r ' ' "HSff" . ..- f "fr i f , ,.. ryr T-rrtyi' ( II I . I I 1 I.' 207 Second sircoj V J I . Medford Mail Tribune WEATHER Itnlu tonight mul Ttiuroilnjr Mo. :iH; .Mtii, III; Pre. .09. SECOND EDITION .,. rorlrllilM Tnr, "utt,f" SEEKING SAFETY Before Hundreds of Christmas Shop prrs, Masseur Shouts Eye Out ol Charles Alllnu, Wounds Partner, Then Turns Gun on Self. Attorney tor Stato Board of Health Seriously Wounded hy Man He Convicted as a Quack. rilHWflO, Dim. 21. Hi'f.irH Hit i'i of humlioiN of ('liiinluma shop per, li link I.. Klinek, nwtitMtr. purwind Attorney CIiihKw Ailing down n fire oxi'iipe on tin) Title & Trust company building, "''iir tin' oily luill, today, fliitt out mm f Ailing'" 0',i wounded IVIcr Si'IiwiiIiii, Ailing' law partner, nnil llirn nllinipti'd In hill himself. Ktmi'k shot liiiiini'ir in ll Ii'' Mini it Inilli'l itiereul his (burnt. 'I'll" police thought liim iIimhI inn! ur IMUgl'd o HIMIll IIih limlv I" tli'' lliorgll''. hIk'II It V lIlMMIVI'll'il In miih mill hroullung nnil In was ru-h i'il to tin jnil hospital. Ailing in in u mt'hiii condition. Tin' police learned Hint Ailing. attorney fur llm MmIc hoard of health, recently caused tin ouiivie Hun of llu masseur "It tin charge of irui'lii'iiiC inedieiim without ii li roiiM. I'livil nl Allorm-y Ailing wai liiki'ii to fi hospital in n Mirinim I'oiiililiiui mill llu police were nimble to ulitfiin a Htntiiiii'iit from liim. 1'nnii Sohvvnlm tlu'V li'tirin'il Hint Klinek win n foinmr client of Alliug's anil ltiit liml "'iii' iliHiiKiio ini'iil Willi liim over it lull. Klliick rushed into Alliug's office on tint fourth floor of tin hkysempor brandishing it revolver, itooording to HHi(ilnlfni, oml began liring nl llu nlloriiey, who wan Hi'iilril nt a desk. Oiii of tlm Mint fUw wlml nnil struck Sehwithn in llu check. Ailing junii'il through n window, alighting on llm Urn cncuim, ami Marled lo make his descent to tin strict, while it crowd, iiIIiih'IimI h. tin sound of i-riiNliinir kIi-. llt imI below. Klinok' followi'il, filing m he descended. '"' of llm bulMs siriii.L- Alllni? in tin' loft '' hi ' row It'll into nn open wimlow on tin Ihiul Hour. Klitii'k turned mul as cended llu firu escape into Ailing' office, whore ho nt I em il imI to Hiil hi on lifo. Xi'Kro Jmilior Hrnr'l Orors" .liihiiHon, n iii'kio, wiik iliiiniiiK window hills in AIHiikV of- firn when Klinok Ih'kiui hhootiiiK. .liilint.on iiiiimoil into it mi nil anil i'Ioni'iI tli heavy Moot door, lookmn lilnmrlf in. Wlinn ICllimW ntliMiinti'il illioido liM hoily foil ill front of llm vault. Tim jmlh'ti hoiinl ritiiiii,'i I'tnninj; fmm llm interior of tl Mlt ami niK'nii",' the door foiuul the iifRro eroiiehi in innide, Hhakint; wilh fear. FAMILY 10 ASSIST MONTlCnU.O, N. Y, Dee, 2 1. -"Witi tho tiHHiiriiiuM'ti Hint who ImH not been chhI off by luoinbeifl of lior fam ily, MIbh Adehtlilii M. llnime, "iioul widow" or tlm Into Melvln II. Couch, former illHtikt attorney of Sullivan county, took now liojio OiIk iittornoou. M'liniiirli uiirllur In tho day hIio o pieHHed only a ilealro to Join In death the man for whom Him had nintlo her- miif iv mluoiuir In u munll loom ror Ihiou jearH, it iimHunKo from it half luotliur, now nt hUold homo In Hard wlclt, N. Y.i eiicouriiKod bor. A brother William now liven In Iowa, .liml whero tho iiuthoiitliix hero have