Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, December 30, 1913, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Mr. and Mm. J. 11. Hutlcr woro
over from tho Illlhco orchard Mon
day. 1. Ij. Mlllor ot Kiamnth Fnlls la ;v
recent arrival In Medford.
Tho Golden Link Ulhlo class will
receive their friends nt 2C South
laurel direct on Thursday afternoon,
January 1st, from 2:30 to R:no. Mr.
Dr. Eva M. Cnrlow and Mrs. Eva T.
Young, teacher of tho class, will dts
lienso the honors of tho occasion.
I.eo Watklns & Co., 397 South
Front for hay, grain, bran, shorts
mid all kinds ot food. Wo make n
specially of flour. Imperial, $1.35;
Golden Crown, $1.2D; White Hose.
$1.20, nil hard wheat flour; Olympic,
$1.40; Ilrllllant, $1.35. Other
hrauds will ho on soon, come and try
them, riiono 2C3.
L. A. Martin and Lewis Slvers of
"Wlnicr district transacted business In
Mcdford Monday.
Mrs. It. Swindon and Mrs. E. Hlg
InUolham of Kanes crcok visited in
Medford Monday afternoon.
Kodak finishing est In town nt
Mrs. Agnes Bouncer of Tortland
Is in Medford visiting her father, W.
J. Webb and Mrs. G. Wooden, her
Joseph F. Kelly and his son of
Griffin creek havo gono to Southern
California and will bo gono a short
E. D. Weston, commercial photog
rapher, negatives mado any tlnio or
placo by appointment. Phono M
J. M. Vogollo of Eaglo Tolnt
making Mcdford a buslnoss visit,
Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Hubbard
Central Tolnt tarried a whllo
Medford Monday.
Dr. Clarenco W. Kcono ot Silver
ton, camo to Mcdford Sunday, and
was In consultation with tho physi
cian In chargo ot tho caso ot Mrs. J.
M: Kccnc, who has been seriously
HI. Ho left for homo In tho even
ing. Milk and cream at DoVoo's.
Fred Lewis ot Antelope district
'transacted business In Medford
O. Schuctto and Wlloy Turnbough
of Phoenix woro ot tho many In
Medford Monday.
"Insuranco your best asset." Havo
L'iq est. Placo your Insuranco with
Holmes, tho Insuranco Man, right It
bo writes It.
A. C. Wulkcr of Central Point tar
ried a few hours In Mcdford Monday
Harry Pollclt and C. F. Greer or
ABhland wcro business visitors In
Medford Monday.
Mcdford Business Collcgo offlco
open during tho holidays every after
noon from ono until four. School bo
gins January fifth. 210
W. B. Wilson and L. P. Wilson,
.i,n nr IT R officials, arrived In
M,ifnni from Washington. D. C.
M. 11. Whlpplo of Rogue Blvor
mado a trip to Medford Monday.
Kodak finishing, glossy or dull fin
ish at J. O. Gcrklng's studio, 22S E.
Main St. Phono 320
T. J. Hamlin, a pioneer farmer ot
Iloguo river valley, us a recent vis
itor In Mcdford.
J. T. Fry of Trail was the guest ot
his son, Charles Fry of North River
side tho first of tho week.
J. O. Corking, tho best all around
photographer In southern Oregon..
Alayn reliable Negatives mado any
where, tlnio or placo. Studio 228
Mnln St. Phono 320-J.
Mrs. A. Elmer, Mrs. H. Luy and
Miss Clara Elmer wcro over from
Jacksonville a few days since.
John G. Dunnlngton of Jackson
ville dove to Medford Monday.
Potatoes wanted Early Rose.
SihcffellnB'B'Orocery, Medford.
Mr. and Mrs. William natoman of
British Columbia aro visiting In Med
ford mid Grants Puss. They former
ly resided hero.
A. E. Holnr has gono to Tillamook
where ho has buslnoss Interests.
J. K. Mcfloy of Big Applegnto. a
minor, has boon spending a fow days
in Medford.
Martin Johnson of Gold Hill wus
In Medford Monday, en routo to
California on a visit.
Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Fisher ot Sams
Valley wcro Medford visitors Mon
day afternoon.
Mrs. Willard Batch well of Shndds
mid Mrs. Georgia Anderson of Al
bany have boon in Medford vUllln,;
thrlr grandmothers, Mrs. Rudcllff,
and B. S. Radcllff, their uncle. Thoy
formerly resided at Ashland.
