N TUttD'KOl?!) MAIL TMHUNKt MTJrKOltl), OMWOY, 'rVKSDAY, .JANTAIfY (!, 15)1 1. PAGTO -FrVTi 7CZ Mutt Wanted to Make Up for Lost Time Before the First By "Bud" Fisher I Vifi I wow.MCjnc, !. ,,,.., .... own. 4 "'oeinommi: f I 4. .. . If J Vw c -; v-... T " '4f. - - ---.iSidilliliiililliiii,. wr "imtimip 'Jo S) ft-r, r.cc; ruti lie solutiou ! "'at r.or.r, ,rUo dr,PU,T 0N '"'fOfW.ifcMC op. imc "' comimc, vf-rvtt. T jiv I Lt!V'eL?f ; ' L,v" " "' . i& ' 7 i, (Jj IwPM!. IT WI1H 'AV rciaur MW40 UP. 0 rA v Ario t:'r.6".' "ving vjor- 4 ' . - - t ... i s 1 HAM) J .... . J ' ' ' '; - - : i! I .ItN'r MOtu VCfVR.Vl tyfr y,7 Jrtif fl. SOCIAL HYGIENE 10 AID SEX INSTRUCTION Tin' Oiegon Sorlnl llvgiciii' Soii cl of I'uitlmul, Oiigoli, l mmou In HlVe Mtfillonl lllul kiiilllli'lil Olr tiiiii lit"' benefit "f their uigtiiimtliun Hindi i tlmilK II KH'Ht nervice to the lull' mill UOUIltlV III ll OHIIIIIIItll fur I'llllglllnllllU'Hl on c furl. Tlltw MM-iflv U riiiiiii"'il of tciii'ltcm, I l'-tt)tlll'll, miiUimkmcii, iikli'tmi, jilil, IttH.Vcr, nllliil., mi'll'llHIllp., Iimiki'i niul oilier luliifi'nli'il in tin' lllHtillll nf Vlil)-t4ll tllanilniHl Hllll itiiirut iiiu i In- nioriil unit "ml imui- lllllltlU of lltr'H'll4i', -iMW'Klllv till- MHIH IHWI Hllll nnilliNI Mill) rllllllllfl ill' OivhoII, IliiriHK the lMlir hi 1 1 or .iHimtiry tin ...ciftN iIihhikIi il fii'lil Kifri' lurr mill illi llio i'o.MHitithiii of h I-tii I I'umMiiUi'o nill nrvniiii tlm vrk lii'te. 1'nlilii' in'tiiiu Hill ln In-Ill niul mIiimIiI lilf rnliilt Hill I"' lllallllli-l. Till" kiH'll'IV huh ( lll'Klll till' III' till' llli'ltil I'lill"!'- iiiiimim nf vi'in'ri'nl iiili'i'liuii li lemliuiK lit imliuc f m IiIV ilf- rnil, H" 'Min in nil' riiiiiiiiini UikihIi'iIc wIiihIi nil nIhihIiI Iiiim1 fm t4fiiiiliHliHii. 1'iinloiy picvt'iit" vimi tin moiIc fiinii IfiirnniK "' fiii'l", (liiil(uiriil lunik Iihvi' nut Inuuhl hIihI tlii'v hIiiuiIiI. Tin- inl iniiliiimi' tint lniliiif llml L-nl" iivl kii Ifilifr !' tliu xi i'i I ilmii'K niul t4iliunii'' of iiintlii'iiiuuil niul tlir flmnu'- liioi (Imlr limliiw iiiiml i (III mull tu )lli'H' llli'lll1 fur llml iluM. '.ry Imv iiixhU ilrlimli', iltH'i'iil, iiuitt'iliiiiilitliUt iiiHliut'lmii in i. tniillir. TtiU MM-iHly Uf fiirnWiliiK thi- in rot inn t ton mill il n rri'n ami uilliin llu iimi'li uf i'iitv imrmil, Imv mnl wlrl in Dii'Him. V hI; tin- iiimuI u' lln' uiiinl H'oiU uf MimIi'iiiiI niul iniiiniiiiiitv in thin I'lliii'iitumnl iihw nii'iil, niul iinii'inlii'r, it i iuti'iiiliil lor tin1 lii'iii'lit nf nitr lni niul n'l-. I.itriiiliiii' niul luillii'i' iiiluiniiitiuii elm In1 liiiil liv I'liHintr l mum 7, SlMllil lillllillllu. ()linil Surlill ll- VH'III' SlM'll'tV, WESTERLUND SAYS LOS ANGELES SLOW l.ut Aniji'li'i i- iiTlmiily mi tin litiiti, uiiti' iliiiii .Miilfoiil i'cr huh In ltll.'. All nnr luth tu ilu i- to lull, to -nun' uf tin- lniiiii' ini'ii Ihti'. Tlii' roniitmii Hint lln liiutMb niul "xiii'Ihtk" mi' nut ft tiiimjc ii1 tlii'v ui'il to. I i'uiixuIk tlirni bv MiNiiitf, "!)