not learned. Tho hiilMiiolliur, II, 0, llinnce, coiuinunli'ftted with Unoilr-Hlicrlfr Hall lodiiy, KiiyhiB ho would urrlvo lituo Kiiday prupnrod to tnko IiIh bI'J tor homo with Mm. Ho iiIho Bent it ChiirituiitH ineiiHiiKo to MIhh lliuiiro nt tho Jail. When tho toloKram wuh re ceived tho matron uuld MIhh 11 ranee Indicated Mho would Kindly loavo with him. llnilv KlKlilh Y SHOOTS LAM ON ESCAPE COUGHS AFFINITY RCAL LOUD, WHO COMES IHRVI 53Fm I.onl Otincnn, I'lilrnt non or l.or I Cowley, liim roiiin lo Ihu I'liltO't HlnteK (o mIiow liluuelf nx n uieiiiticr of (leorKo IMwurilm' "Tlio (llrl on inn niiii" company, whleli liim boon plnyliiK In l.omtoii. llu lit it rollick liiKi ntri'li'mi oiiiik umn, who ilom not took llm 1'iirl of it lord In dtct, liu Iiiih liml exiM-rlniicen whlrh liitvo 1DENT E T rilAHI.OT'iT, S. f, Die. 21. l'reHiilent ArtUon euioyeil eoinilete rent toilny. Seeluiloil in hi pmnte ear, he loil lute, ilenxi g liiumelf to all iilorM lit Hie few nlopn hl Mvial train uimle. Tu hi ulloiul null ho mlinitti'il tlmt ho wit com pletely tired nut, lint willial he wi ery happy. Dozeni of inortaui from every ncelion of tlm country. cont;intuliiliii; him on tlm mieetHw. of the currenc hill, eelmcil on the wiint note. Tlm chief eeeulivo won unnlile to Hot nwny from llm joli-fcekerw. Many of the (kIcki-miim uStft,t men for lueinliernliip on Ihe new fed eral rvoro Imiinl. Tin pieMilctit e.xpeelK lo innke up the pci-tfoiiuel of th'm new hriiueh of Ihe noxermmml before he return to Wiudiiiicimi .Innunry HI. It wuh lenriieil Imlav Hint one of Ihe firnl men who will he tenilereil nn nppoinlmciit lo Hiix hoard in n ropiililieiui Senator John V, WVekn of Mashaehiisetis. It wan n ilreurv pro.rhHluinH day, hut Ihe president luxuiintoil i the utter nhhcnce of husineH, nml hn said thai until the fiit of net week, nt least, he proposed to take nlixolnte rest. Pniwiln of purioii people stir- rnunileil the Hpociul nt nil slop. The nrchiilent neknowledueil their clieow liv liftinj,' hin lint ami finiliun a Kieoliuc, hut did not leave m ni. HEAVY "SNOWFALL BLJ HtiDDINn. Cnl Dee. 21. All of California north of Tehniua county wuh visited last nlKlit by a terrific Hiiowulorni which continued until uitrly today. Tlm fall huro umountod to tdx liiehi'H, Heavy iliiumito wnH done to power cqmpanlim and lolephono and telo Kraph wIicb. UeddliiK will bo with out elect lie llhta tonlRlit. Tho MltlllO HltllllttOII will piovall at Koh vvlck, Kenuett, Coram and Anileritoii. Offlelnlri of llm power companle doclared It would reipilro novural dayH to repair tho damago. i r MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL Tho Mull Trillium wishes . all Its loudoi-ii tho merriest of Christiana'. . Thoro will no edition ClirlutiiMH Day but nn elab orately illUHtrated tUtl Now Yciii'h edition, -r PRES NJOYS COMPLETE REST ON RIP 0 SOUTHLAND NKE TSSISKIYOUS NflQDirOllI). TO PLAY IN COMIC OPERA rubliixl from liltu all (Ik- ntlffiiotd ol tlm llrliUli uolilllty. Ont't' liu wnii mi otllier of tlm (itinnlH, tint t liu llfu wiiit loo hIow for him. llu became, n rnli driver In llulfnM. I hi cavu that up Inter tu Irtoiiio tlm ptmhor of n conter barrow- In London. In thin liroiliictlon ho will act IIih part of a Ion), I.onl Koiiii). tmcrolnry of tlm itriny. TIE THIS YEAR WASIIINGTON, Dec. '.'I. Thin will he