Oreiioit Hljfn'tnnt Social 207 Second Street K Medford Tribune SECOND EDITION WEATHER llnln tonight nml Tuesday Mnx. 5(1; Mln, IU. forty. Uilril Your. Dully UIkIiIIi Yor, MHDFOUD. OHKCION, MONDAY, JANITAKY 12, 1914. 2ST0. 2f,0 Mail ft ! BUSNESSMENS IICiT CERTAIN TO BE ELECTED Despite House-to. House, Personal nml Sympathetic Appeal of City Hall Brigade, Public Sentiment In sures Success of Business Men. Although III'' t'ilv council machine Ikim iiiihIi' n slieniioiis personal hoilcto'huiii) cumpulgii, in mi of I'iiiI In re-elect (In present council iiioii, appearance an Unit tin -it i -rcn' ticket will Ik ovci whohniiiglv elected tomorrow. Tin discontent wild lli iiii'Hcnt coiinril, which cnl- iniiiiili'il in tln r reill, sccum In have giowa with tin' past few days. To llir Item it nf Hlnvnrt Tiic principal effort nf tin' rottn I'll wore iliicrltd this morning to Mo ('iiiiiii'iliniiii Stewart friini tiic discoid, immediate member or hi" family being ciitiNlcil hi (lie house-to-house, campaign. Tin' (jni. cigar xtm i' nml NhIi hotel wop' tin hond iiiurti'ii for tint Stowuit worker, nml heads of city departments found limn to "plug" for liim. An affidavit by Mn, .liiliu l.eveu licrry, f minor propni'tor of tin' no torious Koynl rooming house, which cAonemlc Coiiiiciliiiiin .Millar for tin part In wax alleged to have plavrd in Km affair, was shown lv Mr. Mil lar to the lli'V. . V. McOuIIoukIi Saturday ami In nlnjing its part in his cuiiipnigu. That Millar's cause i almost hopclcNs in I he general opiu ton. It's Po n, llniilni Mitchell Iiiih iiiihIi' a lianl fight in Hut First ward, while his opponent Iiiih done liltli'. lint the chance favor Mr. Midynski's election. Tho riice for lint rccordcrship in conceded liy tint forecasters to In' between liii'iiiiilicnl I om4 ami Dad lliinloi, hut little interest in shown. Tint registration hoard, composed of M. A. Itmler, I'. M. Jordan ami V. T. VoiK. mil mi during the lxiur- thn pull ant open tomorrow in the Kinsman building, -It) Noilli Fioui street, to nwear in voters not logia lereil. . Itlertlmi Hay Inch Poll open from I) a. in. to ." p. in. rolling places: Find wind, Sparta building, 'JO North Itivorsidc; officer, .1. V. Willoko, I). T. Law ton ami It. I.. Tn.vlnr. Second ward, ll! WosI'Mniu, foi inerly IJ" foil's tailor shop; officer, James Stitumt, W. (1. Davidhoa ami it. II. I.iin'oln. Third wind, eitv hall; officer, A. S, Mlilon, Wilder Hemiett ami A. It. Gitrretlson. Tint legislation boaul will sit a Hi Noilh Front street to swear in voters dining lint wiling hours. SENA1E PROVIDES OF WASHINGTON, jnn, 12. Tlior ough investigation Into ovary plinito of tlio Calumet, Mich , mlno Btrlko, was HtiKKuvtoil In a roiolutlou Intro ilucoit toiluy liy Sonntor Anhunit to day. It provided for n right Inquiry Into (ho follow potutH by thn noimto roinmlttuo on oilucntlon and-labor: History and present utatiiH of tlio relation bclwmui omplojoiB and oiu- jiloycHj roaBoimbloacan of laboror dniiiamlB tlio olght hour day nml tlio mm of two tnon on tlio miichlno diillH, How much money Iiuh boon In voHtcd by tlio cn(uipnnle, tlio gross yluld and illvldomla slnco lucorporn Hon. Wlmtlior cinploycra or omployoi havo rofralnod from giving Informa tion to tlio commlttco mint out by tlio dopurtinout of labor. Whutlior ponnngo exists In any form or tlio mlno dltitrlct. Wliotbar nccoHH to tlio United Rtuti'B post offlcou bad buou rofueod unilby whom, Whether tlio liuiulumtloii )aw havo boon vlolatml. v Wbuthor tbo Bui'vleoa or tlio socro tary of labor pr other offcluH would bo of vuluo, RIGID PROBE All SHE GOVERNOR PUTS 40 UNEMPLOYED AT West Buys Breakfast for Hungry Men, Loads Them In Wagons and Starts Tlirin Off Rebel at Hours and Wages Otfircd, But Go. KAU:.l,Or., .Irn. l- The ninety, eight unemployed men who niarehed from I'ortlaml to Salem to demand work of (Inventor Went, received Hie Miipn'Nti of Iheir liven today when Hid ehief executive dug down in hi own poel.et nml bought