Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, January 06, 1914, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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t -fe
Mctlforil Youth a Rancher hy In
stlnct mid Nature, ami It Was n
Cruel Joko to Make Him a Pro
fcssloiinl Boxrr.
Showing a plrluro of Mini Aiulur
mum lalitm when it livery Muhlit hunt
lur, llin I,om AiikhIi'H TIiiwh ( .Inn
2, rcincirliM "Muck (o tlii) fiirni for
Mini Antiunion. Tim .Mi'ilfoni hoy In
ii rntichttr liy limtlnrt niul iinluri'. It
wiik n cruel Jokn to hnw linliictiil lilm
tu ontor tint rliiK Hi n profelnnil
hoxnr. IIh U IiIk mill Mroug, hut
ilni'Nii't know itvt'ii tliu hIiiiiiIuhI null
tllClttN Of IjOXlllg "
ConiiiiitiitliiK upon tint CronD'Aiiilor
mill fight, lliur) t'nrr ny;
llniry Cnrr'o Cruel Hnlltv
"If tint Piielfle Alhlutlc cliili renlly
iliiilriii to top ItoxltiK In Cnllfornln,
It MOIllil he Rllllplcr to hIkh olio of tin)
mitUflglit petition limn to hUku nny
morn flKlitH with Mini Aiiilurnon n
oiid of tint pnrtlelpaiilii.
"Thin him heroine a hlg-lengnii city
IIIK league priced urn rlinrm-il liy III"
hmlng ptoinoter niul the pulillo hut
u right to oxpvrt llio iiiplo)inuiit of
killed IiIk-Ii'iikuu Inner.
"Mtnt Aml'Tiioii Ik hii lioncut coun
try lioy, If it t n n hoxer ho Ih it wolrl
piirforiiinr. The imntt iiiintrliiK U:ht
I nxi'r nw In n r In k took plnco Jimt
heforn tliu rifri'ii nknnled for tho
flithl to IhikIii- An tlio chair or
tut on from tliu corner, Mini Antlof
miii'h iiiniittKiT nml trnlticr durkod
Into tlm rlni: In front of him, nml.
wllli fninlle Ki'Mtiro, nhowed lilm
tlm poKlilon In which ho mIioiiIiI hold
lil liiimU. ImnKlini kIvIiik u fishier
it limnon In tliu firm rudiment of hox
liiK n lu propitrc to lenvo IiIk corner
"l.i't tm pray to ho delivered from
nny wore "promUltiK" hcKlnnor
Thorn nrn plenty of iienoncil, cxpor.
Ictircd, nklllcd boxers- In I ho rliiK
without Intnillng tho hick circuit
To tunke inutcho for boxer o nil
uruhly lurkliiK In skill u Mini Andiir
noti I simply linllliiR nunthcr Mull
YollliK illxnutur "
lie Will Vim inr(' lli'innik
lo Will Vim Cuufl write of tlm
flithl n folie: '
hrnrli Cross knocked out Mini An
itorion In the seventh roinnl of their
scheduled twenty round fHtlit nt tint
Vernon nrenn yoilcrdity,
"It wn Cross's flKht from tlm flmt
roinnl on with tho exception of tho
sixth when the cmiuliiK N'W Vorl.
Jew tnlM Mid Hindu Mud full for II,
then Mulshed stroiiK mid hnd Mud
on tlm run nt the fluUh of tho round.
"I.ench nut Mud down for the
count of five In tho third round,
iieiirly dronned him inmlii In the
Hlxth, mid lit tho Hovouth, put hint
down twice, once for tho count of nix
necoiid, ii ml itKitlu for tho count of
two, mid finally flullicd lilm with n
hurd rlKht to tho Juw Hint put nn
end to Mud' climiroH for K"d mt I
"It wnit one of the fiercest con
teiH Hint over took pluco In tin
Vernon itreun, und wn full of nctloit
fiom hlnrt to flulidi,
Mini Too I lent)'
"It nUn proved sevurnl HiIiikh.
