Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, January 06, 1914, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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    207 Second Street
Medford Mail Tribune
Itnhi tonight Mat (17 1 Mltn
rnrlr-llilril Ymr
fully KlKhlh Yr
NO. 245
Fcilrral Court of Appeals Reverses
Jiulpiiiciit Aiialiist Olaf Tvellrnoc
and Flvo Others, Out Sustains the
Conviction of Twenty-four Others.
Lower Court Erred In Consolidating.
Indictments and In Permitting Mo
Manlpal to Testify.
. CIIICAdO, Jnn. C.Tlirt United
Klnttm rnurt of appeal granted Hut
"I'l'i'tWn or mIx of tho union ini'ii con
lried lit Indianapolis fur Illegally
trmmpurtliiK d)iiiunlto, for retrials
It denied ro-trlnli, however, to 2t
Ito-trluU worn granted to Olaf
Tvultitioi) or Hun 1'rnnrUro; James
lt), Peoria; Mellaril Houlihan of
ClilniHo. William Mct'alu of Kunoni
City; Prod Hhoriiian, Indianapolis
(ml Vllliiin llernharfdt, Cincinnati
'I'll ii cnnes i'ii heard by Judges
Hkuiiimi, llaker mill Kolilnnnt. Tho
court's opinion wan rent! by Judge
6 OK N
Ilrror of Court
Tin. rotirl owrrtllfil. nil t ho chal
lenge In error alleged by tho defense
nttoriioyi. On Dilit ground retrials
went denied lo twenty-four of tho do
frnilnnU. Tim claim overruled
Tlmt tbo lower ciiiirl erred In con
rolldntlng lint Indictment nml In
overruling n motion lo vacate thin
Tlmt tbo lower court erred In r
milting Ortlo Mr.Manlgal nml Ed
ward ("lurk, tbo latter IiiimIiiom agent
.jgitttbg Clurliiuiill locnl of tlm Iron
wutkcii ooiii aoicnnani, to tcniry
fur tbo government.
( That the lower court erred In over-
rulliiK n motion to compel tho gor
ornmoiil to elect whether lo prone
cnto I ho defendant under Indlctmi'tit
allotting conspiracy or under n
charge of nldliiK ml abetting con
spiracy. lcfeiio Claim Owrmlcil
Tbo principal clnlm of tbo defeiiHo
-Hint coimplraey bud not boon
proved nim overruled by tbo court.
It liclil tlmt the ovldonro showed k
conllnuliiK nml dominating coimplr
(icy ugnliikt ho United Hlnlen."
ItllViTkltlK tbo couvtctloiiH of nix of
tbo defendant, tbo court hold
tbo evidence In their chm'k wan Itmuf
flcleut mid loiimuded tbo canon to tbo
dlHtrlit court for n retrial. In tbo
uierinllmo tbo dofemlanlH will remain
nt llborly.
liofoiiMo rtttot nojM were uncertain
IIiIh nfteriiooii whether to nppenl tbo
enren of tbo twenty-four men denied
new irlulu to tbo improiuo court. At
toruoy ollno uuuouncod bo would
fotnmlly nsk tbo rourl to not Ihhiio
commitment for tho twenty-four men
"until bo bnd Hiifflrlout tlmo to pro
puro petltlouu for n rehearing or pur
fed no appeal to tbo Hiipromo court. '
Partnership t'nproxen
Itognrdlng tbo cases of tbo hIx do
femliinlH Kriuileil now tilulH, tbo
court mild:
' Wo n lo of tbo opinion Hint tho
"(Continued on puico a,)
10 SELL B. & 0.
NI'.W YORK, Jim. I). -Tlm oncoii
live commiltcn. of (liu Union I'ucitio
luiltoiiil ileeiilcil llitH itl'let'iioon Hint
nil llalliinoie & Ohio htoek owned
by tbo I'uiou I'neifin miiht lie tli - -porieil
of mill ilihtriliulcil umoiit; the
liolilei'H of oommoii htoek ia n ilivi
ilend. H deeiilcil to reeommciiil hikm
ii (lihtriliiillnii nml .I pel' hliuio in
cuhli Id tho eomiiiuv iliieetoi'ti at itn
inuuiiiK beiu up ihuisilny.