() III Hit llo ill till' l(u)IH riMT nl- li piil nit jour ii'rnll niul ilu llkr Hi' ii- kii to Hulk." ThiTi' li If iiiuii1 xlrnhhy luukiiiic i'uilc Iiitc iui Ilu' Irt'i'l (Iihii I i'H'I' miu. I.imiii; in i'lniii. Yon i'iiii wi thi ln't ini'iil in tin' 1'ity for twi'iitv mnl tvwnly lii' ri'Hl. Iloli'lii mi1 itiniy mnl iHii'uiui'. J I'll diiiiii' of thi' I'lilmii ity liouli'l' III .Mi'ilfonl to jid on thi' tniiii mill i'uiiii' tu Cnliforniu mnl i'oiiimri' thi- witiinlioii. They will mum ho of the ixtiiit' oiiiiiou an I tun ItoKtli' in IT Xlllll'.V llllil .Mrilfoiil Hie uniiilin'H mt roiniiiri'i with t'Hlifoniiu. l'ii'o U not in iniit'h licttrr hIihii. .1. A. WCSTIIIU.rNI). WHISLER DOX BILL IS INTRODUCED IN CONGRESS A. II. Iloiixlon. niul liin iliuiyhti-r, Mix. .IoIiii Wiiuht. .Mi .Mori' Iiiih hi'i'ii hii'J; for fi'Vi'rnl wi'i'k- nml lit Ilu Iiom in I'liti'i-tmiicil fur livr r' rovrry. School ipi'iii'il .Mojidiiy nfti'r thu i'lirixtniiiK vni'iitioii. V. Wihlcr mnl tmiiily of .liuirtimi Citv iiti- viiitiii' Mr. SVililnr'n pur 'iit. Mr. mnl Mi. .1. T. WiIiKt. Tin1 lir-i-tiiiiiH I'lintntii liy nH'i'inl iritul xhnll In' ifimtril Sutitliiy ni'iiniiii: in thi' l'nHlitirinii clmrrli. Thi' I'li'Kliytciimi ltilioH Aiil Ko- cirty will hold mi ull-iluy i tiny in tli Kiii;lii Iniililiti Wi'diii-ilny. Mr. mnl Mix. Flunk Vliu-i'iit, in '(iiii 111 iim'iI hy thi'ir him, l-Yftl mnl Mi Miniiii' Mi'Wv, nil of Sunt li llm-r t'oiiii-r-, Cnliforiiiii, ixiti'il Mi. Itlni'kHouil nml Mr. Wit It it .Slmicliff tin' 'Ht Hi'i'k. Tin. V. C. T. I'. nill ini'i-l nt tin hutiii' of t'luirli. Itohi'rlM Thurxtliiv nl'liTHiMiii A full iitti'nilmii-L. i ilc hiii'il to pliui for the olicrvmii't; of Kntionnl I'lohiliitioii Aiiii'iiilnicnt dny, .Imuiiiry lAlh. nml tin iiiin,. of our xtult! '. T. I'. iiniilent, Mm. lMilh Hill Hooker, on tin. Kith In-t. tltli'x li'HK than n gnlloit at ltd placo of hiiHlncnH on lot JO, tiluuk H. city of Med ford (or a period of nix month. HOLLAND IIOTCL CO. Dntcd .Innunry Oth, J 91 1. A ml ion Siilc. Wllllnui Ulrlih 'will offer for isalo nt public miction on thu rlxht of wny In front of tlio .N'nnh lloti'l, on Bat urdny at 'i . iu January 10, 1 1 1 -t . Oiiu good family cow, kUok two Kal loim of milk at proem tlrac, frvsh April 1G, ID I, ono.Alrdalo pup Mx months old, one wicker rocker, tvo I'hlld'tt ticdn. 1 child' hli;li chair. I two bcilhtondu, ono st't prliiK, one run jh .ixnnmiiL'r, i iuwiiik inn-1 .,, oiiij.pi. n,. roii iu:nt iioukjx KOH ItKNT Klvo room apartment, modern, ranee In same. Inqulro Col. Sarscnt. 2C4 vaxti:d situations WANTKD Pruning by tho day or will contract by the acre. (Sood work guaranteed. Hox 57, care lnll Trllilinr. 2 !. ... ....k. . a I ...m.. M..VK..V --. i' uit ui-..i --jwo -'-room urnmneu rottagi'H, C nml S per mouth. WANTKD Japanese wants nil kinds .11.2 So. Central. Phono 103-K 24: of bouse work by tho hour. Phone 12. Sclmodit. 250 HI.'.!' WANTKD MALE I'Oll ItKNT MISCI.-LLANKOUB FOK LKASK Kull equipped placer I WANTED 1000 men to Join tho Or mine, uoiu nay iicauy uo. - dcr of 0w,. Sco j, j. Woodi. 