207 Second street ' ' Medford Mail Tribune SECOND EDITION WEATHER Itnln Mat. riflj Slln. ai. Itnlnfnll .00. 'tiny. third Yfr. Dnlly Klutitli Vtmr MEDKOUD ORI'XJON, MONDAY, .JANTAItV 20, 1911. NO. 202 WORST WIND AND RAIN STORM OF THE YEAR SWEEPS PACIFIC COAST STATES 1 01 N M MS SA 01 Flood, Rain ntnl Snow Prevail Throuuhoiit State Gnlo Blowing nt Sen a ml Another Storm Duo tor Tonl!it Rivers Overrun Banks. Sacramento and San Joaquin Mvcrs at Tops of Levees Many Towns Submerged Deep Snow In Hills. HAN lTtANOIHCO. Cnl , Jnn 2fi -I'looil nml inln wpt California nuothcr storm thU afternoon. A(tr prcillntltiK utmettleil wcntlicr for to night, (luvernmout rirccntur Will nun hero toilny nt noon declared another utorin, which prevailed nt sea wits iluo to roach t ho California conat beforo morning. Jutl how cro tho approaching 1lturtmnro would lie ho wan iinnhto to iwi)'. "II tuny ho light," unlit WllUon, "or ll tuny ho na nuveru nit Hint which nwept tho conat ycalonlny." Thn only rnyof hojio of rollnf rnnio from Puttier Jerome H. Itlninl, Knntn Clnrn Uiilruralty'it "Padre of thu Itnln. " Ho declared tho vtorni would boitln to break away Into to. ilny, nml thnt thu iirovnllliiK lotith cnit wind would change to aouth wont, nml thou no or nroutid to tho north. Jlo uw no further ftorm'ln alKht. W'omt In no Vcw Honoris from renter of population Indicated thnt jcatnrdny'M atorm wan tho uorat Cnllforuln tins Buffered i'l fii) jeiim. Cities nnd towns wore partially Inundated from (tin Oregon lino to Kotithcru California' lower IIiiiIIk. Tho property loan will run Into thu hundreds of thouanndi llrlilnia worn aw opt nwny ut a acoro of plncca, tulcgrnph nnd leluphoiM rommuulcAtlon a aerloualy Inter rupted nud railroad truffle out of n niimliKr of towiin nnd cltlen was nt n atmulatlll. Nory atntlon north of l.oa AukcIci reported thr.t tho totnl rnlnfnll for tho ni'itaoii nearly douhlo thnt of Inat KCIIIKIII. Tho altuntlon nt nit points along tho Htirrnniento mid Han Joniiuln rivers wnM reported critical. Tho Hiii'iniiieiilo wnH reported hrlmmlnif full nt noon hut tho lovooa woro hold. lUK. Itnln for Tomorrow "Wo nro not out of tho wood (Contlnuon on pago 3.) AI IN STREAMSRUNNNG DANGER IM CALIFORNIA HTOCKTON, Cnl., Jnn. ail.- Tho Knu .lomiuln river ut l.nthroi this .morning hnd rent-hod 17 0 feet nnd wiih Htlll rising Hlowly, It In ex pected to rench IS foot, tho dniiKor murk hy night. Tho highest point liiiown hero In 32:5 feet which wna attained In February tutl, Alt lovceu In thu deltu district nro being pntrolled. All reoliilmed tractn uro Hnfo today hut In tho lower ick Ioiih trouhlo Ih expected within tho niixt three days. Mmulovlllo mid liaeon IhIiiiiiIh, now being reclaimed have luum flooded, Tho Tuoloinuo river nt Wntorford nnd tho Htiinlaluus ut Knight's Perry have been falling hIiico early thl moruliiK. Tho Orange IIIohuoiii bridKO nhovo Onkdaln on tho Stanislaus wan , Hwupt nwny Inat night. Tho CiiliiveniH river renehed IIh crest, IU.U feet ut S o'clock Inat it Ik It t ut llullola and had fallen i IK feet. Thu dlvuilliiK canal iikuIii lro Incloil Htocklnn ftoin overflow luJt ulullt. FOUR LIVES LOST BY STORM OFF ATLANTIC COAST IIOSTO.V, Jnn 20. Pour II von wero lont today In n henvy atorm which In ratlin; off thn New KiikIiiiiiI conat nud Nova Hcollii conat. Tho achoonvrii Pontine nud Jo seph Million each IohI u mint. mid tho suhooiinr Allcu two men. Thoy wero swept over honrd by honvy sens. Tho flaultit: achooiior Zolmn was wrecked off llnllfnx. ttn rrow wna anved hy tho steam cr l.ndy l.atirler. o 4 ID TAKE COMMAND OF VKUA ("III V .Mox.. .Inn. 'Jtl. .Iimnn Hon Milton, who, tm the peooinil ri'irf iintalix c of 1'iohiilent llueitii, eoul'errctl hero with .lolui l.iml, I'n'Miili'iit WilidnV cinUiir.v, left for Mexico City toilny. It wm niari'iit tlui't lie liml failed to ob tain Wuhlunmoii'n upproinl of llu utliiV plan to lnkfthrtiulil-ttrtiul (ho nbclh nml iiiiuie Franuisco do l'i llnrrn ux liti Kucccnaor. llcfure Icuxini; hero Milton hitter ly iteiiouucci! the newspaper. 