Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, December 27, 1913, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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    '- ,1
Medford Mail TribunIi
Itnlu tonight nml Humlny
.Mux. r.Oj lln. ill.
roiiythlnl Tnnr,
Oaily ICIuhUi Year
NO. 2:17
President of Miners' Federation At
tacked In His Room, Shot Once
In tho Back and Frightfully
Beaten and Put Aboard Train.
Gunmen Escort Deported Leader Out
of Copper District Action Pre
cipitates Crisis In Strike
CIIIOAOO, Duo. 27. -l)r C 1)
Milton mnilo nu nlurmliiK rojuirt thin
afternoon conrurnluc, tho condition of
I'rrnldctit Clinrli'N II. .Mayor of tliu
W-ntern ruiliirnlluii of Miner.
Hit inniln n rnjild examination of
the woilinl In the Inlior Icailer'a bnrk,
without lorntliiK tlm bullet. Then
Iik ordered the patient to Hi, I.uko'u
hunpltitl fur mi x-ray examination.
"It In barely poimlblo." ho nn
uotiurod, "thnl tho (mil ntruik n ltal
i-pot ami may prnvo fatal.
CHICAGO, Dec. 27.-Pieideiil
Charles II, Miner of the Wolorn
Federation of Miners whs on his win
hero from llii' Michigan i-up-M-r conn
liv today, liU body it mum of
bruises, hi sculp lorn liv ii liulk'l
nml it shot wound in In buck
depot iil fiiim tho milling region, In
until. iu Jmulcr of llio Muku. which
luix Iiitii on (luro for mouth.
Willi Miner was Orgunircr Tan
hit of the federation, a California!!,
im limlly lirultti-d us Iiif. chief, It i it
tiuwoundcd liy bullet.
'.ttiMkcil by .Moh
Mo.M'r miiil tlm attack on himself
mill Turner ncuuued in lliflr room
in the Scott Imli'l id Hancock, Midi.,
lie charged that nlioiit I "ill null were
concerned in it. After thov luul boon
frightfully kicked nml licatctl. lie as
mm ted, Momroim shot linn in tin
hack, lie fninli'il nml wan nnroti
scions when hhlipcil out of the cop
er district. Hi) said (wo "gUUinoil"
accompanied lliciu iih fur an Cliun
niug to sec that they did mil linn
Hoih Miner nml Tiiuner Miiil their
assailants went iiu'inlierN of tlm fill
rem.' Alliance. This Imilv coiimsIs
of copper country business men who
handed Ibgothor, iieeoiiliui' to llieir
stuloincnl, to keep older in Hie dis-
diet dining tho strike. The striker
Inn i' nssertod nil along, Iiouewr,
(lint the alliance was bitterly hostile
to tho minors, and tlm miners, in
turn, went hitter against the alliance.
Attorney lleails Gunmen
Asked concerning tlm iittuel; in.
him nml his expulsion, Mover con
lilllleil: "Orgunii'cr Tuiuier nml 1 were in
our room in tho Scott hotel at Han
cock. "Sheriff Ciu.o enllfil. Ilo do
unimleil that wo ueeept for the fed
eration tlm fiimlri the Citi.eiw' Alii
(Contlnuort on pmk 2.)
I .OS ANOKI.IW. Cnl., Hoc. 27.
I.uuIh llumly ID yearn of iiko, wub
hold wlthuut hull todny to bo triad
for tho nuirilur of Ilurulil Zluaelm, 15
yiinrn of iiko, a druBKlMt'rt ilullvory
llumly, tho )ol len Hity, confosBod
Hint ho klllod tho hoy to kuI ?20 with
which to buy u ChrlHtmiiB prehont for
a llttlo girl of Vutituru. Ilo luiod
IiIh victim by nioniiH of u telephone
niuHHUKii to a duHoitud Btroot nml bent
him to dunth "with u pick humllo nml
n rock.
llumly wiin tho Btnr athloto of tho
Ocoliloutnl CoIIoko proiutrntory boIiooI,
IIIh buuobull work luul boon watchod
by HcoutB for tho 1'nclflu Const
If tlm order of (lemr. I I'iiniiioJ
Villn, coiiHtiiniioiialiht eomiiieror il''
Cliihuiihim nml c bandit, is uiado
Koil, l.tujLl'urriMiitf,. the ucirtjuuu
iu northern .Mexico, will he ntrippril
of nil hU posMCKnioiiH within hi, inl
ine country.
i. . - r
r.M.I'MBT, Mieh., Dee. 7.
