Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, January 01, 1914, NEW YEAR'S EDITION, ORCHARD SECTION, Image 19

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Medford Mail Tribune
I'uttytlilril Ttinr
"iillr Cliililti Yfiar
Rogue River Valley Greatest of Commercial Fruit Belts
l - ' ' ' ' 1- K? t ' ' ' ' ; ; T, , ""b I
' 1 j I At'" '&'. ' '
Tint )rnr l'.'in umrlin n uiont Im
(uirUiit 1'iiocli In thu liUtory ot (rut(
growliiK In 1 Iik ltoi:un river vnlli
AllhoiiKh '1.1 MA)' Iiryo Icon nn im
lueli)' year for hoiiih of our iiuIkIc
lierlm: fruit ilUtrlcU, for Out Itocuo
river volltiy. Itisynrrnl. nml Joknoi
county ill prtlculnr. It will lone bu
ri'iii0iiibr6i ns the heit year In Iti
hUlory, Tho fumlpit Ikiih-h of tlimo
Klin liftvtt lived In tho vnlloy loimont
Iimvo lict'ii morf tlmu roAlltoil; iluo
who linvn broil lirru only a fiw )nrn
Iiavo recti tho fruit lmlulry r.rmv by
l0Am nmt bouuiU until now At Hi"
rloio nf IV 1.1 Ami tho hcKlnnlut; of
l'.ill m fliitl nu liiiluolry of flrnt lin
liortnnro with iionnlbllltl'K fnr iucjiKt
tlinn whAt linn nlrc.idy been rca Itcd
llcfore wo prucccil to coinldcr tin
noil, clliuntlc coiuHlloiiH, nilnitnlill
Ity of tho dUtrlrt to fruit KrowliiK
nml Itn fultiro nn it fruit khiwIuk 'II"'
trlct. wo will nhow Itn jimm'tit nlAtun
by i;hli)K n few pertinent liu'ttt nml
I'lrnt, thn InrrrnHo In fruit produc
tion nlurti U'OS, n period of flo)rnri,
linn been nlniont 1000 per coin. No
other fruit dlMrlct eim nhow rn re
tunrknlilo n Knlu In no nhort n period
of time.
Herond, InrludltiK nxprcnn nhln
iiientN, tho total output nf fruit,
prlnclpnlly npplei nml ponrn, linn
been nearly 1200 earn. Of thin out
put, nil but nboui f.o rum were
nhlpped from Jnrknon roimty. Tho
nhlptiieutn lucludo iloelduoiiM treo
frultH. hut do not Ineludo berrlen
dried, canned or prorenned frultw.
Thlnl, eompnred with ('ullfornln
JneKnnu county ban nhlpped inoiii
than oiio-hIxIIi iih ninny enm of pimm
mid nlluoHl oiio-hImIi iih much decld
iioiiti fruit an tho entire ntnto of ('nil
fornln. Thin, of courne, doex not in-1
elude Kliipen,
I'ourth, llio prlcen received for I
fruit have boon Kminrnlly ood, mnl
thfl rerelptH hnvo exceetled llio l,
000,000 iiiurh. Tho net receipt
hnvo Iiooii fur In excenn of nny iiov
loun yeur'n luttirun for any other
uKrlriiUurnt jiroduct, not ovropllur.
cnttlo nml Iiorh. There were yeniM
when tho placer luliien of .lacliKiu
eoiiuly returned ninny itilllloim, hut
tho c,o il tiiUou out or llio Kiound hits
left tin mid with hut very little to
nhow for It. Not no with permanent
uKrlRtiltiiro, our million dollar I'ritli
or'op which lma roiio out of tho coun
try linn not dopleted our iiKilcul
turnl woitlth.
Klftli, Jackaon county nlono, ot ull
tho fruit dlHtrlr.ts of llio lnclflo
coiint, oxcoedod tho iiprliiK oatlmntoH
m'ndo on tho fruit crop. Mnny ills
triota fo'l nliort nevernl hundred earn,
whllo Jaohnoii county nhlpped connld
onttily inoro than tho entlnuitod crop.
