Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, January 06, 1914, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    , f '
ZJ- . ' .. i ....
Stamped sofa jullow s to bo urn-bruMc-hd
at TJic Unmllcratt Shop.
The "Out to Win" campaigner will
moot Wodntwdn. at tho First l'aptlst
thurrli nt " . in. All those who are
InloreMoil In ntnto tv lilo prohibition of
tho Il(ii(ir trnfflc and thoo who
bIrhciI tho "Out to Win" Blips nro
nuked to eomo.
Kodak finishing est In town nt
MIkh Klonnor Saner who lsltol
Inst week with her parents at Grant
Pang haa returned to Medford.
Mrs. Kay Toft vlsltod her slsteri
lu-tnw, Mr. A. C. Urown and Mrs
l.uolln Trjor nt firants Pas Sunday.
Think of havlnp your unrestricted
choice of Mich a varied line of eon-
lug dresses nt one-half price. Ahrcns.
A, W. Moon and wife and mother.
Mm. K. L. Moon of Central Point arc
vIhUIiir In Orants Vats,
Prank Klttrcdge, resident engineer,
of tho Pacific Highway, has returned
from a trip to Portland and Seattle,
lie Is overhauling the Oold Kay gran
ite quarrj preparatory to using It for
crushing rock for tho highway.
Orders taken for decorated china.
Latest 1914 designs, for sets, or
single pieces. Mrs. J. I). Bell, Hotel
Nash. 246-
1 M. Hums, of Cleveland, Ono,
representing H. Ulack company, man
ufacturers of Wooltnx suitings, Is lu
Medford on business.
Aloe's do goods storo Is showing
unusual high grade values at thetr
January white goods sale. 24C
E. V. Zamzaw. traveling passenger
agent of tho Santa Fc, with head
quarters In Portland, Is making a
business trip through the valley.
Not often you have the opportun
ity of buying up to the minute styles
In evening .dresses at one-half price.
Orasp the opportunity. Ahrens. 245
Miss Manila Clark visited friends
nt Gold Hill last week.
E. D. Weston, commercial photog-
rapner, negatives mado any tlmo or
placo by appointment. Phone M
"W. A. Uurr, In charge of tho Bra
don .mine near Gold Hill has resigned
his position there, and leased the Opp
mine near Jacksonville.
All wool dresses for a few more
days one-half price. Ahrens. 245
Douglas county automobile owners
aro planning to Join with tho ownora
of motor vehicles of Jackson county,
in opposing enforcement of tho II
cciibo tax at present levied on auto
moblllcs and other motor propelled
vehicles by the state.
Milk and cream at DoVoo's.
Andrew Jeldncss Is down from his
ctnlm In the Blue Ledge district and
says that In his eleven years In the
country ho never saw a storm like the
Christmas blow. Tho entire country
was water and the melted snow
poured off the mountains In torrents.
Every stream was overflowed. To
travel it was necessary to follow the
high ridges. The damage was slight.
Reductions on all shirt waists,
dresses, coats, chlldrcns coats, sweat
ers. Furs 20 to 50 per cent. Ahrens,
H. E, Chambers of Ellensburg,
Wash., is visiting In tho city this
Arthur Ilozo Is in from Griffin
crook on business today.
Advance fallowing of white goods,
luces, embroideries' and muslin un
derwear at Moe's dry goods store.
Mr. nud Mrs. M. G. Lawrenco of
Soda Springs hao left on their an
mini trip to California.
Mr. and Mrs. J.P. Dodgr of Ash
land left Sunday for Yuma, Ariz ,
whom they will spend some tlmo at
tho home of their daughter, Mrs.
Wo cau tnnke 'your old hat look
like new. Pantorlum.
Paut 'Jlllama of Ashland left last
wcok for Detroit, Mich., to attend
J. G Hint, former city recorder if
Ashland, lias been elected manager vf
tho Ashland nud Medford Ico and
stoiago plants to succeed C. W. Root,
See E. H. Rtorju about Yuma,
Arlr.onn, lands. S6en to nine cut
tings alfalfa. Under government
project. 117 S. Lauel street. 217
Waltor Merrick made a short busi
ness trip to Central Point Monduy af
After u week of delayed service by
storm, trutns arc ugnlu on normal
Kodak finishing, glossy or dull fin
ish nt J. O. GorisIiig'B studio, 228 E.
Main St. Phono 920-.
