Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, December 11, 1913, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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lltlny iiml .littnim Owi'in.
former county loiuiuhotlniii'iH, were
outr tioiu Antelope (Hhtrlct Wi'diicx
iluy. Mm. T. M McKliniuit iiml I'nuy
PuHlur iiml miii of Aiitlorh muito n
lrli lo Moilfonl W'tMliiiiHilii).
Ori'Konlun nucncy nl Dij 'm'n,
.Iom.iii (liKrin of AmIiIiuiiI ii well
Known minor, him tetiiint'd from ..
xlity of novi'inl inoiilliM In IlilUhli
Cnluuiblii. Ilo wtm in Medford
llmiry IImIihh or liurron
WiMlnoHilny In Medford.
14. I). WoMon, riMiiniurclnl pliotott
inphcr. m-Kullvin mnilo nuy tlmii or
plncn by iiiioii(iiniit. I'Iioiiu M
.1. 14. Hood, who (ihiih n plecn of
ImiiiI lociitt.,1 iifiir MiMironl. united
yeMflrduy from Henltln. which city he
H'liorln In n lloiirlxliliiK loiiilltliiu
Mo will rniiutln it nliort limn
OnnrKo W. CuiiiiIiik. who linx been
hcoiiiiiik In HoKiiK rlwir vitllc) for
pal fnccn for adoption In tho myit
li'rli'i of tho luiiroiil ()nlr of
Mi' n, left for IiIh homo nt Hun IHcko,
(,'!.. today. Ilo vl iiMiimo opera-
(Ioiin next monlh.
Kodak fluloliliiK int In tt n nl
Tim lady who Iiml her poutilnti
'imperii tho flrnt of tint week rnn re
enter thorn hy millliiK ut tho utoro of
(I. MfCri-lKht on North I'ronl
I'mmlii .aim of Cold Hill Iran
inicti'd liintlii.'tvM In .Mi'ilfonl Wmlnini
lny. Milk ninl or rii m nt DuVoo',
Dr. It. 14. (lolilim of Jnekunvlll.t
motored to Modfnrd Wodniuidny af
ternoon Mm. J M K Ionian of KlnMyoti
county. Cut . U tlnltltiK In Medford.
her former homo.
"Iniotrniiro your tuwt nutiet." Mnvo
thn Hit. IMaeo jour liiMirnucit with
lliilmiH, tho liiiuirnnru Mnn, rlr.lil If
Ihi write It. tf
Mr. It. (3 llrnwii of KiikIo Point
mii In Mi'ilfonl Wciliiotoln), on a
visit with roliillMn.
Trunk 14 llbt'o of North J-irknon-villi'
drovn to Mcilfonl Wnduomtiiy.
Iltmto llnm.' rhornlnti'M, I). A'. (."
W. 14. (ii'rlK. vlctfiroNlili'iit nml
iimimi'r of thn I'lirlflc ft I4nntnrn
railroad, itrrlvt'il font Cortland
J. T-, tfullltnn nml Dr. J. I Kiddy
nro roKlMorod nt n rortlntiil hotel.
Tint I'. K, Di'iiol Co. will com
memo n "Clean Sweep Halo" on
Imllrn' hiiIIk, cotttn, Iioiinii nml ullk
itii'i'H, hklrtM, witlntM nml other
ready-to-wear KariiiontH on Thumdny.
Ken ml In thU iitcr. ::(
Martin 'anon nml .1. H. Ilmurlck
of (Vnlrul I'olnt dlntrlct went of tho
iiiiiii) who eiiuio lo Mi'ilfonl Wt'dueii
itny. Herman Powell him koiio to hi
former homo In tho wml nml will mi
Kolio iteiurnl wi'itliH.
Dr. 14. KlrrliKfumier Iiiik riituriiid
nml will ho nt (ho Nnh Hotel on
Wodntudny from 10 to It. tf
M. II. Vliltilo of ItoKtio Ithcr ninl
It. liny of Cool nil Point worn In
Mrilfonl WYilnt'iility.