This shown that, nn n fruit district,
Jackson county han ndviiiititKCH, In
that cropn'em bo depended upon nn
cllmatlo cmtdltlonti durluK tho grow
liiK Houaott ure fuvornhlo,
Sixth, f tho entlio crop ot fruit for
X0ia-.worj pHvmblsd Jn u Blnglp .trulu
1 )HHnHHiW A?u2kB TfnU9kTHBTIVfRf I uraiTig ifcirtr- TiWTMrHrnliTriffTfTtir A flCJPpU.iCl'i" lT TiMi 11
of retilKerutor curs, tlila train would
he ten iiillcn Ioiik.
Seventh, the nuccenn Indicated by
'.he above factn nml flmiren Iiiik been
tiroiiKht about by tho enerf.y. thrift
.tml forenlKht of tho fruit Krowern ot
Jacknou county, TIiumi thliiKn do
not 'Jiint hupjieii," there In u (anno,
there In u roiiHOii. .Iiickvou county
fruit uiowern nn u whole have lined
the very beat of JudKiuout lit adopt
Iiik scientific methoilH In nil their
horticultural practice. They nro
themnelveii reniiiinnlblo for tlio en
viable roputtitlnu which han been
Kiiiued by .lucUnon county an u fruit
Tho Sells of .IiicKmiii Coiiuly
When connlderliiK the nolln ot any
dlHtrlctM, whether for general Innn
Iiik or fornpeclal cropn, throo lin
pnrtaut ractorn hould nlwnyn bo con
nlderod. TIiobo luctorn are richness
of tho nilln, natural draiiiiiKu, and
absence of ulknll, Tho foIIh of Jack
luiu county, tnkltiK tho abovo factom
Into counldorittlou, nro nut excelled
by (Iioho of nny oilier dlHtrlct, cant
or went, north or woutli. TakhiK tho
urofi coverod by tho noil nurvoy, fll
uqunro mllcH, It may bo truthfully
until that for nu largo nroa no other
area ot like nlo can compare with It.
In tho rirxt place, the t'rilln nro gou
oraly rich, and of the two Keuorut
types, leaiuuai ami iiiiuvuu. uivio i
.... . . I. ... I . ...... ..I. I. ...! ....... II...
...... ............. i
miiv .., .niui.'i. .,
nbnndaiico of plant food thoy con -
tulu, auuy. bu couipuiud with covtun
.. -- rx sr viTi ?.iti-mir..."iL vX w
boll ot llko types In Italy
hnvo been cultivated for tnor
o than
:'000 years without tho addition of
any fertiliser whatever. Scientific
ngrlculturo In Jackson comity will
Ucop the polls In n high ntnto ot fe'
iilitv without tho Kioat pxpenso nt-
tondnnt to the extravagant uso of i
....... i i. ....,.-1
commercini loniiwernn imixi u im'-
... . .. ......... . lint I..... ...I....7.. ar.ll
uceit oj iitiuiy iiioiucin p...,
'typus uro of tho light, wlud-blown
1 1) po. It It) nil tulqtu thut "u lUuo
country Is n rich country." Tho j
sons or. jiickhoii coumy m mm ouii-
piled with lime so that na a rule tuo
iso ot llmo an a fertllUer will hardly
bo necessary for jmnarods ot yonrs to
como. Whllo tho soils of Jackson
county fall prlnclpnlly Into tho rosld
ual and alluvial classes, nevertheless,
liioro uro In nil forty-seven types.
T, .. nr0 nj nruuio ,aml the crops to
which thoy uro udaptod will vary to
(Coutluutd ou I'USQ 3),
.TANUA.RY j j9M.
V .t si" j, v - ... ?l . 1 'Mi)iff WHauyKggK aKv. V 'JA I
NO. 211
' r "