& ifr . --. ------ "
Weeks & McGowan Co.
Iidy Aksibtuiit
Day I'houo 'J27
F. W. Weeks 11)32!
A, V. Orr 078-M
The Gurmnuln club held its regu
lar dance at tho Nat Inst night.
Mrs. Holllc Lewis who hns been
lsltlngn Aledrord has returned to
Gold Hl.ll. L.' j
Jnnnnry white 5alo now on nti
Moo's dry goods Blorc. 24G i
Ike rrltHllgcr Is attending to busi
ness in Glondnlo.
Mlfs Nell Storm who underwent nn
operation at Sacred Heart hospital
Inst week Is convalescing nnd was ro
nioxed to her borne today.
J, O. Gerklng) tho best all nround
photographer Jn nouthorn Oregon..
Alays reliable. Negatives mndo nny
nhere, time or plnco. Studio 323
Main St. Phono 320-J.
F Tschrlgl returned Monday from
an extended trip through the east,
and reported business picking up. Ho
says tho middle west sees in the new
currency bill snlvntlon. nnd are pa
tiently waiting for Its operation to
begin.' He says crop prospects are
good, nnd predicts n heavy colonist
travel' this spring.
Have your bat fixed over while tho
cut price Is on. Pantorlum. '
F. L. Orr, former chief of police, '
hnd an operation performed on hlsl
eje .Monuay. lie is recovering rap
"Insurance your best asset." Hnvo
the ost. Plnen vour Insurance with
"" -- -
Holmes, the Insuranco Man, right It
ho writes It. tf I
Guy Jncobs and wife of Ashland
visited friends in Medford Sunday.
Let US' block your hats. Cut price.
Miss Pauline Coe of Grants Pass
has returned to her home after vis
iting Medford friends during the holi
days; Having Just purchnscd a now piano
of B. J. Palmer of the Palmer Piano
Place, a few anoro pupils can bo ac
cepted at the Halght Music Studios,
11 G South Laurel St., phono 176-R.
Winter term begins Friday, January
2, 1914.
E, Vlan of San Francisco Is In tho
city looking after newspaper Inter
ests, i
We have an expert hatter, let m
convince you of our superior work-
maniUlp.. cut, prices., ranionum. -
Kdwln Thorton. H. Willie and L.
Maljory of lloseburg nro in tho city
oh business.
llSodo to loan. U. A. Holmes,
Tho Insurance Man. 245"
J, C. Pendleton of Table llock was
In the city Monday for a few hours.
Regular convocation .Crater Lake
Chapter tonight. Installation ot of
ficers. V. E. Lane, secretary.
V, McGregor oT'Trall Is In tho
city for a few days on busfness.
Tho Rogue River Fruit and Pro
duce association has about 75 half
boxes of Coralco pears which nro
ready for quick consumption, nnd
which will be sold nt a very nominal
Miss Robert Curtis left for Mod
ford yesterday where she will open
an establishment something similar
to tho Kiester Sewing school in this
city. Roscburg News.
J. H. Flkes of the Warren Con
struction company of Portland is In
the city.
NKW YOIIIC, Jan. C- Pronounced
ntrcnylli inarkeil the opening f !?
tiuk market tojluy. Uniop Paeifie
nud Cunniliiiii J'lififio made car'
Ki"H cMenilin from Vj . to -jiiilfi.
One ioint ndviilice-i alijo
we're rcKiitered in Orent Northern.
.Southern 1'a.cific, Hemlins nnd Steel.
A two-point niiin wnn rclitered hy
.Moxioan I't'iruloiini.
Later the iiaiu rworilcd nt the
opeiiiii" were ouite uenernllv roilnesil
nnd in f-cverul in'tnucc entirelv of
fiiccjl. Jlnlliiiioro A; Ohio ileclini'il
acutely mid wenkue-s nl-o ilovelupeil
in New Yoik Continl. Anmljtiimnted
f'opper nUo wb under hew pro-.-.iii
Hninlii were s-teudv.
The innrkot flowed xtronv.
(Continued from Page 1)
government failed to proo a prima
fade iaso of co-partnership in thu of
fenbg charged, in tho indictment.