Clinton (liillutln of .Slnrllntf lire
clnrt iiml .1. J. Skinner of (irlffln
eni'li wont Moilfonl lnllom WoiIiicm
tiny. lilt; trnlo of IiiiIIim' renily-lo-weiir
npliarel nt DonoPu coiiiinimelnK on
Thnimlit). I'rlroH reilnretl Ml er
runt nml In hoiiio ciinhh initio. - - 1
(1. KlkHiint of .luckxontlllo, civil
eliKllieer, cmno lo Moilfonl thlH
(leorKo I.. Huff of Colli Hill, the
minor, lit irniunctlni; IiiihIiiuhh In
KnltH mul coittH for liolltm ami chll
ilrcn nut ono-liiilf ut Deiii'l'M com
meurliiK Thiirmlay, 'i'i I
Dr. 14. II, Plnkol loft for Portlmi'l
Wi'iluomluy ovonlitK to iittoml it muut
liiK of ho Htnto lioitnl of health, of
which ho Ih it innmlicr,
Mm. .1, V. Mcrrltt or Central Point
wuh with Meilfoiil frlemlH Woiliumiluy
I have (ho lurKOHt HlocK of cuff hut-
toiiH, titlck pliiH, moiiH HlKiict nmi
mil iIiikh I over rmrloil, Iluy KUitrmi
tcoil Jowolory. Mnrllii .1, Hiultly, 22fi
.lonoili (IoIiIhIi)'. W. II. Vonuhlo
mill Cluules Hamilton of AiliK"to
woro In Moilfonl dniliiK tho week.
14. H, U'oiror of l4iBltt Point Ih
muMiiK Moilfonl u hiiHluoHit vIhII.
Col hill I4ilitnll, who owim mi or
chunl In UrowiiHhoro illbtrlct, lutx re
tiir'noil to Moilfonl,
Tint moHt nitlHtlo mul iiiotty ilo
Hlitmi In luniiloutH I over hIidwoiI.
Iluy from it Jowolor who kIvvh it Kiiar
nutcn. Murtlii J. Ittiilily. 22 1
Weeks & McGowan Co.
luly Ahxlhtiint
Duy Phono U'J7
I'. V. WcokH iii:i.JU
A, 14. Oil- II7H-M
'' i
W I! Thomimou ami IiIh fmully of
(lolil Hill imrleil it fijw liniirii In Moil
fonl W'oiliioMilny,
II I.. Iliinllc. H. McKori'liiir mul
Homer llnrrou of AhIiIiiiiiI iiiotoroil
to .Moilfonl Woiliiemlny.
A H. Iliihlmnl or AmIiIiuiiI, ioiiily
Kiiiiin wmileii, wiim In Moilfonl on of
ficial ImtlnoMH WciliicHtliiy,
loltu llomiley of AhIiIiiiiiI, a rnll
lonil iiiiiii vhilteit with .Meilforil
frleiiilN toilu).
A lllllllher or Meilfoiil riKht futiM tin
nemhlinl limt iiIkIiI to hear Iho Kit
rhle-Mnrpliy fluht letuniH, mul wero
illmiitolnteil. Tho rhaiiipliin whn
I'lilieil to win.
Tho Hen llnr IoiIko will holil their
remilai' weeldy iliiuco I'rhlay IiIkIiI
W. J. Hum Iiiih rutiirncil from it
(rli lo Hanoi Valley, vInIHiik old
A demoiiHtralloii of Hchofffllln'it
Nieclitl Itrnud of Mocn mid Java enf
feo In IiuIiii: held nt tho uroiery nil
thU week. It Ih tho hlKhent i;railn
coffeo crown mid )on are Invited to
nil mid hnvo a ciii. 220
I'tnuk I'arrell wmt In from hit
rnni'li work Wi'duemliiy.
