lit K PXG15STX. SHQRTAG E APPLES IN STORAGE OVER YEAR AGO There were npiiroxlmatoty 4,000, 000 boxes of apples In storage In the United States on December 1st or 2,500,000 boxes less thnn on the same ditto n year ago. The information is very startling nnd g given on tlio authority of tho International Applo Shippers' asso ciation, which Is In n position to know almost exactly what tho holdings of fruit nro. Tho npplcs in storngo In Chicago shew: Nov. 24, 290,000 boxes, 300,000 barrels; Dec. 1, 460,000 boxes, 403, 000 barrels. This means a decrcaso of 170,000 boxes of apples and 103,000 barrels of tho EAtno fruit and by tho time that tho December holdings of this year In tho Windy City aro known, tho shortage will bo much greater. Considering this extreme shortage In available supplies of apples In tho country at this time, tho outlook for tho market is much moro faovrabla than had been generally anticipated. Whllo it had been generally expected thnt tho holdings would bo much less thnn a year ago, the shortago is oven greater than any or tho trado had an tlclpatcd. While It Is truo that tho apple crop of tho country was very short this season as compared with a year ago, it has been generally presumed that there was a smaller percentage of tha crop marketed this season owing to tho high prices that havo been In of", feet this year as compared with tho very low prices a year ago. Tho holdings of apples in storage along tho Pacific coast and especially in tho Pacific northwest aro much less than generally expected although detailed figures aro not yet avail able. All of tho big districts aro get ting qulto well cleaned up of sup- piles and In tho smaller districts there aro so fow aflples remaining for market that they cannot bo consid ered as much of a factor. MEDFOUD MATE TRrBUNE. MEDPORD, OKTtfJON. MONDAY. DflOMMi. R. i i null ..jrrr. BOO AV AT TEN TO SIX VR BARRIEAU I.OS ANGKl.KS, Cnl., Dec. S. Los Angeles fans apparently do not bcllcvo that Hud Anderson of Mod ford has been marked for the retired list because of his recent election to tho Appendicitis club. This Is indi cated by tho preponderance of opin ion that has established him a 10 to G fnvorlto over Frank Ilarrleau, of Vic toria, 11. C, whom ho meets In n scheduled twenty round match tomor row night at Vernon. Anderson lias not appearvd hero since his knockout by Loach Cross on tho evo of an operation for ap pendicitis. Harrleau subsequently bested Cross In a no decision bout at Vancouier. For this reason ninny seasoned rlngblrds declared tho price was a false one. The boys will weigh In at 135 H four hours beforo the bout. The w Inner probably will be sent against Jack Urltton of Chicago. WD WELCOMES MRS I P E F Pi E LIVESTOCK FREED FROM JAIL LONDON, Dec. S. At liberty on seven das leave from prison, Mrs. Knuuellne Pankhurst arrived In Lon don at none, was met by nn enthus iastic throng of suffragettes and wont at once to suffragette headquarters, where a special sulto had been pre pared for her. Her rooms. It was announced by Mrs. Dacre-Kox. a leading militant, would bo barricaded to prevent tho pollco from re-nrrestlug her at tho expiration of her leave. For tho authorities tho situation promised to become an embarrassing one. It they do not attempt a re arrest, It was pointed out, their fail ure to act will bo a confession of their helplessness. It they do attempt one. It was generally agreed that the militants hnvo reached a point .where their resistance can hardly escapo being attended by bloodshed. In having Mrs. Pankhurst arrested on her return to England from tho t United States, It was tho consensus 'of opinion that Home Secretary Mc- Kenna made a mistake' which ho will i have causa to regret deeply beforo the trouble he stirred up Is over. Mrs. Pankhurst was still very weak from her hunger and thirst i strike in Exeter jnll. HUNDRED LIVES LOST BY FLOODS T DEVASTATING E rOHTLAXI). Dee. 8. Keeeipts for the week have been en t tie, 1401,1 cnles IS, hoji- 44'S, rdieep 317:1. ' Cuttle 1iiiiiiln ion litis been ex tremely light during: the Int mx days., due to the eotniu? Pacific Interim-', tionnl LiveMock Show. Demand for prime heavy steers is ery slron;. prices are cnoniglly :)0 to .