H tbo plan in follow eil, the cncoii
lice eomuiitteo will nlno leeommeiiil
Hint I lie regular aniuial iliviilouil Im
uiliiccil fioiii III o 8 pet' cent. Tho
IVinu I'uelfio owns ;K:il:il7,0l)0 of
Hulllmoio & Ohio common Mock nml
'jyOJ(UUO Vi lb pivfejTCtl Slock,
California Governor Seeks Re-election
at Demand of Supporters-
Would Prefer Senate for Personal
Ease, Out Duty Calls Him.
Will Not Solicit Votes, Out Will Pre
sent to People the Record and
Work of Administration.
HACUAMENTO. fal., Jan. (1.
i. .i.-.-. ... . .
iiuiimiur iiirniu w, joiiiihoii, Hi a
statement UnuoiI todny nld:
"1 bnd hoped nt tbo explintlon of
my term of offlro to in lie up my llfu
wlmro left it lt i o, nml with my
no) riximio tbo prncllco of my pro
femilon, but tbo men niut women
bu, In tbo piml tbreo )onr, hnvo
plnced Cnllfornln In tbo ery lead of
tbo proKrumlvo nml Inimnnltarlan
tnte f Hid union, limlit upon
nnotber candidacy by mo, nml they
hnwi ery enrneitly nnorteil that tbo
new inovemont no aunplclotuly com
miMiccd, and tho mnlulalunnco, fruit.
Ion nml perpetuation of tbo pollclcii
they hn? InaiiKurnlcd, domand that
I rontlnuo tbo flKbt, No olio man III
tbo nation or In tbo Htnto la omioullal
tojbo cnuo or tbo pollcle but there
him come iich n iinnulmoiiK volco
from tbo men nml tbo women who
hnvo mndo tbo Kood flKbt In Cnllfor
nln, who, I know, speiik from tbo
heart, Hint I relliiqiilnh ni) own vlon
nod nccept tbt'lm.
"I bnu- timer held but ono offlco,
mid I bnd hoped inner natn to bo
rnino n caiulldato beforn tho people,
but If y ba trim that with tbo com
mencement of n nuw era In th( atato,
under tho present ndmlnUtrntlon,
there hnx como to mo tho obllnntlon
to coiitluuo In political nctlvlty, I
have no wUh to xhlrk tho renpoiiNl
blllty, unil, tiololy becutmo of tbo obll
cation to rontlnuo In political nctlv
lty, I have no wImIi to ohlrk tho ro
apoiidlblllt); nml, Holcly becauio of
tho obligation tlmt la clnltned to rent
on mo, I nhnll forcKo my chorUbed
eH nml lolit to tboio who I feel
certain hold tho beat Intercuts of
Cnllfornln even holier than their
frlemlhhlp mid loynlty to mo.
"Very many, ' both proKreBlve,
mid othcru, hno nuked mo to hecomo
n caudldnto for Culled Stntes aenntor;
nml If n rmidldncy on my pnrt bo
nocoMiinry, mid I wero to commit my
perMiiuil denlrei nloni', I should pre
fer this; but I must yield my hope of
retirement, thin e.r, I feel that I
nhould bo kovitoiumI In my couroo
mdely by tbo denlro to carry forward
tho en ii bo that Ih mi dour to mo mid
to mulutnlii mid prenero what ban
boon dono In my untho Htnto,
"ArcordliiKly. I nhnll becomo n cau
dldnto for KONornnr nj;nlu; but In
thla rnndldncy, iih In my previous
cnndldncy nml durliiK tbo threo yenra
of my nduilulHtrntloii, I ahnll not yield
ono pnrllulo of tbo ludopouilouco Hint
I prUo moro hlKhly thnn any offlco,
nor ahnll I pomoually solicit tbo veto
of nny elector, 1 nhnll, with nil tbo
lKor and nhlllty thnt 1 pobrchs, pro
Kout to tbo peoplo tbo locord, tbo
work nnd tho nccoinpllbbmentn of
thin iiilmlulHtrntlon, and lcnvo with
(Conttnuoa on pago a.)
f ft-f t-f
NI'.W YORK', Jnn. .
