Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, January 26, 1914, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    W '
"iJiSr. "M T'
. '
W. H. Fry of Hutlon, Cal., hns
completed n map of llio Illuo Loilgo
mining district, allowing claims, etc ,
ami will present It to tlio next meet
Iiik of tlio Comnwrclnl club In an ef
fort to havo It printed as part of tlio
club's boosting literature.
City Attorney McCatio Saturday
drew up an ordlnnnce consolidating
tlio bftlccB ol plumbing Inspector and
water superintendent, and city engi
neer electrical Inspector and street
commissioner. Tho council commit
tees having chnrgo of this feature are
going over tlio ordinance remodeling
If It Is Insurance of any descrip
tion wo wrlto It, Why not bnvo tlio
best. Holmes, Tho Insurance Mau.
W. It. Dooley of Grants Pass Ir
a business visitor In Medford today.
12d Coulcy of Eagle Point spent
Saturday and Sunday In Medford ot
W. II. Fralcy of Jacksonville vis
ited friends and relatives lu MedforJ
"Dpuna of Avonlea." a Persian,
owned by Mrs. F. 1). Clark, of Med
ford, won tho Dcrcsford medal and
tho Staples cup for the "best cat cf
opposite sex," at tho Portland cat
show last week.
J. L. Williams, well known to most
of tho bankers of Medford, and thl
section of Oregon, tho special repre
sentative or tho Irving National
Dan, New York City, has been
elected assistant cashier of that In
stitution. Tho Irving Is one of the
largest commercial banks In tho
cast, its ajwctB being in excess of
150,000,000. Mr. Williams for sev
eral years paBt has been attending
banking conventions and other gath
erings of a commercial nature In this
section, and it Is understood that he
will continue this work.
Ten day's sewing for 13.00. Kcls
tcr's Ladles' Tailoring College, rooms
C-7, St. Mark's block, corner Main
and Holly. 277
K. L. Yarborough of Ashland is In
tho city today attending to buslneM
C. Price of Salem Is attending to
business matters In tho valley this
Tho smoko house of R. E. Gray,
who lives on a stock ranch located
six miles west of the Applegate post-
office, was completely destroyed by
fire Wednesday afternoon. Tho or
igin of the fire Is unknown. Farmer
Hying nearby discovered tho blaze
and a number of volunteers respond
ed to tho call for assistance. Four
hundred dollars worth of fresh
was being smoked at tho time, and
was completely destroyed. The total
loss s estimated at 9700.
Wo havo a limited supply of very
fine, extra largo Cuthbert red raip-
borry plants at Sc each, or M.G0 per
100. Call us up now. Janes Bros.
Capitol Hill, phono 370-X. 260
Clifford Constant of Grants Pais
spent Sunday In Medford visiting
friends and relatives.
Joo II. Wilson of Talent Is In the
city today attending to business.
Tho largest crowds since the
Christmas shopping season was in
tho city Saturday and tho stores re
port excellent business, records for
Jnnuary sales being broken.
J. O. Corking, tho best all around
photographer )u southern Oregon..
Alays reliable. Negatives ma'do any
where, time or place. Studio 228
Main St. Phono 320-J.
.Mrs. Dick Donald, (nee Franklc
Jackson) underwent nn operation in
a Los Angeles hospital two weeks
ugp, and has completely recovered.
Tlio Donuld's expect to arrive In Med
ford tho latter part of this week.
Frank lo Edwards, the wandering
Jew has shifted his base of opera
tions again, this time Jumping from
Fort Worth to Dallas, Tex. Every
body Frnnklo ever know lu tho Ilogua
river valley has received a letto.
from bim ulnco his departure.
Try our flour, Johnson's Dent,
11.10; Illuo Stem, 11.35; None Bet
tor. Ij. D. Drown, Hues Mill, Flour
and Feed.
dcorgo Mansfield and wife aru
upending a. few weeks in tho city ue
foro returning to their lanch near
K. Allen and L. Mantling of Rose
burg nro business visitors In the city
this week.
