Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, January 09, 1914, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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OUKUOtf. KK'IDAV. .IANTAKY !), 1!)1 1.
Dr. J, .1, Kininoim of Mctlfonl 1ms
licoti muiQlntod oculist for tlio South
orjt I'nclflc railroad In Southern Ore
gon mid Xorthorn Cnlli'ornln.
A upcelnl train linn licon clinrtcrod
by tlio loral loilgo of Moose for nn ex
curnlon to Onuits Pass on Jnnunry 22
whero a Mooso celebration U hold,
Tlio Collego Women's club will
moot rit the homo of Mrs. It.
Stonrim, 1G Iloso nvonno on Saturdny,
.Inn. 10. from two to five p. in. An
InterefttlnR program Is being pre
pared, consisting of music and a
talk by Or. Hertba Stowart of thu
I'nlvcrslty of Oregon at Kugenc. Do
not miss bearing her. All member-
Mr, and Mrs. tu Newborn' and A.
.1 Vance are roglstered at tho Imper
ial from Med ford. Mr. Newberry la
n prominent nttornry nt Medford and
Mr. Vance Is manager of a telephone
exchange, embracing the Itoguc rler
valley. Portland Oregoulan.
K, J Kaiser of the Ashland Record
spent Friday In Medford.
Kodak finishing est In town nt
I). 1). lloylo writes S. It. Graham
that he Is located, temporarily nt
least at Urnwloy, Cnl., which Is In tho
Imperial valley.
The next attraction nt the Page
Theater will be "The Ullndness of
E. D. Weston, commercial photog
rnphor, negatives mado any time or
placo by appointment. Phono M
Charles Ickcls Is due today to ar
rlvo homo from a visit to San Fran
cisco. Jack Pate of Klamath county Is In
the city on business.
Sugar Pine shakes. Medford Lbr.
Wig Ashpole left Thursday for
Portland with two carloads of stock
for northern markets.
Miko Carney of Murphy Is visiting
a few days In tho city.
Trnvelers from tho upper Apple
gate report that the heay rains of
tho last ten days In that section
mused many landslides on thu hill
xlriex, In some Instances several acres
slipping down Into the Dig Apple
gate from cleared opots. A small
portion of .Inckass hill was swept
away. Much dead timber was ulown
Willis Hopkins, a lumberman of
tho Coos Hay country Is In tho city
for a few das on business.
Milk and cream nt DoVoe's.
The Ashland and Medford high
school basketball teams will meet for
the first time next week, definite date
Mrs. Pert Harmon has returned
from Orauts Pass where she spent a
fow days visiting.
Dr. K. Klrchgessner has returned
and will be nt the Nash Hotel on
Wednesday from 10 to 3.
Paul McDonald who Is attending O.
A. C. at Corvallls is expected home
I tomorrow.
Kred Osborn returned Wednesday
from Orauts Pass whero he was
called on mining business.
Kodak finishing, glossy or dull fin
ish nt J, O. Ocrklng'B studio, 22S E.
Main St. Phono 320-.
Mike Womnch.has returned from
a trip to the Slskiyous, and is get
ting ready for another Journey after
Medford Homestead 2.121, Ilrotlior
hood of American Yeoman elected
new officers Thursday night as fol fel fol
eows: P. V. Chelgren. 11. H.; H.
Gunther. M. C; Mrs. Dora Frees, C;
Jako Wolff. M. A.; ,F. Wolff, O.:
John Hackert. W.. and Chris Wolff,
See Ahrcns January clean-nice sale
J. F. Unlstim of Jnmcsttiwh, N D
la spending a few dnjs in tho valley.
Joe II, Wilson has returned to Ills
home In Talent.
. W. K, Mcl.eud of Prospect spent
Thursday In Medford on business.
"Insurnnco your best asset." Have
tho est. Place jour Insurnnco with
Holmes, tho Insurance Man, right it
ho writes it. it
A. K. Hall of Kogue Ulver visited
in tlio city today.
It. K. Donn of Orants Pas Is In
Medford todnj attending to business.
See Ahro-ns Januarj eleninnce sale
advert Uemont today.
K. J, Mahau of Ashland spent
Thursday In Medford on business.
Hoy Tuttle of Taleut Is in tho city
for a few days,
John Steeu of WntKlis is in Med
ford for a few ilns trndlug,
Tho lloguu Ulver Fruit and Pro
duce nssoclatlou has about 75 half
boxes of Cornice pears which are
ready for o.ulck consumption, and
which will bo sold at a very nominal
Win. ltoddle, of llrooklngs. S. I) .
