orwion n Ulo'inai nacitt 207 Second Street Medford Mail Tribune V SECOND EDITION WEATHER llitln tonight nntt Tliursiliy Max. Ills Mill, lit) Pre. ,01!. forty. third Tear OallyKlKlilli Yrr MKDKOKI) ORpXJON. WKDNKSDA V, .JANlrAHY 7, 1011. NO. 21(5 NEW YORK'S NEW POLICE COMMISSIONER. STAYS NEW OPERA STAR BEGAN fiAREER WITH ROMANCE E v CITY CARDEN PROSECUTE Ofi BE PROSECUTED SAYS GOVERNOR CM K A M CO DEFIES KN D US W HiiHiIH Bll 1 wl iH i Sk tl flM sm CLASH Diplomat Not Transferred as Re ported, on Account of Pro-Huerla Activity Statement "Premature anil Unauthorized" Is Announced. Sir Lionel's Removal Would Do Very Giatlfylnn to Administration, Dut He Docs Not Like Orazll. LONDON'. .Inn. 7.- "There h im Ihoiiiv-for tin stiitcincnt Unit Sir l.'itiU'l ('allien Iimh nut Jii'en ivmovcd IVimii Hie IliitUh legation at Mexico City," aiinnuucrd Ilic Kxeluingi. Tele graph eninpnuy, a' local news HK'nr v, tudny, "nml lliul llu'ii' I no iiiiini' iliiid' intention uf transferring Inn to another tiui." A IiIhIi fnteigu nfliri' official Intd I In- 1'iiiled Pies linuctcr, tlini "iln. foreign ofTee ntilliorlri'M a denial nf the repot Is that Kir l.imii'l t'linliii liml liri'ii ti'iiiuviil ftiiiti Knitlnnd' Mexico ii miuMiv ur llmt lit' Into rc-lgllcd. "Klll'll xtlll'lll'llt"i" till- "I fni. il added, "me iiri'iuuliiri' ami iiiiuiitli ..rlr.Ml." Dcillnc llnifll MIoii t'liiirflciallv, it una iiilinialt'il Hut Sir Lionel hail lict'ii considered fur llll Kill .lllllriril piMt, llllt il MIIh "Mill Foreign Minister Sir l'1ntil Urns liml im! ih'fiiiiti-l) made iii hit initial, i'iiiI uccoidinu' In one xci-ion, exsn if (lie lriinlYr were made, it would imt lio fur scxcnil mouths. Kir l.inni'l wit- understood imt to wiiut i go I" Hnml. WASIIINdTON, Jan. 7. Anion Ki'.-rctn"rirrir"STiilii John Mns-clt Moore would neither ronlirin nor drnv tnilny Hie report Hint tin- de partment liml henrd Kir l.inni'l Car- din, HritUh mlni-lcr In Mexico, was alinnl In ln Iriiu-I'crrcd In 'nini' other MIS. WHS Ifllllll'll pu-itixflv however, mi niiolfii'inl ntithniitx Iln Alllbnssailiir I'llKf, Atucneajl ilipln malic ri'iii'M'iiiilii' in London, had scut word that tin1 KokHoIi gincru incut does inti'iiil such a liuutfcr, Train, fer (Jnttlfylng No into in official circles hi-rt' tlini In pretend thai Sir Lionel's transfer I mm Mexico Cite mhiIi In' other xxii.it than very I'liitil'.xing. Ilo nr rixed at III po-t iii"t a r. Pic-idcut Wilson was making Iijh initial oI'IoiIn to force (It'io'ial llni'ila I'tnm Iln' Mexican prc-iilciicy, seized lhi w fusion In present his iMcili'iilinlx In Iln ilii'lalnr, liml li.v Hit' f unspici on tffnguilioti ltlcti In' iIiiih neenrded In liinii did a grcut di'iil toward -llcliglheuiug tin' llni'ila ifgtuif. Il was piclly lirondlv inlimati'il nl I lio tiini', lioth in iIiIh count ry and in Imgluud, that the Hritish foreign of lice wax acting in Mi'Mcn to miiI lliitish ptivnlt' interests, who minted llucrlu iiiliiini'il in iocr fiir sclli-h reasons nf their own, ami Ihnl Sir l.inni'l wiih cldi-cn for Hie Mcvleo City legation becnu-ii ho wax friciul lv In these Interests. S ION SHOT PiiltTUNI), Or., .Ian. 7. Awnk- ent'il early IIiIh innrniiiK hy two hitf. kIiiih in the room in which he and hi wifo wOVii uleppiuj; in liis hniiie at l.eiith, it Huhuri, II, J, llateher opened I'ilo find hhnt one nf 'thu hinliwiiyiuun through tl0 htoiuiieh. Keveiily-I'ivo feet away from thu tloor of thu Italehur home the womitli'il