() eenti - higher than they were n week ago. I Hot grade steers nro selling from' The ''" lepartment "f the ?7.'0 to .fS.UO nml medium crudes nl' Greater Medford club distributed 114 $7.00 to J?7.f)0. The butcher cnt.le ." lnlm bulbs mi fcaturdny nt V015T WOHTIt, Tex., Dee. 8. Otvie orgnnmilioiis throughout Texas wero -raising funds tmd supplies top day for flood sufferers. Trains were rushed to llennie, llrynn and olher towns where refugees were re ported starving ami without shelter or clothing. ( Smallpox has broken out in some pliuH", ntul the receding wnlers have left most of the. iloodcd district in mi iinsnniturv condition. It wns learned definitely today thnt 100 lives were lost in tho flood. The death list wns increasing hourly uud some of tho estiinntes of the futnlities were high as 1000. ,Tho Coinmereiul rluh of llrynn cstiuinted the denths in that section nlouo nt 500. More thnn n lhouaud persons were still marooned today in tho Ho lier stories of their homos n round Wellborn. Six white person and four uegniss wen? rceued there this morning from trcetopi. GRANTSPOTTS CITY TAX LEVY join .' .'RJJLI.lllllJWil'U a. SCHOOL SURVEY W OUTHOUSES ARE UNSANITARY SAYRE AND BRIDE LONDON, Dec S. Sir. and Mrs. Francis U. Sayro were sightseeing to day in London. United States Am bassador Page's residence, where they wcro guests, was their head quarters. They were to attend a din ner at the Authors' club this evening. "NOT GUILTY" IS PLEA OF LEAH ALEXANDER SAX FRANCISCO. Cnl., Dec. 8. "Not guilty," was the plea entered today bv Leah Alexander, charged with hhooting nnd killing J. H. Van Bnnlcii, a newspaper solicitor, in his office here October 18. Judge Dunne continued tho case for one week,! when the trial ante will he set. division bhtired in the advance of beef price- to n limited extent. Sup ply was limited and ipmlity not of ihe best. A few cows nt .f(!..")0, heifers nt :?(1.7."i, hulls nt $.l.r0 nnd stags nt 6d0 nrc n few top sale in thi division. The hog market is prohnbly . lo the public library. Knelt hag con tinued five choice Inillw. , About twenty persons who had registered for the bulbs previous to Saturday failed to call for them. These will be supplied on Wednesday t tho library Nearly fifty more persons who had 10 cents stronger prime light stuff!110' registered for the bulbs came to selling ut $8.00 in bulk, nnd n few 'the library Saturday expecting to be choice loads at .8.0. and $8.10. Li- j supplied. Their names we're tnken fuiidution wns nbout 12. to :0 pcr'n,,l a effort will be innthv to give cent less thnn for Ihe previous ..j.x.thoni each a few bulbs on Wednes days. Outlet for good ho" is broad. Sheep house condition .showed vr:y little chnnge. There is :i good sale ptcvnlent for fat million nod lambs, but buyers seem 16 he shading bids on the poor grades. Fancy yearlings nt $5.00 nnd lambs ut $0.30 were ex treme sales. Choice selling ewes are not offering. Jloot of the sales av erage, front $3..")0 to $3.05. Kntries nre pouring in for the Fnt Stock Show the coining week. Stock from all sections of the Pacific coast is entered. Special stock entered for premiums will approximate .'1000 head. Preparations have been mnde to handle the largest crowd in the history of the Pucifio Internntionul Livestock Show. Spcclnl dins have been provided for various Portland day. mere nre, however, no more dahlias to be given nwny, ns the sup- ply has been exhausted. Jlot-o cuttings nnd chrysanthe mums will he distributed in February by the civics department. f 4- f f f ,4-' IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE commercial bodic. Inland Ktmiire. Day nnd various other features. Potter & Goold of Fair dale orchards inform us that on tho strength of n two lino classified nd in (ho .Mail Tribune and the efficiency of the public innrket, they sold more, than J50 boxes of ap ples at the market Saturday. f-4-4. (HUNTS PASS. Dee. 8.