249 FOIt ItKNT- Store room occupied by KoutB Grocery. Inquire Claud Mlli'H. Nabb Hotel. WANTKD 10 good solicitors to Ii6ln get 1000 members, good com-. mission. Hox J. K., caro Jlnll Trl- roil .salk ixrra The flrnt fruit box bill drawn up I by thu fruit growers of tho north-J went linn been prevented III tint hoiuu of reproni'iitutlve by John K. linker I of California entitled II. It. ll,l?s flllil llMU ttiaii Cof llfiil lit (lilt fifltll. hum linn nvvn iri'uu I" ii nr iiiltteo on luterstnto nml forulgn roininercB. (' IC. Whlnlor nns tin niithor of thu bill mid tho mofisiiru ban had tho uiimiliuoun endorsement nf nil tho fruit iirgnuiiiitloiiM of tho Parlflu const In mtdltlou to iiuiueroiiH ptir miiiiiI (iuiloriuiiintH. .Mr. Whlsler In recognition of his M'rvleoM Iuih been delegated by the fruit grower of Moiitiiiin. Idaho, Oregon mid Wash liiKtou to meet thu coniliilttcu hIiiiii tho hill comes up, piobnhly tho first of next month. NOTH'K. Notice Is hereby gltou that the un dersigned h apply to thu city coun cil at its meeting to bo held January 20th, lilt I, for a llceiiV) to sell malt, spirituous nml vinous liquors In quau- POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS Hilt THI.ASritl.lt (Ilia II. Samuels, present Incum bent, to bu voted on at regular city election Jnuuary 13. (Paid Adv.) chine, one kitchen table, and var ious other hoiiKohold efects. Terim ' cash. 217 WILLIAM I'LItlCII. Auctioneer. house and outbuildings an paved road ad Joining rlty limits, or will trado for rlty property. P. O. box 507 Med ford. 2C5 bune. 219 NOTICIC. Notice Is hereby given that the un-' dcrslgned will apply to tho city coun- ell of tho city of Medford. Oregon, nt i Its next regular meeting on January ' fith, 11)14, for n Ilceiibc to sell spirit uous, vinous and limit liquors at re tail In quantities less than u gallon at. Its place of business on South Front street In said city for n period of six months. Dated December 17, 1013. HOTKL NASH. I FOK ltl.NT IVKM.Slll.il HOOMS FOIt ItKNT Modeiri steam heated rooms In suites or single with or without board. 219 So. Ittvcrsldo. phono 'J00-M. FOIt SALK I'AItM LAXDS I Oil S A LK I S 00 0 6 next 30 )ays will sell 200 acres land in Mont gomery county, Texas, 2 '4 miles from two railroad, lino sandy loam soil, $500.00 worth merchantable timber on land. Part cash tertns for balance, fine spring water, llest hog ranch. Address K. It. Kdwards, llrowusboro, Ore. 24 C WANTED Miner at Draden mine. Gold Hill, Oregon, for contract work. Ootd Itay Ilealty Co. I'll,' i. m. WANTED MIKCJ:LIAMXIU8 itut.MW iusiouicrs lor jbiv milk. 721 Dennett avenue, East Side. 24G nUHINBBft IHItECTOnV 1 1 iiS ClitrOtar DU. K. J. LOCICWOOD, Chiropractor. nerve specialist, lloorns 203-204-205 Oarnott-Coror bids;. Vapor baths and scientific raassaga given; neodlo spray, head and shoulder shower In connection; advice In dltitetics, medical gymnastics, hydroptherapy. Lady attendant. Phone, offlco 945, realdonco 571-R Oil. A. n. HEDOES, Dt. Louise E. Hedges Mccbano-Tberaplsts, Chiro practors, Spondylothoraplsts. ThMe systems, including dietetics, cura tive gymnastics, hydro-tboraphy, etc., produce resnIU In both acute and chronlu diseases. Consulta tion free Over Deuel St .Co., cor ner Main and BartletL Hours 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. Other hours by appointment. Phono 170. WANTKD 1000 old hens, market prices. Phone 10-F13. P. O. box 240, Kafcle Point, Ore. 240 DK. W. M. VAN BCOYOO DR C. C. VAN SCOYOO Dentists Garnett-Corey bldg., suite Medford, Ore. Photin 850. 