7X2, ' I 4 Medford Mail Tribune SECOND EDITION WEATHER Hhowors lodity nml (onior mu .Mat. nit .Mill. :IH, rnrlytlilri1 Ttinr, llnlly KlKlilh Tnr MRDFOItD. OIN'XJOX, STt'IM)AY, JANTAUY .'5, 101 1- NO. 2-ia V K s. " i t if' K HUERTA REGIE NEAR COLLAPSE HINTSPRESIDENT Administration's Policy Toward Mexico Not Altrrcil, Asserts Wil son, Aflrr Long Confrrenco with John l-linl. Financial Affairs In Sguthcrn Re iftitilJo Nrar Crisis President lin parts Llllli! Inlcnnatlon. (in.lTOHT, Miss., Jiiii. 3.-Pio. i1n WiUiin'it Mexican policy has mil Ihmii Mioililii'il. Iluorlti mutt no. I'lllll 111" tllll'M, tilt Wllsllillgtnll ml inliiintrHliiHi'n nttllndn will niiinln iini'lmnmil, John l.lml will return to Win ('mi IhU utlcinnou. Th ittwiitniil himself win aiilhnr il fur tlui IIomciiI IimIhv, iut -tiiitr mi end In nil mumr lluil In' liml iki-itlnl finally In iiNti I'm re. Tl i-lnr executive iimliiri'il intu (IlllflMIlt Willi l.lllll'n IVMI Mlllk, tlk llioin In lln' isor, (mn nhli'n fur the levcMiie i'mIUt Whnmn In put HlPtM iH iHIHtil till kOOIlt I'l'NlKl'l Cbea'cr fr n iil with their lather. Ntiil then mmm'imIiIi'iI tint cuiioqitMid hiiW ulioiil him. .Mm ll Attn .ImiiiI Nothing I.IWtlillK nt tlin niilf of his mitoutohil. 1 ileelnroil himself n uwily In nvcr qutMiou. Tin1 cor riiHinli'Hli nil usked tin- same iiui' in h lit flit Ii: "Wluil about Ilit eiuifciouoo bo- HIHH lllHI-cIf Mtlll Lllltlf" Conoernimt the ennfotcnoe, Hie pfcnlcllt IVpllcd, Iheio hml bo-t'll much nd nlniiiljioiiif. It shindy liloHii-.l ill i qnoiiTtnim iivor which nmny cxeliuiiHew of mo(iKo other wijj would limn Ikwii tieeotiry. Aitdo from till, lie lowun'il lii hoar tu Hint then i no espcolnl rt'ii hiiii for liiim(lii his H'iinlatit hack from Vera Cm. N now points woio tlUi'itniuil, lio mud Tio nml Litid wnic iiieiolv iiiiiIiiiiIIv iliiroiii of h pCllMHIIll Ittlk. Tim plentiful failed, hnweior, In iilnin hv thoro wu mi much iiiv dry etiiieoinliitf l.ind'l iil. U do ell 1 1 fl ton, In hh w holder ho wn iiiiito hoti'fiil now limn Inlhorlii of a snotnly kollloinitnt f tho .Mexionn quoatioiu Hi' would uithor fill it. Iih said, Hint tho kitiiution was lit llo climated. Yd from hiR iiuiiiiior it wiih plain lluil tho ptmddimt wan pleased liy whnt l.inil IimiI told him. llo woiihl not permit anyone to qiinlo him, lint it wiih oviilint fmm hi h woiiK Hint ho uns iih kino llu llnnrtn ionium wiih tntti'iinc iih whou ho nirli'il in WioliiiiKlnii tn nook ago t li it i tho bilnntion mix improv ittK uriiiliinlly. II wiih nniloili""I. tun, lluil l.inil Inn! infonnoit him .Mi'xioiin riiinnoiiil iifl'nii uoio iii'iir a oiiniH. On hh i ft urn l.iml will iciimin in Vonv ('nix. Aftor liiri inlorviow Iho iio-iilont hiul a loiniil of nir. I STATE L HAI.H.M, Oio., .lull. !t,-- DoclurliiK lluil ll will liu uii to tho lU'OHocntlim to hIiow Hint tho Hlntu Hiifforod nctnul iliimiiKo )' Hi" oxiHindltuio ot tho SI (1,000 UHi'd from (ho old tdnlo ponU tmitliiry rovolvlni; fund for thn oporn Hon u( (hi) nrlHon brkkynrd mid tho inirclmno of Innd and HUjiplloH for Ihu Miito. Circuit JiulKii Kully today vor ruloil Attonioy (lonornl Cruwford'i iloimirror to tho tuiHWur of (Jovornor WchI, Becrotnry of Hlnto Olcott mid Htulo TnxiBiiiur Kuy l Hio iovoIvIiik fluid CIIHO. Tho utlornoy Koiiorul will