Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, December 24, 1913, SECOND EDITION, Image 5

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Mr. nml Mm, (Icoritu A, Minim of
'('(limit motored lit Medford Tuesday
Mm, II, K, roster visited In Jack
souvllln Tuesday nftnriiuoii,
Dr. KlrcliKeasnor will tut nl Motel
Nash every Wednesday. Hours 10
Iloudlnut Connor nml H, (' Collins
of Tnli in Itcirk IiuiiniicIciI buslm-sii In
Mcdfoid Tuesday.
Mr. mnl Mm. A. Turpln, Mr. nud
Mrs. W. ". llr'Kry nml Mr. nml Mm,
N, .1. (InrrnU of lllu Htlcky, shopped
III Medford Ttii'Hilny.
U, I). U'cutoo, comtiiprcUl photos
ruilior, ncitatlvna mado any tltiin ur
place by niipolntiniiiit. I'Iioiiii M
lr. nml Mm. J. V. Hcddy liavo roiio
mirth to upend tint liolliluyH ut Pott
I a ml nml Bpoknue.
t II linn) it ut Jacksonville vmih I:i
Mcdfurd IhU inoriiliiK. t'li routo to
I'ortlnmt on a visit.
IIIkIi class Miiiiltivllln nt tin) It
Theater every nlpjit.
I'. I". Himi)ii of I lift Aiiti;ntii
transacted bimlnixH In Medford nnil
Jnrhiiinli Tuesday,
i:, i:. Oman, i:. t:. llngnoU nml
Prank Walt made n trip to Jackson
ville Tuesday afternoon.
Kodak flnUhliiK est la town nt
Mr nml Mm, H, (,'. Mlnnlck of Ccii
tral I'olnt were recent visitors in
Mm. Oris Crawford was In Jack
sonville Tuesday afternoon, visiting
High rlass vaudeville nl tlio It
Theater every
Mr. nml Mm. I'rnnk Cameron nml
William I'umi'l wero over from Ap-
pWalit Tuesday.
James Kent linn gone to California
on n vlnlt of n few weeks.
Milk nml cream nt DeVoo's.
Charles Dunfonl nml hi daughter.
Mlin Plosslo of Jacksonville worn In
Medford Tuesday, vIhIIIhk relatives
I'rcd Lewis, Mr. nml Mm, Jameo
Kershaw nml Ora Kny were down
from Antrlopn district Tuesday.
High class vaudeville nt tho It
Theater every night.
Kred Oshurnn Ih nt JncUnonv llli,
assisting Assessor tlrlevo In tliu ex
tension of tlio tax roll for 1013,
K," Itnherts nml T. A. Olson mado n
trip to Jacksonville Tmiidny.
Nothing In moru acceptable for
Christmas presents than agates. Bee
dUplay of (lean &. Dudley's nt ISO
Had Mnln street. 35
Mints Hose and Kathorlnn Uurk
ley of ApplrRoto vlclti'il with rein
I hen living nrnr Mcdfurd, Tuesday.
It. II, llrokiiinn, n well-known
rortUnd attorney, was In Medford
Tuesday mi route, to Jacksonville to
Nxnil thn liolldnyH with lit pnrmiti,
Mr, nml Mm. f. ('. Ilrokman.
IIIkIi cUkii uuduUllo nt Iho It
Tht'Mi'r npry nlKht.
I., Dmnuirr of Sonttlo In nttliijc
rt'tatlvo llvltiK In Mmlfurd.
)4, llnrKT of I'hoonlx nml J. S.
llnlli')' of Anhlmid cniun to Mcilford
on bmlni'iit Tiiviidny.
"Ininrmico your tint niuot." IlaTj
(ho cat. I'lncn jour limurance with
Holmes, tho Invuranco Man, right If
ho wrllna It. If
It I). Iloko or Willow HprlnR dla
trie! nml Tlinmna Htnnlny of l.nko
rrrk worn In Mmlford Tnoailny.
Mr, nnd Mm ( i:. Thonma hnvo
Rom north on n lalt of HnvurM wi'tkH,
HlKh rlaiia vnudrvllln at Iho li
Theater nvory night.
A. 1.. KromthiK, tho minor, him ro
turned to ApploKAto from a trip to
Mnrlou county.