Lawyers Carkln and Taylor havo
moved from Central avenuo into
thrco larger front offices on Main
street over Hasklns and Hoyden's
W. W. Harmon returned to Grant?
Pass this morning after spending
Sunday in Medford with friends and
Weeks McGovvan Co.
Luily AksUtnnt
Day I'liouo 227
1 Night 1'. W. Weeks J0H-J3
A. K. Orr 07B-M
------- 4
U. G. Lowo of Ashland Bpuut n
few hours In tho city this morning
on business.
Two dnys delayed eastern mall
reached tho city Sunday and was dis
tributed this, morning.
Kodak finishing, glossy or dull fin
ish nt J. O. Gcrklng's studio, S2S E.
Main St. Phono 3 20-.
Rehearsals for tho "Pirates of
Ponxance," to bo given by tho I. oi
P's, February 10-11 nro being hold
dally, under tho direction of Art
Hurgesa and Charles Hntclrlgg. Tho
performance gives promise of being
the beat amateur production ever
presented In the Roguo river valley
George Thomas of Weed Is In the
city for a few days visiting friends.
Fresh lime. Medford Lbr. Co.
The police have received reports or
boys stealing copper wire. This
prnctlco has landed about a doxen
young Medford hopefuls lu tho re
form school.
Frank Coleman was over from
Jacksonville Sunday visiting friends.
E. D. Weston, commercial photog
rapher, negatives made any tlmo or
placo by appointment. Phono M
W. E. Hammel of Eagle Point Is In
the city for'n few days on buslnes.
Mrs. George Neither and daughter
Maude, of Jacksonville spent Sunday
in Medford with friends.
Try our flour, Johnson's Rest.
$1.15; Blue Stem. $1.35; None Bet
ter. L. B. Brown, Ruga Mill, Flour
and Feed.
Sugar Pine shakes. Medford Lbr.
Co. .
Leon B. Hasklns left for Portland
Friday to attend to business and
vtsltfrlcnds. Whllo away Mr. Has
klns will attend a session of tno
state pharmaceutical association,
and expects to be gone a week.
The first indication of tho effect
of tho "depression" on the profes
sions wns evidenced this mornlm;
when four corn doctors passed
through. They were so badly af
flicted with financial blight thoy
could not assemble enough between
them to buy a city llccnso for one.
H. G. Wclner of Eaglo Point was
a business visitor in .Meurord Satur
Milk and cream at DoVoo's.
Tho second semester of the school
year began this morning. In the
grammar grades all promotloi 3
meant a new supply of books, the
second this year, and parents and
children were busy all day making
Don Clarke has returned from Cor
vallls whero ho took the short course
In horticulture in the Oregon Agrl
culture College.
Wonted Copy of Rogtto River
Fruit Grower, No. 1, Vol. 7, 1000
Will pay cash. Inquire Tribune of
fice., Clay Cole and F. X. Beck of Butte
Falls wero in tho city Saturday on
J. O. Talent of Gold Hill was In the
city tho first of tho wee): visiting.
R. A. Bragg of Griffin creek spent
Saturday in Medford.
W. G. Davidson who disposed of
his Interest in the Tenth street gro
cery store to his partner last week,
has left for the south with Mrs,
Davidson whero he has a new busi
ness opening.
Thomas Engle of Phoenix was in
tho city Saturday for a few hours.
Enos Conger of Jacksonville was
In the city the latter part of last
Frank Parent was up from Gold
Hill Saturday on business.
A. E. Stratton of tho Hlllcrest or
chards was in the city Saturday.
C. H. Helmroth of R. F. D. No. 2,
was In tho city op business Saturday.
DOUGLAS, Arizona, Jan. 20. Of
ficial decrees declaring the Chinese a
national menaco and .burring thorn
from entry into Mexico has been Is
sued by General Venustlauo Carratua,
leader of tho cnostltutlonallsts, ac
cording to dispatches received hero
from Nogalcs, Sonora, The provisions
of tho decree aro similar to those of
the exclusion act of tho United State.
