i ;-- .. -!' vC fr"- PAGKJOTlt. Medford Mail tribune AN INDKl'ICNDKNT NUWHPAPRll rum.innr,n hvkrt ai-ttkunoon EX0111T SUNDAY I1Y TIIH MKDFOItD PIUNTINQ Cu. Tha Dcmocrntlc Time, Tho Mrdford Mnll, Tho Meilford Tribune. Tho South urn OrcRonlnn, The Anhlnml Trllnma. Office Mall Trlbuiifl llulldlnc. 14-JT-J9 North I'lr itrt: tolophono "4. Official Paper of the City of Medford. Official Pnpcr of Jnclton County. OROItOE PUTNAM. Kdltor nnd MAnnpor Entered n sccond-clsi. trultrr at UtiXt otii. Ore boo, under tho act of March 3, 1879. BUBBCBEPTIOIf BATES. On year, by mall 15.00 On month, by null., - .50 Prr month, delivered by cnrrler tn Medford, Jacksonville and On tral Point ...- .89 Saturday only, by mall, pr ycr. 1.00 Wtkly, txr year... - -- t.tt SWOIIN OrBCUiATIOM. Dally avrraco for eleven montha ending- November 30, 1911. 1'Sl. Tho Mnll Tribune In on .ile at tho Perry New Stand, Ran rranclneo. Portland Hotel News Stand. Portland Portland Nena Co., Portland. Ortv, V. O. Whitney. Seattle. Wtmh. Ml iutd Wire United Frets Slivatchea. STATE TAX LEVY F SAI.KM. Ore., Dee. G Tho tax commission today. In making nubile tho state tax levy for the fiscal joar ending December 31, 1914. announc ed that tho total amount of rovcuuo required for general state purposes for the year, not Including amounts apportioned on a special mltlaco basis, would be 3,SSS,25S.10. Added to that sum will be a tax of one twenty-fifth of a mill, yielding $38,1 71.30. for tho Monmouth Nor mini school, and a tax of one-fourth or a mill, yielding J23S.370.60. for the state road fund, making the total amount needed I4.1C5.000. County Kate to Vary To ratio this money tho average rate of taxation on all property In the state will be a little more than four and one-third mills, or, to bo exact. .0043C5. The rates In tho various counties will vary widely, depending on th6 relation of assessed to full cash value of Vroperty In each county. Tho loVdst will be 3.1 mills and the hlghesVS.C mills. In Multnomah county tho rato re quired to ralso tho amount of stato tax apportioned to that county will be approximately 4.7 mills. New Iteconl Mndc Tho levy for next year Is by far thi highest In theltlstory of the state, bo- lug fl.101.lS4 more than in 1912, which hold the record up to this time. Tbo stato revenue required. Including tho Monmouth normal school funl and tho stato road fund, as appor tioned among tho counties, Is as fol lews: 92.713 53.083 154.273 97.356 60,905 90,081 C4.4G2 15,050 Denton Clackamas .., Clatsop, ......... Columbia ...., Coos Crook , wtirry . Douglas ..............J. 133.C02 Gilliam Grant ..'.. Harney Hood River ... 37,268 33,095 34,007 43,162 140,348 43,820 64,291 33,549 Jackson . ..... 9 .. Josophlno Klamath , Lake , l.ano 1G9.291 Lincoln 30,842 Jt fill . lvl I 5 1 .Malheur ...., 4S.C1S Marlon .. 183,785 Morrow 40.18S Multnomah .'. 1.5S2.G21 Folk Sherman .. Tillamook Umatilla ., Union Wallowa .. Wnico , 74,070 36,115 71,117 172.CG4 85,341 46,198 68,518 " i Washington 112,126 Wheeler 17,980 Yumhlir .'. 89,010 CELEBRATION T0MTiI TRUST MUST IHg class adoption of the tribes of tho improved Order or Jted Men will bo held at tho lied Men's-wigwam ou Apple street tonight. About fifty will 8eo tho degrees of tho order exempli fied by Weatoultu'ti drill team, Tho porsonal and class tocured by tho committee of tho various tribes speak well for tho order. Weatonkn tribe j tliu nnmiiM iiiii iiiiki I'liitsM t Mil if'iiii i . .. i. ii i . l s k i I :, 7 I.,:.'