Petlo Wiitnou will leave In it fow
ila)M to mieinl ChrlntmiiH with hl
folkn In tho emit.
The work of cnttliiK treew for
ChrlttlmnK In under wii).
KvmiKollHt Put iiiiiii, who lit coii
diirtliiK it h.irli'K of revival mcctluK
In CraiilK' Pnxit In In Mcilfonl for n
mi'ctliiK- Ho report a vlitoroiiH hat
(lo itKitliiNt mii In .liireplilno county.
Tho flrnt (.'lirlNtmiiK until, tho re
niiIi of xhoppliiK early. In tho onxt. nr
i hod In Medford Woiliiemlny. Mont
of It wim from fur away point.
Tlie fitlo ut I'lrlih'H nnlenroom !n
crowded to overflow lni; each duy on
itrrouut of tho extremely low price
Think of ncIHiik IuiIIciT I, Id clot ex nt
f.o centx ter pair, mid nil other thliue
In Iko iroiorllou. And Iminenxe Imr
KuIiin In flrxi clnx Jewelry: Ktoro
openx dull) nt iiluo In (hit inoriilli;
mid cloxtMt nt four In tho uflcriioou
TorniN Hirlrtly cnxh.
Joo .lohlixoti or Jackxonvllle xpetlt
n few hoiirx In Medford Thumd.t).
14. II. KltiKhley of MnniuKiio ran
Hnrlcd InixliicFK In Mrdfont Toexilay
Al Pnukoy of Central Point, u
inemher or Iho MIkIiI timpectloii
forro witN n .Me.lfonl vUlfor Thurx
day Dt'iiliiK.
Tom Itny of Trail ntlemteil to
liiixliiexK malterx In Medford t lit
County Atheimor V. T. (Jrelvo uns'l1
in or from Jackxonvllle for n fow
hourx Wi'dui'Hiln).
.Sheriff KhiKler of .lacl.xomllle w.ti
n Medford vUltor thin, morning.
Mra. Vn)iio l.tuvor of Central
Point npent Weiluoxdny with rela
(hex In thin city.
A. II. Iiutlur of Cllenxliuri;. Wuxh.
ih in mo city tor a row iIii)h ut
leudliiK lo Inihlneix.
Walter Merlck left thlx morning
to intend to Inihlueax mnttera at Cold
it i .(. .
i. j. nii'wuri linn rocelxctl hoiiio
photoH front Dr. Carl Frvllutrr tun
Tubeuf of .Mtinchnn, Cormauy, tnkeu
on tint trip to Crater l.ako In Septum
bur. .Mr. Stewnrt had thn plcaurn of
taking Mr. Tuheiif In hlx auto on thlx
noted trip.
County CommlxHlouer Con l.eovor
Ih In Portland mteitillug tho iiuuiinl
meeting of county courln.
Mrx. (.'. M. Kpni'K left Thurxday to
xpend the winter, In Honolulu.
Tho Mile at I'lrlchV Halexroom .a
crowled to ovorflowlng ench dny uu
account of tho extremely low prlciu.
Think of felling JudlcH kid glooH nt
.M) centH por pair, and nil other thlugH
In Iko proportion. And ImmoiiHo bar
guliiH In flrnt cIiixh Jowelry. Store
opeiiH dully nl iilmt Ju thu morning
mul cloxch nt four In tho nfiornooii.