Is In Medford lsltlng his old-time
friends, II. K. I.udolius and Dr. Kvor
hard and families. Mr. ltoddle Is
Albert 1:, Orr retdvuod today from
tlrnuts Pass, whero ho went In eon
ncutlou with tho celebration of tho
Moose lodge in that city Washing
ton's birthday. About 200 Medford
and Ashland Mooso members will
mulvo the trip on that date, and a big
time will be held.
lUo l-'nideger has relumed from
luminous trip to Oleudale.
l.lod tlroen nii.l Ueorgo Mltoh,
the harmoii) boH. prorlitliu; latest
song hit "What You Menu You Lost
Yer Dog!" nt the It Theater tonight.
Quite u number of uucmplood men
lauded In the city Thurda night,
and were given shelter in thu city
jail. Most of the uiuml left town
earl) this morning. A delegation 'it
100, nun tunri'h on Salem, aro now
expected to retail .Medford tho mid
dle of net week,
Frank Nell of Derby, Oregon, spout
Krlilnv In Medford, Ore.'rs Carklu and Taj lor bao
mood from Central avenue Into
three larger fro'nt office on Main
street over llasklus and Uoyduu's
I Miss Nell Storm who was operated
upon at Sacred Heart hospital n week
nim fiir nim-iiutlplltH lm lu'iill ro-
prominent In South Dakota polities, i ,. In . .,,.. nll . . .,......,,,.
Ing rapidly.
one time was secretary of
Weeks & McGowan Co.
Ijdy Assistant
Hay Phono 227
Night F. W. Weeks 103-J2I
Hurtic A. E. Orr 078-Mi
advertisement today.
Miss, Carrie Preston -of Grants
Pass visited friends In Medford
Gene Hoko of Central Point was In
the city Thursday on business. (
J. O. Gerklng, tho best all around
photographer In southorn Oregon..
Alays reliable. Negatives mado any
where, time or place. Studio 22S
Main St. Phono 320-J.
N. A. Nixon of Hilt, Cal., is in
tho city for a few dnys.
A heavy fog settled over the valley
this morning, following a cold night,
that made tho paved streets a glare
of Ice. Trains on the tracks had dif
ficulty In starting.
Fresh lime. Medford Lbr. Co.
licrt It. Greer of Ashland was in
the city Thursdaj-.
W. C. Frultt leaves Sunday for his
forest service post at Hutton, Cal., af
ter spending a week In Medford.
and nt
Mrs. J. W. Mitchell Is visiting rcla
tlves In Ashland for a few dajti.
The Kelster Ladles' Tailoring Cul
lege Is now open in the St. Mark's
block. See ad In this paper.
John Thomas of Gloudnle Is at
tending to business In the city this
W. A. Purr of Jacksonville Is In
the city today on business.
L. W. Whltiug leaves today for
Gallro after visiting friends in Med
ford. Mrs. Hose Urumbaugh of Gold
! Hill Is in the city for a few days ou
Julius Caesar Sato, tho well known
Japanese driver of n laundry wagon
Is contemplating opening a school of
Jiu Jltsu. This accomplishment
would run counter' to the two danc
ing academics specializing the tango.
Glen and Thomas Davis and A. I).
Walters, who aro surveying on the
jSlskljou road, are spending a few
days In Medford.
Mrs. Fred Lewis of Wcllon visited
in Medford tho mlddlo of the week.
Sam Slgcl of Salem Is in the city
on business. '
A number of cases of measles are
reported from tho country district!-.
Kogcr Hitchcock has returned
from a week's business trip to Portland.
No change Is reported today In tho
condition of J. L Watt, who Is III
from an nbscess In the ear.
Deputj Sheiltr K. W WlUon vvn
over from Jacksonville Thursday.
Charles (lay Is guarding tho cigar
store of K. C. Ireland and company
on Mnln street pending n settlement
of the estate nffalrs by tho federal
court nt Portland. Tho matter will
be hoard some time next week.
Axel Lundgren and Andrew Jeld
nee expect to return to tho lllue
Ledge district the first of the week.
The sky clonrod this afternoon, af
ter tho heavy fog In the morning.
and bright sunshine closed the day.
August Wendl of Jacksonville Is
In tho city today.
Mr. and Mrs. A. I. Douglas en
tertained a number of friends at din
ner at their homo last night.
