PAGE TJTRER SCENE FROM THE "BLINDNESS OF VIRTUE" AT THE PAGE THEATER, JANUARV 16 fe0 tte4Mb frWiSSFftfr imj&rj HTDPFORD MATL TRTBUNE, MKDFORT), OnEOOK, SATURDAY, .TAXFARY 10, 1914. -l -- ptrw-i -r r -f ilWfc tC VafiBwfev. T ! -n- -its- tJPl. w.- rmm . v j ' m m. .v jgf r B "H Ar '' k ' H H v7H i . - i. ... , , m. mi. - i i hi i ii . i i i i. ii i I IP t"', - .Mir r '1WCTWW"- '-& "- rtiiMWSi.rlMiSIUtlBMBMMMMdlalia msmmMmmmatmmxBBmm fsfcoss&u (rH :!te mr y & yc m?" ; Ml IiinU-iuI of tlmlr imuul numb miniilhly iliinrn, tlm (lerniniiln club hold n Miry enjoyable miimitiu bull at tint Niitiitorlum .Miinilay cM'iiliii:, tblrly ioiiiIim In owtumo mrtliliat Iiir. At Ki::iO after tho uriuul march innuliH went nimoveil nud ninny wore tint MiriirliH'ii. I'our prUcH wore awarded, 1 1 tin I ilmmied tail), Mr (). It. I'oiiIh, (Ireek continue, lUmt drKiHl until, Hint II. HaiiiihiIh, military contninn Mintt I'omlrnl dreimed couple, Mr. ninl .MrH. ,Mc(.'llli, country julicn. I'tilhiwlni; In n )Ut of I bono In io- tlllllOH! Mi. tiro. T I'oyi'n, V. H. A. ulrl; Mr. den. T, l'n)t'n, biiNnbnll pin) or; Mm Ciitllu. Kbonlj Mr. Cntlln, uliiml; Mr (iiMiiKii Millar, dniitli; Mm. tleo Mllitr. Toih); Mrs, John lletor. Top. ; Mr. John Holer. It Mi ball pln)tr: .Mm. Mate llyilu. plul( ilmuluii; Mr. Mul lltiyednn, kIuiM. Mrs. II. Hon iicy, JitpnuuM' Klrl; Mr. II. Ilonni'y. Vnina Yauin man; Mm. It Union, xi'liool r.lrl; Mr. It. Kr.te, clown; Mm II. Koontr. Tambourine r.lrl; Mr It Woods, bull Ihi; MIm Claru Wood. Yiiuiii Yiiinn Klrl; Mm. V Diamond, kIuiM: Mr. W Dlittiiouil, Imll plnitr; Mr. Clienter Parker, baby. MrH. t'licn tur 1'arknr. Hindu Indy; Mr. T. Tor plu, darkey ilmli; MrH. T. Turplti (l)ly Klrl. Mr Kwlnc IrUh ball pln)ir; Mr Kwlm:, Indian innld; Mm It. H Mollrlde, nlKbt; Mr. John Summon llli, Jew; Mth John Hum iiinrvlllii. Klumt, Mr. V. Wolnor. bull player; Mr. V. Wnlmir, country miiiiiiiii; Mr. II V Knuuicr. boudoulr Klrl; Mm. ('linn. Col w oil, 1C-1 Crom numi'. Mr ('linn. I'oluidl, boll boy; Mm. P. llidlltiK"r. pop corn Klrl; Mr. P. IlidliiKiT. clown; Mr. II. Miller, ball plnxir. MrH II. Miller. Dutch Klrl; Mr. (toy Youui:, ball plu) it; Mm, tlm Hamuulii. Dutch Klrl; Mr. Y II. Miller, bull plnyvr; MIm M. lilts rlchH, l.lttlo llo lVnp. A dt'llcloti liinclu'on wan irnrM'd ut luldulKht nud orrouo bud n munt I'lijoyablo tliiio. 4 On TiioMday inciiliii:, Jiiuuitry ', thti ladlrH of tho Altnr Hocluty Kau it cnid party In tho purUh hull that wan In t'M'ry way on of tbo iiiohi 'iiloyabln i'VpiHh of tho ulntcr. Tho hull priHii'iiti'il tlm nppi'nruiKc of it woodland doll, bought nud wrciitltH ItfliiK iiHi'd In profuHiou, together with potted plant nud the ti Hint 1 .NuiiiK IioIIh ami iluiol. The liullua In clutrKO bllVo every reitmill to tm plenum! with ruNiiltu, not only from it financial Mandpolnt hlch wiih niiiNt r.ratlfyliiK. but iiIho on itrcoiiut of tho iitiuoHphero of cumrndcrlo and Komi cheer, Thtmo on tlm reception coiuiulttiiii were MondmiioM Delhi mid Jti'limldl. decorntlon cominltten, Mm I'latt und MIiuoh (lennvlino lloau nud A- llioad; refroHhniaut comtiilt tee, MeHitltllleH (iltrretl, (Hidden, Hchuttxi', Mlkhclio. I'roKrttHlvi whlitt miih plus imI nt fourteen IlibleH from elKht until (en. At ten o'clock n dsllcliiim lunch wax erved, after which the floor unit cleitreil and thoHo ho Inc'lued ilituced to piano luuhle fin iiInImmI by .Mm. (I. Connor. Mm. I'latt an. I Mil Whitman. At 1 1 : :t 0 the many i,iuIm ileaited iih HiirliiK oeryoiio (hut the efforta