310, FOIt SALU 1IOUSICS FOIl SALK New modern bungalow, four rooms, partly furnished; wood shed, built In convenlenccs. cast front desirable location, ono block off paving, price $700. Phono71C-W. 217 FOIt Hl.roillM.il I hereby ntiuoutico my ruudtdni'x for offlco of city recorder to bo voted on at regular city election, Jan uary 13th. 1911. JAMES W. ("DAD") DUNI.OP. (Paid Adv.) I'ltK.MI.IO, Tc.v, .Imi. II Though llii'ie huh u lull tuilnv ill lighting nt (.Juiicm. il -ecineil uiilil.eh to be u lung uiie, (li'iieriil lli'iieni, with .'I0IHI rchi'K uiih uiiiivliiug I rum Cliiliiiiihuii Cil to niil in (ho ulliiek on (he limit. Siiiiiillniii'oimly, (Iciii'iul Aigiiuiciliii nilli 11)00 leilcniU, huh euniiiig fioni Toneuii (o icli I he guiri'iiu, The two liiuliiw weiu rneiiig for Lu Mlilii uix, llie key to Oiiiiiigu, mid Hliichi'M'i' nun leiiehi'il il fio-l. il wnx iigieeil on Imlli niilex, would pus. mk mi eiiuiiuoim htt'ilti'glo mlviiii tiigi', Tim I'limii'i's M't'iui'il lo fiivor ArguiiU'ilo, His force, wus niuntl.v I'uviilr.v. llerreru, liiiiui.mvil liy u wilgoii liniii nml ui'lillery, hiis hiiIiI In lie iiiiikliiK hIow liini'. IHW.BM.IIW - ASHLAND FRUIT EXCHANGE HALDS ANNUAL MEETING The Axhluiiil KiiiII niul I'roilnco AHiieiullmi held !Ih iiiiiiiiiiI meeting Knliinluv nml ieioilcd n iiofiliilile liiihliu'fK tliu piiHt year. (' II, Hit Ictle iclircil its iiehlilcnlj iil'tcr xix yi'iiih' M'niec, ih'cliiiiig ti'-elci'liuii. (I. I'n-eolt, K. . Conii'litiK niul I. V, Miliii'r worn eli'tited iliroolofH. The hoiiiil of iIIici'Ioih elci'lcil It. I'. Cii'ineliiiH iiicM.ilfiit, ,1, It. Htiiilcr, Hi'i'i'i'liii'y; V, O. N, Snillli, lii'iixiirer, null A. ('. Ilriggx, iiimiiigi'i', llm lullcr llil'eo lieing; I'V-eU'i'li'il, OBITUARY. Oiegoit Iom'i unottior of Uh plo- iiems with the death of Mrs. Miirlh.i M. llruvMi at Itrovx itHtuiio. Mrs. Ill own wiih born at lluffalu, N. V , .1 into 3, is;i! Tno fuinlly ie moved to Luke Geneva, Wis., whore hho utib marrlcil to Henry It. Ilrown In IMUI, Leaving tho couifortnblu pmeiitiil Itoine, she mid her husband set forth to bravo thu perils unit limdHhlph uf pioneer life, ciohsIiii; I ho plain In one of thuim fnmiius trains of 'prairie Hchounors" which brought ho many of our foroiuthors mid mothers iiciohh the great Ahum I- cuii deKi'it to thu luuuestend In thi' vvllili'iiiesH. They nettled ill llrowusboro, n hiiiiiII town which Mr. Ilrown hud previously founded. Iloro tliolr chll ilreii vveio horn, threu duiiKliteri'. Mrs. L. I". Cliiirley. Mi. Mary Terrlll, Mrw. Einogoiio Churli.y, mid ou son, (leoigo II. HrovMi, nil Htlll living near llrovviiiiboio. Mrs, Ilrown was ii woman of sin cere ChrlHtliui