pMb 'six lirEDITORD MATT. TRIBUNE. MT3DFOUD. OREGON, TI1TOS1MY, .TANTAKY 2L 1!)1 MINT MAKING W NGREKSE IN ALL STATES WASHINGTON', .Inn. 22. - Aocord intc t it'tuniH received by tlio 1'int od Sillies fiooloKienl purvey u to .Innunry 12, 1HII, il is iMiinntviI It.v Krnest F. Ilurelinrd Hint the qunii lily of l'ortlnntl rement nuuuirnr turcd in the United Slates in 101.1 wnn npl'roximnlelv !I2,40(I,000 liar rels, compnrcd with 82,-j:i.S.O00 lnr rels in 11H2, im ineronse of about 0,tKI7,000 Imrrclc, or 12 per eent. The entmnted nhipinptits of. Vortlinul re inetit during 1HKI url SS.S.'tf.SlHl ImrrcliJ, eoniired with ST.012..Viil Imrrels in 1012, mi increase of about fl,840,IOO barrels or 4.." per cent. On account of a Im-rc fundus of iirmtuo lion over shipments stocks of cement at the. mills apparently increased more than do per cent, or from 7,811,1120 barrels in 1012 to 11.:I7V 000 barrels nl the clos-e of 1WKI. In 3013 the relations between produc tion and shipment were Ihe reverse of those for 1012, when shipments exceeded production. It may be nee-p-miry to revise considerably tho in timates of stocks, bat it is believed that these figures for production and shipments are very close to those that will be shown by complete re turns front all producers. Although few definite statements as to sclliu prices arc at hand, it is evident that the average value per barrel was appreciably higher than in 1012. Increases of 10 to 2" cents a bnrrcl are reported from several plants in the central and eastern states, but there were slight de creases reported from a few plants in tho Iloeky mountain district. Two new plants, both in Washing ton, were added to the list of pro daecrs during 1013. The Pacific coast stales producing! cement California and Washington show an increase in production from 7.3:J0,71.- in 1012 to 8,010,000 in 1013, or 21 per cent. FEDERAL LEAGUE PLANS TO PLAY PIRATE BASEBALL NEW YOHK, Jan. 22. As Ihe war of 1001 centered over 1'vuni.ylvunin when the American league was pry ing its way into the position that it now holds in baseball, so may the tussle of 1011 pivot itself, if the clouds which began to take form yes terday break and spill over the sur rounding landccnpe. Whether the Federal leaguu carries the Killifer llrcmum case to court or nut as a result of President linker of lliu Phil lies signing up these men after they bud signed up Federal contracts the way in ut least open for wholesale cutting mid slashing by the two sides. The Federal have-steered clear of big leaguers under contract to the major league clubs, but now that the Phillies club has cut' in and signed men uuder contract lo the Federals, President Gihnore may be expected to do a little slicing of bin own. It is Kind loud wuiln of anguish will come from the direction of the major league owners that will give tho Fed erals a chance to hustle into court and seek u ruling on tho reserve clause, which is their main point ot ultaek. President flilmoro of the Federals, (Jarry Herrmann and President Ila Irr of the Phillies have given asur ancos that they arc "prepared to pro tect their players and contracts," II 'milium said, speaking for the na tional commission. Hnkor bases bin c'a m to Killifer and ISrcuuuu on (he l.ujoiu decision mid is said to have declared he would carry tho case lo the United States supreme com I, il nccesary. Should the rfsere lnuc bo upheld it would he a hard blow to the Federal league. DIED JiOIIl. At his home In Missouri Flat, Annlegnto district, January 20, John llolil, from tuberculoid. Mr. JJohl bad been a resident of tho Miss ouri Flat country for the past seven yearn, coming thoro from Jackson ville. For tho past year he bus been In poor health, but only for three or four months confined to hia room. Mr, Uobl was 50 yeara old and leave K wife and nluo children. Funeral Notice The funeral services of the Into Mi, Alary Jiinies IJJginbnthaiu will be liuld the residence of Ik'' "" .Ihh-, J, II. Wlislcv, IHM Wi-l FmuhIJi slieel, Fridwy, Jiimmry 23, ut CHARACTERS FROM KILTIES' faafaBws K. VCuL mFm W r EfSri jUr ' aaaaaBaatULtCZrtfflFjn fWrTiMmrilTt-thrlwWml& I aaaar lai m LtlYrV.