Weeks & McGowan Co.
I.atly AssUtaut
Day Phono U27
J Night 1 W. Weeks JIM-JtM
l'lioues A. E. Orr 078-M I
Stanley vaugiin and Miss rtioouo
Vinson woro married at tho residence
of tho bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Vinson of North Rlvcstdo, on
Monday. Thoy havo gono to Califor
nia to spend their honeymoon.
Mr, and Mrs. Byron Terwlllcgor
and son Hnrold of Grants Pass spent
Christmas with B. J. Palmer and
Miss Gcnovlovo and Parko Mc-
Cracken and Harold Torwlllogcr ot
Grants Pass aro spending tho week
at tho B. J. Palmer homo.
Monday evening nt tho Rcdmon
hall the ladles ot tho local W. R. C.
gave n Christmas box Foclal, tho In
vited guests being tho members ot
tho local G, A. R. Mr. Cnrpontor.
Major Audrus and Mr, Colwoll enter
tained with war storlos and Judgo W.
M. Colvlg gave an Interesting rem!-
ulBCcnt address. Songs, recitations
nnd Instrumental music Interspersed
tho program. During tho evening
Mr. Colvlg prosontod the Relief Corp
ladles with a box ot candy nnd tho
comrades with n box of cigars.
Danco tho old year out at tho Nat
tomorrow night.
Colo Holmes who has been In Sa
cramento nnd San Francisco for the
last year has returned to this city
to remain. He says ho saw many
former Mcdford residents "around
tho bay," some of whom wore pros
perous, and some who woro privates
In "tho army ot tho unemployed."
Boh Gordon of tho Page Theater
visited In Grants Pass Saturday.
Danco tho old year out at tho Nat
tomorrow night.
Prof. P. J. O'Gara Is In Portland
for a few das this week.
Mrs. J. M. Root and daughter
Josephine left Monday for San Fran
cisco for n short visit with friends
and relatives.
Rutherford Kerr, 'a former well'
known local postal dork, now sta
tioned at San Diego in tho same ca
pacity, writes friends that tho Cali
fornia climate has about cured his
Cluster Chartor. of Weed, Is In tlw
city today on business.
Danco tho old year out nt the Nat
tomorrow night.
M. A. Radcr has announced his In
tentions ot entering tho race for city
recorder. Five others deslro the
samo office.
Tho complaining witness falling to
appear, tho gambling charge against
"Shine" Edwards was dismissed by
Mayor Purdln Monday afternoon
Tho $10 ball was returned.
M. Roberts of Trail Is In tho city
for a fow days on business.
Scldon Hill and his football team
will go to Grants Pass New Years
for tho annual football game. A
basketball gamo will be played In the
Snow was reported to bo falling
quite heavily In tho Slsklyous and
foothills last night nnd today.
Tho commltteo appointed by Mayor
Purdln, composed ot two socialists
and a newspaperman to draft resolu
tions approving Governor West's'
fight for tho hungry and homeless
will hold a meeting this week and
completo their work.
Tho police havo given up probing
Elmer Lowls story of holng robbed
of $500 by tho "knockout drop"
routo. They branded it fiction nnd a
drink too many.
Charles Nlckclls leaves today on a
business trip to Klamath county.
Students ot the state coBoges at
Eugcno and Corvallls will leave Sun
day to rcsumo their studios, nftcr
spending tho holidays nt homo.
II. B. Grant ot Hilts, Cnl., Is spend
ing a fow days In tho city.
Chester Owens of Lakeview Is vis
iting In tho city.
Tho Misses May Hoke and Sarah
Norwood of Central Point vJsltod In
Medford tho first of tho wcok.
MIbsos Iva Coffin nnd Dot Berry
aro spending tho holidays with
friond8 and relatives In Itoioburg
this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Louts Bonnett, liv
ing on tho Medford-Ccntral Point
road aro parents to a flno ton and a
half pound boy baby which arrived
ut tholr homo on December 29, 1913.
J. A. Wostcrlund left this morn
ing on an extended trip throughout
tho east and middle west. Mr. Wcb
torluud oxpocts to bo away until
about tho latter part of February.
