Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, January 31, 1914, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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    'inn WntMHi HbcIb
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Medford Mail Tribune
Itnln tonight nnd Hundsy
Mat. nt Mtn. an.
rnrty.thlrfl Tr
Onlly i:ilitli VMt
' ' I.. . .1 ,!'
NO. .267
II 1
Congress Asked to Declare Monopoly
of Tclcornph and Telephone Sys-
v (ems and Authorize Issuance of
Licenses to Operate.
Private Ownership Makes Wires for
Classes Public Ownership Would
Enable Masses to Use.
WASHINOTON. Jim. ,ll.-Uovoni.
nmiit ownership of telegraph and tel
ephone linos wni recommended in n
n port l llu sciiatu today lv Pot
master lunera I Hurlosno, Tho rec
oiiiineudutiunn wore nindo by llitrhi
sou in answer o a rtHnliitioii Intro,
ducod Iiv Sonulor Karris, which ro
quested information collected hy po.
lnl officials regarding government
ownership rf public utilities.
After fiirnUhlug the senate with
the deviled iuforihntloii, HuHoaoii's
ittMirt made the following rrontnmcn.
"Tho otilv way In afford the pro.
pin complete and modern postal fa.
oilitios, which tin' constitution makes
it the government's duly to ri itc.
Ik to put into effect tin) following
lleeluro it .Monopoly
"That congress decline a goiorn.
incut inoiiopoly of telegraph, t !
phono and radio eominuiilentlon ami
Htii'li other menus of transmission n
may hereof tor develop; that eougross
acquire hv puri-liiiMd a network of
commercial telephone linos, farmer'
linos voj;pted thst rougioM author
in tho postmaster general to Issue, in
his discretion, and under Mitch rcgu
lotions a lii iniiy prescribe, rovok
aide licenses for tho operation hy
rivnte individuals, associations,
companies and coriKirntions of tele
g'rnph wervico and of such parts of
the telephone! service im the govern.
merit may neiptire."
lliirlcson also mdorxed the pint)
advoeated hy Itcprosentiitlvo Lewis
of Maryland, adding:
"Tudor private ownership, the tel
cgriudi and telephone are for the
dosses, l.udyr utivctniui'iit owiiur.
whip and through postal umehiurry
eoudiieted ill tho interest of the
whole people, the benefits noon would
he extended to tho musses."
Delay c:nt Money
"It is obvious," tho report eoatin.
ued, "that tho longer government ac
quisition of thn facilities is deferred
tho greater will he thn cost. More,
over, it is mi reoiiotnie waste to Mr-
mit private enterprise to huild u
vast properties wlueli eventually
must ho tnkcu over hy the novum,
"Their Ik a radical difference ho
tween a public and a private, monop.
uly. In extending its service tho do
trrmining factor with the "overument
U tho needs of tho people; with pri
vnlo monopolies profit i tlio only
consideration. In fixing rales tho
government miiKt see only that the
sonico an a whole is self-support.
MAHYSVILLK, Cnl Jim. 31.
Tli'o Wheatland hop field riot jury at
Itfill thin nfternoon returned a vor
diet finding Kichnrd Foitl and Her
man Suhr guilty of murder in the
second degree and acquitting William
Heck and Hurry Hiigun.
Tho eafiii went to thn jury just lav
l'oro liik yeHlerdiiy and at 11!
o'elook tho men were locked for tho
ninlit. They rould ho heard tnlkiui;
until much later, und it wiim a
h)eeiiyuycd k'mip whioh uiudo itw up.
pciiraiieii for brcakl'iikt today,
"1 helinvn that Huhr and Ford uru
Kullty," Hiiid Allonii'V Cm lln, in hin
I'lOkll Npi'l'l'll I'lir (III) pi'MOCIlllllll,
"I ik you fur lliifir nonvli'linn, not
I'm' llii'lr livi). 'J'liuv rlldiihl kii l
ivmm, A toy Jlfiiiuii uml liuek,
lift rto Ifiiitiv in inv lifiul t' twmt
amy or Hti Yiu m t)M)4y'
Illinois, Mlchlrjan and Indiana Swept
by Heavy Snow Storm Wires Are
Down and Railroads Crippled
Great Stiff it Inn Atncnti Poor.
Man Found Fiozen to Death Leanlnn
Against Pole at Indianapolis An
other Shocked to Death.