-iJH ViVnMii.Scnii'V'IHiH TiMTiiTlfrfh ffiffffPiFrilnft XHawaaattMBMBbfittA VTVfriM;MKi:7 LADIES HIES BIO AT PAGE From the laud of the heather comes one of the nut remarkable musical organizations now touring the world. The Lady Kilties' ran cert band, composed of twenty-five Bonnie Scotch lusios, ranking n the greatest woman's military band Tiieso Scotch tdrls appear in the nrcss of their nntive laud kilts, and present a very striking appearance, one that instantly commands atten tion from the observer. Kvery member of this band is a proficient musician mid thoroughly trained as a performer on their par ticular instrument. Many soloists are among the membership, promi nent being Mis Fraukiu Tice, ihe world's premier woman trombonist. The Kimball sisters arc also special features in tho splendid work they are able to do us cornet soloists and duelists. The programs pla.vcd by this hand arc of such arraiigcmoiit thai anyone can enjoy every minute of the play ing. "So dull spots are allowed to creep into thuin. Well-known stand ard and popular music comprise th main numbers, while with those are generously mingled selections ein bniciiiL' our national nirs nud tb much-loved, soul-itispiring ballads of ' mild Scotland. '"t'oiHin' Thru tho'- Hvc," "Annie Laurie" von know and love theo soii)s. The Killies will play them during their comcjti here at the Page theater Friday night, January 2.!. GRANTS PASS. Jan. 22 W. W. Harmon, ns chief cmtlHwr of the munlclial railroad from Grants Paw to the AppIetfKto vulloy. Is made th defendant In an action bronchi by tho state deputleif-or tho Hit game asul flnli miimluKlmi. wIki fillfufi. tlittt tho state law prohibiting tha iuatplun of f sawdust In a river has been tiolatod. i In engineering the grade of the rail road Mr. Harmon changed a- dry channel near where tho MoUaon suw mill was located. Now that the heavy rains of tho winter are rallliik thls channel carries qullu a volume of wator and is washing the saw dust fiom tho saw mill into the Ap- plcgato river. Tho deputy thinks this la In violation or the stututo. and the euto will bo heard before Justlco Holman next Monday, 11. D. Nor ton wlll.roprogqut Hnglnur Harmon. Born To (lie wile of Arthur lle ol Phoenix, this morning, a ten-pound daughter. GOOD SL'GGKSTIOX TO .Mi:i)l'OICD pkepi.i: It Is surprising tllo uniouut of oil, foul matter the simple mixture : buckthorn bark, glycerine ele , known as Adler-I-ka, drains from tho system. This ruined) becuino fam ous by curing appendicitis aim acta on IIOTH the upper and lower bowel so thorough!) tbut ONI IJOBK ro lleevs sour slomiieh, pas on thu stom ach and cousllpatiun almost I.M.MICD lATKI.y. Wo aro mighty t(lad w unt Mudford ugi'iits for Adli-l-k. I BAND AT PAGE TOMORROW NIGHT OH. SHEARER PLANS AI ('.HANTS PASS. Jan. 22 Dm. Sweeney & Shearer have arranged a long term luatu on the Ounnoll real doaco, with Its spacious ground, and propose thoroughly remodeling the house and equipping a private sanl torluui and hospital. The grounds will be beautified. maklitK them attractive for the uo of couvaloaclnic patients during pleasant weather. Several roparato rooms will ho flttod for patients do siring prlrato accommodations, and there will he both women's anl men's wards. Surgical cases will receive atuntlon In an up-to-date operating room, which will ho equipped in a modern sanitary man ner. Tharo will alo be voparatt rooms for treatment with electro and bydro-lhurapeutlc apparatus. INSURE VENICE CLUB AGAINST FEDERAL RAID LOS ANOF.LF.S, Oil., Jan. 22. In addition to insuring bis pltucr against sirkne-s nnd injury, Presi dent ilaier of the Venice club of the t'onst league will injure them a-.