Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, January 06, 1914, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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ah iNoni'CxnnNT nkwhi'ajmcii
Tho Dcinocrntlc TIiucb, Tlio Mmlfonl
Mull, Tl0 Medford Tribune Tli South
trn OrcKiinlnn. Tim Ariilniul Trlbma
Offlcg Mull Tribune ItunUlnic. 55-27-:9
Norll' Fir street! tclllionn "ft. .
Official Paper of the Clly of Medford.
Official Paper of Jackson County.
Union J on Becond-clnss matter (it
Medford. Oregon, under tho net of
Mutch 8, It'D,
One yenn Oy nmll . .l& JO
Una nonth, hy mall. ... 50
Tor tiiinitli, dllverd by enrrter In
Mcdfoul. Jnokitonvlllo and Con
trnl Point . .. .BO
Oatiintnv nnlv Uf mntl. nor vmr - 2 00
fK . per year. ..... -- . . 1-50
Dally awr.iRO for six months cndlnc
December 31, 1913, 2E00.
Tho Mall Tribune I on wvln nt tho
Kerry Now Stand. San Vrnneliico.
Portland llotej News Htnud, Portland
Portland News Co., Portland. Ore.
V. O Whitney, SntU. Wash.
lull X,tnitd Wlr TTnlua Pmi
Mt'troi'olln of Southern Orecon and
Northern OuHfoniln. and the fastest-Kt-owInK
city In Oregon.
Papulation V K ciii!u$ 1910 SStO;
CKtlmaled. 1H 10,600.
WASHINGTON 3an. U "A crcat
step forward," vat the way Secre-
lary oi i nimncrcc iivtiiiviu reienni
here today to the profit -sharin;;
plan of the Ford Motor company of
Ditroit liy which Hie minimum wage
of its employes is to he $5 daily.
"Some people fay," paid Ited field,
"Hint di'o Ford 'company cannot af
ford to do that. Such talk N foolish.
'! ?c'e in the Ford announcement,
as in the removal of members ot Uie
firm of J. !. Morgan & Co. from a
nnmher of directorates, it great step
fonvard. It is n social advance find
one realizing tho value of men,
which may be, and I hoic is, eoehal.
One must not dismiss tho details nf
Fticii n plan because this may only
he doiio liy one knowing tho detniU
of b"'iess, but the broad principle
inxojved that of recognizing the c-i-fiitlul
value of men and Hie equity
of appraising that value at its true
worth, is entirely Round."
Tho J913 city council will make
Its tlnal casi) tonight, and tho final
chapter In tho stormiest weather
over encountered by a Mcdford coun
cil bo written. There will bo no
mourners, no flowers, and no re
grets. Tho most striking feature of
tho dying organization has been Its
dcflnance to tho taxpayers. When
tho council meets again there will
likely be many now faces. Outsldo ot
d)lnK the council will pass a batch of
bills, and transact routlno business.
Another Juno day In January
smiled on tho Rogue river valley to
day, In strange contrast to storms on
both coasts, and' rains and floods to
north and south. Tho air is warm
with tho breath of tho chlnook, and
in tho country fields hardy wild flow
ers aro beginning to bloom. Farmers
havo begun tholr sprlnc plowing, and
Bimrrows havo broken their winter sl
leneo by regular chatter. The coun
try correspondents will begin to see
tho first robins soon, nnd the edi
tors to recelvo spring "poems "
Hew Year's Etlltlon
n-'iom Ashland Tiding-. )
The JB-page New Year's edition of
the MJdtoid .Mail Tribune i iV nil
odds thii I, -st edition of u paper cvei
issued in Miiillioru fin-uoii and ex
ceeds bv far unv tho Tidings has
ever seen isucd from u city the size
of .Medfoid.