'Tho plan wiih t.poilei1," he unid, "hy iri'iiiuturo puhlirutioii of l'roi4 nleiit Huorlu'H intentioiiH." FLOOD REFUGEES RESCUED FROM TREES WIIITTir.ll, Cnl, Jan. 20. Thirty two jrexieaiiK weie leM'ueil from trees nml lioiiM'lops at .limtown, near here, in IioiiIh ut !u break to ilny. The Sim (laliricl river over flowed it t lintikt nnd portions of the low-liui; M'ttlcmeut soon wiih under from three to cii;lit feet of water. E A 1 ARMY A I wnter In tho Sncrnmonto river nnd NKW YOltIC, .lun. 211. Seeretnry ' lt trluuttirlos hnvo reached a critical of Statu Hrvim visited .Muyor Mitelt- 1'olnt and all lovwa nro beliiR pn ell here. It wiih understood they dis- . trolled. In Biicrnmonto tho water hn eiisM'd Milehell'rt offer of tho Niv ! reached tho 2S foot iimrk, tho hlfih York police eommissiouership to Col. 'cut In suvornl yenre, but Wcathor (loelhnl, hut neither tho mnyor nor i Forccnster Tnylor snya tho city Is In Mm seerelnrv would lmvu out nnv "o pnrtlculnr dniiKor. UnllroaJ xtutflUCIlt. YORK STATE'S John II. NVrlKht, flmt an.UUnt c"l.cer of tho Now York Htnto IllBhwy CommU.lon, took the photograph rcp.-odi.ced aboiu on Noie.uber ... HUM, to Hroo.no county, when ho recom.nondeil that nil payment, on tho road bo nuieiiil..l, in f. of thU repo.l fil,S.i5.0a wV paid to the contractor lumber 4, 10(3. The rond b la practlclly pie Ktiine condition today, NO MONOPOLY RADIUM LANDS DECLARES LANE Secretary of Interior Declares Issue Is One of Human Welfare Versus Human Greed Is Battle to Pro tect Race Against Cancer. America Produclnq Most of Radium, Sending It to Europe and Buying It Back at Fancy Prices. WASHINGTON. .Inn. 'Jll.-Secrc-Inry of the Interior l.nue came out MroiiL'lv today before the home i - comuiittee on mining in favor of the wilhdniWHl from public entry of nil the Kowruiuont'ff radium beuritiK I.iiuW. "The fithl for the i"0rcf;n(ion o( : theo IiiiiiIh," he faid "in mi Htrongly , tinned with litiman interest that it willy Rccinn n linttle to i)ri!cct our father, mother, brothers nud hi. tcrw nuiiiht the ravnues of cancer, "Of thin curative ucnt milium it in tiuiueitiouiililv our duty to se cure iin much tiH tHWuible, since it i- ktiown (hut it in u cure for suierrie- iul unncer. "1 wai nlanned when investitjii- t Km showed that iilthotiKli seventy five por cent of the world' milium supply lit produced in America, we have only two urn ma here. We found wo hud been Hemline radium to Kunipe nnd then buying it hack. "A second danger was that there would ho a monopoly of radium bearing lamlti. nud it seemed iniiui festlv our ilutv to prevent (hit. ''Tim plan before vou meaurt the withdrawal of such lundw from ex ploitutiou by nrisnle interests nud nihtircH that they would bo hdd nguiiiiH tho people. It wuh generully ireilieteil that th withdraw nl proposition would pus congress overwhelmingly. Tho only remaining matter, it was cuntidercd, uns tho w oi king out of detail." IN SEVERAL.YEARS flACKAMKNTO, Cul.. Jnn. 2(5. rollowlng tho honvy rnlnfnll of Snt urdny nl(;ht mid Sunday niornliiK tho traffic Is badly hnmporod. "FUTURIST" ROUD "CUBIST" PATTERN V J. , i r BA0UL MADER0, YOUNGER BROTHER OF THE MURDERED PRESI DENT, IS WITH GENERAL VILLA Kuoiil Mndcroj, jounger brother of J Hie muriiurvil president t .Mexico, I now the chief nt!vicr of (leuenil I'litieho Yillu, compicror of Chihua hua City, ono of the wealthiest towns in the whole country. The young man knew that he could not ho friend with JJresidftiit lluertn, whoe iirM-o scemrd to be to ex- GOLDEN SIATE 10 SACKAMICNTO. Cnl., Jnn. 20. It's up to the municipalities of .the state to take care of their own prob lems of the uuepinloycd; tho stnte will take no baud in relief under the present condition!