JiuIko MiiIoiio, in the court of
general HtMsionn toiluy, helil
Hint Mix, Ida Von Cluuhxcu
was inmiiu) and ordered Iter
to Matteawan. Mih. Von
Cluuhsen orcatcil it hcima
lion htivetiil yetirrt uo liv;
tluculcuiuj; Colonel llooho
veil, then iiroxiileiit, More ic
t'cntly, hIio wrote tlirentcniiifj.
ly to n Now York City offiu
ial, f
t ft ft ttitftf ti4
w -; rmmakJMBm mmxmmmxttmtiLZb! ,ts&
Dictator llucrta of Mexico lm
fotiml n wa o iiiotei-t tianiH h-iiI
oer rmlwuys from Mexico Oi
when they ore utlitekcil by (lie rcli
cln, I'm olficcrn linte itncnlc! a
tiiiitle ear which ban u m-iuo or umie
lioli'i for hlinriilioo!eri. Thin nit
cent nliciiil of tbo train can run up
on tlio reheN, who muv he tiiuioiiit
with the truck, nml it will be nlilt
to witliAtiiiul iihnnlt by tiiit fii--r
lo limn field mm".
heney mm'
8AX ritANCMHCU, Cnl . Jan 0
I'lat announcotuciit of bin candidacy
iik progressiva to nucceed United
Htntcs Senator Guorgu 1'erkliiH of
California was" nindo hero today by
Francis J. Ilciicy. About a month
ago ifciiey nnnouueed that ba would
bo n caiulldato for ttie offlco if (lov-
ernor Hiram W. Johnson concluded
to be a candldato for re-election.
Honey's announcement today fol
lowed soon after (lovoruor Johnson
had announced bis determination to
seek re-election. It rnmo in tbo
form of n written statement. Hcnuy
flatly denied thnt there linn been
any friction between himself mid tho
governor, nx reported, declaring Hint
Johnson gava his npprovnl to bis
cnndldncy beforo going to .MnsHachu
scttft In October.
llono's statement In pnrt fol fel fol
eows: "During tbo past three yearn Oov
ernor Johiisou has understood nt nil
times that I would support hi in for
tbo senate If ho desired to bo n can
didate. My cnndldncy for tbo Pen
nto during tbo Inst four moutlnt wan
with IiIh knowledge and bin specific
npprovnl given mo In porsonnl Inter
views jiibt before he went to Massa
chusetts in October. The recent at
tempt nf certain newspapers to mnkn
It appear that 1 contemplated enter
ing Into n contest with him for tho
nomination for senator ha been
wholly without nny foundation nnd
hns therefore been grossly unfair
and unjust to me.
"In view of (lovcrnor Johnson's In
tention to become u candidate for re
election, I shnll, of course, continue
my candidacy for tho senate,"
l'OHTI.ANn. Ore., Jnn. C An or-
der restraining tbo stuto railroad
commlsHlon from enforcing Kb order
of Docomber 5, diroctlug joint uso or
tbo Intor-communlcutlng tolophono
s)Htem In tho Oregon Hotel In Port
land on tbo part of tbo Home Tolo
phono company nnd tho 1'aclflo
Stutea Tolophono and Tologruph com
pany, Is iiHked for In an injunction
suit by the latter company on fllo in
tho Unttod StntoB district court. Two
violations of tho fodurnl constitution
uro alleged In tho complulut, ono be
ing thnt tho order Is cpiitlscatory,
ryi ii urt' i' "
- , '
The tniw of On t.ttor llucrta hnxe been liurricd toward the north of Mei o for more than a month
in mi cffoit to prepare for Hie mardi of 1'iuicho Villa, the eoni,icror of Clnlri. n i.i. Almo-t every day
traiiw have lct"i loaded with jiroxi-ion-. ,. d troop., for ome po.nt in the north, where the stand to inter--
cent Villa will be made.
