TfT & '.I1, i. -J.JJ" ' '( ' ,tt -lt V r- t matt, trtbttntj. medford. oijwiQtf, 9 ... , , ,.r- rj-v,-t-- -v-..-.-;kVWWJ)wyfrij MUMWY. Miri'MUKU 22, 1913. PXQICFrl iocal And - -personal Mr, mill Mm. I) CIiikciiiIo of KiikIm 1'olut vUllcil with rolntlM'M In Mim1 ford Hntunliiy. Mr, mill Mm, I.txllu Hlmmull, V. M. TiiiikiHi., Mr, mill Mm, I), WIIniiii nm Mm, ICIIu Cook of iicIhoiiIIIo wuru Minlfonl vIhIIoth Bntimliiy. Mm, Will MoUmilH, .Minium N.illln C'oIIIiih mid Molllii liny tiin ou. from Apil('Kiiti Hntunliiy, K. I). W'twtiiii, roiiiiiiiu vlnl jilioloi;. rnptior, uoKiitlvon umilti nny llinn or plhoo by niipoliitiiiiuit. Phono M H7I. Coliinnl ('Kinnliinil. wild Ik lookhiK lifter tlm ruimlrliiK of unl niinln for tlin U. H, Kovuriuiiniil, loft for I'lion. nU, Ailnoim, timidity llu will in turn In ii short tlmo. MrM, (limit, tuiiMer inmliunlo of tint l'nrflu ft KiiMuru mllrinul, who hail duo of IiIm k:h mm-rdy Injured rurohtly, lit ulioitt on murium, Kodak flnlnlilnic mil in town nt Wmlon's. Mr. mil Mm J T. I'ry of Trnll pri'rlnct hnvo been InttliiK tlmlr nun, CluirlfH Fry of North ltlurnlil, T. J, O'llnrn nml (lnorKo K. Fox of Cmitrnl Point trniisnrhM IiiixIiii'kn ,ii Mcilfonl Hutiinlny. Mm, rirmlii aim nml Mm. Krnnk Wllriinrlli of (lolil Hill went rormt vliliom In Mmlforil, Milk nml criutm nt l)oW. W'llllnm Worth of Anhlnml spent Hundny In Mi'iironl, Mm. K, llockmiyoii linn roiio to I'ortlnml (o llt mlatlvt's. Not hi n u I moro nrrniunlilo for ('hrUtmni pri'smits thnn ncati'i, Heo display of lloiiu ft I.liulloy'it nt i:C Kant Main slnmt. :,1S Dr. 0, W. HtiiYeimuii linn koiio to CnllfornU for tint benefit of hm linnlth, nml U nt Turlock, vlultln,; m'Mhcs, Mm, Knrnh Collins linn Kour to Hams Vnlly to stny llh her brothor, J. It. Mnrrlion. "Imnninco your lirnt nmnil." Hnvo thn it. I'lftrn your Insurant: ltli I Intuitu, thn limurnucu Man, rlKht If ho wrile It. tf 'J 0. J'midlrton nml Colomil It. C. Wunliliurti of Tahiti Itovk transacted buoliu'BK In Mini ford Hattirtlny, Mr. nml Mm. Charles Htury nml Mr n, j3r'io tarried it fow houm In Medford Saturday. Motlfonl Hiulnoim CoIIpko office open during thu holiday nvtirjr after noon from om until four. .School bo Kim January fifth, 240 It. II. Wllnoti of (Irlfflu cr.-c); lint ;imu to I'ortlnml to upend thn hull, liny. Ili-iiry Mnnklim of l'onriunn'N ircnk, iimili' Mrilforil u builurm vUlt Hnlurdny HV .. lluntn Hron.' chocolntiK, InV'r. Dr. K. KlrftiKfiinfr lint rrtnrnod nml will bo nt thn Nmh llotut on Wndmodny from 10 to 3, tf Orion McDonnlil, who In locntod nt Itnyuioiid, Wnh., Im In Mvdforil innk liiK hU fninlly n Ult, t). N. No'iion, ropritiiMitntlvo of tho I'l'iiu Mutunl l.lfn luiurnnru compnny, In nt I'ortlnml on tiiiHlni'im. IClKhtiM-ti poiinil NUKitr. $1 00; No 2 o)nlor. heat Krndo, 40c; No. .', Kllci'd hnron, Klniui, nor; No. I hIIcimI bncon. Kim"1. I"': 1 pound ninplo niKnr. lot. . HirliiKt'r, n7 .North Oakdnln. 'J33 John Kntou of Son l-Vmicliico Ih vUltlnt; hIIIi rt'liitlvm UvIiik nt Jack KOIIVlllli. Mm. '. h. Mm 1.7 uoo Mnhlo VA llntt, Im tho cuont of her pnrontN, Mr, mul Mm. IIurIi Klllott of North Itlvcr ld ntciuiK, ClKlitciui poundn miKiir. 