One thut Mud Anderson cnniiot mnko
imj where nenr the IlKhtwelnlit limit
iih lins hcen clitlmed for lilm. another
thut ho In not the hitler thitt ho In
not tho hitler thut ho hint heen cied
Ited with heliiK. still Vll(lllK,r llll,t '"'
kuowH little of tho IioxIiik Rumo from
any iiiikIo. I.ench Cross nppenred
flfleiiu pounds IlKhtor than Mud, hut
I.ench Hindu tho tnrrlhlo OroKou fur
mer look like it rnK tloM I" I'10
ellucheH. Mud wnu not nlilu to land n
hIiikIo hurd piiuvh lit tho clinches,
that Jld nny duuiitKO, mid ho was
out-boxed, out-foUKht und out
roiiKlivd hy his IlKnttir oppouout In
ovory round. In other words, I.ench
hail so much moro experience, thut ho
miido tho Orer,ii terror look llko n
moro novice. It wiih it hnttlo hotweon
n HtroiiK, Kmiio und llon-heurtod fol
low, tiKulust mi experienced, sen
noiitid, clover, cuuuliiK und tricky hox
or, I.ench also proved that with his
hIIkIU hulld ho Is olio of tho hardest
hittlui; hoxoi-H of IiIh wulKlit In tho
world today.
"Cross foiiBht 100 por cent hotter
titan ho did whou ho met Joo Itlvors.
In fact, ho did not look llko tho snmo
iiiiuu. Mud hud tho host chuncos at
uIoho iuitrtei'H, hut ho was licnton ut
ovory iiiikIo of tho kuiiio nt this stylo
or any oilier ho tried.
"I.ench HiiruiiK tho old stulllnu
Btuff of appearliiB KroBBV d" 1'
foirfor It sovoml times. I.ench up
poured sovurnl times on tho vorKO of
K"lnk "t "tl oiico hold himself tip
on tho ropoH with both hiimls, Invlt
Iiik Hud lq como to lilm. it wits so
nppnrout to Mud ut one time thnt
I.onch wiih HtallliiK Unit ho Htopd off
nml luujthed nt lilm, but tho foxy
Jew drow him on Inter mid Imiilmsti'd
tho lur out of tho Mudford terror for
fnllliiK Into tho trick.
Itntli Heavy
"lloth hoys wore overweight hy
wo ounceH, Audorsou wolKhed In at
I o'clock, after being nwenled Out
iinilur u pile of hot towels for nearly
an hour. When Mud left the arena
to kI HomethluK ( out ho was 10
wonk fio sliiKKered like n drunken
"f.euuh weighed In Just before the
mutch mid wits also n toiipli) of
ounces out. It looked for n while
us thoiiKh the match would bo caleJ.
off. hut Tom McCain)- visited (lie
dtessltiK-rooms mid siiinred HiIiiks
between them,
"Cron wn tliu flint to enter the
rliiK nud wns followed several mln
iite Inter by Anderson, I.ench took
the southwest corner und nppemed
In his slreut clothe. Mud wore n
brown huthrohe mid looked tired mid
driiwu, I.euch looked fresh and full
of confidence,
"t'rons wns econded by his brother
nud iiiunuKcr, Haiti Wnlluch, Chnrllo
Dnltiiti, Chnrlle AuslltiRer nud Krnle
HroiiKl. Anderson hud his mminKer,
Dick Donnld, I'rniik Duprules, his
trnlner, Chnrlrs Kline and Dave Mnr
tlnlc. "Jlmmle Clnhhy, the mlddlewclKlit
chnmplou, wns Introduced, and Hitllur
I'rtrottkey Jumped Into the ring nnd
chnlonKfd hint. There wns not ns
InrKo 11 crowd on hand ns wns ex
pected, The liouso nimiiiuted to
"(leorKe MtiiKe wns the referee."
(Ashland Tldlims)
Mr J H lluNor mid her diuiRhter,
Miss lMlth, had n narrow escnpe
from drowuliiK In lleur creek Hundny
nfternoou Mrs. Itiuor nud Miss
IMIlti. who U 11 popular clerk In
Mlukler's Clonk mid Kult Mouse, were
on ttelr wny to the Mnsor much
ncrots the creek nfler church Hun
dny. In nttemptliit; to ford nt Monti
tnln nveiiiio they drove Into .1 deep
hole which hnd been washed Into the
bed of the creek by the IiIk witter
und were washed out of the bunny.