their Inviik fasts ami then piovidcd jobs for foily f them. The governor told mlvani't' agents that the men should he at liU house at 7 o'clock, teady for work. When they did not show tip, Governor West eioed the Mreel fioin hi ii'Mideiiee to the hanement of the First Cliriliitn ehnieli, wlieie the "army" wai eamped, ami routed them out. The men were then sent ilimn louii o n lestaurniit for hreakfast at I ho governor' expeiiie. Ulien they leliirned wacciii went wai'.im lo take fnrlv of them to the vari ous state iiiNtitntioim, where they were pat to work clearing land, dig ging dilehotf and doing other farm work. Itefont they would go, the men in quired pnrtieiilaily nhout tint hours they would lime to work and the pay they would reeeixe. They weie offered $l..riO a day, working eight hours, and will he charged 1 a week for hoard. At first they oh jecled to these Icrmi, hut filially in ccplcd. E E Al.ltASY, . V., .lau 12 Author ily to call a geneial strike of all employe of the Delaware A Hudson railway h granted the union's offic ers, iiccnidiug (o indications this af teiuooa after oue-fouith nt' the .riOOO lefereudum Mite lias heeii eouuled. This was the announcement or M. ('. t'ary, iee-president of Hie Itailrond Comliietors' union ami omt of the leaders of the movement against the company, Cniy deelarcil the vole would mil lie completely canvassed until to Innrrow. As soon as the. vote is counted, he said, tint union would neck n conference wilh tlio Doluwnri' A Hudson officials and a final at tempt at adjustment of differences would ho made hefoie u strike is called. GOULD'S APPEAL BY PONTIFF ItOMK, Jan. 12. l'opo IMiu X thla afternoon formally sanctioned the re jection by tbu Sogouaturn tribunal, tlio Vatican high court, of tlio appeal of tlio Duclioo do Talloyraml (Anna (lould) against tlio clerical annul ment of her former marrlago to Count Hunt do Cnstollnno. This meaiiH that tlio Ilota tribunal, or lower court, will ratify Ha original verdict, imulo at the Inauguration of do CaHtollano ami It Ih said that will oml tlio Incident, so far us tbo Itoman Catholic church Is concerned. CUT RATE TICKET IS I'OUTIiANn, Ore., .Inn. 12. Tbo ordinance passed by tbo city commu nion November ft, ordorlug local trac tion companies to sell tickets calling for six car rides for 25 coats was de clared void today In a decision by United Btatou District Judgn H. S. Dean, Judgo Dean hold that tlio or dinance conflicted- with the powers of tlio stato railroad commission which has Jurisdiction over inattorri pertaining to public utilities. AD W K SOUTH AFRICA AS UN OF ALL BLACKS Traffic Still at Standstill on Account of Strike General TIc-up of All Industiles Likely Native Situa tion Critical. CAIT.TOWN, South Afiien. .Ian. 1'J.- Thotigli Sunday was eompnra lively ipiiet ho far as the niilrond strike was coueeniid, the aulhoiities were still on the alert today. Tiaftie was still iieinly nt a standstill in the Transvaal and the Orange Slate, and if the tie-up con tinued, it was agiced that it was only a question of time before a famine in foodstuffs would result. Then? was threat, too, of a general stiike of all industries at Johannes, burg, where Sunday's mass meeting of the Trade lYdcmtinu adopted res illations in favor of a combined walkout. lohauiiesliurg ami 1'retoriu were considered the principal danger points ami strong forces of militia went held ready at both ixiiuts, al though the soldiers were kept as much as possible in the background as a precaution against arousiui needless nulngoiiisui. The unlive situation continued critical. The blacks at Jagersfon tcin were somewhat subdued, follow ing the stem repression of the outbreak- which cost several of their liu'H last week, hut at .Johannesburg and elsewhere throughout the coun try they were in an ugly frame of mind, and it was clear that if the stuke should get out of ham), a na tive revolt will also have to he reck oned wilh. .-..- .,. STEEL MILLS OF l'lTTSIiriKI. Pa., Jan. 12.