Capt. !!. W. Collins. l S. A. will
Inspect the equipment of the local mi
litia company next Wodnwidny.
At the moiithb meeting or the
cnunt, court Kudu) toad nuierlxoi
were appointed Tor tho uniilng jenr
Onlj two changes were nuiilo In lust
j em's list. Kd Duttou replacing ,1m
meriuau In the Kngle Point district
nnil fail livedo lepluclng Hamilton
In the ICitsteru Con trill Point dUtrtut.
The suiiervlmirs ato as follew:
Ashland district, Jack Tiue,
Phoeulx district, S. 0. Van Dyko.
Knglo Point district, ltd Duttou.
Central Point-neat Hide, O. J.
.Medford. west side, Nick Kline.
l.aKo Creek district, Tom .Stanley
Derby dlstilct. Frank Nell,
Gold Hill dUtrlrt. Arthur ICnrhtvrdt
I'rortpoet district. John Grelvori.
ApploKato district. W It Gauett
Kviiim ("re. k dlstilct. .In luuidson
lieacle dlsirii t w t' chapman.
Central Point, eat. Carl llobeo.
Tiail dl-irlct. Dave Pence.
The countrj now known as Per
hla formed part, at varloun times,
of a much greater kingdom, and
about ''00 ears before the begin
ning of tho Christian era It wum In
cluded Iu a mighty empire extend
ing from Asia Minor -ml Srla to the
With Medford trade li Medfor.1 mado
ASTOItlA. Ore.. Jan 0 -Th
French bark Ln Itoclie Jaciiellu.
which left San Francisco December
2i, Is In jiorl today and according to
Captain llelnrj, the vessel went
through tint most remendoiiH nale-i he
nver wituwswed.
"It was one gale after Miiother,"
said Captain llelnry. "On the first
three dttj of January tho wind blew
its utmost from tho south and south
east. Tho sea waa llko smoke and
honvy swells enmo on board by the
lueslde. We lot one forSNll, out
lower topsail, two upper toisall. one
miuen-stay, ouo fonttop limit salt and
many others were dnmngtd.
'Tho wind was iilwnj nrcnniia
uled by rain and hull. It wits al
most luiHisllilu to stauit ou deck
Only twico during tho trip did we
se tho sun."
Granville Harbor Iioik-ji to estab
lloh a permanent reportolre theater
iu London.
An in jinn lien un npilieil I'm llu
lilleineeil in the i-iuiill einiit le
ollUltllni; t'llv U'cioidei I'n--. Iiinti
pliu-iug (he name of Ilium I'liicli
on the I'ilv liullot. The action wn
token on irtounilM Unit l.'tHcli'o riling
whn made loo Into. Tlio tempi. i a!
Injiiiietum mm urrttel tliU niter
noon liv Judge I'tilkniM, mnt final nr-iMineiit-
will lie Hiinle leinoiTitw at
V! 1 1. 'in.
The Krv. If. W. MneClill.Hiuli ol
he lhiMil ehureh Into ,Thnrvla nt'.
teniouii itnil the tnee for the ennneil
from the Ihli-tl wnl. I'ihhi the lie
liext of lemllnir meinlier of hU eon.
giejmtloti mid elliseu-. The mini--
ler fr u lime won liikeunini about
reitrltuf. Till leave-, a elenr-eiii,
Ivvii.mHii Mieo hetwrrn Dr. Ilntgrate,
the lnineh meoV emnlnlnle, nnil
Ciiiiuriliivan (leorge .Millar, In em if io
enll, who fireululeil the intr' noin
iiintltiK iwiltiou.
The henvv uillllerv wa liniuglil
into play in lite eeoiiil waul Tliur
i lev, the Koeiul cull linliig inil ()
n n vote-fetter. Sympathy ntvu
inetil were advanced in-nunl ming
to reenll (.'ounelliunii StewNit. Ilou-.u-Io-Iioiii
enilVUMses weie emplovihl.
Moth lile were nellve.
The enniliilntei Nlillted llim inoiu
nig to the rriileuee iliMiieW, and wo
men vidern are -iiuuht. A little im
Meed I'l-nture of the eampaigu in the
-uildeii "-iinu-eiic-i" in nttire of
laiiiloliitc", Suinlav clothe pit-dom-iiiiitmi-.
LOS ANdlLH.S Cal Jan !