npeiiL on tlndr ouiertitluun'ut hud been hlKhty HUccoxHful. A very eitjoynblo paity wna Klven litHt I'liday oveuliiK nt tlm homo of Mr. nud Mm. I). V. Mnddox, of Port laud avenue, by their hop, (Scow Mnddox, In honor of MIhd l'rant'os llitllouny, uho Ih leiivliu; tho city, Dainty refreshment!! worn mirvuil ilurliiK tlm oveuliiK and iiiiihIo unit Kiiint'H were enjoyeil by nil. TIiohu liniBetit wern: MIhhoh Mildred WldiH, l.ornlno CowkIII, llolen Htovonn, Mar Jorlo HloveiiH, Junuuotto I'attemon, Mercedim Ilnrber, Mnrlo KIiik, Mnrlo Hammond, I.oiiIho DaildyHmuii, draco l'lt'iulni;, Mnrlo Plemlni?, Knthorlno llnllowity, KrnnroH llalloway, Wllinn Hairltuin and l.aura nntoH; MeHHrn. Win. HtliiHon, lliyitn I'lerco, Donitld Ituuyard, (lion Ktull, Cluro Jaqual, llnrbort l.uul, Noel Harbor, IIiihuoI Heamoii, Kluiur Vromuu, llornard UobortH, l'Mwnrtl HubuoII, and auorgo Mnddox, Mih, K, C, I'MiiioiiiIh uiitortnluud thn lCnnt Hide C'lrclo of tho Methodist church WodnoHdny afternoon nt hor homo on ICiibI JiioUhou Btiect, j Mr. and Mih, K. M. MuKoimy lmvo leturued from an cxleuileil oiiHleru lilp, Tlio C V, II. M. liml I(h litHt re. I ulur nii'i'tliii: at tho bciiiitlful now ' liuiun of .Mm. I). V. Drtukol on i:wt Alii I n Mtrri'l. .Mtk. a. J. lliiudy won In tluiiK' of lint nuietlni; Mr"- tn r- lenter r.nvii iilt nn Interentlni; talk on inlHHlonnry work, lllddnu iUim , IIoiih nud ntiHMitrH Morn itlveu Mrii II. P. Klrby iitu n renilliiK which wa,i enjoyed by .all, entitled "In mh Milch." Mrn, llanliy kiivo nn Inter' extlni talk on tho Co I let; e of Mln hIoiih. Mm. (Iny lenderod two beau tlful piano union, Mrn, J, II Ilel. linger had it paper, "I.'cIioch Prom the Convention Held ut Toronto, Canada," October I It beltiK the find International contention over held on thin work After the pro (tram tbo meetliiK mih turned over to Mrn. Uulnley nud it niinliieiiR nch lilon follow ei The HOclely decided IMo hold it inUHlouiiry ten WiihIiIiik. tou'rt birthday. At the rtoie of the hi'hhIoii dcdlrloiiH refreHlimvlitH were ered. Thu miu"iu'n inlHHlonnry council of tlm M. I," Cliurcli Houtli met nt tlm churrli WedtiCHduy afternoon. After n lirlvf bunliicioi KeJitlon the follow ItlK offliom were elected fot tho otihiiliiK )ear: Mr. Prank Until'' don, preldent; Mih. Itobert I.. Tay lor, flmt vlce-pri'tildi'iit; MIm (lert rude Hrhiuli, iMcond ilrc-prcrtldcnt; Mm Itlley D. HetlKOU, third vice predldent; Mm K J Conrad, fourth vlrwprunldeiit; Mr Itl'ey D Hin Hon. recordliu; fecretnry; Mr (.' K Kirk, corrcHpoudluK Hecretnry; Mth Coburn, Low In, nr,'iit for iiiIuhIoii nry Voire; Mrn. II H. Ilrnnham, council, trenmirer; Mr. Hubert I.. Taylor, local trenmirer; Mm. Coburn Lew In, Riiperlutendeut iiretm work. At tho clone of the hckhIoii Mrn. II. S. Ilranhani rerveii dainty refrcMh tuent. Mr. ami Mm. K. C. Mnaodam of I ItoMit Court Kuve itu enjoyable five hundred curd party to n few friends Prldny oveuliiK Cardn were played ut four tableH. The flmt prlzo for ludlcH wiih nwnrded to MrH. P Mart lett, and the one for Kentlemeu wnft won by Mr, P. llnrtlvtt. The cono Intlon prlte went to Mth. Do Vim nud Mr W II llnunem. A UkIiI luncheon nud excellent homc-miido canilti'H were nerved at inldnlKhl. Thore pri'itit wero Mr. and Mm. P, Hurtled, Mr. mid Mm. W. II. Ilnn- iiorH, Mr. nud Mm. W. P. .SulleuKor, Mr. niul Mrn. A. C. De Voe. Mr. mid Mm. A. V. OUon, Mr. mid Mm. It. I.. PwliiK. Mr mid Mm. A. P. Kteunelt. luNtnllntlon of offlcem of Olive lle beknh I.oiIko No. 2S wiih hold Tues day