MIODFOUD IMAJh TIM HUNK. AlKIJKOltD, OWKCJON. SATlMfDAY, .rAXTAWV 21, 1911. PA013 MVE .11 m , KS At the Churches j (Viilnil I'nliil IIii'IIn (.'IiiimIi IUv. Mih W, T. I) MurOiilloiiKh will conduct womhlp 1 1.30 n. in., 7. UK i in Htiniit'.iirH wuliomo. l.'pNropul HoivIci.h In Hi. Miirk'n (IiiIIiI lmll. Celebration of liuly roiiuiiiiiiliui at K ii. in i Huiidny hcIkiiiI at Id ii. in.; MiornliiK prayer and minium nt II Itov. W. II. Hamilton, vlnir. Ion l.ullii'iaii MurvU'im itt Ion l.uthuruii. &!! W fourth M reel, will liu conducted In Kiii'.IIhIi nt 1 1 ii. I". IIH'li hi'IkmiI (KiikIUIi) lit ID it. in. No ovuriluit imrvko. ('oiiic uud wnrnlilp. I'nn .Mi-IIkhIM Cliurili Cm tier Tenth mul Ivy. Muiidny nervliii, Hmiiliiy m'hool, 10 u. in., Iiri'iw IiIiik, II it. in ; iinmclilnc, 7. HO p. in. Midweek prnjer im-etlni: mi Tlmnulii), 7:Su p, m. J. K llrndley, paMnr. I'liM rimixli of CliiM, HdetilM Hiiinliiy Minium in II ii. in., hiiIi. Jed of litwiin mtrmnii, "Trnlli' i Wed neaday immltiK, lomlinoiilul iiMietlntt lit 7:30 All nr welcome. Htinduy Kilinol ul 10, nil under tint nun of 1!0 iiiu ,uvlt(l Headlm; ilium hour, 2 (I ft p. m. dully, iiMupt Huixliiy Oliurrli odlflew, 212 .V, Oakdale, O.il.ilule Atrnuii .McllunlM Huiiduy hcIiooI, 10 n. m.; preach Iiik. II ii. in. mul 7-:t0 p in i prayer nnil llllitn Htmly Tliurniluy ovciilni?, 7 30; nioriilmc nulijvcl. "OhrlMlun Kducittlon"; nVfiilm:, "Tim (I nml lie form Movement." Come to thio ienlr mul holp m Hlruimiwt nr Hileonie II. M. Ilrniilium, pimtur I'liTt ll.)pllt CIiiikIi llev It. W. MaiOullnuuh, I'll. I). pHktor. MuriiliiK ornlilp, II n in. pennon, "Muhioh' Mumuicu to tin' Church of Today"; uunluc, 7.30, ktiiiiiii, "HiikkI'h Muidacu to the Church of Today," follow oil by ordl iinueu o, linptlxmi llllitn vrhool, 0 If., II 0. (lurnetl, H. H.; II. V. I'. II., 0 30 p. in.; Koil intmlc, utrniiRtT Urlfulllil. riirlMlmi Cluirtli Sunday noliiiol nt 'J: it itlmrp. Ha (lion mi Unit. Mornliiu nonloo nt II, Kmloutor at C.30; oveoliiK nor ui nt 7 30. (llffonl Hrnoat, pan tor of tliu Central ChrUllati cliurcli of Hprlin;Hlil. III., will preach iiiornliiK nml ovontnu. Mr. Ilrnoni coiuim with it ow of lornlliiR Iter If HiilUfnctory to tlio ioni;ri'i;iition. ntul nil moinborn nn tinted to I mi prorciit nt lioth hum Iron If poimlblo. Vliltorit uro cordially welcomed. Jut kMini llli' l'ifli) lirl "i MornltiK worship wltli iturmon nt 1 1 orlock. Hcrtnoii, hiiIiJccI, "Trim (iiiliiry mul Imiiilnviicu of liotl." Holo Dr. V. V llounnl of Mul font KwuiIiik trithli with vurmmi ut 7 30. tniliji-ct, "Tlio Htory of n I'tUoflKlitor." Holo by John Mlllor V. I'. H. 0. i:. nt 7;3); Hinnlny nchool at 10; lulil-wi'ok iiicotlni; nt 7,30 on WoiliHMiluy oM'iiltiK. A conllnl miI romo In uxti'tiiluil to nil. I'nul K. II.iiiiI), M I)..' iiilnlHinr. .IuiKmiiiiIIIo MHlimllM Atti'inl thit plonoor MothoillNt church of Hoiithuru Ort'Kon nt Jurk himillln, Ituv. A. H. Jt'tikliiH, ptmtor. Kunlum onch Uiihluith It n. in. ntul 7::in p. in.) Kahbiith mcIiooI, 10 