fi PACIE TWO IT"" Dr. Fred'k. INVESTMENTS OPPORTUNITIES FOR FIRST MORTGAGE LOANS Wo lmvo money to loan on ranch nnil city property. To those having money for loans, would say wo nro in a posi tion to make first mortgage loans to the heat advantage, nt good rate of Interest, and also look af ter the collection of Interest, fire insurance, etc. Our knowledge of values Insures tho careful placing of nil loans. If you liavo money' nnd divslro to place it safely and nt a good rata of Interest, wrlto us nnd wo will bo pleased to explain our method of handling this de partment, guaranteeing you abso lute safety In your investment. 200 O. IS acres, .SO rods south at Uio city limits. This is flrt-class land and trees. Just slopo enough to give tre best of drainage. n acres Newtown apples G yrs. old 4 acres Jlartlott years 4 yrs. old 5 acres Bnrtlctt pears 5 yrs. 4old 1 acres Newtown apples 5 yrs. old This will mako an Ideal orchard for a homo tract. Just near enough to tho city. 1'rlco $050 per ncre. Good terms. J 02 O. 32 acres about four miles south wcs. of Medford. Neat bungalow, barn and other buildings. Fenced. Comity road on two sides. Rest of deep, freo soil, rich as can bi made. Well drained. 8 acres al ia I fa. 275 reach trees, fillers, 5 yrs. old 100 Newtowyj apples C yrs. old 200 Spltzcnberg apples C yrs. old .100 Spitzcnborg apples 5 yrs. old 300 Newtown apples 5 yrs. old 300 Ilartlett pears 5 yrs. old 2D0 AnJou pears 5 yrs. old A few other varieties. A few trees 35 years old. This Is an Ideal tract of land. Very attrac tive as a homo property, as an In vestment or speculation. Prlco JIG, 000. Good terms. 204 O. This property Is located In tho foothills district, 4 miles south west of Medford and IVj miles southeast of Jacksonville, on the main county road. Ilartlett pears 2 to 4 years old 18.0 acres D'AnJou pears, 2 to 4 years old 10.0 acres Rose pears, 2 years old.. 1.0 acres Cornice pears 2 yrs. old.. 4.0 aero Yellow Newton apples C years old 12.C acres Tillable laud CO.O acres Wooded hill land, pine, fir, oak, laurel S4.0 acres 188.C acres Substantial farm buildings, 8 room house, lawn and garden, horso nnd cow barns, hog house, goat sheds, Implement and hay hay burn, buulc house, poultry house, packing house, splendid woll. pump and water tower, water p!jud to house and barns. Rural frt,o delivery and tolephono. Elec tric light and power uvallable. In terurhan railway one mllo. Pub-lb- school at Medford and Jacksonville- Soil is deep and freo working; good dralnugo; heavy uunual production of a few old pear und apple trees evidence- a fiobt-froo condition, eliminating the necessity for smudging. Tract It tuit, Itself to fiiib-illvlslon. Price ?.".,ooo. Half cash, balance easy tii ni4 U per cent. 2J i). 23 ai.ier 2 miles wont or Med f'Td. Very best of land. All ih.iil"d to on-hard mid In fine con dition. Just n small strip ot tlm l' r on west side, less than half an acie. About 1C acres Newtown and Siiiisenbarg apples r. years old, set for fruit next year. About 10 acres p.ais i jeurs old. Rartletta and Anjous. l".5 pnnch trees, very latsre, 3 yoar old. Assortment at liorht- for family use. Old house but beautiful sit" for u homo. On inuiii road. Nothing bettor in the xniloy in soil. Prlco $450 per aero. Good terms. This can bo divided, if desired, but at higher price. No. 9 L. 1C0 acres gGod foot hill land 20 acres eultlxuted 80 acres good land Several springs, l'rlto $10 jjor acre. C. Page ' ARE YOU GETTING THE WORTH OF YOUR MONEY IN FIRE INSURANCE? Have you ever stopped to con sider what your financial condi tion would be should your prem ises be