S. O. Emory, of Oakland. Oro., n
pioneer of Oregon, who camo to Ore
gon via ox team In '63, and who
passed through tho Rogue river val
ley In 'C3, la visiting friends here.
"Tho changes In tho past 60 years
aro almost unbelievable" ho states,
"and I think Medford ono of tho
finest cities I was ever In."
II. E. Leland of San Francisco Is
a Medford visitor nnd highly de
lighted with tho vulloy and Us pro
spects. "Most beautiful valley I
havo over seen," Is his comment.
"Tho Bachelor'H Honoyraoon"
was presented at the Page Monday
night to a fair sized audience. Tho
play was good and bad In spots, tho
plot being as old as tho hills.
Miss Graco Barman ot Gold Hill
vUltod Mcdford friends Monday.
Legal blanks toi sale at the Mall
Tribune office. tf
PORTLAND, Or., Doc. HO.- Do
chiving Christianity ns n religion ta
decadent, nnd that tho "increase of
innuonilily, tho use of litntor, graft
in public office nnd (lUhouosly in
private nffnin nre sign (lint Iho in
fluoneo of lite oliurvli is decidedly on
Iho deeliuo, speakers nt today's ses
sion of tho Pacific northwest pniliu
ment of tho Disciples of ChriM
I sorted Iho -olo hope of rebuilding
tho oliureh x power for good ho jn
sound religious instructions of tlio
Tho tntetfnt wc Oral nmde by
Rev. 1 Tumor of North Yukimn.
in delivering his nddres on "IMuon
tional KvangolUm," nod others who
followed in discu-dnt; tho paper
agreed with h'ui mut united in the
opinion that tlto school nnd lliblo
olnei, hacked lv teachers in tho
pulpits are the remedies
The parliament is the second an
mini" nicotine of tho preachers nnd
other oflioials of the Chris;inn
church in the northwest.
SAN FRANCISCO, Cnl.. Dee. .10.
With fro'li burglaries and litgltvvuv
robberies being nddod nightly to Uio
lit credited to Frank Melville and
Jntnes Hurley, ihe San Quontitt au
thorities today redoubled their ef
forts to enpuiro the two o.ctivcd
Tho searchers scorned to have
abandoned their theory that the fu
gitives had orosed to the oast side
of tho bay, and fully .100 men won.
engaged in the bunt in the Mnrin
county bills.
As it wns practically certain both
were armed, n hard fight was looked
for if thev are found. "Shoot, nnd
xhoot to kill." wns the older Usucd
to the searchers.
SAN BERNARDINO. Cal., Dec. 30.
Two automobllo trucks, carrying
twenty men, heavily armed, loft San
Bernardino today for Searles Lake
whero a battlo Is expected for pos
session ot rich potash claims.
Tho men, who arc known as de
sort gunflghters, wcro employed by
eastern Interests, which aro contest
ing tho claims of tho American Trona
company, a, British syndicate, to po
tash deposits It has controlled for
five years.
Dozens of armod mon undojr order
of cither sldo nro reported to ba
flocking to tho Searlos Lake section,
which Is in tho heart of tho Mojave
SO. I'rosidunt Wood row Wilson
spent part of the morning playing
golf, took an nutoinobilu rido nnd
then filupt for faovorn! hours.
Dr. Cary Urnygon stated Hint all
trofn of Iho grippe hud disappeared,
hut that nil fciilo trips planned by the
prurtidunt would hu cut blioiL It wi
hniil, howovnr, llmt tho WiIhoii
party may tour tho gulf coast
aboard the revenue cutler Winona.
Tho weather continued cold und
damp today.
M. A. Under, i'oimorly of tho Med
ford Furniture & Ibuilwitro com
pany, iinnouuccH hi niiiididnoy for
city ibuuider nt tho coming oluolion
January L'l. Mr. Ruder is n well
known property owner nnd has a
largo number of ndvoenlo. II" has
lived in McdJoid for the past live
years. lie promihcs to jniiko the
race n cIoko one. There nro now six
candidate, in the field, with proa
pects of two more.
CHICAGO, Dee. riO.-fieiicralMim-ugcr
Jnmi MoNnughtou of the Cal
umet & Ilcclu mines, arrived hero
today from Calumet, Mich. His bus
iuchti wok unknown hut from the
fact that PioHidont Moyer of the
Minors' Federation was htill in a
Chicago hobpitul, it wus thought pos
sible his visit might bo in Home way
couuected with iho Moyer incident.
sant niANcisro, Cni.j no. no.