- Stetl mills, shut down for from one to three months through lack of busi ness, hi'nn opening up again todin thniughout Hut Pittsburg district. It will ho toward the cad of the week hefoie they will he running uor uuilly, hut hy that time, steel turn rnhl, at least f0,(IOO more employes will he at work than last Saturday. The feeling in business circles nnt urally was extremely hopeful. ! i i i - U. S. Supreme Court Adjourns WASHINGTON, .Ian. IS. Tlio su premo court adjourned todnv with out deciding the intcnunuutniii rate or other important cnes pending lie fore it. ' Orient Tennis Honors Won MANILA, Jan. 32. Klin Foil roll nml William M. Johnston of Califor nia today won the tennis doubles championship of the Orient. The defeated Nomura and Kuniaga, Jap anese players, ti-2, 0-1, 0-2. CITY COUNCIL PAID $7500 FOR R2E: aney ans meFm S-s $6 &- ""-sX I ' ' ' 1 f 1 ' 1 ' 1 - X - atm'fon Ranch Tho Hamilton ranch is shown by X iu above. Tim diverting dam on Little Hutte creek is shown or. laud owned hy the railroad. Between tho Ilumiltou ranch mid diverting dam lies tho'Hunloy ranch, over which (tattle and hogs can roam at will, There is just as much, perhaps more, reason for its purchase than for tlio Hamilton lauch, (0 protect the water supply. No cniorgenoy existed justifying the purchase nt IhU time. NO POLICY CHANGE I C 4''f' . MCXICO CITY, Jan. 12 Nelson O'Hhatigliiiciuiy, Amerl- can Charge d'Afnlrc .ild this afternoon that nelllier hi conferencii with John I.lml nt t Vera Crun nor Kind's later- view with President Wilson off I'asa Christian so far na 4 4 OHIinuKhnesay was Informed of It, will bring about any change In the polity of the f Pulled HtMcit government towards Mexico, : The prenldent, bo said. Is -ir convlnreU tti&t the rebels, If 4 left alono will win out In the long run ami thus solvit the f problem of Ifuertn's ellmlna- (Ion. O'.Sbaugbiirii)- ridiculed 4- the story heard here that the rebel attack on the Vera Cruz railway lino wan aimed nt Mln, 4.4.44. : IDENT WAY TO CAPITAL ATLANTA. On., Jnn. 12. Presi dent Wilson is hriugiai' back front Pass Christian 11 comprehensive, definite plan for trust legislation, and that he hits tit least a tentative outline in mind for rural credits measures was learned today. Newspaper correspondents were received by tlio president while he stood in his.pmhli.' ,crtrt .disdaining suggestions that 'Hie sit down to avoid the sninginir. The president made it plain Hint ho felt fit and he looked it. He ili-mis-ed as too rid iculous to dignify with a denial the rciwirt that ho might appoint e. Presidcnt Taft chief justice of tl supremo court. RECALL GETS RESULTS ''The recall works fine," said 11 resident of the second ward today. "For years we have been trjing to get needed improvements and hud no attention paid to us. As soon oh the reenll was filed, however, we have been able to secure them. "For instnnec, two city lights, asked for many times from Council man Stewart, havo recently hecu In stalled, one at Laurel and Main and one nt West F.loventh and Plum both badly needed. Had it not been for the recall wo would still be trav eling in the dark. '"Three cheers for tlio recall; it gels results." THIS RANCH, THREE-QUARTERS 6 . 2k5 . mue. T AW DA E; Commission Declares Prisoner Not Now Afflicted With Any Mental Diseases If Released, Will Not Leave New Hampshire. CONCORD, .V. II.. Jan. 12 Harry Thaw, slayer of Stanford White, was Jubilant today over tbo report of tho commlsitlon, appointed by United .State Judge Aldrich, to Inquire Into the state of Thaw's men tallty. "We find thnt Thaw Is not now af flicted with any of the mental dls eases from which he was suffering when he slew Stanford White," the report said. "In our opinion It Is reasonably probable that Thaw's lib erty under ball would not bo danger otis or a menace to the public peace and safety." Thaw declared today that If ha Is admitted to bait ho will not leavo Now Hampshire. He planned to go to some quiet place In the mountains. Attorney Shurtleff, representing Thaw, asked tho clerk of tho federal court to set a date for tho hearing of the petition to Judgo Aldrich seek ing Thaw's release on bail. Judsc Aldrich was 111 at his homo hero to day, and the hearing will be post poned for several days. Mrs. Mary Copley Thaw, the prisoner's mother, left for her home In Pittsburg last night. FITZ TOO OLD TO RE-ENTER THE RING NEW YOKK, Jan. 12.