destroyed by fire Possibly your fire Insurance Is your only protection against bankruptcy should such a mlsfor tuno overtake you, It so, aro all your policies properly written, and covering your property as you un derstand, and desire them to? Further, aro your receiving tho fullest potcctlou possible, and tlfu most favorable rate obtainable, considering the amount of Insur ance you are carrying to the valuo of your property? Wo aro in position to give you tho very best of service. If you are a non-r-esldont, we will bo pleased to look after your Inter ests. Wo write Insurance for good, strong companies. 10!) O. SMALL ORCHARD. 13 acres two miles from busi ness district of Medford. 7 acres, 505 trees, a year Co mice and Rose pears. 0 acres, 3C8 trees, 4 year Dart lett and Anjou pears. 352 trees, peach fillers on C acres young orchard, pears. This is one of tho most beatttl rul young orchards In tho valley. You will take pride in owning such an orchard. No buildings. Price $9,000. Cash $5,000. SMALL FARM. HIV acres, best of free soli. All level and in cultivation. Noat small house and barn. Fenced. Oak grove, soil adaptod to grow ing alfalfa, potatoes, truck, fruit and grain. Just the thing for dairy, hogs and poultry. One mllo to town, 16 miles to Mod rord, good roads. This should bo Interesting to jou. Prlco $250 per acre ?2,30o cash, balanco long time 7 per rent. 205 O 100 rcts oi hard. 4' miles from Medford. Ileautiful outlook over tho valley. All In cultivation, perfect drainage, fulr houso, barn, 5 acres alfalfu, 1000 pear trees 5 years old, 1000 Newtown apples, 220 Spitz.. 220 Jonathans, 40 as borted upples, 110 peach trees, 22 apricots, jiO cherries, all 5 years old, 2000 pears 4 years old, 5280 trees In nil, lit best condition. This Is nno of tho very best properties in the valley. Ask for full report. Price $400 per nrre, good terms. AIKOKOKI) MAIL TKIIU'NI-J. r Avjii- 320 East Main ARE GREATER IN THE ROGUE RIVER VALLEY THAN ANY OTHER PART OF THE PACIFIC COAST. ROGUE RIVER VALLEY ORCHARDS AND FARMS HAVE SHOWN GREATER RETURNS FOR 1913 THAN ANY OTHER DISTRICT. IN OUR SEVEN YEARS OF HANDLING REAL ESTATE IN THE VALLEY IT HAS NEVER BEEN OUR PRIVILEGE TO OFFER SUCH REAL VALUES, FROM AN INCOME INVESTMENT STANDPOINTTaITWE ARE NOW OFFER ING. IF YOU ARE LIVING IN THE EAST, MH)DLE WEST, NORTH OR SOUTH WE KNOW YOU ARE NOT SATISFIED WITH THE CLIMATIC CONDITIONS. MEDFORD AND THE ROGUE RIVER VALLEY HAS THE BEST "ALL THE YEAR CLIMATE" OF ANY SECTION OF THIS COUNTRY. TO THE PLEAS URE AND SATISFACTION OF HAVING A HOME IN SUCH A CLIMATE, ADD OPPORTUNITY. CAREFUL INVESTIGATION ON YOUR PART WILL CON FIRM OUR STATEMENTS. READ CAREFULLY EVERY WORD OF THIS AD VERTISEMENT, ALSO THIS WHOLE PAPER. IT MAY MEAN MUCH TO YOU. WRITE US AND WE WILL BE PLEASED TO FURNISH YOU FULL IN FORMATION REGARDING ANY SUBJECT PERTAINING TO THIS SECTION. REGARDING OUR RESPONSIBILITY, WE REFER YOU TO ANY BANK IN MEDFORD. WE SOLICIT YOUR BUSINESS. PAGE-DRESSLER 320 EAST MAIN STREET SMALL TRACT PROPOSITION, WITH A GUARANTEED INCOME FROM START ' t 10 acres or more, from $250 to $.100 per acre. With this free one acre hohie-slte trart. Turin ntte hair cash, balance long time. Wttli this property we sio ft two or threv ytinr contract at market price for tomatoes, bonus and loganberries. The soil is especially adapted (or all kinder of truck. In fart will grow anything. No bettor soil anywhere No waiting fur Inroiny. Immediate 'returns. Your crop sold before you start. Write us for full Information concerning thiH proposition SpluiidH opportunity far par ties with small amount of monoy to acquire splendid homo nnd good litronio front the beginning. No Malt ing, you become u producer, your produce sold at a guaranteed price, your Income. positive. Can jou wish for more than this? We are pleased to fimiUh full information regarding these tracts. EXCHANGE. Largo Hotel located In New England. 