TorniH atrlctly ciuh,
C. C. Hoover, tho local tutlitmnn
ror thn Ynklnui Imlopeiideut Numery,
Iiiih Juki recolved hlx flrt cnrloud j:
pear trit'H. TIiIh car coutitliiH llart-
IfttB. D'AnJoH, JolhHor. lloHcnnd Win
tor Nelllx, lleroro liulug jon will
iiiaktt no mlNtiiko In Hcclng tliene
tit'OH uh they nro (ho fluent mid iiiohI
couiplfttt Htock In tho viilloy, A
la iko lllllllher of themi Iicch mo full
unveil feet In liolght. Tho kind ror
ro-Mittlng lu old uri'lmrilH. TIiohc
tieoH nro being InHpoctod ut tho Hoov
or uurnory ymd on North Itlvcioldc
JllHt Off Of pitMIIIIUIIt,
Piiroiit-Tcachei'H' umioclntlon of the
WaHhlngtou Hchool will moot In tho
Hehool building Friday, Dee, I a, ut
:t p. m,
PiofcbHor lloiTlnglon of Kiikoiio
will aililruBti tho Puroiit-Tencliera' ns
Hoclutloii on hcIiooI faro; nlxo Mix,
Mini of Medford will addroHs thu as
Hoclailon on a Hiihject Holuctod. Tho
meoliig will bo hold In tho hchool
hoiiHo, Friday afternoon a; -in p, in.
.loo llcommi, ox-mayor of Cold Hill
wuh In Meilfod on IhihIiu'uh WoiIiioh
dny, Verii Canon oNpoctH to leave tho
flrHt of thu your. for l.odl, Cal whuro
ho Iiiih it liiialiieBa proposition,
Thu ItiiHkot bail giimo Hchudulod
ror tonlifht botwoou thu IiIkIi tx-hool
mid nliimni tenuiH Iiiih been post
poned on account of a ttkutlug parly
occupying tho Nat floor.
Jon Toiler of WntkliiH Hpont u fow
duyH In Mod ford tho first of tho
Mpmrorcn mati, TurnrmR
II, T, Vmi do Cur, rlrlckeii Tue
duy hy liomorrhmto of thu htoimich,
wax reported uh ImprovliiK UiIh morii
Ing. Mr. Vmi do Car'x condition wax
hlftlily preciirloiiN for tho flint-'.' I
hoiirH of IiIh Milieux. Ciilux lompll
culloiiii m Iho IiIh rorovory kciiiih iih
Hiired, HioiikIi xtlll In u xorloim condi
NI4W YOIIK. Dec II With n
iiiexxiiKo of frloiidHhlp to thoxo who
reprexeiiteil Canailn mid with tho doc
liirntlou (lint in IiIh holler tho llmo
wax iouiImk wlien there will ho Ulll
terxnl (nits Hecrotury llrymi upoko
tonlKht ut tho annual dinner of tho
Cmiudlnu Hoclety of Now Yolk.
Bccreliiry llrynu Hpoko on "Tho
l.nnd n I.lvu In." dlvlriK tho reu
NotiH why (ho United Ktitten mid Can
ailn, uh n dominion of Orcnt Ilrltnln
xlionld especially dexlro pcaco with
nil nutloiiH.
Ho mild thlx country had Invited to
Uh xhorex thu people from nil pnrU of
Ciiropu mid "thurnforo wliuti wo vx
lend our hand In frlenilxhlp wo extend
It to peoplo t'verywhoro, nml when
vvn determine, (hero xlinll ho no rnuxo
for wnr hetween Iho Cnltod Htnten
and Creat Ilrltnln wo uUo diitermlno
there Khali ho no cnuto for wnr ho
twceii tho Culled Hlatex and any oth
er country In tho world.
"I hullovo we nro lunltlni; proKrexN.
While It In not IIKely thoxu now llvlm;
cmi hope to nco tho day when thoro
will Lo no wnr, I hollovo In tho future
thoro will ho xuch n day."
Ni:V YOIIK, Dec II- WltnoaicB
who know Atitin Aumiillrf nml other
who foiiud portloiiH of tier hody after
llnnx cut It up nml cast It
Inot tho lluiUon river lextlfled for
thn xtnto today In .Schtuldt'B trial for
ThroUKh nil their textlmony tho
former prliwt nut nx If ho wnx n dlx
IntoroHtud Hpoclntnr. IIIh nttornuyti
ni'lred on every point that would imp
port their contention ho U luinuo.