I'OltTLAM). t)re., Jnn. ti.-Tho
hcavlcht rainstorm In years Is caus
ing apprehension In n number of Ore
gon towns todn) Since Saturday
night moro than 3.35 Inches of ruin
has fallen and there is no Indication
when the downpour will rente.
Some dmungo bus been dono in
Portland by slides in tho hlgbor por
tion of the city.
Tho Southern Pacific's Tillamook
line Is closed on account of high
Tho Wlllnmotlo river hero Is rls
hig rapidly but linn not yet ap
proached the danger mark.
itoports from all over Western
Oregon report heavy rains and rlslim
KAYMONO, Wash., Jan. (I. Tho
severe wind mid ruiiistoims which
raged on Willnpa luulior since early
Saturday had spent itself early to
day. Though the rain continues the
wiiiu nas ciiuiciy sunsiucu. n is cs
timutcil that the wind nt times dur
ing the storm uttalncd a velocity of
seventy-five miles uu hour. No
duiungo was done to shipping so fur
us learned. Tho Noitliern Pacific
railroad suffered some duiungo from
washouts, and roads tluoughout this
vicinity two immssuho,
IIOrtlllTON, Mich., Jan. 0.-
Oovenior Kerri begun n peoonnl in
vestigation toduy of the copper mino
Mrike situation, with thi city n lii-
temporary headquarter--.
He conferred with Sheriff Cruo
in tho forenoon. Later lie met othei
city and county official. This, f
ternoon he wns M'hedulcd for an in
terview with the militnry autlmrilie-.
.uid tonight he hud nn engagement
with Circuit Judge O'Miien.
Much intoreM n- expressed lo
cally at newi. that the copper ttiike
situation will figure prominently in
the investigation the federal com
mission on iudiistiiul iclatioiis an
nouueed vo.stordnv it would tnake
into labor conditions throughoutihe
The Michigan copper oonntrv nnd
Hit) MiUebouud I olorudo eflnl tiolils.,
nkcbouud Colorado coal t'u
in fact, it was understood, wcro the
two places to which the conunis-1
slon's, iuuvjtigutors would he scut
first. v '
SALEM. Ore,, Jnu fi. Tor fall
u ro to obtain licenses to do buslnoss
in tbo state icqulrcd under tho pio
visions of tbo 'blue sk)" law, 527
domestic corporations and tblrt
tbreo foreign corporations mo todnv
dissolved by proclamation by (lovcr
nor Went. Tho governor acted at
tbo request of Stnto Corpornlon Com
mlsHlouer Watson,
I'rnyers for pcaco wore nald In
nil tbo churches horo today.
Storloti publlxhod In tho
United Htnto and England
that I'reslilcnt Mticrta was
about to roalRn wcro based on
old rumor.
llucrta denied thorn abio
lutely, American Charpo d'AffalreH
O'ShauRhncssy wan among
those who wcro authority for
denying that tho dictator had
any thougtht of retirement,
lie had neither resigned nor
did ho contemplate resigning,
O'Shmighnessy said.
HIh Information doubtleia
was at first hand, for her and
llucrta, who personally aro
very friendly, were together
In a cafe until late last night.
NEW YOltK, Jan. C J. Plorpout
Morgan testified before tho currency
organization committee this after
noon. Ho said tho essential point in tho
organization of reserve banks was to
have at least ono bank of such Im
portance as to command tho respect
and confidence of business men and
baukers everywhere. Morgan was
aucortain whether New York should
bo n reservo bank center or a
branch of a Ilostou reserve bunk,
on tho Atlanticsotuolshrdlunotaoluld
.Morgan favored threo reservo
Imnks oil tbo Atlantic seaboard and
culd one of the&o should bo In Atlanta
Ho bald tho capital of such u bank
Nas not as importaut us Its resources.