belief, whoso loving heart always pleaded for pencil and fairness; u woman to whom IIiobo In trouble .liiNtliu'llvely turned for sym pathy mid mlvlco iih ono whom they trusted and on. whom they dopoiiiled; ii vvonian of strong chiuacter such as Oregon neodoil lu ii pioneer mother. Sho leaves u wide circle or lelutlvert imd fileinlw to mourn her loss. Mrn. Ilrown had been III for to oral wcokH. niul on DQcember 23, 1U 1 3, sho niisvverod tho cull, and mot her Huvlor, fnco to face. FOIl IlKCOItDKIl I hereby niiiiouiico my candidacy for tho offlco of city recorder, to bu voted on at tho regular city election, January 13, Hill, MA11TIN M. M'DONOUGH. (Paid Adv.) F O It It K N T Modorn f Jrnlshod rooms at tho Cottage, C01 W. 10th street. 253 FOIt ItKNT Largo sleeping rooms, and modern housekeeping apart ments, prices very reasonable. Phono 247-L. 222 South Holly street. , FPU ItKNT FUltMSIIKD ItOO.MS FOIMtKNT-nii lmth mid heat. 213 N. Grape. FOIl SALE 5 room bungalow, must seo to appreciate, very reasonable for cash. Owner CS9-II. 215 FOIt SALK ACHEAGi: FOHSALE 11 ncros "bearlng"or chard one-halt pears, llartlett and Howell, half apples, Spitz and New towns, 200 yards from station. Fino soil, no blight, private water right. $500 on acre. Owner 210 S. Crape St. 245 WANTED To buy from owner 50 to 100 acres of land located not over eight miles from Medford and suit able for general farmlug purposes. Alfalfa preferred. Address box 210 caro Mall Tribune. FOIt KXCIlAMiK FOIt EXCHANGE Improved ranch. partly fruit. $12,000. Will take city Improved, easy tlmo given on part. Describo fully, first letter. Hox 355, Central Point. 24i) GU-MJC OARDAGE Get vour premise cleaned np for tb- winter. Call on the city garbage wagons for good service. Phone 625-L. F. T. Alien. Hospital. THE DOW HOSPITAL, Central . Point. Oreaon. 148 FOIt EXCHANGE Manitoba im proved farm land for ranch pro perty. Hox G., Talent. 24(5 FOR EXCHANGE $700 equity In small fruit ranch for good auto mobile or Medford city property. Address II. E. U.. Talent, Oro. 250 FOIl IlKCOHDEII. I nut n cniulldiito for city recorder subject to thu election miliary 13. J. It. TYHUELL. (Paid Adv.) KI.MKH T. FOSS Present city recorder, Ib n caiiill- duto for lO'cJoctlou Jnuuary 13. IUI I, on tho strength of his record In offlco during thu past two years. (Paid Adv.) FOIt ItKNT 1IOUSKJ. FOR RENT 5 room house, closo In" Apply nt Smith Tin Shop. FOIt UF.COllDKIt. Marlon A. Under, caudlduto city recorder. (Paid Adv.) tt ! ij. for p i? o v fr S1' To loan on Imptovcd ranches. Interest S per cont "Insuranco That Insures." II. S. STINK Iluy your Insurance of a tnxpayor NEW TODAY Do j on want to leave. Hero are some who want to trndo with you. One has; 1C0 actus right close to stntlou tu Now Mo.lco, small house, cellar mid vlbtcrn. $1500.00. Another has a flue 7 room houso lu lola, Ivniisns, ioul)lo flro place, everything In dnud.v shape. $2500. t Is a dnudy house. Another Imi a dandy six room liotiMi at Pawnee. Oklahoma, n town of 2500. Kverythliu; In ship shape. His prlco Is $2100.00. Now call lu with your trading pro. perty, niul see If wo can mutch It. O. 1). HOON Itooni 1-, Jackson County Hank ltldg. I'ltono to;i7r FOR SALE MIM.17ltuNKOCS FOR "s IA "l K Seca 'ml'" ban df I re Vroof sufo, good as new Address box II. caro Mall Tribune. 