Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, December 06, 1913, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    pwGfic TrrRwrc'
Tim nmlitl i'Vi-Jil of tho week wnit
tho first or this uliitm'H series or
Ituvelor chili parlies, kIwii Wednes
day tMiiiiK itt (lio uatltorlum, Tim
novel Idea which mudo titNt youi's par.
Ih'H mi imirliuilly succesiiful has mtum
been adopted, (ho first pnrt of tho
eVelllllK IwllIK Ktlll HWtr 1(1 Hill IIKIHt
iirlKliml form of entertainment, tho
iiiptnlmi in ii devlno, follow I'd by dune
lni; from lu to 12, UtU winters so
ili'H Inuluilml ii h special foiitures n
Christians tree parly, it hunt limit
party, u summer party, u Tux lllcknrd
Knmblluu hull, mill a illunut dunce tit
tliu Medford. Wodnimilny evoiiluit's
piirty most inntpliiniiHly oiutitl tlin
present iwrles with u "ttthnrot enter,
Thu KUt'HtN m rived to find tint hull
ret to represent it (Icrninn onfe, i'ii in
pinto to thu Inst detail. Thu festooned
decorations, latticed screens ami
potted pitliim mul ferns nddd tu tlio
snow white llni'ii unit iMillnlnut silver
totnpleted ii festive srenn of rnro
bciiuly. Thu Inevitable liur occupied
iiiin comer, whoro iiiiuhik rowH of
ulilnliii: clmoies it tctnplliiK Turn nml
Jerry set vied with u Initio clnrct
punch bowl ii h thu piece itu itmliiliiucit
Despite thu ill.k'iilno tif vhltu apron
nml ruliy uoe, thu lienlul bartender
was noon rocoKtiUod u Vernon Vnw.
ter. llhi whs thu busiest corner of
thu cnfe.
IIkii Kliulilim wits IhhuI waiter ami
)iu wits iiKslsted liy a cli.iriiilui; lilimli
of wnltrcsiics who worn enrolled on
thu proixtle "tllun sheet" mm Until
Merrick, Alcthn l.'nicrlik mul Mm.
Harry (Irny.
Tlii iiiimit rulli'.l for it muni
nutnundliiK lll of eatables nml drink
ables, hut elder ami iioiiKhuuts sootn
il to hu must rcaitlly furthromliiK.
A splendid ori'hixitra occupied thu
opponltu cornur, known to thu vern.
clous inmiii as thu "Happy Hungry
llnsiy Orchestra.' Imt Kit splendid
music ldoutll(id our own Chns Hand
rlKK as thu loader.
Thu program wan ilcllKlitful, with
thu cabaret fen I nro of thu entertain
I'm -pronii'iiitdliiK mmitiK tho guests
liirltiK thulr nets, liotrhor Fish's
rohmii tenor was never heunl to bet
ter nilvmituce. MIm iiuie Flviin (the
menu said Mnudn Powell), an a ulpny
violinist, wa fine. Mr. II. A. Tiilm,
hof mul .MIhh (Iniin Jonuphluo Iiuim.i
Kavu itellithtfiil miIun, ami Win. Vas
ter nml llerhert Alfont In nnlo ami
ituet coiiipleteil it moil eliJonlile pro
HancliiK roiimloil out thu uwiiIiik'
eiijoyiiiunt with thu ever popular
(lerinmila nml two uperlal ilauceH, thu
rim; I'oiik I'olkn" ami Literary
I.nncerH" iih thu orlKlunl feiituren.
lien Hlielilnn wiim In iliarj; of ar
nuiKi'iiifiitH, Willi Mrn. Ilnrry (Iray,
Minn lliith Merrlrk, .MIkm Alethn Hme-rli-k
nml Vernon Vnwter iih nn an
nlHtlnt; rommltteu, TIiohu enjoylnt;
thu itM'iiliiK'H pleiiNiireH were:
Mr. nml Mr. II. A. Thlerhof,Mr.
nml Mm. ItnlpH Mnnlwull, Mr. nml
Mm. T. K. DanlulH, Mr. ami Mm. II.
).. Hothurmel, Mr, ami Mm. John
WllkliiHiiii, Mr ami Mm. Harry tliay,
Mr, ami Mm. 11. I,. Hmwlio, Mr, ami
Mm. Wayno l.euer nml Mr, ami Mm.