robber fell, ami hi iar!iior, believing him inoi lull y wniiuiled and likely to euiift'-H, idiot him llirouuli thu temple, killing hin iiihjaully. lie thoji runinviul all meaiiK of ideutil'i entliui from thu hody nf the man and ehfiiped, . The pollen ore .enrcliing for htm, Tim hody nf the tleittl rnh her wiih retjiuvt'd.tti the nioiue. . He fore loiivlnu thu llateher homo I ho ruhhern tixchiU)od a iiumher of hIioIh witli llnlehoi', hut neither h. wr lii wll'u vin Hiiuvki ROBBER MR COMPAN DURING BURGLARY UUvUiifW "i-nru Doiittlint I .MtKny n lirollitr nf John Hall MtKaj, (ho latter well Unnwii In Miillonl nint a no nitn r (if tho ItoK'io Itlver Vnlley I'lihcriilty rltili, him hieii niiiiliili'il polhn rn.ii Kllni', who rctnovcil llliliielnnilcr Waltlii from office. Iiin-hiihi ho rofiiRi'd in npimlnt McKti) flmt ilnpniy at tint lli ilt'pnrliiient mlKht Iiiino n cMllnn appolntuil n romhilhximier SEVEREST GALE ON PUGET SOUND TACOMA, Wnuli . Jan 7 Ono tif Hie mnt mwore Kaleit of tl.o pro tracted iitnrm that linn gripped tin iinrlhwit for the pant four tliin ittrtitk tho coa.t from tho noutliHvit, early thin iiioriilii. rnrryliiK .Iowa litleerniih liml tnlfiilimi.. ulr.w.tn tlm north of Hentlli' ami hreakliiK culilen es 1 Ii'iiiIIiik to Kovenitiiiint weather Ht DAMAGES mm Tatoosh nint North Item!. u,r,,,l ",li'liK New llnj-laml, New J eniiniy to hate Sheriff Itiiml teniMi Hlrra lmo been repaired no1 '"lk ,,,,,, 'V,'r,',,,r" NV' ';',v '" rarily remnxed from nttiee and Int- tloim at riilll tilt' wire liau been repn reportit of expect ml ilaimiKO to iihlp pll!K III the liorllieril patl of I'liKnt Hiitind and the const nf HrltlMh Co liimblit will ho available. Nearly n sroro of xeHdetH, barboiind off tho Columbia river that wore reported to have utartei! north to Meek shelter lu the hiipntl. may hao been cttiKhl In 1 Im Huh' it nil either wrecked or scat tered nlotiK the toast. Italu Is still faltiiiK hero tnday ami Hie local forecaster predicts n roil tlminnri' nf lint raltifall for the next 2 1 hours Ntur'y five Inchon of rain has fallen mIiico tho prttsnat htoriu has been lu ptoKinsM. Itnllruail traffic lit uoutliwestorn WaHnliiHton Is beliiK rostiiueil sloulj Tho Northern I'acifli: reported today that tho OImpla am! (Irity'H harbor Hues were open iikiiIii, the hIIiIck hitv IttK been elearetl away, while both tracks of the lino between Taroitiu and Cortland ate beliiK Uhetl. .Stations alnii); tho Northern Pa cific main linen reported rivers rls ItiK, but with a dlmlnlftltliiK rainfall T E, WASIIINdTON, .Inn. 7.-Ainu-incut were Iickiiii lhi ntternoun be to le tilt' I'uitetl Slatt'M Hiipremu enurt in thu Oiiuiiei-.Mileht'll contempt ftthf. The Inlior Ii'iiiIuih were rep- te-enti'il hy Jutlue Alton It, Pinker. Samuel (lomperx, pre.-lilcnt of the Anieiieiin IVdi'iatiuii of I.nltor, ami nue nf Hie tlefemlaiits, was in (ho court room. PORTLAND, l. .Tan. ".--Admit-ItM inilebteduosx nf .K(,-'."7 is iu flmled in a voluntary bankruptcy pe tition of "Jusephsons," a mercnntile house of UoHchurg, liletl in the I't'tU eral enurt here today, Tho hehetl ult'tt iissots of the enncern are $'-'8,-700, lliiuunh, Sam 0. uml luliaii Insephsiiii nie iiamt'il as co-piuiners Hi thu cuinpau.x, iiilitnluncr of .New York City liy Mayor nuonr'n rrquiiit In oritur thai the p- himtl until Mayor-Kt'lt'ct Mltchol BIGGESI RESERVE FOR NEW YORK M'.W OIUC, .Kin . Tin. rnr ieiie organization coiMiiiitlce met here iikiiiii