Luckily the current curried them Into
shallow' wnler nnd they succoded In
Kettlug out on this side. Help wns
summoned nnd the horse wns finally
gotten out nfter hnvliiK been In the
wnter over nu hour. The milmnl hnd
floundered throiiKh the deepest water
nud hnd not wheie It wns not over lit
bnck, but wns anchored solidly to
the subiuerKed Iuikk)-. Neither Mrs.
Mnsor or her dntiKhtvr are the worse
for their January ducking.
At the rcjjuliir iiieeliuu' "f W.v
touktt Trihe, No. HO, I t). U. M.,
Sntiiiclny ewniiiK'. Iiiutiiiiv ! tlio
t'olluwiue; nl'i'ieers wete iutnllcd fo.'
the ciiMiiiik' tei'iu:
Sitelieni, t). (). 1'iiiJ.ei'j hi'iiioi'Sii ,
.1. T. linker junior Sup, W. II.
Smilli; proiliel, W. II. I,.viliutil;
chief of leeonU, V, S I'ollius; eel
leeloc of iiiii)uiii, I,. I .lui'oli;
keeper of wniuium, .lotiu luilte.
fiivt Sun., K. ,1. Itiiuihiiiei-; M"i.'id
Sun., 1'. i. IloekecMiutli; l'irt wnr
rior, I, I,. Ilobeilhou; liveond tviu
rior, V. V. Porter; lliinl ti'unior, C.
.1. HenileiHonj fuurlli warrior, II. (1.
KiiiK! firht hnive, A. E. I..t Poitc
M'ooiiil lnuve, A. J. Sewriejit; tlilnl
hiine, i V. Taylor; fouilli linive,
Hoy SiUTini; U. of ., Win, Mllues;
(I. of -, .1. ( JOIII'H.
After iiihtulliition, iiilfniit'iimeiil
wiih tiiKeii to the lmiiiiiet room,
where ft MiiiiptuoitH teiiwt inviifM
ASIlhAND, .lun. 0. A paper Ih
heiue; cirt'iiluluil 111 AMiIuml preptinw
lory In mt oixniiixulion of llie nuto
luoliiliKts of AhIiIiuiiI to fiejit wluil
they term an illegal tax on autonio
hilert, They Mute thai llio law plae
inf; a heavy lieeiiHe 011 the initort h
ilouhle taxation, in that the autos are
taxable uccoiiliiii; to their value in
addition to (lie license tax.
It is mulci'htooil that the Ablilaml
aiitomohiliHU will act in conjunction
with those of Mcilford and other
plaeoM in llio county, in mnUiiii; a
tout uiibt) in llio umtUT.
W "-'r -.h' 'JBwc , VSr .m W ' ' s--- Jyi
HBW m 1 uV HBIIW 1 bBBK.'-T atilllllwf
BBi ' slilililP Am- t'df m iK tm Jm
WMMMfz? 1 1 1 ! 11 WiT r S
VAcmt NinHTiniiM. 1I-&.11.
pliDxi'i of man's
proRrcnj will
citrnordinurilx diverse at tin I'unn
rim 1'iirlfic Kxpojltlon. Sculpture
Inn conic Into irtentcr use nt each
rxponltlnn nnd nt Sun r'rnnrlcn In
J!ir will he rmptovrri to fnf L-rentir
ritrnt than VrMofore. In the
WAItm:NTON, Or.. .Inn. Ii. "I
hitve leaeheil tlie eoueluiiiii that
innviillni- me 110 iiiitioii for wu
men, 1 will tint s'lile my len-iiii-,
not wiiliiue; tn Income Involved; in
i'6ntriiviiiui with tho-se who believe
differenlly, hut th,v apiK-ar f,"""'
nml Miffieienl to nu?.''
