PAGE TWO anwFORn at ah, TmnuNR Mrcmroun, omwoN, wkd.vmsdav. .ianiwuy 7, inn. rt-J IOCAL AND l PERSONAL .1 ,1. Courtney of Milestone, N. I)., nnd lit wife mo In the city viewing coitillllons. A mooting of tlio V. C. T. V. will bo hold Thursday afternoon nt tho jiitlilli: library nt :t o'clock. All motn Iioib mo urged to intend. Kodak finishing est In town nt Weston's. Chester Thornton of Uuch Is In the illy today on business, Mall from tlio east Is being slight ly ilclnjed by storma In thu northwest mul Montana. S. l trains Arc now running on time. Orders tnken for decorated china. Latest 1914 designs, for sets, or single pieces. Mrs. J. D. Bell, Hotel Nash, 246 During the Inst wcok the police hnvo driven a score of tramp out of town, hut each freight brings In n ninny more. 0 11. Young of Hilt. Cal is tran sacting business In Mcdford today. Moo's dry goods store is showing unusual high grade values at their January white goods sale. 24(3 Mrs. Nancy Uoollttlo of Eugene Is visiting friends and relatives on Griffin creek, t J. 11. KlncHldo IZnglc .Point is In thci city for a fowdayg on business. 12. D. NVcston, commercial photos raplior, negatives mado any time or placo by appointment. Phono M 1471. M. M. Tuttle of, Phoenix ispent Tuesday In ;Medforl attending to business. K. 1). Toms of Kresno, Cal., Is in the city for n few days. Milk and cream nt DeVoo's. Workmen have about completed Court Hall's new Cadillac garago on South Fir street. Andrew Jeldness, Axel Lundgren, lllll Fry and C, Frultt are in the city this weok from the Blue Ledge district. They -will all return short))'. Advance showing of white goods, laces, embroideries and muslin un derwear at Moe's dry goods store. 24C Thcprosccutlng attorney's office Is making preparations to enforco thu state law'tagalust the posting of fake medicine ads. llnbert Barron of Barron was a business visitor in Mcdford Tuesday. Sec V. H. Storm about'.' Vuiiii. Arizona, lands. Seven to nine cut tings alfalfa. Under government project. 117 S. Laurel street. 247 Claude Saylor and wlfo who left Mcdford in November tor their old home in Pennsylvania, aro headed this way again, according to letters, They are tired of the east. Mrs. J. H. Kingly of Gold Hill vis ited friends In Medford Monday. Kodak finishing, glossy or dull fin ish at J. O. Gcrklng's studio, 228 E. Main St. Phono 320-. County Commissioner Con Leover Is over from Central Point for a few hours. Deputy Fruit Inspectors Myers and Aitkin transacted business iu the city Tuesday. January white sale now on at Moe's dry goods store. 24C Arthur Glenn of Roseburg Is spending a few days in the city. Joo H. Wilson of Talent Is visiting in tho city for a few days. J. O. Gerklng, tho 'best all around photographer In southern Oregon.. Alays reliable Negatives made any where, time or placo. Studio 22S Main St. Phono 320-J. Dr. KlrchgetHiiur of Illverdale is in the city on business. Fresh lime. Medford Lbr. Co, Sheriff Slngler and Deputy "Cur ley" Wilson wen over from Jackson ville Tuesday evening. "Insurance your best asset." Have tho est. Placo your Insurance with Holmes, tlio Insurance Man, right If ho writes it. tf C. K. Kay of Wellcu Is In tho city for a few days. Walter MerilcH mado a business