-nin-t raid- h the I'Vileral Irngue. be nn- nminccd hIv. HEAD STUFFED? GOT A COLDHRY PIPE'S j "I'ape's CoM tiiHHHiinI" ltelletcs Worst Cold or the Grippe In Few Hour' Xo .iiiIiiluo I'scil Take "I'npo'a Colli Compound" every two hours until you have taken thr dosM, than all xrlppu mlsort KOt and your cold will be broken. It promptly opens your cloggcd-up noEtrlU and tbe air passages of tho head, atop nasty discharge or noio running; rvllerw tho headache, dull neat, feverlahuoM soro throat. antMslOif. aoranoas aad stiffness. Don't stay stuffed up! Quit blow ing and Hnuffllng. Kasu your thro'j blcg head nothing else In tho world Kite audi prompt relief as "Papa's Cold Compound," which costs only 25 conta at any drug store, it acU without assistance, tastos nice, and causes no Inconvenience, Accept no substitute. I -. JaKtw ,,. sawiiri irt 1 1 HOIISICS I'Olt SALK Ono span of mules, ago C and 7 years, weight 2500. Ono span, mure and horse, ago 7 and 8 yours, weight 2540. Ono good all around horso, H years old. Largo team, woluht 3000. Ono well broke saddle horse, Ono gentlo ladles' driving mare'. One good ranch team, Can bo seen at D, H,'n fill X, Itlti'mide SPANISH TROOPS AN REVERSE & MADltll), ,lau '."' MtlioiiKh llio Kovornment has prevented an cxieu she puMli-atlon or tho f 1 1 . news wan IickIuiiIuk to leak out toils) here that Spanish urma have tUiffoml vorlutta rvu'weH In u series of ttulits In Morocco 'aloly. liullvldunlly tho untile have not boon of rU tin I'ortnuec, but tnkon In the iikriorMo tin' Iosh hn Itcnn conitlilerablu. Tho war oflco waa Jiuown to have had for wituu iluia nu luiiortaut atreiiKtheuluK of .Spain's milium forces In It sphere of Influence In North Africa In view but ha hcon de layed In cnrrjiiiK out Its plans by ronllmtlon of the itloeonifnt sure to follow any further uMenahe draft of troops for service outside the country. Pruueh Inventors In Spanish Moroc eo, however, huu buon rhiwImk ho (tupatlont at tho continued troubles there that It wo helleYctl aiwoily ac tion would be nccosar. Profcfsor Archibald Itedille of tho t'ulverslt) of Orojton will glxo hl drnmntlc reading uf lluckloburry Finn at the library Friday night at 7:30 p. m. Ho comes to Mod ford uu der the o.tteuslon course of tho uni versity nnd his reading will ho frc A special matlncu bus been ar ranged for tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock and Pro former lllddlo will give his charming rendition of the lllue llfrd. The general public Is In vited, no charge being made. Theff performances ohoiilil bring vary large audlouroi. Professor Red dle Is an actor ot well known ahllti Ho gives tho Tato of Two Cities at Jacksonville tonight. IB" EPS FELT Good-bye wrc frrt, burning fcrt, swn. len feet, swrnty feet, Hiuelllug feet, tired fi-eL Good-bye corn, catlouet, bunion nnd raw jot. .M) more hIkw tight lies', nu more limping with fain of drawing up your fare in agony, "1IZ"W magical, acts right olT. 'TIZ"' draw out all the poimmntiit i-xudn-tlnni wtileli putr up tho fn't. I7c "TIZ" and for. get your foot minor-. Ah I how com fortable your fret ff-l. Get a 2.1 cent liox of "I'lZ" now nt nny drugglut or department store. Don't suuVr, line giKl feet, glnd fe't, fret that never owell, iifver hurt, novcr get tirnl. A j ear's foot comfort guaranteed or money refunded. (Patent up lied for) iiiGinwGi.i: n.i unit llcst uu the Jlur, f, .Manufactured and for -ale by W. V. OI'I'l'IT .Modfoiil, Ore. NEAREST TO EVERYTHING licit located and moit popular hotel la the City circulalinif ice water la etcty room, Ctpeclsl attention to ladles travelling