AH exoept Tveltmoro woro afflllatod
with the Ironworker hl'ulon nnd
thoIr"b)injalli) and soneral jiartlcl-
pntlon in th nuic . hernial objects
may bo rlKhtlv a ju. 1. uut we arj
not aiHlbed of iroul sufficient to
chnrgo them with ac cal participa
tion In, tho otfeuhes charged In tho
(Continued trom par.' U
them tho determination of whether
they dohlro to return to the old con
ditions repudiated In 1110, or wish a
continuance of tho pollcleH that
have mado California Iho moBt pro
grcssUo btnto Jn tho nation,"
t tli in.-r r coiiiri' k tho
CI"' . i Ak
i l. ,mmEmkr j:a m im
(EL B yEzSiPfeT 5B a IvA
vJBmVt Fy TSOOM IN MVOI mi "IHBIkVN. VBT - - Jtr 1
V?.V am?S voMct. uver masonic Ai L t EJ mr, feJrUrt""! I
i ,mm i ii ii 'i i i -i !.. r " i
1 i
Month r'ui . uiiMloitl nvoiitl) reMMhtl n nMinrknoto roiujuicr, was presented utter II. O. llraiu-e. tho woman'i
hilf liMtlivr, r limed lo h hoiiio In Hitrtwl-h, N Ml-w Itmncc said sho would not go to her brother's hump, nnd
he ir.iv, u iiuunnllon he had no desire that she sluuild. Ho s.ild ho would hare her plaivd temporarily in
i sntiiinriiiiu. In tho iiiivnutitiu. tho xtr.ini:i nonltioit of the Honlau continues to excite Interest uud not n llttlo l'ltj
J aiuuiig ull clitvei
" r f- -"- '-nrr ;
. -
fit) politic- tor the election net
TuoMlny took definite -limn; .Mondnv
with the films of the huino nwn'-
tfoket. hnvins for u phitform offie
iency, economy nml no .nlHry.
The ticket is compot'il a follow :
Viri-t wnr.l. F. V. Moilytki. onno
neut of .1. W. .Mitchell, council in
cumbent, jrr. .Meilyn-ki i heavy
propor owner mid former eiiMern
Seootid vjiriWrolonel II. II. Snr
ent, ciHl eiujipecr, reared nrmv of
ficer jiiiiI iiroiHrty holder, to fill
berth now occupied hv Coiimihiiiiii
1.UIIIIHICII, uuv scrums ic-eiccuiiii.
iiiirn warn i. n. .we oi uio,1.,!!,. uiui.u. sow. ml fnro mid.
Jaekoou County Ah-tniit t'oinviiv.
proierfv holder, husineK iiihii, with
thorough knowledge ot ity property
eonilitioiis.. to fill Cotin.'ilinmi Sitrn
merville'o present lnc.
On the ruenll petitions V. J .Km-
eriek was nnmcil to oppose Council-'
t?i - :. n.- -i
innn Mewnrt in the heeoud ward.
nud Dr. II. P. Margrave to oppo
George II. Mlllitr in the Third. Mr.
Kmeriek hn served two tennn on
tho council, i. a heavy troport
owner nud retired toohiunn, with
Inrjse interests in the city. Dr. Ilnr
Krate i-. n native son of .Inekou
county, n 4ijioiitn nnd hun.'oon,
projiorty owner nnd owner ot u dnuc
All the cnHdiiln(n nertto to rve
without pay if thu snlnry eHppin;c
iimcndtiiofit loprtri ut the n4ln.
Coiiiicilmuii Stewart mid .Millar,
under recall, filed their renoii for
not boms; rcciilled .Monday ihhI with
tlrcw them thi-tmoniin!: for more
ehihorntion. They will tile nceordiiijf
to law tin utternoon.
Inlorc-t proiuUon to ho keen in the
election, with the purximiiil of the
hiiMiic. meu'ri tiokt't moftilij; tip
prinal. I'elitioiis are heinir oircii
JHted this nfttu'iiooH hv friouiln of
Stewnrt uud .Miliar mid the pro-cnt
coiiiioH to put new oaiiillilnto in tho
field, solely for the Hirjoo of mn
foiindlns n 'oli'Mr-out Iiuo. Ihffi
oiilt ii hoiiiK ex)oriuncOtl in t'oiii(
inr niiinos.
City Jttw'ordor Fo will trcmre
thi olTioinl ballot tomorrow.
The InikinoMM monV ticket wn to-
lectt'tl hv oomiiiiltw hendttd hv V.
K. Dein.i, II. (!. fUmeil, F. V. llol
li, Ilort Aiidoriion mid !. M. Ktieito.
