Little Willie Gettit - - i i , no - CWr wm-iv; '"' tOURIiuoilMi- -c $- j HV"-- ,. v.. ittteWr ', 0 V Vs. y t w, 4Jk I'llKAdO, Iff'. 1J IImxIiii; iic riplril llic 1'illlot -n, i.f Iln I'llni'ii tniiiiil tlrtaitm'ii( ! it lui'iil Iii'Mh iMr, Mi. I!IIh I Iiikk Vomiir -nnl tinltiy llutt nln winilil int try ( ri- rtiMT IIik Mtlt(ii nf .ilifnill'liilclit nf CIllt'itKii'M tlllilii hi'IiihiU. A wimiidh'i) nn'i'lmif wmh Mclnilnli'il fur ttniinrrow, iH't'illirlr, Iii irn- t t H(lUIIt III!' HI' t It'll llf llll- KClllHll liimtil wliU'li fotcoil linr n"i!iinlin mill In ili'iiiHiiil tln ri'tiri'iMi-nt of lit iiii'inlicrw of tlm liuiinl li voted IIRHIIHt llIT llHlHlillllllHHl to till' MIIMMIMtl'lull'lll'V for HllollllT llTIII. Minor llnrri(ni iliil lii lii'nt to rtir lumfir of ri'niiiiliiliv for tlii I'our piimiicil liv tin' lioiml iiirmliiTM In- litiiioi'lf Imil iiimiiiii'iI, Mi)lii) ln wutitil ilutiiHHil tlii'ir riti),' iinlion: iliiil Iip whiiIiiI Mm. Yoan for NUM,riiiU'iii1i,iit nil itlmiir, nml Hint .loliu ). Slionp. Milnui -uii-i iiilcinlt'iit, mIiuiii tln In iinl ttrttiil to Niiri'rnl Mr" Yulllik', oulil nut to nci't'iit tin' xi -.t i v.iii' i mil- it... i i i. 'PI... II. .1. ' I.M IWIUV, MIT. I- inr " i lie Health M'memnt," n-. It N relnt lil In Ilie lietliriiient of ilinrHnet hcrviee, wim Hie nnmrliint t"Me 1U eiin'il nt tlie "eeunil i1ii'k mmoii of Hie mnentli miiinnt imfthiK of the Amorinlion of Life InmirNiint Tiet. iilenlM, wlileli in heiitK lifld at tin' Uolel Atnr. WiIIiiiiii T. SeilKwiek. Se. I)., pro feur of liinlHK.v mnl pnlilie lienlth nt Hie Mnm'liuill In-lilule of Ti'elmoloK.v, llofcton, wiw (In prinel pnl mpenker. Diieti-iloim liy ilele KIiIom, limited to en ininiitiw eneli, followed I'rofeiHor SeilnwiekV ml ilri'H. Tin nflernoon'rt topic wiim divided into Iline Miilt-loptfn; "Kmt iiimvimlni; inleidependeneo (n) lie twi'en life iiiNtirmiee mid tlm Htnle; (10 lii'hveen nK'iitH mid polti'y liold-i'I-m; (e) lielween life iiiHiirmiec nun panic, Tho fnili-topieH with ills eiiwded ii'.M't'tltly liv .Immw II. Ynuiiif, president of Hie nnlioiuil I'onveiilion of ItiHiirniii'o fomnilcKioii ern. Knleili. N. t'.; Henry Alii'K prOhident Aineiii'iin Life coiivenlion, Springfield. III., nml Kmest .1. Oliulf, president Nntioiinl At-Mieiu-Hiiii of Life rnderwillerH, lliilliiiioii', Mil. Tlm meeting mljoiirim thin nf Inrnoon, RE OF PIIILADIILIMIIA, Hoc. 12. "Ucn ornl Mullioilii of UopulrH nnd Ho IiowiiIh," todny wiih UImuiihhoiI liy A. y. Duttii, rhlof iiiiKlnour (if tlm MiiHbii ohtiHOtts HlKliwuy CommlHHlon, nt tho eighth nnd cIohIhk mwhIoii of tlm tonth nnniinl convention of tho Aiiiniii'iin Uoml llnlldorH iiHHOclntlon, which oponotl horo Timmlny. 1'ntil I). Hurgtmnt, chlof oimlnoer of tho Mnln Htnto hlghwny coininlMslon, lod tho ilUciiflnlon. Another uulijoct dlH uiiHRod thlH nftomoon wub "llltuml noun Htirfaro Trotitmont nnd OiiBt l'rovontlon," by Wllllnm II. Connoll, ohlor of tho Phllndolpliln blirouii of lilKliwnya nml Htrunt donning. 