u. in.; W. tl Cnmllll. Hiiporliitoiulcnt; nor mini, 1 1 u. in., Hiibjcct, "Hhut In"; Voiiiik I'coplo'il mcctlliK, 30, Kttu Morcom. loniliir, Hiilijuct, ,,l'roin Wu urliiK to Hlmiilfiihtiimts": urmon, 7?30 p. m., Hiibjoct, "CiiiIiUiiiih." All hocmU onlor Koplo nro conllnlly In vltml to nttmul thU vorvlro. Kicr) lioil) iMtlconui. If you linvo no church hoiun ii town, innko jourHolf nt homo with uh. I'l'Ckliylciluu CIiuitIi I'rcnchliiK nt 1 1 n. m., Hiibjcct, "Tlio Mchkuko of (Ircnt Joy"; nu lluiiii; prcuchliiK nt 7:30 p. in., hiiIi Joct, "Mohiih mul tlio Hlnven," tho iiiiuiuIuk; niitluiut; Suiulny uuhonl ut 10 ii. m.; iiinii'rt iliiHrt nt 10 ii. in.; v, p. h. o. i:, ut ;30 p. in.; J. a. o 10, ut 3 p. in.; prnyor incotliiKH nt 7 1 30 p. in., Thurmluyii. Iloituhir iiiuicrly church miclul to wolcomo iinsv luomhorH will lio luilil Tuimiluy ovoiiIiik, comimiuvlii nt 7:30. A Kiioil hoc;ii1 tlmo Ih tho program for tho ovuiilmc. All who uro Intorostoil In thn rrimhytai'liiii cliurcli nr tuvlt (ul to uttoiiil. A co nun It too will Hi out you mul Intioiluco you to tho OthlM'H. Mctlimllkt rpNcopnl Clitnrli Cornor of llurtlolt mid Fourth HlroolH, i:. Ollu nidrldKo. pnator. HorvlccH Hiinduy im followH! l'rcuch liig, II u. m., 7:30 p. "in. BubJoi-tH, iiiornliiK, "' HIh StilpoH Wo Am llimlod"; ovuiiItiKi "UiilhiK Woin.ui hood." Huiiduy Bchool, InvluilliiK iiilull lllhlo cIiihhch for inon, womoii mid youiiK I ml I oh, l):ir n. in.; Junior loiimio, 3 p, in.; prnyor inootliiK on Thurmliiy nvoiiliiK at 7t3l); iixcolloiit uiuvlu, upuclul for H ii ml n y nu follewa: liiHplrliii; nml iipllriliiK imiihIi'. Mi VIIIiiiii Viiwlnr will mIiik. Tho In Htrumnntnt trio will ninlir "Cl vury," by lloilnoy, mid "A Moloily," by MoildolMHohii. At tho pvciiIih; iiiirvlco tho choir will hIiik 1 1 n ntlo I'm loli'biiitml "l.iirc.o," ftoiu "XorxuH," mul tho tilo will piny, "l.o, tho Con iilorliiK llnro Comiiih," mul "Auiiobi llvor llrlclit mid I'lilr," by llumlol. HplrliiiiullHi .MciiliiK. TIidiu will liu u Kplrlluttlliil iiii.Mit Iiik Hiiinliiy nl 7 30 p, in. ul llnillli'ii hull on North (Irupo nlrcnt. A luc turn will ho Klvmi mid proof of nplrlt rulurn. Hiiv, Clnrti I,, I'orrlH of I'ort liiiid will lucturo. All nru conllnlly Invlloil. Illhfdllllll'll .V'lllll', Nnllco Ih hnrcliy kIvcii Hint tho firm of Dnvldnou & lluttiirflcld lm timni dlunlvml, I), H. llutturfluld bo lim owniir. All iiccouiitH dim tho firm uro pnyublo nt tho Htoro nt uuru. (nlttiiud) 2C2 haviiihon & iii'rn:itni:i.i) von ni:.vr .iioimuH I'Oll HIJNT- Hoioii room Iioiimo, Imth Kiim mid puwd ntrcit, 112 u iiioutli. Imiulro CIiiih, M. CtiKllnh 1 000 H Onkdnlo. VOH HUNT - I'liriilHliml thnm room modern Iioiihd. 731 Wet Hucond Htreut 20S I'Oll KCNT 10 room Iioiiho rear of I'nrmer to. I'rultKrowerM bunk, ultnblo for bimlueiii, real enlnte, bonrdliiK or roomliiK hoiian. (lold Hay Itonlty Co., litli mid Tlr. rou iu:nt por mouth. I room houmt, $f 00 (lold Hay Iteulty Co. I'Oll ItBNT-r. room bunmilow with nlenpliiK porch, i:ood location, H20 'vi lath m. 2i;r. I'Olt HUNT Ti ulrlrlly modorii nix room, unfunilHliml buiiKnlown, (Itm lucMtlon. I'hono 22U.M. 20 I'Oll ItKNT Uhonn. mnnll hoiiw laro yurd mid garden, wntnr and electric IlKhU. I'houn Sfifi-J, 2C3 I'Olt HKNT-ltoomliiK lioimo, call IH North l'ront or nddrcM In In llahnck, KnRln Point. 