It contaiiiR tin exhaustive review
of conditions iu the Itoguo liver val
ley. One whole pane is devoted to
tho breaking of ground on the Pa
cific highway and is profusely illus
trated. Another page is devoted to
Ashland, n strong iirtlelo setting
forth what lias been accomplished
tho past year, iipm tho pen of V. 1).
Vngner, appearing, together with
cut's of tho high school, the urinary
.iii.l llui neve citv hull.
TiL-...i iillo''iith'cr. tho edition is
ono which every resident of Jaeb
son comity should havo nud should
bend copies to his friends in the east.
RELUCTANTLY nt'eodinj to tho wishos of a Majority
of Med ford's business men. tho following well-known
pronorlAMnvnors havo eonsontod to heromo pnndidatos for
the city council at the election next Tuesday, to serve,
without pay a .sufficient time to reorganize the city's fin
ances and place the municipality upon a business basis:
First ward. F. V. Medynski: second ward. Col. 11. II.
anient and r. .1. Kmeriek: third ward. T. V. Miles ami
Dr.'ll. r. ll'argrave. They stand pledged to a program of
iwimiiMiii' mill iffliiflll
These selections slumld meet univei'sal appvoval. All
are men of property and ability and with the city V best
interests at heart.' They will receive the support of
uverv taxpayer desirous of stopping the present excessive
expenditures and installing a business administration.
The present city administration has proved its inca
pacity to manage the city as It should be managed, to
keep expenses down, to lower the tax rate, to maintain
the eitv's credit without imposing needless burdens upon
the taxpaver. The council virtually admits that it docs
not know either what to do or how to do it. It is pathetic
in its helplessness.
Needless expenditures, like
ton ranch, must be cut out. Needless extravagances, nue
the pavment of $7f0 for eleven months' auto repairs
not including cost of operation for city employes' con
venience, must cease. Needless officials, with little or
nothing to do. must be dispensed with but the present
council will not do it nor has it any inclination to do it.
If the present council wanted to save the community
monev it would have inaugurated the economy program by
chopping its own salaries. Then it would have been in
position to cut other payrolls but economy of this kind
never was seriouslv considered.
The citizens' ticket, pledged to economy, efficiency
and business methods, offers the way out of what threat
ens to become an embarrassing financial condition inipos
in" needless burdens upon the community and impairing
its' credit abroad. Their election will restore confidence
in the city, its finances and its future.
Cancer Can Be Cured in Early Stages
Some eases of eancor can bo cur
ed. The nnmher of such cases can
he increased by earlier dincnosis
and better surgery. This is the only
hope that our present knowledge
justifies, but thi fact should be
known to the public. In the la-t is
sue of the Journal of the American
Medical Association, Dr. Joseph
Hloodgood of Johns Hopkins hospi
tal, Haltimore, declares that cancer
can be cured in nearly one-half of
nil cases if taken early enough. The
American Society for the Control of
Cancer, recently organized, says Dr.
Hloodgood, hopes t? bring licAiro the
public and the profession the nctunl
percentage of cures of cancer ac
complished iu the various clinics in
this country.
Mnny physicians today are skep
tical as to tho permanency ot the
cure of cancer. Tho majority of
people believe that cancer is a
'liln,l .lisenee." Hv this they ex-
,irrs.t n vn?ne notion of a general
disease present in many parts of
the hody, and for this reason they
nnturnlly conclude thnt its removal
from one plnce will have no effect
on the disease in other parts. Sur
geons do not always tell their pa
tients the nature of their disease,
but, whether they do or not, the
longer the patient 'lives in comfort
the more skeptical docs lie or bho
Curtailing Abuse of Initiative
To the Kditer:
It has been (piite generally agreed
that under the system of paid cir
culation of initiative and referendum
petitions two owl e.xit: The' sub
mission of many measures for which
there is no popular demand, and the
forging of signatures. To remove
these evils, I shall propose an initi
ative mcasuro prohibiting payment
for circulation of petitions, but pint
" . . .1 . I, ..1
ing no restriction upon the relit ot
the peo)lo to circulute potitums lor
any measure in which they lcol an
Or,. of Hip fundamental "liniOs(
of the Orogon system is to increase
the power of men and decrease tho
jMiwcr of money. I mil surprised,
there tore, to lind that there lire
some siucere ndvocatos of better
tfiiveininHiit who oiinose the lllllll of
prohibiting paid ciroulalion of nuti
tious. Most of those who oppose inv
bill acknowledge that it is rghl i"
jiriuciplc, but snv it will not work
satisfactorily in Vaclice. I contend
that if it is right in principle, it will
ultimately be adopted and will work-
in practice. i
An initiative etition is supoosed
to represent the desire of 8 per cent
of tho voters. It does no such thing.