40 guest rooniB, strictly modern. High class furniture und equipment. Lot 150x300. Splen did location for business. Clear. Will take orchard or city property'. Will assume. EXCHANGE. 1U00 acres first class North Da kota wheat land. All level, black deep soil. All under cultivation. Two sets of Improvements. One cost $10,000. Ono cost $3,000. Will trade for orchard or other good property In Roguo River val ley. Prlco $C0 per ncre, Mort gage $20,800. 20S O. Very choice orchard. 40 acres xh miles from Medford. 2H mllesfrom atatlon. Host loam soil, well drained. This 40 ncros hns always paid ail development ex penses from crops between trees. 20 ucrcs 5 year old trees. 600 Nowtown, 300 Spitz, apples; 500 Ilartlett poars; 700 poaches. 1 acre with houso and barn. 10 acres best land not planted to trees, used for grain and vege tables. 10M will produce a fair commercial crop. You will be pleased with this tract, Can di vide Prlco $400 pec aero. Good tonus. No. 1 L. 110 acres located In tho. Apple gtite valley about 13 miles from Medford. Good roads, storoiear by. Near tho rivor, which affords the finest fishing In tho west. Plenty of game In the nearby hills. Largo portion of this would make tillable land. Good for hogs, cat tle, poultry, fruit. Part easily cleared, About 1 Vj million feet saw timber. A real bargain. Cheaper than homestead. Price $10 per acre. $050 cash, balance G per cent. EXCHANGE DEPARTMENT The systematic and careful exchanging or properties Is a most loglcul method of bundling realty, In lact all kinds at properties and stculu at tucrcliuudlse, It you should sell your property for cash, ou would, In all probability, invest the money elsewhere. Why wait for this sale, when ;ou can exchange it for something that suits you In the location In which you would buy It you had the money out or your pres ent property? We have u splendid Hue ol exchanges, ami such cuiiuectlouH that wo are able to supply you with almost any kind of deal you want. We Handle nothing hut good legitimate properties and nt rea sonable valuations. If you aro desirous or making a change, consult lis. 1, 1st your properly for exchange and up will do the rest, Do not inflate as wo uinunt wiste our In this wnj, MKDKOKI). OUKdON. REAL ESTATE Street Medford, Oregon PROFITABLE Telephone 282 EXCHANGE. 20 acres pears 4 years old. Near Talent on Ashland road. Will. take good home In Medford as part Hiynient. ' 100 acres level whenrland In Western Kaunas for land fh Rogue River valley. $1,000. Mortgage $800. 1 years 8 per cent. 350 acres flue land In Kansas to trade for good well lmprovo1, close in nlfaRa and orchard Iraq, yaluo $18,000. Clear, " I i i i- .-. .! 1 V No. 2 L. . '-i .80 aurrm foothill land, IX miles north or Medford. Plenty of out range. About 12 acres cleared,, nearly till level. A simp for $10 per ncre. $000 cash, balance C per cent. No. 3 L. r0 acres 1 I miles North or Med ford. All good level laud. Not cleared but covered with light brush and small trees. ' School on onu corner. Main county road, dally mall, store near 'by. A real bargain, $X0 per acre. $U00 cash, baluncit 0 per 'cent. No, 4 l; 40 acres all good smooth land, not cleared. Light timber and brush. Good grnn nnd frult'.Jand. One mllo to school, storo two miles, dally mall, good roada. It, It. i miles, .Medford 12 iiilles. Tight fence