2 I'Olt HKNTCloKO In four room houmt, $10 per month with city water paid. Location 207 Booth ly utreot for particular. Call phonu UI0-J. 2C3 Ton hi:nt noiJMr:ici:iciix ItOO.MH I'Olt HKNT- ruriiUhed houiiukeep- Iiik rootiu, IlKhtn. i;n; nlro hall bed room, wood hvutom. 23 1 V. Ninth Ht. 274 FOli itnNT l.lRlit hoiuokeopliiK nml trannlent roonm, nicely fur liUhrd, cheap. Thu Oxford, 223 Main St. 278 I'Oll lli:XT l'T.MNIIi:i ItOOMS FOIt HKNT LnrKo In-plng rootiu, nml tuodorn huiiiiokeopInK apart munta, prlrou very roanonnblo. Phono 247-1. 222 South Holly street. I'Olt ItlINT Nowly furnUhi'd roomi, each room miltablu for ono or two Kontleiiieii. Phono and Imth. Kent 110 00 per iiionth. 1121 Koil Main. 278 I'Olt HKNT MIHCKl.taXCOlfH FOIt lti:NT Itanchnii. larito and umall, alfalfa and garden land, (lold Itny Hcnlty Co.. Oth nml Fir. FOIt M:.Si: Full equipped placer mlno. (lold Hay Itonlty Co. I'Oll HKNT OH HAI.i: (lardou uud fruit tract. M. A. Itadur, CO N. OrmiKo Ht. I'Oll HAMJ I'AIWl l,.XD.S FOIt HAM.' HutichcR, aero tracta, town property, rrom $5 per acre, upwurdu on S and 10 yonru tlmo. (lold liny Hcnlty Co., Hlxth nud Fir. FOIt BAMC ICO ileum, 3 '4 mlloii from railroad station, entluuitod 1 to 2 million feet Haw timber and 0000 cords hnrdwood, I0 porncro. Owner, P. O. box S 42, ion kai.i: Acitn.vei: FOIt HAM: Flvo mid 10 aero trnrta cheap and on oaay terms. Lo cated miu m!o iioutli of Hotel Mod ford. V. II. Ilverhard, 1013 Wont Ninth Ht., phono CC7'J. Foit ham: uousi FOIt HAM! 1 room Iioiiho and lot $700, $100 caul! mid $lfi.00 pur mouth. Hold Hay Itonlty So. FOIt HAI.i: Modorii buiiKnlow, 7 rnoiiiH, bath, screened porch, built in bookciiHOH, etc., extra largo lot, fruit and berries, Just off paved Hti'oot, i:asy tonus. No reason. ublo offer rofiiHod, Phono 417-M moruliiKs after Monday. Jiui, 10th. 270 r'xrrr; FOIt HAIjH liOTS FOIt HAM: Flvg lots, liouso mid outbulldliiKa on paved rond ad joining city limits, or will trado for city propoity. P. O. box 507 Med, ford. 205 FOIt rJAMC .MlhntM.NKOUH FOR HAMO Ono bufret, a chnlrs. best coudltlon. &23 N, lllvor Bldo. 203 FOIt HAM: Thirteen hundred pound horso or will oxchatiKO for u heav ier horao. V. J. lliirUoll, phono I08-J1. 2l FOll HAMC Popular liiusle, 10c per copy 023 N. Hlvoraldo. 203 FOIt HAM: HaviiKo, foiithorwolKht, 30-30 and WlncheHlor, 25-35. lloth perfect condition iiisldo and out Addioss box 56S, Modfurd, 201 mm HA l,U M IM( 'KMiA N lj( n;n roil HAMJ -Onlr your doy old cfilcliH. 