Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, January 10, 1914, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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    W Second stn-cj .
Medford Mail Tribune
Tnlr tonight nnil HatHrday -Max,
-1,1; Mln. 21.
rnrtyMlilrit Tirnr.
Dnllv IClMhttl Yimr
nal!ro;ul Strike Situation Alnrmlnn
Workmen Quit Jobs In Droves
Food Supplies Short ami Miners
Face Starvation.
Native Blacks Join Whites 0000
Blacks Said to Oe Lootlnn Homes
ami Kllllnif WMtes.
PIll'.TOItlA. Honlli Africa, Jnn 10
- The railroad Mr I Wo situation was
n'linning tnmiv throughout Boiilh
II dot eloped ttltli mrnl)xliii: sud
iImiiiiiimh. Tin- inllroad men Mont
culled mil stttoinl day ago lint fallttl
r.eiHiully Jo rcapoinl. The public's
ltiiiriHl(Hi miis that tin! strike m n
flrile unit no trouble m cxierled.
The leader, however. npMiInd c
irnlny in lint Johannesburg trade
federation. Official of tint o run lit
xiitiou immediately began working
through IIm icpreneiitnilto uiul liy
nightfall Him ntmoNt bltterno
h.mmiumI to Kiiturnlo practlcall) tho on
tiro Morklug clasn population
Two d)uninllluK ot train nml nl
iiiiiIh to d)iiaml(oii Ihlril last night
aggravated matter. Though no one
Ma hurt It ma only liy tln morel
ucrhtcut tlml there wos not htnv)
1 1 Mm or life.
Miiitatloti 'llicnlcmil
Todn) i ho iitltrond men, hitherto
iMInlit of their lenders' order, wt
quitting work In utiunlM. I'ooit sup
pile Morn short In ninny towna In
tin mlnltiK rotintry nml It Mint ml
milled Hint ii r."iii-rnl trinKorlttliiii
tie-up Mould moan starvation for
thousand hoth of unlive mid mIiIM.
Tho nntlvit problem mud perhaps
mum torrlf)lng thnn Hut strike. Tho
pruniptiiuM mUIi Mlilcli tint black it
JiiKitrnfiinteln rose anttliiHt Kurupcan
miih lllnntriitlvo of tho native pnpula
Uou'h friinto of inlml.
It Ma rcior(itil horn at ono tlm
that U0U0 of the hlnrkit More touting
homo nml MIIIiik MhlKm thuro. All
itMillithltt mlllllit nml police tit lllooin
fontclu wont lilli'il Into special trains
nml ImrrliMl to tho hccuo to uhl In
supproiislng thu revolt, which, thoui;'i
not im hml iih hnit hei'ii riimoreil, Mmt
not put iIomii without the killing of
ititveral unlive, the wounding of
mini)' more, mnl soma cnsunltloti
miioiiK tho while.
Native nt olhur place, too. wero
reported unruly ami many lenieil n
widespread otilhronlt.
Nil I lie I'prUInK fennel
A nntlvo uprising bos heen the
nightmare of the white imputation of
.South Afrlru for jcur. Once,
stnrtod, It hnn been rerognlxod
It would ho practically uurnntrnll
utile. Toilny It Heitnieil Imminent.
Mllltln, Infantry, cavalry ami artil
lery, wiii every w hero being mohllleil.
If It iltil not prove neroimnry lo nun
the soldier ngnlnst tho native It
appeared coi lain that thuro would ho
fighting with the striker. It
lookeil likely enough (Imt they would
nvo luitn MruggloH on their hnmlH.
Offlelula of (ho railroad men's
union were being arrested iih rapidly
nu poHHlhle. Aiuoiik Ihein wore
PrcHldout Conuerty and Hecretnry
Diiwiion of tho nlon. Secretary
W'alorMiii of the Southern Africa
Inlior paity and Colin Winlo of tho
(lerinlHtou town rouncti. a labor mp
reH(iulvUvi,.woro iiIho prhuiuoni. Tho
111011 nVrn liel'd on Kodltlrm cliarceM
wllhoilt ball,
(leiieiul Ktilko l.lkely
The .Inliaiuiealiiiri: tuition council
threatened a nonoral Htrllco ot all In
(IuhIiIoh If tlioy woro not llborated.