(Inventor llirnui Johnson will an
nouneo definitely ly Snlnrditv
whether ho will ho n oniidtdiito in
11)11 for nuy political office. A
promise to this effect was given hy
lohuoou lieio today.
."1 have not definitely decided."
said Uovornor Johnson, "whether I
will announce my intentions tomor
row or not. However, I will make
a definite announcement liv alur
dny." Uovornor .Inhuson would not say
whether ho will reliio become n onn
didnte to succeed himself or make
tho race to succeed United Slntcs
Senator lVrkilis.
I'rospecl.s of n uhtitii(tHl reduc
tion in tho four iuchrH rainfall def
icit of the Rogue Kivor vulloy were
ovidenecd nt noon, when the precip
itation for the hist twelve hours re
corded .17-inch. Continued rninfiill
today nnd tomorrow nie the predic
tion of the weather man, and maybe
In KMU a rainfall Khortiigo ovNl
cd tho firl of the year, but tho
spring fall made this up. No fears
aro felt for moisture.
Today's rain gladdened tlto hearts
of farmers nnd fruitgrower, putting
the ground in excellent shape for
irintr plowing, which will begin the
middle of January.
Klamath Falls Scattered at the Fall
Illy Fred Fleet in Klamath North-lily.
w extern.)
Klamath Falls ix built on seven
hillx nnd by nil pieunx should liuve
been called Roam. The name Khiiu-(
nth Sprawls is incorrect and only
iixod by the illiterate. The first im
proxxion one cU U that when Klnm
nth Falls fell it scattered. Klamath
Falls cotiHxts of nine additions nud
two divixioiix. Rv a careful eeon-
omv of simee it Ims tints inr neen
kept within the boundaries of Klam
ath county. It will probably be so
located for some time unices ' the
eiiiuty warrants nre repudiated, in
which case it will be found on the
banks if the River Styx. The popu
lation of Klamath Falls is about
(HI0O, in the octixu reports, and the
eiihe of this number is in the minds
of those who know it only by repu
tation. It is much larger than it was
before it became as largo as it is
Klamath Falls U eleven miles lung,
three blocks wide ami one mile h gh.
Tho lowol buildings in this oity aro
higher than the. tnlliwt skvnornpun.
in Now York, nlthough there nre
fewer storiex coiiucotcd with them.
Klamath Foils' sinners who have
given up hope of reaching heaven
still hope to get as far up as the
ltivcrxide school, and this is no
mean ambition. A hhorl route for
reaching this point by aeroplane
from the of Mount Shasta is
contemplated. Street car service
was mniiitnincd in this city for some
time, hut was Dually abandoned, ow
ing to the inability of the cant to
cover the length of .Main street dur
ing a daj's run.
Klannith Falls is advancing stcud-
TUo U f MIICTEDill C '
i rt I. n ri ir
Ofl tnC Datn-K00fil jnCll
Ull in, uuiu iwuiii .jiiv.ii
It's relieved p.tln for nearly every-1
onu in the fnnilh. When little Suslo
had tho croup, hen Johnny got hs
feet wot and caught
cold, lion father
sprained his kneo,
when (Srann)'K rheu
matism bothered her -That
Jar of MISTER.
OLE was right thcro
to give relief und coin-
MirSTEROLE Is a clean, white
ointment, mado with oil or mustard
It will not blister liko a jiiustard
Quick relief for Soro Thront, Bron
chitis, Tonullltls, Croup, Stiff Nock,
Big Ho Ay yv.
OAK out i'roin largo timbor.
CEIV1SJ). Phono in your orders for Tior Wood or
Cordwood to
Frank H. Ray
I MejiHiironicnt
I Sixth and Fir Streets.
Verno Canon, son of o-Mnyor V.
II. Canon, mid Miss Alice Unit of
this city will ho nuiriicd tomorrow
at Snoruinonto. The miuouiiecmeitl
is ti surprise to tho Medfoid fiiends
of both, though not iiuoiceled.
Verno is ono of Iho hcl-known
young men in the oily, and recently
purchased n Itus'nosn nt l.odl, Cnl,,
where tho couple will make their
A hot of friends extend host
wishes to the couple on their mat
rimonial venture. Mi-n Hull left this
afternoon to join Mr. Canon.