., citizen or Bedford, having its own homo ami being careful lu Us elec- tjon of momberahlp. Tho -members of tho various tribes in Itoguo Itlver valley with candidates will bo heie this evening. A banquet will follow tho ceremony of tho adoption ot palo facos. PaBt "Oreut'Sachcm Leo Jacobs', 1'nfct Suchom D. T. Sblsby and 1'ast Sachem Frank Martin will huvo oliargo.of.rpipnffujr, THE BIG AND THE LITTLE TOWN. I N nn article entitled "Tho Crane says: One reason why people flock to cities Is that they may bo nblo to mlud their own business. Political economists seek complex and devious reasons for tho tremoudous rapidity of city growth mid for tho desertion of tho country and of the coun try town. The cause, howoer, Is qulto slmnlu, n simple ns human nature. The people go to cities because they "want to." That'tf nil. Take the village of I'odtink. In the first place you would not be allowed to go there to live without ovplnlnliig why you came, where you catno from, and what your business Is. You can rent a flat In Chicago, however, and nobody cares a tuppence who you are or what Is your criminal record, so long as j on are peaceable. Your neighbors Know all about you and your wife, yours sons, and .vour daughters. The bank cashier knows the sixe of your pile, the grocer and butcher know what you eat. the dry goods merchant knows what sort of un derclothes you wear and how much your women folks spend on corsets, nn-1 they nil meet and check up. hen you leave town they know It, also when you return: and they want to know what you were doing. It Is all a very co. family arrangement. You live In the constant glare of tho limelight. mSoiiio peoplo like it, and feel lost and lonesome In the city. Hut more apd more thnt class Is growing to whom this perpetual Invasion of privacy IsMlsaRrecnble. It Is pretty generally assumed among moralists that people love the pri vacy of cities because they wish to plunge Into vice. Doubtless some lo, Hut It is doubtful If the average city bred person Is any more Immoral than the country bred. It Is conceivable that a person may wish to live his own life as he pleases. and not under tho unremitting supervision of Mrs. Grundy, and thnt this wish may bo prompted not by a desire for secret crime but simply by a de sire for personal privacy. The matter Is really n conflict between tho old Idea that morality Is con formity and the modern Idea that morality Is the responsible expression of one's own personality. The city means the revolt of tho soul of man against moral dictation. Of course, wicked people have always resented moral tyranny. Now the good people are beginning to resent It too. So the country Is squeezing out Its best and its worst Into the cities. , These "remarks are true to a largo extent. Village gos sins and busv bodies, and restrictive efforts to curtail per- Isonal liberty are partly responsible tor the exodus from tho village to the city. These small communities tend to make people small. The narrow environment of lives restricts horizons and dwarfs perspectives. People having nothing else to talk about, talk about each other, and all the unlovable traits of human character are exposed. The fault lies with the people themselves rather than with the environment. Life is what the individual makes it. There is no reason why people should not mind their own business in the village as well as in the city. There is no reason why any one should pay any attention