0, W. Horn), Btioot commlBHlonor of Novv tbn, Miiub., lod tho iIUcubuIuii. W . t- ViVJlJ BlBBH imLTZ' HVHV K--- ( l im MRS. YOUNG 10 WANIS FLEXIBLE wukk m mm mam aw WTJIDFORD tou hivb -f,U v - V"Mi At'TI'K NOW Ni:V YOltK. Di-c. 12 t'rKltiK KOMTiinii'tit ri'Kiilntloii of ciiriorn- tlllllM HiioiikIi (III llltlT NllltO linliu trlnl ((itniiill(ii. John lluyn lluin iiioihI tolil tlm Nntlonnl (Uvlc Foil xrntloii Ihto tiiilny that tho Sliormnii law oui;tit to lu iiliii'iulml no nn to iiuikc It "fli'xlliln i'iuim:li for nppll rntlou In tlm IIkIiI of rciiHon In tliu t'oiiinilMlou'H itcclnloim." "I ito not tmlluvu tlm Hliorninn law ni'oilt to tin Miporri'ilcil." ho nililcil, 'hut It iluos ikm'iI fnrthnr i1o (Inltlon nml miiiltlrutlun liy mipiilc mutitnl lii:Ulntli)n " HfNlilm Hnnitiionil thnro worn nmny Hivnknri tioforo tlm foilnrntlon nii'ittliiK- CLOSING SESSION OF Ni:V YOltK. Dec. Ill -Tho rlo. Ihk MiMiloni of the fourteenth nnniinl meeting of the Nnttonnl Civic 1'cdurn tlon today develnped InteliHi'ly ln terentliiK dUcnimlonH of tho proper regulntlon of ImliiHtrlal corporations Prelilnt K'th lw, of the fedorn tlon, n former mayor of New York, preuented n report containing rue nintnindntlnnH to ho Incorporated Into any hill Introduced In rotigrei to Hiippleineiit or Milnttltnto for tho Slier- in an nnll-triiHt law. Koine of tho )iiMitloitM dlnciuned on tho mibjcct were: Shall the ulro of Industrial corpora tloiiH ho lliiilled? Ornnted that do utructlMi competition Ih iineconmnic from tho Htaudpolnt of thn pulillc. how can competition ho fo regulated as to prevent ll reaching thin point? .Should a manufacturer ho permitted to flu tlm price nt which n retailer may noil to tho vontumer? Ih tho price-cutting nf department Moron nml other mercantile cstnlillalimonts u benefit or any Injiiy to tho public? MUNICIPAL CHRISTMAS TREE AT ABERDEEN aiii:iii)i:i:nt. wuhIi., . 1.-- I'liuiH nro uiidiT wiiy today for " miinicipul ClirixtmiiK tree. One him died lending niiigors nnd nil of Iho l(inil niuxicimiH on (1 ray's llnrlior will pnrlit'ipnto in it yuletide eelelim tion to he held in tli' Mrcetri. Tho ttco will bo tho liirp'ft tlilil can ho hroiiglit hero nnd will lie electrically lighted. 1 KANES CREEK KANELETS j All tluiHe ropoitcd In tho Hide list hint week nro convalescent. Mr. nml Mru, Hoggin of tho llra don were CrnntH 1'iihh IiiikIiiohh vlBlt oih on Friday. Mr. I.owIh of Central Point upont Hiimlay on Kiiiiiih Creek, Mr. LowIh' freitiiint vIhIIh Iiiih nroiiHod HUHplclon nml wo wonilor what tho attraction. John Mordon and wtfo wore Cen tral Point and Medford Hhoppora on Saturday. Wonthor Prophet Foator'H foro cntit: Wnrmor weather and rhln, Kano'ri Crcok InulncHH visitors to Cold Hill thin woek: Mr. and Mm. lllglnliothnm, Mr, nnd Mm. I.owla, Mm. HoggH, Coorgo Shuiup. Mm. Chnndlor, Mr. ltarUor, Mm. Fonnoll, Coorgo Maidon, Mlko Foley, Mm. ilomlnibon and dnnghtor and Wonth or Prophot FoBtor. Mr, and Mm, I.owIh motorod to Cold Hill tho flrut of tho wook, For I SI i -l 0"0-0 r -' "wi-m-u . iMUI'all ia ir( NW i I- V Cl s v ' v J Toun&x7 m3BLz I (''Zrn r y , "a TCOT-L KEEP r . J- just oa iJX - i IBS euiet: H UUU LITTLE -- - V p ' H S V--7---'i P3-3U 7 HE I nnarro r" 'i ' ssi v ; i ... '; v '-i -" "- hhhhBBsi J r,- lM-7. i .