Lewis, president of tho Amorlcan
Exchange National Dunk, recom-
luemlod eight reservo banks. Ho
bald bauka should bo located in Now
Vork. either Hichutond or Wnshlug-
ton, Atlanta either Houston, Texas,
or Now Orleans, Chicago, St. Louis,
either Omaha or Denver and Sau
WINNIPEG, Man, Jnn. G That
soventy-tlvo laborers wero drowned
Suturduy while trying to cross tho
FraBor river near fort George, II. C ,
wus eported to tho Immigration do
part ment hero today by Angelo Pug-
llqz, a railroad worker Just arrived
from tho scone of tho disaster.
Governor Offers to Withdraw Troops
From County If Sheriff Co-operates
in Law Malntalnancc Injunc
lien Proceedings Ignored.
Copperffefd a Dry Town Booze
and Gambling Paraphernalia Selz
cd and Shipped for Confiscation.
Huntington was "cleaned up'' thta
afternoon with no display nnd with
little excitement.
Following- .their conference with
Sheriff Hand of linker county, Col
onel Lnwxon nnd Spooinl Agent
Snodgross visited IIuntiiigton'n hIx
saloons this afternoon nnd ordered
them to produce all gambling devices
tn time for Miipmcnt out by thin eve
niiig'n train. All agreed.
Sheriff Hand t-too,l out in front
while I.nttMin, SnodgrnHx tnl City
Marshal llnnnon iiotilicd proprietors
hut took no pnrt in the cleanup.
HCNTINOTON, Or.. Jan. 0. An
early end to the conflict between tho
Htnto militnry forces mid the linker
countv government heeins nenr today
as ihe result of a conference being
bcld by Lieutenant Colonel LntvMin
nnd Sheriff Hand. They have pro
gressed to the point wiero Sheriff
Kami luiH agreed to ituuie n deputy
sheriff to take charge of conditions
nt Copperfield, relieving the neces
sity for martial luw.
Colonel Lnwoii, accompanied by
StateV Attoqicy., Collier,. expects to
go to CopperfiehJ "tomoTrow if the
meet ng with Hand ends ati.sfnctor-
To Ignore Injunction
Attorney Collier was in Uaker to
day investigating the legal phases of
the injunction which was nerved on
Lnw-ou nnd hi men nt Copperfield
yesterday nnd which Inw8on refus
ed to recognize.
The injunction unit hcfonT'Cirenit
Judge Anderson wns set for hear
ing in linker tomorrow, .but it is
doubtful if nny of the defendants
will be present.
No attempt was made to molest
the saloons here today. The militia
men under I.uwsoti spent tho time
(Continued on pato 2.)
TACOMA, Wash,, Jan. C Land
slides, washouts mid floods, follow
ing the protracted downpour of rain
along tho western slopo of tho Cas
cade range have practically paralyzed
railroad traffic In western and south
western Washington today. Aber
deen and Hoqulam In the Gray's
Harbor section aro almost entirely
cut off, except for telographlc com
munication. Tolophono lines aro
down foro a distance of twolvo
miles. Landslides at many points
on the lino of the Northern Pacific
have made trafflo difficult and
trains are being detoured. Local
forccuster Cover says thero is no re
lief In sight, moro heavy rains being
predicted for tho noxt twenty-four
houis. Ho also forecasts u drop In
temperature of from eight to ten do
grees. The storm cantor has passed
Inland and thero will bo relict from'
tho high winds and tides that havo
whipped tho waters of the Pacific
Into great waves which causod moro
damage along tho Washington coast.
The Northern Pacific main line bo
tweon Tacomn and Portland was kept
open duriug tho night with diffi
culty. Thero wero several smalt
slides between Hidgefleld and Van
couver which blocked one of tbo two
tracks part of the time. East of
Castle Hock Por eighty yards of
track was covered with mud. Cooler
weather, railroad officials say, will
remove most of their operating dlf-
I ricultles.