Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, January 28, 1914, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Frank H. Miller of tho Btato rail
way commission who lws boon hear
ing Rogue river valley complaints
gainst tho Southern Pacific left
Tuesday evening tor Suthorllir, whero
similar objections wtl bo heard.
Dan Talt of .tho Ltttl.0. Applegate .Is
Attending to business maters In tho
city for a few days.
" Leo Sutton and Earl Ulrlch, tho
cattle kings of Union creek havo re
turned from a short trip to their
If It Is Insuranco ot any descrip
tion we wrlto It Why not haro tho
best. Holmes, Tho Insurance Man.
Ton day's sowing for 55.00. Isola
tor's Ladles' Tailoring College, rooms
6-7, St. Mark's block, corner Main
and Holly. 277
Tho waters of Bear creek havo
Bubstdcd to normal again. Tho last
snow In tho roolhllls Is staying on,
but a Chinook would melt It fast,
and make the streams torrents.
Prcpratlons aro being made In tho
grammar schools of tho city for ap
propriate programs for Lincoln's
birthday next month.
At the Star theatre Coming to
morrow, a return engagement, for
one day only, "Wild Animals at
Large" or "When., the- Menagerie
Broko Loose." Tho greatest of all
comedies, produced by the Vltagraph
W. J. Scott Is n tho city from his
ranch at Antloch for a few days.
Eastern mall was delayed again to
day, owing to demoralised traffic
conditions In Idaho and Montana.
We hare a limited supply ot very
fine, extra largo Cuthbcrt rod rasp
berry plants at 5c each, or $4.50 per
100. Call us up now. Janes Bros.
Capitol Hill, phono 370-X. SG6
Joha Downs, who owns a home
stead sear Butto Falls,' and has been
spending the winter In Mcdford has
returned to that place.
Miss Grace Nichols of Grants Pats
Is visiting frienda In this city this
Real Catalonia laces for sale at
the Handicraft Shop. 264
"Arthur Rose made "a fitp to Grit-
fin creek this morning to visit his
A number of ont-of-town people
attended the performance ot tho
Basco Musical Comedy company at
the Page Theater last night
J. O. Gerklng, the best all around
photographer In southern Oregon..
Alsys reliable. Negatives made any
where, 'time or place. Studio 228
Main St Phone 320-J.
Dr. E. 'It Seoley made a profes
sional trip to Jacksonville this morn
So far this month not a fire alarm
has boon answered by the local de
partment. Tomorrow at tho Star theatre for
one day only. "Wild Animals at
Largo" or "When tho Menagerie
Broke Loose." A scream a howl
a roar. A two reel Vltagraph comedy,
II. J. King of Weed, Cal., Is spend
ing a few days In tho city on busi
ness. P. C. Blgham has received a letter
from Herb Colo at Colestln saying
that there is soven feet of snow at
the summer resort, and that ho Is
kept busy digging a trail from his
cabin to tho depot
Rogue river valley grapo Juico on
sale at all tho leading groceries and
in booth C at public market 26a
The Rev. W. D. MacCullougb of
tho Baptist church attended to busi
ness matters in' Jacksonville Tuesday
afternoon and evening.
P. D. Blackden ot Climax Is a busi
ness visitor In tho city today.
Try our flour, Johnson's Best,
11.15; Blue Stem, $1.35; None Bel
ter. L. B. Brown, Russ Mill, Flour
and Feed.
The roads to tho Sterling imlno on
the Applegate are reported to be In
excellent shape considering weather
conditions, permitting tho hauling ot
flume pipe and mine machinery to
the mine. The highway further up
is reported to bo in bad shapo duo
to the heavy rains washing out sec
tions ot tho road.
Leslie Plymalo has returned from
a abort trip to Portland.
Roast beet and plum pudding at
St Mark's hall Thursday evening.
The Mcdford National, bank is
pending out literature )n the namo of
the bank, explanatory ot tho value of
vtke Panama canal to tho futuro of
lh prosperity of tho northwest.
Business Itouses aro rccolvlng litera
ture along similar lines, from Chica
go and New York bankB predicting
an era of prosperity as a result of ro.
at democratic legislation,
Weeks McGowan Co.
Ij. 11. Warner lina Tclurncd from
Lob Angeles, where ho went on tho
Southern Pacific excursion, nnd re
ports thnt never again will ho believe
words ot praise for California cli
mate. In his month's stay tho sun
shono but two days, tho rest of tho
tlmo it was cloudy. In Mr. War
ner's opinion It tho California brand
ot climate can bo capitalized into tho
world's tourist trade, tho Southern
Oregon weather la susceptlblo to tho
tamo treatment, with more valuo to
the .purchaser.