2 19 FOR SALK Year's lease, stock and Implements of well Improved ranch Address W. M. 11., caro Mali Tri bune. 249 FOR SALK Ulcyclo (Savage) In good condition, now tires, $15, Call 700 S. Newtown street. 245 FOR SALK Ouo medem cooking rnugu and two small circular boat ing coal stoves, till lu first clnst order. Very rc60iinblo prices Phono Main 95. 24) MONKX TO 1AJXH TO LOAN $2000. It. A. Holmes. The Insurance Man. MONEY TO LOAN On city and closo in ranch property. C. A. McArthur. room 3, P. O. block, phono 3ns DUSINKSS DIRECTORY Attorney B. F. PIATT La wyor, 21C Garnott Corey building. Mortgage ld.nus. Notary IfibUc HELEN N. YOCKEY Notary pub lic. Bring your work to me at the sign of the Mall Tribune. Printers and Publishers MEDFORD PRINTING CO. baa the best equipped printing office la southern Oregon; book, binding, looso leaf lodgers, billing -systems, . etc. Portland prices. 17 North FlrSL Physician and Burgoo DR. F. O. CARLOW, DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW Osteopathia physicians, 416-417 Oarnott-Corey bldg., phone 1036-L. Residence 26 South Laurel St. PORTER J. NEFF, WM. P. MEALEY Attorneys-nt-La'v. Rooms' 8 and 0, Medford National Bank bldg. FOIt SALE Oil THADK Five pas senger Utile!; touring car. Com pletely equipped. Oversize tires mid ouo spare tire. Car recently overhauled and lu splendid condi tion. Terms, $900 cash, or will trade part cuhIi. What have you? Answer fully. Can bo seen at Pu clflc Highway Garage. 11. W. ninghiim. 245 FOR SALK Oak extension table and chairs, rugs, bedsteads, dresser, dishes, etc. Kugllsh woolen blank ets and bod spreads, all cheap, Call 700 S. New town stnet. 2 15 A. K. REAMES, LAWYER Corey bldg. -Garnott- W. J. CANTON Attorney and Coun sellor at Law. 123 East Main street, Medford, Ore. Wm. M. Colvlg George M. Roberts COLVIG & ROBERTS. LAWYERS Medford National Haul? Building. OR. S. A. LOOKWOOD Physician and surgeon. MYRTLE S. LOCKWOOD, M. D. Practico ltmltod to diseases of women. Offices 232 E Main. Phones, residence, 814-J2; office S14. DR. J. J. EMMENS Physician and surgeon. Practico ltmltod to oyo, ear, noso and throat. Eyes scien tifically tested and glasses supplied Offlco 22S East Main St., Hours 8:30 a. m. to 8 p. in. Phono. E. B. PICKEL, M. D. Office Jack son County Bank bldg. Office pbon6 43-It; residence phone 58-11. B. F. MULKKY & GEO. W. CHERRY Attorneys at Law. Jackson Coun ty Bank Building. NEWTON W. BORDEN Attorney at law, room 7, Sparta building, Mod ford, Oregon. PHOENIX PHACTLET8 I MIk Kliu Mimie U Hcriouxly ill III Iho lioiuv Of KV Imillicr-ili-liiw, SPECIAL TODAY For sale, C room house, on good lot, assessments all paid, near paved street. $900, easy terms. Eighty ncros of good laud, 10 miles from Medford, for $1C per acre. For salo, 10 nuros. Boar crook bot tom, all good, only $200 per acre. My Bpeclnltj; Is looking after non resident property. E. J. STEWART lloom 204 PrultRrnwors Hank Bldg. Offlco phono 031, Hob. phono S22-J, WHY? 1G0 aero Hog and Civttlo ranch ou Paulfle Highway, wator for Irrigation. 