H represents merely tho expenditure
of n certain amount of monev,
lossilily circulation of petitions
serves to notify about 10 per cent
of tho voters that tho measure is Do
ing proposed, but, if that is the end
to bo -allied, it certainly could bo
done more otfcctivelv by expending
the money iu the printing and circu
lation of copies of the bill which
voters coiild';ea'd, rnlhcr than iu se
curing sijjnatures p voters to u 'c-
the purchase ot the Hamil
become as to the grave nature of the
original disease. Kspccialli' is this
true in cases in which the opera
tion wo necessarily mutilating. The
doctor i then nsked: Wns it ncc
c.sary to do so much! Was the
dicae really cancer J In the con
trol of enncer. therefore. Dr. Hlood
good nrgues, wc shall havo to com
bat this, skepticism both in the rnnu
of the profession' nud among tho
jieople. Cancer can be cured and we
must bring it before the profession
and the public iii such a way Hint
they will believe it. The percent
age" of cures in tho fully developed
cancer is relatively small. In the
vcrv earlv cases it is nearly one
half. After dicusing the different
forms of cancer, the symptoms and
relative chance of recovery if op
erated on early, Dr. Hloodgood says
that the control of cancer is n mat
ter of education. The chie.f object
of th. American Society for the
Control of Cancer is to hurry on this
education, so that more lives may
be saved today. In its very early
stages cancer is an "economical dis
.no." nt lonst. relatively. The ox-
penbo of treatment is little, either
to the hospital or to the patient, and
the period of disability is. short. De
lay simply menus more expense,
more dnnger, greater discomforts
and decreasing probability of a cure
tition which few tnke the time to
The adoption of my suggc-ted bill
would mnke the petition represent
public opinion, for tho number of
volunteer circulators would be in
proportion to tho extent of public
desire for the measure.
I admit that so long as the cus
tom of paying circulators continue",
nriii'ticnllv everv moasuro
must lie
. ;-!. I......I : 1..A ...(.....n I...1 T nin
IIHIIIIH-Il III IIHIV IllltllllW,, iri.v
rt.0Mfiiitnt ,10 ,im0 wj come when
. (J. r(i,izi.nblip j,, rM.uriiig
, u til. desired lnws under
ithe initiutivo and referendum will bo
performed without special compen-
The hiring of paid circulators for
measures or caudidales is no lcs
unrepresentative ibaii the hiring of
workers or vehicles on election dav,
which have both been prohibited by
tho corrupt practices act.
A party of pcoplo from Canada
and ono from tho Inland Umpire will
visit Medford and Itoguo Itlver val
lov the latter part of tho week on ex
cursions under tho auspices of tho
O, W. It, & N company. Tho dates of
tho arrivals will bo tho 7th and 8th.
The ftrat to arrive will bo tho Cana
dian party.
Arrangements aro being made with
the Commercial organization to havo
representatives at tho station to meet
tho parties. It has been customary
borotororo to hand out lltcraturo and
have a good supply of Itoguo Itlver
apples on band. This perhaps will bo
duplicated, this year.