menlni;. Jan. C. Sin Kffle, II. UHHlmr. N. (I. 8Ih. Myrtlo WIIhoii; V. (!. SIh, Turner; Itec. Sec. SIh, Mnry Wiley; Pin. HecT Appolnthe offl rer iih follew: Conductor SIh, Jonephlnn Clnrk; Warden KIh, Ant Miller, Clinplnlu SIh, JcnkIp Howard; I. (I . HlHter llntlemnn; O. (i., Urn'. Meadow h, Mr nnd Mr DavIh entertained en Jo) ably TucMlny PtPiilitK at their homo on North Central avcuulni;. DnnrliiK nud Kamen formed the even Iiik'h enterlnlnnienl. Tho kuoMh were Mr. mid Mm. ('. Kadn, Mr. and Mm. Ci. Kadn, Ml km Ku Warren, Mm. W. T. Warren, Mr. mid Mrs. 13. J. DiivIh, Mr. nud Mr. J. T. Davl. MIb Nova Dnvln, Mr. and Mm. P. Dull and Detiuer Warren, Mrs. II. P. Plfer, ICiiht Jackmu Htreet, eutorlulued Informally Prt day itftornoon. Tho nfteruoon was hpent In hIukIiik. lemllnK und In htriimentnl music; MUh (loldla Tay lor leudeicil Home detlKlitful mmlc. ltefreHhmcutK woro nerved, Mr. Pl fer boliiK iihhIhIimI In Horvluu by Mm. Stovenn nud Mm. Itlley I), lleutmn, Medford Camp No. HO, Woodmen of tho World and Chrysanthemum Clrrlo No. St, Women of Woodcraft will hold Joint liiHtnllntlon of officeM Woiluomlay night, January 1 Ith. A proKinm linn been nrrniiRod for thu ovenliiKi which will bo followed by a banquet. All membem nro roiiuoxtod to ho piefiont, nud au uniihiially i;ood tlniu Ih expected, Mr. Prod HnefH of AlnHka nud IiIh HlHtera-MlKgcH Akuch and JoBuphluo of Portland who havo been vIhUIiib. hero loft thla week for tho north. Mr. and Mm. W. N. Uvprolt who hnvo boon vIbUIiik Mr. and Mrs. A. A. AkltiB havo roturncd to Portland. Mra. Hollo Dalloy an I son Ulchard lmvo returned from Alhortn, Canada, whoio (hoy spent tho holidays. Mr, nud Mrs, O, P, Harrison and family of Indiana nro upendlm: tho winter In (li'lffln ?,rook. Onc of tlm moat enjoyable nffiilrn cl vuli wiih on Jo) ihI by tlm Wednngdn Utility club tit Ih week, when thu study proiirntn hid dropped mid nn after noon of "An You I. lite It" Bubntl- tuted. While not lonforinltiK Htrlctly to the lino of KhnkcHpcnro' play of that name, the Idea HiiKKonled by tho iiainii wuh curried out. Mm. I.uuiHdi'u'H pretty homo won opened for tlm afternoon and a dell (Ioiim luncheon wnn served, The club iiieinbem prepnrliiK mid serving tho different coumes caiiBliiK much niniiKonient. Hiiiall tnblen wero set In the scv erjil roiniiH, the older inemberH of thn club nt the leiitrnl table, which was prettily decorated In red and Krecn. After luncheon program were Klveti for "ronvematlon" partner nud the reiiinlnd'er of thn time wan Hpeiit In proKrcnftlvo conversation. Tlm commltteo In chnrKo of this urrenHful nnd novel enterlnlnnienl consisted of MesdmucH Wnkeman, Deuel, I.umsdeu and Hoot. Tlm PoHtern Star will hold their riRiilar mi'otluK Wednesday of next week, when Installation of officers will tm held, followed by n social eenliiK. Arslstant C.rnnd Matron of OrcRon, Mrn. W II, McCiownn will In stall the officers. Those In charge of the evening's eutertnlnmcnt nre: MfhdniucH Hlckert, Hurbtdgc, Wil son, Cnntlln, I!. I-". Core, Pearl, Slew Iiik. Itlddle, Misses Hound, Wilson nud (lunyaw. Messrs, HnrbldKe, P. K. Core, Cnntlln, JiiiIko Crow ell mid Dr. Hlckert. Tho Colli'Ku Women's club will meet this (Saturday) nfteruoon, at the home of Mm. It. W. Steams, 10 Hose avenue from 2 to 5 o'clock. Au Interesting program has been nrranged mid Dr. ilerthn Stewart of the University of Oregon will give n talk, All members arc asked to be present. Tim Womsu's MIsHlonnry society of thn Presbyterian church hold a