1'lriit orders flrnt jorvud. II. C. IIIijIi, phono 372-IH, Titlonl. Oro. 27 KOIt HAU:- About (J000 worth of .IniliHon I'omity wnrrunlH ut u dis count, kooiI to puy tnxiu with. I uIbii buy county wnnniitH, II. M. Toil, phoim 78lt or SOn-.l. I'Olt HAI.Ht'hnp, pluno, biiffot, drciKor mid Itltclimi cnblnut with ciiphoinil, I', A I'ImIuhoii, oppo mIIo (.olio rinii nclionl, 20 I'Olt HAM4 Ono rond rollor, Kndo lluu, for ono'thlrd prko, nearly now. Cold Itny Hcnlty Co. I'Olt HAM!- llody fir cord wood uml i.mlur funco poHta for hiiIu. Apply or mid rem Nounur Uron Ulondalu. Oro. 273 KOIt HAMC Mu a uro ilollvuruil by tho loud. A I no black loam, I'hoiic 08t-lt3. 202 KOlt HAM: Lunch couutnr, $30 dally receipt. Kacrlrico, lenvlni; olty, t300, part rtiNh. Duloy, over .liickNon County llnuk. 22 I'Olt HAM: Maht biiKRy or will trade. Wanted Unlit buck, middle, fresh cow brood sow. W. O. Col lins, It. V. 1). No. 1. 202 FOIt HAM: Now mid kccoiiiI hnuit miiIIh 50c up, hIioox 25u up, coaU mid lentil doc up, overcoats $1 00 up, laundry collars, 2 for 5c, koo'1 mid first class kiiiis, watches, pirn boots, tents, slickers, etc , for snlo or rent, your own price. Call room 32, Jackson County Hank llldK. 280 i'Olf HAM: 50 tons of first class bated hay, 15 extra Reed cows, 10 DiirlianiH, 5 JerHejs, fn$sh mid coiiiIiik fresh, 3 flue homes, sprliiR wuKun and cart. Walsh's Hunch on HprliiR street, inllu out North Hoosuvutt avenue. 270 I'Olt HAM: Nlio dry KMiich bnlm chunk and stoio wuod In not less than two tier loads. Thu best wood In the market. II. F. Van I)) l.e, phono 403-H3. 274 I'Olt HAI.C- 15 extra Reed cows, 10 Durhams. 5 Jurkejs, fresh mid comltiK fresh. 50 tons of first class baled hay, .1 fine horses, sprliiK wiikoii and enrt. Wnlsh's Itanch on HprlnK street, mile out North Koosovelt avenue. 27C FOIt HAI.i: Jersey milk delivered $2 50 per quart per month. 721 llenuett Ave. 201 FOIt HAI.i: Team, IlarneburK, box Ore. $200. II, W. 747, Medford, 2C!) I'Oll HAI.i: Two colts, ono J 005 and ono 1200 lbs. Price $200. F. I Hariieburi;, box 717, Medford. Oro. 2CU I'Olt HAM: OH THAI)!: CahnnUed Iron, etc. fixtures complete for about 40 of tho host nud most sim ple, wnshluit mnchlnes. F(nlsh with plain lumber. Fine oppor tunity for carpenter during winter nml to sell In spring or summer Ilox 101, care Mall Tribune. 2C1 FOll ham: Phone C C -Nino J ersey cows Homer. 254-X. 2C2 FOIt SAM: Ilmisoliold'Kooils. SIC W. 11th. 2C3 vaxti:i Micict.i.A.r.ouH WANTED To buy or rent two teams of big horses. Addrosa Itanch Ten mo, euro Mall Tri bune. 261 W'ANTKP Second hand truck suit ublo for spray outfit. Molluu dou hie wagon box for snlo. John Nor rls, Mldvalo Orchard. WANTHD WashliiKu to do nt home. Citll Mrs. Mnlotio, 515 W. Kloieoth St. 203 WANTi:i) Loan of $5000 for 2 to 5 yenrs, security 20 ncres 11-ycnr-old orchard. Add reus Ilox 58S, Medford. tf WANTIJH I prune nil kinds of trees and hhrubbery, 35 years exper ience. Call 7-F5. 