trip to Jacksonville Tuesday and to duy, (i T .McDonald of Glendale tran baclml business In Medford Tuebduy. The ltogiio River ,1'rult and Pro duce association has about 75 half boxes of Coiulco pears which are ready for quick consumption, aud which will bo told at a very nominal prlco, Miss Francos Ncotel, principal of thu lloguti river bchool, entertained thu Rogue- ltlvor teachers and her teacher friends Vrom Jacksonville at dinner at the Medford on Now years Day, Among those present were: .Mrs. J. Porey Walls, the Misses Hurst. Wondt. Fleming nnd Nasliund. Thu Models nnd llnrniccn's basket ball teams meet at the Nat tonight. President Dtirch of the Portliuul Itenver Cement company nt Gold lllll Ik arranging for the shipment of BO toils of fire brick Tor tho now plant now being constructed. AntomoMllsts of Ktumntli count) are talking of forming a local nso elation to act with the Jackson coun ty association In fighting the tag li cense law. Sugar Pine shakos. Medford Lbr. Co. Welcome rain foil oer the valle.v today In showers, Tho ground, ac cording to growers Is In need of moisture, and throe or four weeks rain Is hoped for. The council Tuesday night allowed a big hatch of hills for December. Arthur Dunlop of Trail is visiting In the city for n few days. .1. S. Long has returned from n business trip to Kugcue. H. D. Wnlther of tho California Oregon Power company, with W. G. Aldcphagen Is attending to business In Klamath Falls this week. U. E. Smith of Butte Falls is In the city for a few das on business. Miss Mnry Greeu of Ashland vis ited friends In Medford Tuesday. The city election has brought tho campaigners in large numbers, tho arguing place being nt Main and Front" streets. Few spirited clashes have resulted todato. Tho candi dates still have their1 feet on the soft pedajC1 x ii Thctown nasjvcliance "o "tangoed" two dcaubmy's Tor this purpose Lelng' lu th'tf course of for mation. - . .-v(j Don Gibbons wasup from Gold Hill on business his morning INTERESTING PHOTOGRAPH OF THE FLAGSHIP MEN. 0 SEEKS SHARE U . I ,1 L.I I I I I ! . ' gV" " ' ' mam " ImHRMBPSB -..--V m :53 22 OF TIPS PAID POLICE E On m WORK UNu .iDtmltii V VOMlNu The mm eH'rt" Juotight t'u i i f Hour i . A'fc.irw. t5i I 'ill a ill tl I'lonu.i rt' fi iij tl.i'ir u.i i wfrn g' il '. 11 . :i ,N nv Yi-rl. Thi t i; hi .i,i linl wvit''"" fir ' r 'i. im -i j."i!i" Iil 'i i j(u '- r tl w ti'l Imow t tli. I v, i -ir i) -, tit) , i - n tK iw ti .. 4, i, i ii-.'i 'it, lieu tl.c fl.iirx.i jt .irritid hr fuu'iei we , ! .j hm;i it t ,,. Ita.tK r I'ntn i tin' Moillti . i 1 1' i t ,c i i 'I via . .-jul I line oilier lil nf tl fl-t itliUl.-M -ll ' ttffk'orn mul iim-ii vii tlio hlv (lj.'litMi ' 'i Tin- t.. ii w .1 l M v 'I 11 I ML I 111 oril jltir.i W il.'l lil.f i'.v b i U'ui u.i i n ii niv tin" liv the rlln-l In tlu' Sun Hi II h4t II i-liii lllll tin' i.iik fie mi liln I tilt t A. siioeenbaumj'E;eneral iuanaKtr of the 'llarrlman lines iu Mcdfor!, has returned from a ten day's visit to. California, lie reports real hard times' In Southern California, crowds of unemployed and few tourists. It rained nearly all the time lie was away. No where was the outlook any brighter or prospects fairer than nrMedford. TTne -county court'Ts holding