Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, January 16, 1914, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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Medford Mail Tribune
Itnln tonight mid I-'rldiiy-Mnv.
Ill .Mln. IU.
fnrty.Hilrtl Tr
Onlly Klwtlltl Yl
Biltlsli Culiinnrlno Willi Eleven Llv
liil Men on in Six Fathoms
of Water, In Daiincroiis Position
Thus Unable to Raise Boat.
Bubbles Rlslnu ,liidlcatlii(j Craft's
Fralt Shell Plcrccil Naval Men
Admit There Is No Hope.
1'i.YMorrn, i:hkIiiihI, Jim. in.
Tupplnic heard from inside submit
lino A 7, nubincrged near hem nnd
nimble to ihk, indicated that thu
I'niltV two officer mut nine mem
Imtk of it" iircw with iilivo at 7
o'clock IoiiIkIiI, At U i. in., how
ever, no minnii were lii'iuil.
It win. officiullv iiiltnlttril llint I tn -
len tlio Niilunariiuf could Imi raised ,
In hi r ir. n k long nx a limit of the
A7 cUm run remain submerged
without Co I ill til" liven nf all mi
lumtd, A khIm miiiI a rough sea wit.'
milling ! tin' liiffioillllCM nl' III
tempt at rcnouo.
Tiio A7 Mibnwtino tyo I'tirri
niilliiaiily twn officer ami fourteen
iiton, Inn tin' promt Irip milv
Mile IIHMI W lllkctl.
PLYMOUTH, UiiKlnnil, Inn. 1C
Wlth cloven living men on board.
HrltUli mihmnrluti A 7 was nt lliw lint
mm u( WhlUand liny, l mile from
hero, till tunning, unnblo to lino.
Powerful tugs wore inukltiK tl
pcrnto efforts tu bring (lie tiont to tliu
rurfnru but In vain. It lay In U
fnUiontw of wajqr, and In n difficult
nml dangerous pimlllnu whero no
dlvsr could rench It.
Ilubhlci wero rUlug, ludlcaliiirf
lluil tliti craft's frnll kIioII hnd been
pierced. Nntnl nii'ii ndmlllcd thoy
fenred thorn unit no liuo
livery available vowel was on the
scene, export on fitch mm lUtouliig
for HKNwnnrH liy wireless telephone, n
iuv (HiMirlmciit la th llrltlnh nny.
A7 inrrlvd two offlcorn nml nlno
Tlio utibinurUc niniiuinorlni; with
tlio rnt of tlio nii'vnl fleet, tllvcil gov
oral linnm cnrllor. When It fiillnl to
ronpiK'nr nt t It o tturfurn within n run
Monnhto t Into olhor rotniuninlvrK Int
ra mo iitarmi'il nml trloil to lenrn
what hint Iiniionoil. '
Tor a Ioiik tlniu thnlr nfforu tvoro
iinaMilllnr. At 7 t. in. howovt-r, tho
follow In,; incMnKi wnn HlKimlliil to
the Hiirfncti li Llmitonnnt WVIIiunn,
In comiiiiiml of tho MiihinurKuil craft -
"All mtfu Mcclmulral damnKo pre
viat rUlim. (JvvK'tm tnlitm work
iiii;'' I
MAItYSVILLi:, Cnl.. Jnn, 1C In
vi'Mlltyitlnn by Dr. Carlelon II, Park
or ropniHoutliiB both federal and
Main liivctttlKutliiu committee nt tho
trial of thu ncuuxod Wheatland hop
fluid rlotom boforo tho court horo on
inuider chnrKoH, wiih luvoHtlKiitliiK to
day thu blory of Henry I). Ruhr, ono
of tho prlHonoiM, Hint private dotoc
Uvea loitiired him Into mahliiK a
falhn coiifekHlun,
rollowliiK JiiiIku MoUnuloI'M prom.
Iho from I ho bonch yehturday to call
tho Iuw'h wrath upon nuyonu to
HiioiiHlhlo for Mich methodu hh Ruhr
charueil, In tho ovout that thoy worn
hronitht out In tho dial and provud
truo, Pai'Uor and Ruhr wore cloaotod
toKethor for Huveral Iioimh lnut ulRht
whllu tho prUouor told lila utory to
tho lnvoHtlrator,
Parltor commlttud IiIiuhoH to no ex
prouBlou of bollof today coiicernlin;
tho truth of tho accumitlomi, liioroly
roiuuiidUK that, If oHtnbliuhod, thoy
luvrnlod n condition hardly conslHtont
with proHoul dny dona of JubIIco
townrd iicuiiBod men.