INDIANAPOLIS, liul.. Jim. .11. A
how line hli'xard wih rnu'iii; here to
day. All traiiiM were nt least twelve
bourn late, luleriirhau traffio wan
doiuurnlixi'd. Tlio local htriteteiir wer
vico was nearly out of eomtiiixhioii.
Wire comiiiuiiicatlou wnH more
completely crippled than by the iIimik.
trotiM floodn limt .March. Joweph
Waluli put a telephone receiver to Inn
ear and was shocked to death, A
live electric liuht wire bad been blown
ncrortH the telephone line. Telegraph
ami loiiK'tliHlniico leiepiiono Hunici't
were tiaralvzeil exeent between hero
and Chicnuo and St. Lotiln. TIiuiih.
nndi of polen were down.
A mini uiih fonml limllv frozen.
leaning iik'niiiht a teleplmuo pole in
tho residence Hvetion. lie wan taken
to a hoxpital iiucoiikcioui and the
iloctorM piiMioiiaecil lii-i condition
critical, llin name could not be
DKTHOIT, Mich., Jan. M. Do.
troit wiih HWept hy a hliz'rard today.
Street earn and railrondu weiv badly
crippled and wires wero down in ev
ery direction. The ttorm started at
midiiiKbl. It previillrd'throtiKhout the
Moutheru part of the Kittle.
foot of hiiow fell hero today, but the
Morm coaxed at noon. The miow was
wet and heavy and greatly hampered
wire coiumuuieation. Trains were
very Inte.
PORTLAND, Or., Jan. .11. With
tho vUitiiiK bnnkerH of OroRon, east
orn WahliiiiKtnn nud Idaho expresj
iiiR n preference for Portland ns a
federal reservo bank renter and with
a number of local hunkers Miunlin
out ilatfooted for a bank in the
northwest, other Portland hankers
who tentified nt yesterday's heariiiK
before tho federal reserve bank or
Kiinizntinn committee today ex
pressed decided preference for San
1 rnnciseo.
Hveu A. L. Mills, president of the
Portland elearimr house committee
and chairman of the eommtiteo on n
regional bank for Portland, aftei
prrsi'iitiuK forceful and nuistorly nr
KUiuent confessed thnt al heart ho
would prefer to see a parent bank
at San Frunolsoo, with only a branch
at Portland.
Other leadiuu' bankers who testi
fied yesterday aftornoon concur) cd
with him. Ampni: their number were
J. C. Aiimwortli, tiresident of the
I'uitcd States National bank, and 0.
F. Adams, president of the Scunrily
Trust & Suviiipi bank. Ainsworth
was uuoiuivoenhly op-iosed to the lo.
cation of a bank in Portland and ar
pied for a branch only.
NKW YOIUC, Jan. 31. An upward
movement won apparent when tho
stock market opened today, Heavy
huyliiK prevailed no fur as the act Wo
Hit wuu concerned, Union Pacific,
Cuuudliiii 1'uclflo, AteliUun, (Jruut
Nortburn preferred, I'remmd Hleul Car
mid llullielhoin Hleul rcKUIored tialiu
of u point or $u, Hleel reui'lied 07,
u puw hluh flKure fur the luovumiuil.
Jl(?l'l JImiii Mni'lm vhuM'tiil hiVlni
The mvttirrvii Moi'k lent i v w4 H'j
iw raw
Lcalt Alexander, Tried for Slaying
Her Betrayer, J. D. Van Baalcn,
Faints When Jury Brings in Ver
dict of Acquittal.
"Temporary Insanity" Ground Given
by JurorsHad First Tried to Kill
Herself hy Poisoning.
SAN FRANCISCO, Cal Jan. 'M, -The
Leah Alexander who reeened
coii(ratiilat:oim in her mother's little
apartment here today was a differ
eat irl lrom the one who listeued,
weeping, .vestciday afternoon in
Jiiduo Dunne's courtroom while her
lawyer, Thomas O'Connor, fought to
prevent Proecutor Horry from put
tint! the noose around her neek for
last October's killing of Joseph D
Van Unuleu, her former lover.
1l)Morlcnl Willi Joy
Almost prostrated when she was
brought to her mother's rooms nftcr
midnight, directly from the court
room, she rallied nuieklv after a few
hours' sleep and, her spirits rebound-
luc from the long strain to which
she was subjected, became nliuoft
hysterical with joy.
Iter aeipiittal on the ground of
temporary insanity did nut surprise
attaches of Judge Dunne's court,
where the caso was beard. The jury
made its report almost exactly at
midnight, after eight hours' deliber
ation. The room was crowded with
spectators, despite the hour, and as
the MTiliet was announced it bunt
into wild chccriiur and made a ruh
toward the railim; behind which Miss
Alexander sat to congratulate her.