It) retfutar monthly meeting at Jackson ville. Wednesday tho time was oc cupied in passing upon bills, espe cially those from doctors, aggregat ing several hundred dollars, unau thorized by the court. t- -: PREACHER EK NC ACCIDENT DELAYS E ASK REVERSAL OF ; GODWIN ASSERTS CASE' LID IS ON' BAKER'".:' ULRCH LIKEWISE WILLOW SPRINGS TWIG LETS! 4 Mr. Sweet's pleasant smiling count enauce was seen In this district one da thlsrweek; ,' ; It. F. Dean celebrated his birthday on January 2. by entertaining at din ner the following guests: .Mr. Theodore-Glass aud family, Mrs. S. If. Glat-SiMr. Huston, J. 11. Howe, Miss Asken nnd Miss McNnsser. Paul Lake and family entertalpcd a large dinner party on New Years Day. Merritt Hoagland returned to lilsH home after enjoying a month's visit with Clarence McFall of Klamath Falls. Mr. McFall accompanied Mr. Hoagland aud will remain .here In definitely. W. A. Thompson left the valley for New York on a short pleasure and business trip. Jle will visit his mother of Glen llldge and Mr. Jarvll, a director of the S. P. railroad. Sunday tho Dean family wore en tertained at the A. T, Whitney home .V. . . onsisunset Drive. The dinner was glven'lnlio The Ke. V. 1). .Mitiill..inth. Ilni. ti-t niiiij-tor. mul WiHimn t'lneli. I pioneer iiiietiiiuoer, filed their onaili- ilueie fur the rty i-imiiril Tuiiliiy in the 'I'liinl mul Stn'mul wnnl-, if iM'itively. The filineV lirotiglit n .-tonii of pruteM. nipl llie ieicnlitv ot the tilitijX- uiH'Mioni'd. The pelilii.if of tin- lf. MoCul Itiush wn hiiuluty'il liy Coimcilniim Grorpe .Millar, tsnol muhhiu miior by Ciiiiniliniiii ''.lnhn SmniiuTxillf. mul tiled liy liiin-olf. Hill I'lru-li likowi-e filed lii own tition. 'I'll- njjui.-toc'B .wliilfium P0(Uii'- j'eiw-. only, tuwif Mniirio- fnr Huiifiliiirii; pruliiltition ami tin- inili'ittioii of nil en ic mil IJi- t'linilKlHcy -pill- the uiili-.Milliir vnte. a- lie i n enmHilato for llieliort term. .Mr.Tlrie)i i irrri6iMl r thtV"? out I'oiiiicil ,unl one t it ffw uf)-lioMer-. It1!? '.XtC"'!'! I.l.v Vhm'IiiIhI the filiii'.'- tire an (ittaupt to r-plit the vote of tiV Iiiwiii-v-' men' ticket. lie i rimiliiliitf if.'MHi-t Col. .Sureent. Tli- l .i .imini p.xcur-i" i if l-1 pi'iipn , on unite to t. iiniuiii, iit riitil nt Mcdlniil ut I 1 1 tlii" ufler. i. ion. Iiciiiw ilolnvoit nt Gold Hill U u mpploil niiKino one hour. Seere lurv Sttvi't- of the (.iHimi.'rrinl ohil nnd n ilclrjiiition .! i it I40H-. met tlirin nt the tk'Mil vMiid ili-liitnitcl (nut mill lilorntuie of Hie Itoan finer vnllt. Tlielr l?lne in limited owin to dotiv. Tum'iHTi'iv the SfuL Kiiiu'-w iilla iiii ei iii-mii Hif.ert throuj;i at 1 'J : 1 ii oVlo k. . C'lllt'NGO. Inn 7 pita In the I'nltfil Slates ilruilt unlit ii (i;iioiilii here to roere Its i omlitloii or link Johnson, the negiro ixikIIIkI. on a ivhltii Hlairy c)iarx, mado to dii by Attoruo) Ilenjamlii. Ituctirtuh "The Maim art iu not iHloudoit to pre will l a man from trmellfM b" twcrii Ktatix with a roiirublne.'' at (died ,Havhrali "rim title and u" jetiiiuttor uf the art ln.dli.ito it v, fdeiilKiied.' to jinveiitjjlic Oii'Ihk mil soiling, in noiuiMi iur promu moil ' Am el lull im i l'' ' ' nilii'il, ; nun MiHin hi li.ixt .Si, mil Uilii'ii II II. riMiiiur.l