alone, Excellent, iratoiuUy priced Kill), Meet your friends ut the Nlanx, ' la-royraa f Un llti 11,60 up. MaiHtienunt, Clititur W, Kilhy MMOR OCCOFGHTS ow I l I TowcijJanttAT A f ST. sssTARRCU-l fyfom&n Si&buwn&te Praise Lydin U. Pinkliniii's Vcgclublc Compound Women fmin thu Atlantic lo tho Pacific, from all sections of this great country, no city so large, no village so small but that M)mc woman has written words of thanks for health icstored by l.ydia H. I'inkham's Vegetable Com pound. No woman who is suffering from the ills peculiar to her sex should rest until she hasgiven this famous remedy x trial. Is it not reasonable to believe that what it did for these women it will do for nny sick woman ? Wonderful Case of Airs. Stephenson, on the Pacific Const. lNtr.i'r..vnKXCT, Oiirtinx.-" I wis nick with what four tloctoni cnllcil Nomina Prostration, wan tnmtcd by thorn for wvoml yenrx. would Ik) hotter for u whllo then hack In tlio old way mkiiIii. 1 hml Ifllpitatlon of tho heart very hud, falnthijr ho11m, null ww ho iiorvoiitt that n sinnm droppliiK to tho lloor would nearly kill mo, could nob lift tho lightest weight without limlclitjr mo nlckj in fact wiih ulKjut uh sick nud mlsomblu ns n jkuxoh could ho. 1 tmw your iiu'dli'iiH'.t ml. vortiscd mid thought I would try thoin.uud uiu so thankful I did for thoy litlvl ino Ht omv. 1 took tilHitit doren hottlcaof I'dlu K. PiiiKlmiu's Vvgutttlilo C'omH)iiud niut also uhmI thu Snimtlvo W'tmh. Since thou I havo ummI them whoiii'vor I felt nick. Your iviiuhIIch tiro tho only doctor I employ. You tno ut lhVity to publish thb loU ter." .Mrs. V. STt:i'iii:.NsoN, Imlciieiitluucc. Oregon. A Grateful Atlantic Const Womnn. llotHino.v, .AIiu"l ffol It duty I owo to nil tmlTcriug women to tell what Lvdiit Ii Pinkhiim'rt Yegetnlilo Conouiid did for me. tlno year ago I found myself a t.-rrlhlo Milloror. I had juliw in laith widen nud Mich a HorenesH 1 could scarcely stniighten up nt times. Jly hack nched, 1 hud no npietlto mid wan so nervous I could not slcem then 1 would lw so tired iiioinlngH that I could hcnnx'ly get uiotiml. It seemeil nlmost hiiHvsihlo to tuovo or do n hit of work and I thought 1 never would Ih nny la'tter until 1 siihinltted lo tin ojieni. tiou. 1 commenced taking ltlhi M Phiklmm'rt Yegetnhlo (.ViioMiiind mid soon felt like u now woman. 1 hud no julus, slept well, hud good npivtito mid va.s fat and could dottlmost nil my own work for n fiini Hyof four. I shall always feel that I owe my good health to your medicine.'1 Mrs. Haywami Hodgtloti, Alftlnc. For at) year Ljdlu K. lMnklinin'.H Vogetnblo CoinpotiiuiliiiH lieou tlio stn niln nl n'tiii'dvforfit mnlo Ills. No ono sick with woman's ulliiinnf docs Justice to herself If hIhmIocs not try this fa mous mcdlelnn uiiulo from roots and herbs. IL linn restored soiiinuy suffering women tohealth. EVrltoto I.YDIA 1MMNK1I.VM .MKIIICIMM'O. IPr ( t'O.M'IDKVri.VI.) I.Y.VN, .MASS.. for advltv. Your letter will ho opened, read and ausworod by a woinim and held in titrlet eonlldoneo, When the Children Cough Use MUSTEROLE Nu t Ulntc how oo'i tb may ilcxolon Into roiti l. Oil) II nl tlitu wlioii ouro'K Kl.iil you hnve a jar of MI'S Tl.'ltOI.I-: at tiRint lo Klvo proliiil. miio re Iter It Kltw-: i.. -i not lillntiT the temlir out kln. Ah flrut aid and a certain rctiu il there's nothltiK III Ml'STKItOl.i: ThoutandH of iiiothvrH know it You Mhould keep a Jar In t Ii houi- It In the reined tor adults, loo Ite IIovuh Horo Throat. Uroiohlti-. Tou sllltU, Croup. .Stiff Ntik .llimii. MONEY TO LOAN On Farm Lands. No Delay Page-Dressier ,,0 ,., M .. W oS AVI H iw S rt r MM I Standard Oil Company PORTLAND znz hwF HiMif I J'T-'-r t.. . I Ni-iiraiijla, lleauache, (. oiikcmiIIou, jl'liurl-), ItheumntUm, l.uinliaKo. I'nlus and rhon of Hank or .lolutrt, j Sprain , Hon- Mnwli. (.'hllhlalas, I'i'Mlid