tinlav. Suerulitrv of tl Trntxiirv MVAiIno and Serrftiiry M' 'Wi.lt.ir.. Iliiti.fni vveie tenl. t. "W,W' ' ' t. pre-nlcnl i.r thr- ""' ''"" " .ew iurK, n.i. l r'l.nt-l.... c.i.;.. ,.i' ii... ri.. .......... ni.i.vn t.uiiii ipi( nie wiiiiiiiiii Trtict enmpaliv testified. Moth lu. tne .ea-iern ii'iierni reserve xvti in. Maker Miid he lliouuht Philadelphia and Pitlbbur-; should ul-o be'inelud cil in thin -,Mcii, Imt Saliiu was not -i -me of tin-. Maker believed u hunk hi eiuuitrh In handle nnv situation ami one com- iiiiiiidin the re-iH'et ami euntidenee of liankuii: iiilerestM ouuht to he In eated here urn! eapitalixeil at almut f.M.llllll.tNlll. Secrelnries MeAdoo and Houston will leaxe for llo-tou tuuiorrow mid will hitld i-eeiiil ineeliiit; there. Stephen Maker, president of thu Hunk of .Mauhatlait, favored leM-rxe hank- in New York, Mosou, Phila delphia, Atlanta, St. Louis t'hieii'.'o. Miuueapulis ami one on the Pacific eout. Ho liiMiicd Pliiladelphia oxer Va-hiiijtiiii and Itnltiiunie. .Iiiiiie- .Martimlale, president of the Chemical National liank. did nol (limit eisht hanks wore necessary. He siij-ue-ted that n hank in Xuxy Yoik. with hramdies in Mo-toit iiml Pluladelphia, could take eare of thu entire ea-t. All witnesses xvere agreed that the Nexv Yoik reseixe bunk bhould have the uieate-t enpilul. One of tho richest cities of Mexico mid ono of the most civilized, Chi huahua, the homo ot the Terrtuas and I Creel families, why have almost na mi DESTINED West Telegraphs District Attorney at Baker That Unless He Takes Sieoi to Abate Nuisances He Must Stand Trial fcr Hetjllijence In Office. Godwin Asked to Replv at Once as to His Attitude Withdraws Pros ccullcn of. Sheriff Rand. KAI.K.M, Or., .Tun, 7. (lou-nior U'rxtV law ritforcrinfiit iifllvilics 'u linker coiinl.v took a neiv (urn tnday when Im li'li'Rrn"lit'ii Dixlrirt Attnr iicv Onduin nf Hitler thttt unli-K Iht; tailor look tininmt eiiH o nloilo nniiine(v hindi at hoiixcs if pro-ti-, tiilion, uliich Hie governor nllc.'o I'xixt in the cnimly, thai the ftnlt jw'H '" i'oniM'llpd in pro-ci'titc him 'r nt'clici'lieo in ullicc imilcr tin Ulale ahalcmciit aft. Tin- (ivi'ronme"i'Opraiio whone appearance at ""-knl li-trict Attnrni'v (inilnin to .....I i..i I.. ..!.... I .. :... i.i ... i . r.. .....-Mj ...ii..im.in.e ,.... j lie MTiiiiiiK in in" niiiiieineiH nri , which Omernnr W'ct lirmmhl In . (lotlwiuV attention proude that whatever nnicance are found In lme cxileil they -hall he ahnteil, and that the ditriet Mtlnniev -hull iniim 1 1 it i it miiI in equity in tlte inline of Hiej xtate to prrpetHitllv enjoin -uel, niiiMiliee-. If the Ktiwrimr I- eninpelleil to . pro-cente (Indwitt he n. he will net ' miner tin! ii'c ion hi uie . il eone which prinidc-i HihI if nnv Iftleer of the late or count v idiitll wilfttMy hit'Klei't or refuMt.lo perform hi- f-j H" " l-inriiv V (luial dut) he -jinll llW)ll collMelioil J' illl he piinUhi'df iiri-otnneiit ot fine or reinoiil .fifuin ofliee. romplyinjr witli il -uextinii from Colonel I.41WM111, (loM'ninr We-t hi willidrnwii hi- repie-t for n hrarinir. hofore the eireuit ronrt nf Maker iii-trueleti ( olonel Law. -on to han dle the situation a- lie think- lie-t BY AMKmJKKN. Wash., Jan. 7. After livint; shut off from the out side worlil for three day- hy the terrific storm, eommuuieatioii was opened with .Moclip- today. The wa ters have completely destroyed the town. While many buildings are sliindiuV, thex tiiu-t he uioxed to other urotiml. Tlie Moelip- hotel i- entirely cone and with il a mw of nine Imildiut: itloui; the sea froiit. The storm ha- died down to some ONtent, hut there i- much flooded fount ry. Ineeiniui: xe.