w MEDFORD MATL TRTBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, TUESDAY, JANUARY 27, 1014. PAGE THIHflg ? SERUM 10 SIOP DEADLY RAVAGES OF DOG CHOLERA U'AHIIINUTON, Jan I!7 Tho ill-liiirli-iuiit or Aitrlriilturu, ilurliiK lliu piiNt ytmr, Iiiih linen ciiikImcIIiik ciiim iiiIkiik In liiillntui, Mli-ritiiirl, Iowa unit Nulfiinliii to coiiliol Hid co u t hi; I o II h illnunm of linim Iiiiiiwii iik "lint: clml Tit." liy inimiiH of aii(l-liii! :!iuu;ii Muriini ami fnrin iiiiiiaiilliinH, In mi) ((iiiiity ll'oltln county Missouri) wlitiro th tiro n a Ionh of IK per (.cnt In IU 1 1 mill !!'.! por (out In In I HI 2 of all htiKrt rnlnml, Ilium wan only n Ida of 1 1,7 pur cmt up to Novoiu tmr, ItiCI. Tills ili-crottso wih tliiu i'j tliti n mi of tlio suiuni, wlilrli, altliouitli not iincil tlicnt liy tho ili'partiniint'ri iiKontH until August, IV 13, materially rciluciiil to tH. About 00,000 Iioki wiirn rnlsml ilurliiK tlin pant year and or (ho 10,00(1 tlini (licit of tho hot; rliiilurn only alioul 1 000 wcru IrnU af tor tho nctlvo iihu of unruiu and i-unr-nulluu ineaHiircH uiro InniiKiirntixl. .MaUi'H I !"). IniMiinin . In aililltlou to Uh Krcat function an n priiviiutlvo, It Iiiih Ihioii found that thu an(!-lio? clioloru mruin would euro a larKu proportion of Iiokm In llio early hUikoh of tlie dls ciihii anil rentier them Immune nftur i ecu very, llowevor, If Iiorh aro not treatml liy thin neruiu, from "'. to 100 por rout of all nffcoted liurdn, die. This neruiu, no far an Ib known, In thn only ttiliu: thai will provunt tho dlsruso. Home Milieu tiro cnrtiKed In I Ik Jiianufaoturu of neruiu to euro this dlneane. Thin mtiiiu roi'ulrus iipoclal trentinent to pri'xurvo Uh quality nod a iiunllflnd man to prodiicu It. Huf-flrli-nt neruiu to treat nit nvuniKO liuiiilred-pound hog tint atiollty 30 iviitn nt u lllmrnl vullmato. Tin treatment U by liypodorinlc Injection. Hok cholera Ih canned by a Kerin that exists In tho lilood. It In nu or Kiiuliiiii npimruutly no muall that thn most powerful mlrroiiroiiiii do not know It. However, it In eany to ilnmoimtratii Km prennnco liy liioculnt Iiik n small part of tho lilood from a Nick Iiok Into a well one, which jiio dure thu Ii'ok cholera. Vol Stopped Uy l-'rifet lloK cholera I a dUeno which scums to ho ntoppod to a deKree liy tho frosts of winter, nltliouch fruit cannot lie until to mop a cane aftor It linn taken hold of Its victim. How cer, It neutiiK to prevent tho rnnl.l iiprend of (ho dlsviisu. Tho remit la thai In a sprliiK tltuo tho affection I nu a rule at tho lowent elili hut In ercnteH rapidly from that tlmu until fall. lloK cholera do on not houiii to af fect any paitlcular breed of Iiok morn than another, and while t;e:i orally tho carelenit farmer U moio apt to have tho illsonsu nmniiK li'' boRt than the careful one, tho din eiixi miiiiotluiiiii occur whcni tho condllloiiH aro imnltnry. It Ih hoped that thu work tuny bo extended urud ually until tho dlxeiiho Ih conideteiy controlled or eliminated. Tho fact thai Iiok cholera Ih carried not only by tho hot; themselves, but by hlrdn, iIokn, HtreaniH aid even on (ho feet of iui)u koIiik from ouo farm to auotlior shows how 111-cennary It Ih that tlu campnlKii bo thorough and that far iniirn exert their beut offortn to jib rdst In tho work. JWKXICAN FKPEHAL AND HKHML LKAD1-JKS IN KIMllt'iC HA 'IT Mi ti UtV AN DAIR DEMON N GCML'RAl. NAKCLCC CACAvr.O kiu to oiminc oArn.c. GLHCRM PAMf-HO VILLA Tim fcdiTifl and rebel !n Mexico Imvo bcon twiKngeil In bitter Imttlu for thu po.xifsiloti of ujluni;.i, nud thus fur thy rcbeli Iww been uimiU'ccnHful. (Junernl Vllln ban decided to take pcmonal fommnnd, .ucccedlns (Juncml Ortcu. I'or the federal llciiersil IVIU Ternixnii I riuibliii; n delerniliiiil ntninl. 