few folks iliMppoiiittil in imt receiviiii; (iirislnuiH pn-MMils on tune liccniiKc of congestion in the imuU. I'lKtmaster (linerul Ilurlcsou Imliiy lohl n I'nilcil Pre eorrenMin. dent Hint depito uuprecoileiileil uf.e of Hm limits Hurt year, tlm HTvice wns duliverint: tlm kooiIk. "Ah n mutter of fact," ho Mild, "Ihere ) Io.sm eoupextion in the whole poslnl syhlem today limn Ihore was Innt rhiistuiiii in auv one of the fifty lin-Rent cilii of the eouu hy." Alcxninlor II. .Slepheim, Kcneral miperinlenilenl of Ihe rnilvwiy mail service, jive n lii most eoncervn live cMliiunle the prediction Hint the poslnl business this Clirislmns e coriloil Hint of nny previoiiH periml by 7.ri per cent. In tho railway ser vice alone 11,000 employes have been itiMcil hiuce .Inly to hniullo the rush. STKItMNU, 111., Doc. 21. On Clirislmns inornini;, Joseph K. Ster linp, wealthy Slerlini business mint, will distribute .? 100,000 nnmnir the member of hi fuinily, including mx children, twenty-four (''dchil-ilien. CIIAS m HANDLED IN RECORD ksVf Wa K. 'JdflH Hu ,'jrrwlHiian vMjl rg0&v jBp(BPf1 v. ' flVk 8 liFiiHJr KJF OKKJON, WKUN'IOSDA V. 'tm nnn c wk GIVEN MSSQUM ; LUMBER TRUST: i Missouri Supreme Court Upholds At torney General and Ousts Twenty Domestic and Five Foreitjn Corpo rations for Conspiracy. Yellow Pine Association Granted Slay of Execution Pending Further! Ordir of Forfeiture and Ouster. I JiCn'HKSON CITY. Mo., Doc. 21. rin muiri'ino court today throu!i j tin opinion filed by Jmlxo I'nrU up-' hold tlm coiitcnllf n of the uttorney gotiurnl BB to 28 out of the 29 luiu-J bur cano proMfcuttnl under tho antl-1 trust laws and linpowd fines ujSKre-1 intliiK $ I3fi,000 upd ontter In twenty cnaon of iloniMllej corjMiratloHs nn I , tho rovooatloii of the llccaMW of flvo forelKii companies doln lmtn In j Mliwourl undor HwrnM.. Judgmontu of forfwiturv oro ordered as to each ( nt tho twenty eawi dlolvlnK and oiutltiK thm from nil thtdr corporatti , rlBhtM. privlliKt) and froucbliio nnl In addition thereto a fine n a pun-j . n-li'uont for violation of tho laws of tliU tale. Thg fine, ranging irom , Slooo to jno.OOO tituit bo paid Into 'the htato trunaiiry within thirty d. IIoIiik of the opinion." however. naKthe opinion, "I'.iot there nro dl Uerxo di'ureim of gollt aranDK thoK reapotidutH and ujion tho surfaen at Icust, the Yellow Pine AMHielation hH reformed Mni of the evil which it Iuiik. open and flagrantly 'practiced. ' wh nre further of the oplnlou that the ! ud or Justice will be Bubiurved by KrantlnK a tr 6faoewtlon pending i tho further order, of UiIh court of the decree of foKelturo and omter us to Rome of thce repouduntH upon tho payment by them of the fines wivor nlly ntiHOMeil against them within thirty dayH." Stay of execution U rocommendod for the ArkunnflU I.uinl)nr company, DIurkA l.umbur nml Coal company mul tho l'roeiuau Smith Lumber com pany to mnke tho punishment cor respond with the dogreo of guilt. Judgo FarlM explained that tho court did not hold dealerit could not Issue a "price current" but that such ' a llbt should be mndo by disinterested persons and should bo based on n:-i tmil offers to buy mid sell and not misrepresent prices with a view to boosting any price. j Tho court recommended that tho . Yellow Pine Manufacturers' associa tion although not sued, should uso; tho