nt4inliil"U a ii'HuMi' liiiliioimgi nt tit, iWi-m TuK4i' iif In. nnd imM Irt'omvn Mn,viir l'ti' ilni lu'lil any nihlttiiil wottlil I liNil m iniHI Hltef fln jty I'lrniliw. Il ilieli-Mil. tlint (VhwimjI iliilMHil niie m niiirn iihuV th lilfo, m Imi i ilul Hit "-.idi inimm" llmt emi In H i.iiiiii nioniln i' nf lio luifo. I'm iiiiiiiiiit iiiil lihln in Niiim;t li ii -. n;kiiiu np xiiutiiiii look, iiii . tin- pnllii ireli iihont 'jn ii I iiiuiitli in ti, .Millar miiiL TbU i ilnnlnl Hiiiiiiiir the nifiiliu- mul tin lint. Mi. Ciiimfiitit twin n "iw- ml, i not in on the "out." Hili ! Millni nnd linif.'ir llniik he uHirht 1 1 he. Tli rwiiliini Iwlk m( glvlfiM him it -Imrc until h In wmI imi tf ihviH. Itnl Minor I'linUn IW nut euro In npimini him nl rim iiw Hk uf the new oonnfil mint I mi him. I'lHiiiviliniin i'miiJj"II mM I he mtmrv lor lacking ffi- lUrnv nlwk nhoulil ho tuinril. .rr to tt fity lrinuiy mul if ih4mm ihhm miiiiUiI a liuhf lunN) hv, n elly om ptiivo ihoie uniihl l? ui fee. The iiBir kIiumIiwI ' fl1' niliiiii, tlrMtr iinititntnl. I III the rlniHjt cuHrt. ttorm-y lHdl ptld no. MiU'iitliiii In thu WNNimi frow Gov- irmir Woi uidrlMii dim Iu elate up tllminlt'il) tum In llwknr riiMMty, ur (mo , .- outlon for hUmrcm. If tluieruiir Woi rtiM find sihih iiIiii im ho reforn in. mi Mill tlMitk hi in We tlimoil np tli rMitrlriiwt IIAKLIt Ore Ihh ; I am risiil) to unit, it rotiiiMid tor niainl ItiK fur tirdt-rli Uh i nfoii-vhietit. riitbor ttiitu nulirul iiiniikiiroii. ' Mild Jiidu Suiittivl Wlillo loilii) coiiiiuont- iur mi his i mlMicate gnu illm'i'' novornl moHltm into "Hit hffA oral of tho main itillltln In t'.uwriinr Went. .Itnlo'Wliii.i 1 iiltotin In ii raldoil it mlppwtiHl plllro lor." .! iii.ilviin " ""S-fflliil. : I . I Chalmers W MOTOR CARS ARE THE BEST FOR THE MONEY ASTOK1A. Dr. .Km. 7 'Hie tonu uliioli im- J.U"il lieu- rir tin hw-l ik Iiimim: ji''li'intiil, iiinofh- enlly till of the vosulf linrliiniiiil here lme smie tu enV Aiiniinf 'thorn iik tlio tenimT Ituni Jic Sun J-'nui :...:. ' ' WEST'S MARTIAL LAW EDICT TO BE AI1GUED SATURDAY Weeks & McGowan Co. ; UNDERTAKERS Jmiiy Assistant Day l'lione !7 MkIK I'. W. Weeks 103-J2 PkiW A. IS. Orr 078-MJ, nor or Jir. Whitney a son whoUas Just retuniyd frpm a thea- A picture of Willow Spring school house appeared In the New Year's Issue ot the Tribune. gret not seeing some of the panoramic vIj'wh that could be found at tho Wostou studio, which show off to great advautage this part of the val ley. Next ear, however, we shall see'-that vie aro not overlooked. AJ ho Greater iMedford musical held at the Page Thuater, Monday, the biography of French composers was presented by G. Talllaudler and tho illume of each compoTef was lllufr truUid by Mcdford and Willow Sprjogs talent. Mrs. Jlubton durliiK the jirogram beautifully lliistrnted Trilby" by Godard. and Miss Mc Nii'r presented "The .Slumber Song" by Dembnr. .MlsS.May Davfdbon ai .hostesH to a ItoUbo fpll of guests our New Year Day." There were :f s'na'tod at tin HAKKIt. Ore.. Jan. 7. The eontro versy between the civil courts anil Governor West concerning the right of tho latter to maintain mnrtlnl law at Copperfleld will be argued In the Haker county courts Saturday. After several days of tense