most enjoyable meeting at tho homo of Mrs, Theodore Marsh Theodort Marsh Tuesday afternoon. Itev, Kd gnr Wilson, returned missionary from India gave an Interesting talk on his work there. Mrs. P. Ilerunrd who has been tho guest of her sister, Mrs. Hon Uarnott, left this week for Portlnnd. Mr. and Mm. W. P. O'crlg returned Wednesday to Portlnnd nftrr n short visit In Medford. They expect to re- turn In Ptbrunry to remain here. Mm. A. P. Carpenter of Talent I tho guest of Miss nmmn Armstrong. Mr. nud Mrs. McKlunny have re turned From a trip to California. m Mrs. J. W. Herry and Miss Laura llorry have returned from Itoaebur whore they Hpent thn holldn)s. Mm. Ilert Harmon has returned from (iranlH Pass, where xlte spent several daH, Mr. nnd Mm. Claude S.tvlor nro ex pected homo soon, from a visit In Pennsylvania. lllhhop Scaddlug Ik the gucBt of Mr. and Mm. Prod Hopkins at .Snowy Unite orchard. Mr. J. K. (ralimn ban returned from a thrco week's visit In San Pranclsco. Glen Helmr who has been visiting his mother, Mm. Mary Hebnr, hns re turned to Callforuln. Kenneth Krsklnn left this week for Oakland, Cal., where ho will enter a polytechulcnl college. Mrs, JnnieH Cordell who Hpont tho holldnys In Medford, has returned to hor homo In Chllwood. Mm. Cicorge KoIiIiiboii of Portland hnH been tho gest of her pnrontB, Mr. nnd Mrs. A. P, Weiss. Mr, and Mm. Kugeiio A maim havo returned from Onk'and, Cal., where thoy spout the holidays. i Tho Tuesday Luncheon club was entertained by Mrs. Clnuna Knight this week. Mr. and Mrs. Clus Novvborry are Bpoudlng the week (n Portland. Mrs. Nancy Doollttlo of Kugouo Iv visiting friends In tho valley, Mm, f), N, Hlrklnnd has relumed from it vlblt In Portland, Mrn. W. P. Orlfflu and daughter, Nils Marguerite of Ilerkulny, Cab, w)io have been Rpcndlng tlm holidays with Mr, nnd Mr. I), 11, HoIIhs, have returned to tliclr Iioiiid. 4 MIsh Aiincttn Wake man who spent I bo holidays with bur parents Mr, nnd Mrs, P. 15, Wiiknmnn, has re turned to Piedmont, Cal., where she Is nttundlng school, The Lndls' Aid of the Prenbytorlan church will hold their first nice tlm; since tho holldn)H Tiirsdny next, In tho chapel nt 2:20 o'clock, Miss Josephine Hoot who went to California a short Hum ago, with her mother, linn entered a girl's school at Palo Alto, Cal, Mr. II, C. Kimtner left for Miss oula, Mont., this week on n business trip. He will be away three months. MIhs Pnullne Coo who has been visiting friends In Medford has re turned to her home In Crants Pass. Mm. J. P, Iteddy hits returned from Spokane, where she spent the holl dn) with her father. Mrs. Itobert Telfer of Kugeno has spent tho past week In Medford vis iting relative. Mr. Leslie Plyutnle and Mr, Mac McArthur left Wednesday for Port land. Mr. linger Hitchcock has returned from a trip to Portland. The Prlday llrldge club met with Mrs. llollln this week. WOMEN'S CLUB NOTES Thu regular meeting of tbo social hygiene section of the Greater Mod- ford club wn postponed from Tues day of thlu week to Tuesday, Janu ary 13, when Dr. Stewart of tho U. of O. will be here and lecture on tho subject "Tho Young woman's Phy sical Development and Marriage' Tho department under tho leader ship of Dr. Myrtle lockwood has been following out a line of personal study that has proved very Inter esting nnd profitable. Our mother. nnd teachers who havo theso delicate matters to deal with In relation to their own children nnd thosu who are entrusted to them for education, feel keenly the necessity