decision as a guide to future conduct. MWaleBHaWP DPX'lfltHR 21, 1!H.", i STEHOGRAPHEn BLOWN UP Wl AND DRAWING OF OF Most of the detectives of the po lice department of Now York City are busy hunting for tho man who malted an Infernal machine to tho offlco of the O. K. Uottllng company, thereby killing Mlis Ida Antisewltz, stenogra pher for tho firm. A psckngo was left at nn Adams llxpross company branch office by a swarthy man, who might have been a foreigner from the south of Kuropc OF SAI.KM, Or.. Dec. 2I.-Ju.ltre fi.tllowny this nftentnii decided the suit of the slate Imanl of health against the city of Silvcrtmi in favor of llio plaintiff. The suit wn brought to rest rnin that city from emptying its sewer into Silver creek. When the city was innugu nttin the new sewor .tcm just completed it wns wirneil hy the bonnl of health not to u the creek ns n tlumpiiiK place, hut lite city paid no attention to the wuriiin mid the suit wns brought. Judge Onllowny mntle tho restraining order peipetual, nml if Piislnincd by tho supreme court probably cverv city nml town in tho stnto uslnjj the stroma's out lot for their sewors will have to put in prptio tanks beforo allowing sew nge to flow into them. Whether this will npplv to navignhln flrcnms is n mutter Hint will peilmps have to be thrrhoil out later. !WWMaMaMHHaMBaHMMaHHlaMaHMBaMiMMaaaHaaaMaBaBBMMMMMaasawHMaasapsBe- ' '''A alt. V j i wSkfaL;''r '" -' ' CtT vitmW. . T 3 -t v X vwfe TW' 7 j?' mm I: W FORBIDS STREAMS AS SEWER IN C PA TH INFERNAL MACHINE FICE WHERE SHE WAS KILLED It was addressed to William H. Callanan. head of the company. Tho managing salesman received It, and placed It on the stenographer's desk. Accustomod to opening Mr. Calla- I nan's mall In his absence, sho cut tho strings on this package. Ilcforo sho had finished the explosion came. She I vn torn to tilnrnx nnil thn office I wrecked. She died without regaln- l Ing consciousness. E FEET OF ROPE TO E SAX KKANtTSCO. C.i!., Dec. 24. .Innio.-j Hiirlev nml Frank Melville, fugitives from the penitentiary here, seemed likely loday to spend Christ mas ns free though hunted men. From the moment when they com pleted their eighty-foot slide down tho ropo dangling from tho lop of tho prison's outermost wall, not n trace has been found of either man up to the early port of the after noon. Warden Johnson win con vinced, he snid, that he liml every nvenue of escape from Marin eounl.v closed. Somo of the scorchers seemed to think it odd. however, Hint so minute n hunt ns they have made should not have uncovered at least n scout if the men remained in the prison's vicinity. They declared it certain, nt nny rate, that they were not in tho vil lage of San Qiiontiu. Every house thero was ransacked from cellar to garret nml not so much ns n kitten, it wns assorted, could possibly have boon missed. From Sun Quentin the quest ex tended into the Marin cnuntv hills. Not quite consistently with Ids ex pressed confidence, that tho fugi tives were still in the counlrj'i the warden threw detachments of gunrds noross the bay into Oakland, Rich mond. ELECT PERCY ILLS T SAI.KM, Or., Doc. St.