201 WANTKI) To buy n camora stnto :miKo, slxo, Iciih, age nud price X V. '., euro Mall Trlbuno. II KM" WAXTKIi FtiMAM. WANTHD Ladles to do sollcltliiK. Apply at 130 N. Frout St. 202 hi:m waxtki mai.k WANTHlV AKolits. Stop JiotlTiiK old worn out Hues. Something now. tlood for $50 a week mid more. Wrlto for our proposition to exclu sive ngents. M. W, Prlckett, sales inaiiuger, 537 Universal HldK., Cluclniiutl, O, WAXTKU Minor na caretnker for mlno. Address X, caro Mall Trl buno. 203 WANTCD Minors nt llrudoii mlno, Hold Hill, Oregon, for contract work, (lold Hay Realty Co. FOIt KUMAMrfK FOll TRADi: 20 ncros of hind for olty property. Will ttiko houuo and lot or vucant lots.. Soo W, N. Campbell. MONICi lO lAi.XK TO LOAN $2000.00. R. A. Holmes Tho liiBuruuco Man, TO LOAN Wo havo $3000 to $IC -000 to loan, lleunott Investment Company. MON1CY TO LOAN Ou city ud closo lu ranch property. O, A. McArthur, room 3, V, O block, nhotin 308 UUHIXKHS DUtlCCfpilY Notary Public HULKN N. YOOKKY Notary pub lie, llrlng your work to mu ut th sign of tho Mull Trlbuuo. niJHiNi;M? niiiictrioiiv AttorneN II, F. PIATT Lawyer, 2IC Onrnott- Corey building. Morngo loans, I'OKTint J. NKFF, WM. P. itKAMCY Attornoyn-nt-Jnw, Rooms 8 and U, Medford National Hank blilg. A. C. RUAMHH, LAWYER Oarnott Corey bldif. , W. J. CANTON Attonioy and Coun sellor nt Law. 123 Cast Mato street, Medford, Ore, Win, M. Celvli: G"orj:o M. Ilobnrt colvio & noin:iiTH. lawyi:rh- Mnilford National Hank Ilulldlnir ii7f. MUijarir&"aKo, w. ciichry Attorneys nt Law. Jackson Coun ty Hank Ilulldlne. NKWTON W IIORDKN Attorney at law, room 7, Hparta building, Med ford, Oregon, Auto Hnppiitti. LAHUR AUTO HPRINO CO. Our big secret In making springs Is the tempering. Wo are operating the largest, oldest nud best equipped plant In the Pacific northwest. Us our springs when others fall. Hold under guarantee. 20 North Flf treiith Ht.. Portland Or Clilrojm.i)r DR. It. J. LOCKWOOIJ, Chiropractor nerve specialist. Rooms 203-204 205 Onrnett-Corcy bldg. Vapoi baths and scientific mnssuge given, needlu sprny, head and shoulder shower lu connection; ndvlco In dietetic!, medical gymnastics hydropthcrnpy. Lady attendant Phone, offlco 945, resldenco 571-11 lm, a. it. in:aictT D7LouisoE Hodges Mccbanb-Tlieraplsts, Chiro practors, Hpondylotheraplsts Thcsi systems, Including dietetics, cura tiro gymnastics, h)dro-theraphy etc.. produco results In both ocuti nud chronlb diseases Consulta tion free. Ovor Deuol & Co., cor ner Main nnd UartletL Hours 9 a. in to 5 p. ni. Other hours by appoltitmeat. Phone 170 DR. W M. VAN 8COOo OR C C. VAN 8COYOC Dentists Oamett - Corey bldg , mite 310 Medford. Oro. Phoun S5H Auctioneer WILLIAM ULRICH Licensed Auc tioneer for tho City of Medford Oregon. Terms rcnsonnble. Resi dence phono 1G1-J. Office Jack son County Hani building. Gorrtagt OAIUIAGE C-ot voiir premise! cleaned up for th winter Cal on tho city garbage wngoni fo good service Phout 625-L t Il Allen Kiuploymeiit Agency ROOUK ItlVnil VALLKY KMPLOY MKNT AGENCY A. O. Goodman. All kinds of holp furnished on short notice. Rentals a specialty. Room 3 1, Jackon County Uank Illdg. Phono 797 272 INSTItl'CTlOX Mr. FRIJD ALTON HAIGHT Teach, cr of piano and harmony. The Halght Music .Studio. 