Mm, Churli'n Trim nml Mr. nnd
Mm, Jnaoph Martin of .larkaouvlllo
wri Medfonl laltom Tueadny.
Mod ford Ilimlni'BH Colli'K" offlro
opnn diirliiK thn holldan every nftor
noon from one until four. Kchnol bo.
filua Jmnmry fifth. S0
Mr, nnd Mm. I. Ilouteholder, Mr.
nnd Mm, (loom" HlRliibothnm of
Knnei creek tnrrlud n fow Iioiiih In
Medford Tuemliiy,
1', C. WIImiii, n uiarehnnt or flrnnt
I'ahm wnn n recent visitor In Medford.
HlKh rliiNti vnuduvlllo nt tho It
Theater every nltibt.
Mr. nnd Mm, K, V, (lutlirlo of
North JiickNouvHIo motored to Mud
ford Tueadny. '
.1. M. ('ronouillliir, county truiu
tircfi 0, A- tlurdnor, county clork,
and lnill llrltt, mnynr of JnckHonvlllo
tronsacted hiiHlncba In Mudford Tuea
Hpuclnl ChrlhtmnH dinner with nil
tho flxlu'H nt tlio Nnuli drill.
Mr. nml Mm. William howls or
Kancti cruok woio of tho ninny who
cunio to Mudford Tuuuduy,
II, T, Vnn do Car Ih reported to bo
practlcnlly out of dmiRor from IiIh nt
tnclc or heuiorrhaKU of tho utomnch.
li. 10, Murrlitoii or (lilffln crook
drovo to Medford TimaJny nfternoon
Iliiule llron.' cliocolutoH, DnVnci,'
Or, 10, KlrcliMesmiiir has roturuod
nml will be at Dm NiinIi llotol on
Wedmmdiiy from 10 to .'I, tf
W (I, KmIjih nml Mr. nnd Mm, ,1.
li. WIIhoii were In Medford Tueadny.
Mint I ,iiiiii .loi'iieiiNou nindo n trip
to .liulimiiivlllii Tuexdny,
Itoy Duvlmon of Tnlmil In In tliu
city toduy on IiiihIiiciim,
Krncat M. I'nlimir of Cniilrnl I'olut
spent Tiicmlny In Medr'ord.
Kny Townneiid hint left for Hun
PrnncUro to visit frlmiijs,
KlKhtijen pounds siuiar, ll.uu; Ko,
2 o)atnr. best untile, 40c No. J,
sliced bncoti, Klnss, ,'IUc; No. I allceit
bacon, kIunn, lfic; 1 pound uinpln
niRiir. 10c. W. HtrliiRur, 327 Norlh
Unkdnle. i36
A lilr.h wind swept over thn city i
early thin inoriiliiK, reiichlni; n velo
city of 10 inlli'M mi hour nt times.
Hperlnt ChrlntinnM dluiinr with nil
tlio flxln'a nt the Nnsh drill.
A. II. KIIhoii of Ashlnml nttended
to buslueaa In tho city Tucsduy.
A riro cnuied by defortlvn brlc
work In the Unlvemlty club flreplnco,
cniised 1100 dnmnK't Tuesday. The
blnto wns between the rnftem, and
was extlURiilslmd by chemicals, after
the umi of nxet.
KlKhteon pounds siiKnr, f 1 .00; No,
3 oster, beat uradu, 40e; No. 2,
it 1 1 ccd bacon, Klaas, 30c; No. 1 sliced
bacon, Klass, t f.oj t pound mapte
siiRar. I Be, V. KlrliiKer, 327 North
Onkdale. 23T,
Allan l.eontlne dnspnrd left Tuea
dny (iMMiliiK to spend t'hrlstmns with
friends mid relnllve In I'ortlnml.
It. II. Itoo of ItoreburK Is In the
city on local business,
Hpeclnl ChrUtmns dinner with all
the flxln'n nt the Nnsh drill.
I'nddy It) mi of Htoambont Is spend
Inn the holldajs In Mudford.
Attorney A K, Iteamea has left for
a six nock's vlnlt In the eiist.
1'or meanniiKem to delhcr your
Christmas packages call Western
t'nlon iH. 23.',
John Kvuua of t'nlon creek was In
Medford the first or the week.