-N"". . uimc -,r -y-' mj rir mm & t uods s, IV Wm- V K- 1 syi-3 - t Is -5s2i ? U S -, . f ) . ?-? i "' sLs U !& kij. juw iy;..., r v - - n. a j J v j i y-'yfjsik i jr m " - ehi bi4 w.rsa i r i i i ,ii ynuk a ' iy a blu ibAi r i i ri -x m i fsr'n r Bmr;) - jbvl r , I MATH TRrRlTNTE, MEDFORD. OMKJOW "FRIDAY. IWIW.nfCI? 12. 101H. A CRUEL' , VIWT THM IH D,ME TE? J ) W kJftisi rH ........ . .. i.. IbS-S- " 1 V llAv J iii liottur roiiiU nml floor wciillicr, who ciiii heit Houthi'rii Ori'Kon nl HiIh tliiw of tlm your. At I'dtiThOii of Colli Mill tnnilo ICnncM Creole n liimliufi Ult on Mote ilny. Hiipcrliilciidciit nml Mm. Ilnrr of tho llniilcii mlno wiiro dolni; IiuhI ni'Uri In Colli Hilt on Monday, I'. IHi'.lnlioUiiim miH it Mi'dfonl liimliii'HM vlHltor ono ilny nciiitly. I MoiiHoholilur innd" u himlnoiM trip to (JraiitH I'.imt on Moniliiy. DIED Jt'DD-l.immii II. Jiidd, the vol ornn ronl txttuto ni?onl of Tnlont, well Known tliroiiRliont tho vnlluy, dlud MUddiinly nt hlit homo TucBilny. ec. 9. of npoploxy. Ho wnii Si )i-nr of iiku nml had hcun In fiH'blo honlth for vntiui yi-nrs. Mr. Judd wni horn In 1 S 1! 1 nml nerved with dlntlnctlon In tho civil wnr. Ho wiih nn offl clnl In the federal Innd office In tho Dnkoluri during tliu firm adinlnlntrn tlon of Crnwr Cloolnnd nnd an In fluential innn. Tho reinnliiH were uliiped to Van comer. Wnnh., whero they will be Interred. W. It. lludnou, a nophcw, came down from Vnnruuvcr to nc loinpany tho' remnlnn. MAHAN At AnIiIaiiiI. Dee. . An nle J. Malum, wife of K. J, Mahnn. Sim wn n native of Frontonnc, Canada, horn Nov, 15, 1SS0, married at Seattle In 1U0I1. .She leaves n daughter, aged three, two slntem, two hrottmm nnd father, Thoninn K. Nlchol of Vnnrouvi.T, II. C, who wn8 with her when alio dlud. XOTICK. Notice In hcrohy given thnt tho tin domlgned will npply to tho city coun cil of tho city of Medford, Oregon, nt 1(8 next regular mooting on Doc. 16, 191.1, for n llcotmo to noil cplrltuous, vlononn nnd malt liquors nt retail In iiunntltlcii Icm than n gallon nt his place of IiiikIuork nt No. 17, South Front Htroot In unlit city for n per iod of nl montliB, Dated Dec. -Ith, 191.1. O. M. SULSflY. ANSWERS TO WANT ADS AT MAIL TRIBUNE UNCALLED FOR. - . " Ilo 102, 1), Singlefoot, A. " L., SS. M. I. C, r5, '(), fl'J-l, f X., .1. , ClotiiH. Miner, II. II. II., 111,'JI'J, 'JO.'Jll, H. V. M., 111, III, K. H. II., K. A. II. 4 VOll ItKNT FUHNISIUID HOOMH Fo'iTirKNT Modorn ftirnUliod rooms nl (ho Cottage, COt V. 10th street. 