-J. IVicy Wells of Jackson county, school su perintendent! wns elected toduv ns president of Ihe western division of Ihe Oregon State TeaeheiV associa tion. The association concluded iU sessions this, afternoon. - REGISTRATION CLOSES FOR ELECTION TONIGHT 4 f -f -f 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 ITp lo 1 o'clock this ufler noon 1-llS volers had regis tered for the city election. The books clo-o nt 7 tonight and all are urged lo register this afternoon. Tho women voters lagged behind Tues day. A rush is o.Npocted dining tho final hours. It is the. last chance. 444444444 4444 444 SD DIN S P ON NO. 23.1 PETITIONS SEEK A 0 Tl nCUEN Stdwarr In Second and. Mlllilr in the Third Must Contest to Retain Scats Among City FathersMore Than Required Voters Sign. 237 Slcjnatures on Stewart Recall and 149 on Millar No Recall for Porter. Ilcimll imtjlions wort- filed this af ternoon with Kecorder Foss ngninst Councilman J. W. Slcwnrt of tho second ivnrdriiii t'ouncilninn Cleorgi Millar of tho third ward. K. K. Omnri filed the petition ngninst Mil Inr and Attonicy.'.F..- W. Mears ngninst Stewart. For Couiieilmnn Slcwnrt'rt reonP. S3" voters of tho second ward sign ed tho petition. According to last election records, 330 votes for su preme court judgo wero east in th county prccinctH comprising this ward, making 83 signatures ncce't snry for sustaining tho petition's validity. The petition for tho retircmetn of Councilman Millar wns signed hy 1 10 voters. In tho county precinct com prising this ward, tho third, S08 vot ed for supreme court judge at tho Inst election. Only 7"i flignnhirei are required to invoke the recall. Tho two issues will be voted iipm at the city election January Mil. Tlo petitions have been in circulation for two weeks, nnd nro fdgued by influ ential and heavy taxpayers of the two word. No recall has been invoked.iigaim't Councilman Porter. The reasons assigned for tho re call arc "general incompetency, ex travaganco nnd not representing tlu residents of the ward." battlYraging Isl SHERIFFS-OUTLAWS Pl.NEVIM.K. Ky.. Dec. 24. Two men havo been killed in a battlo be tween doputy sheriffs of lloll county and a gang of outlaws headed uy John Hondrlcksou Is still raging at Four Mile Creek, according to re ports reaching hero this afternoon. Tho fight Is tho result ot an at tempt to arrest Hondrlcksou who Is charged with shooting nnd wounding Deputy Sheriff llaynes yestorday. when tho latter attempted to ar rest Ilcndrlckson. Haynes, who was not seriously wounded, reported tho matter hero today and accompanied by thrco de puties set out after Hendrlckson. Vhon they arrived at Four Mllo Creek, they found tho gang had benten to death Jninos Miller. Hen drlckson and bis followers fired upon tho deputies. Fifteen mora dopu tles were then summoned from hero aud left on n special train for tho scone of tho trouble. Tho oflcers, according to a courier, nro entrenched In a houso and are be sieged by tho Hendrlckson gang, George Hawn, one of tho outlaws, wni killed by tho deputies In tho battlo today, GET CITY POKTiiAND. Ore., Dec. 31. Twelve men, who Invaded Portland restuur.intH ami after ordering nnd eating meals, rofuscd to pay for tlioiu saying they woro hungry, out of em ployment and destitute, today began serving fifteen dayB each In tho city Jail. Tho men woro held guilty of disorderly conduct by Muultipul Judge Stevenson. Somo of tho men appeared happy at tho prospeet of eating regularly, for a tlmu ut leust. BETWEENKENTUCKY y M ! V V kr