K MflDFOTin MATTi TRTHUNII, WiDFGTW, ortMfJOX. FRfPAY, .fANM'A KY HO, 1011. PAGE FTVTC ".IMlllMDUyKWumfcj, ty-j Mutt Should Have Been Shot For" This One ,m,taMPliAJn By "Bud" Fisher ( - pooh, mutt (!': ttiuu PtyStW AMD GOUti TMtlVLl minor mm lootVr. jvjor fjo'f. iu Co car a iiunf.it oi rtDu(.Kt,MU.rAHo WtN Vp CMCCK. HlrA KM OI c f M?fA I'OJ A OP. f HfiU.O MUTT i Thought vou PRCON j; . -:-- i i r -- t. ,UM,MW HI l Hflto-1 ""PTiHif; ---- ?irr '3r 7i .aaark gigir. iAa yVtywi (iv )iuVtnS9 fin 11 ui mi &k-i a'XJ'W , ikvNiyj j i wrs-v 7j -. J COSUflb ruwwW1' 'r'Ar.'?Kr- CUUSH-H-M-M- J IT', A &cr-r B'JT I'LL TRUiT YOU Houl Dt) 1 v srf b tf I 1 rff iWMT WP':k W6LL l WiI N Y ceu. uwr Mwir omo JU4T At TUfTf 0Ri: MvwrJ TO fcHOCfr fAG . I. oOT 1 G rAGASt-Ci A.ND - vcsi r I I7 !i 7C & jjam tmma&fc: . BRokc out ! , i AMU' sK B H s ,;. 'So, ,t)fa. ' MB --Q yjr- -?. tr vwa Corantws inB'i3 COURTHOUSENEWS Itt'Iiortoil by JacWion County Alt trctt Ctt, !xth nntt I'lr Km. (In ult (unit A. li. W. It. A. I'. CllKH'!., Aitl.i'11, l.itllc, r. r. .MiTiitk . .iuilKiiii'iit ii'inlxii'il. I'. K. .Mil nek k, jiiiIhiiii-iiI hmhIciciI. P. H. Morrlck vt., juilninnit ri'iiiluti'il, Aliuitfi W'il-uii . (Iio.'A, WiUm nt nt., oritur iiifiitiiiu' V. T. (Iiimt ('. I'liiii'V mill ('. I'. HIhmIon ii h ii'lVr KirM Niilliuinl Ituuk i. I'im- Tim lior I'o. it nl., miliir of ilofiiiilt. I.. .MlMt'llftlKllllH M. .Mllilii'll. N. P. riiiiiiniKi.iiiii, I'liilmt,,' Cimrt i;lntc nl' Wiiiil II, WVmI, iIi'itiimimI (InliT ipniinliut I). T. Lawtuii niltiiiiiihtriiliir. Itnil IMnlo TrniinfiT". Diiniii'iii ,r. AniinrMoti to l.iiiirn V. Stii'li, pin I lot 1H. id, '.'it, iimi ji, Murk i:. It. It. iiilililiiin o Axliliitnl . 10 V. D. ll(lllH(ll l'l ll III JlIN, ii. iictn, :i'r.iiiH int on lli'liiuiu xtii'i'l, Afhliitiil l.lilil) lliiiH o' . II, I Inn. mi In ,. II. Ili'llnii, liiilf iiiti in Ah liuitl .. Doin W'iuht i-l ir to lurn .1. .Stifle, lot H, lil.ii'l. I; lot .'.. Iiln.-k J; lol, I mill 'J.'., Iiloi'k .1, iimi lot 17, liloi'k 1, Alpha uililitinii in Ali Imiil 10 COIWTV rtU'lIT IMKM'l.'ClllN'dS Tim follow Iiik U ii Hclirilulo or Vx ponillturcn of Jnrkoou roiinty, to. Kullmr with tint lint nt rlnlnmiilH iimi nrllclu nr niTVlro for which rlnlui In miuli', mill uhlrh uin panned upon ut llio Nnvuiulior turm of tint count)' court of .luck no n county, OrvKon Count)' Court nnil CoiuuilNxloiH'r W 'V Wnmi, i'XirtliiH Hlicriri' liookn $ no no Aihluiul Itcronl, prlutliiK hill hcoilH :C.S0 Ian. M I'romuiillliir. mniiMiK .i.un liiiiiilo Doniu, wltmtrtH L'.'O lloinii Tcluphuiin & Tcilu- Kruph Co , loli'ilioiio hill I.7R NVui. C l.uiivor, coiiiuiIh' nloniir couipdiiHiitlon 'Jl' 00 Win C Koovor, tvlnphoiicti I 0T Minlforil Sun, prlutliiK lounty court proi'i-i'illuKu 110 70 Muilfonl Malt Tilhuiio, prlnlliiR prucrcilliiKH 110.70 Moiironl PrlutliiK Co , .prlutliiK for county unirt II! '.'T. 1'OKtul Toluitrnph & Cuhlo Co., tnloKrauiH .. . SO liilkn ll)iin. rvjnt of hullilliiK -5.110 .1. C, Hiulth, coininlaHloiHir conipi'iniutlnu U2.00 Lincoln