10 T Tile Niiereit of I Id Kowlnnil, Jr.' piny, "Tim Koarv," iloeKii't een iipiuoneli no etui. Six rotnpaii ie mure of thin play have been or- Kiiuixcu nun, eniiirniv io iniiiiiionw, "The Homiry" i repimtinj; iU limt year'n xueee, Tho uueiiinlle eluirMeler of the Cnlliolie prient in "The l(oar" IohiIh the wnv Io nui' eeH for IMwHnl II. Itime' iiltfHK, niul Hie iuteime liumuii interest etllci! in the lioily of tlio piny fonuulnleM the IimhiI Intercut that will lirint; HiteeiwH to Hiteh iileitH mm .Mr. ltnxo Ims eol lirtnl to le the lorv of "The Ho. iir.v. "The ltuniy," with the t-a-t fiitiKiMtintc of t'lurenee A. Sterling. Tliorutou .1. HiiHton, Stanley M. An iliewM, I,. Andrew Cimtlo, lloxe Adair, N'eolu Newton, CliiirliK II. Htnrr, .1. .1. Sullivan, llav I'nuier, S. I!. !,.( ter niul Ji'tut Wnnlli'v in tin role of ern, iil he nern lit the I'nue ue.t Thin i!av, Jm.niirv Jt), MUSTHAVE DOLLAR WOMEN TO MAKE WAR ON CIGARETTE SMOKING lit mnkliiK her report of tho annual lileetliu; of tho Htato l'ederatlou of Womoii'ii clubrt nt rnrllnuil Intt wcok, Mr. V. i:. Morrlrk who altond ud na aecotid vlco preiddeut of tho federation, recommonded nt tho mnotliiK of tho (1 renter Medford club ycMordny afternoon tlint n mmpulun bo started to provunt tobacco nnd liartlciilarly clt;aretto nmoklui; amoiii; thn boys of Medford, Tho law iiKnlna' lioyu undor fifteen bihoUIiik or fro- qiioiitliiK' Htnoko hoiisoa wiih In tho opinion of tho h peal; or ontlroly ills rcunrdod In Medford nud hIio coiihIiI erod It n very Important nubjoct for thu club women of Medford to tako up, GREATER MEDFOKD CLUB NAMES NEW OFFICERS At a inootluR of tho oxecutlvn bnnrd of tho (Irenter Medford club yoHtordny nftoruoon MIhh ICIIialioih I'utiir.m wiih nnniod to uitccood Mrs. Y. (I, DavldHon uh vlco prcaldont, tho latter havliiK moved to California In inako hor permanent realdenco, MrH. Kerhy Miller waa naiiieil cliulriumi of tho educational commit ten In pluco of MrH, J, M, Hoot who oxpurta to vlalt In California In tho near future. Mr, Win. lltiduo wa nppnlntml chairman of tho member Hhlp comnilttmi and thu nppllcatluiii of Mm. John Drill mid Mr, J. A. I'. AudrowN for iiivmbeiiihli wuro con-nldiiiiul. 1'inler n new lule issued b Chief of Police IIiIIhou Moiulav, uu citi yen niaiiiiiii: nruiiud nt ntcht wi hout u ilolliir or In repulatmii htnuil n elmiiee of beiiii; urictcd under th vantnev law. A hundred cciiIk i made the dividing line between piod ettieiixiii nud vnnniney. lnll'lielioll liiie lit-ril iiei In the niulit force to nrreat till peroiiH at niclil who eiiniiol prodtiee "i Intel;," Thoiitfli eoiihlileralilc "lril inu" wait ea 1 1 ied on the Hrxt iiiylil. not a mini uhh found without the fiiiiiiieial ieiiiiieiiH'iilt. One hail hut il.'i eeiitM, He wiih hcii! to lied. Ilv tliin order the chief oM'cl Io bo ulile to keep u hue on nil min. pieiouH elinruelerx niul imt n Mon In tho petty tliieving Unit linn been Koine on. Xo elite tini been found to the luirKliiirt who entered the WjI-kiii ei- trur btore Kundiiv niulit. WITNESS WHIPPED TRAVELS OF REDDY BY ING RAIL 27. Dr. J. F. Kedih spent