now fllo mi swur nml tho ciiuo will ho tried Juiforo tho rourt on llu moiits. Tho iiidinliurH or thu Btulo lion id mo ho iiiK Biiud for tho rocovory of tho 1C. 000 on tho kid n nd thut Hio inoiioy wua Bpout unlawfully ovon thouuh It wiib Bpout for Iho hunoflt pf tho Btato. c SUSTAINS BOARD USE V NG FUND ARID GUARDS WATCH SALOONS AT CDPPERFIELD Lliiior Dcalirs of hiliilno Town Arc Given Until Monday Afternoon to Ship Stocks on Penalty, of Con flscatlon. Attorney en Route to Scene, It Is Hoped, Willi Injunction From Court Miss Hotibs Talks. (.'OlM'CltnKI.D. Oro, Jnn. 3 ('oiirflu!d I IioImk run by the mill tiiry niiHiorllloH tnduy, iihlud hy a tiporlal riimmitli'o of rltlrotiH up IKilntod liy l.loutiiiiniit Colonel l.uw hiiii, In cluirKK of thu dotnrhnii'iit ol mllltln horc. Colonol I.hwkoii rnlloil n inotliiK of ('Itloim (IiIh inotiiliiK mid IhhiioiI n uporlal ordor appoint IiiK I'm I'otutnllloo, which ho hopm to loan In control of thn ultuntlou when ho leaven Monday. H T. (Irlui. it rurpontor, wh choKKii rhnlrmnii of thu rltltctiH' rorn mltlee mid wld ho liclllIK Uin)or. A. V. I'nrliur. nchool tuachor, will ln norrulnry mid nctlnK rorordor, and tho others nolorlod hy Colonel Law. noil nro If. A. 1'ltcli. A. J. .Strickland, J. J. llniH. J. M. Dlckiiou nml Ham AnUllii. rol'I'liUriKUl. r., .Inn. :i. U'Hli nil urmod Kiiunl stationed in front of oneh liiihlly eloed miIooii, l'iiiM'i fii'ld today lirKiiu it dnv un der innrlial law. Colonel II. K. Law himi of Iho CoiiMt Arlillerv, tio mi litiniiieji nml Trunk Saodiat. mid .lohii Ahliotl, (wo penitentiary ItimnN, wore in complete control of Iho town. Tho hmIhiiiiiih'ii Iiiivo hcon kInoii until -I o'clock .Monday iifloinoou. when Iho next Irniit in Fclicdulcil to depiitt, to hhip their liar fixture mid MtockH of liipior nut of Iho county Oil pI'llllllV Of CllllflM'dtioll. Attorney .1. II. NiclioN, reproxent- iiiK tho Milooniucii, left linker lat iiiicht to ilrivo tho Hcvonty-twn inilcH uoro coiiulrv In Copporfiold. ll n rninini; mill hIccIiiii: in Coppcrriold mid Kiiowiutf in I ho hilU. It uiav he Into today liefoic Nichols icaohcx here. Mix ohoiitrt nio hopeful that ho hart Hccuie.l mi injiinclioii ro- hlraiiiinu' Iho (OM'riior mid militia from intorforintf with their business. I low it would bo enforced, with iniir- lial law in effect, is another iiios- tioit. MIm IIoI.Iih Itctiinii MiK Fern Ilobliw, Hie Kovernor's privalo M'i'ictary, who lead the chief executive's order, pIemhi: the snlomm mid ilemnndina: thn roninnnlioii of Iho town iifficials, left ycMcrdav nf loruoon on tho same train on which hIio nriivcd. When Mih llohlm icached Copppr field hhe wan quite- nervous, but u hihiii iw hho fneed Iho luwlile crowd in the little public hull, all apparent ly unwillinu' to accept u peaceful so lution of their Irniibles, t-ho beenino miKiy nml her eyes simpped hehind her ' Miuhtly ".ehool-nuuniuMr" (lnsses. After readiiiK' tho uovornor'H or der, mid hcnriin: Iho icfusal of the sulooumeii to close their place of (Continued An puko 8.) EUGENIC LAW STOPS MIIAVAlMxF.F., Wi. hn. H.