5 acres under ditch, Best of alfalfa land. Finest range for hogs mid cat tle lu Jackson sotiuty. 40 acres good oak timber for fine wood, near good murknt. House, barn, chicken hotisn niul fuinlly orchard. Must soil nt once, will tnko part In trado for oily proporty, $4,000.00,' 2 good houses to rent, cheap. J. a HARNUS, Phono 120-J. i-'Ot First Niitloiinl Hnnk lUdg' FOR SALK Ono span of bay mares, ngo 5 and ti .venrs, weight 2500. One span, inaro and horse, age 7 nml S years, weight 2540. Oun good nil nrouud horse, S years old. Largo team, weight 3000. One. well, broke saddlo horso. Ono gen tle ladles driving mare. Ono good ranch team. Can bo seen at 33 North Illversldo Ave. D. S. Lttts. 240 Auctioneers WILLIAM ULRICH Llcensod Auc tioneer for tho City of Medford, Oregon, Terms roasouablo. Ileal donco phono 1G1-J, Office Jack sou County Bank building. DR. MARION Physician and sur geon, Stewart bldg., corner Main and Bnrtlett sts ; office phono 27. resldonco phono 27-J-2. 904 West 10th. DR. MARTIN C. BARBER Physi cian and surgeon. Offlco Palm block, opposlto Nash Hotel, Hours 10 to 12, 1 to 4. Phone 110-J. DR. R. W. CLANCY Physician and surgeon. Phones, office 36, resi dence 724-J. Office hours 10 to 12, 2 to 6. DR. W, W. HOWARD Osteopathic physician, 303 Garnett -Corey building. Phono 904-M. FOIl SALE Two well bred colts, $200,00, two mid 3 years old, Also good Jersey helfor, fresh soon, $10.00. F, K. Barneburg. two miles southeast uf Medford. 245 FOR SALE A good variety of ap ples, soma extra fancy SplUon bergs. Also first crop alfalfa hay. Robert Dut'on, 1022 10th St. Auto SoppJire. LAHER AUTO SPUING CO. Our big secrot In making springs Is tbe tempering. Wo nre operating the largest, oldest and best equipped plant lu tho Pacific northwest. Use our springs when others fall. Sold under gunrautoe. 26 North Fif teenth St., Portland. Ore. R. J. CONROY, M. D. Physician nnd Surgeon, Over Hutchison & Luitu don, 215 B. Main St Phono 77. DR. McM. M. DOW, Physician and Surgoon. Central Point, Oro, DR. LYDIA Physician. S. DOW, Osteopathic Central Point, Oro. AUTO TOPS Mado liko new, Mod ford Tent and Awning Co., 106 N. Front. If it's canvass, wo sell It. FOR SALK Extra dry iter wood, oak fir and pine. F. Osonbruggo 401 RIveriiidu Ave. S. Phono 194. FOR SALK Wo keep our dry wood under cover at tho Valley Fuel eoiiipiuiy, big filled two blncliH north if S. V depot, 255 INSTRUCTION Mr. FRED ALTON HAIGHT Teach, or of piano nud harmony, The llnlght Music Studio, till Smith Lure St., phono 17U-1( DR. W. H. HICKMAN Homeopath Offlco Hostel building, Central Point. All telephone calls answered night or day Rteiiogirtpiit-r ELLA M. GWUNYAVvPalm block. Stenographic work fine quickly and Well. ;' - 'I I ' ' ! i -j-i- i -t .. Xnamt EADS TRANSFER & STORAGE CO. Office 48 NortH front St. Phone 316. Prices .rljity. MiMr'ta guar- 4t r?l fi