Tho xoleetioii in iippioved hv a nni
jorilv of the hiiRine.) men of Med
(Continued from page 1.)
loafinu n j mini! thy, hotel nml dupol.
Some of them may he letiirnod to
I'oitlmid tonight.
(Jot cnior'n ( Iff or
In n nii'w-iiyt' to Sherilf Ilnud nt
linker lodn, (Jmeriior 'et otiered
lo withdiuw the wliito iiiilitiuiiieii
from linker ooimtv in lotiirn im hi-(o-oporntiijiji
in fciippioin' , ulletti'd
Inu (iolt)(ioux;in linl.'i'r cviuity, ' A
a idnilo of ;f0( tnith tho 'ineinor Kmid lo npiiohit Slitte Aont
!'. II. Snodxini it deputy sherilf for
kixty dnyw without pay lo iifcuihl in
stopping I'm tiler iolntinni of Iho
liipior Inw in linker oomily mid tho
i le.ini: of nil ilUiiiileily hiiin.1.
Auotiier tlevelopnuuit of the mar
1 its 1 law incident in linker county to
ilnv wm the lomotrtl fiom tlio mili
fury sluff ol the uowiiioi' o .Indue
Adtoculc Smuiiel White, loiineilv ot
linker, hut mm of I'orllmnl, liee,ui-c
he is alleged to tnki -Kk'-. uitli llm t
fulmr of Adet.iUle M. HrrnT, the urcrct
--a-caLrtnT-wT.. .-r , r-a-a, -rt-
lniril lo the eovO'nnij's' law en
Ivroeinent mttivitie'.'.lhttKo While ii
m linker ut the prceh)t time. i
I'OPPKItriKI.I). Or.. .Inn. ll.
jdovernor We-t litis imule pmil lii
iroittit' to the people nl ( oHr
fii'M. There U not n iliop to ilrink
ul.i in this lienitolon wetlef of
rontier towiw I'vccptnit; llu oold
w.ifr that triekkv lioni the eit
i t
Ve-lor.lav nftentoois (he town Sni.l,js i wf. ,, (irrKoii & WaMiiujc
farewell to one of the ino-t elnhor-1 tun mnffer u ileiailril nhoiit
nt'e oollrotioiK of "" in fhl Hti.luiIit mii.I toppletl over inl h
tnte. ToiImv the e..rMirnlV xmhkI. .wollon Mtreiuii when h portion ol" llio
left lv Colonel l.nuon left notliinifl w Kmt(. ,(l .Mi,i,.mhiio gaxo hh.v.
hut the emptv lulv of the hIooiiO The enainr broke o.e Irom the
In -hippiiii; out lltf liiiuor ol (3p-
Hrfitrrl, Colonel Uiwom got rid of
it Mirii'd anrtiiH'iit of irHtnhlini; tie-
lii'e n -wfll. ThiM melmleil .nH'iHy. the ciuriiievi and liremmi leiip-
.i mo vioi iiHiuiuor-t umi linn iMto
uM o rt'Ct-iitrv lllflf the inonev hfi.l
nob bcuu renioveit , frmiu the coin
hoInVrs nptl f(iiimm.l-nl the wn
from o tO !.? ofTS-'U.' llie luimevi
W(.nt ii, the iiiiichin. nml will he
i oiin.iN(eil by the .ne. Two r..ii -
..... --.,... . ,... ,...- -
twnty-oiie tnlden nnd n hu?ce nort
mmit of chip-, nml "tlior ttuliliii-
i ...: ....M i i .... il. .
iiirnnioiiiiiiiiv iti- iniuii'ti nn in-1
pcein car Toidd ' f.r rwrlnr-
uwav UiN-vi-ihle -viw ami iihmim-. .it
()Iierfield' jruv 1iiim.
SAN IKANt Im (), Col., .
Mi I.ewh Ale.xuiuler npM-tirt'd ho
torn Superior .ludi-e Dunne lr trini
today on th chnrg of kiilunr .1. D.
Van HfinUii, a nwptipur mini, in
hi officio her. Owing to the hI
Mencti of 'lliouiu Do,ior. MU Alex
ander'n att(H, the undo vtnn cim
tinned until .lanuury 'Jil on the mo
tion of .Mn.xwcll MoNiitl, a the
HAl.TIMOItK, Mil.. .Ian. C. Su
prenie Kiilxlit James A. l-'Iahorty of
Phlladulphia today iironontoil to Car
dinal Clbhons a r0,000 chock, as
tho KnlKhtg of Columbus, contribu
tion to tho Catholic UnlYortdty.