on one side. Prlco $30 per acre. $000 cash, balance C per cent. No. B L. 80 acres 15 miles North of Med. ford. 8 miles to R. R. Store und Post Office, two miles, CO acres cultivated. Running water most of the year. Spring furnishing water all the time. Fenced. Will grow grain, alfalfa, potatoes, corn, vetch. Out range, good for hogs and cows, IluildlngH only fair. Price $35 per acre. Good tortus. Tlll'UKDA V, .1 Nl'AK,Y k3JLHrv MEDFORD, OREGON CITY HOMES. We have n largo list' of very de sirable city and suburban homes. Many of those enn be purchased nt very low price and reasonable terms. These hnve paved streets, sower, water, cement walks, elec tricity, gas. Profusions of beauti ful rosoit and shrubbery, gardens and'nll conveniences. No fi I. 40 .acres. Hut to Creek. 20 acres cultivated. 30 acres water right from creek. Good 5 room house, barn, out buildings, fenced. All good laud, Out range. Good ntfairn nnd grain laud. Good roads. School close. Price $2,500. Cash. No. 7 L. 320 acres good loot hill land, 8 miles East or Mod ford. About 50 acres cultivated, 200 ucrcs till able laud. Grain and fruit laud. Out rango. Good springs. Price $20.00per ncre. Good terms. 207 O. 60 acres orchard. Located 7',d miles from Medrord. Station 2'j miles. Motor' station 80 rodi, Paciric highway, hard surfaced, 00 iods .There ore 5000 troes grow ing on this tract all In perfect con dition, 350 Newtowtlr 175 Spltzcn berg, 20 Winter banana, nil 8 years old. 200 C'omlcu pears 0 yen is old, 70 ItartlettH and An ions 4 years old. 3200 Rose,, Jlartlott, Anjou and Winter Nelhi, 1000 pouch fillers, all three years old, Good ft room house, lights, telephone, store colur, splendid water, barn, Host of soil. Estim ate crop for llill, 1200 to 1600 boxen tipples, 300 boxes pears. Considered one of the finest young orchards in the valley. Cun divide R df'Hlred. Prlco $400 por acre, Good tonus. I, 1!)M. FIRE INSURANCE INVESTMENTS . ft, RUSINESS PROPERTY We do bet heslltnto to advls the ptirchiifo of business or semi Iiiilr.h " property In Medford. Medford has rem hud smh sire and development as to nwmro Its iMcumlug n city or considerable site and Without any doubt the comnit'clsl metropolis ot South ern Oregon,' Wo hnve several very attrac tive properties In the business dis trict for sale. These properties are splendid Investments as Mod ford Is todii), and Its certainty of almost immediate extensive growth makes these properties at tractive and positive of liurouso in value. Let us'sntlil detailed Informa tion (oncoming some or these pro perties. For the uouo-rosldoiit this class of luu'Stmeuts cannot lie excelled. Medrord Is known as "the hoc nnd Spokane" or the West. Wo do not hesitate to predict 30,000 people In 1020, POULTRY RANCHES. We can offer ydu tiacts for poultry raising nt very low prices. (loo in tracts at $100 to $200 per acre, 5 tti 30 acres. Foot hill laud adapted to poultry ruining In tracts of 10 lo 10 acrus for $6o to $126 per ncre. At a greater illKtance, 5 to 10 miles, land can be bought for $15 to $30 per acre We can suit you as to location and price. Tell us your wants and the amount you can afford to In vest, nt the same tlnio beeping enough motley to turt our bus. iichh, Good ieriiis can be had, 102 H. KLAMATH COUNTY STOCK RANCH 17fto acres 1 1 miles front Kin iiiutli Falls. Tills Is adapted to stock mining and general farm ing The very best of land. 500 .teres ciitllvated. 1200 acnm level. 