(Contliuiod nn paito U.)
LONDON, .Inn. 10. Mi S.vl la
I'unMiurHl, iliiuitlitor of Mrs. K.nuuo.
lino I'uiikhui'ril, Dm militiiul hiil'l'rui;
elto lender, wiih telciihcil 1'ioni llol
loivuy (irihon today on llm voipt of
u cnllume. I lor condition wiih duo
to IniUKcr HliiKin. Mjsh l'nnl.liui'rtl
was iuipiiduncil Juiuuuy U.
i i ..I i
A rlly " a a ir lit) nt lim born
found for l is ton, Ohio Hi lillrnr
M Wall" ant tte will kooii lake
iliaritf of the cotcinmint "I the (It)
which mum ili mor.ill.ctl h tho f ooilit
or thu fprliiK
The ioilllon wan offered to Coiollol
Coellml of lint I'Hiinmii (anal. Hit
ri'linwtl Oilier Muro coHchtHrvil. but
flnnll) Mr. WHlte mii rhoeii, IU
Mill hate nIiiiohi oinlet chnrxo of
the t m affili, and ho Mill Im bol
reponxlblt fur tin" linptotemoiiti
MhiiM niiixi l.' m.-td' to asert anuthrx
While William I'liirli win miction
iiii: off it eoM, Mnh Imiler nml nn
Airilale nii, on the "nulil-of-Mii
omolte the N':ill hotel," SuturdlM
iiftetnoiiu, .lutliff ('nlkuiH miih ml
miuixteiiiiir the umi'lii to Ins tnit
iciil iihiirutmiiH liy imtkiiii; ieimii
ni'iit nu injunction n-slrniuiuic the
eit n-eonler from lncintc Mi' l'i-rii-liV
mime ihi tin ballot iih cumli
itnte for the eouueil fioin the xeeoml
wit III.
'Hie eouit uliiti'tl tlml lie was norrt
that lie hml to make Mich a ilecMon
but umler IIm low there mux no wot
out ot it. 'I'll Mututo remU Unit tin
nomiiialini; ttilion mut be tiled
net eu iIhvh Intfoie (ho dale of elec
tion, the ilnto of filini; limit he ev
elmlcil an well iih election dale, nml
the lml hour for filmi; miih nt mid
uiljlit, .Iniiuurv ". Mr. I'lrieh'H peti
tion n filed lu'e in the iifteiuoon
of .liuumrv (I.
.MANILA. .Inn. 10. WiWlliuin
.hi1iiion, Ciilifoiuiti, today ilclealed
Klin I'otliill, ulxo a ('iiliforumii, ut
tennis 0 '. '-". (I -I. wmiimi; the
IMiiliiipme rlmuiiinuihi.
IlundicdH of noiMins nro hmnclohs,
l jZTOIpillJfelrf. .raws .X23rTJffPr " Btf ' )' -:" JtS
tli'Mloyod on Januury !l by u Kiilo that ndopt tlio Atlantic coast. Tho wind, blowing nt soventy-flvo miles nu hour,
limbed the hi'ii Into IiIk bionkow that toro up tho Now Jcraey coast hud the south shoro of I.ouk Island.
Tho uicatest dlmiHter occiiricd at KealulKht, whoro on ttjo day before Clirlstmns scores of huuca were wrecked by
a storm of less lolenco Tbo diunjer there icaeliiHl such a polut tlmt It wus feured u lurse part of the town nilght bu
mi'Pt away by wind aud waves.
ntlnforccti hy 3000 delicls From Chi
huahua City, Bandit Leader Drives
In Federal Outposts More Rein
forcements en Route.
I flUnim rinfrnrlrrc ."".iilntimlirrpil Tu'n
to One, But Hold Stronu. Position
and Ate Well Fortified.
t'HI'.sinm. Te., .Inn. 10. Ki i b the mriMil of .'1011(1 ulo .'