uvag(, Koutliurn Orcuon liiflltutu nxiiMiino DO 00 l I.. Ton Vollo, Unl'tf Or- okoii l.insa 13, HO I', I.. Ton Viilln, county JuUko'h kiilury . .. KiO.OP WoMturn Union TulnKruph Co,, tok'Kranu . .. . n. IS WoNturn Union TuluKraph C'o, tulogiauiH 1,37 Total Circuit Court Kutmhnrur, court Kiiuik trior r. Hoy Davis, ropurtor . . K, H, Wiluoii, uraud Jury hulllff H, Ii, Arnold, Krand Jury WltllOH A. 0. Alton, Jury Kervleo .. I.hwIh Antonio, isrand Jury vnoHn K, Ii. Ilennutt, pntlt Juror.. I It, lliadiilmw, potlt Juror Win, Iluuk, potlt Juror Kind llonudlct, potlt Juror Tyxon Iloiillo, potlt Juior . .1, C. Hurton, kiiiikI Jury WltllDHM Heott llnyor, kiiiiiiI Jury wlintna V. W. !llrdbli)i Kriiiid Jury WllllOKK lvoiott Dally, KHind Jury WltllOHH (' II, llryau, kiiiiiiI Jury WltllOHH I'llllii IIIuvIiih, court WllllCHH 10 N. IiinIiwoiiiI, kiiiuiI Jury wltiiPHH I'liiiu IIIuvIiih, Krniui Jury WllllKMH du, 1JukIiuiii, gruoa Jury, .$ oti.oo .to no L'o.ur. 21.00 3.20 12.00 r.,70 10.00 20,00 IS, 10 17.00 13.00 r.,oo Ti.KO 1.30 i.r.o sno 1.00 I 70 u.co wlnn'HH l M, lli'orn, Krniui Jury Wlllll'hH Hi-la llliiKhniii, rlrrult loiiri wllnciii Wimliy lllrilm);, put It Juror I. W Coiiuer, Kmml Jury ttltlll'lHI tl. W ('raw ford, khuu! JuryMltiuK A I' CoiiKur, Krand Jury MlHll'M W. H. Chnpiuuii, circuit court MltnoHH Clum. Ciiiiuiiiii;Ii( Rranil Jury wltiu'" II. II. Cirtiitll, Krand Jury ultnonn Hnu Cnini'ron, Krand Jury m linen . J C Calvert, Krniui Juror . C. N. Cainphcll, potlt Juror Itiilph CokIII, ilrmiu court ullunim Dan Cameron, Krand Jury s linos .'. . .. Paullni' Cllft, Kraml Jury UltllCHK .. . Winifred Caldwell, Krand Jury wltneiiH . W. W Cuttrell, Krunil Jury nIUh'mh linor Couiter, Kraml Jury MltuenH , Klcii Conner, f.rand Jury ultllt'Mt . I). I'. Cnreila, Kraml Ju'ry uttneim Alluirt C. Deiiuli, Krunil Jury i wtnei I. U. I)nley, circuit court WltllrKM J. I1. DoilKe, Krand Juror . (1. II. Dean, crand Juror I I'annlo llorau, circuit cmirt wiinchH Vernon Dornn, circuit court sllUUIIH Miiioii Dornn, iliiull court ltncn tl W. Dunn, petit Juror i:iur Pat In, circuit court ttltne J i: Dent, Kraml Jury lt- nexn Jon i:imorf, Bfoiul Jry wltni-KK Joo Kliiiom, circuit court NsltlleM MrH. Klmoro, circuit court wltneHK l.lixle Kliuore, circuit unirt wltiipmi . ,. W. M. FruilcKcr, petit Juror W. J. l-'rromnn, petit Jnror i:. 1.. Kara, potlt Juror II. II. (loililant, petit Juror JoNophlno (IroKory, Kraml Jury wtttiowH It. n. (Jolden. Krand Jury wltnemi It. K. (lulilen, circuit court WltllOKII J. 1,. (Irltivc. Kruml Jury WllllPMI J. H OrlKihy, Krunil Jury wlln OHM Mrn. .1. H. HrlKuliy, Kraml Jury ltitHH C. II. (llllott, Kinnd Jury wltncsit . a , I), 1). (looil, oxpenso IiiIiik- liiK circuit court wit- miea from Portland II II. (loililnrd, petit Jui or . Chan. II. Clay, tukliiK pii oiiorii to Hiilem .. . Loo llerrliiKton, circuit court wit liens .... IM Hull, Kruml Jury wit- iiohh VeHta lloxlo, Kruml Jury WltllOMM 1. H. llanloy, rlrmlt court wltnenn John H Hittr, putlt Juror . .1 W. Ilainrlch, petit Juror (loo. Hilton, potlt Juror .. P. llnliuroth. potlt Juror Mr. A, U. Hoimlor, Kruml Jury wltnoHii Mr. 12. A. Hunter, Kruml Jury wltnoim , , LoHtor lllckbou, BUinil Jury WltllOBH J, l Hurt, Krunil Jury wit- IHlHi (IAU TWO Joint HourliiK. Brand Jury wltnoun ,, Hall Tuxt Co,, ImiillnU Krnml Jury 3.70 llojuii Tul. & Tul. Co.. tel ephone hill circuit JuiIko L.'iO (). II, JohnHou, ilrmilt routt Mltnem 5.20 Jii(knonllln I'ont, prlutliiK for circuit JuiIku . . 