200 acres merchantable timber, .'too much tolling. This will and does pioduce heavy crops of itlfnl, fa, wheat, oats, barley, timothy and potatoes. Tho ranch will carry 500 to 800 head or cattle. At present more than 100 head or high class horses and more than lino bead or cattle on the ranch. All fenced. Improvements cost over $12,000. Water at I to 8 feet. Thousands of acres fief range controlled by ranch. Price or laud and Improvements $20 per acre, rlear. Good teruiH, Slocl; tail bo purchased at low price. No. 8 L, 100 acres II miles from Med rord. Store 80 rods It It. II miles, Near Applegate River 30 acies cultivated. 100 acres tillable Good limber Good rouds, Price $l.i per u re, $1,500, bal time ti por cent, 3aMBEM J. W. Dressier NON-HKHIRKNT OWNCRS We are now nctln for ninnv iion-itwldeiu mv tiers or prnpirtt, as their local roprcoututlw Cm we not serve jou? We uu lnn sell or lent for cm. collet t mtr renin, take euro or )iur taxes, fire Insurance, spcriul nsois monts, etc. In fact rellou ou of all care or our property and for a wry nominal expense. SMALL PAYMENT PLAN IN VESTMENTS We have ntneral resilience lot propositions that offer a splendid opportun'U '. r the me nil In wwlnr. either In blinks or oIih-'" tiits. Ten dollar down nnd llw dollars pr mouth pur lot sure any mvIhk '"ink anil i mihi'i Urger profit Let u tit imR this plan lo oit. TIMtlltlt AND MIVKrt V June belli 1 1 tn lift and mie for sate. At this time wo luv mttornl i m wit nttrnrtlve iri t ' listed with us at the rUlu fi... . We are In a position in Pe ir terlnl asatalMMcw tu uuv one il-e i Inn either of lho ilc of pi party. lul V. III.' LI DING PlturoHHON 1 flew (In lets, nuri" ""' ' With tMMUllful hlMIIC". nt' 't KUmI. IVitr H'td MStrr 'liftlt walk. tiers In paikllik VI lrit IliipriiWiiieliln m.) lo date This m mounts to $17'. per 'nt pull). Klilwslk paid .lent r l' for one vtho visit to build a i bungalow. Price 1J&0 pr let for the t: lets 10 V liriLIDINU PROI'OSITinN 21 LOTH 1 let POMOO. IS lots '.on ; , 3 lots 01x1 10, K lets 6xli( L.iitfc 7 room house. All lot on .uud street, water and sewi-r, iiimut walks. l:crthltiK paid to dun Thene are nil eloo In resli'ii.'' proper!) and well built up on all sides t'p til-ditto ImiiikmIowm bii't on these will sell and rent nv readily. Price $II.OOi).iio. Hair is.'i balance two to four )e,u, 0 p. r cent. 101 l WAREHOUSE AND FC TORY SITE Wo have a large frontage on main Hue S. 1. It. R , Just six blocks ft out center or IhikIiicm district .lust the location for .urelioiines or factories Very lew price to Interested pu ties. AIhi 1 100 feel along H. P It It and main paved highway on tho ether side. TbU contains 7 acres ur 13 lots containing uu awungo of 20.0U0 Miinire feit each. Very low ptlre as . whole or In lots. This Is ideal lor storage or factory, 101 II IIUSINESS HOI SE ON MAIN STREET Two slory brick business block located on Main street. Lot and building 25x110. This U located In the Mtry best illsttlct on Mnlu street. Now pit) lug 8 per cent on purchase price. With u little lm pioveineiit it will pay 15 to IS per cent. We can offer Ibis for a hort tltuo foi' $11,000. Term R de filled. 101 S, JACKSON COl M'V STOCK RANCH 1083 acres deeded laud and tlioiitiauds or linen mountain tntige controlled, suo ku'uh (let class hay and gain laull. 310 ncros cultivated 2.'ifi acres Irri gated. 10,0011000 tent saw tim ber, too tons ha) cut In JIM 3. Will produce wheat, corn, oiUii, nlfulfa, tlmotli), potatoes and ri nit Ranch will pioduce $k,ooo lo $12,000 pur year when stocked and propci ly managed Well fenced new home, alalia for 100 cattle in barn, 100 cattle, s horsi , impli iitcilts Total nl in or per mmul pioperly at pie-ent $,l Olio Pin chase price $IO.U0O Good li'l'llis WfltU fill Mill IH f i A M m EH Iumv iimrrrB