Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, December 30, 1913, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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Medtord Mail Tribune
Itnln tonight nml Tomorrow
Mat. IRj Mill. aj Vto. .18.
KO. 239
Dnltlu Haylnii on Three Sides of City
mid Garrison Apparently Hemmed
In by Troops Led hy General
i:l pa no, Ti-v., iw. no. (Ji'iH-nii
IIiikIi Neoll, commanding tho Iiillco
Slulca troops ut I'utt lliN, lodnv ic
I'Hril following incntuign from
l'ieidlo, 'I'ov, :
"An cngugcuieul !t Mill progic-
illK "II Illicit sidi'M of Ojilingll. (li'll-
i'IiiIn Itoiliigucr, aiul .SiIuihIIiiii Cnr
immi miiis I'd dining tln nljjil. It
ii not kclicxcd IImi iiiiiIii limly ut
(li'iimil OiIokiih' nliftl nrniy Iiiin
come up yet. Tint Ojinngn garrison
llppi'llf lll'llll in,"
Tim ichel nllnok on Ojlimgn lie
Kim curly IttHl evening. There liml
li't'O ptcliiuiuurv skirmishes nil dux
Tlli ollpH nf lllll loMll'n ill'fi lllli'l -
foiiuht ludiffeienlly. .Mniiy of (In ni
deerlcil, iriNiiiiK lo tlio American
Kiiln of the border. lvnitl Slab
cavalry under .Mitpir MiicNum Ii
iiiiiii'il nil rln ciocJ lint Imrili r
nml Mi'iil Hum iiilu 1'ri'niiliii in pus.
I lux ill); denn-d llii fcttrinuudiui;
I'oinilt.v. Iciivintr iihiiiv iliuiil on llii
fn'lil, tin' tcheU, led liv (IcihthI Or-
letfO, Nltl'lllpted In klllllll (III) Ojin-
ntrii defense iilmiil 7 . in. Tlio lot n
im HlruMRly cnticurked nml (key
were beaten Imck again niul again,
ImiI continued reluming to the at
luck unlil nflcr II) p. in., when, ix
IihikIimI, thov iirnxi'd Ikclr effort
for (ho night nml slept on the hold.
Dining Hid iiitfht they mm rciufnrc-i-il
nml nt ilnxliiiht fishting whs re-
miiih'iI more fiercely limn ever.
Il wiii hckoxed kero Hint Hie 0in.
ago guriisou niuiiln'1-i'.l iilmiit IllOn
Pliklng Hrcni) In Itcrimril Orchard
Itcplvlng lo jour letter or December C, beg lo mi that my rnmii
coiihIhIh of fnrl)-four in r. thlrty-iuvoii of which In planted to fruit.
twiilvo acres li:io Jtmt in Into bearing this onr nml twenly-flvu
acre between tlm )oung trees, whli Ii xxns tim-il to futtcn dovitiiI IiciiiI
or niiKH. tiuh linn jmlil 21
ir runt thin yiiir, nml only ouo-iiiiir
Ut of It III Ileal I II K
Di'tuiiilior 8, It) 1.1.
Foreman Reports that Certain Jurors
Are Obstinate and Refuse to
Change OpinionsDeadlock- Pro
nounced Hopeless.
Ni:V YORK, I (.!. .'10. N'n nunc.
Judge Gavin Sets Aside Sentence
Passed on Ralph Farlss Woman
In Case Found, Pleads Ignorance
of Robber's Habits.