ICIkIU Jurors hnd boon accepted
whoa court oponod today, j
,. Am
JnJn i
i li
Onulilrniliti- iniii'--i H xlinwii In Mil-vni!l.i-
la the ni.'irriHKo f Iruin Max
ll (Jhtk ami Mini 'Iriico Mnrptri't
Knoll, lil'-It I'HiU place n-ccntly. The
couple uon tho flrrt innn nml woiuaii
In lie married umler tlio now otlsoiilct
law In WUcumiln.
CAI'HTOWN, Jnn. HI. Iloth tho
rnllrnml and the ceiieral strike
tliroiiKliout South Africa doomed to
have fnllod complcluly.
Htrlkera wore nppDInK ot cry w hero
for their old position.. Imluntrlc-i
were roi u in I n k. Tho mllrondii, thoiiRh
Ht III dUorpinUoit wero iikiiIii mnln
tu I a I iik a m'liihlaiu'o of a vorlcu,
which wiin Improving hourly. Din
onlern hnd cimicil. , npeeily rcittor
ntlou of normal comlltloiiit appeared
Tho ntlddeniU'H of tho Mrllio'H col
lnpito wan nttrlhiitod partly to thu
oiiorny with which It wiih rouilmttod
ly Premier LoiiIm llotha; partly to
tho fact that thu moil pluiiRoit Into It
iinthlnKliiKly and without sufficient
Tim Kovorninont nvlrml doeuiuenW
liidlcatlnK that a nnolutlon mid tho
oHtnhlUhiuont of a workliiKiiiou'N
Kovorninont wore planned by ono
radical Kroiii. hut tho attempt nt the
ovcrlurnliiK had been flvod
NI'AV YOKIC, .Ian. Ill.-Caplaiu
Dow of Iho liner Lusiiunin, repotted
by wiiclcH today ia t'lipo Kuco In
tho Cuuiiiil ol'liirH hero that ho had
.pint rosout-il tho ciiplniii o' the Can.
udiiiu hi'hoouoi' Murliner ami his
eio wot' eiyht incil, HIIO inilos ol'C
N'onii Kootin, Tho paiiv wits ohlij;eil
to nliiuiiloii (he Miilouer nml tuko
lo the bonis when tho c,cl took
lUVlNOTON, Cnl., Jan, 1(1. A
cotouer'rt jury leliinicd u verdict tu.
day chniKiiitf W. A. Piuloy wiih ro
Hpounihility for Iho death of Sumner
Hlacow, whom ho ran down with his
automobile near horo Sunday nlhdit.
Ho will have a preliminary hearing
tomorrow on Jlie, eltinno of murder.
Shores Thickly Strewn With Dead,
Either Burned or Washed Up by
the Sea After Unsuccessful Effort
to Swim the Strait.
Scientists at Observatory Remain at
Posts Throughout Eruption, Re
cording. Every Development.
TOKIO, Jnn. IC--TI10 cominnndtr
of the unvnl niuauron nt Kar;oHhliiin
liny today telegraphed nil entltnnto of
the tiumbur who iierUhod In thu
eruption of tho volcnno tfnkurnjlma.
He placed tho nuinbor of dead on
Hn Kuril Inland nt 7000 to 8000 and
nt KoKonliliim nt nbout COO,
It wax admitted that tneeo were
er roiiKh Ruene.
Mnrlne from the unvnl niunrdon
nt KnKo-hlmn liny partly oxplornd
l?fihiirti Ulnnil liuliiv Tin lalnnit'itH
........... .......... ......,. .. ........ H
dlioriH were thickly ntrown with (lend,
either burned or wanked up by tho
Ken nftor uumirceiiittil efortn to nwlni
tho thrco mile utrnlt between Bnkura
and Kliihhlu. I'.verythliiK along tho
cont, liicludliiK tho vlllnKeH, wnb
coated with two or thrco feet of nlow
ly (ooIIiik lava. It wm too hot for
the marine to venture fnr Into the
Uliind'n interior.
Iioh Hani to IMIiunto
ConcerulitK tho lorn of life at Kni;o
hIiIiiiii tho imtnl coliliunnder snld It
wiu more difficult to make nit cittl
n ate, nIiicu u much larger proportion
of tho population rienped thero than
on Bukurn. All ho would nay wan
Hiut thu -number might run IiIrIi Into
the Ihotutindii.