Miss Knrnh Norwood of Centrnl
I'olnt spent Wednesday In Medford,
l-'rltz Heath or Kaxln I'olnt Is via
HIiik In the city ror a rew days.
County. Commissioner Con l.ecver
Central I'olut Is In tho city today.
Hnow ror the socond time this sea
son covers tho north slope or Itoxy
Mrs, doorgn lleebe or ItoRiie Itlver
Is In the city ror a "row dajs vlsltlni;
i J iH 11-1 w.
W . yw
-HK. 'ssLsLLm
ff 'JrfBaBBaaHnaV
&l MA 9 .BiiiiiiBLBBK .
u HHLBb1bbbbWbbb
IibbbW iCvtaV "
1 Weeks & McGowan Co.
Lady Assistant
. Uuy I'hono UU7
t Night l W, WVeka I0IWU
lMiotimi A. K. Orr07HMJ
Died, ut Ilniuiihlioro, December
-Nl, Mm. Mnrtlm Al. Ilrown, iiKed 71,
widow of Henry Ilrown, foumler or
llrowiihlioro, u iioneer if JnckNOii
county, who ciune hem with licrinm
bnml in 18.VJ. She leaves four chil
dren, three duui;htcm, Mm. Ifc (
(liinrlcy, Mm. Mnry Terrill nml Mm.
KiniiKciin (.'hurley, nnd one son, tleo.
H. Ilrown, of IlrmviiHhoro. The fu-
nernl will he heldVil 11 o'clock Kri-
day tuttriiiiiir. December 'JtJ, nt
Hniwiihlioro, Kov. h. I..
SlmmoiiH offiuiiitine-. Interment nt
HrovriiHboro cemetery.
Mm. Ilrown w the liiht of the
liloni'orn of '.VJ who ciune lo Jackann
county itiitl pin veil n lendiiii; rule in
itH levropmciit.
At the Churches
Musnch nl ll::il), K nml 10::i()
o'clock. Scnnou t'liristinnw "I IV!
McnuiiiR nml .NCesMiue." A crili rep-
resenting the Ntithla nml birthplace
of ChriNl, will he insinlled in (he
church nml remain lor two weeks.
The H)ularity of the dmiMint wiim il v of clinKinu black velvet. -A soft
forenoon by the I'nriMiin modistes, Idnck tnffctn is mcd for tho fjirdlo
nud their iiwniilly was inxvA to; ""'J t,,nic "",1 wc,rc !t n,ot ,for ft b,'
IiinIiioii n xiuliihlc I'lislmue - n cinrni , ,. ,, .. ,. ... ,
on lo the Rirdlo, tlio dividiiiR hn
nun couiu oe worn in me ni lornoon . ,. j bCnrcelv be noticed. Thin sntno
- . . i .
lor t-hoiiiiiK'. cnlliiiir or wnlkiiif,'. nnd ' fulincxH rivch the pep top effect to,
nt the ten hour for dnueing. Now tho nkirt nnd n IVmian influence is
thnt colder weulher him hct in, the'mldud by tho bhupe of the tunic,
nfternoon is not complete without n ' which in longer nt the side than In
dunce or two at the studio tea room front. Tho little yoke nnd rudhitiK
or wherever one niuv be having tea. n round the hIccvc ends nreof wiiito
The costume in the nccompnnyint;, cliiffon. A smart little toque of
hkcteh is the result of one inodisteVj black velvet, with n feathery fnncv
ondenvoru and nii-wem all the pur-! htickinl: dirrctjy up in front, nud n
poses required. The wiiint nud nkirt hcarf of jiointcd fox, complete, the
proper are made of a beautiful ipiol-i costume.
I.O.S ANGKl.KS, C'ul., Dec. 21.
Daniel Do Vllllem, wealthy Texan nml
lloer war veteran, who was shot nnd
killed Monday while flghtinc with
Hoy Glover, In Glover's homo, cnino
to hla death by a shot from n Run
In the hnuda of nn unknown person,
nccordlnR to n verdict returned to
day by n coroner's Jury.
Do Vllllera wns trying to sen hla
former wife, who Is now .Mm. Glover,
when the shootluR occurred. Attor
XKW VOHK, Dec. '24. ChnnKen
of iioiuiiial proKrtioiiH only wus reg
istered nt the opcuini; of tho xuurket
today, nud the volume of butiuc6.s
wns Muall. Allhoult thcro was some
henvinchs nmnn tho castcni railroad
Blocks, a majority of tho representa
tive issues were dichtly higher. Nor
folk & Wchlern declined n. full jmint.
