele
phone thorn to Palmer Piano Place,
phone 709-R, Garnott-Corey build
ing. Tho order will bo sent on firat
tmall and you will got them at the
samo prlco as sending nwuy. Have
purchasod tho music shop.
During tho past week there have
been several petty robberies on the
cast sldo. One rcsldonco ownod ny
parties absont from tho city was
stripped of tbo electrollors and tho
linoleum from tho kitchen floor. A
clothes lino was also robbed and n
numbor of wood sheds were vlsltoJ.
Joo Hongland of Central Point wns
a visitor In Medford Friday,
Palmer Piano Placo is tho only
firm handling sheet music. Have
ordered in a largo stock. Prompt
attention will bo given to all ordcrx
' Telephone your orders to phone No.
For rent. Flno ortlco rooms from
$0.00 to flS.00. W. T. York, 410
M. F. & H. Bldg.
Tho high school basket ball teams
dt Mcdford and Ashland will meet .VI
tho Nat next week. Tho local team
has not won a game In a coon's age,
and hopo to break tho local strong of
defeats by a victory over their an
cient enemies. Tho girls' team will
likely arrange a game with tho Phoe
nix girls' team in tho near future.
Try our flour, Johnson's Best.
1.13j Bluo Stem, $1.35! Nono Bet
ter. Ii. B. Brown, Russ Mill, Flour
and Feed.
R. C, Avdnt, Ji., of Ashland was a
business visitor In Mcdford Friday.
AV. C. Wlsemore of Provolt Is In
the city for a fow days attending to
business matters.
For salo. Five room houso on
paved street, paving partly paid.
City water, $000.00. Better than
paying rent. W. T. York, 419 M. F.
& II. Bldg.
R. J. Colo of Hilt, Cal., roprlctor
of tho summer resort at Colestln I
In tho city for a fow days. He re
ports tho heaviest snow In years In
tho SIsklyou8.
Rogno river valley grapo Juico on
salo at all tho leading groceries and
In booth G nt public market. 268
Chris Natwlck of Eaglo Point 1$
in tho city in connection with the
Pacific highway contract over tho
Pcto Dodscn of Rogue River Is at
tending to business matters in tho
city today.
For rent. Furnished house, doso
In. Inqulro of W. T. York.
Joe Bccman of Gold lllll was a bus
iness visitor In tho city Thursday.
Mrs. Poarl Wordcn attacked Mil
May Storm In front of tho Sparta
building Friday evening because, it Is
said, tho latter had received a pro
motion over me, lormer. a nair puii-iJcr( j q
mg contest loitowca, vioweu oy a anj fcctj
small but appreciative audience.
Jack Ovcrdorf, well known fight rcf
cree mediated. Tho conflict started
after a day's work in tho laundry
whero both are employed, was fin
ished, and is laid by friends of both
to malicious gossip.
Marlon Lance has returned to
Medford after a visit with his
brother at his mine on Foots creek.
A couple of young men were
rounded up by Constable Rankin Es
tea this morning upon suspicion of
having robbed tho Wilson cigar store
a week ago. Thcro was no ovldonco
against them, and they wcro dis
missed by Prosecutor Kelly with a
lecture on the folly' of bad company,
late hours and loafing around pool
halls and saloons. Both promised to
mend their ways.
C. E. Gates, Court Hall and Seelcy
Hall returned Friday from Portland
where they attended tho Northwest
Auto Show. Seeloy reports seeing a
number of former Mcdtordltes. some
prosperous, and others privates tn
tho roar ranks of tho army of the un
employed. All three proclaim the
auto show aa a success and a great
educational factor to buyers and
sellers of machines.
Lawyers Carkln and Taylor have
moved from .Central avenue Into
Thomas Davis of Grants Pass
transacted legal business In this city
Friday afternoon.
C. E. Whlsler left Friday for
Washington, D. C, where ho will
represent tho Interests of northwest
fruitgrowers buforo tho congressional
committee Investigating tho proposed
npple box bill.
Make Tumy write your fire Insur
ance, tt
It. T. Huerton, a prominent sheen
man of Lake county, spent Friday In
Medford, on route to Portland, He
snya a mild winter hna Insured nil
his flock coming nut fnt In the
spring and predicts a high prlco for
all kinds of stock. Tho Importation
of Australian beef to American mar
kets Is classified by Mr. Huerton
a "butcher fad."