1.08 ANOni.KH, CM., Uec, 30,
rnciil Imil keen rcnelmd when rourt ,ul'" lariM, tno Southern Pacific
train nuriiilt and murderer,
E Ml
NKW YORK, Dec 30 Ail in I nil
I'i'iiry hi'iird with iiimh interiMt tu
diiy Hint Kir Knunt Hliackli-ton
plniiiicd unothur dimh for I tin South
I'oli'. Ill IiIh cniiUimplntoil trli com
pli'tt'ly ncronn tlm Aulnrrtlc plntrmi
llm ndmlrul mild ho thoiiKht Hlmclilo
ton lind cory t'luuiru of MtirceHU. Ho
n'Kii'llqil, liowiiwr, Hint uu Anuirl
run Ii ii il not tried It nlrendy, niniiirk
Iiik Hint It Mould liu n "w-nlk'iner"
for men experienced In North l'ulnr
"1 lmvo tirKud sueh nu cixpedltlon
for jeiim," 1m roiitlnued. "Tlm
HooHtivelt, tlio erenteMt IrehiK dil
nflont, could lmvo heiui put Into com
iiiIkmIou nl iiinnll oxicmm, Tlio en
Hi n roHt of tlio iiuderlnkliiK, Indited,
ni'i'd not lunu oxceeded 1 1 00,000.
Hut wo couldn't uiIho thu money.
"1'xplorntlon of tho country nhoui
thu Weddull Ken would hu cerlnln to
reMiilt In nuimrldililo nml iiurhupH
vitlunlilo dlncovorleH. In fnet, lhe"o
In u pouallilllty Hint they mlcht 'jo
positively Btnilllm;."
Tho u dm I in I way doubtful, how
oxer, of HliucUlutoira plan to carry
uledttert drUou hy ueroiliuio proml
lorn, and n clipped wIiik aeroplane
for travelling over tho Ice.
"Ho will Hiiccoed lit hid venture,"
hu xald, "It ho profltu hy tlm lemion
taiiKht hy tho nttaluiiieut of tho
North l'olo nml hy Amudiiou'ti nt
lalnmeut or tho South l'olo. That
leKBon In that tlm only xatlHfaelory
jiower for polar (ravel lu thu iIok."
1IHSTO.V, ltfe. .10. Tin. Smeel ,o.
imrlmeiit Un went into the IiiiikU
of reeriverw Imlnv n, n nmult of
niimiiiy proeriuuiKH lliMltutcl in
Hie 1'iiili-il SlnleM niiirl Iuti'. John
Shepaiil, Jr., nml Willtxitu .Mnihle of
New Yoik were iiumeil im lereUen.
The SieKel eoinpany firms nil went
into the IihiiiIm of the nceier, ami
luelmlnl thu follewing: .SunpMin
Crnwfonl utore of lloolon, etipitul
ieil nt if 1,000,1111(1 j Henry Sieeel &
I'o., merehnnU; (lie .MeteliuiiU' Kx. eompuiiy, niul Henry Sieel &
Co., Iinukerc.
The Sii'Kel Hlnivi eoinpany wan
ineorpornled in Delaware in HUM
nml enpilnlireil at SJ.OOO.OOO. The
eoinpany did a prow hiiMiiexri of
flO.000,000 uimunlly.
Atlnriic.vH Rohe nml Punkiii, rrti-
rc-enliiiK llie Siinp-nn-Ciuw fnr.l I'o.,
tliix nflernoon inditod the following
Mntetueiit :
"The nppoiiiluuiut of reeeiver
with eolitented to ufler exery effort
had keen mode lo continue liiiMiie-rf.
The eoiieeru Iuik keen aeeiihtomeil In
a law line of kaukine eredit, wliieli
lias keen eiirtuiled dining tin1 past
"The .Mer.-M. SieRi'l nml Voe
have eoutnkiileil their euliie (wr
fciuinl foituii(s an well iih nil their
euei-Kv towmd Mixing tlm situuhoii,
nml will continue to devote tkeir en
eitfie in eouueelioii with the eotu
pnnj'rt eiTililorM lownnl n tpeedx
reorcauiialiou ami reumplioii of
'Tlio Sieel & Cooper eoinpany of
Cliienp) is not iiixolxed in Ike re
eeixen.lup. IN kunlmM4 U mo(
profitukle nml has keen m for a
CAI.CMKT, Mich., Dee. 30. -Tho
Htrlko Hltuntlou lit tlio copper conn.
try had not Improved today. If nny-
thliiK, It tenner. ItlotliiR wan
fenred. I lore nml nt lied Jnckct hov.
ernl hundred armed members of tho
Citizen's Alllnuro xxnro patrolllnn tho
Htreetd forbidding atrlkera from cou
KrcRatlnK. The HoiiKhtuu county apeclal Krnud
Jury reconvened todny nt Hancock.