An Intensely InterenthiK vclentlflc
account of tho dliimiter wnH expectod
from tho ntnff of the HnRONhlmn ob
servatory who, practically alouo
nmoiiK tho luhnhltnutM, remained nt
their potn throtiKh tho whole erup
tion, recordliiB every development.
Telecrnphlc communication Into
what remain of KaKoshlnin hnd been
Other Volciiiios Actlto
An tho violence of HnkurnJIma's
outbrrnk nubNlded, other Jnpaiiono
volrnuoen prow jnoro threutenlin;.
Illi; outburtri were expected nt other
pnlula In tho near future.
Tho clnH of Japuiicuu who nro In
formed concernliiK tho world'M cur
rent ovotitH wiih much touched by tho
fin cere tone of President WlUon'
two nieaKei of nyinpathy and by his
prompt call, mi president or thu
American Hod Crosn, for aid front tho
American people, not only for tho
volcano refugees, hut for tho suf
ferers from tho famine In Northern
WASHINGTON, Jan. lfi. Hitter
denunciation of telephone nnd telo
Krttph monopolies wan voiced In tho
hoiiilo today by Keprosontntlvo I. owls
of Maryland. Ho bald ho proposed
to have tho Kovernment postallzo the
tolephouo bubluesH. utilizing thoto
linen for Kovernment telegraph btml-
Lewis attacked thu government for
"noRloctliiK tho discharged of IU con
Htltutlonal function of communica
tion, thim compelling citizens to ac
cept half Borvlco for dotiblo pay."
With rain predicted for toulght nnd
tomorrow, tho local woathcr bureau
predicted today that tho Sncramcuto
ller W'lll coutlnuo to rlao Blowly bo
tweoii Uolusa and tho mouth of tho
Feather river during tho next IS
hours, reaching tho danger Btag.o
Tho lower Hucrnmonto will remain
ututlonary or drop tdowly, according
to Forecaster Tuylor,
Panama Ditch Builder to Be Named
as Civil Governor, With Full Power
to Create and Fill Offices Com
mission Is Rejected.
Sweeping Victory for Goethals
2500 Trained Men Required to Op
erate Canal and Govern Zone.
lowinc n conference bciweni Presji
dent Wilnon mut Secretary or Wiir
Unrnxoii, the int tuation wiih pvcti
nut today that (he prcKicnt would
qiiMiinl Colonel Ocorvc W. flnetlmU
civil governor of the Panutmt- canal
ono hlmrtly. It was miid tho cliief
executive (Unapproved (lovcrnor Met-t
euirK recomincniiiilioii for a K"erti
incut liy I'niutniftftimi. The plait win
uuilerhtooil In bo to give Onetlmlf
tho widcxt jtowerx to create iind fil'
nfficoH, unhnmporeil lv civil i-oniec
1'or one (internment
Plan have been completed for tin
canal zone government and only the
prcMdent'H oxeouthe nnlor i now
iieedeil to put them into operation.
It was learned that the prexidrnt i
preparing tflin onler.
The plan, it is tindcri-toml, coiitcin
platen the upHiutinent of Colonel
(IocIIuiIk ii r unvenmr. Colonel II. P.
Hodgcx, Lieiileuitlit Colonel Walliin
Hubert, II. II. Ilont-M'iiu and Ilichnrd
Mutenlf are exected to compose the
committeo having charec, tinder the
eouh'reioual enabling net, of tl
formal opening ofTtho canal on .lnu
uary 1.1, 1111.1. '
"Tho eouiinitlce will; have no jmw
ern connected with the piverninetit
or iiilmiiiilnitioti of the enual zone.
mid It will die it moii n tho enual
is oM'iicil.
Victory for (i'ocllmlK
I'ri'noiit plniK indicate n weepin
vietnry for t'nlmicl (imthnN. Prnnt
the outhct lie liiix ittxihted that he, iim
tho builder of the oituiil, xhould .e
Icot the men to operate it. It was
asserted that it will require a mini
mum of 'J.100 trained men to operate
the canal and to conduct the govern
ment of the .one.
All employes now in I'anamu have
applied for positions under tho civil
L'ovonior, and rumor of continued
friction between officiaU thero were
revived today. It was emn-ideied
certain that it t-viious break ic cer
tain to follow between Colonel (Inoth
ulrt nod othcro when ho Marts mak
ing his appoinliucnts.