Itailiffs had hard work stopping the
.., i..
niiiuipeiiv. .
Miss Alexander wns unconscious of
the ovation intended for her. "Oh,"
she exclaimed as Foreman Leslie J.
Hopkins of the jury pronounced the
words "not guilty, ' and stink faint
ing. It took five minutes to revive
Temporary Insanity
Inasmuch as there was no ques
tion that Miss Alexander shot and
killed Van llnalen, the jury's debate
hinged on the question whether she
was mentally responsible at the time
she did it. On her discovery thnt
Van Itaaleu, who had induced her to
live with him as his wife hy prom
ising to marry her later was already
a married man, she tried to kill her
self by poisoning, nnd her lawyer
Thomas O'Connor, contended that she
was still under the drug's influence
when she did the shooting.
It was this view which tho jury fin
ally took. It was said that at first
they stood eight to four for acquittal,
then nine to three nud finally these
throe were convinced and tho verdict
was announced.
NKW YORK', Jan. 111. That tho
nwiirvn iilniimt iiHiielieil In all ni'inill-
ized baseball contracts is legal was
the opinion given ('resident douii K.
Tenee of llin K'nltniinl (natron todav
by Attorney General Hell of Pennsyl
vania. Hell, Tener said today, had
been eoiiHlderini' tho matter for
weeks, and his opinion was formed
only alter careful consideration.
Charles Kbbetts, president of Ihe
Hrooklyn team, announced today he
had sent Joe Tinker u contract call-
tin. fin' n vimrlv unlnrv rll' ATADO.
Tho amount is what Tinker origin,
ally demanded, Tinker is now man
iieer of tho ChloiiL'O Federal leauue
club, ami unless be decides to play
with jirnoitiyn, i.iiiieiis wm carry
thn case to the com Is. Khbetts
takes the sland that Tinker's demand
never was rejected nud Hint he hud
lin light tu bigu with the outlaw club
while Itiooklvn had his nuilrni't -
ler cimmdcriilioii
Pulou (lulnler In Hun I'minlmo d
will jwjlj nrwrv ilidivm
To biil'd twenty l t .il.N 'n (tirrcnnt part of tlio United States for the
treatment of pnllelili . fl K.l wllh e.inrer ami to equip catli Institution with
flto Kraiiin of raitluin a aditltluii to the other Niilpnient. Is mU to li thu
project that llnirl'!ii.s. Hi,- willhy plillunthropUt of Now York and Pitts
luiif. In inliiUjj In all, the Imnpltatit would entail au expi-ndlture of about
. ..y ,
JKFFKRSO.V CITY. Mo.. Jan. 31.
What Attornev OenernI Marker said
about Federal Judge McPheron of
Kansas City today was forcible, to
say the least. "I won't try Missou
ri'!, rate cases before MePlierson," he
declared. "Nobody's likely to win a
suit ncninst a railroad in that court.
This state has waited oidit months
for MePhersoii to enter n decree in
one rate case such as tho supremo
court has already rendered.
"I'll wait no longer. I'm tired of
fooling with McPhcrson, so I'll
prosecute the suits for Hie $21,000,
000 the railroads have overcharged
Missouri patrons in the state court-.
"MePhersoii tells of the quick ac
tion you get in his court. I've often
henrd of lawyers soliciting business,
but this is the first time I ever heart
of a court doing it. 1 wonder what
particular inducement MePlierson
can hold out to a client."
WASHINGTON, Jan. 31. Senator
Chamberlain has offered an amend-
meat to the agricultural upnroprla.
Hon bill, appropriating $500,000 for
expenditure by tho secretary of agri
culture ami tho pastmatiter-gcncrnl
in tho Improvement ot roads uted by
rural carriers, provided tho looal an
thorltlcH fumUh doublo tho amount
ncodod for tho Improvement of tho
roads selected.
nominations of Wiuthrop Daniels of
Princeton, X. J., nud Henry Hall of
Colorado Springs, Colo., to be inter
state commerce commissioners were
sent to (lie senate today.
SALKM, Or. Jim, III. -J. A.