--'I'liero was not a MUj,'h iiinrriuKo in the Htalo of Wihoon-in .ycsteiday, mid Aldoiiuuii John Ix'oeiuer today placed tho Illume on tho now oiiKcuie law, which beenino ol'l'eetivo .liuiiuiiy 1. llo IVaiH it will calico race hiiichlo mid intends lo introiluee a icsolutioti in tho city couiieil Moiulny nskiiiK tho uovoiuor lo call a frpooinl M'fhui of 11m lem'slnluro lo either iiuieml or io peal Iho law. "If Iho law ornithines in force," Haiti Kocrnor today, "it will depopu Into tho Kioto." County ulerks jdeehuo the Wussor innii text is esseiitiul uutler tho new Inw, nml that no licenses can ho is Hiietl unless it is niiule. Tho Wahser inun lest eosls tho applicant from iflt) lo ij15. WISCONSIN WEDDINGS T New Law Empowers Governor to Re move Officials Who Do Not Per form Dulles Court Asked to Hear Charycs, Miss Ftrn Hobhs to Appear Deforc Circuit Court In Sheriff's Case, Rcprcsentliid Governor. SAI.IW, Or., .Inn. .X Unernor Vi Sm pi epa riui: to hue Sheriff' lid Itaiiil of llnlier eountv oiippluutcil by another until the Kitiiution at Copperlieli! irt Hultlml. ( Ami nuain, .MIhw Fern llolilix. private secretary In the Kou'iiior, will play nu iinpor tiilit lole as leproMontutivc of Hi" chief exceil!i0. The Kovcnior today wiicd Circu I JiiiIko (liit'av Aiidoroii of Mal"r iHiiiuty akinir advice as to Iho cat I iot dnv a hcniiiiK eiill be hnd to obtain the letnovnl of Sheriff Hand. The Kiixernor Hilvirtl .luduo Andti xoii that Mik Hobhs will rcproe A him ns special counsel and pretct the uliilo'- ciikc. The Koomnr oImi wired MiH lltibhs re'iientim; Iter ti remain in linker and attend to the mutter. Mi llohbs was admitted to the bar last year. Th:s action of Iho governor i taken under the slato law which pro vii1c4 Hint if tiny officer dnon not perform his duties, upon a proper linHiutf lieintr niixlo to the court, the eoveinor mnv leinovo him front of ficii for ninety day' pcriotl and ap point iiinitlier ot'flcitil to perform hi duties, (lovornor West recoiled the fol lowiui' iiii'f.iiiL'o fiom Colonel Ijiw sou ut Copperllcld this ineruintr: "Wire in orders to heir.o and de stroy nil iiilexieatiui: liquors, gam liliiic outfits and bar fixtuios which are et tuiHicked, at I p. la. Tell fauiilv all quiet. Notify railroad coinpnnv and c,Hos coiifpanv that Copperfichl h iiiuler martial law nml In stop delivery oT anv intoxicntiiiK liquor at lint -lation." E E OF TACO.MA, Wash., Jnn. 3. t'nnblo to Riiln eutranco to tho works bo cmiHo of tho opposition of armed strike pickets, flvo hundred employes of tho Tueomn Smoltur ut Huston were thrown out of work today when tho plant was temporarily closed down liy order of I'resldont It. Ilust. Two inon wero seriously In jured In a riot early this morning Two hundred Austrian laborers Went out on htrlko Thursday morning out too otbor woriunon reniseu 10 Join ilium, When tho men reported for duty yesterday, they wero met by nrmod pickets, who bad beon orKun Ued by Joo Kllor, nn I. V. W. lender, and denied adinlttnnco to tho sinolter yard. Strikebreakers enKiiKod to take (ho plnces of tho Auatrlans wero assnultod and driven nwny. Vresldent Hnst declare!! this nf tomoon that ho would ro-opou tho siueltor Monday, when ho piotnlsod to liavo a suffliJent immlior of deputies on hand to prevont tho pickets from to return to work at tho sinolter. PORTLAND, Or., Jan. a. Tho Oreoii Journal was notified by tel ephone at I'JtllO today by tho inau ngcr of Iho Western Union Tolonrnph eoiupany ut Copporfiold