CONCOIJD, N. 11., Jan, 10. Ped
oral Judge Aldrielt todav ordered
consideration of the oucstion of
Harry Thaw's admission to bail post
poned until tho conclusion of the
pending habeas corpus proceedings.
The order was n distinct defeat
for tho Tlmwites, who had expected
Harry would he out on bail within
a week. It w.ih generally believed
that Thaw will cither bo sent back to
Malteawan or freed early in Febru
DHTUOIT, Mich.. Jan. 1C Today
was tho flrbt Bcucdulod pay day at
the plant of tho Ford Motor company
bIuco IIh now profit-sharing plan,
providing a minimum wago of $5
dally went Into offect, Paytnont,
however, was postponed until Mon
day, tho office forco bolng tinublo to
ro-adjust Its hooka In ttmo to con
form with tho now plan.
Weather Forecast
Oregon Itaiu west, lain or snow
cast portion tonight and Saturday;
Boutherly winds, moderately high
along tho voitbt.
Philander C. Knox, Jr., on of Hi
former xecrctarv nf H.ate, ha (.ailed
away to Bermuda, with his mamma
and without tho bride with whmn he
eloped thrco ycar nao. As a ro
htilt minor has it that at last trou
ble Iiiih come between the youn,,.r
pair, whoso affection was strong
enough to defy a hccrelnry nf xtate.
Vomit; Knox. wli is the eldest
son, eloH.'il in 101" with pretty May
CAMW1KT, Mich.. Jan. 111.
Twenty-one of the thiry-iiuc offic
ials of the Western Federation of
Miners indicted by a grand itiry at
Houghton yesterday on charges of
conspiracy in connection with the
Michigan copper strike were arrested
today. Hail was fixed in each case
at $1000.
W. P. Davidson, a member of the
federation executive council, wits ar
rested this morning ut the home of a
striker. Ho was released on bail.
The grand jury continued its probe
at Houghton tda. It hii under
stood that no attempt would be made
to extradite indicted men now outside
the state. Tho charges, it was said,
will be ignored if they remain away.
Charles S. Mover, president of the
federation, who wits among those in
dicted, wired friends here that ho
would return to Houghton and face
tho charges against hi in.
Pour of tho five indictments sup
pressed yesterday were published
today. Tliev charged four strikers
with carrying concealed weapons.
These men were arte-tcd.
SAN FRANCISCO. Cnl, Jan. 1G. -"Governor
Hiram Johnton Is n mur
derer morally ami It ho is not al
ready politically dead I will kill him
A circular bearing the above words
under tho caption of "to bo or not to
bo," was widely circulated hero to
day over the stato by Kdwnrd TIs-
dulo, n leader of. San Prauclsco'u un
employed army. Tladalo wus ar
rested on a chargo of distributing'
Inflammatory :andblll.
Thoclreulnr declared tljo cpndltlon
of tho unemployed was desperate un 1
bitterly denounced tho governor for
not giving them aid.
"Since tho govornor hits refused
thorn aid," tho circular continued,
"men worth several carloads of
Hiram Johnsou havo died of star
vation and by their own hand."
Tlsdalo gavo his ago as GS and his
occupation as a dUhwushor.
Cincinnati carpenters demand an
Incrou8o of from 50 couts to 00 cents
an bour.
Holer of Providence. IIt fiithor,
who wnM at that time secretary of
plate, wii ver' much up-el, nnd in
fonued hi.- son that hi allowance
was stopped. Althousli at fitt the
Knox familv wn, said to have re
fused to receive tho bride, later tltert
was reconciliation and their rela
tione were frieudlv. The yuun' cou
ple lived in Wayne, a suburb of Phil
adelphia, bin the house nt Wayne is
now closed.
KVKUKTT, Wash., Jau. 1C
Armed posses left Granite Kails at
day break to hunt down tho flvo men
who robbod tho State Hank there yes
terday afternoon. Tho robbery was
followed by a running fight between
the bandits and citizens in which
about ono hundred shots wero ex
changed. Suspicion Is directed to
ward a railroad grading camp near
Granite Falls nnd one band of offi
cers were seitt there to search.