20.00 Clirln KoeKun, Krnml Jury Hltuom .1.20 Cluii. KIIiibIo, circuit court wltuenH 3.20 II. C. Kentnvr, Knuul Jury U ItllCKrt 1.60 Wnller Keuliier, Kraml Jury wltueHn 0.00 W. ;. Kulpp. petit Juror . I'reil Klleuhmuiuer, potlt 2.00 Juror . . Charllo Knoutnoti, circuit C.OO court wltnemi O. N. Knur, circuit court 5.70. WlttlCMM 21.20 Aha Kcmlttll, circuit court 10.00 ttltmH raiinlo Keller, Kruml Jury 3.T.0 tltnomi horno Keller, Kraml Jury 7,20 wltnuiw Mr. Ora Kirk, circuit 7.70 court wllueiut 12. II. Lamport, Krand Jury 7.70 wltuiiHH Auk. l.uurcntz, petit Juror Ti.riO D. C. Ieauh, Krnml Jury ult niin . . l.r.O j, a. I.etuory, Krand jury wltnexH l.r.O Jnroph Ma) field, Krnml Juror ... . 2.S0 furl Melor. petit Juror . .. II. D. .Mlllx. potlt Juror. . r..M j(),d Milton, Kraml Jury wlllieHH ..... 0.00 Mrn. i:. M. MeRerly, Krnml .40 Jury wltnon.i ir,.S0 )atl MeKerl), Krand Jury WtUCH . r..D) -p. II. MniiHfleld, Krnml Jury wituenn r,H) Corllnn MeKerl), Krnml Jury wltnoun 5-10 A. A. Moody, circuit couit Jtt.aO nitiicnn Homer McClalu, Kraml Jury 7.00 wltuexn John MrXoul, Krand Jury 2.00 wltiienH II. It. McCaUe, expenm In 3.20 Somorc rao i:. A. Netherlnml, Krand " Jury wltnoiu J. T. Nlcholn. Kraml Juror 4.70 II. H. N)e, petit Juror . Jan. Neatliniucr, circuit court wltnoun , ., . Wlllln Odou, Kruml Jury 2.5 r, 7.70 3.26 Mo 2.00 IndlcM will hrltiK a lunch liox for two, Kvury inoinhcr of tho Hoclcty lg rc iiuonted to cotno ami help make this one of the host nodal cvontc of tho noddy for thin yenr. All lown poo pto not reRtilar iiipmbora aro InvltcJ to attend. 4.70 1 0.00 I3.0U III.OII I7.S0 3.00 l.r.o l.SO n.oo c.io c.io 3.20 II 20 s.so 21. 41 4.70 2.00 2.00 3.B0 21.00 13.50 13.00 C.S0 7,70 7.70 .1,00 2. SO KTAO 2,80 s.r.o circuit court clicult court circuit toiirt Krnml Jury Kruml Jury Krniui Jury wltnenn It. It. Oden, wltncnn Helen Odou, Wit IIMI Willie Oden, wltnoKU Mnrtlm Odon, ult noun Nellie Oden, wltneHK Chan. Owoim, ultnenn J. i:. OUen, petit Juror Jan. OweiiH, petit Juror W. M. Telrl, Kruml Juror II. C Porur, circuit court ultnenn . . Dr. i:. D. l'lckol, circuit ultnonn I), l'orozil, petit Juror .... I). IJ. 1'hlppH, potlt Juror . Cecil l'ottor. Kruml Jury wltnenn Kotfctta l'ottor. Kinnd Jury wltnobn W. K, l'oumon, Kruml Jury ultuoHn It. C. Porter, Kinnd Jury 12.00 4.U0 r.oo r..io 7.70 7.70 4.70 2.00 15.70 r..Bo 0.20 21.20 ir.so 23.00 r..!Mi r,.90 r..:ni 5.00 4.30 1.50 2.00 1.50 20.G0 3.50 l'J.00 10.10 10.00 5.10 D.00 7.20 11.40 5. SO 5.S0 0.10 10.00 1S.00 IS. 00 0.20 2.00 0.40 13.30 3.20 3.20 3.20 NOTiri:. Thin Ik to k'vo notice to tho public Hint my ulfo Lllllc M. Kinder lias lolt my bod nnil board nnd that I will not hereafter ha renponnlhlo for her ncU. 200 itonniiT w. ki.ndku. roil IIKXT FUltMMIIKO ItOOMS FOIt nn.NT Largo 1eoplnK rooms, and modern buusolieoplng apart ments, prices very reasonable. Phono 247-b. 222 South Holly street. FOIt IlKNT- Newly furnished rooms, each room siiltablu for ono or two Kcntlcracu. Phone nnd hath. Kent $10 00 per month. 