that a Mory filed hy JcnniiiKs Sutor, Its stntt eorrchpontlent, was hoiiiR held in tho office on orders of Colonel Lawson, who has interpreted inaitial law to include tho sending out of press dispatches, m AN IV AN 0 AK SIM PICKETS CLOSING TAC01 SMELTER KSS. ELLA Mil, !!i! JiillHLLLIIIIIIIIIiiBiir Lllllllllllflu fLLLLLLLLLv j&rJUr SlwH & - xfflBLLLIIIIIIIIIIIIIHI tBKt iiK ViiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHi OmAHJr rCTJmSKKIM iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiKrATjiM'tf'kft Otwf ? tkkktlkkkkk&kLAxh ' j y&i -f i 9iBH ML'' " "fkfhkw Ctht HHHIIIIIIIIIiHHlllK imK JR VtwV ti itffmVr V rr liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiBiiH. BP' H lllllllllllllHrl ' MKJ tLLA TtHX 'jCONtfV TIL 'V I iWjr 11 - t itp, C;' k. 1 "MDi JWmM Me MAHOU YUrVlP S r - A - tk f r I'll. Ll...... Yi,Hluf fillA t I " (4 I ii'Kh 11'ui.i if hit hj t wi ti !'-, nntui rif i vuni.H"i- tiif tx- ii i -rivitii if'-tix "UlH-riiiteiidcncv t the t b i-uk" kjU'uiI hy ibo jHcr uf,.m'ib!d yoyiivu kjn.il, To llie nliijua of lnr vpui0Ua .. i. ..... I..'.' .i ii. ......:.... ..t ....i.i... .'...:.'.... i iL..n m.Miir.i. pi.;ki..,'.' i'.i .. ...i .:.... ... ... JHIMIirril I'nil lit' irntril lllf ririun'ii "I jhi.ih- i-iiiiriit-rii iimi i-niirii in v t nirnK" livniu ii uiuii'iiiiirit in n' coiihiiler the tli 'lion of In r iiec-isor jnul ivui'-l.ite lor. Mr-. Youii" hail fnced n board of oht(eiun- ami sluuelcil a. .hi -! He- Ied text book Inc.', .uul nm-ip-- xutoriou-. AID GUARDS DEPORT COLORADO STKA.MI10AT SI'UINflS. Colo., Jan. 3. Deportation of strikers In the Colorado coal fields was In progress hero today. Tho strikers' expulsion was begun by tho Houtl county taxpayers' asso ciation, an organization with a mem bership of about flvo hundred, and Ihlrty-fivo branches throughout the county. Deportations wero common during tho strike In the Crlpplo Creek ills trlct several years ago hut there had been nouo during thu present strug gle lit tho coal fields until Inst night, when a strong body of asso ciation members stormed the district court room, selod twenty-flvo strikers, on trial charged with par ticipation In tviulous disorders, shipped seven of them out of tho county at once, nml after holding the others overnight, expelled thorn to day, with orders never to roturn. President James Ferguson of tho local minors' union nml Organlto'-s Frank Gamier mid John Woldburg of tho Western Federation of Miners tvoro among tho men deported. t ho twenty-flvo strlkors being dis posed of, members of tho lengo pla carded tho county with tho an nouncement that, "within n reason ably short time, nil nble-bodlod men must go to work or leave." It was reported that a forco of 'armed inon wero marching toward Oak crook, whoro moat of tho strlkors tu this vicinity llu to drlvo them from tho county. BATTLE A! LADERO STILL IN PROGRESS LAltnilO, Texas, Jan. 3- -Skirmishing botwoon tho federal gavrUon of Nuovo Laredo, Mexico uml tho robols who surround tho town was still In progress today. Neither side had gained any particular advautago Tho rebels charged tho federals with nil sorts of atrocities. GOAL TIERS 11111 1110 1'ffl IF lit! - VtC WSMAN1' OAJD lif ll A .! I.I n.l Uiilt1 llir.lit u1 d M STILL IN PROGRESS IMIKSUHO, Texas. Jan. 