II. Ii. MmlHity; Memtrn, Jerome, Ver
non Vnwtur, llerhert Alford. Italpli
CowkIII, Karl Tunny, It. II, llairlnoii,
Trunk I'lirroll, KrlrkHon, Itlrharil Myron Hoot, (', 0, IIiiIIIh, HI.
inur lo, Klotchur I'IhIi, II. II Mr.
(hinly, Truvo Uiinmlon, Wllllnm Vn.
lur ami Hen Sheldon; MIhiub l.uuoru
Viineu, Jean Antiunion, HtreutH, Now,
hurry, llupplii, Connoyer, Flynn,
KmIoh, llrowu, llulrliliiHon, imhl,
Truehlood, Truulilood nml Morrli'k.
Thu Inillen of thu l'rcHhytorlan
rliinvh nru IioIiIIuk n tun iIuj-h' imlu
which cloni'H Hatitrdny uvunliiK. Ton
lu HerM'il In thu nfternuon nml coffee
mid iloiiclinutH In thu ovenliiK, free
of uliarKu. An IntureHtliiK procrmu
In kIvuii illlllliK thu evenlllK.
The JiinlorN or thu mliool en
lei tallied I'tldiiy evening lu honor oi
thu iitmluntit and aliiiiiul. Thu even
hue wiih Hpent In ilmulnit mid kuiiich
MliiH Itiilh Murilck and Mm. II. C
Mutiitou ( ImpcronliiK. TIiomu pruH-
rill wuru!
MIkhi'h Jean Audiimon, I.uthii Wul.
thurit, Mario CIiiIoh, Dorothy Vli'k,
Cnrolluu Anilrown, Ireno Hiultli, Joitn
lluillie, Mnml Nowliury, Vera Olni.
iiteiid, MarKuml Koiitter, Iluth Illack
ford, Vera Murrlinnn, Catherine, (llmlyH I'uitrt, Therein Tliululu,
rrmicei Kenny, Helen J'ttnickur, Ha.
nil Autlu, Klltunu I'erl, Klllcnu Allot),
Iluth Warner, I.ouln DnvhUon, Itiilh
Hcott, I. aura Catuit, Mary nml 1'urn
Jntnuit Viince, Wnllur llrown, Mil
ton Kchiichiird, Itny l.n.Mnr, HaroM
Cotlinin, Herbert Alford, Marvin
Mitchell, lloracu llronilny, I'loyd
Hurt, llemiutt, Curler llrnn-
don, Itohert Htrniu;, Italpli Norrls,
I. like Deuel, Itohert Polotue, Clinrllo
Kay, (leorKo Heimelliinii, Kulamt
lliililmnl, Wnllntu l.oni;, Kttivon Nyu,
Carl Hiihlmrd, I.chIIu I'lymnlo, Hon.
aid Newbury, Wllllnm Vnwter, liur
hurt KtrntiK, Noel I.lmlley, Italpli llnl
com, I.iumiden llluck, l.ylo Witlthum,
I. In Tlnilule, Dolph I'hlppi, John IIoiii.
inor, Dujinld Under, (leorKn (lnteii,
Tlieoiluru I'lnh, Krnnk Itny, I.lnyil
Wllllntiiiiun, Jny (loro nnd Itobort
Thu Womiin'H Mlxiiloiinry Council
met with Mm. II. P. Plfur WedneN-
day. After thu brief IiiihIiicm renvlou
thu folluwIiiK proKrniii will enJo)ed;
Hoiik 'Hweet Hour of Prnier"
l'rner Mm. Prnnk llrnndou.
I'nper on "Momitnlu lndiitrlal
Work"- Mm. i:. J. Conrad.
Thu uury of tlin Into Mnry II.
Helen Mm. II. H. Hrmihnm.
Ilrlef report of our work In Cuba
nml Mexico Mm. 0. K, Kirk.
Voial Duet -Mm. P. H. Ilrnmlon
mul Mm. II. H, llrunhnm.
Utttem from Clilnn Mm. Itlley I)
Overwork lit .lnp.ui nnd Korcu
Mm. P. ti, llrandon.