,v.4, . ,tv,,, itrtit
tB Kiv 1 iAte
ACrtHiJByo' r mi
, JMflFfUKHH 'liliiiiiWiiiiiliilM . !rft3MByPP
Mlvs ltojo Kiursteln. of 1 rooklyn, .V. V n "riir-tlni: steiiik:nipher" for
iiierly.etupl ved by A. II. Montesrlffe, lawyer, of Mntihnttun, caused the arrenl
recently of her one-time employer In tho County Court llotlsc. on a Judgment
Mlie o' a:.iet' for y.l for naliiry she alleged ho had fulled to p,iy Iut.
.MU IVuwt'.'ln say she worked for Mr. Moitlegrlffo for a time, but In the
bitter weeks of !- employment she was tillable to collect any tiioucy. 'I'i
nmke mr.ttcrs wooo s!m finally found herself out of work with the money ttlll
duo. Most girls would have gone uway and cried or let It go, but not MKs I'cur-
Jtoln. v
When the young woman found she could not obtain payment for her nor
vices he wrnl Into the Tlilnl Municipal Court. Ilroullyu, and oblaluwl a Judg
ireSt for ?- ftgaln.t Mr. Montcurlffe.
Coy Pantalets
XKW YOIIK. Jan. I!. Yes, you
meet them iff every turn, or perhalvs
one should say curve. The coy
pnntnlct is now fashion's best. The
regulation muniior of punting in-
cording to Dame Nnture used to oe
from the'ohost out, lint Dame 1'ash-
ion hns changed all that, ami it is
now the smart thing lo do your
panting from the- knee down.
Quite the most startling peach of
n pair i shown in fleh color creoe
de chine nud lace. The deep rnf
ruffles of the crepe de chine, com
pletely veiled in frothing ruffles of
shndow lace, are attached to pink
ribbon covered garters, which fit
just over a dimpled knee, nud there
you nre. Other have ruffles of ac
cordion plenlcd chiffon or crepe de
chine edged with narrow lace and
garnished with spray of tiny rose
These pew knee pmitlw are to I.
worn over tight, but for thno de
siring the Mraightnway pniitlol
from tho wnit down, dainty aiodeln
n ro shown in flei-h crepe de chine,
lnco tdgfd, that garter in auugly
around the nnklc with uu elastic and
lacy outstanding frill. The frill his
certainly been taking one step on
the dowmynrd path after nno'iur.
Starting nt the throat, it fell not !
Cause of High
The recent high nrices. of eggs has, January, ir.T.'IIMJUO d'teii; lVhru-
caused the Farmers' I'nion to -lary, li:i,(i.VJ,IIOII; March, (l.'i.OOOJIIIO:
duet an invo-tignti.iii into the poul--April, .I0J.:J ID.IIUII; May, Mia.'-'ll-'.llllll;
try conditions of Ihe imlion, nnd June, U7I), III'J.OOll ; July, 7U,r(l."i,0llll
Peter Hadford, lectmur of the Ka- Aiigiiel, 1 1.1,'J 18,000 j Sepleuibcr,
tional Fanners' Inion, gave out Ihei 111. Ill I.OMr; Oclober, 7,.'ill.'10IIO;
following stntcmeul concerning eon-1 November, 17,7oO,000; 'December,
ditious iu this slnti
''We market (i.'i per cent of our
egg crop iu April, May nnd June, al
though the consumption of eggs runs
very nearly even throughout the en
tire year. The American farmer to
day is paying tin- middleman the
princely sum of -..l8,fiOO,onO per mi
lium for storing ami selling Ins eggs.
This sum of iiiom-v would build and
eipiip sufficient -lorage lo cum for
the agricultural piodiiclion "I the
nation. The value of the nation's
egg production di.iing u decade is
cipiivalcut iu value to nil Die farm
propmly in Texas; would build u city
lite size of Nt. I.ouis nud would nay
the national debts of Spain, Japan
and the I'nitcd Status combined.