110 South Laurel St., phono 17C-R. Printer nnd Publishers MBDFORD PRINTING CO. has th. best equipped printing office li southern Oregon; book binding looso loaf ledgers, billing systems etc. Portland prices. 27 Nortl Kir St. PhyslrlariN ana nurgvon Oil. F. G." CAHLOW ' DIt KV MAINS CARI.OW Osteopathic physicians, 410-417 Garnctt-Core) bldg., phono 103C-L. Residence 26 South Laurel St. OR. H. A. LOCKWOOU Physicin 'and surgeon. MYRTLK S. LOCKWOOD, M. U. Practlco limited to dlscasos o' women. Offices 232 ES Main Phones, resldenco, 814-J2; office 814. DR. J. i. KMMHNS Physjclnn ano surgeon. Practice limited to eye ear, noso nud throat. Eyes sclou tlflcally tested and plnsfes suppllod Offlco 228 Kaat Main S'.. Hour 8:30 a. m. to 8 p. ru. Phoue. 12. R. PICKKL, M D. Offlco Jack sou County Hank bldg Offlct phone 43-R; resldenco phono 68-lt DR. MARION Ptiystcluu and sur scon, Stownrt bldg., corner Mali and Hartlett sts ; offlco phone 27 resldonco phono 27-J-2. 904 West 10th. DR. MARTIN O. HARDER Physt clan and aurgeou. Offlco Pain block, opposite Nash Hotel, flourt 10 to 12, 1 to 4. Phono 110-J. DR. U. W. CLANCY Physician am! surgeon. Phones, offlco 30, resl duueo 724-J. Olflco hours 10 ti 13, 2 to 5. DR. W. W. HOWARD Ostoopathb phyalclau, 303 Garnott- Corej building. Phono 904-M. R. J. CONROY, M. D. Physician nnf Surgeon, Over HutcUlsou & Lum don, 215 U. MulnBt Phoue 77. DR. V. H. HICKMAN Ilomoopath Offlco Rostol building, Contral Point. All tolephouo calls auswored night or day. Htenogiiipiieni ELLA M. GAUNYAVv Palm block Hteuographlc work tno qulckb and well, lritnsHM EARS TRANSFER & STORAGE (JO Offlco 42 North Front St. Phone 315. Prices right- faKilr'co guur LEGAL NOTICES. XOTICIJ OF I'lltHT .MIJFriXO OF citHiirioits In tho district court of thu United HtntoM for the dlatrlct of Orogon. In tho matter of IJ (' Ireland CI gar company, n corporation. A bank, nipt In bankruptcy No 2053. To the creditors of K C. Irelnnl Cigar company n corporation, a bank rupt' You nr hereby notified (tint on tho 22tid dat of January, A. I) 1911, K. ('. Ireland Cigar company, a corporation was duly adjudged bankrupt, and that the first meet' lug of tho creditors of said bankrupt will be held nt the oflec of the under signed In rooms 20 22 over thu Jiuksoti County Hank annex In the illy of .Medford, Jackson county Ore gon, on tho 0th day of February. A. I). 1914, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. in., at which tlmo and plain the said credltoni may attend, prove tholr claims, spoplnt n trustee, examine thn bankrupt, order n sale of the proper ty of thu bankrupt and transact such other business as may properly come before snld mooting Dated nt Medford, Oregon, Januar) 24th, A. I). 1911 FRANK J NEWMAN. 