Vocal Duett Mm. It. D. Heunoti,
Mrn. Itohert Taylor.
1'niH.T "PnrvlKii Worlt lu Our
Cuuntry" -Mm. Coburii I.uwIh.
A Drier Hummnrysuf Our Council
Work -Mm. Itohert Taylor.
Itecltntlon ."Tho Now MlnUter,
Mm. Itlley I), IIoiihoii.
Hxeninu "Mlimlonnry Illrd,'
Mm. Itohert Tavlor.
Inntrutucntiil Holo Mm. llrowu.
At tho clone of the program Mm.
PI for nerved tlnluly rufrenhmpiitH, nn.
Hliitrd by Mm. l'lirdln nml Mm. Hun
Tho lieu llur IoiIko hold n hnnllot
uncial Woduutidny night tit thq Mooho
hall. Tint attondnuco wnn oxcoptlou.
ally largo nml thu auctioneer found
llltlo difficulty In Kulllm; tho ImnkotH.
After tho until thoro wiih duui'liiH un
til u Into hour.
Tho regular meeting of tho Itoiimeu
Chapter No. t!0 will bo hlod WedneH
ilay, Documbur 10, Thuru will bo
iioinluutlou ami election of nfflcum,
foiling which will hu hocIiiI night.
Mr. HronkH Sponcor linn gouo to
to IiIh homo In St. lamia for tho hull-
Mr, Hoboit Ilrovard has gono to
Atlanta, (In., for thu holidays,
At the home of Mr. nml Mm. I. P.
Wllllnm lu Central Point litkt lnin.
dny tit hlKh noon occurred thu tunr
rlngo of their daughter, i:ttn, to Mr.
Hlilplce ItoKH. Tho wedding wmi n
very quiet nffnlr. with only tho lni
iiii'dlnte iiU'inbefH of tho fmnlllcH nml
two or three very rlotui frltmln preu
ent, Ituv, MrCullotigli of Medfard per
formed tho ceremony.
Mr, nml Mm. Shipley Hohh tnkn up
their ri'Nldcnco lu thu John IIobh
hotmo on luurol wtreet, whero they
will bo at homo to their frleniU after
January 1,
A number of Med ford people took
ndviiutngo of the Hpeclal which went
to Clrunts l'nH Wedmmduy evening to
feu Margaret Illlngton, who gnvo a
morit flulMhod performance.
Thu II. I O. i:. will jtlvo their nn
nun! ball at thu Nntntorltim Tuesday,
evening Dec. Dili. According to the
UBiinl ciihtom tho dntico In only fur
(ho Pilifl nnd thojr ladles.
Mm. C. K, Nlnluger nnd dnughter
MltH Nottlo of Siintn Ann, Oil., aro
recent nrrlvnlH In Med ford nml will
remain hero ovor tho holldnys.
Mm. W. II. Canon loft for Sarrn
inouto thin week to ho with lior oon
Pny, who U III with mnlnrlul fever.
Mih, I'. J, O'Ciiuu has roturiiod
from No i Hi Ditkotn whoro who wan
culled by tho'lllni'MH of hor niothor.
Mm. Uiidluot Connor mid boii loft
this week for Siintn Harbnrn, Cat ,
whoro thoy will Hpoml tho winter.
Mm. I'. S. SteoiiKtrup loft Friday
for Now York whoro hIio will Join
hfiHliand, who has lorntod thoro,
Mr. l.ymnn Orton loft this week
for his homo In Lincoln, HI., whom
ho will ppumlthu holldnya.
Mlmi (llndya Hollo will lonvo booh
for California whoro alio will spend
tho holidays.
Sprnguo Hulglo loaves booh for
Now York, whoro ho will spoud tho
holldnyn, '
Thu civ leu miction Ik dlitrlhutliig
thu ilnhllii bulbK today. More tlinn
u humtred thirty pomotm ruglnlurud
for tlnwj bulbil, mul onu plcuHlng
polnl wiih Hint entii pymon rugliitor
lug amiwoied )ch to tlin iUeiillon "do
on own your own homo?" Quite ,i
number of pumonii from uolghborliif,
innchoH rcitlitoroil mid n few ro
iliH'ftn weru received from Jacknon
vlllit, Central Point ami Itogiiu Itlur
It U grntlfylng to know thnt wo cnu
dopimd utiou hnvltiK Bovernl thotlfiuml
clioliu flowum to oxhlbll nuxt year
Thu prlzon mid the conditions uti
dur which thoy will b given will not
be known for moiiid time as thu Mtntu
dnhlln society uih not )'t decided
upon thli pultit. Hut thnt tho prlren
will bo wull worth working for In tho
promlsu of thu civics ectlon.