-s.eU fell weiiil tale of the freak- of Hie storm. Over 22,000 people were killed by snakes In India lu 1012, CHIHUAHUA, RICK MEXICAN CITY. much wealth hb tho Nvealthlest Amor- Iciin families, Is now nt the Teet or Gonoial Puiuiho Vlllu. Many years ttgo ho hud to leavo tipj vlty lis u . .Mine. Margaret Obfr, tho bcautif.t ! tho Metropolitan Opora houw In Now ;Vork hag dccy ,ntorChU.(, n)uMcn. critics, hcpnii her utagc career In lore. HEARD I DETERMINES EAIE OF LOS ANGKLKS. Cat. Jan. 7 With the fate of boxing In Califor nia ImiiRliiK the bdliuc'e. J'ciV.Wn lartl, of Kansas, a heavyweight pugi list; Promoter Thomas J. McCnrey and nine other defendants went on trial In the suprclor court here to day on a chnrfie of vlolntlnn tb.' state law which prohibits prizefighting Considerable time, It was pre dicted, would be spent In securing a Jury. At tho outset of tho efforts to fill the box, Judge Uavjn Cral made an important ruling governor lug tho lino of questions that nttor- ' neys for tho defenso might ask pro spective jurors. cotuibi'l might not Craig held that nsk veniremen If ithoy were Interested lu tho prcsont lantl-flglit campaign that had its In ception In Los Angeles. Tho prosecution of Wlllard fol lowetl the death of John Young, fol lowing a match with Wlllard tit Ver non Inst Augttvt. Tho cloven de fendants first were charged with murder, but this later xvns dropped for a charge upon which thoy wont to trial today. WASIIINdTON. Jan. 7. The rev enue cutter Setieeii reported by wirt-Ic;.- tin- afternoon that it had found and -link the derelict forepart of the tanker Oklahoma tifteen mile soullieiist of Feuwiek i-land light. The Seneea fired fit teen six-pound shots through the hull, which fimidx filled with water ami sank. NOW IN POSSESSION OF VILLA, bandit, Villa, xvho is at tho head of tho constitutionalist forces, number- lug about 7,000 men, says he Is on i,i Wny to Mexico City Ho says he will he iiblo tp tnko It within ti few W BIG GAME beta in love long heforc ho de cided to slnie provisionally, and un dfr Its InflHanec hor musical ability deo!opel so rapidly that her hus band d cfded she should sin;; In OpC'S PROMOTER SPITZ OF STYGIAN MIRROR IN JAIL ' OAKLAND, Cal., .Inn. 7. Sain- i . uel Spitz, former employe of the jrov , erument at 3!nr& I-Tnml navy ynnl, , who elaime to he able, hy menu- of . "Styuinu ray.-," and n xxirele-- out j fit. to throw on a glus di-o tit ' night the imnj:e e: Hie aiirrotintlin I eouutry within 'I jtivcMirle raditH I of apparatu-, i- heiu held in detinue I at the city nri-on here, pending an iuxe-tigatioii of the xalidity of hit invention. I The "xvirele Sitx.-eopo" i- the name given hy Spitz to hi- inveiitioi.. ami he organized a million dollar I ........,. i.wi lit.. ..Wir.il.w.? SSility. l.,,j , v Ul, ,e Ulvi f whil.h hi, ,lllV0 bmi JU,y -elliu to the gullible. hi room- on the top floor of a prominent business block here, Spitz maintained hi lieadipiarters. He had a wiiele- outfit iu-tnlletl with a number of mercury tube-, reduc tion eoil- and oilier electrical tie xires to bewilder the prospective sloek hujer. I'oltce in-peetors on the rwpu-l of i-u-pieiou- -toekindder-, made ur inve-ligation e-toutny. Aeeoiuau iid liy a deputy city