Slienff t'iiiM of lloimlilon eoiiutv
ixMieil ii pofitne denial lodav Hint
lriiilent Moyer of tlm Vstern
l'cderation of Miner wiik UhMittlleil,
hhol nml expelled from tho copper
country. Tho whole of fair, he tl
elnreil, wiih u "frume-up" to emu
Miiipulhy. Ho luul invct.lii,'atcd
carefully, he mtid, and luul failed to
Nuhhliinliiito the mine leadciV htorv.
Mo(nr'i4 iiccoiinl, however) wi-
Kcuenilly helievetl heie. Tlie ilepur
tulmu, ( wiih Miiil tit union head
ipiarlern, was planned two weeks
iiko, ami it was nxseilcd that two
prmiourt nttcinptrt had been mane
nml failed.
Tho fii'ht of the fuuerulH of the
Chrihtiniirt ovo Irnu'eily'K ietiniH wns
held lodav, Mis. Mary IVIeii. (II,
ami three muik of Philip lli'iUiiuii,lllPU llflCC RAMAPlT
n KiiniiKli miner, hein at 1111111 IIULO UMIllfUL
lellow iliiekel.
Hevcnly-ono olher fuuerulH were
M't for tomorrow. Fio thmiMiml
iiiiueiH will inareh iu llio proeeshioiih
ami HcniccH will he lield i-iiuullane.
oiinly ut Calmnet, l.uuriiuu, Vidu
iuu ami Iteil daekel.
NKWI'OHT, Or., Dee. 'J7. A leu
fool tide, driven by a hi rone houtli
wohI wind, played havoo on (lie wa
terfront hero today. Several doekn
woro Hubinui(;ed and a goodly por
tion of the nouth jettv tramwny
went out, iih did hoiiio of tho hido
walk on tlm buy beach. The hay !h
filled will! drift. Tides as hili i
tho ouo todny are iiiiumiuI here. Tho
KUHoliun scliooner Patsy, nil her tliau
lido tliu Him in nutxido, came into tlm
haihof and ducked hiifelv hefoio tho
lido H'livhcd i la'ipld.
tiiTB"P'JtBTBTBV '; '
For inniiy jeurn, for (ouerntion.,
TerniniH fiiuulv Iiiik heen tliv
Ii'jiilin one in tho Mule of Clnliiiii
him.' wealth can only he
Utiiseod; II httA Inch VTitiiiiiileil a-.
IliKli iih v.'iO,0UH,(ll)(l. To the ex-bail-ilit
thin pri wun one too ;reiit to
jtivc up.
Kl. PASO, Toxnii, Dec. 27. In an
tlclpntlon of n declnho bnttlo wth
tho foiloruls nl Tgrreon, Mexico, it
w.ih reported huro todny Concral
Villa, tho rebel lender, had aband
oned hla proponed trip to OJInnga,
whore ho Intended to conduct tho ex
pected cluith with tho federal gnrrl-
nun which fled from Chlhuliun City
about two weokH nco, nml Instead
probably would ro to Koo, uenr Tor
rcon, to prepitro for n jjcucrul nt
tnck on tho Kovernmont troops.
Nt'Kotlatlonfi weru ojioncil In Kl
I'uho todny botwoou I.uIb Terrazaa,
ouo of tho rli'hcHt men lp Mexico, nml
rcprcHontatlvcrt of General Villa look
Iiik to tho rolonso of TerrnzitB' boh,
who lins been held by tho robcU for
n rniiBom of IS0Q.000.
l.OS ANOKl.KS, Cal., Doc. 27.--Although
I lie hilic-t tides of tlm
year swept llio heaehea near l.os Au
Kclort today, aheeueo of wind or
jjround swell prevented a repetition
of llio heavy daiunne (humM by Iiitii
pens yo-(erday. lli;h tido was past?,
ed Mil'cly at H:'J(I a, in.
At Venii'o, whoro yeslerday's duin
aj;o nifKivKiited .f 1.10,000, hundreds
of pi'ivoiw wntehed tlm waves that
woro dashing fifty feet over tho re
muiniue; portions of tlm bulkheads.
Soverul Iioiimw were moved from tho
pallt of tho tides by donkey engines.
Santa Monica and Oeeau Park
woro reported mi IV, although waves
were dai-hiiii; over tho Nat (loodwin
pier at Ocean Park.