3 Fighting at Ojlunga was fiercer than ever today. The rebels Increased the fury of their assault Just after midnight. They appeared to be gaining ground but tho town's dofoudors wero hold ing out gnmoly against them. General Panofll Natera was ra ported to have succeeded General Or tega this morning in personal com mand of tho rebels. OJInaga refu gees wore certain, at any rato, that ho was leading today's attack. Tho rebels, tlioy said, xvero In tho out skirts. In some places tho strugglo was hand to hand, knives, bayonets and clubs and ovon gunstocks figur ing ns weapons. OJiunga's streets, the refugees de clared, wero "filled with dead." Latest estimates placod tho num ber of tho defenders' dead at four hundred ami their xvoundod at -150, of tho rebels dead at 300. MOTHER KEPT FROM PASS CHRISTIAN, Mi., Jan. 3. -None of the hluejackels on the Chotor being allowed horo leave, Captain Harry F.lder of the tug Gulf port, look Mrs. Pauline Misou son, nu nged, gray-haired woman, nut to witliiu about fitly feet of the cruiser to see her son, yeomun .on hoard, Tlie Chontor's men lined tho rail as the lug approached, but us young Mixciisim recognized his mother and shouted to her, his conipanioiis strolled to the other side of the ship to give tho two mi opportunity to talk together alone. lleforo they had exchanged a doz en words, however, tho deck officer appeared and Mild ho was compolled to order the (ug to keep off, since, the Chester being on a secret mission, no member of tho crew I'oidd coni uiunieuto with anyone ashore. PR S N AROUND OJINAGA WOMEN EllilifffllS IllintitfC . L Ji J 1 uU) ft nllxr.l .J til A T OET SEALED 'BY JUDGE LOS ANOKLF.S. Cal., Jan. 3. Superior Judye flnin Craijj scaled today the death warrant of Ralph Ferris, the Southern Pacific bandit who murdered Traveling Passenger Agent Horace h. Montauo on a train that he held up near HI Monte, December '2. Fillips will jo to his deatli at Sail Qitontin (HMiiteutiary on Friday, .March 0", between the hours ot 111 a. m. ami 4 p. in. Farias will bo started on his final rnili mill journey tomorrow inomiii. Sheriff Ilammel personally will ur company his prisoner. J nines Fariss, (he bandit's father, will not see his son enter tho prion piles. He spent his Iat cent in a futile effort to save his boy from the gallows, and he Is unable finan cially to make tho trip. He will not nk the Southern Pacific railroad, by which he is employed, for trans portatiou. The elder Fariss has not yet aban doned all hope of Miving his son's life, llo will nrnke a xvrltten appeal to the governor for olcmeney if the appeal his attorney will make to Hie state supreme court is denied. Far 1 iss received today many letters from women who suit! they will join 'ii-. propo-ed appeal to the governor. TO T E OF LOPEZ iungham;, I'tiili, Jan. n.A beavilv tinned noso under Sheriff Smith today continued searching thu I'luh-Apox: mine lor unlph Louez, the murderer. A iiartiallv ooinnluted breastworks, evidently of his con struction, xvas found, ns wero frag ments of moulilv food mid two half- filled bottles of elaiet. There xvero also in several places tho outlines of n form inmriiitcd in thu dry earth, where it was conjectured that .. .. ... .1 . T . ..1 1. llio lllgllivo siepi. ixo souiins