Care of Itulli During the Winter
Hung the sncit up in n cool dr;
cellar exnmltiK the lubum now mul
tlu:ii for ducned plnies. Cut off any
broken or brulmid roots mid hu raro
ful to not Injure tho hark lu nnyway
ns It gives n chnncu for doray. Tho
inborn uliould ho kopt at nlittut tho
projier ti'inpernturo for iiotatoen.
A fnncy druss bnll will b given
Now Vrnr'B ovo nt tho Mcdford Hotel,
by the miiNlrnl department of he
(Ircntor Medford club of which Mm
IMwnrd Andrews is ehnlrmnii. Tim
Invention nru In tho form of tickets
which will bo sold by thu club mem
The hotel dining room will ho used
as the bnll room nnd thoro will bo
tnbles for enrds on tho niczzazlno
floor; supper will nlo bo served
Follow lug Ik n partial list of the
Indies, who with tho club mombcrH
will be pntrouessos of tho dnncu
MpBdntnes P. II. Hopkins. P. II. Mnd
den, i:. II. llnnley. C. II, llrown, W
Stokes, A. Ilrurklnreld, V. J. Noff,
I. W. Iniinur. (J. Now bury, A. Sout-
lor, Wm. Boov.Smlth, nml Miss Mnr
garet Huhbnrd,
Tho Knsteru Stnrs will hold n
meeting next Wednesday evening,
when .elect Ion of ollcors will hu bold.
After tho bun I n ess there will bo so
t:lal ovenlng. Tho meeting will bo
hold itt 7:30 o'clock shnrp.
The Culld of St. Mnrk!! ohurch
mot Thtirsdny nflornoon of this week
when reports from tho Chrlstmns
snlu were mndo. 2ifi.77 wns
clenred. I'nrt of those proceeds will
go lownrd tho new church fund,
Thu Pareht-Tenchem' nsnoclntluu
of tho Wushlugton school will hold
tho regular monthly meeting nt i p.
in. Friday, Docotnber I'i. Members
nro rciucsted to attend ns there Is
much biitdnooN to ho decided.
a a .
Mr. nnd Mm. Krnost Wobu of Con
trnl Point nro visiting Mm. Webb'.i
parents In Itochcsler, N. Y. Later
they will snll for Kuglnnd, where they
will spend tho winter.
a a a
K. C. Hogsett, president of tho
Juckson County Abstrnrt compnny,
returned Thumdny ovenlng from n
iiHiiith'H stay In bouthem Callfornln
and Mexico.
a a a
Mr. nml Mm. K. W. Itonueti hnvo
returned to lliolr home In Yrekn nf
tor n visit with Mr. nnd Mm. Oatmnn,
Mm. Heniiott's parents.
a a a
Tho Men'H club of the Presb)lorlnn
church will glvo a bmitiuot next Tium
day nt 0;30 o'clock. All men nro
Invited to attend.
Miss Inn Cochran returned this
week to Hugono after spondlng
Thanksgiving with her parents,
a a a
Miss Viola Kusshnfor of Itoddlug,
Is visiting relatives In Medford nnd
w remain for tho holldnys.
a a a
Mr. nnd Mm. II. Ilnrneburg had nn
their guest this weolt, Miss Myrtle
QitlRloy of Callfornln.
yak r -s
O HiMSti".V'Mi?Wfm
o'clock In tho library building. This
Is mi Important meeting mid nil who
niu Interested nro strongly urged to
bo present,
Tho talk given by Prof. Hweotor
of Kugerio to tho Soclnl Hygiene do
pnrtmeut mid friends Inst Tuesday
afternoon, wns most instructive mid
Inspiring. Prof. Swcetzor's twenty
tho years of teaching, he nalil, hnvo
shown him thnt one of tho gravest
problems before us today Is the pby
ulcal well-being of our children, and
If ve nro broad enough, other peo
ple's children also. Tho one way to
solvo this, lu his estimation, Is
through education, thnt they may
have n thorough knowledge of their
body mid Its functions. This should
be dono by the wrcnts but It Is not,
no thnt It devolves upon tho toucher.