JuiIko Hilton, tho mlncrH' lawjer.
rnld ho would havo wHiicuhcs to aw car
thnt a rnonibor of tho alliens' AN
llnnro cava the faleo nlnrm of flru
which rautod tho tragedy. Ha added
thnt ho xvnn prepared to prove AN
llnnco members wcro tho one who
naiaultcd Moycr.
ConKresittnnn MarDonald wns per
sonally InvcstlKatlnR tho situation.
"It aeoniB to me," ho said, today,
"thnt tho bIkIU or tho enmhed bod.
les ut thu children who perished In
tho Chrlntmas 1-vo panic sould have
ntnrtlcd mnyono to sober thotiRht,
ahould lmvo overshadowed pnrtUnu
hltterness nnd hatred. Hut thnt has
not been tho result."
has n
chanro for life.
After licnrlnK arguments, Super
ior Court Judge Uavin Craig re
voked todny his order sending
I arlss to the gallows. Ho refused,
however, to permit the murderer to
retract his plea of guilty.
Kvldonco then was Introduced by
tho defense, purporting to provo that
tho killing of Traveling Passenger
Agent Montage, for "which Farias
was sentenced to hang, was second
uegrco murucr. J no uefenso ar
gued that Karlss Is weak-minded nnl
that he was Irresponsible.
After today's hearing the proceed-
Ill the event of n mUhtrinl it wnl'nw ln tno ca w,n R ovcr Ul,tl1
exMiled tkal Ike .litfiet nttomex f rlUay ,0 PcrmH l,,c latc tncs-
would rihk.tlie iiiiiiointmeul of Inn. tlgato ths claim
uey eommihHioii with n view to
opened (odny ky Ike jury wkiek
heard tlio ciimo of IIiiiih .Schmidt,
Anna Auiiitiller'x nlner.
The jury sent out word last niglit
tknt it eould not reach a verdict, hut
itihteail of ordering a iliminiil. tlio
JuiIkc direeteil Hint it lie locked up
oxer ni(,dd. When I lie jurors ap
peared for kreakfiiMt today nt n res
Inuranl near the eriininal courts they
were plainly in nu ill humor, the de
linlc uinoiit; tkem kaxing apparently
keen nu acrimonious one.
It was announced, too, tknt Juror
W.Miian xviih ill, tkougli wkether or
not his cu-c was xerioiis wn not!
bsssBfS. ifKr
pV" Br
mk &. W
' ..JJsssskV " "
I-;, '-?k
West Not Going to Use Mllltla, and
Says His- Secretary Is Able to
Cope With Situation in Rough
Mlnlnjj.Town of Coppcrfield.
.Schmidt's commitment (o Miittcnxvuii.
"I don't feel free to a into de
tniU," Knid Ihc foreman, "hut certain
ineinherH of the jury formed opinions
tpiiekly nnd lpivo refued to eknngc
"If tlio jury kelieves Sckmidt
eould not comprehend tlm law," re
plied tlio judge, "it hliould declare
him insane nml return a verdict of
I.OS ANGKI.KS, Cal., Dec. 30
Judge Cavln Craig today set aside
tho death sentence ho passed Satur
day upon Itapl Farlss, the I'A Monte
.Miss Fern Ilolilm
Socretnrj- to fJovernor Wct
number of jciir.'
I'lllLADHMMIiA, Dec, 30. Tho
minima t workeiH1 Htrlko horo ended
this nfternnnu, It had been lu pro
tiroim for six moutliH,
Tho balloting allowed Hint C 17
HtillteiH favored retuinliig to work
and G10 opponod. Only about one
third pf Uio ptrkgru voted.