to neigh bors efforts to regulate him, why ho should not give free expression to personality why the larger things of life should not occupy attention instead of petty surroundings. The small town has many charms that the city lacks. It has the fresh air and the sunshine, room to breathe, ex pand and develope, to enjoy at first hand beauties of nature that make life worth lining. The small town perhaps does not offer as great a degree of personal liberty as the city, but it is free from smoke laden atmosphere, free from the gloomy twilight of sky scrapers with their imprisoned thousands, free from tha friendlcssness of maddening dollar chasing throngs, the in cesantly clanging trolleys, the roaring elevated, the- weary slavery of the sweatshop, the dreary grind of the factory, the underpaid drudgery of the department stores, the taw dry glare of white slavery, the hopelessness of slums. Life offers much more and should mean much more in the peaceful village than in the over-crowded city. Life should be much sweeter and dearer, where everv face is the face of an acquaintance, and chilly glance ot strangers, where the music oL children s laughter and the whistled melody of the meadow lark rings even in the market places. If it doesn't, the individual is as much to blame as the community for the small town of fers the best perspective of life. ARMS FOR ULSTER I HELKAST, Dee. 0. Obey in;: the Iiritialt government' order nguiiM the importation o arm-, to Ireland viMoin official seized today nnil confronted several large eoiihign- j iuciiIk of rifle.-, uud ammunition. UNter lenders who n-.ert (he proe- Initiation wii aimed ut I'l-tcn'ten, rid- iculed the affair. The L'Nter volun-i teers, ihey faliid, ulrendv are orv'iiu- ued, tinned and equipped. El CONFSCATED "And we will fight the Imme riileiltitiiiilinlic Address . K.xultcd, Hitler law to tile !nt ditch," Ihev added. It was known, however, that Inrye qunuliticb of ammunition uud litlv, were smuggled out of hoin liirl night mid concealed in the country. I'niou- ixts boasted, too, thnt they would cio- tinned importations. Carl D. Ileilbionuer, The Liberal press of Kiigland and 'Duct - . "Calm Ik the Night'' Irelnnd continued toduv t upplmni, .Mr. mid Mrs. George Andiewh. tin' pr"clamntion. Select Heading -- . "TIiiiiiiUomj" i Mrs. (Jt-orgc T. Wilson. rinilliinr IIITII IMIir1''11'0!!' Hrother (iiin Newberry rX HAWhr W H H Mr.sVw'He'."ni omc o,-i,i uiuiii inuu mill lumuf SALKM, Oie. eDc. 0. Tho hluto railroad rommintioii bus loduy order ed the I'ncilic Telephone ami Tele graph company to interchange fnlls with ilio Home Telephone uud Tele- ;raph company in the Oregon hotel at r - - - i - -- ronuum. nie older enialilimica u ,n.e(.t,(li)nt In lt. Mnlo nIll, Wll ,,it. u,rW. .1111(,..i,.,i iiv n. !,.,.:,. i,.v -ii rm . -r .--'. hi v atav t-'saarr company. 'J lie Iiolel, liownvcr, will be compelled to pay the I'acifiii State kompany .'( -,'( cents on nil outgoing call triuihffcid fjoni Home to 1- .eifia linos in the building. Tho older resulted from u eompluint filed, vyith tiie coinininsiou by tho Wrighl, Diekinson coiupuny, owiior oi' lio Oregon lio(gl, MTOFOKO MATL TIUTVUNR City and Privacy." Dr. Frank cheery salutatioiis'replace th-1 ELKS MEMORIAL An elaborate inu-icul program liu been prepared by II. 1'. (). K. lodge 11 liS for their fifth niiniiiil memorial .Sunday. December 7, ut 'J::iO p. in.. I'ii tie theater, l.odt'e ineinher will ahBCI,0 t Klk Imll itt 1 iU o'clock mid murch to tho tlu-aUsr in a body. The public i cordially invited. The following is the pregram: Selection .