Churchill, state mipeiiilteiidcut of
publiu hislriieiion, will be u ciuulidiite
for I lie icpuhlii'iiii nomination for
eli'i'tioq to Unit office, it mis uu
niuiiiccd Indus, Chill chill was up
pointed in July, 10II l Dll the mi
c)r'd tenii of i, II Abli'Miiiiii, mii
ICitlKlH'd u Jii'Cimie nupe)iii'iU'Ht u
lb Uly fctk-vulu pf 1'uj'Uuu.d,
TACOMA, Wash., Jan, III. Op-
't:mism among Igmbcnaru for a re
jvival of business during the present
year is more apparent than ever here
today, following the annual uiccting
of the West Const Lumber Manufac
turers' association, which adjourned
last night after bearing favorable
reKjrts from Oregon and Washing
ton concerning the outlook nnd
transacting other business.
The $15,000,000 order soon to be
placed by the American Cir cAmpnnv
for material with which toi build
4100 'freight cars for the Union Pa
cific railroad is expected to further
greatly stimulate the lumber busi
ness of tho northwest. A large
share of the big order will likely be
placed with mills here nnd in this
SAN FHANCISCO, Oil., Jim. 31.
Otto Wiejand, n plumber, who shot
Peter Cncouicitis and Patrolman Au
gust J. Hurry 'here last night, must
answer to u charge of murder. Cn
couicitis, it restaurant man, died of
his injuries this morning. Harry's
condition wns reported critical, but
it was said he had an outside chance
for life.
Jealousy was responsible for the
hooting. Wiejand had been sepa
rated from Mrs. Wiejand for several
months, Ho fired under the impres
sion that Cncouicitis was paying at
tention to Mrs. Wiejand, when in re
alitv the restaurant man was Wie
jand's daughter's suitor.
SAVANNAH, (In., Jim. 31. -Hearings
before u house committee of
charges of nepotism ugaiiist United
Stutes Judge Kmory Spoor wero ex
pected to cud today. The committee
pla ailed to return to WnMngton to
light und will report soon to the
liouso Judiciary commit lee.
Judge Spoors' alleged fnvorltwm
wan dioucd by witnesses today, lie
Died In put into Die iconid U dcft'iine
iiviinikt Ihe ihuiges, but Chuiimiiii
Webb ii fut d to allow Iiiiji in Ink"
lliu kluinl Jmlue bpi'i'i' llpn jfiud
u long imhliM fcliilcmi'Dt li'iing Mil
euuiyc yiykj ty kit (ivuuvi
Oregonlan Charges Senate Commerce
Committee Has Doctored His Steel
Trust Rebate Resolution and Is
Ruled Out of Order by Marshall.
Root Says He Is "Tired of Senate
Being Dragged Around to Tune of
WASHINGTON, Jan. 31. Hat
charges that the senate commerce
committee hnd "doctored" his rcso
lotion for an investigation of alleged
steel trust ubnteg were made from
the floor of the senate today by Sen
ator Inno of Orvirou. Vice-Presi
dent Marshall, as the senate's pre
siding off.cer, ruled Lnne out of or
I-nne then withdrew' the word
"doctored," but turned to Senntor
New hinds, chairman of the commit
tee, and asked:
"When some important things are
left out, some 'played up' nud o.hers
minimized, wbnt shall I call it when
I withdraw the word 'doctored'!"
He fore Ime could proceed Sena
tor Hoot commented audibly in n
conversation with other senators
that he "was tired of the senate be
ing dragged around to the tune of
a blackmailer."
Senntor Hristow immediately re
peated Hoot's words so the" would go
into the record. tqth Senator Stone
and Sena'or Hoot then bitterly de
nounced Hristow. Stone advancing'
bclPgerrntly toward the, Knusan. The
latter stood his irround and fnends
seized Stone ilud led him away.
SEATTLE, Wash., Jan. 31.
Charges wero preferred today by Mrs.
J. Watson, before Superior Judgo
Konald, that tho men Jurors In the
now famous case of blackmail heard
recently against Thcodoro Pappaa,
threatened tho women Jurors with
personal violence It they did not
agrco to convict the Greek. The
court decided to re-open the Inves
tigation and cite all tho Jurors to
appear before him in a final effort to
untangle tho Jury squabble.
"This afatlr Is a scandal," said tho
court. "I want to go to tho bottom
of It and eco Just what really did hap
pen In that Jury room."
Evldenco that something went
wrong Ju consideration of the ver
dict was first Introduced, showing
that tho women Jurors agreed to a
hasty verdict ot guilty to accommo
dato one woman Juror who was ID
Thoy declared, however, that they
did not bellevo Pappaa was guilty.