, notki:.
Notice U hereby glvoii that the tin
iloralgncil will apply to thu clO' coun
ell Of tho cltv of Medford. Orecou. nt
H"l regular meeting on Dec. 10.
KM 3. for a llconxe to noil spirituous,
vloiiou mid mnlt Ibiuorn nl retail In
iltiantltlex lexx than a gallon nt his
place of btinexH at No. 17, South
Front street In xald city for a per
iod of hIx months.
Dated Dec. 4th. 1913.
('.ml or Tlinuks.
Wo wlxh to thank our frletulx for
their, nHxUtmico nt death of our
dnughtcr anil ulster Charlotte C.
MltS. (1. M. WIU.IAMH,
Mil. !.. I.. Wi:STI4ltM'ND.
TOO lhTI4 TO CiaSHtl'T.
FOit SAI.I4- loo lonx or first clnxs
hay, hIx Durham helferx, A-l driv
ing mid work horse, covered top
ilelhery wnKon and special made
drhlug carl. WalxliH ranch on
Spring St., mile out N. Itooxevelt
nteiiue. j;tn
FOIl SAI.I4- Flno S room modern
roxliloiii-o, cIoho In. oust front lot,
Hitcrlflco for quick sale at :tSU0.
Ilouxe alone coxt JtiUOO.00, (Mnrk
Itealty Co.
FelfsAi.i: Oil THADI4 I Stacy ft
Chirk oi'umi, l A. II. CIiiiho oiKmi,
In flrKt-chihrt condition. Apply nt
2.1 North Fir St.
WANTKD Whnt hnvo you In Hut
. way of a furnished house, close In
on paved Htrcef: Hnvo flvo, faint
Ilex wnltlug ror furnished houses.
See C. A. McArthur, room ;t, oer
P. O. Phono JlfiS.
FOIl i:.CHAN(il4 Mano.00 rest
denco nml two lots In Seattle to
oM'luinKo ror Medford or Hokiio
river valley property of otpiul
value. Sen C. A. McArthMr, room
II, oxer P. O. Phone UliS.
FOIl HI4NT Two four room housoh,
West Ninth St. Phono Sfis. aaii
No need hiivlng piles nny longer!
No need of Buffering nnothor day I
Slenrn'H Pllo ltemedy (comploto with
lube) will help you or IT COSTS YOU
This remedy Is u combination of tho
lately discovered, hlgh-nriceil Adrena
lin Chloride with other powerful cunt
tivo principles, mid IT STOPS THE
. Ho sum nro wo that Steam's Pllo
ltemedy will bonellt you tlmt wo will
not satisfied.
TliU Is tho only pllo romody that
wo can guarantee nml wo know you
will thank us for telling you about It
Wo hnvo tho exclusive agency,
JlnMilnv Drug Stoio
MKnForcn, onucmx,
YVontoiikii Trlho luproved Order
of KmIiiioii of Medford trailed to the
httiitlui: Krotindx of .liu'kxoiivlllo, mid '
conferred tho iluKrri of tho order on
n iiiitnhur of jihIu fncex It, K llnntri
utloriioy-nt-law of .Inikxonvlllu wni
nmoiiK IIioho who went adopted. Th
trlhn ut .luclixoiivlllo Ih PoruhoiitnN
No. I -orKiuiled In ixfis, the oldoxt
trlhi; In thu Htnto of OreKou. Papa
Admu of .iMckronvlllo, the
only charier melilhcr of tho trlhe. Ik
tho olilext Adopted I toil .Man In tho
xtnto Tho illxpenxntloti for now mom
hem will continue. In all trlhuB In the
county until nf'or .Inuunry Int. A
xplcnilld hmuiucl wux orjjoyed hy
thoxo prcxonl. Ahoiit 'i't of tho mom
Iiith IiicIuiIIiik tho drill team from
Medford woro profent.
r - -
NI4W YOIIK. Dec II Tho Krnnd
Jury llxlent'd to ovlilunco today ro
KardltiK (ha charKox that Cforo Pal
mer, chairman of thu New York xtnto
domocrntlc committee, accepted ram
pulKii contrlhutlonx from a corpora
tion, a mlxdumcuunr punlxhnhlo upon
conviction by a year'x ImprlHoiitnoni
or a tliQUHand dollar flno or hoth.
hut took no action.