1 llin wiih the itlnlcmeut todav of
.Mlh (Mara ('vuthiii .Miinnou, who on
Jiinuarv 1 ret-reil to privnle life lif
ter enjovimr for one year the dis
tinction of hcilit: the only womnn
nia.Mir in tip. west, fleoijje ScliuiitK,
a meie IlKill, Mleeeediil her. Mixx
.Miitixoii'n rnn-titnciu'v mi', more
than Miliricil with her iulmiuitru
tion, hul -he eould not he induced In
make the race for roeleothni. "AN
though iu teitu in office wn- pleu
aut in Ihe e.lreme. ami the eitv
eouueil over which I nrcMilcil trcatcil
me with the t-ieatest rchpeet, 110 per
Million could make me tuke an of
fice ayniii, 1 icl'iiM'il even to run
for llio city eolineil,
"I luidjim trouble whatever ilurina
my tetiu, ii(l even with the liipior in
tcrei4. I am not a believer in pro
hibition ns it i heiut; handled today,
and did not believe it incumbent up
on me to interfere with the local mi
looiix mi lone; us they were conducted
in ueeorilauee with the laws of the
.1 .... .... ..
city, couniv nun Mate, wnon the
piv eminent netets its paitnorxliip
wi h the liipniy inteioU by refiiMiiu
to iKotie liceiiM'i then, mid only then,
will piohihit'.ou piohibil."
While kIic was iiiavor, MNs Mini;
son acted a city attorney-and ehiel
of police aNo, haxiiit; tjpiiitil with
the Kcrueos ot tlue diuiulnricx a
soon as (.he asNiuucil office. Th
money llui-. Mived wu iicd for civic
inipioveuieats. She was not, how
ever, called 011 to, make any aviests,
When in nocil of lepil advice, MN
.Miuisoii appealed In the mayor of
AMoiiu. .Mis Miiusou sucnt her
girlhood and youu; womanhood in a
lililhoiihe on Hie Oicpui coinl, and
her kuowledne of political al'l'aiis,
which is ipiite e.tcnsive, was coined
Ihiounh dixeiiKnioiis wiih her father
duiine; the lorn- piriod's when the
beacon was isolated hy storms,
"The time I ocnt in the mayoralty
chair was not altoe.cthcr without its
eoepensation," concluded Miss Mun
son, "for during Hint lime I received
nearly i hcore of iuaiViaj;e "ioosals
from mcu as 11 result of the puhlleitv
'.iven my hcin; (lie only we.ilerii wo
suan uiayor."
ATHENS. Jan. . A severe oarth
(piako did reht duintto today in the
vicinity of l'yros. It was feared
many lives were lost, but as couunii
mention was interrupted few details
were available.
of the artistic I'slncc of Fine Aits there will be
t (tltpluyed from I impe -nrt'iv ol the
(umoui paiiitlnt's of the ol I'rnaMrr
.Many nutiorial J'-i prnnte t'nllerir
II a.B.. .!... . I..H. a...! .UA..
i,i iun vi 11,1.1V Mitnii. mm iuaii
works n-ver nermiitul to le.ive
Kurone will .r -howji Already :Vl
world famous (Hiiutintrs have tcen
NEW YOIMC, .l.iti. (l.-The rescue
of five more xutior from the lot i
tnnk Minniliii (Ikhihomn was belat
edly icHii!u bv wirnlei-H today from
the Hooth liner (Iri'snry. The men
were :
Fred llooth, .torckecMr; (Ieor;;e
JohiiMiu, wiper; Wilji llnnht, M'.i
mm); Jolin ICo-nieli, meshoy; Jacob
Swansea, oiler.
Their ro-eue brought the total of
(host; Mived up to tliirtcvn and re
duced the number of luf to twenty
seJu. The n'liintet, with i- n.lieiv, st
off in n llfcliont mid liml been toil
iiiK si hours hi the ourw when picked
up by the (lrx"ry south of Sandy
Hook. Twice before this the boat
had capinl. Tho fimt time this
happened the men succeeded in risht
int; the boat and nil eleven scram
bled bnck. on hoard. The second
time, though, the hoat was righted,
siv of its eoiniNiiiv. stiff with cold
and exhausted bv the Mrupale they
had underline, sank.
The Oklahonia broke in two, ne
enrdine; to llnnht, when a mountain
ous sen fell on its decks amidships
just ns it was bridged on two other
waves. Theie were two boats left
Haaht said, and as the ship broke
everyone on the after putt riihcil
tm deck and jumped into one or th
other of them. How maiiv pt into
the other hoat. the steamer did no)
know. It wits hill, however, he said
Money Saved
by Making Vour Cough
Syrup at Home
'J'nkri Hut u IV v Muiuriit,
mill Slop- it lliinl t'mi;li
In ii llurr).