Tlio trustees of the Oregon State
Library in Salem invite bids on list
of books to be furnished school II
brarles of tho state, for 1U 14 and five
years thereafter. Lists and condl
tlons upon request. Bldb opened
February 13. 2C3
The members of WVatonka Trlbg
No. 30 aro requeu o.I to meet at Rod
Men's hall at 1 o'clock p. in. Jan.
27, prompt!) to attuul lio funeral
of Brother L. U. Caslry
By order of
2C1 Sachem.
t7m riT;r7:To IJiasHilix
I.OHT Black Cocker spaniel with
white on breast, answers to iinmo
of Dingo. Phono Dr. Tlui)or Ghl
M. Reward,
spunlnl dog for pot.
M, city.
or Cocker
Phono UM-
Slot m conditions were resumed hi
tin Itoguo Hiver uillc.i Suiuluv with
the lowest Imromoler in tho history
if tho valley, tlio waters or Hour
oitH.'k niul Kokuo river mul tributhry
streams sieiulily rWtntj, snow in the
low foothilN niul u thlrtv-! milo
nu hour wind, Indications uromUc
more ruin.
Tho low barometer wns recorded
nt 1 o'clock Siimlnv itinl vi follow
ed lv wind mul ruin. Tho uotuiu
linroiiiotrio prouro win 'J7.o, wliioh
reduced to con level i- 'Jl).0.", n now
low record. I p to noon tiulnv nn
inch of rain lmd fallen, miikiin; tho
total precipitation for January l.'W
inches nnd noo September 10.0"
inches lonxintr ti ilofioionov of four
niche in the uornml rainfall iuoe
September, but nn excess in the
mOmi for Jnntinry of -I.Ti.1 itu-ho.
Tho Main Mreot storm sower lif
etime olojinoil up. owing to hm-kiiti;
wnt ers of Hoar eieek, mill o erf low
ed, colored the trnoki of the .lack
Mitiiiltc lino and l'tontiui; lumber in
the Wood lumber ynrd on Sout'i
Fir street. City employe worked nil
moraiu-; opening up the sower.
For the first time this winter mioiv
entirely covers Kovy Ann, nnd ti
light fall of miow foil in the city, tho
first of the -.cumui, hut it melted a
mioii ii- it loll, ihe uenttiy lootiitii
nro covered.
Keport't from Hay Gold und Pnw
poet -how ri-e of about ti foot in
the llogttc nt the dam, mid n slight
rie nt the latter plnee. Hear oroek
showed n rise of about two feet thh
morning, with prospects for further
The wind nt Kuglc Poin blew the
roof off Brown llro.' store mid tho
plate glass- of Von der Mcllen'n store
norosH the street.
(Continued trom page 1.)
yet.'' said Weather Forecaster Taylor
at noon. "I predict rain for Sacra
mento tonight and tomorrow."
Coyote creek, near San Jose, went
on a rampago early today. Tho home
of Mrs. Mary Boyd, undermined by
tho ralps, tumbled Into tho creek.
The members of her family were
gilroy and Watsonvlllo were par
tially submerged, and all train service
to tho south cancelled.
Tho King river In tho vicinity of
Hanford threatened to overflow thi
lowlands along Its borders, but unless
tho levees break or a new storm
arises, It was not believed Hanford
would bo flooded. Several hundred
men worked all day strengthening ths
levees here.
The town of Laton near Hanford,
was reported In Imminent danger of
destruction this afternoon. Tho
levee there threatened to go out, and
the overflow from tho river already
had Inundated the town to a depth of
several feet.
.Situation Critical
Conditions nt WatsonvHle wore
critical. Boats wero used as a means
of transportation on tho streets and
continued rain will mean ruination
of tho city's business district. Part
of Firs street Is under five feet or
Hundreds of acres of farms and
orchard lands havo been Inundated .it
Terrific weather was reported at
sea. Apprehension was foil concern
ing tho safety of scores of smaller
Tho river at Fresno rose rapidly
throughout the morning. Warulngi
wero sent out to all ranchcrB living
in tho lowlands.