22S FOR WiNT Pnlm roonm. Nlcd1 clean furnlHhcd rooms, reasonable. 130 V. Mnln St. To loan on Improved ranchea. ' Interest S per cent "Intntrnnco Thut IiiHiiros." II. S. STIN13 Ituy your lusuranco of n taxpayor SPECIAL TODAY For 6alo, 12 ncrcs, Henr crook bot tom. $200 por noro, For rent, G room cottngo, 12.50 por month, water paid. If you hnvo a good house for rout nt tho right prlco, list with mo. I can rent It. My specialty la looking after non resident proporty. E. J. STEWART Itootn 204 Frultgrowom Dank llldg. Ufflco phouo C31.' Hon.' phono S22-J. 1 I Ml .IMME a n7.7 FOK HUNT I.nrgo sleeping rooms, and modern housekeeping npnrt monti, prices very reusonnhlu. Phono 217-L. 222 South Holly strt'ot. FOK KL'NTFurnlsheil rooms for light housekeeping In new mod ern homo, three blocks from I. O. Phono 372-J. FOK JCKNT Modem steam heated rooms In kuIIoh or single with or without honrd. 249 Ho. Itlverslde. phono 900-M. FOIl HKNT Nlco large sunny room with bnth nml toilet, suitable, for two or dresRtunklng parlor; $9 a mouth. 3 I S. Central. FOIt HUNT MIMCI'l.Lfet.VKOUH FOIl LKAsi: Fill! equipped placer mine. Cold Ilny Itonlty Co. FOIl ltF.NT IIOUSIC. FOIt HKNT IHvo four room houses. West Ninth .St. -Phone S5S. 229 FOIt Itl.'NT 5 room house, clotc In. Apply nt bmltli Tin Shop. FOIl HKNT Modem G room houso, ono block from Medford Hotel, also 3 room house, modern, with rnngo nil connected. Phone 20G-J, 7S-II FOIt HKNT Hurfgulow at 109 Geneva avenue, 5 rooms besides bath room, two sleeping porches, ono enclosed In glass, and attic. Alto gnrngo nnd wood Bhed con taining largo homo stall and hay loft. This Is n very beautiful homo. Hns n pergola, nnd water Illy pond In rear nnd Is surrounded by I GO choice rose bushes. Kent 130.00. Mrs. Peter Steenstrup. FOIl HKNT Apartment, 7 room and bath, 9 Hose avenue, corner V. Mnln. Phono 73G-J. 230 FOIt KM.-UAM4R FOIt THADK Will trade either farm or fruit lands fQr real estate In valley. Will consider Medford resldenco property. Address llox D.. Talent. Ore. 227 FOIl SAM HOUSES FOIl SALK A snap. 1200.00 caBh. balance $1G.00 per month, buys flini modern room bungalow with sleeping porches, garage, corner lot, close In. Act quick. Sou Mr, Daley, 33 Jackson County llauk llldg. WHY? An exceptional bargain, G ncrcs only 1 mile north of city limits on Rlvomldo nvonuo, 1 H acres good ber ries, small house, good well, chicken house, Irrigated, nil under cultiva tion. Dost poultry nnd borry propo sition wo hnvo for snle. $1500, $500 cash, terms to suit on tho bal nnco. 40 ncrcs of good timber, nonr Med ford, $900.00. Equipped to cut. J. O. HAnNKS, Phono 120-J. 1201 Fltt National Hank llldg. NEW TODAY A flvo room houso, water lights and telephone, near pavement, In tho oast part of town, nnd 50x300 foot lot. Tho Henr creek bottom kind. The houso Is comfortably furnished, and tho owner wll stop out for $1100, Part cash, I have a tlno listing