Tucnilny in Chief i Medford, rentini; fnnn In arduous I'Oim.AN'H, Or.. .Inn, ( 'ha reed with lior-ewlniuiiiiL' Attonioy V. L. Iliown, a witue (effort to finance the Onin'H ihk uKiiiiiHt her in her recent breiieh of promihc hut Tor .7.10,11(10 nKiiinsl I.lo.vd I 'rank, a prominent tiierelinnt, Mrn. Oertriide (Jerllni;er in nt liberty! on it validity. road to tho ennnt. Tho third bond election in now in Muht, with ntill another nppoal to the hiiprcino court on hail today follow tm; her urreht on it eouiplnitit sworn to by Hiowu. .Mr. (lerllnucr, neeordim; to Itrown, iuvadi'd lux office nud after etiiiNiiriiiK liim severely for hi te tituoiiy, which nhe naid tended to ile crnilt' her eharneter, drew u whip from her uitilf and eommeuced IiihIi iii" him. Mrn. (leriinser miid llrown throw her into the hall and held her while u newsboy Muuiiiioiicil nu officer. At the breach of promise trial, llrown testified that he had a pair of slippers in MrH. (li'rlii)j,er'rt apart ment, nud hud tu km breakfast with her several time. SIX LOTS ON NEWTOWN SOLD FOR IMPROVEMENT The llcuiiclt Investment company hits sold to Mr-. ('. Aniicl of Amu rilln, Te six Ioh mi South New town, near Ihikotu avenue. The pur chaser will erect it bakery on one lot nud n ilwellint: on another, keep mi; the reiii(iiuder for ntirpo-e. Atnouc tlio interestini; dntn ore Honed and tubulated in the office of the new railroad i that covering tho travel, iff Dr. Heddv iltirinK the year 11113 in promotinu' tho intcrestH of tho rood. Kugiuccr llaniion lm kept oloso record of each trip made by Dr. Hoddy duriin the twelve nioiiths, nnd find that the fifty-one scpnntte jutirnev mndc by him. vnryimr in mileime from 110 to 0000 mile, total 'JoV-O.'l mile. Of this distnneu 21,709 mile wero traveled on the ears; 17127 miles by auto stnft-i nud 1"J7 mile b team. Of the 'lOft ninhts in the year, 71 were aboard sleeper, mid onlv 'J I v.cre passed nt hi own home, (lie rest of the time be ill!: ut hotel. LET THE WHOLE FAMILY HIT THE PACE TOGETHER Y TRATI TRAINDUEFEB. 12 II A. Hlimhaw, general freight nxent of tho Houthcrn Pacific wn i vli-ltor In Medford Monday and xtnted that theru will bo ho von cars In thu bog nnd dairy datnomtratlon train to bo Rent out In February In conjunction with tho ntnto agricul tural collego. Ho Mated : "L'Hlug seven cam for tho purpoo tlio gtuatcKt ilornonntratlon train ever ent out In tlio iiorthwet will bo In Medford on Thumday, February 12, with Hh oxhlbltN of dairy cattle and hogs, its model dairy plant, it np'unilld exhibit of foods for produc ing bent n:nultn, and of ullon and nil oge. I.ecturcH will bo given abonnl the train between I he hours of 10:3i a. m. and 12:30 p. tn., nno car being devoted to tlio linen of thono Inter ented In dairying, nnd nnothcr to IioiirIiir the hog grower). "Among the noted animals from the pens of the farmer's collego Hint will bo Keen hero will be Hie cham pion Ayrshire heifer of tho Pacific International Stock Show. Twenty hogs of all breed h nro carried for demonstrating, marketing nnd breed ing selections and their development at various stages of feeding. "Lectures will be delivered by Dr. Wlthycombe, Professors Hctzcl. droves. Potter, llarr, W. IC. Newell. A number of successful farmers arc with tho train and will talk from nc tual experience." How to Make Better Coug'h Syrup than You Can Buy A ramllr "lP'l' Mnrlntr 2 and lull tJunranlcrd. J NO DISTRICT ATTORNEYS ELECTED THIS YEAR SAI.K.M, Or,, .Inn. 27. In nu opin ion today, Attotuev-Heuernl Craw ford hold Hint under the county at torney net, mi district attorney can bo elected until IDltl. All vncmieie, no unit ter liow Ihey occur, say the tiHoruev genernl, must be filled by tho '-ocruiir until IHllt. Ititshville (III.) Standard. Mr. ('. li. .Muyos, cililitr, Dear Sir: The Ititshville lteeonler nlwnys kick about saloon. 