Fpur of the robbers entered tho
bank, ono retarding tho door, two
forced Cashier Ingersoll and his as
sistant Into a rear room. The alarm
wna given and citizens nt onco opened
fire upon tho sentinel baadlt riddling
tho front of the bank building. Tho
robbers Inside tho bank put th.
money In tho cashier's tray Into n
sack and all fled leaving the valut
funds Intact. A running fight fol
lowed until the bandits disappeared
In a uw amp last night. It was be
lieved the men were surrounded but
they eluded pursuers and went fur
ther Into the mountains. Tho booty
will not exceed S1200.
GRANTS PASS, Ore., Jan. 10
Tho coroner's Jury empanelled to In
quire Into tho killing of John Nor
Hug and Curtis Mastorsou, who worn
found shot through tlio heads in n
miner's cablu on Sucker creok abovo
Holland Wednesday, returned a ver
dict holding thut both men came to
their deaths at tho hands of William
Alexander, who Is now held lit tho
county jail tu this city. Tho verdict
was as follews:
"Wo tho Jury duly empanelled to
lnqutro into the cauvo of the death of
Curtis Mustersou aud John Norllng
find that thoy came to their deaths
front gun shot wounds Inflicted by
ono William Alexander on the Ittth
dny of January, IDH-nt about 11:30
p. nt."
Tho city council of Kingston Out.,
has decided to .put a nluo.hour duy
provision In all-civic contracts hero-after.
NO. 254
Edward Beardslcy, Who Held at Bay
Sheriff and Armed Posse of 20,
Consents to Give Himself Up, If
Children Hot Taken to Poor Farm.
Hunger of Utile Ones Forces Cap
itulationBrother to Care for
After standing off Sheriff Andorsna
and twenty armed deputies since
Wednesday, Kdwnrd Hon rdslc, today
agreed to surrender on bin ow'i
HcariNley, n fanner, wits a poor
man with a wife and nine children
to cup'MirL Poorninster John O.
Putnam of Chautiimtuii county heard
that the little ones were mifferiiig
for food and called nt Ileardsley's
home to take them to the poor farm.
Heardsley shot him.
Hell nil nt Ituy
Then he shut himself up in bin
hniise with hit familv uud vowed ho
would kill anyone who tried to cap
ture him or to take his- children
from him. The sheriff did not dnro
order the lioue rushed for fear Iho
woman and little "lie would bo kill
ed in the .fight. '
It was the children's suffering
from hunger which finally forced
Heardsley to offer terms. Sliou'iug
from u window to the sheriff, he ttr-rnuged-u-
The sheriff npTonched the front
door. The deputies were reonircd to
group themselves at one. hide with
their IiauiN in the air. Thero .Mrs.
IllcariUlcy held them covered with a
shotgun. Her husband, heavily
armed, negotiated with Sheriff An
Admits Children Hungry
His children were hiingrv. he ad
mitted. He did not want them to
suffer, but he would nut have them
taken to the poorhoitsc. If the sher
iff would promise to let Henrdslcy's
brother, James, take them in ehar-te
he himself was willing to surrender
for shooting Ptitnnm, he said.
Sheriff Anderson agreed, and tlio
brother was scut for. In the mcn.t
time the Heardsley's stood off tho
poso. If treachery were attempted,
Iicnrilslcy declared, ho would kill it
dozen men.
PIEDMONT, W. Va.. Jan. 16.
Residents of the valleys swept by
floods yesterday whott tho breaking
of tho WcHt Virginia Pulp and Paper
company's dam near Dobbin re
leased a bl.ty-flvo aero lake twenty
five or thirty feet deep, wero return
ing to tholr homes today.
Tho damage done by tho high
water was estimutcd at from $-50,-000
to $330,000. This was exclu
sive of thu loss sustained by tho pulp
and paper company through tho los
of Its dam and plant on tho Stony
river where tho dam was Bltuatod.
Humors that a party of mon bad
been caught In tho flood and
drowned wero generally discredited.
President Luko of tho pulp and
paper company was trying today :o
learn tho Identity or a, man, who,
aft'or telephoning to soveral towns tlio
news that tho dam was going out,
mounted and rode down tho valley,
warning Isolated farmers. Utit foe
his courage and promptitude, It, wan
Buld, thorp undoubtedly would have
been serious loss of life. Lyk
wanted to reward him.
It was announced that the state
public service commission would
start uu Inquiry Immediately Into thw
responsibility for the dam's eel
lapse. The now wago scale far plasUrw
In Houston, Texan, ran ires from , t,
S7 u day.
DAMAGE $250,000
n '