11,00, No, " oyntnr, Ixmt Krndti, 10c; No, 2, mIIcui) bncon, kUhm, II On; No. 1 ttltrgd bncon, Rlnnit, trie; t pound iiutplf uitiir, K.i- W. HtrliiKvr? .127 North o.ihdio. :sr. I'rof. Kmllh of thn Jnckitonvlllo public school nml hln funilly vliiltml In Medford Hntunlny. T. IJ. llolinroth, J. 1 Kolly mul I'olk Hull of (Irlffln crook mpoiiI Snt urdny nftornoon In Mcdford. Trof, lluiiitrut of C'anndn, n wtdl known hypuntlHt and uinKlclmi, Mpnut n fiw dnyB with IiIh undo, H. !', Hum iitrcot, durliiK tlm w'k. llu wna on lilx wny to Cnllfnrnln, I.. II, lloiiHton of Talent, tho hor (IciitturlHt, woh Ino or tho iiiiiuy who rnmo to Medford .Saturday. Only two moro diy to do jour ChrlHtnmii .Hhopplui;. Do It hero, open tnnnltiKH. Ahruiiu, 208 Klotrlior Mun of Portland ban been at tho coinunt plant umlor roiiHtrur- Hon near (lold 11111. and roportu ox collout proKroHH, Mm. W. (1. AIiIouIuiroii of Snn FrnnclHCo Ih tho Kilcst of Mr. mul Mm, 8, T, Itlchariluon, Paul McDonald, who Ih attoiulliiR tho Btato coIIobo at Corvnllla Una ru tiirnod homo for tho holldaya. 1 M.tMtt-tt. ------- 4 Weeks & McGowan Co. UNDERTAKERS I.iuly AnslHtant Day I'hono t!27 NiKlit I''. W. WookH 10.I.J13 I'lioiiiw A. II. On- 07H-M M, I, Holiuiltt liim mlurtiKil froiji I'ortlinid whom ho wnn clumoii n triiiiloo In luuiliruiilpy nt tho flrl mi'dtliiK of crmllUirH of Trnll l.tiinhm' compnny of IIiIh city, Mm, (JIiiih, l.nlio of Went .lacluion all etil oiiliiitiilmid with n dnliitv liinclirton Woilm'iiilny wlutit tho fol lowlim wuro proii-ul' Mih, Hum Hlchnrdiioii, Mm, Wilbur Jom-n, Mm, Hrnmit McKi'o mid MIhh Mnudii Now. bury, ii.. ..... i. ..ii., i'w juiir inn iimy Hiioppuif; ai llio day Unlit Htnro. Ahrmm, son MIhh KrmicoK Kniuiy of .fiicknon vlllo wiih In Mndfoid Hntunliiy, vl. Itlni: frlembi, Mr nml Mm, J. M. Itiutor mid l.oiiln t'olvor of Phoenix pinclmt Mpunt mivornl liouni In Medfonl Hntiinlnv Tiillored hiiIIh, dioRKcri, rontH, nil Kri'iilly leducoil for thu holiday ttlmfi pnr. Ahri'iin, jon Col J D Pmikey nrrUed from tho OrcKon Holdlem lllioiuo iIuiIiik tho wnoli In vIhII IiIh foriiiur homo In tho viilloy. H. !'. Owiiiin of Portluuil, a woll known oporntor In timber Inml nml iinw iiiIIIm, nml IiIn nephew, Krnnk Owenn, who hnvo been liHi'tli:at!ii, n iniKo trnct In (ho IIIk llutto mij. Hon, loft for their lionie Hundny. They w return after the holldnH. Tol'.ot article nml hnlr K')odn nt half prko until ChrUtiiina. Now York Pnrlom, 231 HerKeiiut Pitt Meito of tho police force unit icreetliiK friend Hnturdny lifter a two wcek'B couflueuieiit for nppendlcltlH, Pnl lout hln appendix, hut Mt III retnliiM n henltby ilrnilro to wnr with Mexico. Mian (Irnco llowmnu of (lold Hilt vUlled In Meilford Hundny, I'lre Chief Ultimo Alumni left Hundny for Oakland to upend the boll ila) with relative. AtiUlntil Chief Harry I.Iiik Ih taking bin placo. Clamy vnudovlllo nt tho Htnr Then- tur today William Wllnoii or ltoi;uo Ither !h n himlneiK vUltor In Medford today. An opldutulc of cold ban n num ber of Medford cltlxetm on tho Hick lint. II. T. Van do Car, mrlcken with liemorrhaKo of tho Mtomarh ten day aKO In now reported out of dancer, tlioiiKh mill In n weak condition. John CoIIIiin, n pioneer of ItoKim rlier vnllny Into of Hnn DleRO, Cnl , died ut tho ri'Hlduiico of bin brother, Thoma CoIIIiin, of ilropny, n hort tlmo hko, need 70 yearn. Ho I hut lived by hi widow mid ovcral Krown children. The remain wero Interred buMlde thoio or hi brother, J nine W, Collln. In Dm Phoenix cemetery, i:. I,, Houm) or Palo Alto, Cat , wni In Mrdtord Saturday. Ho I the ad vanco aKetit or tho Hlanford (llec Club, which will noon inako a lour of OrvKon, Tor thu lam day a of HhoppInK wo offer our "hell good nnd toilet arti cle at half prlco. New York Par lor, next to pout office. 