of a wise and timely presentation. While thoy may doubt tho advisability of giving direct Instruction to children the; themselves are attending and sup porting these lectures In nn effort to secure knowledge that will enable them to compare und judgo methods of teaching. Dr. Hod go and Dr. Hcrtha Stewart of tho University of Oregon aro to be In Medford next week. A list of lectures Is given lnthls Issue. These meeting will he hold In tho assem bly room of the public library and aro open to tho public, beginning Monday afternoon. Kvery parent In Medford should attend nt least part of theso talks as they all deal wltn tho vital questions of tho day. Dr Stewart will make nn effort to re organize the girl's vitality league which did such splendid work In tho nlhlng and swimming classes lart year. Dr. Ilodgo Is n man of nn llonnl prominence who Is In tho west for this one winter only, and is n most convincing speaker. Ills sub Jects are mulnlv sociological but on Prlday afternoon ho will lecture on tho housefly and other household pests. Thin meeting will bo com bined with a meeting arranged by t heclvle section of tho Greater Med ford club, n which Professor Wil son of tho University of Oregon nnd Mrs. McKlbben of Grantu Pass will speak. Piofossor Wilson comes from t' entomological Iniicau and will launch a death dealing campaign on flies. Mm. K. K. McKlbben of Grants Pass Is lately from Musko gee, Oklu,, where she wngeil n sue cessful "swat tho fly" campaign last year. TIiIh work Is being underta ken by the civic section In order to got tho upper, baud, as it were, nnd remove tho breeding places of tho files before tho w-rni weather be gltiH also to enlist tho school chil dren lu tho war faro while tho schools are still In session and be fore tho files hnvo hud tlmo to mul tiply. Tho executive board of tho Greater Medford club will meet on Monday at 2 p. m. In tho assembly room of tbo library. Mra. A, A, Hlid, organized for tho district Pederatlon of Women's Clubs, went to Talent on Wednes day to meet with tho newly formed club of that plnco, inviting them to Join tho district fodoratton. This tho club voted to do, making a to tal of five clubs which have voted to join tho federation, The Parent-Touchers' Circle of the Washington school met in regular session Prlday, January 0, ut 2:30 i ,' i:VL.'- " i i In l I i ill 1 lVn 'IHI tvi'jA' .. wrivaWtfcjiwiWiSbici3SJ3MJHBln iv?!!wlfc3!HCiVkr t4. iifHU lj&tf&vkMfo&-smZBPDvm&ii -tjym WF,m3 YJ JvL ii ! 1 p. m Tho afternoon., program was begun with a long, Comln' Thro the Hyv," by little girls from MIm Von Meter's room. A short butl nesn session was held at which mat ters oi iiiiicn interest to moiners and tencher were discussed. Tlm main subject tinder discussion was hygiene and sanitation. Hygiene from nn osteopathic viewpoint was vory ably pretented by Dr. Kva Carlow. Miss White, teachor In the Washington school, gave an Inter esting talk on snn'tatlon In the schools and Indirectly the homo, as It concerns the chl d. A beautiful solo by Mis Murphy closed tho pro gram. Tho noxt meeting will bo on Pebruary 10 and will be at night, to which tho fathers wp.l be Invited. SOUTHERN PACIFIC ID OP BY WRECK r.niF.NK, Or., .Inn. 10. A freiSht wreck u t Springfield Junction, two miles iiouth of lien?, ourlv tudnv, in which four enrs were ilomolL-ltrii, Iiiik tied up traffic on the niaiii line of the Southern Pacific. No one vm injured. One enr jumped the tru-k nnd buuiMd half u mile over the ties before tiirnins turtle. The other three enr piled on top. All trains ure living routed over the cnt side brunch. Wreckers ex pect lo have the li.u L dear by evo ninir. THIS SSSS CAMERA WITH PACK OFI2 FILMS FREE FOR 250 OMK CIGARETTE COUPONS rrtmo Junior Camera, nude br HjI min KchIA Co. 