Tho Standard Oil oompuny'f
$400,000 pier at Kl Sejjuiulo was io
ported ltiihafo and no ouo was per
mit led on tho structure Many sup
porting piles were torn out during
tho uiyht,
John Bostlck, the El Monte Bandit,
Sentenced to Be Executed After
Pleading Guilty to Murder of Pas
senger Agent Montague.
Weeps When Sentence Is Passed
Real Name is Ralph Farls
Speedy Justice Fellows Arrest.
1.08 ANUICI.K8, Cal., Dec. 27. j
llnudlt "John Hontlck" confonsod to i
Sheriff Hatnnifl late today that ho U
Itnlph Knrls of Uskcmfivld, Cal. i
'Hobtit'k" hroku ilowit uipl toln
llnuuni'l lii h rent name when .-huwn
a telegram from llakcrtlicld whieli.
Mini that IiIh mother had fainted'
when she hixw hU pioture in u nru-,
pnK-r iimler tho caption, "The Kit
Mouto llamlit."
"v, I'm Kalph Kiin.," the hoy
hobbeil, eliinjin to the officer. "You
know all about nw now, but, oh,
(loil! I wi-li I iniht have yone
through to the end without my
mother learning thi..''
1.08 ANOKl.KS, Cal.. Dec. 27.
John liosllck, "the HI Monto bandit."
pleaded guilty In tho superior court
today to tha murder of Travcllnx
V. .-...... t l..K L- l.....n
I iilnriiHVl hil iif.ui.t r. .iiuiiu.
and wnt n-ntcnced to bo hanRed. I
Ilo will bo takou to Ban Quoutln
prnltcutlnry within ten da. Tho
death penalty, according to tho cn
tencu paiscd by JudKo (Invln W
CrulK. mint bo Inflicted within ninety
HoRtlck wan arralKnrd beforo Jus-i
tlco Youns. hold to tho superior
court, nnd broiiKbt to trial and sen
tenced to deuth within fifteen intu
it t oh.
Von nt Seiitoiiro
AVhen tliu scntcuco had fallen from J
JiuIko CrnlR's lips, DoMlck bowed bis
bead and wept silently. Ilo did not
utter a sound, and he shook his head
when tho court ntked If bo wished to
Tho crlmo for which Ilohtlck, who
Is but twenty-two jears of nee, must
liniiR, wns comtuttted on the nlKht of i
December 1. Ho boarded tho
Southern Pacific's Sunset Express nt
Pomona, bold up tho pnsbenKers oJ
tho rear Pullman nml shot nnd killed
Montnguc, who he thouKht was nbout
to resist. J
Uostlck left tho trnln nt El Monto. J
walked several miles to Oneontn j
Pork, nnd boarded an electric enr for
l.os AiiKoles. Tho following day no
wont to San Francisco, whero ho hud
been IIvIhk with a youni; woman
(Continued on paco 2.)
MONTK'Kl.I.O, N. Y., Dee. !!".
Doeliniug iiuiuerous theatrieal of
fern, one of them of .fiOO n week
from n New York innunjjer, Miss
Adolaido Ilrauee, ''soul widow" of
MVlvin Couch, nniionneed todny that
hho would retire to secluion, hut
refused to divulgo tho pluoo. of hot
rolirciuent. She Miid she expected
to leave tliis afternoon.
Miss llranee's strange relation
ship to Couch was revealed through
tho hitter's death last week, when a
secret apartment Jmek or' Couch's
offices was discovered. Although
sho had occupied this room, which
was completely furnished, for about
fifteen years, no one in tho town
ever suspeoled her presence until
last week, when Couch, a former as
sociate of Juilgo Alton II. Pinker,
died suddenly in his office. Mrs.
Couch fainted whou informed ol
her doud luuutiutJV double life. .
We Guarantee
That tlif 11)11 New Year issue of the Mcdfonl Mail Tribune will be the finest
issue of a newspaper ever printed in southern Oregon.
It will surpass all previous efforts both iu illustrations and material.
The year has been a prosperous one for the grower. Photographs of
orchard and farm are accompanied by the yields and returns to the produc
ers, with signatures attached.
The Pacific highway, (Jold Hill cement plant and other developments of
the year arc given in detail iu the profusely pictured story of tho year.