It In understood thai Dudley Van
Wirt, (ho only wltneix called today,
fiirnlihcd tho evidence which hroaJ-oiii-it
tho ciihu to. such mi extant that
tho dlxtrlct attorney naked an ad
journment until tomorrow to subpoe
na more wltncficx.
Red Cress Stamps
J.mlicri of tho (innlir .Mcilfonl
club plnt'Cil on Mill' lttil Cron
C'liriKtiniiK s ntnpi, (he pntcecils ol
which go to the tulien ulmr p- or. The
fitninps can lio obtn ncd nt local
kIoich. Siili-i liv (Ii'' ladies will be
gin Sutiinluy. Kveroito i expceled
to buy to help along tho u'ooi'. eaue.
Live man to soil life in
siirant'c, regular salary
and commissions. Call
No. f. St. Mark's bid?;..
bet. 12 and -1, or write
Hon riUL.
Are yon talcing life's
pleasures that are right
at your elbow ( Have
you learnt the keen and
beautiful enjoyment of
a fine cup of. coffee for
breakfast f
You want it to start
the day; to lighten the
fog and brighten the
Schilling'!! llcM In iironm-tlKht
runs, everfresh; cleanly gruiiii
lated nionexback.
Only Two Wceki Are Left In Which to
n Ynxr Ow'.t" Shopping.
1 will he at tho
Wonder Store
personally Saturday, Deoem
bor V., from 'J to!) p. in.
TiirnsitAV. nKCKMisrcrc
XKW YORK, Dee. llr Tim court
room in which I Inn Schmidt vwih on
Irinl for inimlcriiiL' Atinii Aumiiller
wiim like it ilrexmnkern' nml milli
ner' hhoW (oilliy, Hlleh wuh the
limine of fuwliioiiulile women who nt
(eiuleil lo heiir llio vruuNotni' tlclniU
of Iho .voting (leruinn u'irl'n rntinlnr.
Selimiilt ntiuounecil Mint lie would
hot hco hit father, who wa coiiiii.k
Irniu (ierinunv to help It in, but xunl
bo wiim willing to meet IiIh tii-tcr.
CHfCAfJO, Dec. 11 -An attack of
tho woman xuffrai;o law enacted at
thu lant HOHRlon of tho leRlxIature wan
nindo today In a xnlt (Hod aalnxt tho
election commlHiilonem by William
Scown, n tax payer. The Bull nxkii
an Injunction to restrain, tho election
hoard from upending money for hip
nrato ballota for women and to pro-
hlblt women from voting pending the
decision on tho Inw'x
Ity. Tho milt attacks tho net's con
stitutionality In permitting women to
vote on Rpcclnl questions.
Itenioics trry particle of ilauili'iiff.
Mopi fn'lloK tuilr nml Ix a
ilcllglilftil iln-.kliig.
To be poMOXKod or n head or heavy.
beautiful hair; xoft, luxtroiiR, fluffy.
wavy and free from dandruff Ix mere
ly n matter of ueIiik a little Dund-
It Ih eauy and Inexpensive to have
nice, soft hair and lots of It. JuM
Kft a an cent bottle or Knowlton'H
D.indeilne now all drug Elorea rec
ommend It apply a little as directed
and within ten minutes there will be
Inn appearance or abundance' fresh-
tiexx, fiifflnc'H and tin Incomparable
gotH and lustre and try uh you will
joii cannot find a trace of dandruff or
liiMmtt ltetllef When Xom- mul Head rant balm dissolves by the heat ot the
nro ( .oKuetl mini a ( nlil. Moh
Niuty Cutnrrluil DIsrliurgeN.