-, recording to the report on the "unemployed," made to Governor Johnson toilny by Commis sioner .Mol.augliliu in this city of the bureau of labor stulitici. McLaughlin states that conditions uro utmost identical with thoso of two years ago. lie says tiio problem is mainly ono of Culifolnia being 'a fino winter resort," nml Inbor flock ing hero nuticipating work under ex cellent oliinntie conditions. He pre dicts nonnul conditions throughout tho Mnto by Apnl and snys conili tions hnvo nlreiulv heen greatly re Moved in Los Angeles, and with the let-up of tho riiiuv weather mnnv will find work on the farms of the state. REFUSES HMffl MEN teniiinate the Mudcro family, sev eral members of which cenpcd to New York City. Hut Knoul Mudcro remained, in hit native country. He has been with Villa since the taking of Juarez, acro! the Itio Grande from HI 1'afco, Tex. It is possible that much of the success of Villa, the. jex-Jjnudit .hn been due to young .Miulerii".' RECALL E OF SAN FHAKCISCO. Cnl., Jan. 20. The state sunreme court, nt u spe ciul sesiou today, Nued a ereiup tory writ of niiiudiito to Secretary of State Jordan to submit to Governor Johnson tho recoil petition iij;niust State Senator Owens of Hichmnnd. It was htiid tho governor would issuo the call for the recall election ns boon up Jordan had notified him thnt the properly certified lits coutniuiuK suftieieut number of niimeo had been filed. When cited lo explain why he did not forward tho petition to tho gov ernor, Jordan presented n writ of prohibition issued by tho Coutrn Coxtu county superior court, which he said hud. thus far prevented him from doim; so. Tho supreme eouit held this writ void upon its fnco. The stnte labor federation, which launched tho etitious iiKiiinst Ow ens, accused him of iolatin his pro-election pledges to Inbor. The senator' was elected on the demo cratic ticket. CITY OF MEXICO MEXICO CITY. Jnn. 20. Officer iiud murines from tho Jnpancse crui ser ldzumo wero tho most lionized individuuls in Moxico City today. J ho party arrived yesteitluy and was received with u tremeiulous ova tion. Hrass bauds nlavcil. cannon siiluted and tho crowds cheered en thusiastically. A big escort of Mexicans, currying Japanese Hugs, neeonipnnied tho visitors to their lo cution. H wus understood lVsitlcut lluertn intended to receive Couuua.i iler Mori Yainii and his stuff. Minister Adcchi, the Mikado's rep icbcntutivo here, denied, however. (hut tho mm. lies camo to guard thu cgiitio.i, they would iclilin n the Idttiino I'liiluy, ho bind. ELECTION NFORCED THROUGH ORDER COURT JAPANESE OFFICERS RECEIVE VAIN IT y vs Al ON mon or ! President Wilson Says New Bills Will Not Bar Any Business Not In (it self Monopolistic, But Will Be An Aid to Legitimate Business. No One But Gocthals Ever Consider ed for Post of Governor of Pan ama Canal Zone. WASHINGTON, Jnn. 'JO. I'rcsi- I dent Wilson made it plniu to callers on him today thnt his anti-trust il- I icy is aimed only at such business methods ns partake, in their nature, of the spirit of monopoly. He held groundless the nlann ex pressed in some (piurters thnt the proposed legislation prohibiting hold ing companies will affect companies which desire to organize subsidiaries to meet legal conditions. His trust bills he explained, will bo no bar to any business not in itself monopolistic. An Aid to ltuslncss Nor will the industrial trade com mission, he 'assured hi 'visitor, bo u "dragoon," as it was pointed out to him, mnnv business men fear. It will prepare orders for the courts oil the strength of its findings, but, the president .nnnlcd out, the courts can I amend them ns they wish. i lie commission iiscii win ucief inine, the president said, whether to publish information it secures. He did not expect it to bu ns secretive us is the treasury department con cerning the corporation tux, ho con ceded, hut he did nssiire his cullers that one thing was certain business men might feel confident that rivals would not be permitted to leant trade secrets as u result of investigations under the proKised new law. Gocthuls for Governor Keferring to affairs connected with thu I'uiiiituii canal, tho chief execu tive uiuilo it plain that he hud never considered anyone but Colonel Gocth uls for the post of governor of the zone. Secretary of War Gnrr.soii, ho said, hud already assured tho col onel of this. Tho order creating n civil government of tho zone, he lidd ed, whs ready for signing. Ho did not discuss, however, the suggestion thnt if Gocthals should express , wish to letiro for u year it might enuse hi into deluy signing the order. Untitle importance, tho president concluded, had