Cough iiicdlclncit, its u rule, contain n
large itiautity of plain Hriip. If you
tnko one l'1 "' u'riiuulittiHl sttenr, ndd
'j pint ot warm witter und r4lr nbout
U minutes, you have ns j;ood syrup ua
iiioney could Iniv,
If you will tln'ii put 21S ounces of
Pines (tlfty cents' worth) In u plat
bottle, unit till it up with tlm Sugar
Svrtin. von will have us miu'li nuiL-li
svrun as you could buy ready made for
!?'.J.r0. 'JVko n teaspoon ful every one,
two or three hours. It kecp.-t pcrfcctlv.
You will Had it one of tliu beat cough
syruns you ever tiacd even in whooping
cough. You ciin feel It take held
usually eoiiiiiiers uti ordiimry counh In
21 hours. It Is juxt laxative enough,
hits it good toule elTivt, nud the taate
Is pleiiKitnt.
It is u splendid rrmcdv, too, for
whooping cough, spasmodic croup,
honrscneaa nnd bronchial nsthnm.
Plnex is a moiit vntibiblo conccntrii
ted coiupouiul of Korwuv white nine
extract, rich In guatacol nnd other
heating plno clciiifiits. No other prepa
ration wilt work in this formula.
This plan for innklng cough remedy
with Pine nud Sugar Svrup is now
until in more homes than nnv other
cnuuh remedy, Tho plan has often beett
imitated but never successfully.
A guaranty of nbsoluto sutlsfnction,
or money promptly refunded, goes with
this preparation. Your druggist has
Pin ex, or will get It for you. If not,
end to Tho PIncx Co., Ft. Wayne, Iud.
The masterpieces of the
ci cutest artists of today aMo will hv
bown. Several hundred thousand
dollars have been appropriated for
(.tl .MiM.Ir.Md I. h..11Im..ii
iiiuiui I'aiiiiiit'a viic ut ciiiiiiii.ii y
working sketches for most of which
,te completed Included in the list
of moral painters are such celebrated
Showinj; customary brilliance,
fNhenneii of Josephine county cir
culated n petition to tho stnte game
mid fish commis-iou rcfiucstintr the
iiunmis.sioii to penult the sale of
steelheads in Jiisqihino eounty, de--pite
the fact that the state laws
forbade it. Sevenil hundred imm
tute.s wire secured and the secre
tary of the hoard replied ns follews:
"As much ns Ihe hoard would like
lo uciptioi-'cc in their (the "iietition-
erV) wishes, after perusing the eon-
tents of chapter 3SI laws of 1013.
find thut section I thereof makes it
unlawful for nnv ersoii, firm o
eontoratiou to sell, bnrter or ex-
oliuiige any rainbow, steellujads or
other trout taken from the waters of
llopie river, nml the hoard, there
fore, has no discretion in the matter.
The only manner in which such con
cessions could he grouted would be
by a special act of the legislature. 1
am forw-nrdiag, under .soparnte cover,
a pamphlet copy of tho fish and
liame law.s of this state, and would
respectfully call vour attention to
section 02, subdivisions a, h. e, nnd
d thereof, which covers the matter
Patronize Home Industries
We litivc changed our
uaiiiv, heieitfter th. Mission
ITuraituro "Works will bo
known ns .
Pacific Furniture
Fixture Factory
Home of the "Pacific" Cedar
113 South Holly
Medford, Oregon.
Specimens of Wonderful Sculpturt
and A. Stirling Caldcr, Director.
names ns Frank MrariKwyn. Child
Ilassam. William d) I. DcJjfc. Frank
Uu Mond. Edward Simmons. Itobcrl
field. Arthur F. Matthews and
Charles llulloway. Many of th
panels will be tl)0 feet in length,
some even larcer.
Some of the mny
marvel JJ5 work cf art to show 1
will be tho presented from thu
.i . ., .. .. t,,
Orient, AH Hr painting will carry
""t one Krund exponitlon coUir
$5 DAY
DKTnOIT. Mich.. Jan. G. Ten
thousand men. some raised and oth
ers prosperous looking, today fought
for places In the liuo before tho em
ployment window of tho Ford Auto
mo6lle company. Under tho com
jinny's new profit-sharing plan, an
nounced yesterday 4000 additional
workmen will be employed at a mini
mum wage of Z dally.