Ileniliiclio 'nnlslu-..
Try "Kly's Cream Ilulm."
(let a small bottle anyway, Just to
try It apply n llttlo In tho nostrils
mul Inxtuntly our clogged nose and
xtopiMMlup ulr passages or the hcun
will open; you will breathe (reel,
dullness and headache disappear. Hy
uinrulng the catarrh, cold-ln-head or
catarrhal sore throat will be gone.
Km! such misery now! Oct tho
b ninl I bottle of "Kly's Cream Halm
at any drug More. This sweet, frag-1
Oinlment for Neuralgia
IC.ino that throbbing pain, that
splitting headttclio in a twinkling
with a llttlo MUST-
Try this clean,
white ointment (made
with oil of mini t a rd)
today. Millions havo
round It a marvelous
relief. Millions use It
now Instead of tho old-time mustnrd
plaster. For the know MI'STKItOI.K
docs not blister as old-time mustard
plasters did.
llcht for Sort Throat, Dronchltls,
Croup. Stiff Neck, Asthma. Neuralgia.
One lino uf Men's Slippers is tho finest assortment you can find
anywhere. You'll find our prices very reusouublo too.
Slippers nro now always havo beou and always will bo tho Ideal
Christmas (lift for Man!
Behling s S
Big Body Fir.
OAK cut from largo timber,
CEIVED. Phono in your orders for Tior "Wood or
Cordwood to
S Measurement
Sixth and Fir Streets.
n. mix
Hcrgcniil Put Jlcgo of (ho pollen
force, opernteil upon for nppenili-citi-i,
nml .now comulciring nt Iuh
homo, ronlrnry to cMiiIiIimIici ciin
lom willi city employe, will be nl
lowcil no pny during Iiih forced ln
off. TIiIm is due to n Minlilen nttnek
of economy on the imrt -if the conn
oil, nml the first (.ymplomi of the
quality in the mmmticinent of city
uffnirx. Ilereloforo puv of employes
eontiiiucil when ill. Chief of Police
Ilittxott received hit milnry when
stricken with typhoiil.
dent WIIxon'H cold Ii Rtlll trouhllnf?
him. Ho found It hail no weakened
hU voice that ho had to cancel hU
addrcii over tho telephone at tho
banquet of tho chamber of commorco
of riocbcslcr, N, Y.
Dr Lyman Abbott will bo 78 year
old next week.
falling hair: but your real surprise
will bo nfter about two weeks' luc.
when you will ee new hair -fine and
downy nt flr&t yen but really new
hair sprouting out nil over your
kcalp Danderlne Id, we believe, the
only Hiire" hnlr grower; destroyer of
dandruff and cure for Itchy scalp and
It never falU to stop falling hair at
If you want to prove how pretty
and so.ft your hair really Is, moisten
a cloth with :i llttlo Danderlne and
carefully drnw It through your hair
taking one small strand nt n time
Your hair will be soft, glosiy and
beautiful In Just n few moments a
delightful surprlso awaits everyone
iwtio trlcx this.
nostrils; penetrates and heals the In-
flamed, swollen membrane which
lines the nose, head and throat; clears
tho air passages; ctops nasty dis
charges and n feeling of cleansing,
soothing roller conies Immediately.
Don't lay awako tonight Btruggllug
for breath, with head stuffed; nos
trils closed, hawking and blowing.
Catarrh or a cold, with Its running
nose, foul mucous dropping Into the
throat, anil raw dryness Is distress
ing but truly needless.
Put your ralth Just one in
"141y's Cream Dalm" and your cold or
catarrh will suroly disappear,
Congestion, Pleurisy, Hhcumatlsm,
Lumbago, nil Pains and Aches of the
Hack or Joints, Sprains, Sore Muscles,
llrulses. Chilblains. Frosted Feet.