I'OU "tLVlilCOrticr "your " day old
chliks. Klrtit onlura firm sorted
II. C. HIkIi. phone 372-ltl, Talent,
Oro. 271
KOH SALIC About J0000 worth of
Jiickon count) warrants nt a dis
count, kooiI to pay tnxott with, I
also tin) count warrantri. It. II.
Toft, phone 7-lt or IHir.-.l,
I'OU UI5.NT 6 looiiiH modorn bun
galow, cIosh In very pretty homo.
Inquire Mrs. Cl.osmoro, .'10 CottiiKo
stitiot. 2"i0
WA.N'TICI) Four or flo room fur
nlvhod houso or houiiekeepluK
rooniH, by man unit wife
formation by letter,
AddrcBo'C. I-'.
U., caro Mall Tribune. 2IC
KOH HALK- ICO neros, 3 Vj miles
from railroad station, cHtlmatud
1 to 2 million feet onw timber
and WOO tarda hitidwond, lh
per aero. Adilroa Owner, P. 0.
box 8)2. '
KOH SALIC Olt TltADIC (iood 1 150
pound work hurso or tnulo for
lurKor horho. Price $7ri,00
Wtwt 12th St.
TO LOAN Monoy to loan on city
pioporly. Claik itealty Co., 200
Phlppu HldK.
CO It m:.T Aparluioiit 7 roiiiiiH and
bath, !i Hone inoiino, comer W.
Mulu Phono 71J J. 2&0
"lovo slave" of Melvln It. Couch, of
MdNTINANO. W.i-li.. .Km
The engineer w- mmuM nml
tiieiunii woo i iiiuikII.'iI to sunn for
train it nn tlniwiiitf. The uroiuiil
Imil been xol'toiuil l.v IiikIi wnlor.
lien lln-v lelt the iciouml kim'
ted lor Hit oli wiiitluw. I lie oihiiii-
,.,- .iieee.'.lcd its tecllinit Ihronali nml t
wn iiijiiteil in Hit;, jump to the
ln.iiiiil. Tlitj'ijr.liinniWf-i lnki?i mi-
dot- tlio uhtur Vhen Ulo eniniio 'Ion-
i ,,-d over, lit itrop'it about mid fin-
il Mioctih d in to. iipmt:.
s:r.,.... ;,. .i.; , i..,.iv. r- -..,.1
, 1 ! - (i - ilS1 llll TH1T
ton h tin tnrri-iiliiil niilii ol the latti
few tlnv.
SALKM. ()r-. .tan l. After tak
ing the IcaditiK rolo in CIomiiIiix up
Copporflold.'' .Miss Kern Ilohbs, tho
xovornor m private ixrotar. huh at
hor dnak earl) tmla) clearlnK away
a inn of MetttHiulntod iorrspoutl
wnce. "I'm Klml lo bo bark," hIih wild
"I've boon In tho IIihoIIkIh Ioiik
t'lionuh. To lie frank, I ilon'f care
for publicity."
(lnvrnor Wt minouiicoil thnt n
MIsh lloblni hail returm'd to Saloui ho
would not wml Iter back to linker
next Saturdn) to roprosout him at
the heatliiK to roinntu Sheriff Itmid
for allt'Kod fHllnro to onfoico tho law
In Copporflold. but thnt KIIhIih
Ilaker. mi ultorno) of linker, would
act for him.
With Medford trndo l Medford mndo
"" "(ioon Snors"
Wo xell nt "HlKht I'iIicm"
IIo'.'.iiibo wo hiiII for "Caith"
Wo mill only Htaudard ninlieu
Wo aro not ovur-Htockwl
Our Htock lu nlwnyu fresh,
Our ovor-head oxpuiiHu Ih llcht.
Wo kuup uji tho quality
"A I'll or No Safo"
2', illHioiiut In thu "S, U II."