The Russian river rose rapidly
today but up to 1 o'clock this after
noon was not out of Its banks.
Kiioitntonno lu Hills
At Towle, In tho hrgh aicrras, the
heaviest snowstorm of the season
was In progress, falling at tho rate
of 12 inches nn hour.
A crisis was expected In the Delta
region, near tho confluence of tho
Sacramento an San Jonquil rivers,
tomorrow, when tho crests of tho
high water In both streums were duj
to meet there.
The rainfall, in San Francisco for
the last 2 1 hours was .7-1 of an Inch,
making tho precipitation to date
21,70 Inch, nearly tho normal tottl
for a full season,
llout o Get tlio 11)1 1 Spray Calendar.
Tho 1UH spraying calendar will bo
ready for distribution to the fruit
growers on January 28. In order to
avoid tho expense of mailing, thos't
who dcMro copies may securo thorn
at their nearest town a a supply
will be sent to each town In tho vul
ley. Tho Inspector for each dlstrkt
will be Intrusted with a supply which
will bo left at convenient places,
Pathologist III Charge.
lug arraignment of tho mniittgciuonl
of tho St. l.ottli nnd Han Francisco
railroad ivur voiced hero today by
the Intcr-Ktnto commerco commission
In a report to tho senate. Financial,
and not operating, troubles worn fi
sponsible for the road now being .n
tho hands of receivers, tho report de
clared, Hpeior nnd company, New York
bankers, wore criticised for market'
lug five per cent bonds from April t
to May 13 when tho road went Into
the hands of a receiver.
iSENT 10
Admiral 1'ietelier hud bieii given nu
thontv to laud murines nt Vera I'nu
nnd tuoie on Moxieo 1'itv if he
tlioulit host in the oiout of I'tosl
deut llnorta's roslgnntion wns denied
by Secretary of tho Nhiv DnnieU to
day. Orfii'inN of llio inuy depart
ment admitted, liowoier, tlmt tlio
eoiit'eiitnitioii of murine" reovutlv or
dered nt Vera I'm nn with a view
to n limiting to prater! tnroignoiV
lives and property in ease Mich a step
became uooesiiry.
(From tho Argus)
Miss Neevel Is a very proud woman.
And she has reasons to bo proud.
This morning sho found ntnotiR her
mall an ordinary look teachers certi
ficate, buftho thing that caused tho
prldo was a short lino In one corner,
"Valid for Life." As a district we
havo great reason to be proud to
have at the head of our school a
womnu who holds a life certificate.
Last Sunday oveiiltig wo watched
with some amusement tho movemen's
uf so mo of tho congregation to lug
to see the pastor while ho was talk
ing. HntsT Yes, big hats, medium
hats, but olio could not see through
them. Say ladles, why not leavo
otr those hats so thoto In tho back
scats can sec as well ss those In lh
front seat.
Tl. hnnw ui. innw Tiuxilav I
f.W ..v...rf .,. .-.... .
morning was very hard on tho wires
around these parts! Thero wore
something light 18 poles down be
tween hero nnd Wlmer. besides mot
lines In town wero badly twisted.
About S:00 o'clock Tuesday morning
tho electric wires got mixed up nnd
wo wero without electricity for a
few hours.
r- . ,
Water, wtor ever' where.
The river Is going by today all right.