Foully lUsti-lbutlon
"The poultry viird census of eon.
liiii.nlfil I'miIixI m.ili.u. Inkcn hv the
federal government, sJloWH that tile
farmers of this uuintry gather ap
nroximatclv l..I)l.:tl l.O(M) dozen eggs
per annum, which -ell nt J arm
price of :il)li,CiSS1uil0, nnd u retail
price of . l,"i, JKO.OOO. These eggs,
uccording to the inniket icporls, are
marketed about as follews:
John A. Perl
Lady Assistant
JM fi. IIAH'lXKrr
Phones M. 17 ajiVl,47-J2
Ainbuianco Servico )op'uty Coroner
oiti.L' T.AUrvnnr
wut rtiwvn
Fashion's Frills
In... ....i. it,,... 1,1 il.., ifn!.t i r
Mil' 1,-." .11, 'II ,'l V ...,,' -
what is n tunic but n frill), fr.n.i
there to the knee, and now ue base
'em at your feet.
While ou aro bowing at t!t foe
of fashion it i fitting to mciilii
n chic new ankle f fur wbi.-.i - ts
Horn lately by a well-known ,Ve,v
Yorker. Yuu will readily infer Out I
this anklet in fur ndtU .1 wrv
"fiu.y wiuuy" touch lon fir-ti-m-med
costume as you g't 'n fniti
peek at it nw and then through the
iminipreneut slit.
It seems to be a lot art never to
turn a hair, for nowadays Ihrie is
ii mud ntli of color to the lit'nil.
If you are wenrinif a iolet green'
eown it is not ciioiiirh that vour
sliiiners and stocking -carry out the
color sehi'iue: ilefcr me, uol Your
hair also must hnvc. It little ilnsli
of Invender.
If vour frock is of azure, the mere
fact that your blood is blue nlo
won't put the bluo ribbon of np
uroval anon ou. Your coiffure as
I well must lime the dciied ccrulcaii
tinge. All this is accomplished bv
a nice collection of Ihin wigs in all
the smart' shades. Hut if vou arc
simply dyeing o be fn-hionable,
then chooic a bright shade of cen-c
for pink hair i the- pink of fash
ionable perfection.
Price of Eggs
The aversiL'o farm nrico of eggs
per milium is known to be till cents
per doen, nud the average retail
price vvus Il.'i cents per docu. The
hMhcxt ictail iiiiolutiou lit unv one
time and placujduriug th year wa
7.r cents ami the hmest price was liO
cents per dozen.. ,.
Illustrated Travel Lecture
An illusl rated travel lecture, beau
tifully colored lantern slides, motion
pictures, historical, entertaining nud
educational, by John P. Chun, will
be given iu the Presbyterian church
this evening, January (I, at 8 o'clock,
This is an oppoilunlly lo visit I lie
most wonderful and inteicsling scen
ery on the Pilcil'io coast. Tim inc
lines will nil be finitely diffei'iit
from ho ones presented u year ago.
If you iiisM- this lecture you will
miss a rare treat. Admission l.i
cents; children, 10 cents.
At Medford Tailorc-
fITprogram ai
annual banouet
commercial club
The annual humpH'l and "high
jinks" of Hie Commercial club Thurs
day niglil pioinisCM l ho Ilia most
uceessl'nl in the eluliV historv. N'o
pains aio being spaied In arianginu
Ibc program of miisie, jokes and
spcechc. Ileieloloie Ilia club has
made the mistake of depending upon
iMcmpornucouH talks and jol,e,
with tho lestilt thnt several John
Jones' have mulled over Hie" old
stereotyped epiessioiiN about "oin
beautil'iil little valley," hogs, nfalM.
red aples and fine climate, with e
liberal spnukliiig of poor pikw Ibnt
date lioui the hniiliiig of the ink on
Motttft Ararat. The prog nun lor
Thursdnv night is being earefulU
pteparcd. The UevoleiV club is to
put on a complete mliistiel show,
offering xoiue of Ihe best iiiuicul
talent in the city. Two of the end
men have had profesfcionl e.pen
cnee in thnt line. A stage will be
creeled nt one end of Ihe spacious
dininir hall and Ihe musical and mill
slid lealuies oV ihe evening'") enler-
liiliniient will lie Dill oil 111 line shape.