NIJW YORK, Dee. 30. -Tho only
rhniiKeu or Impoilancu In prices when
Iho btecl: market opened today wero
advances of Hi lu Canadian I'aclflu
and :t',4 In Tomih. I.'nrly trading do-
xeloped sllglit fluetuatloiiH among the
nctlxo Htoeka with a mnorlty of
Hllgllt loHSCH.
Later blocks advanced generally,
although speculation for tho rise was
not aggressive, Tho advance todnv
was led by stocks which wero foro-
inust lu ycHtordny's decline, particu
larly Heading nnd Canadian Pacific.
Tho nppoliitmout or rocolvorH or tho
Klogel stores corporation gavo tho
iiunrkot a sethnck for a tlmo but tho
iocoshIoii was slight.
CUICAHO, Dec. .10. Cliieago will
have u xw untiling hole de luxe in op
erntiou when the mercury kegius its
firt elimk next summer. The bench
eonunihhion of the city council todny
ugiYCil upon plans for u bathing
keaeh to cost fCIO.OOO wilk a front
age of 7,'lrt feel and built alone tho
north shore, nlrendy popular xvitk
I'Iiiiik for roust ruction of tke new
keaeh were made after tho coimuis
bion iiitci! Allnntin City, nml sev
eral oilier euslerii suniiuer resoits,
Tlm miiiii kulli liouse will be of kriek,
slone and concrete. There will hu a
.pavilion, u kroad proineunde, u kin
dergarten for tlio youitghterrf nml u
nuisery wkeio niotherrf inuy leave
Ikeir kakies while Ihey toiup in tho
CHICAGO, Dec ;0. The Chicago
Federal league eluk today continued
its plans to make u stiff fight for n
share of Chicago',, baseball patron
age. Three former associates of
Joe Tinker on the Chicago National
league team, it xvas reported here,
will be seen with tke outlaw eluk
xxlien tke 101 1 season open.
I tot li Tinker, who is to manage the
Chicago ehib, and Murdeeat Ilroxvu,
who will net in the same capacity
for the St. Louis Federals, admit
trd todny that they had signed their
eontrnets. Tinker Is lo receive n
salary of $111,000 xcnrly.
I'residenl Yeeglmm of tke Chicago
eluk declared today that each of (lux
Federal lengiue eluks must have fixe
major league players on fs roster
next senson or lorleit f'J.'i.OOO each
eluk posted ut a recent meeting of
the directors. Kaeli eluk nlo hnd
ngreed, Ycegkiunn said, to spend
$10,000 for player.
LOS ANOKI.KS, Cal., Dee. 30.
IDla Statlcr. 18, to get money for
whom llnlph Farias declared ho held
up a train and willed a man, wn slo
cated today, Sho Is tho wife or Itoy
Statlcr, a San Pedro butcher and met
Farlss at a dance.
"I didn't know Italph was a ban
dit, of course," sho said. "My mar-
( rled llfo was unhappy, and I went
out a great deal to forget It. "IttxTis
on ono of theso trips that I met
Halph at a danco hall. Wo fell In
love with each other and ha per
suaded mo that It would bo better
to quit living with a man I didn't
love. Tho day after tho Kl Monte
hold-up he persuaded my mother and
mo to go to San Francisco with him.
Wo planned that wo would bo mar
ried thero after I got my divorce.
"I didn't know that wo were
traveling on stolen money when wo
went away. Wo took an apartment
at tho Arthur, on Post street, in San
Francisco. It was then that wo had
a little rtoublo over another woman,
called Louise. Sho seemed to liavc
great power ovcr Italph, and camo to
our npartment nnd stayed hours at
a tlmo. Sho was always getting
money from him. Sho got most of
tho money ho had.
OAKLAND, Cnl., Dee. 30. .Mrs.
Minnie L. Ciiristmuu, who confessed
to sending defamatory letters nml
postcards intended to involve the
character of Mrs. Arthur P. Holland,
n prominent socjety woman, uill be
turned over to the insanity commis
sion. Tlu's; js. the opinion of "Chief
of Police Petersen, who itntcd todn"
that the woman undoubtedly is unbalanced.