234 .Mm. I. on D, .lone linn roiio to Tillamook to vUlt her daughter, W. W. Harmon, chief engineer of tho California and Oregon railroad, wnH down from (Iratila Pa Hundnv. Mm K I,. I'nrrn nml Mm Clin Duiiton of Central Point were with Medford friend Saturday. WIk Antipole hnn returned from Portland where ho went with n hlp moot of hoc. Dr. ho wo, n veterinary or Klamath Tall I HpendliiK a fuw dayw In tho valley on bintliiesn. .Ifthper Whitehead, a pioneer pro Hpoctor of thu dlmrlct I ftpuudluK a few days In tho city, C, C. Day of Olendalo vlHlted In Medford the taut of the week, (lerald .Sooynmlth Ih iiumliiK a bndly burned fliiKer on IiIh right hand rno I. Ik nro getting ready ror their dlHtrlhutlon or girta to tho needy Chrlatiniu evo. Tho commit ten Ih preparing tho IIhIh. Hpeclnl Inducement A regular $12 ticket ror gentlemnn Hcnlp treatment, ?0. New York Parlors. 2.11 Mr. nml Mm. Dillon Hill drovo to Medford Hadirday, Tliumna Nichols of Knglu Point ana J. C. Warren of OrnntH PnhM trnn nnctod btiHlucHH In Medford Haturdny, A. Thoinpuoii of Central Point and John Matney of Applegnto niailo 11 trip to Medford Hnturdny, Classy vnudovlllo at tho Star Thea ter today. MIhh lreiio IMotnor who Iiuh been teaching hcIiooI at Iltiucoin In vlnltlug with her mint, Mm. hucrotln Kuynrt. alio will romimo iur teaching In Kobrunry. i ijTJ Attorney A. K, Itennieu.lunveB to- iIhv fnr Hm nnul ... .. ..... ....... ClnHsy vnudovlllo ut tho Htnr Thea ter today. Arthur Alldor, miioolnmuter nt Wlmur Ih Hpondlug tho bolldnys In Medford with relatives, Hnow foil In tho lower foothllld again Sunday morning nml night, A brisk wind all nftornoon blow up n rain, Joo NlrhoU of Ashland visited In .Medford Sunday, K, i, Jones tins roturiiod from a nhort trip to tho Illuo Ledge, Deputy Krult Inspector Jack Aitkin of Itoguo Hlvnr was In the city Sat urday, Allison Knight of Klamath Kails Is In tho clly attending to IiuhIiiuhs. j lfnn KHllior KaUHlinfor nnd A, I, Doilglutf will bo imirrlnd Tuesday. They will go to Portland on a honey moon trip, Tho hrldo-tO'hu Ih a un live born nckKoii county lrl, ami well known. Mr, DougliiH Ih a pressman for I lie Medford Printing company. IM Itedilon of I'rcoiio, Cnl., arrlvod In Kid city Hundny and will visit un til aflor Now Yearn with hi par ents, Mr. mul Mm, J. W (''ilileii, II, iWurner, of Ontario, Oil., nr rived In Medford a fow days ago and will visit for iiiinu tlmo with his hoii-lli-law mul dnugliler, Mr, and Mrs, II. C llst, living roiilhwct from Medford, L03E8 EYESIGHT DY SERIOUS ACCIDENT 0. I.. Bhlrloy, aged 2H, a resident of Houth Hamilton street, mid for f IVti 'your mi employe or tho (Itir-lul.t-Colry Hardwiiro company, Ih In tho Hncreil Heart hospital lis the re sult of being "truck