"Wo bellevo social justice begins
nt home," said James Couzens, secre
tary of, tho company, "wo want
those helping us to produce and main
tain this Institution to share in our
profits and prosperity. Wo want
them to share our present profits.
"Thrift, good service and sobriety
will be encouraged and recognized.
We hope to do still better by our em
ployes In the future and want them
to bo our real partners."
Couzens announced the profit
sharing plan would not cause any In
crease In price of the company's pro
ducts. An experiment station for the
study of flux cultivation and inanu
facturo wus organized recently in
Medford Iron Works
E. Q. Trowbridge, Prop.
General Foundry and
Machino Works
Pacific 401; JJome 298L.
Res. Pac. 5031; Home 227L.
For tho best of
See us. We make a specialty of
Factory Coruor South Fir and 11th Sta. Both Phone
rOM'.MBt'S, 0., Jnn. ). InwiUy
cxDertt in many sections of stutes
nre wntchinjr witli great InteroHt
Oliio' experiment of its Mnssilon
Htate hospltnl, where 3(10 inmates
nre attending school studying rend
ing, arithmetic, geography, mimic nnd
other brnnches just like nonnnl folk.
Stimulation of mental effort in tho
Mib-nonmil brain is the object of the
school. Pupils nre not allowed to ho
unoccupied for a moment during
st idy hours on the theory that idle
ness produces melancholy.
Mathematics npncnrs the most dif
ficult study for tho inmate punils
Teaching is dona bv the syhfom of
object lesson. Cows, horses, dogs,
ents and ocople uro subtracted, add
ed and multiplied in lieu of more
figures. Mental activity produces
hlrength, according to Dr. M. C. Bv
man, superintendent, who declares
thnt mnny cures mnv bo almost
wholly attributed to
school work.
When n pntient shows an interest
nnd ndnptnhility in the work he Is
advanced to the moro rcercntionnl
classes, which includo pool, billiards,
bowling, tennis nnd bnsebnll, nnd all
these nre n part of the regular cur
riculum. They provide healthful en
joyment, excite mental interest,
arouse energy nnd stimulate activity
to the physical and mental benefit of
the putient.
SALEM. Ore.. Jan. 6. A muss
moetlng, called at the Instance of tho
board of governors of the Commer
cial club will be held tomorrow night
to consider the Advisability of calling
a special "election to vo'te 1890,000
for road Improvement Inv Marloa
county. Tho plan Is to complete'the
Improvements by or shortly after the
opening of tho Panama-Pacific expo
sition. Mother's Friend
A Doty tliat Ever? Man Own IoTImm
who Perptumt lh fUc.
It Ii Just ss Important that men ihould
know of protrrulre me i bod la adrancft ti
motberboot The aufiVrloir. pain and alia
ttraa Incident to child bearlnc can b railly
avoided by harlns at hand a bottle of
Mother's friend.
Thla ti a wonderful, penetratlne. exten
nal appllcstlon that rellerea all trnalon
upon the mtiMclea antfrnablmt tbetn toeipand
without the painful attain upon the Ilea
taenia. Thua there It arolded all thoa ner
Toua apelta ; the tendeney to nauaea or morn
In alckneaa la counteracted, and a brlcht,
sunny, happr dtapoattlo. la preaerred that
reflects wooderrullr upon the character and
temperament of they llttla on aoon to open
Its eyea In bewilderment at the Joy of bis
arrlral. You ran obtain a bottle of
"Mother'a Friend at anj drug ttor at
tt.OO. and It will be the beat dollar'a worth
you erer obtained. It preacrrea th moth
er 'a health, enable her to make a quirk
and complete recovery, and tbua with re
newed atrengtn she will eager) derots
hertelf to the rare and attention which
mean an much to Ihe welfare ot the child.
Write to the Ilradncld Kegulator Co., Ut)
I.auiar Illri Atlanta, Ga., fop tblr ralu
able and Inatructtre book of guidance for
expectant mother. Get a bottle ut Moth
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