wero heaul, however, to liulicato that ho was alive. DEATH WARRAN N BANDT FLOODS CD in STORM EN U Let'iip Only Temporary, Says the Weather Bureau Gale Blowing at Sea Highest Surf In Years Sa;ramcn(o River Rising Slowly. Train Service Shows Improvement Western Pacific Tied Up Cot tages Washed Out to Sea. KAN FRANCISCO, Cal., Jnn. 3. California storm nml flood eondi tio is were reported improved almost eerywhere today. Hut the xventher bureau predicted nnother storm for tonight. Fair weather prevailed in San Francisco, but Government Forecaster Wilson said it wiih only a tcmiHirary let-up. ''The mnjor part of the storm that visited California yesterday," said Willson this nfternoou', "is still hov ering off the Washington coast. It is due here before evening. "It is still blowing hard at sea, and we nre keeping our storm s'g nnls up from Port Hnrford to Eur eka." Cottngoji Washed to Sea Off (he beach here Iho worst surf in ten years continued unabated. Three cottages were washed lo sea a mile south of the beach lifesuviug station. F.very government wireless station from Mare Jslund, Cal., to Ciiie Hlaiico, Oregon, lias been put out of commission hy heavy gales. At ,, Sacramento the Sacramento river xvns reported ris'tn- slowly,' but a flood fitdgu -was--not rxpeetcd. Conditions xvero reported more crit ical at Kuighl's lauding and Colusa. At these points the water was over flowing the levees, but no serious Ions hnd occurred. Train and telcuhnno and telegraph service showed general improvement. Water xvas still Htnnding over tho tracks of the Southern Pacific's Orovillc branch, but trniu service was maintained today with little de lay. Truffle Is Crippled Tho Western Pacific's line was still badly crippled. Its overland traiu, which has been held up at Rig Bar, near Porlola, between io landslides, xvas still marooned, but n big force of men xvas at xvork and officials expected lo have the (racks cleared by (omorrow. The (rain enr ried about 100 passengers. Hating and sleeping nrrnngements xvero made for these nml diversions provided. Three pnseugors who xvero anxious to reach Oakland, xvalked from Big Bar to Oroxille, a distance of thirty five miles, mid took n train there. Kxcept for tho Gttcmevillo branch, the Northwestern Pacific is ninniinr trains on schedule time. The Oak laud, Antioch & F.astem elcctrio line has resumed its service (o Sac rmnento. The water nlong its tracks is steadily receding and it was thoit'dit full schedules could be re sumed tomorrow. i E CHICAGO, Jan. 3. President Charles II. Moyer of (ho Western Federation of Minors and Vice-Pred-ideiit John Mitchell of tho American Federation of Labor, conferred to day with reference to a general strike of all 'organized workers in .Michigan as a menus of forcing ar bitration between employers and striking employes in thu copper country. t Following their disoiiPsion, Moyer iiiinouiiced that a meeting of tho various unions will be held ut Lan sing not later than January 1- io go into the matter more fully. "A general strike would nttrict national attention," ho said, "to conditions ut and around Calumet. It should force thottuiuenwuiirti lo nrbitrato ami hubmiUto federal in vestigation." Moyer wits Improving rapidly. MITCHELL CONFERS WITH ME GENERAL RK .V