" t. ffF'Lj'MI-Att - P7TOTC RTX. WEDFORP MATL TRTBT7TTE, AfRDFORD. OKKflON. TniTRSlUY.KCUOMBlOR. 18, 1!)M. IBS fcflat9ffeVMyfrw v?w x.-fc i t mm now L FROM II OVER CARABAO PROB E WASHINGTON', Dec. ISA vivid word ilc(iiro of nn industrial tornado ' which ho said was sweeping tho coun try, destroylnK commerce nnd proa porlly, wag jmlntctl In tho house this afternoon by Itopresentntlve Mann of Illinois, lie warned tho democrats (lint unless thny chanced tliolr tac- tlcu tho republicans soon again would bo In political control. "Men nrt nctually starving, said Mnnn. "while President Wilson Is tn ventlgastliig tho fun Incidental to tho Carntino dinner. Municipal lodK Iiir houses soon will bo In demand over where. I am not a calamity liuntur. for I hao been silent a Ions time, hoping the clouds would pass by." Mann cited newspaper articles showing thousands of able bodied mon.wcre out of employment In all of tho larger cities. Ho attributed conditions "partly to tho tariff bill uml partly to tho threats of those in political control and to a general lack of capacity on tho part of tho part of th,o party In control." Speaker Champ Clark replied to Manilas' charges. Ho dented democra tic legislation was responsible for present conditions and assorted that Senator lillhu Hoot. Joseph Cannon, Former Governor Hadlcy of Missouri, Mann and others had entered Into a "republican conspiracy against con tinued prosperity." Clark declared that If tho cur rency bill had passed tho senate within two weeks after It passed tho houso tho republican leaders "would not have dared to publish such state ments as It had." NO SPEC A L SESSI ON f ASSERTS GOVERNOR COAST GRIEVANCES ARREST GIRL HOBO AGAINST JAPS AIREO DRESSED MALE ATTIRE SAI.KM, Or., Dee. 18.- Governor 'ct tins morning, commenting on llio statements of Sneaker McAithur mul otlieiw, tlint a special session of the legislature would be accessary to straighten nut the rod-tuition laws Hint now require the county clerk toj iiiive nip registration hook upon ni their office on May 15, mid ut the nine time have them in the hands of the oleetion hoard, said "If mivlliiinr is tho imittor with' . i the election Inv, so Hint it would prevent nu election, it would prevent the oleetion of another legislature, and that would he n (lodscud. It" tlioro would be no oleetion, all of fle ers would hold over, and all tlu'iir continue a- they are. for. under n recent opinion of the attorney gener al, nil would continue to hold offler and none could resign until their successors were oleeted ami ipiali ficd; there will he no special .sess ion to remedy the conflict of the laws." WASHINGTON, IVe. 18. Hear ings on tho linker bill, wherein Pa cific const resident will bo pciiuil ted to nir their irrievnucos iiLaintt Japanese mid other Asiatics w II tnrt Januiuv 'J'-', noeotding to nn iiomieeinent made heie this after noon by the limine iiituiigintion com mil tee. The linker hill is intended lo exclude nil such nlieiw. linker expected delegations from Seattle, San Francisco and Portland to at tend. WANT MONUMENTS FOR PEACE CENTENARY OAKl.A.N'l), Cnl., Dec. IS.-Kiln Mow o)l u, is, giving her homo nt Stockton, wan arrested n shn left n train hero today, clothed In ninlti at tire. She left hor homo last Tues day mill was attempting to bent her way to Portland, Oregon, whore slu sas she was to enter a nurse' training school. ' TKA..C' j iFzAMr vsassaas" PROGRESS ON CADILLAC GARAGE WASHINGTON. Dee. 1J. A bill appropriating $.i00,0l)0 for eroetnu in every state bordering on Canada, n monument commemorating 100 .war of peace with F.nglnnd was in troduced in the senate todiH by Sen ator Jones of Washington. A. 0. ltnmlall for the past five J ears manager of tho Talent b'rclinrd compaii), ouo of tho owners of the llagloy Canning company, manager of the Itoguo Ulver Fruit ami Pro duce association, one of the llvost wires mid most nrocreisUo cltlieus of the alley, left for Minneapolis Wednesday for an extended stay. Ho expects to return eventually and make his homo here. a Q-II09 i " Husband, Brother or Swoothoart nothing moro nccoptablo than "iWHf A BOX OP CIGARS, A NICE PIPE, somo Ohoico TOBACCO. - Got it at tho irlR SSJZ TO MANAGE IDS OF CINCINNATI CINCINNATI, 0., Dec. 18. Chns. llcrzojr, former third bascmnn for the Kcvv York Giants, was appointed manager this nftemoon of the Cin einnnti club of