feeling, the'Hituatfon cleared today at n con ference between tho counsellor 1)1 the deposed Copperfleld city officials and Frank Collier. Governor West's legal representative who arrived hero this Jiiornfriw, .For sovoral hours thex argued aud.L just wiien it scorned no ngrcenumi would be 'reached, ouch yielded and the two attorneys framed an agree ment that tho lefondants In tho ensn, Oswald West, Miss Fern Ilobbs, Col. Lawhoii and all others who wore served with copies of the reslraiuliiK orders Issued earlier In the week by Judge Anderson should nppear iu court here .Saturday. Governor West telegraphed today to District Attorney Godwin, Sheriff Hand und Circuit Judge Anderson that they had no authority to arrest any militiamen on civil proceedings iiuotlng the Oregon luws an proof. -- ixzzs a.-. ii --xrsjctf oweo. The -tirin uw IW tlpVlHJ M Jill (rurk tlii viriuiTv tor vornl 1 IM lltOS.l:, 7 -The jstur) that tlio oi n IuomI file- rtory Jfrtit (forced svoral trl em- Jployes to partidM Heforw him In Iho ilpde -wus told before thu TkiiwIhU i : vice eommlMlun hare today by Father . 5 yunrfk lbipemcul twuru yilliMl wiitor, ewir liloVkeii, ilri'ot-. wild lorn mt hhiI n iiuinlii'i- of ,!iiiM liiiniTi iiiniiul over i rhe Hlnii'ti ti IiiikI- lilies ' i J. P. MORGAN AND CREW USE POWER FOR GUTHAM CENTER dinner table' and ainon't onjo.vabU- da' u2iH spoilt by all present. The parent-teachers club meet ,it Mrs. und MIsh Taylor's home last Saturday and a large number of lad les attended Du !i. tin literary hoiir'MIss follng of Mill -lis, gave a voj;v liutrurtlv' i.4l; in ' Pl;v Giouuds," the e'ibjec' l'-r illhcusslou. Tho refreshiiK.its moid more than oluborate. Indeed the occasion was one Jong to bo remembered. .Mrs McKee will entertain the club the first Saturday In February, at which meeting sl hopeu to have the pren lduut of Ihd Orognu clubs and Mrs. Dlnl of Medford Instruct us on up-to-date plans for progression GERMAN CROWN PRINCE, -' ' WHO DEFIES KAISER i During the year 1S12 Musbaihus. etts factories turned out goods to thu value of ?l,&tC 7I! 1.41D. IP? Wjtj&jtjtft i -4 j NIJW YOHK. Jan. 7. J. P. Mor gan aligned hlmolt today with tho Hloiatcs of a ! glottal hank of commaudliig size Iu Now York, while most of thu other witnesses 'whp np peanuLat today's h-arlng of tlw fed ural reservo organUatlon coinnilttec, aliarcd Morgan's views, arguing for tho establishment of a regional haul: In this terrltoiy w'llrh would repre sent -forty per. cent or moro ot tho entire system's capital Sccretnry McAdoo and Secrelarx Houston who compose tho committee, Intlmuted they dll not shara this vlow. Many of tholr questions wero upon the feasibility of makltig tho regional districts more nearly cuiml with perjiups thne banks In thu uortliuest Instead of one. . .1 .yi.i I-f t-s- I'dinli W III I'ipur. t. Men who chew mlucco dfjsllke'to have to carry the !! -- Ujoft Iu tlulr pocketH. Tho toluriu Is Jyiuiid to plel; up odd hits of i loth' and dirt This Is what mules tho 'pouch sj popular with i lug . usersa. The American Tobacco oiiipany, reulzl)ji this ileiianll, .lias lecliledform fliw days toKlvmuwa freo'wljlji evep ten cent ptiicliaho of Piper lleldsleik a leather punch n ado of 'fittmlHoiuu tun leather. Tho