--Whether Hob Fitrsimmons, former world's heavyweight champion, is too old to re-enter the ring with a view to win ning back his title, will he decided hy the state supreme court. Recently Fitz-imnions offered to forfeit $10,000 if he failed to stop any of the present white heavy weights within ten rounds, hut n state boxing commission prohibited the former champion from boxing in New York state. Fitisimmons iui mediatvlv appealed lo the supreme court for an injunction to restrain the commission front enforcing it order. Argument on tho application will he heard Wednesday. Light Vessels to Mexico WASHINGTON, Jan. 12. Follow ing his declared intention of sending vessels of lighter draft to Mexican waters in order thnt they mny up. pronch closer to the coast line, Sec retary of tho Xnvv Daniels an nounced this afternoon that he woui'l shortly send tho cruiser Des Moines from Portsmouth, X. IT., navy yard to the east const of Mexico. MILE ABOVE DIVERTING DAM R3jE &9- m TV NOTDAN U J T Colorado Militia Drives Citizens Off Nearby Streets While Squad Seizes Aged Woman, Puts Her in Auto and Spirits Her Out of Rerjlon TIHNIDAI), Colo., Jan. 12. "Mother" Jones vvus hack in the strike zone today. She arrived here hy sleeping ear from Denver. Tin' military authorities did not know she was coming or that she had ar rived until she wns installed in n lo cal hotel. There was much specula tion as lo what action they would take. "Mother" Jones came here pre viouy several days ago, hut was not allowed to remain. Adjutant General Chase, eonimiiuding the mi litia in the strike region, had a de tachment of soldiers meet her nt the rnilroad station, an officer nceoin panied her while she bought n ticket and she was escorted past Walsen hurg, beyond which jMiint military rule does not extend. Cava'ry and Infantry drove citi zens off the nearby streets whilo Lieutenant Nicholas and his squad too "Mother" Jones Into an automo bile and ran her to camp San Rafael hospital where sho will bo held until General Chase and Governor Am nions order otherwise. She was ar rested on order of Colonel W. A. Davis, who acted under instruction from General Chase who was iu con ference with Governor Amnions In Denver. The prisoner offered no resistance. Defore her arrest Btrlklng miners had requested "Mother" Jones to ad dress a meeting hero tomorrow night. Nothing Is known here of tho Inten tions of tho governor regarding her disposition. MRS. B. PAUL THEISS T Mrs. I). Paul Thelss, for many years a resident of Medford, died Friday evening, January 9, at Santa Har bara. Cal., where sho had gone with her daughter, Miss Geraldlno Thelss, a month agp for her health. Mrs. Thelss has been III for several years. suffering from cancer, and whllo an operation lust September brought re lief, the Improvement was but temp-' orary. Mr. Thelss was summouod early In the week by wlro, and arrived Fri day morning. Tho remains will bo temporarily Intorrcd In tho mausa leum nt Santa Darbara. Mrs. Thelss was active In civic af fairs. 