201 Reforoo In Ilunkruptcy. To loan on Improved ranches. Interest 8 per cent "Insurance That Insures." If. S. BTINE Uuy your Insurnnco of a taxpayer SPECIAL TODAY MIHTLANI) PONIIJS Shetland and Welsh ponies, must bo sold at once. Will trade for lots close In. 4 room hou'c for rent, $0.50, wat er paid, on paved street. Other houses for rent. My specialty Is looking after non resident propoity. E. J. STEWART llouii rut Fruitgrowers Uank Uldg Ofllco nhnnn Ml. Res. phnn S25-J t:iaiii:s tradiis Portland Resilience Eight room modern house, cement basement, paved street, lot 00x110, valued at $4000; will trade for homi here nro will take good residence site to valuo $2000. North Central Resldonco property valuo $2509, clear; will trade nnd pay difference. Bennett Investment Co. Real Estato Loans Insurance NEW TODAY 1G0 acres, with 12 acres In cropi, and nbout IS ncres cut over land, balance lu fine timber either for saw ing or wood. Rest closo In saw pro position In tho country. Only seven miles from railroad town. Flno ronds cloto to inland town. ThU has a four room box house, chlckea houso and log barn. Abundant spring wnter, and the soil is good. No rocks. Good outrange, worth much more but marked for quick sale at $25.00 per acre. $2000 cash will handle. C. 1. IIOOX Room 10, JnckMin County Hunk Hide;. WHY? A 1914 offer. 45 acre dairy and gnrdeirtract, nil Dear creok bottom, frco soil, good house, plenty shade, good spring and largo barn, 20 acres alfalfa, none better In Jackson county near Med ford. Owner must leave 'at once, l'rlco Axkcil $(1000.00 I want you to seo this. It Is tho cheapest Hear creek bottom land I have e or offered for salo. Furnished and unfurnished houses for rent. J. C. 1IARXES First Xiitlonul Raul; Rulldlng Phone 1U0-J Men Welcome Mother's Friend A Duty that Every Man Owes to Thota who Ptrpetuato the Race. It Ii Just u Important tint men should (.now of progrcuue uivlliuOs in silvsuce ( Mutlicrliuoti, mi- fcuaiTiuj:. pua ana ait. trvrni Incident to child boarlni; can to wiilli molded ty tiailus at uud a bottle ot Motiu-r's ITIenu. Tilts Ii n wonderful, penetratlne, extc pal application that rolloe all tension upon ihemiuMr unit euableq them to expand without tlio painful strain upon the Ilea, menta. Ttimt there la uuUiloil all thpao ner wiua apctla ; the tendency to nausea or morn tug slckneai la counteracted, ami a bright, sunny, happy tlUpoaltlon la prescrTol that retleeU wonderfully upon tho character snd temperament of the llttlo one aoon to open Ita eyin In bewilderment at the Joy of bts arrival. You can obtain a bottle of "Mother's Friend" nt any drus store at $1,00, and It will bo tbo best dollar's worth )ou ever obtained. It preserve the moth er ' health, enables her to maVo a quick nnd complete recovery, aad thus with ro ne wed strength, alio will eagerly detote lieriivlf to the caro and sttvutiuq whlct mean ao nuicU to tho welfare ot tho child Write to the llradtleld Iteuulator Co., Via l.amar HMk Atlanta, (la , for their valu able uud liutruellvu bonk of pilduuee for eipeclaiij muthera, (Jet a botll ef Moth er's I'rlcud to ilajr. Mi:m'OKi it.uffv itua COMPANY Rugn and Carrots wovon from old carpels and sewod ragn, r,i Kaat Main Phono r,.1.1-It For Halo Four acres, 100 bearing trees, A room house and barn, city water, frames for hot bed, for quick sale, $1200.00. Flvo