Dr. K.' Klrchgcssncr of Itlverdalo
Is In tho city today on his regular
weekly visit, .
Lawyers Carkln and Taylor havo
moved from Central avenuo into
three larger .front offices on Main
street over Hasklns and Boydon's
James Day ot Kaglo Point is
spending a fow days In tho city on
T. II. Johnson of Ashland was n
business visitor In Mcdford Tuesday.
Mako Tumy write your flro Insur
ance, tf
Ben Ilur special train to Ashland
will leave at 7:15 tonight. All bo
down early. Friends with Invita
tions may go. Round trip 50c
J. Taylor and daughter, Ruth of
San Francisco, havo been visiting dur
ing tho past week at tho residence of
Mr. and Mrs. II. G. Shearer, in Kast
Mcdford. Mr. Taylor will remove to
Mcdford In the near futuro nnd his
daughter will establish a mllllncrv
business here. Mr. Taylor was for
merly in tho saddlery business In
Mcdford and Is an extensive proper
ty owner on the east side.
Robert Ltndley ot Siskiyou Heights
is very HI at his home.
Kodak finishing, glossy or dull fin
ish at J. O. Gerklng's studio, 238 E.
Main St Phono 320-.
Wallace Long of the Griffin creek
district visited at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. W. D. Roberts of Roosevelt
avenue, Sunday.
Miss Verl Rlgsby who Is attending
school at Medford, Is visiting her par
ents at Butte Falls for a few days.
Ben Ilur special train to Ashland
will leave at 7:15 tonight All oo
down early. Friends with Invita
tions may go. Round trip 50c.
Southbound trains on the Southern
Pacific are again running closo to
schedule, following an abatement of
tho stormy conditions ot the first of
the week. Notrhboud trains are still
slightly delayed by conditions In
Don't forget tho Guild dinner in
su Hants nan mursuay irom i:3'
to S o'clock, 50 cents. 2G5
S. O. Van Dyke, who has been ser
iously III for a week from complica
tions resulting from tonsllltis Is no
better today. Ills condition Is criti
cal and grave fears 'aro entertained
for his recover".
Fresh lime. Medford Lbr. Co.
Miles Cantrcll Is In from his ranch
on tho Applegate today attending to
business matters.
J. G. Goro ot the Medford Na
tional bank epects to Icavo for Port
land and Willamette valley points this,
week. Whilo away ho will confer
with state bankers regarding holding
tho state bankers' convention in this
city tho first week in Juno.
E. D. Weston, commercial photog
rapher, negatives made any time or
place by appointment Phone M
Herman Wcndt of Jackionvi'.lo is
in the city today attending to busi
ness matters.
Try our flour, Johnson's Best,
$1.15; Blue Stem, $1.35; Nono Bet
ter. L. B. Brown, Russ Mill, Flour
and Feed.
Members ot tho Mooso lodge will
Journey to Ashland tonight to attend
lodgo ceremonies and Initiation in
that city.
Sugar FJne shakes. Medford Lbr.
J. A. Torney has returned from n
fchort business trip up the Llttlo Ap
Milk and cream at DeVoe's.
Ben Hur special train to Ashland
will leave at 7:15 tonight. All bo
down early. Friends with invita
tions may go. Round trip 50c.
C. A. De Voo, Medford agent for
tho Portland Oregonlan, 418 W.
Main. Phono 122-R.
WASHINGTON', Jan. 28, The
house spent today ilitfciibHing the
Alniika railroad ,il missed Juto Hat
urduy l)' tho nenate, A compromise
Huhfititulo mennuro for the Chamber-
liiin tienutu bill pi ninthly will ho
Tho Clmmbcrliilii hill appropriate
$10,000,000 for hulldiiiir Ihu road
nnd Ilia Wiiikershuni limine hill 'ATt,
000,000, 'J'liu Iioiiko Mill conrludu its
KUiurul ilrbulu on Ihu jiicunuo next
Wrdiiimdity, ,
S. P. Roaenbaum, local manager ot
the llarrlman lines, blossomed out in
n now rolo Tuesday when ho appeared
as a bean expert for thoSouthern
Pacific and argued both against tho
quality and quantity of beans grown
In the Rogue river valley, In tho
hearing before Stato Railroad Com
missioner Miller ot tho application
made by Chas. S. Lobo ot tho Mcd
ford Warehouse company, for a re
duction in shipping rates for beans.
Evidence to tho contrary was given
by Mr, Lebo, who read orders ho had
received from buyers praising tho
quality and who stated that with pro
per encouragement, beans could bo
mado ono of tho valley's most pro
ductive crops.
