Medford Mail Tribune NEW YEAR'S EDITION COUNTY SECTION v Pa It A ir V Cortyllilril Ynit ''wily- Klwtilh Ycr. - ytt: m. & pyaririy ra ppp' jm up -gv u-sjpjpjpjpppppppppm Substantial Progress Made by Ashland and All Sections of Valley During Past Year (r ! Wilier In reviewing hi do it renin! ol progress nml liiiiroiiii'ti( (or 1911 iiml enmpnrliig U with tho record (if (illicr cities nml (owns up nml down I tin Mate nitil runit, nml oven furtlur from homo, tho In) ul Ashlnndcr iiiiii'Ii In bi proud of In hid own "n- iiiiiull)' nml Mclnlty In tint way of actual arcompllshtiii'iit, uml ho see a dominant ilvli: spirit hero whlrh Ik iictlvnly nml viitliuslnstlcnlly work Iiik for k rem I it progress nml 1 tn prnvcnicnt far tlm i'(ir to romc. Ashland IioiikU tlmt It has non' ronlly "IiooiupiI." but Iiiih Jtu( grown up in or it or IrM steadily, llttlo by llttlo, nml vnr by jeftr, Into n boun tiful city of ii.000 contonted pcopl", who lovo ttiolr homos, their parka, their schools, their churches nml tlmlr unrivaled nnturnl oiivlionmon, nml Imvo Houiilit to mnko then: us pleasing nml attractive for thoin KoltM nml for others as they niull nffonl. Thy lmo built hoine-llko lioimm nml splendid publlo hulldliig.i $40,000 Armory Built at Ashland in 1913 li Ih ) 11 1 111 I I ,.. o-.-a 'Zi fOTYTVYYTftlY nml ntltoM of tho flncot pawd Uu Tlicy hae acquired lauds for publi pnrkri to tlm extent of perhaps n hundred nrri'M till tolil, scattered hoie mill there throughout tho city .aid up mnt down tho water course which devotes tlm municipal corporation In twain, mill tlioo Heron they aro gradually tunilni; Into btnuty t.potH a llttlo uioro every year iib tho pin so of (ho public bark board will punnlt, until In u wry few cars Ashland will ho noted, If hIio la not already no, among (ho ttiuull cIIIch of thu I'a rifle roam for hor beautiful nml widespread public parks. Among tho uotnblo public bull I Iiik Improvements of tho year 1 0 1 :i tho most Important porbaps Is tho now armory at tho cornor of Oak nml II streets. For thin Improxomcut tho statu npproprlati'il $15,000, tho county $7,000 nml tho city of Ash- TAT Iw K rTTkt&Kiajp JKpMwHHBpHP vttpE2XsttuANL cwm&rv p 6 Hda iiwfLtfPVVHilVtjKiiPVBH Ir:4aKllflkSBPHIwiViViViViViViVHlPiViViViViViVMPPPiViViVM i h j". -QrrHwaBKi h ki S jniBHHpaaaaaaaaaaaaaairppaaaaBP B Ntcruturo pPlr&lpHpBpBppBp ! WflBMoawroiinnW i.ui.l J7 500, nml tho result Is a mag nificent structure which would ho n credit In tiolnt of nrrhltccturo na well mi utility to any city on tho Paclfl coast. It Is, of course, primarily for tho itno of Ashland's arm of tho ntn'.o military son Ice, but Is also calcu latod to bo nvnllablo for nil public Knthcrlngs nml uee'a for which It Is Hiiltoil, hnliiK oiio of tho larKost umlltorltimn In Houtliorn Oregon. Tn new public library, facing tho Junc tion of tho DoulQvard and Rast Main ntreot,'wnK proMnleil fully completed ami opened to tho public, nml In an other ono of tho public Institutions of which tho loyal Atdilamlcr (a proud. Mr. Carncrjo j-nvo $10,000 toward tho building fund, whtc tho city has added to mid proUded per manent matnteuauco. Tho AHhlnml city hall at tho plaz.i has Just been entirely remodeled and -s . rrrs .u.i a; ?-ot va:n ".v.