Midding up of neadintr caused a
rally Inter, hut nctivo liquidation in
The Easiest Presents to SeMctf
Jor all, from the baby to grandpa, lira ' , j
BOOKS ! , ;
A Iho tboy aro the caaicHl to .send. AVe Wrap all)io6)i
ready to mail.
Medford Book St
Bostlck Falls to Prove Alibi and Is
Identified as Bandit Who Held Up
Southern Pacific and Killed Trav
eling Passenger Agent.
I j
kt - -
.. im
Diamond Ring Recovered That Was
8tolen From Woman Who Identl
fled His on Street.
neya ror Glover, who Is a realty deal-1 Cunndiim 1'acific t-ont tho libt off
er, contend that Do Vllllera went to
tho Glover's homo nrmed and say
that they will prove this point It their
client Is prosecuted In connection with
the affnlr.
Kt. MmVf. (Iiuitii.
Christ man service 11:00 n
"llurk tho Herald Angela"
Krlo Oowcr
Gloria Tlbl Garrett
Gratlns Tlbl Gnrrett
AdCHtl I'ldelea lleadlim
Duuhlo Anthem
"Heboid I llrlnK You Good-Tld-
lnK" Kdwyn Ai Clnro
Holo, "NlKht of NlKhta"
, Vnn der "Wntor
Mm, Florence, llnlllday lali;ht
Ascription, "Thou Art Worthy"
SiirHum Cordn Gowor
BauctiiH , Gowor
IlnuedlcttiH Gowor
Akmiib Del Gowor
O Snlutarla IIOBtla...,.' HokIow
Amen , iGowor
Nunc DlmlttlH Gowor
"AiikcU l'rom tho Itealma" Smart
NOUTH 1HSND, Oro., Dee. 22.
Tliu cltUoua of North Uond are plan
uIiik today to rownrd tho horolam of
Kosthor Ilorglunr, uged six, who roa
cuod Dorothy Wood, a playmate, age
tun, from drowulut;.
SAN FHAKCISt'O, ('!., Dec. 'J I.
Olnf rziirnowbki of New York,
known throughout the country Kr
one of tho moit duiiui; of tceple
jitckti, wiik reported dyiuj at the
Kmcn;eucy hospitul here today. He
was found on the firM lloor of the
nddllion beinu' built to the St. Fran
cis hotel with n fractured skull and
broken arm and lejr. It vn- nut
known how he met with his in.Hirie.
' In tho circuit court ror tho county
of Jackson, stato of Oregon,
In tho mnttor of thn assignment of
Max Win, Hock for tho bnuoflt of
Notice la hereby given that tho
undomlKued, William IMrlch, has
been appointed as nsslgneo of tho
cstato of Mnx Win, Deck, nil Insol
vent debtor, nnd notice Is hereby
Blvon to ull crodltom to present any
and 'nil claims against tho ostnto of
said liiholvent dobtar within throo
months from nnd after thn dnto or
tho first publication of thin uotlco,
tho first publication thereof being on
Wednesday tho 20th day or Novem
ber. A. D. 1913.
And also all parties knowing thorn-
hoIvch Indebted to said Insolvent cs
tato shall forthwith pay ovor tho
amount duo unto said estate nt tho
offlco or said nhslgueu, ut room 1,
Jackson County Hank Dldg., Mudford,
Assignee of thn estate of Mnx Win.
lUnic, nn Insolvent debtor.
HoimN were easy.
The market wns strong.
PAN FUANCI8CO, Cnl., Oec. 2t.
A formal chnrgo or murder was
lodged here today against John Hog
tick, tho Southern Pacific robber sus
pect. He was charged with shoot
ing and kilting Traveling Passenger
Agent Horace K. Montague on De
comber 1, tho day tho Southern Pa
cific's train wns held up at Kl Monte,
near Los Angeles.
Tho "nllbl" on which Hostlck ro
lled to establish his Innocence wan
shattered today. Ho had claimed
that ho was at work nt the Southern
I'nclflc roundhouse here on tho day
ot the hold-up.' II. II. Carman, fore
man or tho Southern Pacific shops,
was brought before Hostlck thla
Alibi Is I'alluro
"Did you ever see this man bo
foro " HoBtlck wag asked.