- , Orchestra I Under tho Direction of Cluis. D. I Iliuclrigg. A. ('. Ihirgen. Solo "head Kindly Light' .Mr. Nellie Iluzelrigg. Opening KxcreinCr Officer, of Lodge Opening Ode . Member of Lodge Divine lller-sing , Chiiplaiu Trio..- . "Ln Chaiity" Mr,. (Jeorge Andrcwn, .Mim Onice lirown, .Mr.. (Jlailyn La.Mnr. ijoxnloirv Kveryliody llenedic'tion - T" t Cliuplniu HUNDRED PERSONS KILLED IN ROUMANIAN COLLISION BUCHAHKST, Dec. O.-Oue hun dred perun were either killed or he rioiihlv wounded today in n colli'-ioii between n pnnenger nnil fi eight Irani iicur CoNhti, Hoiiiniiaiiiu. With Medford trarto ih Medtord mado John A. Perl. Undertaker Lady Assistant. 88 S. HAHTLKTT Pbones M. 47 and 47-J-a Awbulnuqe fervce deputy Corouw SERVICES NAY MfiDFORn, OK'lWON. Coffee Quality - immi no my makes Schilling's cM coffee in aroma-tight cans, cheaper I h an cheap coffees. I! may give a few more cups to the pouiul that's nothing. It gives uia'uy times as much of that for which coffee is used: good fooling which isn't measured quarts. Drink thirst. in pints and water for Shingles Made in Medford from homo grown Mtgnr 'ln If you are going to build anything or ro-shlnglc your house or b.irn seo in. Mill on V. & K, truck, phono 077-W. MKIU'Oill) SUINCt.t: .Ml 1,1, FOR SALE IS head of mares, and horses, ranging from 8-"0 to 1(500 pounds; ages yearly to 10 years. Can bo seen at any' time. 113 North K'iver side. D. S. LITTS Mother's Friend i Every Home Comfort and Safely Aiturcl Before the Arrival of tho Stork. Thf oM aylne what U homf without a urotlH-r nhoulil oild Mtbr' Crl'tiiL" Id thrnMRiU u f .VwrintD h-ri .llirra l a Ixtttlr nf thu plru-l!il aa,I fim--ua run Mly llwt ba al,ta ininy a w-mati thnmKh thi trj-lnc iH-ilral. .-ivnl hr from lullrrlaic anil pain k'pt hrr In Lralth f mind am) body la adratMw ut tabr' rmlnj: and bad a mpft wonili-rtiil Inllmaw In duvldnt a braltby, lurtly dlK)ltl. a In (li cblld. Thcr l di oih rfmlr to truly a hMp lo natiirr a M tlirr' Krlfnd. It trllrrt the i-.ilti and riltfosifurt rr-ivl by tb Mraln on lm ll.rtmrnti. mikr pliant thr fllirt-n and tnntrtm Hht?h natiirr la rrpaod Ice and footbn Ihf InSjaoiatlnD cf bttaat rlandi. Mothr'a I'rlfnd l an citrnal r'aK-dy. aria qulrkljr and tint enlr bantatiM all dla Irraa In adrann. but aaitra a pcvIy and cnmphtr rrc,nrj fr tb mother That hf brnimra a hr-althr woman with all hr atrrnalh irrwrl to Ihoronghljr rnjuy lh 'XSXwtf Ji no luirn" and la rrally one f the jtrrae-at hllnm ctrr tllicoTfrrd fr eiprctanf motbtrt. Write lo tlraitlt-'M lUi 'ilr Co. 123 Unur Hide, C-a (a , ft thrlr frr book. Writ to-Uir. It Ij t3vt Inttructlve. EAT Tho Manhntian baa bcon opened under new managoment and has everything to bo round ln a first class restaurant and lunch counter. If you eat here you will relish your meals and will always get tho choic est and best In thu market. Open from 0 A. M. to 1 A. M, MANHATTAN CAFE .No(liJ'oiit8t. Raises the Dough Better ALL GROCERS k SATUHPAY, 1)KC1'.MHKR ISIS THEATRE IhIii l-Vutnie t-'rldny mid Sntunlny The Vampire In Threo UeolH KenturliiK Mr. Uort l-'ietieh and MIhm Alli'o UIh In their world rainotis Vampire Danee. A UOUIUItl.U K..MI'I,K WdlHoti Afternoon i:eitliig Coming Siittdiiy I.OVK'S miCKITlOX Wo.Cilvo Oreeu Trading Stamps STAR THEATER TODAY' Max & Fox VAUDEVILLE 1 Reels Bost Photoplays Kntire ehainje of photo plays and