Ho suggested thnt each school sys
tem employ n special teacher of na
ture study, Junt ns wo now hnvo of
music nnd drawing, whono duty It
shall bo to tnko tho children up
through nil the grades, teaching them
biology, tho sclonco of life, until
through n perfect knowledge of
plants nnd unlmnls, ha shall learn In
tho most natural way possible the
nut known nnd this enn bo nscor
tallied nt tho blooming period. ThcV
nro however of tho flnost vnrlctlos
a a a
Moro liookn wero circulated from
tho public library In November than
In nny prcvloim month, n totnl of
2,000 books nml magazines. Tho
library Is now open every day from
9 to 12 In the morning, 2 to r, In
tho nflornoon nnd 7 to 0 In the eve
ning. On Sundays It Is open from 2
to C for rending only.
A most Interesting meeting wan
held by tho Wednesday Study club
this week, when the "Pine Artnnnd
Archltoctuos of Chlnn" wero ills
cuiMM.'d. So mo very handsome plecoii
of embroideries nnd brlc-a-brnc wore
lonned by Mm, Sargent and effec
tively used to decornto tho room.
Mrs. II. C. Stoddard wan In charge
of tho program, assisted by Mm. W.
I. Vnwter and Miss Putnam.
a a a
Tho musical section of tho Greater
Medford club gave Its December pro
gram In tho Page opera house on
Monday last at 300 t. m. to a very
wonderful mechanism of his own or-j,arf,0 nn(, unthuMnstlc audience,
gnnlsm. Thus through light. wl- A nvnm program was rendered,
dom "mny ho havo life and have Itfnn ncounl of wMch ni,,)0flrca ,
moro ubundantly." j Wdnesdny's Mnll Tribune.
It Is the Intention of tho musical
Tho civics rectlon of tho Crontcr, section to uso tho Page opcrn houso
Medofrd chili distributed three hun- for Its futuro programs and to mako
dred fifty roio cuttings on Friday to special rates to tho school children.
Cuffou '
Crack u coffee l;an
nnd notice the yellow
chuff inside. It. hns it
IiiUei'ish taste. Tfc i
taken out in ranuiat
ing Schilling's Hcst oof
fee, sold in nronm-tight
l'iVen trifling defects
have no place m so fine
a coffee.
Preserved In Its aroma; t lb
2 lh nnd 2 ',-& lb enns; and
thorn; students In the high school who
received none nt the time of the gcn-i
oral distribution Inst month.
These cuttings will give best re
sults If rooted first In sand say In
boxes In a light, warm and dry cel
lar. Thoy may bo transplanted !n
the opeu ground as soon ns the
worst of the winter weather Is over
Some of the roses wero not labeled
but this was becauso thj variety was j
Wa carry m, rcry complete tin of
draperies, Ie curtains, fixtures, ete
and do alt classa of uphoUtrrlnc. A
special man to look after thl work
exclusively and will give aa icood
nervlco as Is possible to get In even
the largest cities.
Weeks & McGowan Co.
i:vks iiuFirrKD.
Eyes Tested
I fit somcono with glasses almost
every day who has paid good monoy
for n misfit.
Tho accurate fitting of lenses In
volves a degrco of scientific knowl
edge little understood by people gen
erally, until thoy have proven tho
fact by costly experience.
If I do your work It will not havo
to bo rcdono or repaid for.
Dr. Rickert
Sitlto 1.2, Over Dcacl'a
his eveniDL' rlonfc ' one of the Int.
el miiile in 1'iuU mul jut iuiorle!
to the Uniteil Stutex.
lie elouk, it will he noticed, lists the
effect f lieins: wrapped nrnerfully
about tlie uriuur. It in it uooil ex
iiiiiplt' of the enteral effect of tnun
o J the Intent erections of the I'nri
men tnilliiier. llic mmle of liroemlcd
velvet. Hie Mippl?' iitialilie-. of which
lend lliiiiiiM'lvtw easily to drap
ery. With tho exception of n Inrse
tassel at the line!;, the huge hhtink
collar is the oulv trimming. The tns.
sel (.iispemleii from the hitek holds the
drapery in place nml give the effect
of n hood.