1121 Kant Malu. 27S FOB, HAIiK 3!IJsCKl,.NKOCS FOIt SALE Sixteen PI) nioutirilocic pullets. C. F. Hanson, on Barne burg road, Siskiyou Heights addl tlon. 200 FOR SALi: Team, Harncburg, box Ore. 1200. II. W. 747, Mcdford, 200 FOIt hi:nt iiouHrnunu'iNG ItOOMS You cannot afford to mica ou cloarancc sale. All tailored sultb, ladles' coats, children's coats, wool dresses and evenliiK (Irenes ut ouo half price nt Aureus. Tho new sprlnK models In Kabo. tho live model corsets nro hero. Ahrciin. Look, homo canned peaches, one quart can, 15c; two quart can, 25c. FOIt IlKNT Furnished housckeop-ln- r--ig, lights, gas; also hall hid room, wood heaters. 224 K Ninth tit. 274 FOIt IltiXT Light housekeeping nnd transient rooms, nicely fur nished, cheap. Tho Oxford, 223 W. Main St. 278 Hrlng your empty cans to exchange, j n r FOIt Iti:.T MIbCKLUNF.OU8 FOIt" HUNT Olt SALi: Garden and fruit tract. M. A. Ilader. GO X. Orange St. rou i:nt iiousks Ilooth 2.1, public market. 2C0 Ml its lleth llarnea. nelcn of Mr. nnd . Mm J. F Wormian, left for her homo j ZtS. SS' In loun City, olwn, Thursday Sho, ,7 l7 Jay st off s oakdale. had been IMtlng hero for tho past 209 Iv tnniHlm , " " i .MW...I.". ,..,1 ,.,. . t..i. tun ui.." auvuu room iiuutu, u.uii gnn nnd paed street, $12 n month. Inquire Clias. M. Kuglish 1000 S. Oakdnle. r Cunt of TIiiiiiKi.. Wo doslru to (hank our ticlghboric and friends mid the Order of Itodmou for tholr kludiiess, H)iupnthy mid floral offering durlpg the recent llluens and death of our son and brother. J. W. CASKKV. viol;:t caskkv, Mil. AND MILS JOC CASKCV, MHS. M, A. ciitoi:sni:cK. 200 env thi:asi itint'H xoTin:. Notice Is hereby given that tho city of Medford, Jackson county, Oregon, will take up and cancel tho following Improvement bonds. No. 1100 aipl 1 1 10, dated Septem ber 1, 1911. No. 1009 to 1013 Inclusive, dated September 1, 1911 No. 1163 to 1157 Inclusive, dated Septoinber 1. 1911. No. Ilb9 to 1193 lucliiblvo, dated September 1, 1912 Intercut on the nbovo named bonds will reuse nt the next sciul-nnnunl Interest pn)lng period, March 1st, 1911. Dated Janiiar) .10. 1914. Cl'S II. SAMCKLS. 2GS CJty Treasurer. Foit sam: nou.siis FOIt SALK Modern bungalow, 7 rooms, bnth, screened porch, built in bookcases, etc., extra large lot. fruit and berries, just off paved street. Easy terms. No reason able offer refused. Phono 417-M mornings after Monday! Jan. 19th. 270 FOIt SALE Uody fir cord wood nnd cedar fence posts for sale. Apply or address Ncuncr Dross., Glcndalo. Ore. 273 FOIt SALE Good cooking apples. Phono 25-H2 or wrllo box 724. 