Obsessed xvitk a stroug miurn for
xvritins letters of a defamatory nnd
generally obscene nature in order to
create trouble between Mrs. Holland
nnd her husband, and laboring un
der the unfounded hallucination thnt
the innocent victim of her vindict
iveness wns trying to win her hus
band from her, Mr-. Christmas, wife
of a runnier plumber, for fixe yeura
ceaselessly endeavored to ruin the
good mime of Mr. Holland, accord
ing to ker oxvn eoufessiou last night
to the jioliee.
SALKM. Or., Dec. 30. Governor
West isn't gomK to send the militia
to Coppcrfield to close uu the sn-
loons nnd see thnt the Inxvs nro en
forced, hut instead will nend Miss
Fern Hoblw, his private secretary.
Miss Hobbs, young, slight nnd cn
pnkle, returned n skort time ngo
from nn importnnt mission to "ush
ingtou, where her nbility in handling
stale mutters pending in congress
nnd before various governmental de
partments attracted a great deal of
attention. Tho governor declared
today she wns nkle to cope with tho
situation in Coppcrfield, although tlio
eilirens hnve declared thnt their lives
nnd proiicrty nre in dnn-'or tkrough
the alleged lawlessness of the liouor
clement. ' Miss Hobbs will proknkly
leave tomorrow.
"If the sheriff nnd district attor
ney of linker county cannot eloso the
Coppcrfield saloons, I guess. I will
hnve to send JCs Hobbs," said the
Miss Hobbs will go xviih carte
blanche instructions to close the sa
loons nnd obtuin the resignations of
saloonkeepers who nre officials in
the little mining (oxvn.
PAULS, Dee. .'10. Snrnli Hern
liurdt'H uumii, it became known to
day, is again on tho list of nomina
tions of persons lo iceeivo Iho cross
of Iho legion of honor January I,
Sio has been kept from receiving the
cross for years through tho opposi
tion of (ho order'u grand ohunoellor.
CHICAGO, Dec. 30. William
Mojer, former vice-president of Iho
Lu Hallo National Haul; of Chicago,
nnd former vice-president of the Na
tional Shoe & Leather bank of New
York, xvas arrested heru this iiftor-
nooii following his indictment in
Kansas City on a eliargo ot conspir
acy to defraud. Ho gave bond,
It xviih alleged in iho indictment
that Moyor promoted tho Ameilcau
Union Trust oompnnv of Kunsus
City as a million dollar proposition
when its actual capital was only n
fuxv thousand dollius,
SAN FKANCJSCO. Cal., Dee. 30.
- According to a eaklegrani received
here todny ky the marine department
of tho chamber of commerce, eight
seamen of the American bchooner Kl
Dorado, who had keen marooned on
Duster island, in the South Pacific
ocean, since last June, nro safe
aboard tho llritish steamship Knight
of thu Gaiter and nro duo in Sydney
on January 3. The survivor's of the
wrecked isehooner huilcd the llritish
vessel us it hove in sight nnd wero
taken aboard.
Tho eight bcnuicu sailed on tho Kl
Dorndo from Astoria, Or., nkout a
year ngo. Tho vessel foundered nl
sea, 1000 miles from Kasler island,
and tho seamon, nfter eleven days of
exposure and suffering from lack of
food and water, readied the vtostor-
ly uninhabited side of thu Island in
open boats. Finally one of tho men
reached tho native settlement on tho
island and tho natives carried the
seamen to their villages lu ox carts.
Llllle Devereaux Blake Dead
KNGLKWOOD, N. J., Dee. 30.
Mrs. Lillian Devereaux lllako, suf
fragette and authoress, died today
at Dr. A. L. Neldon's sanitarium
hero, uged 70. ....