Sheriff' deputies wcr i-eardiliiK to
tln rur ttalpli l.tipei guii of six
killings In I tali, who Is reported to
he hiding at Compton. a suburb. The
news was hrought by a Mexican who
Hiild he ouro worked with Lopes and
hail rccomil.od him on a utroct car
Aivt I believed to have escaped
from the I'tah-Apex mine near Illux
linui. where he was besieged for a
ASIII. WD. Jau 11 Major .loliu
moii In his auiiiiat mi-ssiuut to the cltj
coumil, lefetilng to the action or
the iiiiintj mart In liieludltiK (ho mud
levy Iu tho general levy, so that Ah
laud people would ha to ntnuil Ihelr
nliure of (ho load tax, lake a rap it',
tho count) i iinrt n h lining in ton
tempt tit i unit a Mllnw:
"HomooiiH riH'eiitly wild. "Just
what the toiuilnatlou of a MiiruusMful
milt ha hr-tughl to n I reprMOUtod
to Ohio extent by X."
' Ashland' uttltinlo Iu tint iimil
Ihx nmttor I am confident I cotioet
and the suit well founded u tho do
11 ee of the siipieino court would In
dicate. It should not appear at muv
ttliiu (hat our pHii!o urn nihersn In
riHid hullilluii and Imprtivniuont, and
the mill Just concluded wki nut lut
luted for the purpo(i or enmtliig h
eondllloii of total ami M-ruuiiient Im
miiuliy from load tax and romt Im
proveineut. Not this, but nil her Im
munity from the greed), seldsli hand
of other loialltlo whleh, through thu
county court, a been unlawfully and
unfairly found too often In Ahhuu!
"1 do not believe that the pronetit
or Muy county Judge In 'Jregou, tho
elreiimstnucii being eijuut, can levy
a neiieral tax taking theiefnim a
road tax, thereby dodging tha reiu
deeUlou of the supremo eourt. I
am coiifliljint In this enso (but It I
little short of contempt and should
not b per.iltied If there la any law
to prevent It."
vVllh Medford trnilot Medford mndo
"- kiiA".;;SaBK':
, -i . SUBB
Idejilver t f
Collars' 't
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V V V V V V V ' T ' T V V ' ' ' ' V V ' oT '' V Tr '
January Clearance
Our Fourth January Clearance Sale Begins Saturday Morning
Tremendous clearance on all Tailored Suits, Coats, Dresses, Skirts, Furs, Shirt Waists, Petticoats, Kimonas,
Millinery, etc. Medford and vicinity women know what bargains to expect in our January Clearance Sale.
Not a garment has been missed. Some are reduced
Dress Skirts .
Values to $17.50 $1.0S
This may sivin exncratcd, but not so
fornior )riecs woro up to .$17.50, hut tlio
styles arc not tho present vogue and wo are
taking drastic measures to clear our stock
during clearance: most all colors on this
ruck; ahout (50 skirts to choose from; Clear
ance price $1.98
Wool Dresses
Ono-Half Price
Vniir uiiri'.sli'icli'd chuire of the entice line;
tcr !)() Dichscs to choose from. All this
sen.son's newest models and materia Ik.
At Olearauce i)rices. Time will not allow
Ua to enumerate prices here.
Bath Robes
At Clearance Prices.
Evening Dresses
One-Half Price
All the newest, daintiest styles 'in chiffons,
crepes, Algerian crepes, etc
$10.50 I-: veiling Ureases $ 9.75
Tailored Suits
At Clearanco Prices
That will (dear the racks for spring goods. .Many
of our season's host models to choose from at
ui'ilieard-of reducl ions.
Shirt Waists
$11. ."() Dresses now $5.75
$11.50 Dresses now $7.25
$15.00 Dresses now $7.50
&io-.m it,.,.,..,... ...v... eoorr
yivi.uw I'icvii-a immi ijiwti t
$10.50 Dresses now
$1M.50 Dresses now
$li7.50 Dresses now $KJ.75
Ucdiiced 10 to -10.
The, Daylight Store
All of our .Shirt AVaists are wvy much under-priced.
$22.50 .Evening Dresses . $11.25
$25.00 Evening Dresses $12.50
$1)5.00 Evening Dresses $17.50
$15.00 Evening Dresses $22.50
$00.00 Evening Dresses $30.00
Xow for a thorough clearance. All Trimmed and
lTntrininied Hats are marked for quick clearance.
The Daylight Store
..$9.75 A
.$12.25 V