Tho nrouraui of siict'clics is hciuu
nrrniiged with a view of olfeiing the
bain'iuelers it leal tient links with
the iiuneli.
The best speakers Trout Aslilund
and Taleiil, us well fis Medford, will
discus in short, crisp talks, sub
jttcts of live intensit nud on which
they are especially w'ell ipiallfled lo
.Mine llot .Mohr promises a ban
ipiel second to none he has ever
served, ami suggests that the even
ing's gitc-ls iiuuc with wellwhelled
.ippililcs ami kcin niilicipatioii-
Thoro aro nimo J-wel Hi New
York than In any other city
Itcsl of l'llotoilu)n
Tuesday and Wednesday Program
The Escape of Jim Dolan
.Sellg WvMorn Story In Two Parts
i '.vn ii: wi:i:ki.v no Mi
Knliiiu Couiedv
(,'oinlug 'I liursiliiy Only
Thfe Frozen Trail
Special 2-Rcel Story of tho
Northwest A Big
p Theatre
Tuesday and Wednesday Nights
The Express Car Mystery
Kaloin Two Heel Thriller
PtttllO .
now Tin: iiav wah havi:i
Hlograph Comedies
Hon't Miss It
10c Only
ItugA and Carpets woven from ubt
rnrpotn and uowod limn.
nil Hast .Main I'ltono ni:Mt
Export Coi'flotioro
ftUG North llnrllcilt.
Phono .:! 1.
Singer Sewing Machines
Machines for rent, phono 810-X.
Hopalrs, eleaiilmt. oils, iiucdles, imrta,
phouograiih rcpalilug.
,l. INmll.M, MANAtlKIl
UU7 South Holly St., .Mwlforil
Official Photographer of the
Medford Gomuiorcial Club
Post Curds
Panoramic Work
Flash lihta
Interior and oxtorior vIowh
Negatives made aiiv time
and any place by appoint
It M. IIAIIMO.V, Mitiisgcr.
208 P.. Main Pnonn 1471
That i.s (iiiarauit't'd, see
Martin Reddy
All Uinds of MotintUidotio.
Bittner's Real Estate
& Employment Bureau
Cor Halo
1 1 I nrrm. f, room hunanlnw.
rhlrkeii bouse, Imrn, )ard fenced,
strawberries, Irrlitntlon, 1 l-i mites
from Mcilfnri, :ti00.
80 ncrcK, sumll log house, S mites
trout railroad, heavily timbered, largo
open range, fine hog ranch. Price
I room homo, lot COxlOO, will
trade for vacant lot,
ft room plastered house,, two lots,
city water, barn, woodshed, chicken
house nud park. Will trade for va
cant lots or cows,
I'or Nolo or Hvrliniigo
I aero hearing orchard, Irrigated,
Iu Washington, to exchange for Iioiimu
nnd lot, or smal ranch In Itoguo river
I'or Kent
llouno furnished or unfurnished,
hnusokcoplrig rooms,
(llrla for general houso work.
IPs. Pliouo lOIMI-X lltono H5H.
OpiHisllu NiinIi Hotel
..., i..-... ,in.l nintt tmmilnr
hotel la tho Cilj'i cliculating ice
watrr Iu every pom.
EipeclM .uttontlon lo laClet
Irftvolllng bIoiic
Kxccllrnl, rcaioimhly prlrcd ctlll.
Meet your ftlcnUb at the Manx.
Curo)u I'Imi IUIm $I.K0 up..
Mnnauentint, Cliftvr W. AWy
&r. - w