.from t liiliiiiilinii Cilv. (teneml il.;i
tint illli'llioon lieKiiu ill i vim; bill I
the Djiiihkii ili'frmlep.' outpiHts 1 1
' miih expt'i'ted to oiin n Kctierul nt I
liM-1. Mitlun an lioin. i
. I'UKSIDIO. Meiieo, .Ian. 10 -'
(ifiieiiil Villa went toilnv k"' mlv nml
j doiryedlv nb'iut takiiiK Ojinnrn. II
nttaek Ineki'tl the impi'lmmiiy of Or
j tejrn', or bin omii nt .limrr-
'Hie tijimiKii KNrriHoirn m-iit m
I fll ! . . I
' erv Kiroot'. i lie utwii i iiii-
urn ni ion nii in ii inn mill i'iiiiiiii
nu elieeilteiy linnrvit'il rxeepi on o n
mhIo. fieueiiiln Snlnrur nml Orti..'ol
! iwitinichcil it iiijmirnbls. The Knin-1
-on miih well mined uiul bud iitii:--iiitliiH
of nuimiiuitmii. It fom;'' !
!istfilv nt first, hut more nml moif
i tiVi lively iih the i:y uihnil.
AIoiik the roml to Cbibimbim Cit
iii fur iih the eye could reach, clmi 1
o iIuhI. maikeil the iroffreM of bml j
' - o loin! reinfoteciuoiitH, of iitlil j
It rv ami of m niton triiiun on then,
Imhv to the flout. It miis not liclitis j
nl here that Villa would nttmiiit n!
K en era I nutilt until liN full ton-e
whh colieeutnileil before the belenc
uereil town.
'I'lionxli outnunibered Imo to one,
the Ojiunuu ilefemlets evidently tver
inakinj; everv irciarulioii for u den
(MTiite rOfiHtuueo. A""iironllv llif
were ipijle coutident, nml militur-.
mnin Html hen that, eoniileriuc ill
slrciiKlli of tlu'ir position, their nn-
nieneul inlerioritv eoiititnlctl not'i
iiik like ho serious n ili-.aduntiii:e i. -
it looked.
IIPA Qcpini lot V
ll i Tiinnnnitf int nin'",llk,? uw, " 1'iniMnMl to the de-
H K NAY IM AN pnnuunt li the ihroo nun.l, it -eut
ILL, I HUllUUn I lULnllUitliere to settlement of Hi
. 'striunjle.
Xl'.W YORK, Jan. 10. Ocorc
Yoimi;, litishand of Mine. Lillian
Nordicn, rceeitod u eableuram from
Thurhday Island, Quecu.laml, Aik
tralia, today, payiiiir tho honcstrc--.
wus critically ill of jineumonia.
Mine, Nordiea was anions (lie pas.
M'nicern on tho Dutch K(ciimliip
Tiimiiuii, which run on u rock at tho
entrunce to Torres htrnit. n fotv i1ii.h
np, on Ilio oyniro from ItriMmho,
AiiNtrulin, to Itntas in, .linn.
ono life waa lost and property worth
ff. M it r,
to fiM' tl I M'0!
iiidll i i i tup, M
t . il
Hiilli ,1 i ml
I i , a -
. ( ..
!- I'
i i
aid le
t tb elllllll UIM'l
iVSUIM.HJN,!r.ui in.- Tin
fedeml labor ih'i'.trtiin nt i-ncil to-
In V h rejMiit iiilifNini; Ihe treat -
ment by imncottuer o IhiIIi -tnker
nml strikuhrcikcr- in Hie Mn Iuk ir.
Five mediation proMiitioiiH vw
outlined, nil of mIiii-Ii tlir mine-oMii-ors
rejected. There w but u pacH.
uik reforetiito In the riiri-liim: evi
piuiie in Culiimet, In whioh soventy
1 fi' peixiiih H-nli.d iih riult nl
i f"'"" fir' uhirtu uiven at n ImSI
wltere htrikm' fmiiiliM were lmldin
llitllilll mil m1 I fill likft
T, "imri "i ",ui f""1 rt-
jctlal of fact nml eouditioiiH in Hu
VASS CHKIS'll N, Mi- , .Ian. 10.
l'roMilent iimii tmlnv plajid h h
Inst Kiiiuo of i iuMV. Till", .liter
noon lie will -.i j,ood-h,o to the lo
cal fiiem1 ho In-, made. Tomorrow
lie will leuve lor tiliim;toii.
hundreds of thousands of dnll.irs was
BF'T w&tJBJpffifcL ABniijSwwpi , jJwHBiM yBSfe SB jjiB
.JANTAkY 10, 1011.
h. i icr nil I). M. I,iu it A hut
urrou xIjii town', h i lee t -re tluit iim i . rml . 'I Ii . 10 "'i '
ii. lie mi.' t ! of tie ii. .pn .'iii ii.
ut the 1'ne tln.ittr to ij;!.t i.irlv.