the National league. Ho succeeds Joe Tinker, recently nld to tho Brooklyn eltib nt n re--IHirtcd price of $'Ju,000. NEW YOItK. Dec. 18. Letter nnd telegrams regarding the sale of Joo Tinker by tho Cincinnati club U Hrooklyu showing that Charles Kb bctts, owner of the Brooklyn team, believed Charles Murphy of the Chi cago Cubs hnd endenvored in pp Tinker after he had been purchased by Ilrooklvii, were given out for pub lication by Ebbetts here todui "Keen your hands out of this af fair," was the wny Ebbetts worded it. Contractors l'riddv and O'Hricn are mnk;ug rapid 'rogro on the Cadillac garage on South Fir street. being built lor Court Hall bv C hnrlrs Palm. The building will bo a two .story structure and one of the fin est gnmges in the city. It will linuo the taxicabx. the Crater Lake auto stages as well as transient nutos. The snme contractors recently fin ished the home of the .Mod ford sheet iron works on North Kir. In fact, they might be said to have built most of Medford's business district, hav ing creeled a majority of the brick structures. Oeorgo O'Rrien, who left hist spring for Santa Ilarbara and other California point, hns returned to remain in Mcdford, satisfied that no small city in the country has a bet ter future. JAIL DYNAMITED BY SUFFRAGETTES ffoiv to Make the Best Cough Remedy at Home A rami I)- Mi,,ly nt Sntnll N,t, uml I'll 1 1 luimiilrcd. PROSPEROUS iYEAR FOR UNION PACIFIC DECLARES EXTINCTION OF POTATO PROBABLE WASHINGTON. Doc. IS. Declar ing the potato U threatened with ex tinction, Congressman LiudipiiM of Michigan today asked the agricul tural department to extend the dU catcd potato embargo to every coun try whero the potnto di.-en-o has ever existed. He charged that jw tato dealers were trvintr to end tho embargo for speculative panoses. TELL GOVERNOR (Continued from pag 1.) LONDON, Doc. 18. Two exph.-u ions this evening shattered tho win dows of houses opposite Hullo way jail, whero London's suffragette prisoners usually aie kept. Suffrag ette bombs were Mippoeil to have done the damnue. How badlv the iail was damaged could not be learned, as the police surrounded it immedi ately and prevented investigation. PLAN TO DYNAMITE DEN OF RATTLESNAKES SAN DIEGO. Cnl.. Dec. 18. A den of rattlesnakes. Mipposcd to con tain thousands of the rentiles. is to be dynnmited to got rid of them iu n bunch, i'C plans of the city winter department nro carried out. The snakes' den is above the Mo renn dnm site, sixty-five miles from this eity, nnd is in tho wnv of men working to develop the watersheds. The workmen report that snakes are particularly dangerous this year, giving little or no warning with their rattles. Make a plain svrup br mixing one pint of urniiulivtcl miirur mul 'j pint of warm water and ntir for 15 nilnutrn. l"ut 2 imiiciM of puro Plnex (flftv nuts' worth) in n pint tiottlc. and fill it up with the Sugar Svrun. 'I hi gives von a fnmilv nupplv of the bet cout'h H,vrup ut a owing of $.'. It novvr spoils, 'lake a trnapoouful every one, two or mri'v iiuiirff. The cuVctlvcnrs o( till slmnlc rrmnlv U urprhlng. It ni-ms to take hold al mwt itutnntlv, and will uminlly con ipirr nn ordlnnry cornjli In -I hour. It tours up the Jmlrd nppi'tllr nnd li just laxative enough tu lo helpful In a cough, and lim 'n pirating tnte. ANo excellent for bronchial trouble, bronchial nsthnut, hooping cough and spanmodic croup. This method of making cough remedy with I'inex nnd .Sugar Svrtip (or straineil himej I Is now uncd in more tmmivsi ittntt n rviliatt wttfli ' ll UIH -.I'VIII lJl' ThU rxplivtns why It is often imitatol, iiiouj-n ncicr ruccfMiuiiy. ji xou try it, use only genuine l'incx, which Is a miit valuable concentrated compound of Norway whlto pine extract, and U rich in gunincol and other natural hrnling pine elements. Other prepara tions will not work in this combination. A guaranty of absolute satisfaction, or money promptly refunded, goes with this preparation. Your druggist has I'inex, or will i;rt it for you. If not, send to The l'incx Co.. Ft. 'Tne. Ind. STAR THEATRE New Act of Vaudeville --' -- - .... Draperies We carry n erj' complete lino of draHrlfii. lacv curlalni. flxturrn. etc, anil do nil clariie of upliolnterliiR- A Kpcclnl man to look nfler thU work vxcliiRlit'ly nml will kIm, a Kiwil service nn In iwnslbla to eet In oven (ha larsciit cttlc. Weeks & McQowan Co. j fr -. 