been attached to to night's dinner, at which tho members of tho senate foreign relations com mittee are to bo present, tlenyiug that the administration confronts n critical situation, and that for thnt reason ho wants to get closer to the members of tho committee, and ex plaining thnt those to attend the din ner wish merely to discuss unfinish ed business before the committee t.kes up pending arbitration treaties. E NKW YOKK, Jim. 20. After somo hesitation at tho start, slocks moved upward today with few exceptions. National Hiscuit was tho feature with u three-point rise. There wus some heavy selling ut tho outset, hut the losses were limited to frnetions, Hal timoro & Ohio being about tho henv iest loser with a :Ki-point drop. Sen hoard Air Line roso 1. As trading progicsscd tho market became stronger. Tho good iiuirterly report of tho United States Steel coiporn tiou hiul a J'a vol able effect on nil the industrials, Mexican Petroleum was again very strong. KomU wero Unit. Tho iuiirL'1 clocd bloody. EK UM SKYWARD MARCH M RS WIN ICING CASE ? California Orchardisls Victorious In Contentions Against Railroads, Se curing Reduced Charges for Re frigerating Fruit Cars. A Reduction to $7.50 Per Car Or dered From the $30 Rate Estab llshed by Traffic Lines. WASHINGTON, Jan. 20. Califor nia fruit shippers won an important victory in the supremo court today here ngninst the Santa Ye, Southern Pacific and Sail I'edro & Salt Lake railroads in the so-called icing case. The court sustained the order of til's interstate commerce commission grently reducing the charges for re frigerating fmit curs nnd denied thnt the railroads have the exclusive privilege of icing- cars or that they can prevent shipper's from pro-cooling or prc-ieing their own enrs. Whether the railroads carrying tho bulk of oranges nnd other citrus fruits from California have the ex clusive right to refrigerate cars and may prevent shippers from pre-eool-ing nnd pre-iciug cars nt a lower rate was the prime ipiestiou in tho iping' oasTT Hoth tho I. C. t. nnd commerce court decided in favor of the shippers. On July ."5, 1000, the Santa Fe, Southern Pacific and Salt I.nke railroads amended thcic refrig eration rules to provide a reduction to $30 for tho use of refrigemtcd enr pre-iccd and pre-coolcd nt the shippers' warehouse, tho car being sealed and not rc-icctl in trnnsit. Tho rate for "stantliinl'' icing (refriger ution ufter cars are loaded, with re plenishing of ice en route) w $02.f0 from thu coast io Chicago. The 30 rate wns deeltired unrciisou able by tho I. C. C. and ordered cut to $7.50 per car. On May 4 the rail roads attempted to withdraw the en tire pro-icing privilege. They filed mi injunction suit to set usidu thu commission's order, lly pro-ieiug tho shippers would stive ubout 4'iO0,ODO u year. Tho fotiiCn opinion wns rend by Justice Lumttr. It held that tho rail road's contention would result in nn increase of ."i t per ear for shipping fmit neross the country. Tho opin ion held thnt until the railroads can provide tho same pro-cooling uucom modiitious us tire now enjoyed by thu shippers as n result of their own fu cilitics, tho railroads cannot deprive the shippers of tho advantages of their own procooling system. E 16 NKW YOKK, Jim. 20. District Attorney Whitman hud in his hands today, in connection with his graft investigation, the bunk hooks of six teen importiint Now Yurk Hlitioinn"j, iueluiling thoso of Charles 1 Mur phy, Tammany lender, uud John Guffiiey, to whom United States Senutor O'Goriuuii wus sniil to have referred, in u conversation with ox Governor Sulzer, ns Mtirphy'a "chiet bagman." With these books Whltmuii was on tho trail of whut ho stispcutcd was u plot to loot the state. Ho. wns of tho opinion, it was understood, that alleged graft money was bunkwl, not in New York alone, bit hInu in Nw Jersey, Pennsylvania! Cui.iuW Htl' possibly in KurMtw, Jaiiies W. Osborne, GorHf Glynn's speulnl luvethtMlor, Jh(U muled that if Wkilinu mwdwl iufuiv inatio.i, from tour) ohMiIm hi tw juiMielloii, hn wmthl I4 iU pwlHh isqiUm in xUiK It. n PROB MURPHY BANK NT NSTITUTIONS i 1 1 i -J I; J i . "-a