'Now, wbvf If we investment uro going to stHiul for our women to wenr slit skirt, light form-fitting dres-es mid wilgur hobble skirt, mid our younger ones to dance the boll weevil wiggle, Texas' Tommy tango, bunny hug, tli - bear dance, the calf canter, the kangaroo kick, the bur. xn id lope mid so on down the line, the men folks might just a well have their saloon mid the whole family go to hell together. Your truly, FitKD XOVTNY. A $0000 bouse wnn built 1u twenty-four hour ut Hnmllton. Out. (imhI Ayk(I. If you want good wood, got It from Frank II. Ray. A full ptnt of cough syrup ft much as you could buy fur $--") can easily le made at homo. You will find nothing that takes hold of the ordinary cough more quickly, unually conquering it In side of 24 hours. Excellent, too. for spaninodic croup, whooping cough, Iron clilul nut hum and bronctiitis. Mix one pint of granulated ucar with tj pint of warm water, and stir for 11 minutes. Put Vi ounce of Pincx (fifty ctnts' worth) in a pint bottle, then add the Sugar Syrup. It keeps perfectly, lake a tcatfioouful every one, two or three hours. This is lint laxative enough to help relievo a cough. A I no stimulates the np'xtitc, which Is usually uptct by a cough. The tatto is pleasant. The effect of pine and sugar syrup on Hie inflamed membranes is well known. Pinrx Is a most valuable concentrated compound of Norway white nine extract, rich In guaiacol and other natural healing pine elements. Other prepara tions will not work In till combination. This Pinex nnd Susar Syrup remedy has often been imitated, but the old suc cessful mixture has never been equaled. It is now used In more bombs than any other cough remedy. A guaranty of absolute satisfaction, or money promptly refunded, goe with this preparation. Your druggist haa 11ner. or will cct It for you. If not, scad to The liner Co., Ft. Wavne. Ind. Wanted Lady or Gentleman For Infill representative; tfood proposition for a hust ler, linom 2. Nash Hotel. DM MORE WATER IF Eat leu meat and take Salts for Back ache or Bladder troublo Neutralizes acids. Urlo acid In meat excites tho kidneys, they Iwconio overworked gut sluggish, nclic, and feel llko lumps of lead. Tho uriiio beeomcH cloudy j tlio bladder Is Irri tated, and you may bo obliged to seek re lief two or three times during tlio night. When the kidneys clog you must help tlivm Hush olT tlio body's urinous waste or you'll lie a renl sick person shortly. At first you foci a dull misery In the kid ney region, ,vuu miner iruiu uRCKacnu, sick headache, dirtiness, stomach gets sour, toiiguo coated nud you feci rheu matic twinges when the weather Is bad. Va1 less meat, drink lots of water) also get from any plinruniclst four ounces of Jad Saltst take a Ublonpoonful in a glass of wulcr before breakfast for a few days mid your kidneys will then act fine. This famous salts is made from tho acid of grapes nud lemon J "lev, combined with lltblu, unci bits been used for generations to clean clogged kidneys and stlmulnta them