In tho oe with 11 pi cm of wire ho won trying to un coil Hiittirdny afternoon. Holrley wus sent to tho basement to mensuro nomo No, 1) fencing wire. Ho found tho wire badly tangled ami In mi attempt to straighten It out received tho Injury, Tho end of the wire flew up nnd pierced his left eyeball. Ills condition Ih quite se rious, The eyeball will bo saved, but the eyesight can nevor be re stored, Dr ICiiiiiiuiiH Ih attending the' case. CHRISTMAS PACKAGES BY AUTO DELIVERY lleglnulng today tho post offlo put on nu automobile lor thn delivery of Christmas packages throughout tho city nil week, As soon as the Christmas packaged nnd mall are received they will bo sorted, loaded Into tho machine, and with Hanta Clan at tho wheel, be taken to their destination tho day of receipt. This will do away with tho delay of prcvloiiH years. Tho ptnn vnn announced by Postmaster Wood ford last night. The heaviest of the Christmas mall Is expected to arrived thin mornln-c, and a full force or clerks will ho util ized In milking tho distributions, Monday mo r ting bright und early tho deliveries will be made to Medford homes. DON'T KOItpiST. Mum's The, Word! Xcm, i IbhT ' DON'T FOrtOBTl That wo hnvo a cholco lino or comfortable house sllppors at modernto prices, Also a complete Uric of ladles fancy slippers with latest attach ment, and very latest of heels. Cuban, French Cuban, Full French, Kidney, Military and tho very low Ilnjjy Doll hcol. Behling's (OOF) KIT HIIOK KTOIti: CLUB'S CHRISTMAS FROLIC MAKES A BIG HIT The (,'lirimnuiH l-Ynlio of Ihe Uul verMly'i'luli Saliiiilny eveiiinc wiih ii mom enjoyable affair ami largely intended I i.v elub memliem ami their frieiiilK. ' The HnlircK ami jlben were much appreciated ami appended even livl their ietliim. The feature of tlie eteniui; wiih the trial of Anna Held before the county court mul 11 jury of her peer. The travesties were pteccilcil by a ChrintmiiH dinner. CHRISTMAS GIFTS IN JEWELRY, DIAMONDS, GOLD AND STERLING SILVER SIMPLIFYING THE GIFT PROBLEM Tlie HcltMilion of appropriate gifiH for the holidays is pleasingly simplified by an inspection of our unusual exhibit. Our reputation for selling strictly liigh grade goods should add to your satisfaction in selecting and bestowing gifts of this character. INSPltfTION" CORDIALLY 1NVJTJ3D. TOO liATi: TO CliAHHIKV. I'Oll nxCHANOK Kino alfaUa land with water right In Southern Call- fdnlft for f 100 per aero for city or fncbjnu hero In any amount. Clark I Itunlty Co., 20G Phlpps Illdg. 1 KOIt SAM: Olt TltADi: I'JO acre to trade (or timber land or city property. Address box 70, enro Mall Tribune. 2.13 KOIt HM.!-:- One pair big gelding homcH, 1400 lb each. 317 Hast Jackson St 23SJ SIGNET RINGS MILITARY BRUSHES BROOCHES LAVALLIERES NECK CHAINS CROSSES . STICKPINS WATCHES BRACELETS MESH BAGS VANITY CASES LOCKETS Buy Useful Gifts for Xmas Buy them of us and save money. Wo have a liico line of TRUNKS '" SUIT CASES - QO-CARTS DINING TA BLISS LLBRARY TAHLKS DINING CHAIRS '. JJOCKERS. ', DliESSERS. ;. You'll find at this store one of the most complete selections of practical Xmas gifts, and the prices very reasonable for tlie quality of merchandise offered. The reputation of this store is behind every