2C9 FOIt SALE Order jour day old j chicks. First orders first served, i II. C. High, phono 372-U4, Talent. Oro. 271 HELP WANTED MALE WANTED Minors at Draden mine, Gold Hilt, Oregon, for contract work. Gold Hay Itealty Co. WANTED MISCKtiI.NF.t)D8 WANTED Fancy 3SG-M. potatoes. Phone WANTED Clean rags at Mall Trl buno office. WANTED To buy ono large rnulo. Must be good Yorker. Dcscrlbo fully and give price for attention. Address Dox T., caro Mall Tri bune. 270 WANTED To buy or trado for road stcr or runabout. Must bo In Art condition. Ilox 227, Central Point, Oregon. 2GG IIL'SI.VESS DlItKCTOnV Cttrvrtucun DIU IL J. LOCKWOOD, Cblroproi'tor. nerve specialist- Rooms 303-2(;4 20S Oarnctt-Corcy bldg. Vapor baths and scientific mawage given; need to spray, head nnd shoulder shower In connection; ndvl"e la dietetics, medical gymnastics, hydroptherapy. Lady attendant. Phono, offlco 945, residence 571-K DR. A. R. HEDOES, Dr. Louisa B. Hedges Mecbano-Tfaeraplsts, Chiro practors, SpondylotberapIsU. Thes systems, Including dietetics, cura tlve gymnastics, hydro-therapby, etc., produce results In both acuta and chronic, diseases. Consulta tion free. Over Deuel & Co., cor ner Main and Oartlett. Hours 9 a. m. to 5 p. ib. Other hours by appointment. Pboa 170. DR. W. M. VAN 8COYOO DR a O. VAN ECOYOO Dentists Gsrnett - Corey bldg., snlu Medford, Oro. Phont 95t. 110. FOIt SALI-IAlt3l ia.M)3 FOR ""SALE Near Medford, Oregon, fine goat nnd chicken ranch, 2, 000,000 feet of timber, crossed by creek nnd county road, 2'.i miles from railroad. $2000, terms. Post Oflfco box 175, Clntsknuie. Oro gonc. 207 (To bo continued.) low n Society. Tho lowu society will hold tho flint nodal mooting for thu jour Fri day night at the St. Murk's hull. Tho To loan on Improved ranchco. Iuterost 8 per cont "lusurnnco That Insures." H. S. BTINJ3, ',, a taxpaye FOR SALI? ACHKAHE FOR SALE Flvo ninl 10 aero tracts cheap and on easy terms. Lo cated umi mile south of Hotel Mod ford. W. II. i:crharcl, 1013 West Ninth St., phono 007-J. i - ,- i NEW TODAY A party with $20,000 worth of Medford and close lit ranch proporty will exchange for 200 ucrcs of stock ranch. Must bo good nlfnlfn ground. A flvo roomed house on South Cou trnl. Extra largo lot SS50.00. r Sovornl parties wnnt to rout rnuchos suited to tho ralatng qf hogs una cattlo. C. D. 1IOOX , Rooiii 10, JiuKmhi County Dank Itldg, FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS i'OR SAI.E Four "work ThoMe TM cut Orchard Co. 271 FOIt SALE 50 Phono 25-J2. ogg Incubator. 200 WANTED 2 or 3 acres In pears, close In, for cash. Dennett Invest ment Co. ' WANTED Second hand truck suit able for spray outfit. Molina dou ble wagon box for sale. John Nor ris, Mldvalo Orchard. MONEY It) JAiAX MONEY TO LOAN $1000 to loan on city or ranch proporty. Uox 73. It. F. D. No. 2. TO LOAN We have $3000 to $15 -000 to loan. Dennett Investment Company. MONEY TO LOAN On city and closo In ranch proporty. C. A. McArthur, room 3, P. O. block, phone 368. FOIt SALE Ono npau well matched, gentle )oung uiulcs, two )oung horses, two mnres. one colt, one wnKou. ono sot harness. G. L. Scherinorhoru. 