Tho electric pump that sets about sk
feet up tho bank Is nt least threo
feet under wntcr. At tho corner of
Main and Broadway tho water got a
nolo through along tho water main so
there Is a long narrow cavcln. A
little over a mllo up Evans creek
about 100 feet of tho sldo of tho
mountain enmo down Into the rou 1
and left a deposjt of about two foot
deep of sllmo, rock nnd brush. The
If You I line or Know of it Hellenic
Chilli Item) This Letter
"My little daughter Loulso, ago !)
years, has alwajs been delicate, an
aomlc, had no appetite and seemed
listless, and we could not seem to
find anything that would help her,
until wo wore ndvlscd to glvo her
Vlnol. She started taking It sk
weeks ago and Insldo of two weeks
she showed a marked Improvement
both In appetite, vim and looks. Do
ing so well pleased with tho results,
I continued giving it to her, nnd
words rail to express my gratitude,
and faith In Vlnol both as a blood
maker and body builder. As my
child was uti anaemic for ko long
makes tho reason alL, tho strpngor
for mo to recommend It to others
in similar condition." Geo. E.
Munro, Brooklyn, NY. '""
Vlnol restores hcnlUi nnd strength
In conditions like this becuuso In a
natural manner It Increases the ap
petite, tones up the dlgeatlVQ organs,
enriches tho blood arid' strengthens
every organ of the brdy
Every bottle or vnol' Is guaran
teed to glvo satlsfaetlop or monoy re
funded. .Medford Pharmacy, Med
ford, Oro. 1
P. S. For liny sMn froublo try our
Saxe Halve. Wo guarantee It.
Medford Tailors
mall can lor hud to go aiouuil his
routo harlavardu, Hint Im, ho began
whero ho usually loft off,
Thoro wns about six Inchon or
snow Tuesday morning, Not nil "
one tlmo but with all that molted
thoro was ti good three Inches nt 7
n. m,
.1. ( Williams, who 1ms boon In
Snlom and up lu Wiwhlimloii hIhco
hist Kiuiug, i curbed hero Sunday af
ternoon. Ho la now spoudliig a fon In Aslilatul.i
Born to .Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Rose,
January 22, a daughter.
Mrs, Laura King has modi Itnto
a cottage on Fourth street.
Mrs. .lames Allen of South t'limi
nk has been In poor health for sev
eral mouths.
Dr. J. K Ballllo and wifo received
word a few days ago or tho serious
Illness or their sou, who Huts In
Vaticoitior, 11. C.
J. Ttnsk of Grants Pass was In
town Saturday on business.
.Mrs. II. W, Agor. teturnod tho
first of the week from a three
week's i lull at Albany and other
points In Northern Oregon.
Manager lleeten of tho Rev Spra.i
plant arrlied hero from California a
few ilasy ago and esperls to Imvj
the factory running lu n short tlm.
S. (,. Van l))ko has been itilte
sick for tho piist week at Ills homo
lu North but at present t
slightly better.
Tin: iMticcsiii: pa vs.
There Is hardly an Aiuerbnu'
woman tiowndas who rati Keep pare .
with the deiuniids made upon her,
time mid energy without pnltiK the
poualt of Ill-health. It may be that
dreadful backache, dragging pnlui..
head nrhes, iiorioiisiiess or the tor
tures of a displacement. It I tli.
prlco she puis. To women In this
condition Lxlln E Plnkliam Voki
tnblu Compound comes ns a boon an I
a blessing, A simple reined) mnd
from roots and herbs which I rinrn
glorious heal lb to suffering wound
Careful IVni-nl Will I'niie Its
Value to Eiery Mall i'rlliuuo
Tho average man Is n doubter, and
thero Is Utile wonder that this Is so
Misrepresentations make peopto skep -
tics. Now-n-days tho public ask for
better evldetico than tho titltuonv
"' niiiih". "-' ' ii""i
or strangers. Here Is proof whlr'i
.... . ,,
snouiu couvinco every .uuu innuiiu
II. J. Durfce. 32 N. Bartlett 8'
Meiirnrd. Ore., sa)M: "I was troubled
by my kidneys off niul on for jenrs
If I caught a slight told, It always
settled In them, causing my bark .o
become very lame, weak and palatal
Last summer I was sufforlnit In that
way and on a friend's advice, I pro
cured Doan's Kidney Pills. I found
this romedy to bo exnclly as repre
sented nnd in a few days the trou
blo left mo. I know of ninny other
persons who havo obtained benefit
from Doan's Kidney Pills."