Kodak finishing, glossy or dull fin
ish nt J. O. Gerklng's studio. 22S E.
Mnln St. Phono 320-.
Tho work of putting In early
spring garden truck has been begun
by Gardener Ford of Siskiyou Heights
and he is putting his ground In shape
for later varieties. Ho now has
parsnips, carrots and hardy vege
tables in tho ground, and expects to
win some mora prizes at the Jackson
County Fair next fall. .
Three thousand smudge pots,
slightly used, at Go each, phone
752-J. 27l
Prof. Harry Howells mado a trip
to Jacksonville Friday afternoon to
give a music lesson.
Fresh lime. Medford Lbr. Co.
Joo Rader of Phoonlx transacted
business In Medford Friday.
E. D. Weston, commercial photog
rapher, negatives mado any tlmo or
placo by appointment. Phono M
D. E. Green of Grants Pass spent
Friday In Mcdford on business.
Try our flour, Johnson's Best.
$1.15; Bluo Stem, $1.35; Nono Bet-
Brown. Russ Mill. Flour
Stockholders' Meeting.
Notlco Is heruoy given that tho
regular annual meetlug of stock
holders of the Rogue Illver Fruit &
Produce Association, for tho election
of directors and the transaction of
such other business as may properly
come before such meeting, will bo
held In the public library, Malu
street. Medford, Oregon, on tho 10th
day of February, 1911, nt 10:00
o'clock, n, in.
By A. C. Allen.
tlatod Medford, Oregon, January 10,
1914. ..
They Clenu Liver, Sweeten Stonmrit,
End Sick Heailnclie, Bad llreittli,
Indigestion, lutluitlon
J"WJ I..1ImI A.U A
Tv ITj '"" ' ll !" I'ii'. Yr
IW W ral.i. AitfrM'tlVllllfl.'rrHII
L .9 hlAMiiNtt lmNi i'U.i.V!
vv u
Sam Tuttlo of Watkins, Ore., .i
spending a few days in the city vis
iting friends and relatives.
Sugar Pine shakes. Medford Lbr.
Dr. J. J. Emmons and wlfo loft
this afternoon for Portland for a fow
day's visit. Dr. Emmons will re
turn next Thursday.
Milk and cream at DoVoo's.
C. A. Do Voe. Mcdford agont for
tho Portland Orcgonlan, 41S W.
Main, Phono 122-R.
Get a 10-cent box.
Are you keeping your bowels, liver,
and stomncli clean, pure and frosh
with Cabarets, or merely forcing n
passageway ever r-Miys with
Salts. Cathartic Pills, Castor Oil or
Purgatlvo Waters?
Stop hnvltic; a bowel wash-day. Let
Caxcarota thoroughly cleanse and reg
ulate tho stomach, remove the sour
and fermenting food and foul gases,
take tho excess bllo from the llvor
and carry out of tho system all the
constipated waste matter and poison
In the bowels.
A Cascaret tonight will mako you
feel great by morning, They work
whllo you aleop nour gripe, alckon
or cause any inconvenience, and cost
only 10 cents a u? irom your drus
gist. Millions of men and women
take a Cascaret now and then and
never have Headache Biliousness.
Coated Tongue, Indigestion, Sour
Stomach or Constipated Bowel?.
Cascarets belong in every household.
Children Just lovo to take them.
1 1
' SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 31.- A
warrant charging an offenso ngalnst
a young girl was sworn to here todav
agalnst Maury Dlggs, former stato
architect whose recent conviction un
der tho Mann act was mado tho sub
ject of national comment becauso of
Us political bearing
--.i !-- -t. afr
Weeks & McGowan Co.
l Vhuuv mi
l W. Wk iUH-JU
A. JC On 07K-M
three larger front offices on Main
street over Haskins.and Boydon'a
Twenty-five southbound L W. AV.'s
passed through Mcdford Friday night'
disembarking hero to stretch their;
legs. They wcro a tough looking
bunch, nnd are headed for Redding.
Cal., where a campaign of agitation
is under way.
Jlcn Collins of Jacksonville vis
ited friends In Mcdford Friday after
noon. O. D. Lour of Ashland was in tho
city for a few hours this morning.
H. B. Cady, the agate authority and
hunter has suggested to the Elks'
lodge that they faco the fireplace In
their now building on North Central
avenue with Jasper, agates, and other
untlvo stones polished and sawed.