- The budget covering the estimated ex penses of the city of Grants Pass for tho year 1014, ns prepnred by the finance committee of the council, wns ndopted Friday night, and on its recommendation a city Jn xlevy of seven mills wns ordered. This levy includes n tl1 -null general tax nnd half mill special library lax. The budget contained the following items of expense, ns estimated for the com ing year: Street mnintninancc, $1350; fire dctinrtment. $'J500; police, $4,180; light nnd water, $7300; city attorney, $900; auditor's office, 12300; parks, $1500; city treasurer, $'J 10; city en gineer, $1000; sewer expense, $100; bond interest, $.VJS0O. Total esti mated expense, $30,330. The income of the city in addition to the general tax levy of 0l,. mills nnd tho library tnx of half n mill is estimated bv the finance committee ns $12,000 from liquor licenses nnd $2000 from other sources. The levy lnt year was nine mills. RED MEN HOLD BIG CLASS INITIATION A big class adoption of tho tribes ot tho Improved Order of Red Men was held at tho Rod Men's wigwam on Applo street Saturday. The de grees ot tho order wcro oxompllflod by Wvatonka's drill team. Tho mem bers of tho various tribes in Roguo River valley with candidates wcro present. A banquot followod tho ceremony of tho adoption of pale faces. Past Great Sachom Loo Ja cobs, Past Sachem I). T. 8olsby and Past Sachem Frank Martin had churgo of the affair. There litis recently appeared In the local press, a Portland despatch un der the heading, "County Schools In Ijml Condition," which was based on A (report made by Mrs, Kiitherlno Kelley, traveling nurse for tho statn board ut health, after a trip ot In spection through tho schools of Douglas, Josephine nttd ncksun coun ties. Tho article stated that Mrs, Kelley found tho saultury conditions In tho schools very bad, and that many cases ot Impetigo or Bklu dis ease, caused by filth, were found. In order that tho readers of that article may bo fully informed of tho condi tions found by Mrs. Kelley In Jnck son county, I am giving below hor de tailed report ou nil schools visited li this county, which will show thnt shu did not find thorn In bad condi tion, Nearly all tho schools visited wero reported clean, and ouly two cases of Impetigo wero reported, and ono ot these was not hi a country school, hi many Instances tho out houses wero reported in bad condi tion, nnd this condition Is bound to exist to a greater or less degree so long as tho old stylo toilet Is In vogue, though wo nro mnklnc on effort for tmprouMucnt atonic this lino. llelow Is tho detailed report of Mrs. Kelley, as furnlshod mo by tho sec retary of the statn board of health: Anderson Creek School, teacher Pupils 22, drinking tank and Individ ual drinking cups, school very clean, out houses In very bad shape. Wagnor Creek School, teacher Pupils 21, Impetigo 1, school and ventilation very good, janitor serv ice, pump and Individual cups. North Phoenix School, teacher Pupils 29, building titty years old, fairly clean, out houses fairly good, pump and Individual cups. Griffin Creek School, teachers Pupils 6G, ono room very unsanitary, drinking tank ana individual cups, out houses very unsanitary. Oak Grove School, teachers- Pupils 40, sanitary conditions fairly good, boys out house very unsanitary, pump and indllvdunl cups. Independence School, teacher- Pupils 20, drinking tank nnd Individ ual cups, sanitary conditions good, out house not very clean. Antclopo School, teacher Pupils 7, school very clean, out houses good condition, pump and individual cups. Ilrownsboro school, teacher Pupils 0, drinking tank and Individ ual cups, school clean, out houses very bad shape; need new ones. School 66, toachor Pupils It,, drinking fountains, out houses fairly good. Lake Creek School, teacher Pupils 23, pump and individual cupi, school fairly clean, out houses ury unsanitary. Kagla Point School, teachers Pupils CO, school clean, girls out house good, boys out bouso very un sanitary. Roosovelt School, toachor Pupils 22, school clean, pump and Individ ual cups, out'houses vory unsanitary. Dewey School, teacher Pupils 13, pump nud Individual cups, iichuol clean, liiinn 1'lno School, timelier Pupils 2:i, pump nud Individual cups, school clean, out houses good condition, Agate School, teachers -Pupils R0, pump nud Individual cups, school clean, out houses futrly gund, Table Rock School, teaeher Pupils 2 4, adenoids 1, school clean, pump nud ItidlWditnl cups, out houses fairly clean. ' Chupnral School, timelier Pupils . 