IVfi ami Colds of tho Chet (It prtvcnln I'lieumonl.t. ) At your driifKlst'H In iUa an.l '"r Jura, and a mioelal llUKO lltlXpltHl nl0 for f: ,0 ArreiH no sub t-i.tuti' If your driiR MImI cautiot Hiipply )nti, i-i'iul ;Tii! or jnc lo the MI'STKKOI.K Com puny Cli-vclniid. Ohio, and wo will mail you a Jar. iotnno iireimld, (Mil M" J llorllck. Went I'hlludelidilu. l'a . sa)s "My four-MKr-old ou It ml rw n liroiitlilil. I found Mu n-rob' tlif lumi thliiK I ever um-d " Bathe In Comfort Your cold bathroom can be irmed easily and quickly by means ERFJECTI ecxioiur Smoicclesib J"m. 2001 jTjrarrjj You'll wonder how you ever got along without it. liitsy to move from room to room. Easy to light and take care of. Can't smoke. Doesn't smell. Will last n life time. Finished in plain steel or blue enameled drums. Ask to wee it at your dealers. Ota u ueaiu- I CM III ZJtr.-i i III "'IS For Beet Results Use Pearl Oil Poland China SWINE Ihivn ihi'i'o lump plgH IpI'I. All Htoelc rcgirt Itd'cd nud gtuu'nii- WILHITE & SON Sums Vullpy, On. Glasses Must Be Accurate Accurately fitted Ioiinoh urn a buna to Imperfect i'H'ii but mark thu word "accurately "' If tho exanilna (Ion Im not mothodtenl, If It In not Hulcullflc, ir It U not exhiumtlvK, theie can he no ucciuncy In thu fit, and tho chaui'im aro that a miomliiK ly heuefll may nwult In a perinaneut Injury. My imlhoiln elltulunte all ioullde chiuico uf iMTor ami I KUarnntee nat Ixfartlou. Dr. Rickert Suite .U (lur llcuern .Meilfoiil, Ore. l-'or Sato I'our acrcH, lUil hearing tree, room hoiiro and hum, city water, franuwt fur hut bed, for uulch unto, 11200.00. l'lvo nc rep, S mile out, nil fenced, tiniu and well, a mii, t U acre nil klmU of fruit, I room limine, for rent or fnlu. Wanted Pour ladles to solicit In Medford. Alt klnd of heli furnlhhed mi hurt uotlt-o. Mn. II) rtl Cniler. MnunKcr SucceMur to lllttuiir'i Builoymcnt Office Fifty Diplomas tcslifv to Hit' nrcti ntlc (Miinliiinilion of pure iiiKi'tMlionta, plus (ho (,'rmili'i hmvuniny powtM' ff Crescent Baking" Powder Your Orocor Haa It Mother's Friend in Every Home Comfort and Safety Aured Btlora the Arrival of tho Stork. Ttir i. M (Ajrliig Mlmt l Imm" wlthnut n iiinlhrr IkmiIiI ntl.t "Mullirr'i trlnil." In lliiHiiiitiil uf Atnrrlrin limui llirra It n Ih.iiIo if thU ilrinllil ami fiuiu rrm nly I lit I tm atitnl nun? a noiiMn (hrouuh Hip irjlui: nrilval. vnl ln-r friwi miffrrlu ami ialn kept lirr In tiralth uf tnlml mil InhIjt In ailraiin- uf llir' mmliitf mil liad n Idiot ttiinilrrfiil IuiIihiiw In ilvruilni( m liralltiy, rf iIIm.III"H In tlir child, Ttirrr ! nu ntlirr renin! r o trtilf a hflp to nnliof hi Mutlirr'a I'rlrnil. It Mlovra llir ia lit ami illirninfort raiiwit r Ilia nl ml n i.n tlii llirnmrnta. inakri pliant innm lllirr nihI iniirlra whlili nilnn U ninnit. Ins anil h-MIiph the InlUtniiutlini uf brrait KlamU Mmlirr'a frlnil l an Mtrrnal r'inrilir, ntla ipiltkly aiul lil iilll liaiilalira all ill. Irr In nilvniw". lMt aaoirra n aprrilx ami niinplrto iiTnrrry for thr inmlirr. 'lima atip liHTinf a lirallliy Human with alt hr MrriiKlli iirr.irTnl to llinroiiKhly tnj Ilia liarlnu nr tier flilM Mothrr'a I'rlnul ran U liail at any itruir atnra at II (hi a tmtr, nml la rcalljr unv nl Ihn ur'nlrat ItlnwilpRW Ptrr illarnri-rril fur pinTlanl niuthrra. Writ I" Jlrnil(l.-lil lli-Kiilalnr Ca. IUH l.amnr IIIIk.i Atlanta, la., fur llirlr frra lyL. Wrlto today. It la moat lutructlo. E. D. Weston Official Fliotographor of tht Medford Commercial Club Amateur Finishing Post Oardrt Panoramic Work Flush lightH Portraits Intorioranil exterior viowa NoifativcN made anv time nud any plnoo by appoint ment. l. M. IIAIIMON, Miumtfor. VM E. Main. Phone 1471 U It. H.' ''. .MiiCii"oilll njiimmmK. jiL, II. IIiuIiIiim, driiHttlt. lnlWHfiil I. 0. W n vvmnory. l'frl'"'""" I " ' " ""