This would glyo an nrtlstlc touch,
and a varloty of colors bo unique, and
an advertisement for tho lodge and
country'. Mr. Cady haa approached
several Elks on tho proposition, and
mot with Instant favor. The na
tlvo stones Mr. Cady has samples that
bavo been polished, and are beautiful.
The Elks' fireplace will bo fifteen
feet wide, and fifteen feet high, and
tho first idea was to use bricks carv
ing tho name of each member there
in. 'Mr, Cady's idea will be given
vXnTED isOOoTob YoTrwoyears
at f per cent. Security 20 acres
Bear creek bottom soil, one-third
alfalfa, halanri In peers and ap
ples of which i c run in In bearing.
Buildings alyne worth $3000.00.
Phono 3C8- or 130-R.
FOH'SALK Garlic. Mrs. Wm. Bain,
West Clark, phono C27-X. 209
WANTED By man and wife, posi
tion on much. Inference. Ad
dr A., care Mall Tribune. 209
When it rains
doyou depend on
or do you nor
Fish Brand
and enjoy Uiq r!a I-
WW TWU . lf Wilt,
I ..II.11I...L.
tough nd tcady ser
vice, ami o wler
pioof that Dot drop
reach e you even
I drouth iha openioit
twen the button.
$3.00 a.r.
SilUfactloo GaratctJ
A, J. Tower Co. "ftj .
BOSTON orthitliAt
Tower Caoadiao Liaiied ,
an TorecM CctJtfi i9lHP
l-'f' uuw
x l A'vlli
JL 1 I 1
I' -MP
When you buy-eye glasses of nio
you get what your eyes rcqulro at
proven by a scientific examination,
and nt a price conslntcnt with tho
best qunltty and sdrvlce whether you
pay $3.00, $r..00, $S.00 or more.
Eye Sight Serlalit
Suite 1-2, Oi'cr Deuel's
S. & II. Green Trading Stamps Given
Jt has been our aim
to provide tho house
wife with a. Icavcner
cnibrnring the essen
tial qualities purity,
efficiency and whole
sonicncss, and .to do
so at a modern tc
price. This we found
perfectly feasible, as
you will find by a
test of
Crescent Baking
A good new homo on South Oa!:dalc, best resi
dence block in Mcdford, eight rooms, largo sleeping
porch, bath, basement, furnace heated, a garage; lot
Also five acres adjoining town, sidewalk almost
to property line, fine soil for garden, fruit ur alfalfa,
all plowed ready to plant.
Also 27 1-4 acres Bear creek bottom land, no bet
ter soil for alfalfa in the valley, land all plowed in
good shape and ready to seed in the spring.
Also for sale or rent, storage building, can be
used for paint shop, on lot .100x100 feet, cIohq in.
Phone 019-tt. 993 H. Oakdale.
I'OH HUNT Closd In four rootu
)jouo, ft! per month with city
wider puld lAiutUtn 207 Koulh
Yjf tlrvui tor puMMulur (VJ
Iwow no j, m
Latta & Hopkins
Growers of High-Grade Fruit Trees. Apple and
Pear Trees arc our specialties. Stock ;,ne-ycnr-old
trees on three-year-old roots. Some of best orchards
in the valley are set to our trees. Nurseries near
Central Point. Medford office, room 402. M. F, & 11
building. Phone 809-Iv. Experience shows that home
grown, acclimated trees are the best,
Mcdford Tailors
iioit.sitf roil Stvia:
BaaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaaliaBaBaW il '
' A &ii25r
One span ot mulos, ago C and
7 years, weight -C00. One span,
tunro and horso, ago 7 and 8 years,
weight L'C-tO. One good nil around
horse, 8 years old. Largo team,
weight 3000. Ono well broko saddle
horso. Ono gcntlo ladles' driving
mare. Ono good ranch team. Can
bo sccu nt
I). 8. Utt'M IIU N. lUvernlde
I luivo throo slightly used Ovorlnnds, two with
oloctrlc 8tnrtor8, tlmt I will soil nt a bargain; also
ONE B. H. 15-H. P. PREMIER $400.00
ONE WARREN DETROIT (wrocked on. Jack
sonvillo road) . . $150.00
Official Photographer of th
Medford Club
Amateur Fmishiufl
Post Curdcs
Panoramic Work
Flash lighoi
Interior and oxturior vium
Negatives made anv Uux
and any place by uppoint
L. M. II.VHMON. Muumger.
9fW 7) Mi in
rionr u7
Isch Ku Bibbe
Having fallen heir to a large estate and in
order to distribute it equally to the people of
Medford, I will give a five per i;nt discount on
all cash sales of out1 dollar or over and on all
accounts paid within lf days from date of
When the baud begins to play, fall in line or
phone 210 for your Groceries.