article we sell, consequently you can shop here with the utmost confidence that anything you may purchase will be exactly as represented. EARLY SHOPPERS GET THE BEST SELECTIONS. MARTIN J. REDDY JEWELER NEAR THE POSTOFFICE irAVlStfSt A&)a3?K X -ss IRON BEDS Big line from $2 up. BIG LINE RUGS And hundreds of other articles ALL CHEAPER TJLVN THE CHEAPEST . I meet all competition and ask you to BRING YOUR MAIL-ORDER CATALOGUE' VITII YOU AND COtPARE PRICES ' ? Scott Woiolf (Successor to Mordo'ff Woolf.) 4 & (isBvnBBa M Pre-Holiday Clearing Sale Xmas Goods in Womens Ready-to-Wear Apparel M. M. Department Store "The Store With tho Christmas Spirit" Only Exclusive Dry Goods Store Having S. & H. Green Stamps Double "S. & H." Green Trading Stamps Monday, Tuesd ay and Wednesday with cash purchases in Ready-to-Wear Department only. Suits, Coats, Dress Skirts, Wool and Si Ik Dresses. c!5l 9 m Br J I BffliV v i Kfi3 LADIES' SUIT DEPT. 2d Floor, HWOOSuitH - ... $13.50 $ 20.011 Suit . $14.05 $i8.nn s.iitM . . $13.50 Ho.OO Suit .. --... $ 0.95 Double S. & D. Given Stumps Monday, Tuos ilny uml Wcdnpsiliiy. MihHCb' $1(1.50 Conluroy SuitfJ - CHILDREN'S SHOE SALE llliiclu-r Calf, hires .ri.j to S . - . OSd llluolicr Calf, sizes S to 11 $1.20 llliii'lier Calf, xires ll'i to $1.49 Button High Top Boots. Sizes 5U to 8, nt ... $1.25 Sizes 8A to 11 ....... . . $1.50 Sizes lli:. to 'J $1.80 U JKH ONE LOT OF LADIES' COATS. pneo 2d Floor K& Wwwwv mm 2ft.00 Hlaejv Ilrouilelotli Coats.. $12.50 20,00 Illnuk lhoailololh Coats, $10.00 $15,00 Hliiuk Ilroiulololli Couts $ 7;50 Doublo S.-& U. Green Stmnpt Moiulny, Tiles tiny anil Weilnesilay. ONE LOT OF LADIES' COATS, MIXTURES, One-Fourth Off. Dept., 2d Floor $20.00 Cunts ... $15.00 $10.00 Coals'. .. .. ... .. . $12.00 $12.00 Coals $ 0.00 $ 8.00 Coats . . ., .... . $ 6.00 Doublo S. & II. Green Stamps Monday, Tues day and Weduebdny. FREE! 10 S. &H. 10 GREEN TRADING STAMPS W To every euslomer who brines this coupon MONDAY AND TUESDAY and makes a purehnse of One Dollar or more we will k'ivo 10 extra stamps. This coupon will not bo redeemed by drivers, but must bo presented at tho storo when purchnso is made. Not applied on calico or bhectiugs. FANCY BOXED GIFTS Appropriate for Men Mon's Fancy Suspenders at. 75 and $1 President Suspenders - ..... -. 50i Men's "Interwoven" Socks, ! pnirs.$1.00 Box, two pairs, silk . $1.00 OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF FURS AT CLEAR ANCE PRICES. Dept. 2d Floor Ilieb, luxurinnt Furs make ideal Xmas Gifts. Wiy not make your selection now? Our cn tiro htock now on snlo at tremendous reduc tions $10.00 Black Coney Scarfs $ 8.50 $12.50 Black Coney Scarfs $10.50 $15.00 Black Coney Scarfs $12.50 $17.50 Black Coney Muffs $15.00 $20.00 Black Coney Muffs . . $18.50 $20.00 Black Fox Scarfs ...$18.50 IMPORTED NECKWEAR SALE Fancy Xmas Bows ,. .25 and 35 Fancy Xmns Huffs . .. .. .50 and 75 Big assortment just received. LADIES' SILK UMBRELLAS Which make useful and practical Rifts, regu lar prico $3.00, salo price $3.05 XMAS HOUSE SLIPPERS For men and women.. $1, $1.25, $1,50 TtpFb Hii uin smfsWiJH sDifvv! WvvvV H Merchandise Bought Here is Unconditionally Guaranteed .... ,.. -r.,,,. r-Z... Vy . ---. ' i i I ' j, t.