"I never did," was tho answer.
Hostlck paled when told who Carman
was but remained silent.
Sherirt Hnmmel of Los Angeles ar
rived here today. Ho la confident
that Hostlck Is tho bandit, and dc-1
dared he probably would take him to '
Los Angeles tomorrow afternoon. !
Hammol wanted to leavo this after-)
noon but Captain of Detectives Moon
cy would not consent to this, as ho
wished to make a further Investiga
tion hero.
Hostlck gave his age today as 22 j
and tald he was from Iowa.
Diamond King Found
A diamond ring recovered from a i
pawn shop on a ticket found In tho I
suspect's pocket wag positively Iden
tified thla afternoon as tho stone
taken from Mrs. Arthur Colen. It
wag Mm. Colen who recognlied Bos
tlck on the street and caused his ar
rest. If tho postal authorities are
satisfied that Hostlck Is tho train
robber Mrs. Colen may collect $7000
In rowardg In addition to tho IC000
offered by the Southern Pacific com
pany. Dr. A. li. Clarke or Honolulu, n
passenger on the Southern Pacific's
Overland train held up near Rich
mond, Cat., November H last, Iden
tified Hostlck this afternoon as tho
man who did that Job.
Dr. Clarke was a passenger in tho
Pullman car Amazonia when tho
robber thrust a gun within a toot of
tho former's head and demanded rls
money. The bandit was unmaskcJ.
"I ara posltlvo that Dostlck Is tho
man." Dr. Clarke said. "Thcro can
bo no mlstako about It."
Bit: Bodv Fir.
OAK eut from large timber.
CEIVED. Phone in your orders for Ticr "Wood or
Cord wood to i
Frank H. Ray
Measurement Guaranteed
Sixth and Fir Streets. ' Phone 760-R
Fresh English Holly
Holly "Wreaths made to
order, any size.
Choice Flowers and
Potted Plants
Place orders early to avoid
InM.F.&H. Co. Store
Store phone, 872.
House phone, 868-J.
Card of Thank.
Wo wish to thank our friends and
neighbors for their sympathy and
kindness during tho Illness nnd death
ot our beloved wife and mother.
Plenty ot Them in Mctinml, nml
Good Itoaaon for It.
Wouldn't any woman bo happy,
Alter yearn or backache Buffering,
Days of misery, nights of unrest,
Tho distress of urinary troubles,
When she finds freedom,
Many readera will profit by tho
Mrs. JanoSevoy, 1023 Ninth street,
Medford, Oregon, says: "I first used
Dona's Kidney Pills while living lu
Idaho. 1 had suffered a great deal
from kidney trouble, and nothing
seemed to holp me. t had Intense
pains In my back, hips and kldneyu,
when I sturtod using Doan's Kidney
PIIU, but was soon roltevod .uid (In
nlly cured by this rouiody,"
The above statement must carry
conviction to tho anlnd of ovory
roador. Don't simply ask for a kid
noy remedy ask distinctly for Doaii'm
Kidney rills, the same that Mrs.
Sovoy had tho remedy backed by
homo testimony, Dc all stores, Kos-tor-.MIlburn
Co., Props., Hufralo, N. Y
1 "When Your n.ick Is Lamo Ito
inoiiiber tho Nnntu,"
LONDON', Dee. 2-1. Hcenuso the
militant suffragist gave warning
that they would pret-ervo no truce
during the Christmas holidays', oulv
three of tiie cabinet ministers made
known where they would spend their
vacations, and nil of them today
were closely guarded by hecrct ser
vice men.
The mnritiis of Crewe, lord of the
priiy seal, and Lewi Vernon liar
court, colonial secretary, announced
their destination.
Water Notice
All city water will
be shut off from
1 1 :30 Saturday night
until 4 a. m. Sunday
December the 28th
Supt. Water Department
Direction Wn, Jlorris Va'ITtSH
AND COMPANY OF ".', in a Now Stylo of Entciiniunieul, with K iRMkPiI H
v" iLL&LI il ' lift lffll
Frank Fogarty
"Dance Mad"
PRICES, 50c, Too, $1.00, $1.50.
PHONE 418.