2B, drinking tank nd Individual cups, school clean, out houses good condition, I Antloch School, teacher--Pupils '27, pump and Individual cups, old .buildings futrly clean, out bouses un sanitary, I Gold Mill School, teacher (prl Mtiury) Pupils 34, adnolds 1, liupott- go 1, old building, room very cold, needs Inspection, no wntur supply, (Ou account ot crowded conditions In tho Gold llltt schools, this r.rado has been transferred to tho old school building ouch deserted.) Dnrdnuels, teacher Pupils 22, pump and JndUldual cups, mutilation very bad, AVtatorbury s)ntem, out houses fairly good. West Side School, touchers Pupils 26. ndiiolds 2, drinking tstik and Individual cups, uut houses good condition, school clean. (This re port Is not correct, 'thero being no drinking tank nor Individual cups In this school, but a drluklue fountain instead.) J. PI.MICY WKI.I.S. N. Florence Clark VIOLINIST AMI TKACIUUl First-class Music for nil Occasions 1 1 10 W. Fourth St, Phone 71M Draperies W csrrr s yrr eompUU tin of flrtrl, lar eurislna. fliturr. via nd do ill elia of uphoUtrln A prclnl man 10 look after this work ieluilvtly and will firs good irrlc In poailbls to rt la ovsa tha lirgrst clllvs. Wooka & McCrowan Oo. . JIKM II- n.tiVi.., i.-i.,i.ji Coffee Ni'lillliiuj's HphI, prop erly iiukIp, and served with ei'oain, is liquid optimism. Very finu for dissolving the morn ing grout'h and giving you a Hiinny front, to facu the day. Preserved In Its aroma; In 1 lb, 2 lb nud 2H cans tuuueybuck. Tonight Dl'X'HMHHIt 8, At tlie First Baptist Church "Mon's Biblo Olass Night1' fcSornion by lvev. V. Nr, I). MmiCullough . of Ashland The members of the Men's Bible Class extend to you n hearty invitation to attend this service. 'CATCII-MY-PAiy' SUNDAY SCHOOL roo 1-S. M-1L.. J. I I ' IIS, n. .. i' u Christmas Cards, Booklets Christmas Cards in groat variety, hand painted, embossed and engraved. Medf ord Bpok Store 3 GaaraaHxraorxttfairo WOOD Dig Hotly Fir. OAK cut from large timber. CARLOAD OF PINK STOV10 WOOD JUST 1112- CKrVED. Phono in your orders for Tier Wood or Cordwood to Frank H. Ray Measurement Guaranteed Sixth and Fir Streets. Phono 750-R iGa!mi&i)&!&&ia $mm.m$m. ! t f t y t t t T T ? T t t T ? r t T T I & If o inww m- RlEGLNi IrCHRISTMAS SHOPPIN EVERYBODY KNOWS THE WISDOM OP DOING THEIR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING EARLY. WHY NOT BUY YOUR GIFTS THIS WEEK BEFORE THE RUSH IS ON. WE ARE BETTER PREPARED THAN EVER BEFORE TO SUPPLY YOUR WANTS AND OUR ENTIRE STORE IS IN H0LD3AY ATTD2E. GIFTS OF FURNITURE, GLASSWARE, SILVERWARE, HARDWARE AND HOME FURNISHINGS ARE ACCEPTABLE, ECONOMICAL AND PLEASING TO ALL. Select a Christmas Present from this list Morris Chairs Smoking Stands Cellaretts Shaving Stands Leather Rockers Sewing Rockers Parlor Cabinets Library Tables Foot Stools Music Cabinets Child's Rockers High Chairs Sectional Book Cases Magazine Stands Sewing Stands Writing Desks Dressing Tables Brass Beds Buffets China Cabinets Card Tables Serving Tables Dining Tables Davenports Parlor Tables ' Hand Painted Plates Gostumers Electric Lamps Tabourettes Fancy Baskets Cut Glass Peculators Hobby Horses Silverware Chafing' Dishes Rocking Horses China Ware Doll Carts Black Boards Tricycles "Irish" Mail Air Aifles Express Wagons Carving Sets i ' ' ? i f 4 ? T J X ? T t 5 ? T t i IF THERE IS NOTHING IN THIS LIST COME TO THE STORE WE HAVE MANY THOUSAND OTHER THINGS THAT WOULD MAKE USEFUL PRESENTS. Medford Furniture & Hardware Co iK?. K j Kt4(i,4VA I