vantleville tomor row. ADMISSION 10 CUNTS. IT Theatre Prlilay and Sat unlay h Mglita .Saturday Mnlluet U:l. l. At. I-'ree t Children PIRATES Two Keel Special Vltagraph With the "Mutiny Munch of Movies" i.u'(2hti:ii or tiik wii.m:u.w:ss Keaturltig Mary Fuller TWO SACKS OI' lflTATOItS Sellg Comedy a .Miiiiii.i: i.v iieitsi: riiiiA'ia . Comedy lln-klnv. .Mnslr Willi KffeclN You del a Souvenir ot John llnnny Free E.D.Weston Official Photographer of th Medford Commercial Olub Anmtcnr FiuishiriR Post Curda Panoramic Work Flash lights.. Portrait Interior and exterior view Negatives mado anv tiint und any place by appoint merit. h. M. IIAUMO.V, Manager. 208 E. Main Phono 1471 Bittner's Real Estate & Employment Bureau For Halo Four acros, threo miles from Mud ford, .'! room house, fruit, place high, ly Improved, water light. Price 11000. .10 acres, 23 acrso in fruit, .1 room house, barn unci other nut buildings, water right. Htiap. I'rlco ?t000, 1 10 aero Block ranch, 20 acres In alfalfa, good bulldiugH, some stock, bargain, f!000. Good terms, 120 aero stock and general farm ing raiieb, CO acres In cultivation, 4 room hoiiso, largo barn, 20 acres tn alfalfa, $0000. Hlg bargains In city property, sonio on tho Installment plan. Number of small tracts close In, suburban homes ut a bargain. Houses furnished and unfurnished for rent. Kinployiiicnt Olrltt for gcuoral liotiso work, MRS. EMMA BITTNER Ites. I'liouo 1OU0-.V I'liono N5H. Opposite NunIi liotol llOOMS nntl 7, I'ALM I1M)CK (, 1!)W ' Phone 682 for Milk, Cream, Butter, Buttermilk nUTTUli, 70? LM'JU SQITAUM Our Own Delivery Rogue River Greamery HAVE YOU TRIED IT? The new, np-to date Cafa teria, where yon get the best of everything, get just what you want ami pay for what you get and nothing more. And besides this, everything is Home Cooking y an expert woman cool;. we want you to try us once and we will take our chances after that Sanitary Cafateria 20 South Contr.il L- - PX&.R.Xlinrftr WOOD Dig llody l'ir. S OAK cut from large timber. n ntnintu vi.v invi; ci'fiiM,' u'nnn men i.i.' 7, .;llllAai' V'J' I I 4V I J ,-1 l. CKIVKI). Phone in jour $ Cord wood to Frank V S Measurement 3 Sixth and Fir Stroots. &&<(2i(ii&i(ni(!l( Men s Wool Shirts New arrivals J?l.a5, 1.50, J?2.00, $.'$.00. 'Auto or plain collar. ' The Wardrobe WEST MAIN STREET Special Drive on Wallpaper In order to reduce our stock of wall paper, which is the most up-to-date in Medford, we will make a spe cial drive in the same. FROM DECEMBER 8 to 13 During this wook's salo wo will givo dou bio trading stamps with oach purchaso of Wall Papor. Waters' Paint and Wallpaper Store 318 EAST MAIN STREET MEDFORD The stronger and rougher whiskey tastes the more harm it will do. Why take chances with your nerves, your stomach, your general health. Cyrus Noble Is pure, old and palatable rtfaft'- ' Mottled at ilrinkiiiK Btrcugth. ' v w Sold all over the world. 3rV. J. Van Schuyver & Co., General Agcnta PQrtland, Oregon ART STORE llmtiicml prices, on plcliuen nnil picture framing, u Century Edition of music 5c a Copy s while it lasts All Itluds of post cat tin at big re duetlntnt. it. h. imsNicn, ritor. Clioiio .No. D07-J till X. (Irnpe Nt. Winter la Horo Tho Timo to TaUo The Wonder ful Chinese Herbs For All Ailmonta World's Famous Chinese Doctor U)3 Second St., Ashland, Or. T. Foo Wah Herb Co. Offico Hours, 9 A. M. to 8 P, M. Evory Day IV I V.l III til III," a ordci-s for Tier Wood or 1 H. Ray Guaranteed Phono 750-R t 41 K