eleetiieian, wli- ii. mi exju'H on xvirele. , they e alio i on SpiU. After a thorough examin ation. Spitz xvas locked up. Spitz will he given a final oppor tunity tonight 'to demonstrate the worth of hi- invention. If he fails agti'ii he xv ill he charged wiih oo Miiui'g inonev nude, fal-e pretence-. EX-BANDIT mouths n tho mean time ho has confiscated much of the wealth of Chihuahua, anil ho Is surrounded by moro riches than ho hud ever dream ed of before YS Emperor's Son Wires Censured Offi cers Commending Their Haughty Pro-Military Stand That Caused Rlnis With Populace. Situation as Bad as Possible Befnro Crown Prince Interfered Defiance Likely to Cause Serious Break. I1KRL1N, Jan. 7. So much was tho Kaiser said today to bo In censed at tho latest storm tHo crown prince, has raised by his telegrams to General Dclmllnc; and Colonol Von ttcutcr, commending their haughtily po-mllltary stand in the recent clashes between troops and citizens In Al sace, that It was bcllered ho would Impose some severo penalty on his son. Only the crown prince's Interfer ence was needed to make tho Alsa tian afflr about as bad as it possibly could be. The antl-mllltary riots at Zabcrn were serious In themselves. Chancellor Von Hcthniann-Hollwcg made, matters worse by hls'spccclulu the Reichstag In the soldiers' defense, provoking such an outcry that he had practically to repudiate his own worJs. The sentencing ot Lieutenant Von Forstner to a term of Imprisonment for having used his saber during one of the riots amounted to an admis sion by the military themselves, for It was a court martial which tried Von Forstner, that the troops had been wrong. All this time the Kaiser kept dis creetly silent.' hoping The affair would blow over If no moro attention was paid to It. Then, with Colonel Von Iteutcr and Lieutenant Schad on trial on charges similar to those against Von Forstner. with public sentiment lu Alsaco a fever height and with moro riots threatened, Crown Prlnco Fred erick William seized tho opportun ity to aggrarato the situation with his telograms. With few exceptions the Gorman newspapers excoriated him this morn ing. .Moreover, his father was said to consider his son's action as sim ply another In a long series ot de fiances ot himself by tho younger man, and a really serious break bo txveen them xvas reported Imminent. THREE WARSHIPS T WASIIINdTON, Jim. -Secretary of tlte Xnvv Daniels aiiuouueed thU afternoon that the battleships Delaware, Florida and I'tnh xdll sail for Mexican xvuters about February 1."). They will he sent, the secretary explained, to relievo the Rhode Mi and, Nehra-ka and New Jersey. Should tho ships scheduled In ho relieved roniuin. Iiowexer, us recent Iv happened in u similar ease, tho I'liiled State- would have thu battleship- off the Mexican coast. Incidentally, Soriretury Daniel' anntiimceiiu'iit immetliutely folloxvnl a ilcninl hy him that "any order has been lnsiied or was contemplated" In send more -hips In Mexican waters. 10 PREVENT I OF B. & 0. STOCK XBW YORK. Jan. 7. Wall Street did not helluva today that pre ferred stockholders ot tho Union Pacific railroad would permit tho proposed distribution ot I82.000.00Q worth of llultlmore and Ohio stock to holders ot common stock In the Union Pacific. It was expected that tho preferred stockholders would In stitute a suit to enjqjn the director, at tholr meetliiif tomorrow, from carrying out the pluu, MEXICO TO RELEiyESQUADRON 1i A