. PORTLAND, Ore, Dec. 30 Five
' hundred unemployed men marched to
tho First Presbyterian church today
! lu anticipation ot a fine hot dinner
and after waiting forty-tlvo mluutos
lu tho rain, found thoy woro tho vic
tims of a cruel Joke. A woman called
tho uuumplojcd lenguo on tho tolu
phono and Invited the Jobless men.
They lost no tlnio lu going to the
church, hut fouud thcro was no food
for thorn, nlthough an elaborate ban
ipiot was being served by tho Rotary
club lu the edifice.
Manngor Bill Carrlgari, ot tho Red
Sox, has had n confab with his nuvv
bass, Joseph J. Lnuuln, nnd now ho
declares there Is nothing In tho Amor
lean lenguo that scares tho Sox. No
doubt Bill has mado Mr. Lnuuln fool
very, very happy.
It has advanced more than
tlircc-ipiartcrH of u mile along Main
street during the lnt four years, and
is at present bivouacked between
Fourth and Kighth streets, awaiting
the call of the reveille.
Money of various kinds is to be
found in abundance in Klamath
Falls. A strong bond of harmony
!o',i ut pH-ient ivtHieii tho real
estnto owner- ,u the opposite ends
i town ami is scauurcii protnucu
uusly over tho city. Hominy inuy
alxo lie procured at the local res
tuurnutei for n iiomiuhl price. Other
money seems a trifle harder to lo
cate just at present, but it is hoped
that largo sums will be discovered in
the. next fow days. One of tho pilu
cipal points of iutotest In Klamath
Falls is the now courthouse. Until
principal and interest have been sub
jects of discussion for some tune.
The reason the courthouse is called
now is because it is not yet com
pleted. It occupies a prominent po
sition on the Cnpitoliue hill and may
he seen with the nuked o)o on a clear
day in spite of tho injunctions piled
against it. The coiirthouso appears
in n "September Mom" condition ut
present, but will prohuhlv be draped
liocoinii'-'e in tho near future. The
counties beauties of Kliimulli Fulls
must be seen to be appreciated. 'I'll" '
may be seen at any of the evening
parlies or in the drygoods store and
moving picture shows during the af
ternoon, Klnmatli Falls is wolelv
known for its many advantages nud
praikcworthy features, mid if tin
oity worn ouchmed within a hnrhed
wire fence there would he u great
many other good points about it.
Hcic's to Klamath Falls.
Asthma, Neuralgia, Headache, Con
ion. Pleurisy. Rheumatism, Liim
uago, rains nun ai-iioh hi iiw iii;k, ui
'". HiiratiiH, SoroMuhclcs. !lrulki
(,Jll)aHi FriJrt0l ,-0)li !,! on
bago, Pains and Aches of tho Back or
tho Client (It prevents Pneumonia),
No hnK e .lUiiTEROLl-: for croiipy
j(1 zc and fiOc Jars, ami a special
largo hospital size for
)2 no. Accept no sub-
If your druggist can
not supply you, scud
lif.cor HOC to the MUH
TEROLK Company.
Cloveluud, Ohio, and
we will mall you a Jar, postage pre
paid. (00)
H. J, Buchanan, Lowellvlllo, Ohio,
says: "Wo havo been using MiiHtor
olo for two or threo jears past and
find It very good. It Is always lu
our medicine cupbourd."
Phone 750-R
no, mm.
WASHINGTON, Ilee, III). How lo
he happy und healthy, fed and
clothed, on .it) a week if you have
u family of five. Such Is thu pioh
lout which social wot kern have
stalled to solve at Nieghhoihood
House, in which Mis, Woodruw Wil
son is iuleiested. Tiete they have
a "model home," nud thcte the girls
of the pooler sections of Ihe na
lion's enpilal nro taught the scien
tific principles of how to make both
cuds moot on $11 a Week -.with five
in the family.
The home is a typical Washington
alley home, except that it is clean
throughout. Cleanliness is the first
precept that Ihe instructors Instil
into the minds of their young pu
pils. Housekeeping under difficul
ties is tlio gentle nit that those so
cial woikers are leaching and
leaching from the kilcheii lo the gar
ret. Thus far th mt'xe has dealt
muitilv with Ihe food problem, but
Inter tho ipie-tioii of dollies will be
considered all on Ihe .!) a week.