0110 of tho founders of tho Medford public library nml of tho Greater Medford club. A largo cir cle of friends mourn her loss. WEDS STRAUS' SON NEW YORK, Jan. 12. Miss Gladys Sleanor Guggenheim, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Guggen heim and Roger William Straus, sou of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Straus wero married heo at 4:10 o'clock tlhs af ternoon In tho gorgeously decoratoiL ballroom of tho St. Regis Hotel. Witnessing tho ceremony woro rela tives and friends of tho young couple representing many millions of dol lars of tho nation's wealth, v Tho brldo Is IS yoars of ago and, tho bridegroom 21. SM00T BILL BLOCKS ALASKA COAL DEVELOPING WASHINGTON, Jan. 12. Fixing .1200 aercn as tho maximum to bo granted (o any individual or corpo ration, it bill was introduced this afternoon by Senator Hoot ptxividim for tho opening up of the Alaska coal ami other mineral lauds. It saves coal laud sufficient to bo held as a reserve to supply tho needs of the uruiy mid imvy. M HE N AGA IN UN OU OF MINE AM jj , I. lii VICTORIOUS VILLA NOW ON WAY Presidio Captured Saturday Night by Assault Federal Generals Escape to Hills With 500 Cavalry-4500 Refugees and Prisoners. PHKSIDIO, Mex., Jan. 12.' 'Wo are on our way to .Mexico City," sai.I General Villa today. The rebels were hnnlly in posses sion of the little Mexican border (own before their lender began prop, nratioiis for his mnreh on the enpi tal. Fifteen hundred or his men left last irght for Fiillomir to entrant for Chihuahua Oily. There Villa said they would he given a week's rest, new outfits and fresh hores and then start southward. The general planned to have de tachment after detachment leave throughout the week until only 1100 remain ns 11 ncrmnnent enrrison nt Ojinngn. in .Marrli Overland "I have 7000 troops here," ho ex plained, "nml it will tnko me a week to get tho last of them out. In tho meantime I intended to make sure there nre no lurking hands of fed erals in the neighborhood who might attempt to re-take tho tovsti and use it ns n base from which to harass our lines of communication nlong the border. "From here we wust mnreh over land to Fnllomir. From thnrn wa can go by train to Chihuahua City. from Chihuahua City we will move on Torreon, which I expect the fed erals will evacuate without fighting. Five to seven thousand fresh troops will join us at Torreon from I)u rango and the Iagunn district. "Then will follow our campaign against Monterey, San Luis Potosi, Snltillo mid ultimately Me;deo City. We will cathcr recruits ns we i?o. and by the lime wo capture the cnpital capture Thnt, if it is not evneu ated before wc nrrivo. I exneet to have 23,000 lo .10,000 men with me." INcaperi Into Hills Military men hero believed, bmr. ever, that before withdrawing too ninny of his men front Ojinngn, Villa would have to reckon with Geeara! Orozco, Salazar, Caravoo and Kojus, who, with fiOO cavnlry, escaped into the hills. Iteports were current among tho rebels that they wero al ready surrounded, hut they were not believed here. Villa denied Hint he executed nay of his prisoners. Most of them, ho added, wero only too glad to join the rebels, considerably strengthen ing his force. Forty-five hundred refugees, in cluding Hut troops of tho beaten Ojinngn garri-on, were in i'io con centration camp hero today. They were without food, shelter or cloth ing, except wlin t lliev wore. CALUMET, Mich., Jan, 12. With tho thermometor registering ten de grees below zoro suffering was In tense today among the families or strikers in the copper region. Charl tablo Institutions wero swamped with appeals for fuol and clothing and thoro wero so many applicants for aid that many wore Unanswered. West ern Federation ot Miners locals also furnished fuol for many families but tn hundreds of tho miners' aback thoro has'beon no fires for many days. For tho first time slnco the calling ot tho strike six months ago tl federation had no national repre sentative In the copper country to day. Following tho departure ot President Charles II. Moyer, for Washington Saturday night, Judg O. N, Hilton, Moyer's personal repre sentative and Charles Tanner, audi tor ot tho federation left for DRyr late last night, Denial was mad hy local representatives of the fMftrsilM of a report that the national orjNMW zutlou had withdrawn Ms support ( tho strike, TO MEXICO CITY INTENSE SUFFERING AMONG FAMILIES SUING MINERS 1 I ,11 M li If i