flap fastens tglt with a patent sna,i clasp thaWkeeps tho pouch closi'd vhfii j oil want ' cloned, yet opens InstnnlygnV your "This offer, siijs the Aliierluui Tobafcco loinjiany, wIh iifpUela got more men aciiualnted with t,!n wgu derful iiualitles or Piper Heluslcu No matter uhat lohauco )ou thought was Iicmi. tr J'lper Held sleek, tho chew wii the champagiio f uvor That rich, wluq-llko flavin' never full to mill i. u friend." l?TllTl.l3.l.l.i)(lullllAA.'rlOlMA,A,.VWl,,l,, r . i.i iS) D .i '. ' a. ...... Ii l.lHiy I'll'. OAK cut I'l-niii'i' limber. WOOD ,MTST WOOD .. t " 4 .. . . ' J AiiiliriMMi jmrpny. ins eirsriHU f . i , i , v I Ml.' IMVI.' u'l'n' . ljJllftljl.T.llf I" i i. iij k l l l '? l lil i? 'I ( iT: f il rt mi k -r . - - 11 s aixin aim mv siroowi. rnoiio yuu-u i (!tti)trt(i(ltiliiyi(?liUf')(f'(lllftflli?llh'l,,J,'Xl'!(l',l,liA'l,hl'' ..l.l 1... .11.1 ..... . A... .. ...u.l... ...u .1 mil iiu nut iiiii i inn ii iwrauinuiy iur I -. .,,,,,.,!,, ... . , .. M' i i ii. ir...i. .n,.,-i. . k. .i i...1 (MfllN M). Plitiiitj iii oiir ordcra Im Iut mki or 7" '. "" "- ". "" - ' a r, , . ' t cuiMiiiiorwi H04HI authority, but heir; v.,yi tintum in did know timt moral niiidlttons In La Crosse fartorlm whore Ktrls wuru vmployid Meie shorUlliK. !i Frank H. Ray .Mc.'lMII'lMlll'lll (llini'.'llliflMl CAUSE OF ARREST Tho mul or IM Win, iiIIhuoiI in Iiiio, rndimltti'il a stutuinry olt'ou-i'' upi'ii I'lii'liiu Witlioinll. auo ti Mm--. will be lii'lllil ill tin' iitii-o limit i.i .liii'k-onvilli' iiiimiriiiw mm inn' .nt lit, llYllICk 'I III' lll'li-l, it I -lll'l, i ill ( to -lum llim llio it l f I w i pintnpliil In p-i ii i v I'l ii iii) Mutnr. i- ' .' i i CROYVM PWNCC OFGERMAHY TOO JiATK 'IO CLASH1FV. W WTI.D- To bu, a lainora stale make slzo. Ions, pge aiifl price X Y '. taie .Mall Tribune. WIIITI' MTU I Ut It lliliuiu Arrow COLLARS jiiiti,iiiii iuir, fniiorxiu.: m kllA avjia. Shoes of Quality Uo aim lilgli In nut hIiowIhk of hum's hlmok. in our m-lniliiii of tlie nl lit, the 'i .idiom ami thu sliiiu umkliiK. Wo Noll -tho aori of linos lluil iimko us UP mis Ui'vo the liiwl iiuiilurHle pilioil uliinw that i.iii tie found mi) ulinre. Pi lie- Hi,lHl TO )ll.llll Do not JiiiIko of Him murit pf.nliiws. by i'ir ailvortlNod pllio. Koe the ilinim fur ruujw ivldi'luo of vnlliiw, Sit' our Hploiidld hIioos! Behlintf's ;,H",m NEAREST TO EVERYTHING 1 ST. sssiSS::0'rAHRnLL.l J(tt located and inoit jiopufar hoiel In the t'ityi circuUtiiig ice water la ever)' worn. Eipeclal nttontlon to Utiles travellina olone. I'xcclleut, reasonably priced grill. Meet your frlendi ut the Manx, Curopn Pln Hte JI.ISO up. Management, P"tf WtKflkx ! 1 Wm I )Ylf' "; ' " j". n-cnoss PANEL FIHST QUAT.ITYi UAIIANTLED WHITE FOR CATALOG sod iav VX on Bub, I iiiltbFrtrpht, Mouli. 'all, itooiiuj etc. DOORS Mideof clcir. Vlliiilrlcil riniKli IHr i,..iii.,i .!... d (rrlntianclf. inthlnMnJtJ. IS im In nock, one V 'JH price to cvabody-nyiuuitltr, ' JLCnch K.D. INSIDE WNISII TO MATCH IN SETS Ill likt-lor'on'i .',.UUA,rta,U V,""l C"in ''' -'P MollUt. only. 1' ut sU Aprea. 1'cr litt UC K. U. WIINIJUW THAMES Will . Ilfln.1 tilon, J'rtlnl HraJ. Out. Vetxtscut,WterTbU 'o R Wc Sill Aiiiunc toil .Shly Auywktro 1 V iv-rtn-n-t-T-f-r-rr-rrrrtTTTTtt "V