KACItAMKNTO, Cal, Dec. 110.
Sacramento took the fitxt direct
steps today toward aiding tlto tiucm
plojed aimy, when llMlu meal tick
ets wore dixtnbiiled and it ipmntity
of ebdhing given out. The cilv nnd
county nuthorilien will be netted to
hasten improvement, work to provide
cmplovmcut. lu Iho meantime oiinIi
contribution nud donations of food
and clothing will tide over the tin
employed. Brookbn Is willing to release Catch
er Eddie Phelps It he rati laud tro Job
as manager of the Albany team. Ed
die has boon lu harness sixteen years
ami believes hu Is capable of piloting
n minor league outfit.
Tho Now York state assembly may
vote each member pf tho boxing com
mission n salary ot f'.'.OOO a year.
Ifp to the present time the commis
sioners havo received nothing from
the stato for their services.
With Medford trade Is Medfor.1 tnndn
too ifcTi: to ;ii.H.sii-v.
WANTEH To buy one farm wagon,
1 10-liirh walking gajig plow fir
tlcky laud, one hay rack. De
scribe fully and give lowest rnsh
prlco. Address box It., care Mall
Tribune. 2 H
WANTED Men to tnko contracts
for grubbing. I'hono 72 Ml- 211
of piano and harmony. The
Knight Music Studio. 110 Kuiilh
Laurel St., phono 170-11.
TO LOAN 150 to 000 to loan on
smnll ranch property near .Med
ford. Phone I20-.I. 211
Rugs and Carpets woven from old
carpels and sewod rugs,
511 East .Main 1'lioiie HigMt
Export Corsotioro
.'520 North Hnrllotl.
Phono 503 M.
a(t-.t.t--ttt--f-f''' --"
Weeks & McOowan Co.
i .t.H --- 4 -- .isiii
has opened for business nud will
nt right prices
Phono your order to C3.1-J or call
at R10 East Mala street.
At Medford Tailors
Wo enrry u very coiiiiileln lino of
ilmlMTleH. hue iMirluliiN, rixlurt'ii. etc,
mill ilo lilt C'lliHi'H of IIJilKilHterlllK. A
Hpcelul iiiiiii to look a for this work
exclusively unit will iclvn us (noil
fiTVllK IIS Is llollllllu to KVl III II VIM
tint luru'-nt tllUn.
a litiiml nrw liti
SlWrt CiiIIiii vita
II llUtlllCl. IIIOIV
Allioilic nir,
Th rltfiii, r'
uuotiir wltl"
nut rtitKittlMlim
of tyle.
I.tW nit
yi iw
idc uver s
'o ny ft
,V,V"u Si IU0.luh.-li"!.,... thin
iiiuntlitut went,
2 for 2Bc
r. ! 1.1. A C.. MVt, Tfp. N. Y.
Dinner's Rea!'vEstafc
& Employment Bureau
For Kale
I 1-1 acres, & room bungalow,
chicken house, barn. rds fenced,
strawiienles, Irrigation, 1 ili utllus
from Medford. $2000.
Ilomcutead telluipilnhmeut, smnll
hoime, 3 acres stashed and burned,
close to town, prlco f 1 10.
SO acres, small log house, X iuIIch
from railroad, heiivil) timbered, lartte
open range, flue hog ranch. Frlm
t room hoimu. lot 00x100, will
trade for vacant lot.
5 room plastered house., two lots,
city water, barn, woodshed, chicken
house and park. Will trade for va
cant'lots or cows. ,
For Rent
lloime furnished or unfurnished,
housekeeping r us.
Olrls for general homo work,
Ren. I'boiio IIIUH..V limoe MH.
Opxil(o Nanti Hotel
Thai i.s (iiiaraiiiftMl, .sec
Martin Reddy
All kinds of .Moiiiiliiitf done.
Official Photographer of th
Medford Commercial Club
Aiiiatcur Piniahing
Pont CardM
Panoramic Work
Fhusli lighto
Interior and exterior viewa
Negatives mado anv timo
and any plauo hy appoint
ment. L. .M. HARMON, Manager.
208 E. Main Phonn 1471
Raises the
Douh Better
III i A if
IllK mi 7
W "