(Ireon Trading StampH,
(lot tho habit, t ratio ut
'"Good SlIOl
Thomas Wilt, ago .V, hum iii
ti'sti'd li ('niiMtiililii Itaiiklii KVli'K
uestlny moruliiK i'1ii1'KimI with tho
coimiitHsltiu of u slatulury crltuu on
i'liohlit Wethuioll, iiku IB, ilmiKlitar
ol .Mis, Arthur S. Wolsh. and v
diuiHhter of Arthur M. WoUh. a well with coiiHiiiuiit lo del mini ihe m
known local ilmruftor. The vnso will j ti-tiiint.
be called lomonow luifino Justlr, 'Piflwidl ili'elmrd ,llm H lolnl of
Taylor Tho Kit t lu ll ih Ih tl. ' T'J.U 1 1 ion of vxm i'oiiI, icpio
one for whom tin eldorl) msu rm-itiil- miiIihi iiiHihMlmnleh f.Ttl I.07T.
1 1 tool. jkiIhou, dlpg ltr ut th lion- rw..I rmm fnivsjiH 4iipuwiit he
Idlhl fitmi IU off.'its iviei'it A,iil), 1IIH1. ihhI Ih'i'oiiiliei,
. . w.i , It'lU.
'MANY NOnTHCRN CITICS ' ""1"', AH.iwv ' .Mel'nlol.e....
emenr nw TnuM!'"M'l'lil l" oont ehurU llili'iiilotl
SWEPJ DY hT0,,M1 1.. ,Ii..h IIinI nmlonh i.f the nn-
POUTI WD Inn Itsln torin' H"" MHnri'il M Hnn IHlpi ttn It had raged since Friday modor-1 "" "IW m-Mwd f MvrrWi. IJih-
'nt...! twin) but lu.othor Is forecasted ""'- t Iho Thiir. Ili-hlrr. l'-li M
,...! u.,.nlnm uninll rrnfl Iim
'iiKaln out Tho Wlllni.uuto rlvor
h...r.. i y.... n.rm. r...,t ulililu :i
(.' linn "" ! - ......... ...
I hours nml Is still rising inpldly,
ICIght thousand (otophones i-ovor-
lug the eutlro district for three
blocks on tho east sldo on Broadway
from Yafiihlll lo Market slreels In-
ciiiiiiug tno i;y nun, uniri iimi
and city flro alarm switch board, '
... i-. .. .. i, .. ,t... i
Hero Olll III Stm ice nn u rvnuu in in"
flooding ot uiidiirgrouiid conduits
Itnllnay roinmunlcntlou lielween Til
lamook uud Portland watt cut oft by
heavy slides.
CATSKII.L. S. Y.. .Inn. tl- At
rhimr hre ll niilhl fter n ei
dn on eiiltl, iiiuddv rttinN, "llruenil"
ltonlie .lone noil her ufCrHici'tle
antiv tmlnv hrunn Iho next to lh
lut lap on tin ir niiniinl innith l
the tnto cnpilnl. Ihrs plaolii'd
roach AIIiiiiu nt no" I'onorrow
HAl.TIMOItK, Mt!.. .Ion. t. TV
r'Hrt tluit Olto Knalto, otootl lirto
tiimi of tho I'hiliidclphin Natimml
luii)iio oliih, hail mkiiimI n lliico-ar
oniitinot lo iiimiauo tho llnltioiori'
IVdertil hiifi" tlnli wni'iniii'l
hit re linliix K i.ilii'- i oo' it '
for MtUltlll at nun. I '
Mnpi Nnl IINilnuuo. Clcor.Sliirffil
lleiill, Ileitis IiiII.iiiiimI Ii
nut -it mnl Von llit'iillio l''iit'l.
Tr) "Hl's Cream Halm"
Hut a amnll botlle aMywny,"jtrrtn
try 'It appl a llttlo In Iho notrlU
ami Inttmitl) your cloKd iiinm hmo
Ktopltodup air pAMiiKtM of tin hood
will open. oil will lirontlit freely:
itulliioitM and hiadaclie dlttMtpiar. H:
morning; the latnrrh. colil-ln-lioad or
catarrhal anrc throat will be koiio,
liud such iiilmT) now! Oct the
nmull bottle of Klj ('renin Halm"
at mi) driiK Hiore Thl aw nut, frn
That Lame Back
Hull Ii on brlkl' mnxHiiKi' Il "
ihoioiiKlth nml noto how unit.. I'
Ml HTKUOI.r. drltca
out Iho ntlffnoBit and
It lioiit a uiiMiard
plaster oou waH and
bust or all. It ilooxii'l
IdlHtor or burn
loan, whlto ointment mado with oil
of niiiKtiiiil. It loiucit In liauil) white
kIiumi Jars, (let u Jar from )oiir
druuicist today.