- iasKi Hkx T.!N. L.' ; K1 tt.M' TTfiii lKWOM), OMSOON, TIITRSDAY, .JANTAttY 1, 19L1. built over Into n hamUomo busluefs block. A stranger inlght easily mU taku It for tho homo of n loading modern bankliiK iiutltuilon, with its eoiinlliiB rooms on tho firm floor for the, city water and light departments. Amplo rooms are provided for tue city council, for tho mayor, and for tho varloiiK city official, as well as quarters for tho clty'n up-to-date flro fighting eiiuipnieut, city jail, etr. Tho municipality expended durin,; tho year nearly $t,000 In a lump sum for Its modern auto flro truck. Tho Masonic fraternity lias trim med up tho exterior of Its spacious templo with a modern front, lack ing considerable cxponso, and the j Klks nUo made substantial lmprovo- ments in flulshliig uncompleted por tions of their splendid homo on l'ntl Main strebt. No street paving work lias been dono In Ashland during 1913, but tbeio has been i credltablo amount of street Improvement done, largoly In tho matter of tlio extension of concrete Mdcwnlka nml curbing in various soitlons of tho city. Ashland High School, One of the Most v 4 ;? .1. . &. , .,f.Ttf &&:. - -"if ". . !? ' A u ' ipHpapBBBML?ZpBBB9BlpBBBPPsBHlHHBpBrPSPfl r r Ml lMMPJpjMHptiMftwBHPJmwSBM- Vr-Ti ycTagAi'vy ynnt.iy. w jPTff ,-PrPPPPJPPi PJ3BSfrt3BfiHiE5C35i8iBMWWPPj?FjffJS&K ptMfrlHMmcBdMBMMilBM Kxtenslon and Improvement on a considerable scale of the city watoi system aro planned for the near fu ture to meet tho growing require incuts of the community. Tho ques tion of adding to tlio municipal elec tric lighting plant Is also ono which Is being much discussed and is likely to culminate In a direct issuo during the coning year. As In many other towns, the activ ity In private- building has not haou as groat in Ashland during 1913 as In some previous years, but there has been a respectablo amount of It in tho way of new residences, remodel ing and minor Improvements. Commercially Ashland lias had the j same experience ns her neighbors far i and wldo during 1913. It has been u "quiet" year In business evoryvherc. according to nil reports. Hut sli laud has maintained a name for solid ami substantial bustuess firms and the record of failures for tho year U infinitesimal. Tho banki all show a healthy condition of affair Mid tho mercantile community Is pre j w siiipUpBsKr9Mi7nHpm KatWfwA pared for o.ggjr and another year. The Akhland Comtn'r'lal club ha been carrying on Its good work quiet') but l erslttf t.tly tho past ear It has done much In supplying the constant demand from n distance for literature about Ashland and tho Rogue Klver valley; It has maintain-1 ed credltablo oxhlbiu at the local and ! stato fairs and has sent a special ex hibit ' personally conducted," to the recent Chicago land show. It has done also u big service In bringing tho cltlzons together to work for tho common good and Inspiring tnem with tho possibilities which the early building of tho I'acrro highway, the Ashland's New City Hall Modern and Best Equipped in Oregon I ! I 1 1 "I I ( II ,.l .(I...I. ! I III ......,.. "T ' !' ! rnof vpBfSiL SOk-. NO. 241 development of tho mineral springs resources trlb.utal'.y..i .Ashland, and so forth, spell ro'rtrTS'grdwth of tho city. Ashland is just now picturing hor boU In tho near future as a widely fa mous resort city, nt the gateway Into Oregon, on the great Pacific hlr,!i. way, with countless mineral and cur ative waters uvullablo for tho free me of the gatherlng'thousands amid her bowers of natural scenic beauty in tho favored climate of tho rich and fruitful Itoguo River valley, with commodious modern hotels and everything that goes to make up a liopular health resort city. Why not? So inoto It be. 9 j. ir It t M! . XZWWS,.. V 'V "' v a -.vw i? vir ' : V. "Jl . ? -"- 'fVP7,T7."V,cy!SaW ,tepSgS' ir 5 ik -' i AX- ' MLulrfHPN Wteffl