Mm. Saluiln leaves ne.vt week for
oast, whoro sho will remain for bov
ernl months,
e a a
Mrs. W'nshburn loft thin week for
Portland whero sho will Hpoml tho
a a a
Mrs. C, M. KugllHh, entertained tho
Auction IlrltlKo club Thursday aftor
e e a
Mr. P. 0, Doromus hits gone tt
California whoro ho will spoiid tho
e a e
Tho Juvenlloa gnvo nuothor of
their enjoyublo dunces Monday oveu.
Miss Kllznboth Nothoiiaud hns re
turned from n vlrlt lu California,
The regular meeting of the C. W.
II. M. of tho Christian church was
held Wednesday afternoon, Decem
ber 3, ut tho homo of Mrs. Wclser
on South Onkdalc. Klght members
wore present and three vlsltoru. A
splendid program was rendered. Mm.
Qulgley mid Mm. Iloyd gave very In
teresting pmiors on tho subject for
tho d.t) tho mlhslounry education
movement. painty refreshments
wero served by tho hostess mid a so
cial hour followed.
Mm. II. J. Trowbridge entertained
Informally Wednesday afternoon for
tho plenuuro of hcrgtiest, Mrs. A. H.
Trowbrldgo of Hancock, Mich.
Those Invited woro Mosdmues Coo.
l)avi.t, Wm. Stewart, Jack Stewart,
Oernrd Tnillnudlur, llowmnn and II.
II. Piittorooti,
a a a
Mrs. II. P. Plfer24 fiouobco street,
was tendered a flower shower Wed
nohdny nflornoon. A few friends
showered hor with beautiful flow ore.
Mrs. Flfer bus been seriously 111 for
iovcrul mouths but now Is legnlulng
her former sood health.
a a
Mrs. Coburu Lewis. "28 North
Fourth street, entertained it few
friends Informally Thursday after
noon. The afternoon wits pleasantly
spent In reading ami convemntlon.
During thu afternoon Mm. Lewis
serveil refreshments.
Ilcqulrcs careful thought and the proper confldcnco in firm, to
warrant absolute satisfaction. To noto tho proper comparison
you must Inspect them from a largo and well selected stock, such
an I am able to show. In this way you become thoroughly fa
miliar with values and feel assured of safo nnd, economical buy.
Ing through my binding guarantee.
I'lne Wntcli nnd' Jewelry
MPDlOltll, OltKCON
Diamond Setting and Ka
graving Done Hera
Near l'ottofflco
Mrs, U. P. Tholbs and dnughter,
Mies Oeruldluo left Saturday for
Cnllrornlu whero thoy will spend tho
Mrs. llollown.v leturncd this week
from Portland whoro sho was tho
guest of her dnughtor, Mrs, Hunks.
a a a
Mrs. 0. I, Hutchison ontortnlns
tho Tuesday luncheon club not
Mrs. A. A. Diwla leaves this wool;
for hor homo In llorkoloy, Cal,
Mr. and Mrs. A.
soon for tho east,
13, Kennies leave
Tho Home I'coiiomlcs department
of tho Creator Medford club will
moot on Wednesday nrvgrnoou at ft
Try to Find Another
"Four" Like This
We hold fast to positive couvietions concerning the new
We are convinced that you will not find another 'four" which compares
with it in value.
It is electric lighted nnd has electric starter. Has plenty of room for fivo
passengers and is a handsome car all over. "
The rear axle is of full-floating type, with all parts completely accessible.
There are nine Timken bearings in tho transmission and drive unit, and two
" 1w..t 1.111 ..-. ill 4!w lint. sW ,.l..ll il.llswht
J IHIIWll Ml-llllla 111 IIIU JltlU UL V.tll.11 IH.I.-1.
Has Genuine Cowl Dash
From every standpoint comfort, durability, economy, appearance, effi
ciency the Studebaker "FOUR" is a ear to bo sought for and purchased, bo
cause in its field it has no equal.
Medford Garage
ASHCRAFT BROS., 114 South Bartlett.
. ' .t jW-ZT-TrUi