Attorney (Jus Newbury, well versed
In farming along tho Applegate, tos
ttfled that the ranchers raised beau
In largo quantities In that section,
but that tho high freight rates mado
their growing unprofitable.
Secretary Streets of the Commer
cial club teslfled that beans ot flno
quality coUld bo and wcro profitably
grown In the Evans valloy section.
At tho request or tho complainant,
who claimed that ho had not received
sufficient notice to preparo exhibits
for his case, Commissioner Miller
stated that it would bo rc-opened
TACOMA. Windi., .Inn. SS.-dreat
excitement wns fronted in the busi
ness district here this afternoon
when n mnit wnlked into the Sonndi-
nnvinn-Amerienn bank nnd deposit
ed, a small canvas hue on the coun
ter, pushed n note into tho enshied's
wicket, demanded thnt the linn be
filled with sold, "or you will bo shot
Instead of complying with the de
mand, the cashier whipped out n re
volver nnd covered the would-be rob
ber. "If you move n finger, I'll kill
you!'' hhouted tho banker. At th;
same time he pressed n button con
necting with the alarm system of the
institution. There wns n rush of
bank employes nnd detectives mid in
n few seconds the mnn, who gnvu his
nnme as I). W. Dropp, wns overpow
ered nnd taken to the ixilice station.
Dropp is believed to he insane.
WASHINGTON', Jnn. 28. Navy
department officials would not ad
mit todny that Cnptnin Chnrlci V.
Pond had been chosen to command
the Hrcmerton navy-ynrd. It
not been decided, they insisted, who
would get the post.
Time Tape's Dlunepsln!" In Five
Minutes all Bourne, flan, Heart
burn and I)spepsli Is Gone
Sour, gassy, upset stomach, Indi
gestion, heartburn, dyspepsia; when
tho food you cat ferments Into gases
and stubborn lumps; your head aches
and you feel sick and miserable,
that's when you reallzo tho magic In
Pape's Dlapepsln. It makes all
stomach misery vanish in five min
utes. If your stomach Is in a continuous
revolt if you can't get It regulated,
please, for your sako, try Pape's Dla-
nensln. It a so needless to havo a
bad stomach mako your next meal
a favorlto food meal, then take a llt
tlo DlapopBln. Thero will not bo any
dlstross eat without fear. It's bo-
caueo Papo's Dlapopsln "really docs''
regulato weak, out-of-order stomachs
that gives It Js millions of sales an
nually, Got a largo flfty-cont caso of
Pape's Dlapopsln from any drug
store. It Is tho quickest, surest stom
ach relief and euro known. It acts
almost ll(o inuglc It Is a scientific,
harmless and pleasant stomach pro
puratlon which truly belongs jn
every homo,
At n joint conference of the com
missioners f King nnd I'ierco uoun
ties, held in Tncomu January 22,
says the Seattle Time, .J. Hub
erts, formerly, of Medford. Or., nnd
former stnle ltiilhwnv eoiumlssiouer
of Wtishington, wns selected super
intending engineer to havo ehurgo of
the dual county improvement iu deep-
euiiig mid widening tho chuuticl of
the Stuck river vtitlt i view to con
trolling the flood waters of thnt
stream. Mr. Roberts was employed
for ouo year at n salary of $11000
and nt the sumo time was mnde the
seventh member of tho joint lioiml
with authority to cast the deciding
vole in fuvor of n tie.
Tho commissioners yesterday pur
chased from the joint fund provided
for the improvement n Ford automo
bile for Mr. Roberts' uo nud ho has
already started the preliminary steps
to getting tho improvement under
way. It is expected thnt the first
work to lie taken up will ho the con
struction of the largo dam in King
county, near the headwaters of the
Stuck river.
stock conmnnv. onrunucd for the
purpose of fiiinneing bnsebnll in
Klamath Falls this season, is to he
fonued this week. Slock will he sold
to anyone, but it is hoped that tho
business nnd professional men c'
eially will subscribe. Hy Ibis menu1
it is believed thnt lh best interests
of the town will he behind thu team
nnd support it.
Tho nhove plan was decided upon
Sundny afternoon when nbout thirty
local ball players nnd fans gathered
nt tho I'alm cigar store to discuss
ways nnd means of perfecting some
organization to back the national
gxrt in Klamath Falls next summer.
A committee consisting of Leslie
Hogers, W. II. Hcnnott, J. S. Kent,
L. A. Robertson nnd William C. Hum
was named to draw up papers nnd
complete plans fur tho stock com
pany. Another inuctlug will bo held,
when the committee will report.