of Southorn California stuff, both In town and country, that Is offered for excliaugo for proporty hero. Most of thorn want genoral farming proporty. This Is a good time to look up theso ox chnnges. O. 1). HOON lloom I-, Jackson County Hank Uldg, Phouo 10S7-J l r uu w ' FOIl BALK Fine 8 room modern resldnuco, close In, east front lot. Merlflro for uiilck sale at X.1S00. Hoiifc tilorie cost $0000.00. Clark Itonlty Co. FOIl 8ALK A six room modern bun galow on a paved stroet, only flvo minute walk from Medford Hotel. Must be sold st once. Total price only $1 COO. 00. Owner will take a small cmUi payment and J2G.00 per month like rent. See K. S. i Tutf.y 210 Oarnett-Coroy Uldg. ' , 2V2 FOIl SALK Three houses and lotT 412 Laurel St.. 411 South New town street, price $4000. Owner new Sam Uaucr, Ncskowln, Ore gon. 229 FOIl SALK At a bargain, small house and two lots on V. 10th St.. on pavomont. Address P. O. box 2G3 Central Point, Ore., or Inquiro 110 Kast Main street, Nash Hotel llldg.. Medford. 227 Foit kali: misci:ll.xi:ous FoiPsAlG;""ou''TH'AVlKltn,cy"& Clark organ, 1 A. 1). Chase organ, In first-clans condition. Apply at 23 North Fir St. FOIt SALK Don't overlook this, tbo small white bean, baud picked, dc-1 llvered In Medford by freight for 14.75 per hundred, If you don't' want 100 lbs. order GO for J2.40. 1 Send money to A. K. Shopard. Hoguoltlver, Oro. 22S FOIt SALK Kxtra fine, thorough bred W. L. cockerels, f 1.S0 to 12.00. Phono 201-114. 229 , FOIl SALK 100 tons of first class hay, six Durham heifers, A-l driv ing and work horso, covered top delivery wagon and special made driving cart. Walsh's ranch on Spring St., mile out N. Hoosovelt avenue. 23S FOIl SALE Mack Minorca cock erels. W. II. lioweu, Jacksonville, Ore. 22S FOIt SALK Typewriters, two Oli vers. No. G, typewriters. $50 cash buys either of them. Address D. K. VobO, Ashland, Oregon. 229 KOIt SAl.l! Snllzenhiiri; nnnl.i culls. good hire, fifty cents n box nt or-i cnaru. scnucnaru orcunru, pnouo CU-H3. FOH SALK Good old work team, weight about 1150, wagon nnd har ness. $200. It. S. Drown, half nillo northwest of Phoenix. 22C FOH SALE Corn-fed drossod hogs, 10c per pound. Phouo 370-J. C F. Monnlch. 220 FOH SALK Hrood sows. Holly wood orchards. Phono 491-J3. FOR SALK Extra dry tier wood, oal; fir and pine. F. Osonbruggo 401 Rlvomldo Ave. S. Phono 194. FOR SALE Ono pair of mnros weighing 1200 lbs each, cheap. 317 E. Jackson. 227 FOR SALE White Loghom hens and pullets nt $0.00 n dozen. F. T Hutler, 1700 W. Mniu. 227 HELP WANTED M.U.K WTEDsliiomaii for" Medford and vicinity. Splendid opportunity for man of energy and ability to tnko up side lino, which will enable him to earn u good Income. Ad dress P. O. Hox 393, Eugene, Ore gon. 220 HELP WANTED MALE WTEDlMsTrlct manager "for Medford nml vicinity by large In surance company. Splendid open lug for a man of character uml ability. Address P. O. Hox 393, Eugene, Oregon. 