Mi..MiiiAi, tree. ;io. -Tho .ar
rival recently of Yang Teheng, the
firt special envoy for foreign af
fairs, is evidence of tho desire of
tho republican government at Fckin
to increase its representation in this
foreign controlled Chinese city, in
tho very center of the China coast.
I'ntil Ynug'h nrrivnl the agent of
tke Chinese government hero lm
been culled commissioner of trade
nnd foreign affairs, with rather
doubtful power, other than udxUovv
nnd conciliatory, when it camo to
negotiations with the foreign consuls
SALKM. Or.. Dee. 30. The su
preme court today sustained the cir
cuit court of Klamath count', and
in an opinion today held that eouutv
officer had full authority to levy a
special tax to build a courthouse.
The decision was in, a mandamus
suit brought ky M. M. Obeuehain,
who sought to prevent tho levy.
Other opinions rendered were:
Thomas Curtis Hills vs. II. M.
Shaw, appellant, appealed from Jo
sephine county; action against Mir
geon for alleged malpractice; re
manded. S. H. Griffiths . Klamath Water
Users' association, appellant, ap
pealed from Klamath county; suit
to restrain collections of ceitain us
sessnients against plaintiffs kind,
SALKM. Or., Dee. 30. School
districts of this stntq have no legal
authority to provide separate schools
for white nnd colored children, but
must admit in tho same schools all
children of school ago residing in the
district, regnrdless of color or race,
uceordin to an opinion handed down
today hy the supreme court in pro
ceeding! for mandamus brought hy
William Cruwford to comoct the di
rectors of school district No. 7,
Klamath county, to admit his two
hnlfbreed Indian children to tho
The decision reverses the circuit
court of Klamath county.
Crawford nnd his wife are half
blood Indinns nnd havo five chil
dren, two of whom attended school
txvo yenrs prior to September, 1012,
when they were excluded.
ST. LOUIS, Mo., Dec. 30. Strong
probability of a strike or nil to's
grapliors omployod by tho St. Louis
and San Francisco railroad was soon
horo today following a conference
this morning betweou tho receivers p(
tho railroad and tho telegraphers'
grlovauco committee Tho oiipctlns
adjourned abruptly nt noon without
any ngroomont huvlng been roacuod.
Tho conroroos were silent, indicating
that an lmmedlato settlement was
not o$pocted. ' v"
SPntNOFlKLU. MaBS., Dec. 30.
A "llfo extension Institution" was or
ganized hero today with a vloxv to
increasing the spun ot hunun the for
commercial and philanthropic re
sons. K, K, IllttenhoiiBo of tho Kqult
ablo Insurance company was chosen
president. Dr. Eugene Fist, medical
director, and Colonel tiorgaa, 'who
had looked aftor tho health or tint
Panama canal zona's residents, con
sultant on sanitation. Kx-Prcbldout
Taft was named chairman ot the
board or directors, which includes
iFr'ank Vnnderllp.
CLINTON, Illinois. Dec. 30.
Kdltor Carl Pterson ot tho Strike
Uullotln shot ex-PolIco Chief Mussor
here today. Musser cannot live.
Ho and Pleraou had quarreled
ovcr references to the cx-chlct ln tho
Uullotln. They grappled and Pier
son drew a pistol. Two men seize!
firm but he shook thorn oft and shot
Musscr thrice. Then ho walked away,
paused, returned and fired tho pis
tol's remaining three bullets Into tho
prostrate man's body. ,.
Tho Uullotln has been persistent
in Its attacks on tho Illinois Central
railroad and its non-union omploycu
slnco a strlko began on tho road two
years ago,
Plerson xvas looked up. It was
said ho would plead suit defense.
"WASHINGTON, Dec. 30. Pub
llsbed reports that Great Urltalu had
protestod against the fortlcatlon of
tho Panama canal woro denlod this
afternoon by Assistant Secretary ol
Stato Iooro.
' "Kngland has auade absolutely lib
protest or suggestion of a protest
against tho canal's fortification," bo'
aald. ' v -v
j i
?f 'T?iyVM''"ir " '"fr1 vmmmiH''