.MIJSTICKOLi: U lernmmeudcd by
ilontoiH and iiurMt. Mllllniitt of J in"
aro usod mmuall) for llrouuhltlo,
Croup, Stiff NiieH, AHthma, XyiiralKla.
liiK Hody Kir.
0AI cut 1'roiii inrto limber.
CKI Villi). Phono in your
Cord wood to
.) jn t uniii t nn 1 1
t Sixth and Fir Stroots.
SAN I'UAM'ISl'i). Ciil., .Inn. II.
Sienul Timui A-triii W. II. Tl.l
will continued Ml" It'otimiiny IihIm.x
ill l lu hint nl 1 1 if 1'lnlit iilhi'lnlx ol
tin Wilci'ii I'ui'l i'imiiiiiii,. i'liiiiinl
' ' ni """I i mwiwui"". ...
I'dmIwmI l " rrrt !
Him l lioi
Hie .ompni.v
the iiiinpanv iyhmm'iI nrvt'inl Ummi
llllll 1 ti i - il l mil b- t It il I llli' Ii '
ol' l.llllhL I llllfll tl
Q Q VtuuLLu
AKTOHIA, Or., ,1mm. il. Oiij ''
Ihe loinlit imlo Hint lm hofii !
loft for oino 4h-, iMet'M
air ikiw in tho lowt'i liHihor net n,
unnltlo t orM out oir III" I'.Iihh
Inn river liar. 'Im oi fiwr .ire
oittnlH ! ""rttM.
Ainflmc ih Iwr-loimWI ..d. i
the ototiiMer llenr fr Knn l'nncico.
The m- t' i OuoontH mhiI WhIIhU
onnie in It him tht iimhiIIi of Iho liter
oiiH iiln mill reportfd thai Iht
into wn l.liiwinjt eighty unit" nn
h.. .
PORTLAND, tire. Jan. C- Con
rlctml of the nmnlur of Lou Wlutoni
.1 muslrlitn. soternl weeks. ao. l.lo)d
II. Wilkin U utuUr t.iutoiu'H toda tit
bit haiiRod March 21. Wlntnr wa
slriicl. down from behind ItmuiiKU
k wo siipjo.til to b.t.o bet-ti tin mil-
iltrailt bit. m dtitmihrtt b tho Imal (
tho mxtr I It; peueiraitw nnti ntmip w"
Inflauiail, iiwiIIhii inibrano wltltlt
Ui iho not, bimd mid' thrtwt
oltwni th air jm.-nnt.; mop. namy
dUrlmmtW nnd it fttotlmc of ol.wtlnr.
MMthlmc rMo( cnmtptt immmllnlt!).
Don't lay awithti toMlRht tniRKlluii
tor nrnth. with hontl atnlMI. imhi-
trW hIohmI, hMwklnK tl blowlm
fatal rh or a rolrt. with II runnlMjt
. ...... ,i...
ninm, foul inHeonft onippion mi" "
fthmnl. and raw ilryui Is dWrwndim
but truly noodl.nm
Put your faith Jul omco -In
i:i'tt Citiam llalin" and your wild or
tiitarrh wilt mi rob ithMppour.
Cimiki-hIIiiii. I'lfiirlti). IthtMiiiinttani.
l.tinii.iiKo I'aliiH nnd Anlum of Ih'
Hull, or JolnlH Siualim. Horo .iimcio
llrulm-s CblllilKln, I'mrtmi
Coldn nl Climt Ot piovonU
inonla )
t )our iIiukrUI .
in 2 if and ooc jnr.
I M..'iliil linno himpllMl
rlro for ii o0,
St. opt nn siilmtltiilo.
If Miur ilriimtUi au
uot tii'i'D )ou, Hond
, i ir 'u Hi inn !'
THHOLI Couitniir Clot laiiil, Ohio,
and wo will mail on a jar, poMiiu.0
Thiiriiiouil, KockflHh, V11 .
nii)ri MiiHtorolo Ih tho men tout
thliiK I over koI hold of tor uiutiruliii'
rhuiimallHiii, iitoulliiK lnntiint inllor
to hoi n ami ftlff Jnliilri mnl iiiiihiIqh.'
orders Tor Tier Wood or
H. Ray 1
1. t iiiti tint i i it 01
Phono 7fiO-R