to nornml activity, nlso to ncutrullio tho ecbls In uriiw, so it no longer Is a source of Irritation, thus ending bladder weakness, J ml Kalis Is liiexiicnsivu, citniint In jure! makes a dclluhtfiil ilfcrveseciit lltliU-wutcr drink which ctcryoun should tuka now Mini then to keen tho kidneys rlimi hihI tic live. Druggist hero y they soil lots of Jad Kalis (o folks who bfllivs In ovricomliig kidney tioublo whlU it 1 only truubfv. Patronize Home Industries THESE GOODS ARE MADE IN THE ROGUE RIVER VALLEY. KEEP THE MONEY AT HOME fit-it?' trr Don't Forgot tljo ' BIG DANCE To bo given by the Loyal Order ol! Mooao nt their hall, 219 West Main Street, on WEDNESDAY EVE, JANUARY 28 Music furnished by Ifazclrigg and Dr. Bonner. SOLUBLE SULPHUR Tho 1'llOOF of tho PUDDIN'O Is In TUB KATINO. Aftor havlns Used 700 tons of SOM'ni.K Sl'hPIIUIl, or tho ofjulvnlont of 15,000 barrels of stock solution which was dono In 1013, why havo tho onlor for 80LUIH.K SL'I.PIILMl for 1911 already reached 2,000, 000 pounds? Answer, First, because. It In mora efficient; second, because It Is cheaper; third, bceausa It Is more satisfactory to ,,an,,l' FOIIHALKIIV ROGUE RIVER FRUIT AND PRODUCE ASSOCIATION and ROGUE RIVER CO-OPERATIVE ASSOCIATION DO YOU Need Anything in Sil ver ware f I have the largest stock of Gorham Co. Sterling Silver, Win. B. B-ur- gan Co. Fairfax Patterns, Gorham Co. Plated Ware, Reed & Barton Plated Ware, 1817 Rogers Bros.' Plated Ware, Alven Silver Plate. All guaranteed. Martin J. Reddy TIIE JEWELER. Near Po3toffice. Going upthe number of Fords in world-wide service. Going down the cost of motor transportation. More than three hundred fifty-five thousand Fords now iu use are keep ing transportation cost ata minimum $593 Is tho new prlco of tbo Ford runabout; tho touring car Is JG4G; tho town car $900 f. o. b. Medford, complete with equipment. Got catalog and particulars from C. E. GATES SI'AIITA IlUUiDING. MEDFOUD, OltE. We havo changed our tut me, heienfter the Mission Furniture.' Works will bo known as The Pacific Furniture and Fixture Factory ITomo of tho "Pacific" Cedar Chest. E. G. TROWBRIDGE, JR. Proprietor 113 South Holly Medford, Oregon, Medford Iron Works E. G. Trowbridge, Prop. General Foundry and Machine Works Pacific -101; Home 298L. Res. Pac. 5031; Home 227L. Try Our $1.35 Flour GUARANTEED As good as tho best or money back. L. B. BROWN RUSS MILL For tho host of EVERYTHING MADE OF WOOD Soo ua. Wo mako a specialty of OFFICE FURNITURE and FIXTURES, MANTLES, SCREEN DOORS and WINDOWS, Etc. Factory Cornor South Fir and 11th Sts. Both Phone' MEDFORD SASH AND DOOR CO, sMc;-?;;";:;-t:B THIS CASSEROLE FREE FOR300 OBAK CisMrol. with hf.tnr nickel plilrf CIGARETTB COUPONS ISS:SwI"?Qffl7r:d& In every pack of OBAK pon'' mouthpiece cigarette; is a valuable coupon, put there to express our ap preciation of your patronage. THIS COFFEE PERCOLATOR FREE FOR SOO OBAK CIGARETTE COUPONS Ideal Store Code Pcrcolstort bliMfnaast OUlllJttt tomtit fnfnsl InaM. .I..l.,. trlmmlnssi holds a cups; ireo fer 3 U1JAK. coupons. In every pack of OBAK mouth- piece cigarettes is a blend of pure tobaccos that will make OBAK your PirrornffA OltAK Coupons ti ! us J to pro. ClgiirCUC. - iiuiulJ. ol oUitr umIuI srdilM, U'tiltor Catali, AiUrttt OBAK PREMIUM DEPARTMEN 3i3 Usttcry Sturd SAN 'KANCICO V" Sjp-Pv ," '"i . i,C. ' . Bs( w '".l ksf'i X "'a'1',"X'X'X . Va'IvXva Bw 81 AbBBBBBBw tk TbbbW PvF KJa iM A .&. j i