225 WANTED Minors at Hraden mine, Gold Hill, Oregon, for contract work. Gold Hay Hoalty Co. HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTED Woman or man nnd wife to rook on nearby ranch. Call MJrnvistn orchard. Phouo 597-J2. oo,' WM O WANTED Girl or mlddlo aged wo man for general housework In the country. Addross A. L., Mall Trib une, tf By George WANTKIJ -Ileflned huslneca girl would like position In doctor's or dentist's office, nnn use typewriter Address box 34 I .Mall Tribune. 22., WANTKD Two wood choppers want work, cord or rick, llox 30, care Mall Trlbuno. 22G WANTKD MISCF.I,t.AKOUS NTKD- -High grado Held g?ass. Liiger carbine and automatic shot gun. alt In good condition. Ad dress J. , care Mall Tribune. 22G VANTi:DPlngby"thT acre! I own two teams and Implements, liox II.. care Mall Tribune. 230 WANTED Fprty head of horses to feed during winter, good alfalfa hay, water and shelter, prlco $4. GO por month. Write J. J. Oscn brugge, Iluch, Ore. 225 WANTKD To rent flrst-clnss plane whero good care would bo a con sideration. Dox 2G, care of Mai' Tribune. 22C WANTKD Four men to board and room, private family, 219 North Central; can accommodato few table boarders also. Seo J. M. Flomlng, Fouts grocery. 242 WANTKD City and country pro perty for exchange. G. Allder. room 3, Hialto Dldg. 23G MONET TO LO.1.1 TO" LOAN Ilavo J1000 or" 52000 on hand to loan on ranch proper ty. No delay Is your security Is good. K. S. Turn, 210 Garnett Corey llldg. tf MONEY TO LOAN On city and close In ranch proporty. C. A. McArthur, room 3, P. O. block, phono 3f.8 MISCELLANEOUS. IMPOUNDKD Stray horso at city pound, sorrel, white streaks In forehead and shoulders. Will bo sold nt auction unless redeemed. J. F. Hlttson. chief of police. BUSINESS IHIIKCTOHY Auctioneers WILLIAM ULRICH Licensed Auc tioneer for tho City of Medford. Oregon. Terms rensonable. Resi dence phono 1G1-J. Office Jack son County Hank building. Attorney 11. F. PIATT Lawyer. 21C Garnett Corey building. Mortgage loans. PORTER J. NEFF. VM. P. MEALEY Attorneys-at-Law. Rooms S and 9, Medford National Dank bldg. A. E. REAMES, LAWYER Garnott Corey bldg. W. J. CANTON Attorney and Coun sellor at Law. 123 East Main street, Medford, Oro. Wm. M. Colvlg Georeo M. Roberts COLVIG & ROBERTS. LAWYERS ' lfrt. !... I x-nln..t it...... n..,,.,i wuuiuiu nmiuuui iiuun (immiUK B. F. MULKEY & GEO. W. CHERRY Attornoys nt Law. Jackson Coun ty Bank Building. NEWTON W. BORDEN Attornoy at law, room 7, Sparta building, Med ford. Oregon, CulroprMaur DR. R. J. LOCICWOOD, Chiropractor nerve spocmlUt. Rooms 203-204-205 Garnett-Coroy bldg. Vapoi baths and sclonttflc massage given; needlo spray, head and shouldor showor In connection; advlco In dietetics, medical gymnastics, hydropthernpy. Lady attendant, Phone, oftlco 945, restdouco 571-R $)R. A. R. HEDGES. Dr. l.oulso E Hedges Mecbano-Theraplsts, Chiro practors, Spondylothoraplsts. These systems, Including dietetics, cura tive gymnastics, hydro-thorapby. etc.. produce results In both acute and cUronlu diseases. Consulta tion free. Over Deuel & Co., cor ner Main and Bartlett. Hours 9 a. in, to 5 p. iu, Othor hours by appointment. Phono 170. llo.spltats, THE DOW HOSPITAL, Central Point, Oregon. 