Colds or tha Chest (It prevents Pneu
monia). At your druggist's in "Tc and 50c
Jars, and n xiHtlal huge hospital size
Accept no substi
tute, tr your drug
glu cannot supply
you, send "5c or 00c
to tho ML'STKKOI.K
Company. Cleveland,
Ohio, and wo will
mall you a Jar, potugu prepaid,
ultsh A. Webster, 10 i 14. lCSth St.,
Now York City, says:
"1 can highly recommend Muster
olo to any one suffering from Neurnl
glu or it cold In tho head." (05)
Come to our
Slipper Spread
After ou hao thought
and thought, bceu all over
town and looked nt thous
ands of useless articles,
you'll undoubtedly decide to
give "Him" Slippers!
H. Ray
Phone 750-R
Cheap and
Easily Made, But Ends
a Cough Quickly
llotv in ?fnk llio Very Hex!
Co null nl llmtlr.
fully Uunrmiloril.
This pint of ccukIi svrup Ix enxllr
made nt home and saves Jim nlmut t-M
ax compared with ordinary coiihIi reme
dies. It relieve olixtlnnta couulix even
whooping cough tiiiickly, nndlx splen
did, too, fur bronchial axtlunn, spits
medic croup and liuurxenrx. (
Mix one pint of urn nil hi to I suuiir with
Vt pint of warm water, and stir fur 12
minutes. Put 2Vi ounces of I'lnex lilftv
centx' worth) in a pint bottle, and inld
thn Huuttr Hyriip. Take n tuooiiful
every one, two or three lioun. Tnxteti
litis taken rk'lit hold of a cnujih ami
fivci nlniest inxtant relief. It otlmtl
ittis the appetite, and ix slightly laxa
tive both excellent features.
Plnex, nx pcrhnpx you know, Is n
mo,t vnluiibln coneentrutctl compound n(
(irwnr white pine extract, rich In
cuaiitcnl nnd tho other natural !"Iiug
jiiiip elcntentx.
No other preparation will do the work
of Pinex In this mixture, nltltotigh
strained honey can be uxed Instead of
the ituiar xvmp. If dcxircd.
Thouxanifx of lioufivcx In the United
States and Canada now uxe this Pinex
and Suirar Svrup rrntedr- Thlx plan has
often bern Imitated, but the old success
ful combination hsx never been opinio!.
It low coat nnd quick results have made
It immensely- popular.
A irusrantv of abxnuif" xntlxfnctlon,
or money promptly refunded, go with
Ibis preparation. Your drugglxt has
I'lnix. or will ctt it for you. If not,
scni to The I'incx Co., Ft. Wayne, ImL
VTo carry a vcrv rntnnlln lln nf
drarxTlr. iae.t curtnlnx. fixtures, ntc,
and do nil ctax-M-M uf uptiolxtrrlnjf. A
xrx-etal mnn to look after thin work
J cxcliulvcly nnd will Klvo hh roo.1I
xrvicp bx in rHgiDis to eel in oven
, Iho larRcsl cities.
Weeks & McGowan Co.
Eyes Refitted
1 fit someone with glasses almost
every day who has paid good money
for a misfit.
Tho accurato fitting of lenses in
volves a degrco of scientific knowl
edge little understood by peoplo gen
erally, until they havo proven tho
fact by costly experience
If I do your work It will not have
to bo redone or repaid for.
Dr. Rickert
Suite- 1-2, Over Deuel'
The new, up-to-duto Cnfn
tcvin, where you get the best
of everything, get just what
you want and pay for what
you get and nothing more.
And besides this, everything
Home Cooking
By an expert woman cook.
We want you to try us once
and we will take our chances
after that
20 South Central
The Mothers
of Medford
Arc especially invited to the
Mothers Night
Services at the
First Baptist
Tonight, December 11
Sermon bv
The intorest in these spe
cial meetings continues. Vic-'
tory every night. Good
singing. Como.