SAN DIKCO, Cl., .Inn. 10. I.yn
j cmiciI for veiirn ami in full icv
f imudred- of viitoiH ut tho Hotel
Del Coronailo, a port on of the ver
tebrae of ii prchintoric dimwnur lin
todn" been dicovewil bv O. W.
IlroiMrtHi, member of the Ornillioloj;.
ienl society of Knii"-u.
Tlio di-eovcry was made lute yon
I onlay, while Mr. llronson w-r
walkint; o or the mmU near the ho
tel. The hoiuw have been in itlain
K'liht for several eurs, hut were
opposed to ho llio-o of .-oino com
mon ."ea nuiiuiil. They will bo sent
to ToHtka, Kan., for exhibition pur-
Tiio portion of the skeleton found
in not oulv of scientific interest, no
cording to Mr. Uroiison, but of n
groat mouotnry viiltte. The dino-
-aitrti is an order ot leptiles, re-semhliii'-
tho earlv eroeodilo. whioh
e.i.-ted in tho Trias period. AI
though n number have been found in
the we-toni Mutes in recent jears,
they are very rare and valuable,
t'oionudo resident.-, manv of
whom have icwotl tlio bouo, wmv
-urpri-ed today when they learned
their value.
Some of tho prehistoric nnimni
Mere seventy feet loiifr. The verte
brae found nt (mmnilo indicated
that the tiri'iuil was a mou-ter.
$500,000,000 VALUL
YV.VKII1NUTON, Jan. 10, Clam
of tho Southein I'ncifio compauv lo
t'liliforuiii oil lands woith .-.'iOO.OOO,-000
weio uttm'kod in ii brief filed
with tho United States supremo eouit
today by Kdinuud Ilurko uf 1 An
I'les. Tho luief a. erted that no
troleum is n miiiorat nml for hut
reason tho i ail road could not claim
petroleum propcity tm "
lMTTSUUHO, l'n., Jan. 10. Sev
eral independent steel nulls poMcd
announcements today that their
plants will icsiuuo miming full linio
.Monday on account of I'icsh orders
culling for 'about 100,000 tons of
d, -ov'.-ru Or. c. ,'s ffinui.H fnrmcr,
roiHeil ;; intb l ini. h;i
- of If 'i v " iih illu-tra-
n. b i ur il.-p ,i ii nil the ln eit e-
Adiiii - iun of 10 c . t-. ;ih to help pa
CAI.rMirr. Mich.. Jan. 10. That
the Hoiifihton county gniiiil j'ltj
would coinplete it- work this ufter-
1 noon wiiii the return of several in
dictments Ma- reported here today.
Inn-much n- it was this jrrand jutv
which investigated the deportatioa
from the copper country of l're-ideut
Moyr mid Tanner of the
Western Federation of Miner-, in
teiiK1 iutore-t wa- felt in its report.
It was thought po ible there might
be true hill- for some of tho-o con
cerned in the deiMirtation.
Although several inches of snow
iiad fiillcn and it was very cold, the
miueoM-iiers today started evicting"
100 strikers' families from the com
pany owned hou-o-.
SAN FRANCISCO, Oil.. Jan. 10.
Suit tor .f.'iO.OOO again-t the San
Fmnci-eo K.nminer Uubli-hiiig com
pany for nlliged defamatory article
whioh she were published ill
the Kxaimnor, wa.- fued hero lotlaj
by Mi.-. I .a urn A. Snyder, formerlv
Miss liuni A. Fair. The nrtfele.-,
tho complaint says, wero published
February 1) and Mnrch l. 1011. The
fir-t article, 3Iiz. Snyder declared,
asseited -ho wik tho mother of tho
late Lillian Lorraine Hollis, tho act
ress, wlio died of starvation. The
second article charged, he said, that
Judge A V, Critteudon wus. thu
father of her daughter.