121 NorUi Grape St., phono !19-M. 271 FOR SALE Manuro dellered by tho load. Also bluck loam. Phone CS4-J3. 270 FOR SALE Flemish Grant rabbltts, good stock, blacks nnd steel grays. M. G. Stiirtevnut, S09 Meade St-, Grants Pnes, Ore. 209 FOIt SALE Pntrldgo W mulatto cockerels and pullets. Also eggs. Hnrrln Crnudull, Eagle Point, phono 5-F3. 290 FOIt SALE White oi els, bono cutter. Leghorn cock Phono 201-J4 FOR SALE Lunch counter, $30 dully receipts. Sacrifice leaving city, $300, part rash. Du)oy, over Jackson County Dank. 2S2 FOR KXCU.taWK TO TRADE 7 room residence strict ly modern, pantry, sleeping porch, lot 05x120, clear ot nil Incum brances, cost $3200. Will trade for closo lit residence Will as sume. Address box 107, caro Mall Tribune. 279 Employment Agency ROGUE RIVER VALLEY EMPLOY MENT AGENCY A. O. Goodman. All kinds of help furnished on short notice. Rentals a specialty Room 34, Jackson County Dank Dldg. Thone 797. 272 i.vsTnucnox Mr. FRED ALTON IIAIQHT Teach er ot piano and harmony. Tho Halght Music Studio. 11G South Laurel St. phone 17G-R. GTDagv ! ma "m OARDAGE Get vour premise cleaned up for tb- winter Call on the city garbage wagons for good service. Phone 625-L. T. Y. Allen. Physicians anC Buriceoaa DR? F.Q? ""CARLO W," DR" EVA MAINS CARLO W Osteopathia physicians, 416-417 GarnottCoroy bldg., phono 103G-L. Residence 30 South Laurel St. DR. 8. A. LOCKWOOD Physician and surgeon. t MYRTLE S. LOCKWOOD. M. D. . Practice limited to diseases of women. Offices 233 E Main. Phones, residence, 814-J2; o'Ico S14. HUSLMSS DIRECTORY Attorney D."iX"piArrawyor, aiGGlirneU Coroy building. Mortgage loans, PORTER J. NBFF. WM. P. MEALEY Attorneys-nt-Law, Rooms B and 9, Medford National Dank bldg. A. E. REAMES, LAWYER Garnott Coroy bldg. W. J. CANTON Attorney and Coun sellor at Law. 123 East Main Btreot, Medford, Ore. Buy your lusururico ot payer TRADES TRADES Portland Renlclenco Eight room miodorn house, cement buBoniont, puvod street, lot OGxllO, valued nt $4000; will trndo for honuj horo nro will tnko good rosldonco ulto to valuo $20Q0, NnrRi Central Rosldonco pronetyX, valjtoj.. f 3000, clonr; will trndo nnd'pny cilfforoncq. Bennett Investment Go. Kunl IJstuto . U9M liunco SPECIAL TODAY SHETLAND PONIES Shotlnnd and Wolsh ponies, must bo Hold ut euro. Will trudo tor lots closo In. I room liouso for ront, $0,50, wat er paid, on puvod fltiiiot, Other hoUBoa. fpr.ropt f , i My Bpoolnlty In looking uTtofnon roVhlotit prppoiiy, E.' J. STEWART Itnoin 204 Frultgrpwora Hank Dldg. Office ulipuo Ovl. !