Successor to Davidson $ Hutterfield.
320 E. Main Street
$1,300.00 Cleiir; Oklnhomu, eity niul nerc
nge; want Mtilford.
$'J,."()0.00 Clenr; Oklahoma, resilience; wnula
pMierul f ii rui.
$11,000.(10 Cliwr; modern hiiiim, two
lotx, 30x100 eui'li, FureM drove,
Or.; until! Hiuck rnneli with w
ttir, up to $(1000; home cutili.
$11,200.00 Clonr; WiiHliiiigton ulient fitriu ;
wmtH Hiunll tract near .Mcilt'oril.
$.'1,300.00 Clear; Colorailo reniilenro, moil
itii; wants Koguu Kiver valley
$3,000.00 Mortgage $2(100; 80 ncre Snnm
Vnlley, goml geuern! fiimi; will
tnl: .Mcdfonl residence up U
$1,800.00 MirlKiio $1800; North Imkntii
farm, 100 iktoh, all cultivated;
, will take tiny good property hero.
$0,000.00 Morlgniro $2800; Colorado, eleven
acres licuritit; orcliunl; wants
Hiunll tract near .Mcilfonl.
$0,500.00 MorlfciiKo ' $ 1300; North Dakota,
.ISO 'acres; wants land ur Mcilfonl
$7,000.00 Clear; fine resilience, Portland;
wants west niile vnlley uereage;
will pay difference.
$7,000.00 Mortgago $1000; Colonnlo rusi
ilciice niul 40 acres irrigntcil land;
will trade for good luiul here.
$8,000.00 Clear; Missouri land, 1000 acres
timber; wants good hiunll tract or
$11,200.00 Clcur; Colorailo, .'120 acres im
plied raui'li, level, fine laud, close
to railroad; wantu valley land.
$20,230.00 Mortgage $1U20; huvcrnl different
properties, partly income, nil good;
wants general inci'i'hiiudue, hard
ware, dairy or orchard.
$22,300.00 Mortgnxo
(1000; Clilimgu huhuili
pniperty; II U. iiitrim
grouuil, large Kl-room Ikiiim', liarn,
garage, licaiitil'ul lawns, diics,
fliade; see pictures; wants orcliaul.
$22,(100.00 Mortgage $1000; Indiaim business
Monk, merchandise slock, large
resilience, several fine lots; wauls
good nrehard.
$211,300.00 Mortgage $8(1(10; Idaho ami Chi
engo; wants mcrchnudUc stock or
$23,000.00 Clear; 3 aores, luinie ami orchard
in Medford; OO-acin ranch for Miu
nesotn ranch or business property.
$23,000.00 Clear; New Kiiglauil hotel.
$:i0,000.00 Clear; .laekhon county, 70 ncres
lino laud, -10 ucrcs 7-year apples,
.10 ueres 2-ycnf penis, 13 neres
alfalfa; wauls Portland, Seattle,
Oakland or l.os Angeles,
$30,000.00 Clear; I.m AugelcH uparliuent
liouse, J'liruislied, net income
$0000; wants good improved much.
$01,800.00 Morlgnge $7723; Colorado, 1313
neres, line irrigated laud; wants
large ranch in Oregon.
$75,000.00 Clear; Colorado, 810 acres, largo
,i (i'yvi u. .; 80-100111 hotel, Hot Kpriuj;s, Htleu
did resort; will take laie ranch.
$75,000.00 MoitKaK'e $15,000; I,os AiiKeles
apartment house, two-year lease
f . . , at $!I25 per mouth; wants piod,
clear raiicli,
$lMl000,00-Morti-ano $20,800; Noilh Dukotn,
' rich wheat luiul, iniprovcnicnts
$l.'l,000; will (alio Kood orehard.
$200,000.00 Morlmice $50,000; Han Francisco,
inoilcrii six-storv '.uililliiK", wants
lnli-cla oichard piopcily.