'laUs plctuio 2t iH In OBAK 'mouth piece cigarettes you don1 1 have to pay for a third more tobacco than you use and consequently you get a better quality of tobacco. tlftt, OBAK PREMIUM DEPT., 333 Battery Street, San Francisco 1 1 jfcBW.. ggj 43Mit MZJmr fefe&ITiv! l I 4cHXl I r - .t$miiim$ iwi PROBLEM PLAY 10 BE SEEN AT I'olhe Kmery, who place the role of Cookie in "The Hlindncss i f V'r-j tue," which will he M'en nt the I'iuc. Jnnunry 1(5, it n pnt mint re- m thi nrt of Krotesipie tuukeiip, nnd in eneh new pnrt 1 1 1' sinks here indi viduality completely. For yoari he hns been studying servnnt.s, in sters, cockneys or whatever else she hns been cnt for, nnd the result hns been that when she conies to n first performance she hns chunked her personnl appearance eompkte'y. The fact that "he U nhlu to -o completely dii;uise herself in wnltc up is well known to her nssoeinte in London, for otten thev huv-j fmled to recognize her in the v.wir.s on the w mmm , h PAGE JANUARY 1 6 Reasonable Priced Children's Shoes That Wear Our Children's Shoes are made to our order, over foot-looting lasts from the most serviceable leathers known, with extra heavy soles on every pair. Little Gents', sizes S1 to 13, patent, tan and guii nietal, Blucher and Button Shocs..$1.25 to ij2.25 13ovs, sizes 1 to o1 o, patent, tan and gun metal, Blu- cher and UuttoifShoes $1.50 to ?3.50 Girls' Shoes, in all fashionable styles and leathers, patent colt, gun metal, Kussia calf and mahoganv brown, sixes 5 to S, $1.50 to $2.00; sizes S1 .. to 11, $1.25 to $2.25; sizes IV,' to 2, $1.50 to $3. Big .Misses' Shoes, sizes 2U to 9, in all leathers over all the stylish lasts, broad, high toes, low and medium heels, English "Walking Shoos and "Baby Dolls," prites $2.50 to $-1.00 t.t'.tloKiti's eiit free upon mutest to out-of-town ividcnts. G. M. KIDD SHOES F()UMCri)S. XSkFm I'lropn fmS jjW'isMetnsr Have a smooth complexion and smooth, soft skin. To keep the skin healthful, the right kind of skin foods are necessary. Buy your toilet preparations from us and KNOW you get those scientifically pre pared. It's easier to keep the hair, scalp, complex ion or skin healthful than to restore it, once it be comes diseased. Everyone needs, all the time, our hair, face and skin preparations. WEST SIDE PHARMACY first nifjlit of n now piny. She eom pluins n hit upon having started upon n hue of jjroteipio work, hecnuso audiences never hnvo hud a eliuueo to cee her1 iih hhe renllv 1m. On thw Mile of tho Atlnntir, ITeleit Lowell hns somewhat the snmc e.xpcriener, und she did not have n ehnnee to look like hanself un'il she nppenred in "The Ked I'ettieout." Durinc the Boston run of "Tho Ulindness of Virtue," .Mis- Kmery overheard n Hoton man speak of her role in tho piny. "Of course," he snid, "there never wns on thin earth n ehnrnetcr like Cookie," whereupon Jlist, Kmery heennie just ly inilipiant, and richtly, ton, for she had copied her Cookie in up penrnucc from n "Indy of tho kitch en," who presides orcr tho pots nnd kettles in n suburban mnnsion not more than ten miles from Trafnlpar square, London. flood vood. If you want good wood, get It from Frank II. Itay. With Medford trade Is ModtorJ mad. KIDD'SFtm SHOES. f'j i