Prohibitionists or Jackson county
will hold a mass meeting In tho Page
theater, Feb. 12, Lincoln's birthday,
and nomlnato a full county tlckot for
tho November election. Prominent
temporanco workers from every cpy
In the county will bo In attendance,
and plans mapped out for tho cam
paign for state wldo prohibition. Lin
coln's famed prophesy on the liquor
question will bo read.
We Guarantee to
Save You Money
on School Shoes!
It isn't how much n pair of hhoes
costs, but whnt is mv fchoo bill for
tho year? Our shoes cost tho snino
or less and wear better.
Roys' Shoes in nil serviceable
leathers, button and bluchers, sizes
8t. to 13V&, $1.25 lo .f2.2.r.
Sizes 1 to ,'i2, $1.50 to $3.00.
Children's Shoes in nil tho Illicit
styles nnd leathers:
Sizes f lo 8, $1 o $1,76.
BUck H'j to II, fU'fi (o !.2fl.
Sizes J 1 14 i 2, jjd.fiQ lo 111,
Dig Gills' sl.i's, 2.f0 to .)0,
Our own hliop behind uw ry pair w
"Have you got a dollar about
This is the customary greeting for
nmmiueut citizens caught 011 thu
streets after dark from night police
men, following the issuance of, Chief
llittson's order to arrest. nil wan
derers and transients, with1 less cap
ital than a dollar, as n precautionary
step against crime.
The order is said to havo been
looked upon as a joke hy patrolmen,
who stopped more taxpayers than
trumps to inquire into their financial
status. It is alleged these moves
havo belittled departmental heads
and added no dignity to the arm of
the law. Chief Ilittson says the
"dollar or jail'' order has been pari
of tho working regulations of the
force for mouths.
A very quiet meeting of Ihe coun
cil, that no ouo is supposed to know
anything about, will bo held this af
ternoon, and the hubbub will be dis
cussed. Discussion of the ordinance con
solidating tho offices of water su
perintendent with thnt of plumbing
inspector and city, engineer , with
street commissioner will be held.
Matters relevant lo the economy
policy of the ndmiiiist ration Will be
brought up.
louls Caskry
Tho funeral sorvlces of Louis Cas
key were Tuesday at 2 o'clock p. m
from Weeks and McOownn chapel,
Services at tho grnvo were under tho
auspices ot tho Improved Order if
Itnv. Shields officiated. The do-
. . . 1
Surely use Ilyomel. It's the right-to-tho-polnt
remedy not only fur
catarrh, but for head colds, sniffles,
bronchitis, laryngitis or croup of chil
dren. You breatbo It no stomach
You wllj like Ilyomel. It not only
gives Instant and lasting relief, but
Is cntlroly harmless, pleasant 10
use. and economical. Money ro
fuudod by Chas. Strang If you are not
Ilyomel Is a combination of anti
septic oils that mixes with tho air
and quickly reaches tho Irritated and
Inflnmcd iinembrano ot tho nose. Its
sure nnd safo healing begins Immed
iately you feel better at onco.
If suffering from watery eyes,
husky volco, discharges from tho none
or that choked-up fooling, try Ilyo
mel now today. All druggists sell
It. Ask for tho comploto outfit
$1.00 alio.
Just received a car load of Oranges
that will be placed on sale at
Corner Main and Fir Streets
Two Dozen for 25c
Special Price by the Box
This will enable everybody to get
all the Oranges they want to eat
censed was III years old anil wnn
native ot Oregon being born In I'nlon,
May !U, 1SSS2. llu leaves rather and
mother, Mr. nud Mrs, ,loo Caskey,
BAK1N6 Powder
Is the Housezvife's ,'!;
Greatest Help.
WHAT so tempting to tho
laggard appetite as a
light, flaky, fruit short cake or
a delicate hot biscuit?
Royal makes the perfect
short cake, biscuit and muffin,
and improves the flavor and
healthf ulness of all risen flour
foods. It renders the biscuit, hot
bread and short cake more di
gestible and nutritious, at the
same time making them more
attractive and appetizing.
Royal Baking Powder is in
dispensable for the preparation
all the year round of perfect
I nave
three s
the drunkard, the heavy drinker, I
and the man who crave rough,1 I
trong, high-proof .whUkey. D
Cyrus Nobl.-alH-M"
W. J..Van Schuyvcr & Co., General Agents
"tt Portland, Oregon
and Up
brother Wilbur and sinter Violet of
this city, and Mrs, M. A. llrossbeck of
Portland. Interment u tho 1, O, O,
T cemetery, Medford.
Expert Ooretlere
U2(J NoiIIj Hurltolt.
PJ10110 003 hi
flood WmA,
It you want ood wood, jjcl it from
I'nuk n. jiiy,
V, W, W4 J WW
A. K ihf 7M
I MkUit