HAKKIt, Oro., Jnn. 10. Attor
ney Collier of Portland, representl'tii?
(lovornor West, Miss Foru Jlobbs,
Colonel I.nwsou mid tbo militiamen
who nldod In tho establishment ot
martial law In Copnerfleld, ap
peared In Circuit Judgo AnUorson'a
court this nftciuooii aud tiled an
answer to nn injunction suit brought
by Copporfiold snloonmon to re
strain l.nwsou from boUIhk their
stocks ot liquors. Colonel Lawson
iltsrognrdod tbo restraining order uud
bo present suit will establish whether
civil action can bo brought to recover
dnuitiKcs for tho confiscation of tho
llipior. None of tho defendants woro
NO. 240
State Railroad Commission Hearing
Application for Increased Rates in
Rogue River Valley Home Books
Audited by Pacific Company.
Vance Pleads Ignorance of Owner
ship, But Admits tell System
Owns $100,000 of Bends.
SALK.M, Ore, Jan. 10. Interest
ing testimony, touching upon tho
broadly gUKKeateil theory thnt the
Home Telephone ft Telegraph com
pany of Southern Oregon, operating
at Medford, Jacksonville, Gold Hill
and Itogue Illver, Is In fact owned by
the Hell system, developed hero
Thursday In tho hearing beforo the
railroad commission upon the ap
plication of tho Home company for
authority to Increase Its rates.
A. J. Vance, manager of tho Home
company, had been called to tho wit
nets chair and was examined at
length by Commissioner O. U. Altchl
son. Ho was asked flatly If tho
Home company Is owned by the Pa
cific States company, and said ho had
no knowledge of such ownership, ex
cept that he understood that the Pa
cific company held 1100,000 worth
of thoLonds.
Audlttti by Itett Company
Mr. Vanco admitted that the ac
counts of the Home company - aro
audited by employes of tho Pacific
company. Asked by what authority
this Is done, ho said It was by au
thority of a. VX Phllps, genera! au
ditor of the Pacific company. Thnt
was about all the Information he
could give about It.
Further questioning showed that
In several other wajs the Home
company has relations with tho Pa
cific company that would not bo ex
pcted In the caso ot an (dependent
company. Mr. Vance stoutly main
tained that tho local company oper
ates entirely by itself, and said he
had paid llttlo attention to tho own
ership of tho stock.
"Candidly," asked Commissioner
Altchlson, after pursuing these In
quiries for some time, "It Is not a
fact that the Home company Is owned
by the Pacific Telephone & Telegraph
company "
May Effect DecMloo.
This brought the usual reply, that
the witness had no Information as to
that. Tho question ot ownership
may have Important bearing on tho
qestlon ot rates to bo charged, for if
the Home company Is only In fact a
brach o( tho Pacific company's sys
tem, the commission may not be dis
poned to a allow a return on the
same basis as though It were strug
gling on in an independent position.
Mr, Vanco in his testimony stated
that even with the increased rates
asked for by the company, he did not
hope for any profits to tho stock
holders for some tlmo to come. All
that is expected, ho declared, Is ro
keep up tho Interest and othor
charges until business grown to the
joint of profit. As to the exchange
ut Itogue Hlver, ho said ho could boo
(Continued on pace 1.)
NEW YOHK, Jan. 10. Weakness
in New Haven marked tho opening
of tho slock murkot today. That
stock dropped ItA to T,, tho direct
result of the refusal of tho Mussa
cliiHetts supremo court to authorizo
u proposed bond Iwsuo of $07,000,
000. Trading in tlio Mock, however,
wus pot heavy ami on tho next few
transactions (bo nrico rose to 71.
When Now Haven turned upward, the
rcM ot (ho list Ktitteneu.
Aside from tiio New Haven issue,
tho widest movement was in special
ties. Tobacco ittbitep wero heavy, hut
Toxuu Company gained fiVfc. Thin
was followed hy New Work Central
sagging to 8uli, within a fraction of
it low record for twenty year).
Honda wero firm.
Tho market closed uteady.