Scored by tho coutr tor their ad
missions, thoy later asserted that th'j
men blow smoke In their faces, com
pelling them to agree on a conviction
In order that they might escape tho
Now comes tho charge of threat
ened personal violence
An argumont over socialism In the
Cadillac saloon Friday ovenlng be
tween George Hamlin and Krank
Manokor became so heated, that Ham.
lln clinched his remarks by stabbing
Muuakor lu tho stomach with a
Juckknlfe, these allegations being
sustained by a complaint drawn up In
Prosecutor Kelly's office this morn
ing, Jllood bulled, according to tfr.
gouut Put Metfu, when Muutkvr
iimliiluliied (hut them wit no such
I hints lin ncououilu preur." DHi'
lln ) BlU'Kud lo hu iufrM on w
KUijiK iiflvr hi debmv rlml f
win ml hv vul U1L
J. W. Sweeney, County Court ami
State Highway Engineer Ratify
Assignment Made by Keasel & Mc
Dowell at Old Figures
Tcu Velio to Go East ami SJn
Bonds in Chicago, as Cheaper Than
Expressage ami Insurance.
A now contract wns signed Satur
day by the county court nud Statw
Highway Knginccr II. h. Howlby with
J. W. Sweeney, Portland contractor,
for the construction of the Siskiyou
grade for the Pacific highway over
the mountnins. The proceedings
were really a ratification of the as
signment of their contract by Keasel
& McDowell to Swcenc" tho samo
prices being specified.
The pricei nt which tho construc
tion work is to bo done nt arc '29
cents on enrth excavation, 38 cents
on loose work, 78 cents on Holid
rock, fiO cents per square rod on
clearing right-of-wav, $l.d0 per
square rod on grubbing, $1.05 per
foot on corrugated iron culvert 12
inch, $1.00 on 18 inch, .f2, on 24 inch,
7i!e on 12-inch concrete culvert,
$1.60 on 18 inch nnd $2 on 24 inch.;
70 cents tier foot on 12 inch vitrified
tile, $1.30 on 18 inch, $2.53 on Z
inch. On rublo mnsonry, .$8 .per
cubic yard; class A, concrete, fj.1
per cubic yard, class 8, $10; class ,e.
$10; reinforcing steel, $0 per, IW
pounds. The total award tolnb
$107,000. To .this will be added flt
other roek section it wns planned fit
first to construct by convict Inbijr,
nnd which will bring' the total up fo
approximately $125,p00.
Tou Velio to Go East
Judge Tou Voile will probably go
east with the highway bonds and
sign them in Chicago, as it will cost
the county less thin way than to ex
press nnd insure them nftcr signa
ture. Tho money will bo available
UHn delivery of tho bonds.
Attorney A. K. Ilenmes, who rep
resented the county before tho bou'd
buyers' attorneys nt New York,
writes as follows to Judgo Tou Velle;
"It will be unsafe to send tho
signed bonds without insurance,, and
the insurance will exceed the travel
ing expenses. Of courc, thoy could
bo insured nnd sent by registered
mail, but this will equal trnveliug ex
penses. Altogether, it 6eems bet
ter for you to sign tho bonds person
ally in Chicago when you make de
livery, then take a check to tho coun
ty treasurer, and this will make it
impossible to lose the money through
Money All lUght
"Thore is no question now but wo
will have nil tho money in by May,.
Attorney Mnsslich thinks that I cnnle
here nt a very opportune time, ns
somu of the matters were troubling
him considerably. On tho whole, he
is very fair, indeed, and dictates his
wires to his clients in mv presence
nnd everything seems open nnd above
board. The buyers seem to think
that the recent legislation will make
municipal securities particularly na
tive mid are very anxious to get hold
of as much of tho itisno ns ho will
approve nud at the very earliest mo
ment. I am trying to get him to scat
ter tho deliveries along up to M.i,
to savo tho county interest, but they
are so anxious to place them while
there is a uhaiicu I doubt if they will
agree to it.
"The various buyers who joined in
thu purchase, have somo sort of n
selling pool under nn arrangement
whero thoy must nil begin to sell nt
the sumo time so neither ono con take
advantage of tho other. At leant, so
they told mo nt Chicugo."
ltoek for tho paving will be pur
chased from the lowest bidder.
JKWTMl'NI), (Utumy, 3m, SI,-
Mix m'n wi'iu lm U Uv mri
iLmIIi May In h fhi Amy n4niw
; iim ai0mm4 Hif, ft