248 PAGE SEYEN McManus BUSINESS DIRECTORY Auto fjuppRt. LAHKR AUTO SPRING CO. Our big secret In making springs Is tho tempering. We are operating the largest, oldest and best equipped plant In tho Pacific northwest. Usa our springs when others fall. Sold under guarantee. 26 North Fif teenth St.. PorMand. Oro. AUTO TOPS Mado Hko new. Med ford Tent and Awning Co., 106 N. Front. If It's canvass, wo sell It, Dentists DR. W. M. VAN SCOYOO DR C. C. VAN SCOYOO Dentists Garnett - Corey bldg., suits 310, Medford. Ore. Phono 856. O-rtwgt GARBAGE Got vour promises cleaned up for tb winter. Call on tho city garbage wagons tor good senrlco. Phono 625-L. r. Y. Allen. Notary Public HELEN N. YOCKEY Notary pub lic. Bring your work to mo at th sign of the Mall Tribune. Printers ami Publishers MEDFORD PRINTING CO. has tho best equipped printing oftlco In southern Oregon; book binding, loose leaf ledgers, billing systems, etc. Portland prices. 27 North Fir St. Physician ami Surgeons DR. F. G. CARLOW, DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW Osteopathic physicians, 416-417 Gornott-Corej bldg., phone 1036-L. Resldenco 26 South Laurel St. OR S. A. LOCKWOOD Physician and surgeon. MYRTLE S. LOCKWOOD, M. D. Practice limited to diseases of women. Offices 232 E Main. Phones, residence, 814-J3; oftlco 814. DR. J. J. EMMENS Physician nnd surgeon. Practice limited to eye, ear, nose and throat. Eyes scien tifically tested and t-lassct suppllod Offlco 228 East Main St.. Hours 8:30 a. in. to S p. in. Phone. E. B. PICKEL. M. D. Offlco Jack son County Bank bldg. Oftlco phon& 43-R; resldenco phono 68-R. DR. MARION Puyslclnn and sur geon. Stewart bldg., corner Main nnd Bartlett Bts.; oftlco phono 27. rcsldonco phone 27-J-2. 904 West 10th. DR. MARTIN C. BARBER Physi cian and surgeon. Office Palm block, opposlto Nash Hotol. Hours 10 to 12, 1 to 4. Phono 110-J. DR. R. W. CLANCY Physician and surgeon. Phones, office 30, resi dence 724-J. Offlco hours 10 to 12, 2 to 5. DR. W. W. HOWARD Ostoopathls physician, 303 Garnott -Corey bulldfug. Phono 904-M. R. J. CONROY, M. D. Physician nud Surgeon. Ovor Hutchison & Lums den. 215 E. Main St Phono 77. DR. McM. M. DOW, Physician and Surgeon, Central Point, Oro. DR. LYDIA S. DOW. Osteopathic Physician. Contral Point, Oro. DR. W. H. HICKMAN Homeopath Offlco Robtol building, Central Point. All tolophoue calls aiiBweroJ night or day. Steuogiupiiers ELLA M. GAUNYAW Palm block. Stenographic work done oulckly ami well. lrunsvc EAD8 TRANSFER & STORAGE CO. Office 42 North Front St. Phouo 316 Prices right. Service guar uteod. m lit W i. '