The 10M New Year's issue, 10,000 strong, has the punch, will deliver tho
goods, and deserves the hearty support of the community. Jt will be tho
best advertisement of the valley ever put forth not excepting the Medford
The object of its issuance is to help put the Rogue River valley on the
map for the world's fair tourist of 1015 but while the paper is willing to
await future development of the valley for its profit, it should not be penal
ized by being made to bear the entire cost of the enterprise.
"We ask the hearty co-operation of the community and the 1D14 Xew
Year issue will be worthy of it. This co-operation has been refused by some
of those most vitally interested the railroads, for instance, thereby empha
sizing the fact that Medford s growth is dependent entirely upon Medford's
efforts and this is a Medford enterprise.
Kvery merchant, manufacturer and artisan should have at least his card
in the 19M New Year's number, not only to co-operate in its issue, but to
help convince the world of the enterprise of Medford's citizens.
To this end, we ask co-operation.
Jiy G. Putnam.
LBbbW. k-M .MbbIHbSVSSbbbH
President Vail of tho American
Telephone & Telegraph compun. and
Attorney General MoHoymdds are
chiefly responsible for the agreement
by whieli tho .telephone company
will i;ivc up its stock iu the Western
Union Telegraph company, winch it
NKW YOlHv, Dee. 27.-It was ex
peeled today that tho case of Hans
Schmidt, on trial for killing Anna
Auinuller, would reach the jury Mon
day. No session of court was held
today, but tho testimony was all iu.
I was understood trmt tho argu
ment would bo brjef and that the
judge's charge would amount to lit
tle more than an explanation that the
verdict should depend entirely on the
question of the prisoner's sanity.
Smallest Midget Dead
LONDON, Dec. 2". John William
White, confectioner, 2."i inches lull,
said to bo tho world's smallest
adult man, is dead at Smith l'.iul to
day, aged 03. .w.. M .
controlled. Itather Hum stand a
suit under the Sherman law, which
would likely have been brought liv
tho attorney general, -Mr. Vail has
consented to sell the stock of ilic
telegraph couipuin. held by the tele
phone company.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 27.-"Cou-ditions
.it Calumet have come to
such an outrageous pass that a fed
eral investigation bbould certainly
bo made at once,'1 said Senator
James Martino hero today, com
menting on tliu reported wounding
and deportation of President Mayor
and Organizer Tanner of the Miners'
Federation from tho strike district
of Michigan.
''Cnfortunnlely wo have been so
busy with euncuey legislation that
we limit not had a chance to discuss
tho Michigan strike. Our hands' uri
now tied until the middle of January,
"I dismissed the matter with Sen
ator Kuril before tliu holiday iccess
and ho agreed Unit something should
bo douc." . .
PASS CHRISTIAN, Miss., Dec. 2".
President Wilson hn not taken
up the matter of selections for tho
federal reserve board, though ho ex
pects to do so .onn. It wni under
stood he would not consider geo
graphical locations in making tho
The president received a long- let
ter from Secretary of the Treasury
McAdoo expressing surprise, among
other things, nt tho rush of banks
for membership in the reserve insti
tutions under the new law.
As organizing committccuinu for
the new system, it wns stated that
Secretaries McAdoo and Houston of
tho treasury and agricultural de
partments would visit several impor
tant cilie during February to in
cstignte their various cluinis for
regional banks. Those on the secre
taries,' itinerary were New York,
Doston. Chicago, Cincinnati. Cleve
land. St. Louis, Denver, San Fran
cisco, T.os Angeles, Scuttle, Port
laud, Houston, Atlanta and New Or
leans. The commandant of a Confederate
soldiers' home, twenty miles from
Pus-, Christian, invited tho president
last night to visit the home. Tho
veterans, he said, were dying nt. the
rate of about one weekly, few of
them bad over seen a president and
all would like to see President Wil
son. It wns understood tlto chief
executive probably would' accept tho
GLKNDALE, U ?., Dee. 27.
quadruple tragedy, iu whieli an en
tiro family was wiped out, is re
vealed hero todav when neighbors
found the corpses of Henry Knell,
118 years of age; his wifo and their
two children, Henry, aged 12, ami
Tian, a baby of 22 months, Tho
police believe Unit Knoll first shot
his wife, then locked tho two chil
dren in u room and after turning ou
the gus shot himself. All four were
dead when neighbors broke into (he
house u-..-ei ..
,A- .K 1 "lU'.l II It U.MlUIU.U.UUUlll(iM)vUiirll' WliKfllv4M..H!J 1 J1..IV41J.J.I1I.II- ..W 'UHll.;