acres, S miles out, all fenced, barn nnd well, a snap, I ', acre all klndn of fruit, 4 room house, for ront or sale. Wanted Four ladles to solicit In Medford. All kinds ot holp furnished on short notice. Mr. II) nl Canter, Manager Successor to lllttnor'a Kmploymont Offlco Campbell & Nye (Successors to York ft Co.) Tribune Uldg. Medford Forty acres pears and applet, turned off $3000 thin year. Ought to double In l'JH, Owner has to sell. $5000 will handle. There Is inter est on tho Investment and a Ihlng for tho owner right from tho beginning. Might exchange for eastorn property Young pear orchard. Paid tho owner $1100 net this year. Lowi price and good terms. Finest subur-j ban residence section of tho valley. 180 acres 'Minnesota, $25 an acre. Will exchange for small tract suit able for dairy and hogz. No or chard wanted. Xew six room modern bungalow oa ono of Mcdford's best roaldcnco streets. Will oxchango for country property and assume This Is A-I property. Twenty ncres country to exchange for lots or residence. Make offer. Hlghtecn acres, eloven acres seven year old apples, four acres four year old Uartlctts $1500 will handle. Might take a'rcsldonce of that valuo as first payment. Ten acres alfalfa on Pacific high way, a very cholco tract. Equally good for dairy, orchard or garden. Will tako one-third In city property. Listings wanted of city snaps. Poland China SWINE ILavc three boar pigs left. All stock regis tered and guaran teed. WILHITE & SON Sains Valley, Ore. ODD FELLOWS MEET The Grand Master AT THE REGULAR MEETING MONDAY EVENING JAN. 26. 1914 Butter 65c for 2 lbs. Phone 268 Rogue River Creamery MRS. H. L. LEACH Expert Corsotlera B20 North Bitrtlclt. Phono HG3 M. T.. -HrU.Vf Au-, VM , JJ iioitsKH rou saw: Ono span of mules, ago 0 nnd 7 years, weight 2500. Ona span, tun re and horso, ngo 7 and 8 years, weight 2510, Ono good nit around horse, 8 years old. Largo team, weight 3000. Ono woll broko caddie horse. Ono gentlo ladies' driving mare. Ono good ranch team. Can bo soon at I), K. I.ltt'n .1.1 X. Illvrrsldo f -vsi Utjn w n f ' I " tffc " p "' I T mJ I'' I I & 8 I 4aHaHaHlalaL. K I ' JisHl' '- .saaaaaav f (Patent applied for) iticiiTWriu: fly c.vrciiKit Rest on the Market, Manufactured and for Sato by W. X. OFFLTT .Matron!, Ore. E.D.Weston Official Photographer of the Medford Commercial Club Amuteur Fiuifiluug Post Cards Panoramic "Work Flash lights Portraits Interior and exterior views Neuativt-a made uuv timo and any pluee. by apjioiuc nient, Ii. 31. II.Ul.MON, Mauagcr. 9.08 E Main Fnnrte 1471 aGARBTTE COUPONS Cau.'rolo wlih IiosyIIt nlelel plated trarao and uhuu lint.il liruwn (Hill.rr di.h lin!d , pmu diuu lor 3U) UUAtv Civarillo coupon. The best 5 -cent J cigarette on tne market made with mouth piececoupon in every package. Hundreds ot other luclul article cun bo procured wllli OUAK. Clsaxutto Coupon. I Vtittr (atalis frtt n itqutil. Addrtii OBAK PREMIUM DEIT., 333 Dattcry Street, San Irancfco iLLI MJt rfrri'i MEmJ mw smfP NBBafe M M I '11