9.9 -.-, t fr Today THE FOUR VAN STAATS Presenting An Old Dutch Musicale A SINGING NOVELTY FINE HARMONY EXCEPTIONAL VOICES BEAUTIFUL SPECIAL SETTINGS A BIG TIME ACT BRIGHT COSTUMES NKW YORK', Dec. 18.-Despite dissolution of (he Hurrimnn merger, the Union l'lieifio has found liy a more prosperoiiH jenr than 191L, nc eonling to its Jatcbt rejiorl, iub lishcd today. Knniings, it was slated, wero 15.13 Ier cent on the common Block, as iiBniiiht 13.87 Inst year. Tho reoort hliowcd also increases of $7, 00,000 rtrosH and 3,800,000 net in the op cnitin income over 19r MEXICAN INSTITUTIONS FACE FINANCIAL RUIN MEXICO CITY, Dec. IS. A presi dential decree making stato bank notes legal tender throughout tho re public, and guarantee a fund to be tubeeribed by tho stato banks and deposited In tho nntlouul banks and government guarantee of tho bank notec Is tho program decided upon by the commltteo of five bankers repre senting the National Dank, the Dank of London and Mexico, and two or threo other concerns which met today with tho acting head of tho finance department. Tho manogoment of tho Central Hank exhaustod today tho reservo of tho only tjireo moro stato banks by an adroit delay Jn paying. Ivong boforo tho regular opening hour n double lino of noto holders stretched a block from tho door. "Wlion tho bank closed this afternoon those half .way In lino at tho begin ning had not reachod tho window, Although the Central Bank's dlffl cultlos do not concern directly any other bank its Inevitable reaction was manifest today particularly In tho caso of the Dank of London and Mex ico, whero thero was a heavy withdrawal. Amnions met the labor delegation in the house of representatives cham ber. Tunis Demands Down He lihtened quietly to their de mand, then replied that he intended to "tee Hint law continued to be en forced in the btrikc zone just as it has been." In his turn, he demanded that the trades tiuionislH hiibmit their griev ances in writing. Their Kpokesiuaii instantly complied. Then the ex ecutive ntked for proof. Andrew Colour, a striker who spent omo timo under military iiuot, promptly got up nud recited his ex periences. The fcoldiers took him from iail. lie said, handed him a fcliovel and ordered him to di' his own irrnvo. Ho worked, he declared, until lie wim exhausted, fainting repeatedly from fright and weariness, while the mil itiamen prodded him with bayonets to keep him nvvake by Imvonct thrusts. Finally, to his amazement, tho officer in chnrco told him it "was all a joke" and ho was released. lUocutJvo I.Kteiin I'atlently To this and other stories the gov ernor listened pntientlv. He would iiiventiirato them, bo oromised. In conclusion, lie protested npiiiiht the resolution adopted last night m fa vor of Iiis recall. Tho convention mot this afternoon to discuss tho executive's reply. The delegates mudo no pretence of being sntislied with it. Mum's The Word &''Sfru f fi -rr xrj" s r mi Our spread of Christ mas Footwear Is cer tainly a grand one. NOTHING HKTTKIt FOIt CIIKISTMAS GIFTS Cavalier Hoots, Fausts, Ilnmcos, Opera, nnd Kvcrott In men's slippers. Slippers that will certainly pleabo tho moil. I'rlco J1.-G to $3.50. Behling s S IOOII FIT lei: Kiuiti: LUMBER Vice-President Win. Gerlg of the FAolfio and Eastern Is visiting .Med f.qrd. , Coffee Good coffee there's nothing like it under the sun; no drink that can give as mueli exquisite yet harmless and whole some pleasure. Don't miss it; and don't take chances. Ask for Schilling's Best and don't be side-tracked. Preserved In its aroma overfroBh, 1-lb. 2-lb. and 2'i Jb, cane nieueybacfc, r Warmth and T Comfort for the Home L T Wherever there are children in the home sW r the comfort of the M is particularly appreciated. Hut all homes have need for it it is so convenient for heatinc the bedroom, bathroom, living room or dininc room. Lights at the touch of a match. Easy H to care for. Economical. Inexpensive. Can't smoke. II t IJocsn t smell. m 1 ,?rBSlR.e!Sto Ask to See It at Your M m uwreanuu Dealers. M s I L v sm sW , J k. k -" 11 m ssV m sJianuara ju company m k PORTLAND sm. W I MMlsssH "ssssssssiiH.ssV fsHssssslt sssH lX. J3 ffl Iffy, B sHsssh AkA I 'rill ivVT .if hs VI f J I li We sell strictly on Grades and you will find on hand at all times an assortment of all dimensions in yard stock, at the ff ;. . t BIG PINES LUMBER CO. li J 1 u