(. yugun 88a-J. WHY? A 1914 of for. 45 acre dairy nnd garden tract, nil Hour crock bottom, frco soil, good house, plouty shade, good spring and largo barn, 20 acres 'alfalfa, nouo bottor In Jackson county near Mod ford, 'Owner must loavo'nt onco, Prlro Asked $0000.00 I wapt you to boo this. It Is tho cheapest Dour crook bottom laud I havo over offoiod for snlo, Furnished and unrurnlsliod housoa for rout- .1. ( lMIINlCf) Firnt Xutlnuiil lliinlc Miillilluij' FOR SALE Now nnd second hand suits 60c up, shoes 25c up, coats and vests 50c up, ovorcoats $1.00 up, laundry collars, 2 for 5c, good and first class guns, watches, gum boots, tents, slickers, etc., for salo or ront. jour own price-. Call room 33, Jackson County Dank Hldg. 280 FOR SALE 50 tons of first class baled hay, 15 extra good cows, 10 Durhums, 5 Jorsc)s, fresh and coming fresh, 3 fine horses, spring wagon una cart. Walsh's Ranch on Spring streot, milo out North Roosovolt avenue. 270 Win. M. Colvlg Gcorgo M. Roberts COLV1G & ROllBRTS. LAWYERS Modtord National Uaulf Building. D. F. MULKEY & OEO. wTcHEItRY Attorneys nt Law. Jackson Coun ty Bank Uulldlng. NEWTON W. BORDEN Attorney at law, room 7, Sparta building, Med ford, Oregon. FOR SALE Nlco dry 10-lnch balm chunk and stove wood In not loss than two tier loads. Thu host wood In tho uinrkot. 1). F, Van D)ku, phono 403-113. 274 FOR SALE 15 extra good cows. 10 Durhnms, 6 Jorso)s, fresh and coming fresh, SO tons of first ciuss bulud hay, 3 flno horsou, spring wagon mid rntt. Walsh's Ranch on Upilng street, mllo out Norm HvvnyM Ytmuvt s7u Auto Bapplie. LAHER AUTO 8PRINQ CO. Our big secret in making springs Is the tempering. We are operating the largest, oldest aud best equipped plant In tho Pacific northwest. Use our Bprlngs when others fall. Sold undor guarantee. 26 North Fif teenth St., Portland. Q'o.' DR. J. J. EMMEN8 Physician and surgeon. Prnctlco limited to eye, ear, noso and throat Eyen scien tifically tested and places supplied Offlco 228 East Main St. Hours 8:30 a. m. to 8 p. in. Phone. B. D. PICK EL, M. D. Office Jack eon County Bank bldg. Office phono 43-R; residence phone 58-R. DR. MARION Physician and sur geon. Stewart bldg.. cornor Main and Uartlott sts ; offlco phono 27. residence phone 27-J-2. 904 West 10th. DR. MARTIN C. BARBER Physi cian and Burgeon. Office Palm block, opposlto Nash Hotol. Hours 10 to 12, 1 to 4. Phone 110-J. DR. It. W. CLANCY Physician and surgeon. Phones, offlco 30, resi dence 724-J, Offlco hours 10 to 12, 2 to 5. DR. V. W. HOWARD Osteopathia physician, 303 Gurnett - Corey building. Phone 904-M. R. J. CONROY, M. D. Physician and Surgeon. Over Hutchlsou & Lunit den. 215 E. Main St Phono 77, AucOoueer WIT. 1,1AM Ul.innil I.lcmHmt Ann. tloneor for tho City of Medford, Oregon, Terms reasonable. Resi dence phono 161-J. Office. Jack son County Bank bulldlug. Notary 1'ubUo HWLKN N, YOOKRY Notury pub llo. Hrlng your work t m at Ow sign of H MNll TjlutjH. DR. W. II. HICKMAN Homeopath Office Rostol building, Central Point. All telephone calls answered night or dny. Prlntero one) l'ublUfaeni MEDFORD PRINTING CO. has tha host equipped printing offlco la southern Oregon; book binding, loose leaf ledgers, billing systems, etc. Portland prices. 27 Nortk Fir St. SZ2TZ fitenogrnpliern ELLA M QAUNYAli Pjilm block. Stenographic work Cine qulekly and well. VrZEX37. lra 5? KADM TRANBKEH ft rfORAQN 04fli 43 Kartli front i. PkOM ait. Pf4M rmM. iV .1 "11 ! it v f i