For salo by all dealors. Prlco SO
cents. Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo.
Now York, sole agents ror the I'nitud
Remember tho name Doan's
mid tnku no other,
Nearly 2000 Choice Roses From Which to Make
Your Selection
MKDrOltll'.s OHM IAL HOSK txTiM5$PG&!''i
Practically all llioso luxes uie ullur N'o. I two year or KX gnulo oiie-veur Mmi. nml nil fielil
grown, so ilo not think o' IIii-no ioh'm ii- milium v hhhU, Jor nearly nil ol' lln-. Mori. i Hie einiuit
of (lie field nud must bo seen to be lulli iippteiiuleil.
Cut mil this uilieitlsemoiil nml elicck mer tin following list, 1 licit phone inur order, PIlOIIC 102,
or, bettor still, cull nt my iluliiery .uuil, 009 J-j East Mnlll Street, whole you eiiu see u biKgor sloul; ol'
iViiH nml ornuiiieiiliil tice nml u gieuler iiHNoituieul ol' inirsiiiy kiiikIb than i eiinieil li any oilier
two uuisery firms in the Kogun itivur vulloy, nud light limo let urn lemiiiil you Hint lliiniiell Iniks
up ciory lino of nilveitibcmenl witli the goods,
BVHU HOSKS: fini) Hiili Diehsou, (10 AKiippiiin, (10 Ktoilo ilo IVmiee, 10 (Iruss nn TepliU, III)
(Icn. McAiOiur, ;i0 Oeii. .Iiiriiuemiind, 111 Helen (loulil, (10 ICitisorin Augusta Viiiniin, 'JO l,u Fuiiioo,
10 jriminii roeliet, 00 Wliitu Cm-hot, 110 Cnioliiio Teslmil, 1(1 ,Miiriiiis ilo (ueiliociit,':ill IViiii Km I
Diuspliki, 10 Holly, 'JO Illuek Prince, III) Pnul Noyron, fit! Ulrii-li Itriiuner, 10 Auieiii-nn Homily, "JO
Pnpil oulier, 10 Soliel d'Or, l.'i Doed-ur drill.
CMMHINd HOSKK: 1 'J.1 Dondliv Peikins, 'JO Caroline Tofcloiil, 10 Pink Cliiunkoc, 10 Clin. (Veil
Hruiiniir, 'JO flolil of Opliir, 10 l.uuinriiuo, 'JO Heino .Millie Heiiiietle, 10 Clin, K'nlieiin, 1(1 ('Im, Pnpu
(loplier, 10 Clin. While Coeliet, 10 Koio il'Or, 10 Kliowor ol' (lobl, 'JO f lui iihI.oi ditli.
1 iiIko have nlioiil (luce hundred kisoh iki meiitioiiml iiImiio wliieb 1-ompiii.o llio Item Itoiil, Wliitu
Lu 1-Vniiei', Aiiioiii, )iicIu-m r Alliuiiy, lliide-iimid, AIi-h. Itnlmil (luiroll, .Mmo. I.iunlimil, Vifi-ouiit
l-'olkHtono, Piinc-cto Cmnile do Koliuii, Ciipliiiu ('hri-ly, (lluria hyoiiimiNo, Pm-m. Cmnol, l,nily llullor-hi-u,
Huliy Hmiiblei-, .Mine. Abel Chuloiiiiy mul iiimiy oilier. I'liee on Ik ulmio Hlook rmigo IVoui
.rni to Me, wilh a lerv lew nt fiOc. Tlio uooiU nro giiMiMiilei d In pleile, Hie pileu gummileoil In liu
light Tor llio Ki.'nlo !' hIiu-I. ol'feied.
Enst Mnln Street phone
Time 'Tilly's lllnpepMiit" In Flu'
.Minute nil Soinness, Has Monti-
Inn II unit DjspepM'it In (lone
tinur. nanny, (timet stomach. Indi
gestion, heartburn, dyspepsia; w'luin
tho food you o.i t forinoulii Into nation
and stubborn lumps; otir burnt
noliim nnd oti feel sick niul miser-
nhlri. thill's llhsll Mill HHlll tlltl
niaijlr lu Pane's niioilu. It nmkoi
nil stomach minor vanish In flvi
U jour sloiuneh U lu n continuous
roiolt -If ion can't ol It rogiilalod.
plouso. for our sako. try Patio's llln
pepsin. It's uewltoMi to havo a
bad stoiniioh mnko oitr nM iill
n finoillo food mmil. thu ttW a
little l)laiplit iitoro will not
uiiv (UslrsM out without fir. It's
beciuiHo Patio's lilapepsln "nU
doos" tegulato weak, oiit-ot-orilfr
stomnrhn that gives It l millions f
wtliMi minually.
Get a lariti fifty rout case of Pap'
lilnpuMlu from miy driig store. It
Is th uiilrkont, surest stoimirh re
lief nnd euro known. It arts almost
like magic -It Is a scientific, harm
loss nnd pleasant stontnch propnr.i
tint! which truly belongs lit einrv
' . Tin: nnuiiio iiiti.M. a
, HK I-.JI..I A,krlliaffl.lf- A
f,llfc..JtMt rifo.l Jli,M
(Patent nppurd for)
j itMJUT l!,l', ll, CT( llltlt
,lwll 0, ,0 Mixru,i, Mamifoclitred
I ... ,. s.t., ))y
... v ...,,,. .-.. ..,., ...
i I i r ,.-
8 ' S
B ". li
Latta & Hopkins
O rowel's of lligli-Onulo Fruit Trees. Apple, nnd
Pour Trees nro our nneoinltie.s. .Stock one -yenr-ofd
trees on tliree-yeur-old roots. .Some of best orclmrdH
in tlio vnllev are set to our trees. Nurseries near
Central Point. .Medford office, room 102, M. I & II.
building. PlioncHOO-L lOxperience hIiowk Unit homo
grown, acclimated trees aro the. best.
V nut only 'Mo uol spVnu
lulu," but tho olflciirH nud ill
rectum of tho Formers and
FrultJtroiii'in llli of Medford
do not directly or Indirectly bor
tow any or tho money deposited
with tlioiu ror snr keeping.
Ilttaldus, If j on n io a ilnpoillor of
this Hank, you know llint our
tnoiioy wilt not bo used In pay
ing oionlrnftB. Wo )mv boon
railed Uw ciiiistiri'ntivo. Not lr
our wnrtb) timid uf iloposltot.
You can liuiighu by wtaoni.
Perhaps our orltlw will feel but
tor or worse after mkiiIIiii tho
following from th tlult!
Stales Kuprems Ceurt:
"A usnse to allow cuslomers
to oiordrnw ami Iiiivh their
vhscks mid iioIm rhargtsl up
without press nt funds In tho
bank, stripped of all technical
(lUteiUe, the usitgs and pruetlso,
thus atteiiiilml to bs sanctioned,
U ii uagi and pimllio to tiilonp
ply the fiiuiU o( the liniil.t and to
loiiulio at the withdrawal of
same, without nny nwwrlty. In
fin or of certain prliilwsjwl wr
sons .Htitii a ushko nnd praetlcw
Is surely a mini If Ml dsisirtMro
It out tho duty, both of tho direc
tor and csshlnr ns niMiuit rt
celie any oouuteiisiiro In a oHHrt
of Justlio. It oould not sup
ported bv any lotu of tho dlrOA
tors, however formal; and tkors
foro. whonsvsr deno Uy the eh
lor, Is nt his nwtt peril and iiHn
the rospotiklblllty of bluiself and
liu siitotlns. It U niiytlilug Wot
well and irsly H,Miiittus Ilia dHl
t ns rashlor."
ffgfcifl.M "